Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 12, 1884, Image 1

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'A v
m a . in wGSBMSzT jsmtSSSSSfi n&fcmmtiE&ir i m
Tho Tmo "drlt."
Van Wnirr, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1881.
Editor Willamttto Farmer :
I wish to ask somo questions about
Orogon ond Washington Territory; if
Homo friond will tell nio somo good sit
uation to farm wlioro tlio govornment
land is plenty j it mnkes no difference it
it is a wild pluco, for I tun used to hard
work; would liko Bomo prnirio and not
a bad placo for a hunt. I will nc
copt a correspondent with plensuro from
nny part of the country. I wish to Etart
West tho first of March, or ns soon as
somo ono can find or describe- a placo
that suits. Yours with respect,
J.vs. Jj. Cuiui:.
Noti:. "Will somo ono plenso answer
this lottor personaily. Wo liko his stylo
and hopo ho will coino to Oregon. Men
not afraid to work nro wanted in Oro
gon. EniTOit.
Spiritualist Ciap Meeting.
CUCKAMA8, Or., Sept. 7,1881.
Editor Willamette Firmer t
"Will you plcaro any to your many
roidors that a Spiritualist camp meet
ing will bo hold at Now Era, Clackamas
county, Orogon, beginning Thursday,
Sopt, 25, and holding over Sunday.
Good speakers, clnrnvoinnts And lest me
diums arc expectod to bo present. To
thoso going to tho mooting by rail tho
usual reduction in return faro will bo
given. Wm. 1'iui.i.ir, President.
In Memorlam.
Ham. ok Lonas No. 431, 1. 0. G. T.,
Aumbvilu:, Sopt 4, 1881.
Klttor Willamette Fnrmon
Whereas, By tho disponsation of nn
all-wiso Providonco, Sister Ella Cart
wright has lx)on removed from our
midst by tho hand of death, nnd
Wheueah, It bConiB fitting that wo
should in somo degreo show our appre
ciation for hor many good works, nnd
sympathy for her nllliotcd relatives,
thorcforqbo it
Kosolvod, That in tho death of sister
Cnrtwright this lodgo has lost n faithful,
earnest and efficient worker, and a moat
worthy membor.
Kosolvod, That whilo wo deploro her
snd nnd untimely death, wo numbly
bow in submission to tho will of Him
who docth all things woll, tolioving
that our siBtor has been cnllod from her
labors on earth to n rich rowurd in
lli-oolvod. That to hor ninny friends
nnd formor nssoeintw, cspccinlly of tho
Ixdgo nnd Sunday school, wo commend
hor nutny virtues ns worthy of emula
tion, mm to hor grief-stricken pannts
nnd brother wo extend our sinccro sym
pathy, nnd realizing that "enrih has no
sorrow ili.it heaven cannot heal," wo
would point them to Him who has snid,
"I nm the way, and tho truth, ami tho
Resolved, That ns a token of respect
to tho memory of our depnrted sister our
charter bo diapod in inoruiug for Uio
spaco of thirty days.
itesoivetl, Thnt tneso resolutions no
spread upon tho records of this Lodgo,
that n cony bo transmitted m tho family
of tho deceased sistor, nlso n copy to tho
Willamette Farmku and Oregon btatea-
man for publication.
H. C. Pouter,
Sauaii A. Darby,
Hettie E. Hoiierts,
For Exchange.
Wo should liko to exchango a now
wngon, only used a few months, and a
pair of horses, for n few cows or heifers.
Tho horses nro three years old, of good
bizo and will bo largo. Ono is a filly,
very liandsomo and bred to a good horse.
Theso animals nro very gontlo nnd have
been worked, but not ste.idiry.tf Hero is
a good chance to get a wagon and team,
as wo liavo other horses and wish to
atook our farm with milk cowf,
Money to loan.
