Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 19, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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    It.'- -
, v-r 7 ( ..,
he DMt(e irtlV.
Drank and BenseUa- in hit place,
d'fone nd pruwlbg on.hi fco,
Moro like brnto than any nun
Alive or ded
By hit great pump out of geir,
Lay the poon engineer,
Waking only junt to hear,
A Jury tonea that called his name,
Onthi and erica of bitter blamo
Woko to hear this, and wakened, turnod and
"To tho m:n who'll brlntr. to me,"
Cried IntemUnt Iinrryoe
Harry Lee, the Enjjliah foreman of tho mine
"Bring tho sot, alivo or doad,
I will givo to him;" lie said,
"Fifteon hundred Pttoi down,
Juit to ice the ruoal's crown,
Underneath tlm heel cf mine;
Since but death
Dtsorvei the man whole deed
Bo it vico or want of heed,
Stopitho pump thatgivei ui breath)
Stopi the pump that iuokatho death
From the poisoned lower level ot tho ii'inol"
No one aniwered, for a cty
From the ihaft rnio up on high j
And ihnllling, loramuling from bolow
Come the minora eneb, the bolder
Mounting on the weaker1! ihoulder,
Grappling, clinging to their hold or
Ltttiug go,
Ai the weiker gaipod and fell
From tho ladder to the well
To the poisoned pit of hell
Down below I
'To the mn who loti tfiom froe,"
Cried the forotmn, iltrry Loo
Htrry Lee, the Kngliih foreman of the mlno
''Bringi thorn out, and acta them free,
Infill give that man," laid he,
"Twice that turn, who with a rope,
Face t.l face with drath ahall cope,
Lot him coma who darei to hope!"
"Hold your poacol'' mine ono replied,
Standing by tho foreman' eide'j
"Thcro hai ono already gone, whoe'er bo be!"
Then they held thoir breath with awe,
Pulling on tho rope, and aaw
Fainting fluurri reappear,
On tho black ropo swinging cleir,
Fattened by aoine skilful hand from bolow J
Till a icoro tho lovel gained.
And but ono alono remained
He tbo nero and tho laat,
Ho whoto akilful hand malo fiat
Tho long lltiotlmt brought thcin back tohoro
and cheer.
Hargird, giipiny, down dropped lio
At the fart nt Harry Loo.
Hurry L;o, tho Kugliih foreman of the mine :
"I havo como," heguped, "to claim
llsth reward. St nor, my namo
I'm tho drunknn eogincor
I'm tho otward, Sncr " hero
Ho fell ovor by that ign
He fill over by that ilgn
jad a itoool
lirtl Ihxrtt.
A correspondent is xperiencing trou
ble, nbout tho color in her summer stock
ings j black and dark brown givo tho
most nnnoynnco. Tho beet way known
to tho writor is to inako very woak suds;
it should hardly bo warm, certainly not
heated abovo "lukowarm j" a littlo salt
nddod to this helps to "60t" tho color ;
wash gontly with tho hands ; n lady's
Blockings of fino quality should not bo
so soiled as to nocd moro than this gen
tlo rubbing. Itinso thoroughly in cold
water, with n littlo salt in that just
enough to givo tho water a flavor. Turn
tho stocking wrong sido out, und dry
thorn in tho sha'"o Many n pair ot
handsomo stockings nro ruined by the
sun, after caroful washing.
Iloro is an oxcellont dish for dessort
Lino n mould with .ico cream, fill tho
centro with berries, covor thorn with ico
cream, und set in the froezcr for about
half an hour. It is liot intendod that
tho fruit shall bo literally frozen, but
A lady wiches to know how to ranko
potato salad. Sho will bo sure to havo
a most appetizing dieh if sho docs ex
actly ns sho is told. Peel and boil in
salted water as many potatoos us will
meet tho requirement of your family.
