$ranQe (oInmt. GRANGE DIRECTORY. The Oregon state Grange. OFFICERS. MaBtcr-Judge R. P. Boise, Salem, Marlon Co., Ogn. Overeer-D. S. K. Buhk, Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co., 0?n. ecturer-U. K. Hayes, Stafford, Clackamas Co., OgD. Steward W. B. Thomas, Walla Walla. Wash. Ty. Asst. Steward W. M. Hillcary, Turner, Marion Co,, Ocn, haplain W. If. Oray, Ohiey, Clatsop Co., Ogn. Treasurer B. F. Buroh, Indepouilence, Polk Co., Ogn. Secretary Mis. M, J. Train, Harrisnuie. Linn Co , Ojp. Gate Keeper Dion. Smith, Auburn, Biker Co.. Ogn. eres Mr. K. B. Heath, Portland, Multno mah Co., On. Pomona Miss M. J. ILarrN, Corvalli, Ben ton Co., On. Flora Mrs. IUrritt Cooper, Wilbur, Douglas Co., Ogn. Lady Asst. Steuiini Mrs. I. L. Hilleary, Tarnor, Marion Co., On. Subordinate Oranges ot Oregon-Name and Address of Secrotary Time of Mcoilijr. Oak Plain, No. 6 H. B. Sprengcr, Shedd, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets 21 Saturday. Tangent, No. 7 J. H. Seott. Tangent, Linn Co., Oregon, orteers 4th Siturday. ftrand Prairie, No. 10 Thos. Frotnan, Al bany, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets on 4th Saturday until after October, after that on Sd Saturday. Harrisburg, No 11 S. S. Train, Harrisburg, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets 4th Saturday. Soap Creek, No. 14 W. L. Cauthorn, Wells, Bentnu Co., Oregon. Meets 2d Sat. harity, No. 15 C. P. Cliughan, Grangenlle, Idaho Territory. Salem, No. 17 Adam Stephens, Salem, Marion Co., Oregon. 1st and 3d Sat. Turner, No. 18 Win. M. Hilleary, Turner, aianon Uo., Uregon. Meets 4th Sat. Bebanon, No. 21 J. M. Settle, Lebanon, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets 3d Sat. Knox Bntte, No. 22 P. B. Marshal, Albany, Linn Co , Oregon. Meets 4th Sit. Harmony, No. 23 Marion Arrant, Albany, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets 3d bat. Mono, No. 25 B. F. Smith, Lewisvillo, Polk Co., Oregon. Meets Ut SUurduy: rand Prairie, No. 20 J, C. Jennings, Junc tion, Lano Co., Oregon. Meets 3d Sat. Ivening Star, No. 27 Kuda Kelly, East Port land, Multnomah Co,, Oregon. 1st Sat. Wmpqua, No. 28 W. F. Owens, Rosebuig, ' Douglas County, Or. Meet 1st Sat. McMinnville, No. 31 W. S. Friak, Mo Mir nville, Oregon. Meet 1st anil 3d Sat. Scio, No. 30 H. S. Williams, Scio, Linn Co., Oregon. Santiam, No. 37 Oscar Pomeroy, Scio, Linn Co., Oregon. Meet 2d and 4th Sat. Molalla, No. 40 N. H. Darnel, Molalla, Clackamas Co., Oregon. Mret 2d Sat. Jordan Valley. No. 42, J. B. Trask, Jordan Vnlley, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets Satur day before 1st and 3d Sunday. Willamette, No. 52 Stokley Moore, Corval- hr, Benton Co., Oregon. 1st Thursdry. Siuslow, No, 54 Isaac Simpson, Siuslaw, Lano Co., Oregon. Meet 2d Siturday. Stnd Ridge, No. 57 James M. bwank, Al bany Linn Co., Oregon. Meet 2d Sat. West Union, No. 72 J. A. Imbric, West Union, Oregon. Meet 2d Saturday. Woodburn Grango No. 7!. W. F. Riy, Woodburu, Marion county, Or. Howell Prairie, No. SO Meets 4th Saturday. J. W. Howell, &a!cm, Or. Butte Creek, No. 82-J. R. White, Butte Creek, Clackamas Co. Meet 2d Saturday. Powell's Valley, No. 84 Dick Williams, Powell's Valloy, Multnomah Co., Oregon. Meet 2d Saturday, fikishen, No. 101 meets on the 1st Saturday. W. R. Dillard, Goshen, Line Co. 2dSat. harity, No. 103 Miss Agnes Waggoner, Hilsay, Linn Co., Oregon. Meet 3d Sat. Sound Prairie, No. 100 W. M. Collard, Brooks, Marion Co., Oregon. 