Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 05, 1884, Image 1

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A Trip to Mount Jefferson.
"WiiiTn.YKnn, Or., Aug. 29, 18S4.
KJitor Willamette Farmer:
I have just got home from Mount Jef
ferson ; wo liad a jolly time; wo found
traces of tlio Tullbright party some
twenty odd yoars ago and got lost and
rambled about for near two months.
There arc plenty of maitins and grizzly
bear in Jefferson valley. We left the
trail and wandered about Jefi'erson for
Bomo eight or nno days feasting on fish
and vonison. Smith's lake is the best
fishing place I over saw, for ono man
can catch faster than anothejr can take
them oil the hook. Jofleroon valley con
tains somo ten fine lakes. Wo found
ono lako with perpendicular walls, in
side and out a great natural crtriosily.
(J. W. IIl'XT.
Weather Report for August, 1331.
Eola, Soptember 1, 18S4.
Editor Willamette Farmer:
During Aug., 1SS4, there woro 1 days
during which rain fell, and anaggie
gate of 0.17 inches of water, 20 clear, 5
fair and 5 cloudy days other than those
on which rain fell.
The mean temperature for the month
was 07.19 deg.
Highest daily mean temperature foi
the month, 80 deg. on the 2d.
Lowest daily mean temperature for the
month, 59 deg. on tho 21th.
Mean temperature for tho month at
2 o'clock i m., 7G.S1 deg.
Highest temperature for the month, 92
deg. at 2 r. m. on the 2d.
Lowest tempcraturo for tho month, 5G
deg. at 7 a. si. on tho 23d.
Tho prevailing winds for tho month
were from tho north during 27 days,
south 5 days.
During Aug., 1883, there was no rain,
0 clear, 2 cloudy and 29 smoky days.
Mean tempcraturo for the month,
03.85 deg.
Highest daily mean temperature for
tho month, 09 deg., on the 20th.
Lowest daily mean temperature fo'
the month, 01 deg. on tho 17th.
T. Peabcv,
Inforniatloa .Wanted.
Giiaxt's Pass, Or., Aug. 27, 1SS1.
Btlitor Willamette Farmer :
Have you or can you refer me to any
thing concerning fruit canning. I would
like a book or journal treating of the
process of canning if possible to get it.
An early answer will obligo
REri.w All wo can say in this mat
ter is that wo have communicated with
Dr. A. (' Kinnoy, of Astoria, who is an
able writer, and who has much experi
ence in canning on tho Columbia river.
AVc will probably have an article from
the Doctor soon. Editot:.
Overland to San Francisco In E9 Hours.
On Monday, September 1, tho O. it C.
btage line, and Central Pacific, re
duce tho time between Poitland and San
Francisco to 59 hours. In other words,
passengers leaving Portland at 7 :30 A.
M. reach San Francisco at 0 :40-P. M. on
the third clay. This reduction in time is
mado possible by tho California road
opening its extension to Delta on the
date mentioned. The stago ride is just
twentv-four honrs. There will bo ro
cliango in thoO. &.C. time card between
Portland and Rosebunr, bat tlioturougii
train will reach Ashland at 4 :35 A. M.,
an hour earlier than now. An hour will
bo civun for breakfast, the stajre starting
at 0 o'clock and reaching Delta at 0 tho
next morning. The train Irom san
Francisco will reach Delta at 8 :15 P. M.
add the connecting stage will reach Ash
land at S the next evening, making close
connection with the Portland train which
will leave at 8 :45 P. M. instead of at 0:20,
as now. The fare between San Francisco
and Portland $32; to Sacramento if 30.
Throe young men from Snohomish re
cently mado the ascent of Rainier and
found much hardship and a lead plate
with tho names of parties who had pre
viously accomplished the ascent.
One groat advantage the Acrno drier
has, we believe, over all others is, that the
fruit is actually evaporated instead of
boing merely driod. We first had the
Plummor, which made good fruit with
painstaking, but all driers we have used
up to this time have been liable to burn
tho fruit. There is no drier but will do
this without careful watching to guard
against too gieat heat, but the Acme
we find easier controlled in that respect,
as wo will show.
Submit nir to contact with a red hot
iron surface, or super heat it by direct
contact with an iion furnace and it be
comes in a manner dead and lifolcss. In
tho Acmo this is obviated by bringing
tho air into tho hollow wall that sur
rounds tho furnace. It is there heated
somewhat and when introduced to the
lower part of the drier comes i-i contact
with tho letter portion of air t.iat comes
up through tho inmaco chamber.
Threo-fourths of the air conies tin ough
the hollow wall. This air mingles with
the hot air from tho furnace and all
becomes equalized. It is fiesher and
more lively than air from a dead beat
and we bclievo makes a bettor arti le of
dried fruit with less liability to burn.