Supposo you havo throo quarts of boiled
potatoos ; they should bo cut up while
hot, in small pieces ns nearly equaro m
consistent with tho amount of timo. A
tablespoon ful of finoly chopped onion,
a tablespoonful of finoly chopped pars
loy, a toaspoonful each of blackpopper
and of salt. To this add n teocupful of
tho host salad oil, and a half teacupful
of vinegar. Do not stir tbo salad, as
thoro is groat danger of breaking tho
pieces of potatoos, and giving tho dish
nn untidy look. Lino a salad bowl or
vegetable dish with tender lettuoo leaves,
and then put tho salad into tho dish
In placo of pareloy, tender stalks or very
small leaves of celery may be usod. If )
celery is used, a icaspoonful of tnado
mustard should bo added. Another
substitution1 may be that of buttor for
oil ; tho butler should bo molted vory
slowly, in a bowl sot ovor tho top of a
toakcttlo ; when melted, drain it ofT, leav
ing tho salt in tho bottom of tho bowl.
Another way to preparo potato salad is
to make a cocked mayonnaiso dressing
and pour over tho potatoes. Tho dress
ing should bo cooked ns you cook boiled
custard j an oxccllcnt rulo for this is:
To tho woll beaten yelkB of fivo eggs add
fivo tablcspoonfuls of vinegar, which you
havo heated to a boiling point When
you rcmovo from tho fire, add tbreo
ounces of butter ; season to your tasto
with salt, popper nnd mustard. Cresses
nud endivo nro used with excellent oiled
in potatosalads. It may not bo quito clear
to bow you can mix tho various ingredi
ent if you do not stir tho salad ; this
may bo dono successfully by shaking tbo
dlsli in which you preparo it, nnd by
toBsing lightly with a fork.
Cucumbers peeled nnd boiled until
soft nro served with chickens roasted.
So son tho cucumbers just ns you do
summer squash, nnd add n very littlo
swcot cream. Sorvo in a vcgctablo dish,
or put around the chicken- on n plattor
as' n garnish.
A dolieious pudding is mado in this
way: Chop a pinoapplo quito fino;
tako somo cako which is n littlo dry, rub
it fino in your hands, or crush it on a
kneading board ; put it into n pudding
dish in altornato layers with tho pine
apple, swroUui abundantly, moisten with
cold water, and bnko in a modcrntoovon
for nu hour and thrco quarters. ,
To insuro succoss in making gooso
bcrry pio, stow tho berries in ns littlo
water as it is possiblo to uso; when tho
berries begin to bo tondor mash than
with n spoon ; tlion you will proscrvo tho
richnoss of tho juico, and will not havo
to throw any of it nwny. Sweeten wl'li
light brown sugnrL and bako with two
A most oxcellont pudding is mnda by
stowing ono pound of prunes until they
nro so tender that tho stones may bo re
moved without diillculty. Tako ono
quart of sweet milk, and subtract n tea
cupful ; into this stir enough flour to
mnko it liko a thick pasto, then mix it
with tho rost of tho milk; boat four eggs
very light, nnd add, and lastly s!ir in
tho prunes, ovor which you havo first
sifted n littlo Hour. Iioil or steam for
two hours. Sorvo hot, with somo highly
flavored sauco, vanilla or wino preferred.
Train the Doys to Help their Mothers.
This is n most important point in
practical education for tho lifo work.
Thcro is much in tho interior of homo
lifo nnd labor that tho man should know
and bo nblo nnd willing to do when
ncodful. A man need not fool ashamed
to do anything his necessities may ro
quiro or duty prompt. Thoro inn largo
class of malo imbeciles whoso only claim
to "society and position" is total
ignornnco of nnd capacity for doaling
with tho facts nud dotnils of every day
Mother will thus hnvo their hoys
moro with thorn and unthought of bonds
of sympathy spring up betweon tho
mother nnd ion that opernto liko n guid
ing star through every scono of lifo.
Mothers bowaro of making n "littlo man"
out of your boy all too soon; rnthor let
him rest on his mother's arm, roly on
hor ndvico. Sho will provo for many,
many years a truo and to bo trusted
companion. Mnko her abovo all others
his confidnato, sho will not betray him
will bo a sterling advisor.