2d Sat. Farmington, No. 110 Calvin Jack, Reedville, Washington Co.. Oregon. Meet 4th Sat. Tualatin, No. Ill F. M. Krnse, Wilsonville, Clackamas Co., Oregon. Last Sat. Bntte, No. 14S Thos. Paulsen, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon. 3d Wed. Wingville, No. 150 Bononia Hturgil, Baker City, Baker Co., Oregon, 1st and 3d Sit. Baker City, No, 1 52 Thomas Smith, Auburn, Baker Co. , Oregon. Meet 2d and 4th Sat. a'nyon City, No. 1G1 E. S. Penfield, Can yon City, Grant Co., Oregon. Daniel Clark, No. 162 Hemy Hall, Prairio City, Grant Co., Oregon. Young's River, No. 172 C. Peterson, Olney, Clatsop Co., Or. Meet 1st Saturday. Oswego. No. 175 G. W. Stephens, Oswego, Clackamas Co., Oregon. Meet 2d Sat. Josephine, No. 179-J. S. Chatham, Wilder- ville, Josephiue Co., Oregon. Washington, No. 181 LuluL. Day, Murphy, Josephino Co., Oregon. Meet 3d Sat, Rogue River, No. 190 M.B.Gibson, Elkns- linm Pnrrv fV. Oretron. Washoucal. No. 10: .l ...'. l w 1 oif 1.1. Moore. Washouzal. Clark Uo., w. i. Umnnua Dist. Pomona Orange Meets 1st V.tnr.l.vit'! P.M.. Geo W, Jones, Sec ina Horn Grange, No. 103. F, Candiann, Cape Horn, V. T. BEN. EUTLEU AI.D THE GRANGE Tho di-patoLcs informed us thnt fiei). Butler latily nttondcil find addressed an immense concourses of farmers in Penn sylvania where ho was formally received and welcomed by the Muter of tho Stato , I roiii demagogue but who has always stood by and with the laboring clare against rich men and corporations. Ho is run ning as tho Greenback, Labor and Work ingmen's :andidato for President and will poll a largo vote in many of the Eastern States. It is the most formid able effort jet made to creato a now po litical party, and if such a thing is possi ble Ben Butler is tho man to give it lire and success. The Anti-ilonopolista aho nominate Butler and be stands equally .... , v Vnrli- Sun. which with tnem. iiie"" . has the largct circulation in America J CJrango and thousamls 01 ratrou, 7 "'.S'.S'i.-aijiit.i-a addressed themn the subject of ARtMShuoa culture and its oppios.on, Ier u SfettK; ii i i.iuitj iiitiit "" ----,- ,-f. a Mieuiuzwi tu' WILLAMETTE FARMER: SALEM, OREGON. of all newspapers, supports Butler, and u vigorous campaign is being made. The old man is a Hon yet and though his bald head has coon many frosty sea sons he seems to combinn the vigor of prime manhood with thr- experience of mree score years and ten. Character is usually made up of small matters. It is true, thero may bo domi nant traits that lepress by their force all else, but evon then if caroful analysis could be made other traits would appear, and they will have their influonco not withstanding repression that is never wholly complete. Sinco it is true that small mitters enter into character to mould it into rccognizablo shapo, it is a matter of gro it moment that those small traits, impuko', aspirations and motives bo