Si II WILLAMETTE FARMER: tiALEM, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 36, 1884. ..! I ; 1 i ' i 4 C Mfc Bl I: : urrcni f iterator. AT FltEinBRO OAT28. Softly tho warm rain pittcred dotn, As wo crossed tho bridge and tho hillaido s'ccp, Ami cams to tho gates of the quaint old town, tfcattcd cloae In tho valley deep. lion and women along tho way, Tree and flowor and fenci and wall, Slirincs for tho weary to kneol nod pray, Strango and sharmlng wcro each nud nil. Scampering tut from tho arohway old, Children danced In a noisy baud, With ci lea and antics manifold, Kich entreating with open hand, Into n storm of ploading they broke, Not to bo alighted and not to bo stayed j Very poor were (ha llttlo folk, Very eager they begged mid prayed. Out of a ptoturo of Tenters' tlicy1 With llfo and motion scorned to havo topped t The eldest boy, In n coat of gy, Capod and hooded, cloia to us crept. And Into his hand wo straightway slipped A bright now silver grnaohon lair, Away to tho edgo of the road ho slipped To look at Ids troituro in qulot tlicro. Never In all lili Ufa buforc Had such a trcaMtro born his koopj Aod he lurnnd tho wondorfnl money o'er Iu a dago of J jy did ho wako or alccp? Kii heavy, round, dull tirnlp-faco llroko Into a smllo Irom car to car, Still as a stono h itood for a space You never taw aught 10 droll and queer, And swift bo ran, llko a thing poisoned, Till ho c.tmo to a stntuo closo to tho wall 11m Holy Mary, who stood nnd blessed Kvcry ono passing her, great or small, Tliwn buforo her be want, and then In twouty somorsots, round and round, Tu lidded this iiiaorcst of llttlo men, lb a rtpturo of oipors all over thn ground, Mover a word to us did ho say, Not, I'm sure, that bo nioMit to bo rudo, llut that was bis vory curious way Of showing his joy and hli gratitude. To the Msry lie took it all, We had on him that gift bestowed j flo bo rollod At bur fict like a bumiii bill, And daitud oir dowu tho dripping rotd. Ofton tbatpleture dooa memory paint, And I stand with tho strange little crowd again, Aud laugh to think of the soena so quaint, At Kruiburg vatcs In tho pouring rain. CWu Thultr In February Wide A mile. f1 i The Story of Catherine. I'olur tlio gronl, wlio wuh born iu Mos cow, on Juno 10, 1(572, nml died in HU I'olornburir, on Fcl. 8, 1723, wm tho Uiupcror who in iv few yearn clmiiKid Ituwin from n country of hnlf-envngo UHh' into u grout KuroiKmii nation. Ho wtH onco visiting ono of hie i (lU-em, nnd saw in liU Iioiiko a young j;ii. who lit traded liU ntteution by her Utility nud gr.uwful iiiiiiiiiern. TIiIh girl wm n prihoner, uituied Martini, and alio wns living tin n iwt of Fcrvnnt nnd liouso Vetipor in tliu family of tlio Hussian ollleer. Sho had boon token lmsonor when tlio town ulio lived in was captured. Nobody know?, even to thin dap, exactly Alio ulio wiih, except that Hho wiih a poor orphan jjirl, who had lieon hrouglit up by it villago clorgyman ; hut it in to bo Icliovotl that liur futhor was a l.ivoninn Itonannt. MiiiUm' beauty nnd tlio brightness of lor mind pleaned tlio Ihnporor o much Umt aflor a whilo ho niiulo up 1jh mi ml to marry her, iu npito of her htnnblo origin. IV tor wns in tho habit of doing pretty much as ho ploasod, whether his Mobled liked it or not, but oven ho dared not mako n euptivo peasant girl tlio KiuprH of It inula. Ho tlioroforo married hor privately, in tho puvonco of a fow of his nearest friondu, who were cli.ugetl to keep tho turret, lleforo tho nmrriugo took place, ho hud Miirtlin Imptlr.ed in tho ltuwiau Church and clmngoil her name to Uatheiiue. Now, Voter hud a li i" 1 f 1 wing Ms temper, and getting so r. t. Mm tell into tits. Ah ho watt i.a r' Hmto lnomucli, and could do wJiatoverhelikiHl, it was very dangerous