Mothers do not laugh nt our turn to
ridicule tho boy's lovo for a ''baby," a
"thimble," a "mud pio," it is tho imita'
tatlon of amothor, tlm insensible, incom
prehensible) powor that links souls in
sympathy, and may safoly operuto on
his plastio nature till maturity nnd
knowlodga will directit into safochannols.
How grand tho influenco of home ami
Oar Kewtpapsrs.
According to Edwin Aldon & tiro't.
(Cincinnati, O.,) American Newspaper
Catalogue 'for 1883, thoro are- 11.807
newspapers und magazines published in
tho United Stnto3 and tbo Hritish
Provinces. Total in tho United States,
14,170 : in tho British Provinces. Ml :
divided ns follows; Dailies, 1,357 ; Tri-
Week:i, 71; Somi-Wcoklies, KiS;
Sundays. 29."); Weeklies, 10,07o;
Bi-Wooklie. 351; Monthlies, 1,502;
Hi-Monthlies, 2G; Qunrtcrlio, 83;
showing nn increnso over tho publica
tions of 1882 of 1,591. Tho greatoU in
crease has been among tho Weekly Xow
papers of n political character (?) whilo it
hns been least among tho .class publica
tions. Tho book is vory handsomely
gotten up and contains somo 850 ptgcii,
printed on hodvy book paer, elogantly
bound in cloth. Price 1.50.
Plowing and seeding for next year's
crop qf fall whoat has been commenced
in Clarke county.
WW! I wm-a-iu- i JJ 111 .1 liia-Jg
Two littlo aqulrreli, out in the tun,
One gathered nuti, and the other had cone,
"Time onouah yet," hii comtant refrain ;
"Summer it still only juit on tho wane."
Liiten, my child, while I tt'l you his fato:
Ha routed him at laat, but he routed him too
Down felt tho snow from a pitiless cloud
And gave little squirrel a ipotlon whito
Two littlo boya in a sohool-room were placed,
One alwayi perfect, the other disgraced ;
"Time enough for my learninp," ho laid
"I will climb, by and by, from the foot to the
Liiten, my darling, their locks are turned
Ono aa a governor aittoth to-day ;
The other, a pauper, looki out at tho door
Of the olmthoute, and idloa hit dayi ai of
J ore.
Two kindi of peoplo wo meet every day,
Ono it at work, tho ether at play,
Living uncared for, dying unknown
Tho butiest hive hath ever a drone.
loll mr, my child, it tho inulrroli havo
it tho iqulrroli
1 ho lcBJOU I
longed to implant in
Answer mo tliit, nnl my ttory it done
Whioh of the two would you bo, little ono ?
QrovAng Worll
It is n fino thing to havo faith, nnd it is
well to cultivnto faith, oven though wo
aro somotimca disappointed by placing
too much in othors. Now, lost wcok wo
ueod ovory letter on hand, having full
faith in our boys nnd girls, bolloving
Hint somo of them would writo so that
this week's lotlor column should not"
Myrtio has been silent for n long timo.
Nor letter is vory carefully written nnd
is vory neatly dono ; nro hor nnswers cor
rect? Thoso who ask tho questions
should notico if they nro right.
Clydo promises to bo a livo boy wo
judgo from tho wny ho talks of all'airs
nbout tho homo and farm; ho is forliv
nato to havo a grandfather como for him
sluco ho has no mother to lovo nud euro
for him ; mst any boy is lucky to havo
a grandfather and grandmother.
Another letter from a boy, who comes
for tho first timo. Wo aro glnd to boo
tho loys taking moro interest in tho
Lottor Hox.
Beth has had somo good instruction
in tlio Uiblo questions; wo think ho
is correct, but lot nnyono who differs in
this opinon say fo.
Cnrno s letter is very neatly writton ;
sho knows how nico it is to havo n grand
father. Cnrrio's way of cleaning dishes
muht lio a good way, but ours is a littlo
oa!er, yot it is good to know moro than
mm way oi accomplishing tlio snmo
lf- .! I . . .
o nro giau io got n letter Irom n
grown up fnond who has, taken, tho in
terest to writo; bIio gives soiho good
ideas on flowor gardoning. 'Wit lost n
beautiful collodion of tulips by gophers,
so wo can sympathise; wo had twenty'
fivo varieties of tulips, but tho gophers
took nearly nil of them ; after that wo
planted each bulb in nn old tin can with
tho bottom molted out, so there wns suf
ficient nourishment for tho bulb to do
well, and tho gophers or moles did not
try to go undor tho bottom of tho cans.