carofully guarded with tlu purpose of eliminating all that is b id, and so mak ing chaiactcr woithy. There are men who make promises freely, their impul ses at tho timo being good, but evil traits subsequently ovorrido what is good, and such men become objects of suspi cion, men-vhoso word is not a eafo de pendence. There are a thousand ways in which all that is good in human char acter may bo repressed or utterly crushed out, when effort to nourish and support every good intention would make life wholly different. One of the best elements of character is truth, clean and unmixed, for it h is no nflinity for what is evil. Ilenco the requirement that promises be held -as sacred obliga tions. Of course, this remark cannot apply to evil deigns, becauso they are in themselves untrue, and a promiso to do wrong is always a lie against tho right. Moreover it is pernicious in its influence upon the mind, for it blunts the moral sene and so degrades charac ter. Above all things, mind and heart should be kept froo from evil impulses, even from thought, for theso aro the lit tle things that insensibly lower concep tion of the right and ultimately obscure all that is good. When the good Patron disponses chai- ity ho is admonished to do it with be coming modesty. It is of such acts that Patrons should preserve discreet silence, remembering tho injunction, "Let not thy loft hand know what thy right doeth." But thero is something left for tho wise persons to understand without speech. Tho Patron should so comport himself as to leave thepiobable infcienco that ho has pleasure in performing- char itablo deeds. How many may bo found of whom such an inference would do iolonco to imagination, whose woi- bliip has solf for its object, and feelings of kindness havo no place in their he.ut, if indeed they havo hcait. It is a pity that poor human naluio chould ever become so cold and unrcpoiifcho that appeals for cliaiity." It may not be in gifts easily measured, for theie may be acts a thousand times more cheering to' persons bonelitcd by them. Kind words sometimes hae the sweetest flavor of genuine charity whon they come from good hearts. As a man thinketh so is ho, therofore when he thinketh evil constantly ho is e il, and charity hath no abiding place with him. WeakNeivousMen Whom debility exhnnated puwrn, pruiu&Uiro decuy and failure to perform life's duties proper! are caused 17 excoKbea. crrorf of youth, etc , will find a perfect and l&iling restoration to robuat health and vlirornua man hood in THtMAKblUN UUfUUO. Kmther tomnch ametuna nor instrument. This treatment of Nervntia Debility and PhTBlciilDecaviiuoiforralr cnccesBfal beeanse itasca on pen re aiafniosis. ... .,,! tiiPit methods and absolute lhor outhnr. Full information aod Trcatiae free. Address ConsultiOK I'fayeician of MABSTONREMEPYC0..4BW.14thSt.r.'mYofc ,-. -- - -- t n tt r (.Ttrn'a a-TMSXJSCaaBDTtw-wv-? " .""7 . fS Snr-iHil li-lhii ' ' up. H ESSaraPJ . sr .?a turiD- tist.etc. r5i !