Last year wo had difficulty in drying
largo iruit wnoic out tnis year we suc
ceed in making the largest siml plums
and prunes into dried wholes that look
like confectionery. The present drier
accomplishes in eighteen hours what
was done with difficulty in the Plummer
drier in sixty hours.
It is more difficult to manufacture
plums and prunes than apples, becauso
the applo is sliced thin and quickly
evaporates, while tho prune is heavy
moated, with a thick skin and diies
slowly, though dipping in lye water
crackles the skin and makes evaporation
easior. We take pains to give all the in
formation possible concerning fruit dry
ing to assist those who aro in tho busi
ness. All driers are alike to us save as
they do good work ard aro valuable to
tho public. We lind the Acmo pos
sesses good qualities and state tho facts.
Washington-, Aug. 27. G. W. Talbot
and J. F. Breeding, two stock raisers of
Oregon, had seventy-flvo lino Oregon
marcs on sale at Redoscckor's drove
yard at Baltimore yesterday. Of the
seventy-five forty-four weio sold, the
prices ranging from If35 to 4S2.50. Tho
mares were all young and in excellent
condition, unbroken and fiery. There
were buyers present from all parts of
Maryland. Most of the animals were
bought by private parties, the dealers
getting but few. The remainder of the
seventy-five wore taken to Philadelphia
last nieht, where they were sold to-day,
bringing about the same prices, though
'in a few cases somewhat more. Abont
fifty Texas ponies were sold hero last
week at about 31 each on an average.
The foregoing came over tho wires last
week but we must confess to not finding
much to congratulate Oregon horso
breeders on if they went all tho way to
Baltimoro with 'seventy-five fine Oregon
mares" and could only Efll forty-four of
them for tko prices named. It would
seem as the price received could not
more than have paid tho passage of the
animals from hero to Baltimore, if that
much. Good Oregon mares are worth
more than thoso brought on tho ranges
of Eastern Oregon, if worth koeping for
breeding uses. We should like to know
tho facts concerning this speculation in
' lino Oregon marcs" for it is not ea-y to
believe that really good stock was taken
to Baltimoro to bo gien away. It may
bo possible that the animals in question
wee Indian ponies and not genuine,
full-blood, American stock.
Ee'ief for the Starving Pietans.
Tho following is from the Dally Ore
gonian of September 2, and is dated from
Washington: Indian Commissioner Price
baa taken measurers for the immediato
relief of the starving Piegan Indians at
Blackfoot agency, in Montana. 'IV
following telegram was sent to Governor
Crosby of Montana, to-day :
In answer to your telcgnrm to tho
secretary I havo to inform you that I
have ordered additional supplies to
Blackfoot agency, and ordered tho agent
to make them last until March 31st next,
by which time I hope congress will have
mado previsions for additional supplies.
H. II. Pmci:.
To focuro money necessary for the
purchase of those supplies the com
missioner has been foicod to have re
course to tho provision of tho law allow
ing him to apply to tho relief of distress
ed Indians of ono tribe any money that
may lemain unexpended of ono sum ap
propriated for tho maintenance of an
other tribe. Under this law, however, it
was necessary to secure tho approval of
tho president before tho money could bo
so applied, and a letter upon thd subject
was addressed to Paesident Arthur last
week, before tho receipt of Governor
Crosby's tolcgram.
Tho completion of tho Baker City
branch of the O. R. & N. Co.'a railroad
to meet tho Oregon Short Lino has
thrown out of employment thousands
of Chinese woikers and a regiment of
white workmen, who, tho Oregonian
thinks, will swell the army of idlers who
aro infosting Portland in nrd-stimmer,
when harvost work is abundant and all
ablo-bodicd men should bo at woik. It
is a singular stato of things when a
thriving city liko Portland, instinct with
labor, and with improvements and build
ing going on in all directions, should bo
overrun with idltrs and tramps who beg
their meals. If this occurs in summer
harvest what may we expect in winter?
With discontinuance of railroad work we
shall havo Chine&o labor vciy abundant
at very low prices and white men, in tho
shape of vagabonds and tramps, will in
fest tho highways and by-ways of both
town and country. The next Legislature
will have to pass a vagrant act that can
be enforced.
Stato Fair KestJ.urant.
We aro promised a restaurant at tho
St.ito Fair grounds this year that will
be a credit to tho association and jut t
the place for visitors to get a tip-top
meal. Mr. Bob Thompson of the
Thompson House of this city has lented
tho largo theatro building oat of the
Pavilion and will fit it tip in n etvle of
"oriental imigniiiccnety so to speak, for
his patron. One thing dead sure Mr.
Thompson will give those who patron
izo him plonty to eat and cooked in
good homo stylo. Mr. Thompson is
making preparations for feeding n mul
titude and if tho weather is good tho
"multitude" will bo on hand.