for anybody to go near him when ho wan uugry. Ho could havo a head chopped off as easily as he could order his breakfast, Hut ho was very fond of Catherine, and bho was tho only person who was not in tho least afraid ol hint. Hho soon learned how to innuago him, nnd even in his worst fits alio could soothe and unlet tho old bear. l'oter was nearly always at war, and iu Hpito of the hardships nud dangers of tho battle-field, Cnthoriuo nearly always marched with him at tho head of tho rmy. Tho Boldiora woudored at her bravery, and learned to liko heriuoro I Kin anybody else. If food waa scarce llo roiuU rough, aud tlio marches long, Hoy rememborod that Catherine, waa with Uiem.tuyl wero ashamed to grumble. If ihQ could stand the hardships Mid fnco tho clangors, they thought rough soldiers ought not to complain. Catherino wna a wJbo woman, ns well as a brnvo ono. Sho soon learned ih much of tho art of war a Peter knew, nnd in every timo of doubt or difficulty her ndvico was asked, nnd hor opinion counted for ns much as if sho hod been ono of tho gcucrals. Alloreho had thus shown how nblo a woman sho wns, and hud won tho friendship of everybody about hor by hor good temper and hor pleasant ways, l'oter public announced his marringo and declared Catherino to iw his wife nnd Czarina. Hut atill ho did not crown her. This wns in tho yonr 1711, nndim mediately aftcnvnrd Peter marched Into tho Turkish country at tlio head of '10, 000 mon. This army was not nearly largo enough to mrot tho Turks, but Petor had armies in different places, and ordorcd all of them to meet him on tho march. For various reasons all these armies fail ed to join him, and ho found himself in a Turkish proyineo with a vory small number of troops. Tho danger was so groat that ho ordered Catherino and all tlio olbor women to go buck to a plnco of eafoty. Hut Catherino would not go. Sho had 4kndo up her mind to slay with Peter at Uio bond of tho army, nnd was so obstinato nbout it that nt last Peter gnvo hor lcavo to remain. Then tho wive of tho genomic, and (In ally of the lowor olllocrs, wanted to stay also. Sho persuaded Peter to let them do co, nnd tho end was that tho women nil staid with tho nnny. Kvorytliing went against Peter on this march. Tho woather was vory dry. .Swarms of locusts wero in tho country, eating everything green. Thoro was no food for tho homos, and many of them starved to death. It was hard for tho UussiiuiH to go forward or to go backward. and harder Mill to stay whero thoy were. At last tho soldiers iu front reported that tho Turks woro coming, and Peter fcoon saw a groat nrmy of 2J0;000 fiorco MohIquib iu front of his llttlo force, which counted up only US.uw men. Boo ing tho odds against him, ho gnvo tho order to retreat, nnd tho nrmy bogun its backward march. As it nenrod tho river Pruth n now dungor showed itsolf. Tho advanco guard nrouglit word that u (rent force of snvneoUrim Tnrtnrs hold tlio oilier bank of tlio rivor, completely cultiing off Peter's retreat. Tlio state of things socmed hopeless. With i!00,000 Turks on ono side, and a Htrong force of Grim Tnrtnra holding u rivor on tho other, Petor's little, army was completely hemmed iu. Thero wnH no water iu tho camp, and whon the soldiers wont to tho river for it, tho Tar- tars on the otlior shore kept up a licrco light witli them. A great hordo of .Tur kish cavalrv tried hard to cut off tho supply ontiroly by pushing thomiolves belyvoon Peter's camp nnd tlio river, but the lliiMiauH managed to ropuuo them by hard fighting, and to keep a road open to tho river. Peter knew now that unless help should como to him in somo shapo, and that very quickly, ho must loso not only his army, but his empire nlso, for if the Tories could take him prisoner, it