-l I CK Tnoroushl Lrl Cfcti. way LU. -3i5. jsa I)K. SPINNEY, Who my be lulltrunr from ths flecU of yiuth'nl M llor lndlicreilon will do well to .nil ilenMliejet m. ,h.Vtt lon evrUUttli.lertcf.iiffrif bumnity Er. Srln7 IU tu.r.ntc. to lortelt J I I tf BVBTV 1 iinnot ireount Ut. On exunlnirf u.e unutj ST ?w "" ul o;un U '.H""4' "" fZ' Wma tmitl pirticln t albumen l'l rP"r. '" J?thiiSlfflculiy.Unornt o( th eaui, blth U tb e' ""! ..Tl V11 .knMi Cr..1H im'nW 'j ' -: .,--.:, j. f,p . thTn to urlDir- oriirt. OfflM hour 10 to iinnliM Thorough Mirolnitlon Mid idriceJJ CU TJl -: w. pwr co, '"' DENTISTRY. DR. E. HOWELL, -- rwklTtCkl ETIT. Ofllt t imI fc?j.,u-. U Wt.Ur HoweU. Ilow.ll Prlrl. HI wrk .... '' 'm1,,,Jt- u,m .-. . jzm .. TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. , From tbese sources artso tbree fourths of the diseases of tho human race. Tboso symptoms Indicate their cxlatenco :! of App.tlU, Dowels costive, Sick IIed Bclie, fulineis utter eating, irrerslon to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irritability of ttmptr, low spirits, A reeling of bn-rlns; neglected some dnty, DlzzluesslFlutterlna at tho Heart, Dots beforo the eyes, highly col ored Orlne, CONRTIPATIONV and do mand tho use of a remedy that acts directly' onthoMvcr. AsaLlvermedlolnoTUTT'a MLXS have no equal. Their notion on tho Kidneys and Skin Is also prompt ; removing all Impurities through theso threo " scaT tngtra of the ystem,' prodnelnff nnpo tlto, sound digestion, regular stools.n olefir sklnondavlgorousbodv. TOTT'S Pitts cause no nausea or griplns nor lntcrtero with daily vjork and aro aperfeot ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. boldemrvrhere.aac. Ottjpe.4IMiirroySt.,N.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Grat ILun on WniSEuns elmnged In stantly to n Glosst Black by a slnglo ap plication of this DTE. Sold by Druggists, or sent by cxpross on rccolptof 81. Office, 44 Jlurrny Street, New York. TUTTS MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. Fast Potato Off sing TEE MKMH FUliTO DiG&EB Saves its cost 5 early, rivs time aatocdloBlcHx HumlTil iiusiwuauayi rWrlto postal card for FREE leu-nntly Illustrated Cntaloguo, In Six Urllllai t Colors, that cost us $3000 to publish. Monarch Manufacturing Co., cmi IhZ DE. J.A.TTNW8 AGUE MIXTURE. A CERTAni AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY ron Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, iSc. This clos of (licenses so common in all parts of tho World, and especially pro altnt in ma larious districts and vicinage of wnter-oourscs, aro almost imariably accompanied by more or less deiangcmcnt of tho lhcr, an4 frequently by n deftctiv o action of tho iligcstite orgnss. Tho mero breaking of tho Chill is but a ttep towards completing a radical cure; tho Minims or;;nns of the body, especially tho ctonmib nud hcr, must bo brought to a healthy and vigor ous condition boforo a permanent care can bo Ohtiblisbcd, and this fnct lias beca tpocially 1-cpt in iow by Dr. Jayne in his trcatmint of theso complaints. Tho uo of Jayne's Ague .hturo, in conitinction with Jayne's binitho Tills, as prescribed in tho Dirtctions wukh acociapiny ea.U Lottie, Vdll not only BREAK UP THE CHILLS, but rctoro the (jt'"fn, inoro j- ! trly tho Jivcr nu'l ttoirncu, to .t soun I coutl ' nf untl o juc)!it r. reluji . uf 1V ci uml Aguo by thor- ERADICATE THE DISEASE, and tho bct cyidence of thii is the iruarUble s.iceeta which lias always followed the nluuii. Iftr.