Warincrifc Barnes, t&I estate agents,
ol eaicno, uiejjon, navo money 10
ou real estate security, i
Julia Kendall as WLm to-night
Tho September numbers of magazines
enmo to hand; this numbor of Scribncr
is fully equal to tho "midsummer" num
bor of last month. "Punncba," a story
of lovo nnd romanco in earlier Mexican
times, is excellent, truo and lifo-liko in
in its dctnils. Tho bicyclo trip, through
a partof old England, is worth tho wholo
subscription ; "Spots on tho Sun," is ct
plained woll, also woll illustrated by pic
tures of that luminary, showing tho ap
pcarnnco of theso spots nt different times.
"Topics of tho Timo" givos tho rcador
woll digested viows on nil current sub
jocU a littlo of nrt, of ngriculturo nnd
politics. Gen. Colstin's lito in tho Sou
dan gives n good idea of that country,
etc., n topfo just now interesting in con
nection with tho fnto of Col. Gordon.
St. Nicholas should bo found on tho
family table, n companion of tho Centu
ry, for tho youngor monitors of a house
hold Bhould not bo neglected. Thoro is
no lack of literature now-a-days for
youths, indcod tho b'est talent in tho
Century contributes to this and, other
magazines. A lesson in natural history
is given in n most attractive form in tho
"Swordsman of tho Deep," nnd n lovo
for nnimnto creation in that most charm
ing littlo story of "A Troo Frog.'' or of
tho "Bird's Mntineo." "Minnio Schmidt's
Journey to School" may bo cntiro fie
tion, yet if that bo tho caso, tho tnlo iu
culcntes an idoa that might well ho car
riod out in practical oyery day life.
iviuo AwnKo is ono ol tlio numerous
magazines issued by tho well known
publishing houso of 1). Lathrop tt Co.,
Boston, Mass. This book fills an im
portant placo in litornturo as it comos in
between maturity and moro juvenile
works, thoreforo influential in forming
thn mind and tasto of tho youthful
rcador. Thoso who writo for tho young
find a most critical laidicnco. Wido
Awako Is rend and enjoyed by tho older
folks. Pnnsy" is for tho very littlo
folks nnd is well worth tho prico
"Through Franco on Tnbots" is charm
ingly illustrated. "Tho Fox nnd Stork"
is nn old fablo, told ovor ngnin in verse,
nnd moit elaborately illustrated in n
most comical fashion. Thcro are storios,
travels nnd biographies. Tho pages of
wide Awnuo nro lull, and it is a won
der how it can to dono so cheaply, only
throe, dollars n year. Every family
should hnvo it. Children will road and
it is woll to placo good literature before
Tho Mitchell nnd Lewis Company
will hnvo on exhibit at tho Stnto Fair
various specimens of thoir vehicles, in
cluding a farm wagon, n half platform
swing wagon nnd a sldo spring buggy
of their own make, also different sizes
of tho Cnntou Clipper Plows, for which
thoy nro general agents for Oregon and
"Washington. Budges & Eoork, of Sa
lem, aro local atronts for tho company
nt that placo, nnd will represont them
on tho fair ground. Tho old manufac
turing concern thus represented has been
making vehicles sinco 181M, at Chicago
and clsowhoro, undor tho management
of Henry Mitchell, Esq., father of "W. H.
Mitchell, tho Portland ngont of tho com-
Eany. Tho eldor Mir. Mitchell, who looks
alo nnd hearty at 71, is now visiting
Oregon with his wife nnd daughter, ami
will bo present at tho Stnto Fuir. Ono
would not boliovo, from his appearance,
thnt ho was a manufacturer half n ceil
tury ago.
, Tho Kendall Combination.
This most excellent dramatic organi
zation will opon n nino nights engage
ment nt Heed's Opora Houso this Thurs
day evening, Soptomtor 11th, with Brot
Hnrto's greatest work entitled "M'Liss,"
or tho "Waif of tho Sierras," with entire
change- of programmo each evoniog.
Soats may now bo had at Boon's book
iJnorniaUon, is" wanted WCJvliQ. there ia
in f hft'Statehaf-tarcs'ifcH?? I Addrosa
this offices.
The Life of an Apple Tree.
"Why nro npplo trees t shorter livod
than thoy were when Jwih a boy?"
nsked nn old Now England fnrmcr.