wns certain thnt his many onomles would soon conquer Iliuma, nml divulo tho country among thomsolves. Ho saw no chnnoj ol help coming, nut no mnuo up his mind to tight iih long as ho could. Ho formed his men in a hollow square, with tho womon in tho middle, nnd faced his enemies. Tho Turks Hung themnolvcs in great nintwcs upon his lines, trying to crush the litllo forco of Uuasians by more nuinbors. Hut Peter's bmvo men ro moniboicd that Catherino was Inside their square, and they stood firmly at their postB, driving back tho Turks with frightful slaughter. Again nnd again and again they fell upon his lines in heavy masses, and again and again and again they wero driven back, leaving tho fluid hlaok with their dead. This could not go on forever, of course, and both sides saw what tho ond must bo. As tho Turks had many times more inon than Poter, it waa plain thnt tlioy womu win oy ucsiroy ing all tho UussiaiiH. Kor three days nnd nightH tho terriblo slaughter went on. Peter's men boat back tho Turks at every charge, but every hour their lino grow thinnor. At tho end of tho third 1(1,000 of thoir bravo comrades lay dead upon tho field, and only 22,000 remained to fnco tho enemy. Toward night on tho third day, a terriblo rumor spread through their camp. A whisper ran aiong tuo line tlurt tho ammunition was given out. a few more shots from each soldier's gun, and thero would bo nothing loft to tight with. Then Petor fell into tho tho sulks. As long as ho could tight ho had kept up his spirits, hut now that all was lost, and his great career seemed near to its end, ho grow angry and went to his tent to hno ono of his savage fits. Ho gave orders that uolody should como near him, nnd thoro was no oilicer or soldier In nil tho army who would havo dared outer tho tent where ho lay in his dangerous mood. llut if Poter had given up in despair, Catherine had not. In spito of Peter's order and his nnuer. sho boldy went into his tent, nnd asked him togivo hor leave to put an end to tho war by making u tuvity of ikmco with tho Turks if bho could. It teemed nlisurd to talk of such a thing, or to expect tho Turks to mako peaco on any such terms when they had m) good a chance to eouquer Peter, onco for nil, and to mako him their prisoner, Nobody but Catherine, porhaps. would havo thoujiht of such a thing, but Cath erino was ti womun born for great affairs, aud sno had no thought of giving up any chance thero to save Peter ami tho empire. Mat first dilueuliy was with Poter him self. Bho could not offer terms of peace to tho Turks until Petor cavo her leave. and promised, to fullfill whatevor bargain mannirod thfs part of tho matter, nnd then set to work at tho greatest task of dealing with tlio Turks. Sho know thnt tho Turkish army was miuor tuo command o: too urniiu Vizier nnd sho know somothing of tho ways of Grand Viziers. It was not worth while to send nny kind of messenger to a Tur kish commnnder without sonding him nlso a bribe in tho shnpo of n present, nnd Cathcrinn was Buro that tho bribe must bo a very largo ono to buy tho penco sho wanted. Hut whero was bIio to get tho present? Thero was no monoy in Peter's army chest, nnd noway of getting any from Itussia. Cntherine wns not discouraged by that fact. She first got together all her own jewels, and then went to all tho officers' wives nnd nskod oach of them for whntovor bIio had that was valuablo monoy, jowols and plate. Sho gavo ooch of them n recoipt 'or what sho took, and promised to pay them tho value of their goods when she should got back to Moscow. Sho wont in this way throughout tho camp, and got together all tho money, all tho jewels, nnd nil tho silver pinto that woro to bo found in tho nrmy. No ono person hid much, of courso; but when tho things