Somo of tho wild flowors which grow
hero nro very rnro in gnrdens East, such
as tho syringa nnd wild grape, with thoso
beautiful shining beans nnd tufts of vol
low blossoms. Wo wish "Farmers Wife"
will writo again.
Knioiit, Or., Sept. 9, 1881.
Editor Homo Circle t
I don't know that you will rcognizo
mo ns an old noqualntanco, ns it has
been a year or moro sinco I Inst wroto to
tho Faiimhu ; but I thought I could an
swer ono or two questions nnd holp fill
up tho letter box. Albort Davis wanted
to know wboro Christ performed His
first miracle, and what it was. Now, I
won't bo sure, but I think ho cured
Simon's mother of a fever. You will
find it in tho fourth chaptor of Luke,
in tho thirty-eighth nnd thirty-ninth
versci". Pernaps 1 am wrong, out if 1
am right, Albert, pleaso send mo your
card. Mother lmi novor triod Aunt
Ilotty's plan of washing dishes, but I
think it is u good idea. Lizzie Hryan,
tho song you sent is xery pretty. Does
any of tho readers of tlio 1 Tomo Circlo
know a song, "The Indian Hrido's La
ment?" If so, will somo ono pleaso send
mo tho words? Hcspoctfully,
Mvrtie Knkiiit.
Clackamas, Or., Sept, 0, 1881.
Hditor Home Circle: '
I have never written to tho Faiimcr;
I'm a boy, 11 years old: mamma is!
dead, nnd I nm staying with my grand
papa ; my papa works on tho bnggngo
car on the Albany express, nnd ho has
bcon working on tho train for n long
time. My grandpapa has thrco cows
and two horses ; I milk ono of tho cows
nnd tako them to tho pasture overy
night nnd morning. Our school is go
ing to commonco in two or throo wcoks;
I don't know who is going to tench this
timo. Wo hnvo no wheat or oats this
year to thresh, but Mr. Tilgmon rented
a picco of land of us this year, nnd he
cultivated it in cats, nnd wo got ono
third of them; it brought over CO
bushels to tho ncro. My grandpa has a
hundrod acres of land in nil, nbout
fifty ncrcs being in cultivation. Wo
havo most nil of it soeded in timothy
nnd clover. Wo hnvo about thirty tons
of hay; looso hay is $12 a ton, nnd
balod hay is TIG a ton.
Clydb A. Pint.urs.
IiiViN't), Or., Sept. -1, 1881.
Editor Homo Circlo t
I havo novor writton to tho Farmer
boforo, but I thought I would answer
Miss C. C. Il.'s question, as I havo not
seen it nnswerod yot.
"What is sinning ngniust tho Holy
Ghost!" Answer: Unboliof.
. My answer is short, so I will givo
somo proof of iU boing correct, by con
necting tho twenty-fourth and twonty
eighth vorscs of tho twolfth chapter of
Mntthow. It is evident that tho Phar
isees, in unbelief, nttributod tho works
of tho Spirit of tlod, or Holy Ghost,
to tho princo of dovils. I will closo by
nsking: What is tho Gift of tho Holy
Ghost? Truly yours, 8. S.
Umatilla Co., Or.
Kdltor Homo Circlet
Thcro aro so many things that farm-
. i ,a.a.
era wives might writo mat it seems
strnngo so fow writo to tho Homo Circlo.