-ilion nf theo ruuclTes, us itlepte 1 by tho certificates published annu.iily in llr. Ja lie's Aim in if, and theniU-sjucad popularity ot the A'uc ."Ilxlurc in Hiom; di-tiicts of tho I nittd St.ites, tbfte the iIImji'6, for -vhii-h it it w ij ted, irott prLVOil. For sale by Holfle, Dvis k Co., AgenU MAPS ! MAPS ! ! MAPS OE OKEGON & MM.SU IXGTOS TEIUCITOKY. HEnEAlTEH WE WILL BE AI1LE TO fcUPI'LV copies ot mps o( Oregon and Washington i follow Injr rates Tliese maps sre put np in (onenlent ltrm to cary In the pocket. Enclosed la a stilt Irrd cover. They can be obtained at the follow ins; prices: Hap of Oregon t lljpor Washington, Orrgon and Wasblneton Combined, l.fo fjrltcmlt by postal Order or Keg-litcred I-etler Postaifo l tamps ulll not be taken. Audrctu : HILLAMKTTKrAItJll-n I'l'll. )., Drserl3. I'urllan.J Orvfi ISSJ. 31 leariPracllral Cxpi't'leiirr. lfS5, John A. Child & Co., DRUGGISTS fiptxil ttteritloi ivtio ioru t uy iui ,liti cotuti ltd ca'i .lUiy RUPTURE Mouij eurt to 30 tt !A day, Ut W' Pirrra I'ux4 in tha world. Listinlr diffrtnlfrois KrrauUdtLttfjr.lr Llr atrLoT mill tllotitt-ri. Ptrfct XUtlnr. l ! wurt ttA tlM tuxi euaiKsn r tm ku ntj, jtw mm ftKifli 1V. eruli4u full iimiiui StVl ssttlianaU Ot UtTTB fllf liliwritoiljsjitis ,tlim rrVMsOurtMIIMUK lun iwsriiiwwm,, 'raaelMO, Oal. fsjI'iraciMs U-lfc rf l"u Mat raw. f CCUT flM fc M -s-f-'rjMilsSSSSl i-ASe rtT-'"iSSBSSSSBalllSteD!'' vjSL hkk " Jo fyui$i' -Kit abpuii Vl?S'3v JiS'l Iru.r, One missis I'm iSWSS.Vi'SV tomery.TUlet Arll las ?ttfi:'''-t''r trnrr UnrrUnn .t K-wgLy im.. VtJtS-e " rOI'TLAM, OKI- jyhagsriAjim I M SEPTEMBER 3 1884. John W. Gilbert, FINE SHOES! GEO. A. MOOltE.rrcsldent. OF CALIFORNIA. A MINNIE Manager for Northwest Department. OFFICE WITH PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. IiicoriHirutctl Under Hie Laws ol" California, and is(o-I)ay the Strongest Liie Insurance Co. in Amer va. tkkpeiii:n-cei T() MEN I.V POHTLANI) JBUy Con Conipativ 1 J. A. STUOlVfltirbOF, L. O. IIKMllrllSI.N, J,IMES bTKKU C. A. UUI.l'H, J. K. (III.L, V 7.AKOVICH 3 E. A. E. A. Cot. J. W !G OUT A LAltflE STOCK OF AimsK.EH. t.n;ai;s, okec.on hacks, express WAGOXS, PUTNA3I CARTS, TRUCKS AND DRAYS, milE LAItGEST AMI HEST STOCK EVI K Ol'H.llEI) IN P0UTLAND -THE BEST WOIIK FOR THE X lesiiinni. Il'.llll. t uli or Ajiproxil olc. II jou uautanllilnir In this lino on can kUii biralu by calllinr, or sendlnR for prlco catalogao to aprl f OiBcc: Corner of Ma.llunn nnd front Mre rortlanil, Orosn, Lock P. O. box J38. Established in 1857. Win eiSTORE & 1C0 AND 103 F1HST ANU lt7 AND 189FIIONT fiTIIELTb. : I'OllTLAND, OltEGON. ft i : 'rl'lr PH F"klMHI I in snii iJi mm MKmmiiihV"' W F M-MTfstlS.-?? mYX lXr swings m?t !f or vfC?lw arfKK cjaMfj r? r z5ij5?32rf ifCs ' I? ?t MMMHMPi??6J5cl25M5M ia xEISmMmmI 'V',:Sf - Sm mE9i'f'" mmriM.'Kr7 jTHWiPji'r2J- j ' ? VWy)LS?W -3t-mmmV mV F Mm "AUiiirr 2?.?m5 taK-gT-rTm.J-JgT " - mbmstI II fMMMM f Tsli f M Ir-!! f . "V..-!1 JS- - "lf il, m V !!B"V.MNMV1MMsil I tl f 'm W tvTirt'K w-s5r i-.. ;;,-J-JJC . 