wcro collected, tiicy mndo a very rich present, or bribe, for tlio Grand Viz ior. With this for n boginning, pathorino ninti nnnviimwl flin firnnd Vfainr Hint It was better to mako penco with Itussia than to run tho risic ol having to 113111 tho groat nrmics already marching to ward Turkey. After somo bargaining, sho secured a treaty which allowed Peter to go luck to llusin in safety, and thus sho Baved tho Czar and tho empire. A fow years Inter, Peter crowned hor hb KmprobS of Itussia, and when ho died ho named her ns tho fittest porsou to be bin successor on tho throno. Thus tho ponsnnt girl of Livonia, who was mndo a captivo in war, and a servant, roco by her genius nnd courngo to bo the solo ruler of n great empire the first woman who over reigned over llupsin. It is n strnngo but truo story. Hariier's Young People. Thu Old Gentleman's Mlstalto. "Nico child, vory nice child," observed nu old goiitlomau, crossing tho aisle nnd addressing tho mothor of tho boy who hud just hit him in tho oyo with n wad of paper. ''How old aro you, my son?" "Nono of your businosil" replied tho youngster, taking aim at another pas senger. "Pino boy," smiled tho old man, as tho parent regarded her offspring with pride. "A romnrknblo lino boy. What is your name, my son?' "Puddin Tamol'' shouted tho youngster, with n gigglo at his own wit. ''I thought so," continued tho old man, pleasantly. "If you had givon mo threo guesses at it, that would havo been tho first ono I would huvo siriiok on. Now, Puddin', you enn blow tlioso things pretty straight, can't you?" "You hot!" squealed tho boy, dolighlcd at tho com pliment, ''."co mo take that old follow over thorol "iso, nor cscinuwu inn old gentleman, luihtily. " Try it on tho old woman I wns sitting with. Sho has boys of hor own, and sho won't mind." "Can't vou hit tlio Indy for tho gentle- mnn. Johnnvr" nskod tho fond parent. Johnny drow a bond nnd landed n pellet right on tho end 01 1110 oiuwomaus nose. Hut sho did mhul it, and rising in lier wrath soared down on tho small bov liko a blizzard. Sho put him over tho lino, rovorsod him, ran him backward till ho didn't know which end 0" him was front, and finally dropped hirn into tlio scared mother's lap with a bonediction whereof tho purport was that sho would bo back in a moment and sink him alive. "Sho didn't scorn to liko it, did she, Puddin't" smiled tho old gentle man, softly. "Sho's a perfect stranger to me, but I understand sho is tho ma tron of a truants' homo, nud I thought sho would liko n littlo fun; but I was mistaken." And tho old gonllenian sighod sweetly as ho wont buck to his fccnt. Moltlnc ou) Beeswax. I will not say who of our family can mako the most muss while molting out wax, but ovon tho worst ono cannot mako much muss my way of melting; but by tlio boiling out process thoro is too much chance for it. I havo tried both ways, nnd know of what I say. I take tho pieces of comb, press them to gether in ns Binnll a compass ns possiblo without too much trouble ; thou put it In to tho largo dipper that fills tho oven, or In two small ones 11 prororrcu. .muko up a good fire nnd put tlio pans in tho oven. In n verv hhort timo it will bo molted. Thou I havo a tlUU ready, nlso a hoop eovord with houso lining, and pour the melted comb into tho dish tlugh tho cloth. Thou I fill up my pan, set it back into tho oven, aud taKo tip my iin- nromntu strainer, from which all tho wax will havo dropped by this timo, and empty the refuse into tho stovo to mako firo for melting out moro wax. Tho wax in that way is pure and clean, and much whiter than when boiled, becauso tho water takes out tho dirt and coloring matter in tho comb nnd mixes it with the wax : and I can do it much faster and with much less wood, which is