I am suro tlioy cannot fail to bo inter
cstcd in it. T wish somo of them would
writo about thoir flowor gardens, for now
is tho timo to plant bulbs, for spring
blooming. Tlioy nro so nice, bcnuso
they nro so early boforo anything clso
is in bloom in tho spring. And tlioy
nro so hmly thcro is no danger of losing
thorn unless tho gophers get among them
ns tlioy did initio. Thcro nro the tulips,
crocus, narcissus, hyacinth, and I do not
know how many more, which nro so
cheap that nlmobt overy one mny hnvo
thorn. I havo seen a plant called crown
lily, which I would liko very much to
have, but havo not boon nblo to find
anything liko it in my catalogues. It
blooms very early in tho spring, but I do
not know tho botanical nnmo. Thoro
aro somo wild plants nud vines which
nro very nico for tho flower gnrdon, and
in this part of tho country thoro aro
honeysuckles along tho crook" nud in the
mountains, and n wild clemntis, which is
a bountiful vine. Tho soeds hnvo tufts
of feathery down nttached to them, and
they nro pretty, with dried tlowors nnd
grapes, for a winter bouquet. Thoro is
a shrub called syringa in tho catalogues
which is thick nlong the creeks. It hue
bountiful white flowers, nnd is very frn
grant. Farm Kit's Wiik.
Koheiiuko, Or., Sept, 7, 1881.
Kditor Homo Circlet
As I havo not written to tho Homo
Circlo for somo timo I thought I would
writo again, as I enjoy rending tlio let
torn to tho Homo Circle. I nm going to
school noiv ; wo nro to movo to llosoburg
to go to sehool this winter. It hns beon
mining hero for two or thrco days nnd
hns tho nppenrnnco of still moro. Wo
had u firo on our farm last' wcok it
burnod four or fivo acres' boforo it could
bo stoppod ; wo had a firo In Itoscburg,
too, not long ago; it burnt almost two
blocks ; two lives last and sovoral woro
injured. My grandpa was up to see us
a week ago; ho was quito sick whilo ho
was hero ; ho is staying with my mint nt
Wilbur, Oregon; ho is getting pretty
old, ho was 81 tho -1th of last July, ho is
almost blind. Wo rnised ono hundrod
chiekons this year. I think I can tell n
better way to clean dmliiw than tint
Hetty ; put ashes on them and Dion li t
boll nbout fivo minutes. There was a
littlo mistako in my name in my othor
letter. I will closo by wishing tho Far
mer success. Carrie Dixo.v.
Tho Sin Against the Uoly Oaoat.
Wamiowal, W. T Aug. 28, 1881.
IMitor Homo Circlet
Somo timo ago Aunt Hetty cxprowd
a wlsu Hint somo unrittinn would givo
thoir vinws on tho nbovo caption, for
publication in tho Farmer. I thought
at tho timo that I would nt oucu givo
my viows, but various circutnstanoos
hnvo till now prevonted. Wo nro in
formed that nil sins, excopt tho sin
ngnlnat the Holy Spirit, shall bi forgiv
en, (I uso tho word Spirit instead of
Ghost, for I liko it better) but that ono
sin is not to bo forgiven in cither world.
Wo aro told by various commentators
that tho word "world," in tho toxt, signi
fies ngc, or dispensation, viz.,: tho Jew
ish or Christian age. But tho question
is, what is that sin? It is vcryevidont
to my mind that it was tho malicious
accusation that Jesus cast out dovils, by
Bclzobub, tho princo of dovils. Con
sult tho twolfth chnptor of Matthew;
nlso third chaptor of Mark, especially
tho thlrtioth voreo; nlso oloventh chap
tor of Luke. Now, it is but right for
mo to sny that I nm not a Christian.
Now, will Aunt Hetty throw this com
munication Into tho wasto basket?
Would that bo doing ns you would liko
to bo dono by? Hiram S. Marble.
Littlo Jim and bit Dob .,
Littlo Jim, with wido-nwako eyes nnd
nir vivneious, hies with his mothor to
tho foot of Main stroot, whero tho train
awaits tbo movements of nttontivo
juvenilos, who design Betting out to tho
l'rosbytcrinn picnio at Palurm. Littlo
slip of a Jim on reaching his scat in tho
enrs, dolTB his hat and proceeds to fnn
his ruddy fnco with the brim of his hend
pieco looking at tho snmo timo up nnd
down tho enr, nnd thou out tho window,
in search of stray amusements.