"I know of orchards that wcro set before
I.wof born, nnd which nro still in good
condition, but my trees, sot forty yenrs
ngo, begin to show signs of giving out."
Tho causes of this difforonco in tho
longovity of fruit trees are obviously
two : Tho nature of tho varieties plant
ed, nnd tho knitl of culturo given.
Nearly nil tho old orchards nro com
posed of seedling trcos. Seedlings nro
linrdier than most of tho improved vn
riotics. They ciuluro sovcro wenther
bottor. Too littlo nttontion has boon
given to hardy varieties. Thcro aro oo
cnalonnl sovoro wintors in nil parts of
tho Northern States, when npplo trocs
which hnvo proved hardy in othor ycare
nro killed outright or nro badly injured.
Tho orchardlst should prepare for thoso
oxcontionnl winters. Propor location,
surroundings, mothods of pruning and
of cultivation, havo much to do with
tho hardiness of treos, but hardy, "iron
clad" varieties nro of Jgrcntor im
nominee. Tlio irrenlost dilllcultv in soloctinc
hardy varieties U to secure thoso which
will endure tho climnto of somo particu
lar locality, and which will nlso benr nn
nbundanco of good fruit in that locality.
I havo known Baldwins to prove por-
fectlv hardv for n nunrtor of a century
on n cortnln farm, nnd a hundred miles
d stnnt to bo n Hired every lourlli or
fifth winter. Swnnrs may havo boon
hnrdy in both places, but in ono placo
tho fruit was always Binall nnd scabby.
Hnrdine.su is a relativo term, nnd m
practice it must bo considered in con
nection with tho general adaptability of
tho vanotv to tho locality. It ono is to
sot an npplo orchard ho should consult
oicn grower in ins vicinity ns to tno
hardiness of his vt'riotios. Hardiness
should como before eating qualities, sizo
or color. With mora nttontion paid to
hardy varieties wo should oxpoct to sco
lone-lived orchard.
High cultivation, with consequent
heavy crops, is a forcing process, and no
doubt tends to lessen tho longovity of
tiees. Trees which bear light crops of
Bmall apples approach tho wild stato,
and aro not worn out as soon ns highly
cultivated trees. High cultivation, ju
diciously applied, is not to bo discour
aged, however, for a short lifo with
an nbundanco of good fruit is profer
ablo to n long lifo with Ices and inferior
Westward, nnd otpee.ially on tho prni-
nos, any particular vnrioty is commonly
shorter livod than it is in New Lnglaud.
It is probable that tho varieties which
havo originated nnd havo toon long
grown oastwnrd nro not perfectly adapt
ed to tho West. "Wo should expect tot
ter results with npplcs on tho prairies
fiom vnrioties which hnvo originated
thoro. tardiness being dependent upon
all phases of climnto besido simple cold,
thoro is no renson why a New England
npplo transferred to Illinois should not
sutler in that attribute as much ns in
size, flavor or color. Apples usiuiiy
grow Inrgcr nnd treos grow thriftier nnd
toar soonor westward, nnd that is, per
Imps, a reason why thoy are shorter
lived there.
Thcro nro numerous aids. to hnnliness
which tho cultivator may supply, but It
is of primo importance to solect trees
.which do not demand protection. It is
not always possible to do this, but wo
must como ns near it as wo can. l-.n
denvor to spend less rimoin growing
windbreaks and in heading in, nnd ntnro
in good, goncrous cultivation nnd fer
PlanU lor Winter.
If plants for winter nro not nlrt-udy
potted, it should to dono Immediately,
Many wait until so Into in tho season
that they loso many in rooting, and
oftort tho choicest varieties. I always
rcofc my noxt winter plants when I tnko
tho old roots from thopots to bed out,
A great many variotlcs do much hotter
if now planttf arc rooted than tho old
stock plants would, for all plants require
rest at some season of tho year, uiid if
thoy bloom all summer, wo.caun.ot ex
pect thorn to bloom much in tho'winter.