qnito an item iu somo places. Try it and sco if it is not tho best way. Attention Bee Men. Partner Wanted. A man who knows how to handle bees or who is willing to bo taught who is cnnablc. honest nml Industrious nnd a good salesman, can rind a situation by by applying nt this ofllco with satisfac tory rofforences. Must furnish n pair of horses with a spring wagon no other capital required. nuglCm COXSUMPTION CUBED. An old phytic), retired from practice, hiring litd place In hli huniU tjp an Ent India mIslonrr ths formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tho peed) and permanent cure ol foniumption, nrmchltl", Cat arrh, Aithma, and ill throat and Lung Affection, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Uol(ilit) and all Nervous CompUlnts, alter tmln U'Rttd Iti wonderful curative powers In thousands of cues, has felt It his duty to make It known to his felloas. Actu ated by this motive and a desire to roileve human tuf firing. I will send free of charge, to all who desire It, Ihti recipe In Otrmnn, English or French, with full direction1! for preparing and using. Sunt by mall by addressing with stamp and naming this paper, W. A. NOYKS, Hi Toner's Illoclf, Itochestor, N.Y. r.Om A CARD. To all who irs suffering from the eirors and India eretloni of youth, nervou. vtcakresr. earlr decay, loss of manhood, Ac,, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FIlKR OP CIIAUnK. This great remedy was dlscor. crcd by a missionary In ScuUi America. Send a self addressed envelope to the 11KV. JOSEPH T. IXMAN, Station D, New York City, Adr. 21msrly oho BneUsn'i Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, llniis- . O Vfl.. C.I llk.lln. I.V.m Cm. GO, OUST. UI1P, Ul. ..Mi., 1.1 MWt. Tetter. ChaprnsI Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ail Skin Eruptions, and positirelr euros Piles. or no pay required. It U guaranteed to giro mUsUcUqo. or saatwy refunded, l'nce 20o NOTICE TO FARMERS, And all Interested In Fruit Drying. JOHN BRUSH s0 SON, ALBANY, t t t OREGON Manufacture to order .IIiVallVIZEJWIKB CLOTH O might make with them. Bho pr bos. For sale by Fort Soa, ly ," For Trnys and Fruit Itrlrra, IIDF.I1S FILLED OS SHORT NOTICE. ALSO make to order VIOVF.V MIIIK MtTTUIMSr.l.ulll. or without tlfhlenera. rr.RFOKATFII 7.1 !f! for Fannin; Hills, a at kinds ol Ytllti; CLOTH. OREGON WIRE WORKS, Jiill9-3m ALn.VNV, Oregon. THE WELL KNOWN MITCHELL WAGON, ALSO . . ' m II E DA1IG HAKE OF SWUNG WAGONS. 1SUCK ItOAKDS, PHAETONS uiul lSUGGItiS. Mitchell. Lewis & Co., MANUFACTURERS. 1'arine Canst llrnnrlf.lonnl 101 Front Kt., rorlliuul. Orrawn. W. II. MITCHELL, Malinger. IlrWors & Roork. fUltni I W. II. floltra. Albanr "jmltli It Cox, Kugcne, I V, V. Owens, Itosehur. marir Oregon Stale Agricultural College, mill: NK.r SESSrOS' OF THE AOItlCULTUnAL UULLMIC urcins Hriilenilier 13th, ItiHI. Youni men can est M'lDlutments from the'r State HenaUr. II. L. A UN Ol.l), l'resliltnt. laoirlm corvaillf, orciren. Banner Apiary Supplies. Pl'ltll' lllll'.t ITALIAN' IIF.K1.-FULL COL ONY U blmnlkl'y lilvo super furnlihtd f. d. n 17,M; In crate, IU; lilvo compute, with f.d n., tlM; In flat, IWjmicktrs.Jl, Wax wantnl or uVenln cliani;e for f.d ii. llrlsht f d.n., OOo i.r jWmd: dark, tuorwr huihI. luilsn tjutcn.ti &0. Totfd Oueens, ti. r-'clecl Te aX. (d. Ilees by the pounJ,i, ijucenssent by null prriwIJ. sTJTMoiiry must acconi- 1ny all orders. 