In a moment ho had rushed out of his
plnce, and on to tho platform of tho
train, nnd taking a frco leap from tho
steps of tho car down tho embankment,
slides nnd leaps until hntlcss lio has
reached tho brink of tho river. Thon ho
seizes a small, yollow dog nnd comes
tearing1' back, ocrnmlilcs up tho bank
clasping polit cliien to his breast, while,
with ono nrm ho swings himself n mo
ment botween whistling train nud term
firmn, nud catches his lieol on tho step,
foot over, and up ho is.
"What in tho worUUnro you doing?"
exclaims tho mother who, brcnthlosrt
nnd aghast, has stood witnessing tho
rnpid sally of tho lad, and capturo of tho
littlo yollow dog.
"Don't you know him?" tho lad calls
out, looking up with a bright smile nnd
sparkling eyes, "01 mamma, don.tyou
romembor tho littlo dog? Tho very nicest
littlo dog I ovor had."
Ab, can it be, tho mother queries, n
quick rcminisconco coming to her of tho
evening sho had paid tho cook n quarter
of n dollar to convey tho dog to the
vioinity of St. John's collego ; tho vory
odious littlo "ynllor dog" that tho house
maid had prcsonted to Jim, nud with
Jim's encouragement could always bo
found in the room whero tho hid slopt,
reposing a meager little frnmo indis
criminately on rug or bed.
"Study thai is not tlio tamo dog I" tho
mother said.
"And Miroly, surely, mamma, dear, it
is," asserted tho boy with n pleasant sniilo
nnd bright oyes.
"You must put him down ; put him
down," tho mother firmly commanded;
"you nro drcwod to go to a picnio, nnd
you ennnot (wssibly tako nny littlo dog
you liko with you. Indeed it is not tho
snmo dog, Jninio."
"Oh, 0, Oh I" cried tho hid, lenplng up
nnd down with intemu excitement, clasp
ing tho dog with all his strength.
"Drop, him," salil tho mother.
"How can I," answered tho boy.
Hero tlu whistle Bounded, nnd grave
ly taking tho dog from tho littlo fellow's
arms, tho n o hor left tho small dog
where ho belonged.
Two days nftcr, Jnmio was standing
by bis mother in her room. "Thoro a
ono thing I lovo and think of bo much
ho said, "and that'is a littlo dog. I had
always something to piny with mo when
I had my littlo yollow dog, and tho day
I looked from tbo cars and snw him, ho
was ft) funny; ho was standing down by
the water, nud looking us if ho wore say
ing. "I seo tho ancient towers over in tho
middle of tho rivor."
"Why, Jamie, whnt makes you think
ho looked that wny?"
"Well, ho was standing," nnd Jnmio
dropped down on nil-fours, stretching out
his neck nnd looking oil' to tlio distant
wnter where tho pillars of a now bridge
atood in lonely iucouiplotcncs'. "Ho look
ed, mamma, as if ho saw something far
away that I could not see."
Two duys aftor, a dog wns eocurod for
Jamie, and as ho trotted up stairs, or
slid down tho bnnitdors, tho "pup" wns
over in his wnko. Jly action nud logio lio
hud won his victory.
Infants and Children
WlUinnt Morpblno or Nnrootlna.
What ntres our ClilMrcn rotjr chwks.
What curtit their fvurn, timki-n thtm uliy-p;
'Tl rmtorliu
When Jlablea fret, and err by turn,
What curt thulr colic, kilU llu-Ir nnrmn.
Hut Oantiirln.
What ouIcUly cure- Constipation,
Hour bluiuacli, (oMj, Iucllf'll'm t
lint Caitnrla.
Farcirrll then to Morphine Byn)s,
GaUir Oil uuJ Tartaric, anil
Contour Ulnlrrtont, An br-
oluto euro for llhoaxuaties,
Spratai. Burai, Galls, &o., ami aa
IwntnataBoom Paicrcllovor.
h .VkU,.'
.-.Ai-a... ,JA- t