Tho now plants, with tho buds pinched
off ns soon ns appearing, will blossom
nonrly all winter, nnd nro thoroforo
much moro uYsiruhR I always take my
stock carnations and ton rosos from tho
bods in tho fall for the house, itissomuch
troublo to root these, nnd takes so long,
too, for them to como into bloom. They
require to bo cut back quite sovorely,
especially N tho rosoi, ns indcod thoy
should bo after blooming, likewise.
GrecnhouBO soods should bo sown this
month for tho groenhouso or houso, as it
may bo. Cineraria aro beautiful for
winter blooming, so nlso nro primroses
(or priinulns), gloxinlns, cyclnmons nnd
sovcral others. Smilax is a lovely vino
for tho house. All tho nbovo enn bo
raised from seed, if planted now. Many
liko n few pots of verbenns during tho
winter, thoy am so freo blooming. They
should bo rooted ntonco in tho pot ordish
they are to remain in, and there will
then bo no dnngor of thoir dying, or
drying tin whilo rooting. They can uo
rooted in water the lvvt at this season of
tho year. After being rooted tho buds
should bo pinched oil' ns soon ns thoy
npnenr, until Into in tho fall: this should
bo dono to nil plants designed for wintor
blooming, and wo may bo sure that
thcro will be no lack of llowers to re
ward us for our trouble. Cor. Portland
According to tho Amoricau Farmer,
B. G. Buoll, n woll-known orchnrdist of
Michigan, finds top-graftod treos on
such hardy stooks as Northorn Spy nnd
DucIicbs of Oldenburg to withstand tho
effect of intensely cold wintors much
hotter than root-grafted trees; nnd tho
Hod Canada top-grafted on tho Northern
Spy nearly escaped In tho unprecedent
ed cold of 18fi nnd 1870, whon others,
such ns tho .Baldwin, wore killod out
right, 'iompuina county lung was
much injured by this intoiuol cold
winter, and tho trunks woro split and
many of tho larger brunches killod.
Whorovcr tho trees thus injured woro
sovcroly pruned nnd shortonod in, tho
trees woro snvctl ; thoso not pruned diou
in a fow years, thus showing tho injury
n treo sutler from neglect in removing
ucau limbs.
No doubt as many nowly net fruit
trees aro killed by ovor-watcring ns by
too littlo wntoring. To soak tho roots
of n trco every fow days is at tost n dnn
gorous process. If wator must bo np
plied sprinkle it over tho top of tho
trees with n syringo in preference to re
peated waterings about tho roots. On
loniny soils good trees properly sot will
Boldoin, if over, need watering. On dry
land tho operation will often bo neces
sary, but it should bo dono whon tho
troo is set, nnd then n mulch bo placed
about tho tiee. If drought ocoura nnd
tho treo millers, romovo tho mulch and
water ngnin, nnd thou replnco tho
mulch. Never uso water fresh from n
woll or cold cistern.
Buttermilk as a Drink.
Ill warm weather many porsons feel
nn irresistiolo craving for boinothlng
sour, ami oltcn gratily this desim by a
freo indulgence in pickles, or vegetables
mndo ncid with vinegar. This domain!
for ncids indicates n deficionoy in tho
autf wcjfalioin oi tuo fcloiiiHih, anil the
demand for nn artificial supply is n
natural ono: but vinegar is not tho best
substitute. Lnctio ncid is one of tlio
chief ngents that give acidity to the gas
trio juice of tho stomach, in hoalth.
This is tho acid of sour milk, nnd there
fore ono of tho tost summer diet drinl a
thnt wo enn uso is buttermilk. It sat
isfies the craving for ncids by giving to
tho stomach n natural supply, and nt
tho samo timo furnishing in its choosy
matter a good supply of wholesomo nu
trition. A man will enduro fatiguo in
hot weathor better on buttermilk than
on nny other diet drink ho can uso.
Popular Scienco Monthly.
Tlio Kendall combination, ono of tho
best that ever visited this town, will
again opon a short cngngcinont to-night,
with a larger, stronger nnd better com
pany nnd bnud nnd orchestra than be
fore. Go nnd sco tho host cntortnlnmcnt
over witneyod at Heed's Opera House.