8nJ rose ctll:e r rder on F rtland or Ireirou City, or IWglstered Utter to Jillwauklo. bale arrltal guarantee.1. Trice list free. spin .ucirss: j.u.uubi, iiraiikie, nrrson. DENTISTRY. DK. E. HOWELL, I'QACIirAI. UKNTIAT. Offlee at real. Jenveef Wesley Host ell, Howell Tralrle. All Morli done on en Hljle, nnd autlrr lien (unrnnlertl. lliuartl C. W. JEFFREY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Treats the Diseases ef Pomtstle Animals. VI,L qneatlons pertaining to the pretcaslnn, ana. ncrrd by ro.ll. Cisioratin; Colts and lllllnsi a .wlilty. Oltlcs at tho Ford A Ellis Livery Nmb'e, biirm, Orevon. jaultt E. O. SMITH, OFFICE: No. 107 First Street, bs'teen Uui Jrlsoo and Yamhill, Portland, Oreeos THINK OF IT NOW i Although inui-li Is s.ild nlout tlu linpr. taneeof a Mivxl urlfjlni; iiHtllcliio, It limy 1-4 oetlb!e that the mli. t luu never nriouiy clalmetl )nurntte:illin. TltluLt'j it nn.r' AlniMt t fry person has some form of sorf ulous ikiImiu Lit.'iit In 111 I'll,, When this tlerelos Iu Mnfiilou Snrcn. I'lcvm, ur Krui)tloiiii,or In the form of Itlu'iiiimlUm, or Orjpinlo DUciiifs, tho sutferliiR that eiu sues Is terriblo. Ileneotliecnlltuilerif tlicuo Mho dlsco er, as thousands ) oarly do, tlut Ayer's Sarsaparilla will thoroujliljr emdlcate this evil from ths ()"stem. As well expect life without air ns health without pure blood, Cloanso tbo blood 1tn AVKtt'a SAUsAr.vuii.ia. rncrAUED nr Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. 6ldbyalll)rufsUtl SI, six bottle for li. wmm GBO PATHS Cls.ear'?'1"' WSllWS aiuruu of a piei-va sji4 UMdtcfc, oil aaH Slaias al j A inclojlnpan SB.OOxtor aira simcbukuu oi 15 usual outntof 2 plelUeaca Quarantsed nerfacl. Wor- rantaid 8 yarm., .IlanOMuai Umt twyass to M lax wacainra a tovStrr. w,lhM4NiHnSmi f,....!.. f nil. rsFi!aj.&iBSffi USE ROSE PILLS STROWBRIDGE BROAD- WCAST MllSlaBSSSSSSSSsrlBafsBSsWu'l 'M'iJits it j4lffpXflssiBn7BBMril7T7j ? H V fliaHllBSsrPfPi'W ZVA SOWER PTTHE BEST THE CHEAPEST! THE SIMPLEST! Sows all (rralns, rims seeds, lime, salt, aalw, fcr. tilliern-and ererytlilng requiring broad-eastlnir any quantity er acre, better and faster thau by anr other inclhod. HAV1X WKKI bysowliiKlt pfrfeetly even. Hows adnhlo or ilonblo cnat, all on either or both side of wssron. Kot afftinl by uind. as thn ami Is not thrown up Into the air. FiCIII'KUTI.V HI.III'I.K. KcJidlly attaehed toany waaonorcart. I.nsta it liriMlme. Can bo uaod where er awsirou can bo driven. Team wslklnir one ullo sows fouraenJof wheat. Crop onr.fuurtli Inrnrr than when driUM. Brud stamp forclrculani trivinir terms aud tmtlinoulals. C. W. DORR.Tronsuror RACINE SEEDER CO. 177 Main St., Doa Molnos, lown. "nnon The"B0SS THRESHER THE NEW MASSILLON 4. 10. 88 and 88 Inch Cillndtrs. built br RUSSELL & CO., Massillon, 0., And sold by reliable drnlTS rrerywhetT. Prat for Clmilars and aildrvM of nrnt AEnt. fi9. I.I. !.... KVSSELL A CO., nrnnch Iloue, rnrtlnuil, Oregon. Junltf Dr. Allen's rmvATK nifirn.MABT, 'IS, Kearny Htrerl, Mnn VrnnrJsro, Cnl. ake l.xvert Hiirrlnllal, Dr. Allen, Is a regular graduated I'hjtlclin from ths Uolvsrslty of liichl. ran. He has dsvot-d a llfettms to ths study of Sixdil dlseasask V O U N MKN An4 VIDDLK-AOED MEN, who are liffrrlni from ths 4eets of Youthful Indiscretion er la niatiirer years.NEUVOUS and 1'IIYBICAL DKDILITY, L08T M AN1IOOO, etc,, remember Uiat, by a combina tion ct remedies of treat curative power, the Doctor has w arranrod his trsatment that It will not only afford Immrdlste relief, but permanent cure. MY HOSPITAL EXrKKIKCR (tTavlnjr been surgeon lucharre of two Icadlnihospltats) enabl.sme to treat all private troublss with exoellrni rraults. I claim to be a skillful 1'hjalcUn and Surreoa THOU0UO1ILY Informed In my sn'clilty I)CA(IEH OV MAX. Allwt'l receive my honest opinion of thrlreomplslnts vo siperlrecntinir. Cjniultallon. rsai snd strklly prlvat reasonable. Call o- addreui DU. ALI.E.V, ti Kearny ht. Ban Francisco, Cal. Office hours, B to 3 da ly, 7 to 8 evening. IJanSMf UR. MUST TIE, npeetsllst nnt Crailnale. VTO-11 KKAUNY hTIlECT, Ban Kranclsto, Cal , i Trent, nil Clironlr, Hpeelnl nnd