An Oregon County Treasurer Absconds
W. I). Pittinger, well and f.ivoiably
known in Washington county has de
faulted in tho sum of $50,000. An ex
change says that ho has turned over hi
store and all his proporty probably to so
ciiro bondsmen. Tho deficit in tho county
treasurer's ollico will amount to 414,000
duo tho State on taxes for 1883, and
some county fund3 amounting to some
4 -5000. A new treasurer was elected this
year. Pittengcr wa3 regarded as a bank
rupt last fall by business men here, but
nothing wa dreamed of tho treasury
deficit. His liabilities aro estimated at
450,000 and bis aFcts uncneumlxircd at
435,000. All is confusion, A warrent
has been is-ued for Pittenger'si urieet,
but he is gone.
Ttorougkbred Sheep for Sale
Elsewhere will bo found the announce
ment of Messrs'. Wright it Crohs, offering
for sale fourteen head of thoroughbred
morino bheep. The breeding of these
phcop is unquestioned and tho reputa
tion of tho late Thomas Cross shemld be
sufficient guarantee of their excellence.
The sheet) will be on exhibition at tho
State Fair and will be offered for side
on the most favorable terms.
Some bix wreks ago, a bluo cloth jacket,
trimmed with black plu-h, eomewhe-re
between Jefferson and Salem. Anyone
finding or knowing of Mich an article
will bo suitably rewarded on informing
this office.
A Talk Ab3iit Flax.
Thcro is no country where Max can be
grown so cheaply us in tho Western
States. The Illinois Mute Board report
tho expense of growing tho crop as
varying from SO to $13 per acre. Thi
includes the use of the land, cost of
ploughing, hauowing, sowing, seeding,
cutting, stacking, threshing and market
ing. The variation in the estimate is duo
principally to n difference in the rental
of land and in tho prico of labor.
In 1SS1 tho Department of Agiiculturo
estimated tho acreage of flax in nine
Western States, beginning with Ohio, at
about 1,127,000 acres. Wc havo not at
hand tho estimated acreage of last year,
but presume theio is little or no ineieaso,
from tho fact that farmers in many
localities, especially where tho re
munerative dairy has been introduced,
havo abandoned the growing of n crop
that had conio to yield but a few bushels
of seed per acre, and whoso btraw had no
market value for fibro or fodder. The
causes ol non-proeluctieness aro not
hidden in the least. Tho seed had simply
"run out," and tho crop was not grown
in a propor rotation, to that ilax field
had been robbed of the food most needed
by tho plant.
But evon had the quantity ot seed
been doublo what it came to be in, say,
tho daily district tributary to Elgin
market, llax for tho seed alono could not
competo with tho dairy, and it would
hardly have dono so had there been
machinery for woiking up tho fibre in
every village Still, whero such special
ties as dairymen nio not introduced, and
where farmers can grow tlax for the seed
and mako a fair profit, this crop might
be made doubly wiluablo if tho fibro
could bo utilized This is tho great need
of the industry, mid tho wondor is that
capital does not seok this avenue of in
vestment. Tho demand for at tides mado
from llax fibre is always, large. In ad
dition to what we mako up into the
coarser materials, such as twine, thread,
bagging and tho like, this country im
ports linen goods from Europo to tho
amount of nearly $ 25,000,000 per annum.
Taking into account tho fact that wo
can giow as goou llax as any country
in the woild, and do it at half tho cot
that it takes to produco it in tho old
world, this stands out as ono of the most
icmnikauro. ensos ot liiilillurence to
monoy-makinir on tho part of American
capitalists of which we havo knowledge.
o do not bolievo that for a sonos of
years farmers can make great money by
growing llax for tho teed alono. We can
hardly bo expected to arguo that it pays
in tho long run to grow any crop that
exhausts land, and never loturns any
thing to make tho lo-s good. To bo
remunerative for u series of years the
cinp of seed should bring a prico that
will onablo tho grower to purchase) tho
manure which is needed to keep up tho
fertility. Judicious lotation would help
materially, of course, but the aveiagc
yield of llaxseed per aero of lato years
gives little promise of profit uiiloss
supplemented by a sale of tho fibre.
r lax is easily grown, lho main things
aro to ehooio giound as fieo as possible
from weeds, to prepare it thoroughly for
the boed-btd, and to procure clean, fresh,
plump seed. Tho land must bo well
drained, ami a sandy loam is proforable ;
a clay subsoil willanswer if theroidL'ood.
dry loam above. Clay soils aro too com
pact. Harrow and roll before sowing bo
ni to have a smooth surface. If for feed
nlon, thrco peeks of peed por acre is
ample; if for both feed and fibie, u
bushr-1 is nono too much. Tho seed
should Ix? covered with about nn inch of
dirt. Sow when tho foil is well warmed
up and in good condition for working.
Prairie Farmer.
The Crape cs a House Vino.