Th9 old established Banking House of
Ladd & Hush, Salem, mnkes loans as
usual ujKm wnrchouso grain rccoipts.
An attempt was made last week to kill
Sitting Bull in St. Paul, Ifo ia closely
quark-red now.
" '
NO. 31.
Sinco tho oditorial was written, that
will bo found in this issue, whore wo ro
viow tho avcrago prico of wheat in
England for n hundred years back, wo
hnvo read nn editorial from tho Chicago
Tribune, thnt considers tho future of
wheat as n great staple, nnd tho inten
tions of Great Britain with regard to its
production. Tho Tribuno coincides
with us, ns indeed wo both merely tnko
ground thnt is common to nil modern
workers nnd thinkers. Thnt journal
goes further into details concerning fu
turo production in middlo and Southern
Africa, tho regions diocovorcd and pros
pected by Livlngstono nnd fitnnloy.
English policy will mniingo to establish
protectorates over theso and then open
a commerco with thorn to cnlnrgo tho
areas nnd incroaso tho customers for the
trado of British cotton nnd woolen man
ufacturers and iron nnd steel workers.
This woll established British polioy sus
tains manufacturers to crcnlo n sulllcicnt
homo demand for her agricultural pro
ducts. England has been for centuries
paramount on land and sea becauso of
hor success in maintaining this pro
tective policy. She throws open nil
hor ports to tho world's products and
advocates freo trade for all nntiotiB bo
cnuso hor statesmen know that her fac
tories need no protection. Her opera
tions nro ground to earth with toil, but
her manufneturors nro virtually pro
tected by this original polioy that has
placed her looms, spindles, lathes nnd
forgos at tho front of nil modern
"With English stntcsmen tho policy is
to carry her commorco to every ocoan
and unfurl hor Hag in every commercial
port, Sho is ready to buy bread nnd
ment of whoever will purohnso her fab
rics and hor wares. Tho fannor on
English soil is less important to com
merco than tho American or Asiatic
grower who freights hor sl.'pa with his
productii and so swells her commercial
greatness. Whon tho British fannor
ennnot grow brand ho grows ment nnd
vegetables nnd investigates nil the wants
of humnnity to find some othor crop to
plant upon his aoros. This jiolicy sus
tains British commerco nnd maintains
tho grontness of tho United Kingdom.
Where tho British Isles loso prostlgo tho
Indian provinces gain it. Now tributa
ries liko tho now contemplatod develop
ment of African wilds, nnd tlio rodoiiij)
tion of many millions of acres of Indian
desert, nil theso spring up in rosponso.to
t'lis old timo British polioy nnd main
tain tho beautiful simile used by Daniel
Webster, that "her morning drum-bent
rolls round tho world."
Tho British wheat-grower becomos
gradually an advocnto of mixed farming.
Ho turns to many branches of hus
bandry. Tho present prico of broad
will not onaliln him to live. It eimnnt
b) said hat ho has found sticcoss at
"mixed husbandry." Land is at less
vduo than over was known, llcnts nro
lower than landlords can endure and
mortgages, that had boon oasy burdens,
Wave recently onion up estates. Lund-,
lord nnd tenant both figure in tho in
solvent court, which is not suggostivo of
agricultural prosperity. Tho long and
tho short of it is that farming has to bo
closely followed ; the world's needs must
be carefully studied and thriftily sup
plied.. To do this requires something
more than buncombe nowspapor writ
ing. Common sono must enter into
tho methods of tho farmer, and farming
must include careful study ns well ns
unremitting toil.
Tito farmers of Gooso Lako valley
hnvo written to Agent Nickereon nt tho
Klamath agoncy, requesting him to grant
passes to a number of Indians to como
over and through harvest, m.d should
their request bo denied thoy consider thoir
enson bad ono, and ns there is not suffi
cient force in tho vnlioy to tnko enro of tho
crops before tho rainy season sets in.
Kendall at tho Opera House tc-n'ght.