r rivals lilarnses wltli IVonderful Hucccss. THE GRBAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Is a certain Cuai for Nssv ovs Desiutt, I.IIHT A.M. HUI)1, 1'aosTatoaaiicia, and all ths evil tffxtt of Youthful follies It ssecstes. UK. SIlNTir. who Is a Rtot'Lia I'liisinas, (liu. van or ma Usnsurrr or I'sxxsTtTAXu. will srres to forfeit liCO fcr a ease ot th's kind that tie VITAL ULSTOKAlltl.', (under i;lli L4 3 krafl H hL f neclal advice and treat- fries, I). a bottle; Four mantlwlll not curs, riles 1 l.a bottle: Four tmes ths quantltr, f t. Beiit to aiiy address, confidentially, In private address If desired, br A. K. 1I1NT1K, U.D , 11 Kearny 8t, B. T., Cal. tP"dst-d for pamphlet snd list of questions. HlKPLIi noTTLK KUKR Will be ssnt to any on applying by Isttsr, stating CTmptoms, iex and eg. Strict secrssy In regard t all buttneta trMitactlons, Janstf T1IK IK. LIEKIG'S l'KIVATK UlAfKMiAUY. 400 Oeary St., San Francisco, Cal. Condurtcd by Qualified Physicians and Surgeons r gular Graduates. JTTtiu Olile.t aprclHll.t In the United States, uhose Lira-Loud u. rasiiics, perlect nethod and pure Dicm:irv, inaurs araaur anu raa mxasr ct'xu of alt lrivste, Chtcnlo and Nervous Dseaaes, ASm liens of the IlloeU, Milli, Klilne s.lllml. tier, tru il lull., I leera. Slid Horea, Hwrlllns or the (llamls, bore Jloulh, Throat, Unite I nlus, prmani nlly cured and trad. Icatttl from the st stem for life. IlLlllUUO teuey. Sriiiliinl Lussrs, firxual Uttny, Urn IhI nnd I'liysleitl M'raknens. I'nll. liiKllrmory. lVsiini)f,flMnt el I)('veliiiiiieiil,liiiprliinriits tu Vlurrlnue. rlr., rnini exerts rniir joiilliriit folllra. or nny, !CMllly, snTcly nnd prltulrl) rtirril. OUMI. illllDI.K.AOED A OID mn, snd sll who need medical M.lll and llxperleitre ouiuil tne oiii curopean l njsi.un at once, ills opin ion coats ii'ithlng, and may site future ml-ery and .tiame. When lucomcnlent to visit the city for trent incut, medicine can be sent otrywhere by esprcss free lrum olxi-iviuluii. It is rell-evl tut that a uh.stoai who uivis Ida w hole s ttei.tlon to a class cf i!leiiiltnlh ureal sklll.and physician. thrculi ou tiwcoii'r , nolnis t'ls, fniuci.tly reconmuud ditBcutnui to tl.o l.lcl SprcluIUI, by wtom every know it cnoUrenirdy Is uhhI, The Doctor's .tne and i:iirilrure makeshia opinion of suuierue lliiinrluurr. ItlThcse ho call see no one but the Pocter, Con sultation F1IEK and surrcillj euullilrnlliil. Cases whifh have faired In obtaining rtlitf elachtre eerMd ally solicited Female diseae tuccesJully treated. The liurtor lll a:ree to forfeit 1 1,000 for a case undertaken, not cuied. Call or rite. Hours. Dal'y fr m 'J A. M.. to i P. Jl., a to S evenings; Sundays. 10 to It only. ErD roa tui SairraauT Cuds to llsinil , Skm Faas. Address as abot e, DR. LIEBIG'S Wondorful Germnn Xnvigorator rcruancntly prevents all Unnatural Lo- (rooi the sjttem, tones the nerves, strengthen the reusclfs, chevksthe waste, InvlKorates te whole system snd restores the affilcteU to Hcalta and Happiness. The reason to many can not get cuied of wraknefs snd the above dUeasrs Is owl r to i complication, called PKOSTATOKIUIES.. whfch requires pTu'lw treatment, lilt, LIKBIQ-S INYiaOnATOll li lbs only cure fo FansTiroatiisa. with peculiar EreclaJ Trsat. msnt. uwt at the LIEUIO DISPENSARY. k.1.! f Vf '""Xsi.rsilor.W. Care of six bottles, lift, Sent to any address, covered securelr fremotMcrva'ion. Uo.t n-)erfcl elcetrle belts frt to patients. .I0J,mo7.JUlW,J?I"'tI,01,l ' TBii.sviooa- ATORAtlBoraaaiTloiOKSaxrrBEE. ConsuiUUoo free and private Call or addrwst LIKBIC BISPKMftAstY. n.i . . 4MOeV;s.nFranclseo,Cal. PilvaU entrance, tositason street, lour bliks up Oeary SUtetfrom Kearny, Utia enttaae througb DtepMsary Prug Store. lljanSttl uWjj 'J& st li