4 Ti Ih nnli Mtrsl BnrtwM Wlr Panr In ui. balncr lKij filji, iheevand poultry, m w1I wlha rnont vlcloui ntock, witliout Injury to elttit-r ffciite or mock. Hit jutl lb ftoov for fftrrni, gantonii Block rugti u4 riIrovJ( and very nt for Uwna, rk, tliool Jot nnd cin trrii. Covtrad with ruwproof ralul (or calranlzt-d) It will lut llftiins. It ! Huperlorto Boarda or Bartoed Wlr lnTryrcijct. watilt for It a fair trial, knowing it will war itaelflnto ravor. TheMrdirwIrk fJatw mada of wrought Iron pip and atcel wire, defy all competition In naatnew, trenxth and durablliiyt Wm alio make tba bai and cb?apeat All Iron Automatic or 8lfOpeninr at, alio Cheapest and Kent eat all Iron Pence. Ht Wirt Ktretrfit r wild lvt Auirvr AlM9lnnurnrlur HumMII ftsrcllrut Ulna Knffliira(bruiuplnvrnlr or cear5(J enKlriPS for ffrliidln and otbur light WorJC. I'orprlronaiiilnHrtlf ularwmk liardwnrotJCHtnrii, nraddrcati.niniitloiiliijx payor. SEDGWICK BROS. Mfn.. Ricbmond. Indiana. Vt o inol a t rota !,q Iof IJilrr Hadt Uut6niniHf MnnLittnaU fitnijllcl. ty. Vitriwfti nuxl proof srivrn vt thdr dumbHty, fcci iiia.i' I f.ir-fT.riPB iif I ilrtin1 J --" '- "' I 'owrr isullrr Uorlu Jioxi liurn, ictTlnriMuitiri Iiurn. I'reitm Vniajluu ruHr,rtc. -ifjiu iiniiiv ' A"" 7 !.Ly&s $ J " r ,T--VV U r Kf VKfi .,-.. .-ll 7S54.-mtyM&?$$ v xAdAnd Tinners' Stock OMBOF ALL KINDS yytm llr N sr J. N. PATTON, Secretary. utual Life Ins. Co' y AVIIO HAVE 810,000 1LN3URANCE EACH IS Til IS KLOSTEIItlAN M, KLOSTEIItlAN JIcCRAKKN, W. bl'AULUINU P. L WILLIS, J. D. MnKINSON, S. DUP.UELL, C. M. WlUKltO, DB.G10. E. KOTTAaH, AN11KEW U0BEHT8 JOS. BU11K1IARDT, M. ZANOVIOlf auiOniS FOR BARGAINS ! hindler & Co. CARPET DEALERS. Are thorouKhly prcpnred to furnish throughout a Khort notice. Hotels, Hording Houses, Private Residences & Steamboats. ....AT SUCH.... LOW PRICES Asutrunctcr btforo olTLrtd, Wlnllia Itoom llllilii. frnlii l I imiinl. l.!ll'.!l!!l-fLy11'' frnm (r.'l liiiuil'il. I'niliir frln. In in f.,ii ii, nnl THE Il6lr.IIOI.D Tni'ASl'I'E. 1 milts n.Ukt lie It to bo amirf Intcd. Coll for It felOtt SEDGWICK STEEL WIRE FENCE. S&ittrftzrtfS&szzevPtes a srz m Rirctna Nat Work without nrb". Tt will ttira lt.t matirlal Rnncriiir Avtlt !wl linnrrii it, I I ,,, im-v t !.... tl .. ! HJ SI( (. illllMllll M MMSl - r, lcvr Worker. CuriU Sfiunrn nfi)l." All uU uorrnrifrtl ctliHIv im rdHTN-ntiil. Til l tflftlll nurn ur noimniu iirrit wo iinve mi ASI WIUKTKEXHH KU MRU l i riMardi-l for uMTfonfj. M CORHISH, CUETIS & GREE17E, Port iltlriSon. WwH lnu thw ruuHt.rifilny ?Jtr'iwiutMa hffrtl ItttlWLf. Will b4UHL irlM tu ult Ml... iihi.lr Allmjnvid lawnriMiMfd to bu lr"lt 'jtd truo u naniiultir(liul UiwuMll iruvuthvrwictl octkh In rtbll order Qtnilr Alj toJlti llui uf vi-irrtiiblv fttd, 'HlOaf lilWltt UTlltt( tH'(UUT 111 Hfiy tiit,r(uii ithiioi.-jf 1 it lurire imrtof Haftuv 'h uruwli'b A iUt uttt-titu.1 littrtriluff r nf l4lliM Jti4U lttirmnk 1'uiitt-. .lliirMrbrod 1 iti-Ii' ('urn. I In Sluliburd Htiuiiali. mid wuni ,t TPM irl"bltf 1 luilftt ! fiat runner of the pub. u lue LurmtiM mill on inr tunnmur ihu.u wuojrmiii eu will b fuufid niy but ud vcrtlMincnt i II. wanOIW, Bred Orover, MaiLltiicad, Mast. LOUIS.MO