Matthew Crawfoid, an oxporienral
grapo grower of Cu.vahoga Falls, Ohio,
ehes the following as tho result of his
ripe experience. Now who will not havo
grape ?
"Tho grapo is. ono of the grandest
vines in the world, tho most important of
all email fruits. It reaches its greatest
perfection in that toil that is shallow,
rich, dry and hot. Its rooU flourish under
apavetl walk where all surface wate-r
runs oil' at once; under buildings whero
no rain falls ; or in crevices among rocks
whero scarcely any soil is found. It
may bo planted in town lots where thcro
is but little room. Its roots will run around
the foundation of building, under tho
NO. 30.
sielo walk anywhcro;and tho vines may
be trained to inn upon the house They
will help to keep it cool in summer and
the fruit will bo safe from fro-t and rot.
1 am awnu that this baldly agrees with
most that has been written on the subject,
but aver twenty-five year's experience
and observation havo convinced me of
its truth. Grapes have rotted badly on
tho trellis for somo year, but wo have
yot to Eto the fust mttcn berry on our
house, three bides of which aro covered
with vines whose roots aio under tho turf.
Grapes nearly always do well in a tree,
and really Feenis to mo as if tho tendril
must havo something to '-iko hold of. I
knew a vino that occupied several trees
in a front yard, and never any trimming
except what was given with u scythe
when it hung in the way. It ripened
over fortv bushels in ono season."
Honey and Dlse3tlon
"All foods," says an oxclmngo, "if not,
aheady solulo (meltable) in wator have
to be so alteied within us that they be
i'oino dissolved, and we call this solution,
digestion. Starch, for example, which
forms five-sixths of our daily bread, is
utterly ineffectual to uso while it re
mains as starch, becauso of its insolu
bility ; but in tho net of chowing, the
saliva which wo ndtl te our bread begins
to convcit tho starch into a sugar (very
much liko tho sugar of honey) and so
lenders it soluble jrr order that it may
in due courso be carried into our blood,
and theio do tho woik of giving us power
or heat. Cano sugar, in like manner,
although soluble, it-quires alteration,
is also brought about by contact with
tho saliva, and the result is a sugar, as in
a previous ease, noarly idoutical, with
tho sugar of honoy. Honey, onjt ho con
trary, or tho sugar that wo will find in
grapes, is already in tho condition for
absorption or assimilation, and it-ally no
kind of work has to bo pcrfoiiuod upon
it beforo it is actually rendering us servico
as a foiec or heat producer."
Honey is, therefore, given to mankind
in tho most agreoablo form, both for
food and medicine. It produces hoalthv
digestion, and holds defiantly that
monster of torture, indigestion, at bay.
Pure honey should bo used freely in
every family, Honoy eatou iixn wheat
bread is vory benofical to health.
Children would rathor eat broad and
honey than bread and butter; ono pound
ef honey will reach as far as two pounds
of butter, and has bosidos, the ndvautago
nun u is nir inoiu nciiiiny and pleasant
to the taste, and always remains good,
while butter soon hue-omen rancitl anel
often produces n cramp in the stomach,
eructations, sourness, vomiting and cli-arreu-a.
Digestion (all-potent in its effects on
tho mind as well as tho body) depends
largely on tho food. Poor feud received
into a poor btumae-li is Ihueausoof many
unhappy homes -whilo good, healthy
food, received into a healthy stomach,
becomes "an Angel of J'e.ico" to many a
household. -"Am. Uco Journal."
The question was asketl tm recently :
'What elei you charge for legal advor-
ti-emcnlH?" Finding our friend meant
btiHine-.H wo told him, and ho was quite)
surprised. Thero seoms lt bo a dispo
sition among people to think that they
must inseit it in certain papeirs. That
is wrong. Any paper of a general cir
culation is eligiblo to publish a legal
notice in just so it is printed in tho
prorer county. Again, wo find a dispei
Mtion on tho part of many papers to
ovtrchargo for advertisements of a h-gal
nature. To bo sure they must be treated
with moro euro than ordinary ad vci titl
ing matter. But anyway what is "worth
doing at all ic woith doing well."
Wo aro prepared to do all such worl;
and will do it at tho following nrices
which havo always been our rates:
Appointment of administrator, etc., . '1.50.
Xotiee of final settlement, S:).50; sum
mons in divorce cases, from 1 to .?5;
.Summons in other cases, act-ording to
length, Tho eatiiti rulo applies to sher
iff's tales. The rate on such largo ads
can bo estimated at 42 for each 10 linos.
Kutruy and taking up of stock, .?.' to
4.150, It takes eight wortls to mako a
line, so any ono can obtimato alout what
a notico will make. Othor udrortitc
nicnts iribcrted by contract.
A cripple named McAipin is chargot
with stealing a Iioko In Kitlem, Friday