WILLAMETTE FARMER : SALEM, OREGON. AUGTST 2.) ISS4. grange oltuuih GRANGE DIRECTORY. Tha Oregon Btato Grange. orncEKS. Master-Juilgo R. P. Koine, Silem, Marlon Co., 0th. Overseer D. S. K. UuijJc, Myrtle Creek, DouglsB Co., Oku. Becturcr II. E. Hiyes, Statford, Clackamas Co., Ogn. Steward SV. B. Thomas, Walli Walla, Wash. Ty. Asst. Steward W. M. llilleary, Turuer, Marion Co,, Oin, Chap'.aiu V. H. (Jr.y, OIney, Clatsop Co., Treasurer 1$. F. ltnrch, Independence, I'olk Co., Oft'n. Secretary Mrs. M. J. Tram, Ilirinlmiif, Linn Co , Oui. Gato Keeper Jims. Smith, AuVirn, Uikcr Co.. Ogn. Ceres Mrr. K II. Ht-atli, Portland, Multno mah Co., On. Pomojia Mis3 M. J. H.rn, Coivalli', Den ton Co., Ogn. Flora Mrs. ll.aritt (.'oopcr, Wilbur, Douclas Co., Ogn. Lidy Vut. Steward Mo. I. L. llilleary, Tumor, M.uijuCo., On. Subordln.ito Crinse3 ot Adare3j or secretary Oregon Name and Time or Hestlns. Oak Plain, N . 0-H. B. Sprenger, She-Id, Linn Co., OrcRon. Meets 2 I Saturday. Tanceut, No. 7 J. H. Scott, T.ujgeut, Linn Co., Oregon, loets 4th Siturday, Srand Prairie, No. 10 Then. Froinan, Al bany, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets on 4th Saturday until aftsr October, after that on 2d Satin day. Ilarrisburp, No 11 S. S. Train, Harrisburg, Linu Co., Oiegon. Meets 4th Saturday. Soap Creek, No. 14 W. L. Cauthorn, Wells, Denton Co., Oregon. Meets 2il Sat. Charity, No. 15 C. P. Cliughan, Grangoville, Idaho Territory. Salem, No. 1" Adam Stephens, Salem, Mannn Co , Oregon. 1st and 3d Sat. Turner, No. IS Win. M. Hilleary, Turner, Marion Co., Oregon. Meets 4th Sat. Bebanou, No. 21 J.' M. Settle, Lebiuon, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets 3d Sit. Knox Butte, No. 22 P. B. Marshal, Albany, Linn Co , Oregon. Meets 4th Sat. Harmony, No. 23 Marion Arrant, Albany, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets 3d bat. Mono, No. '25 B. F.Sniith, Louisville, Polk Co., Oregon. Meets ltt Saturday: Grand Prairie, No. 20 J. C. Jennints, Junc tion, Lane Co., Oregon. Meets 3 1 bat. Hvening St jr, No. 27 Euda Kelly, East Port laud, Miiltiirinih Co., Ortgou. 1st Sat. Vinpqiu, No. 2S W. F. Owens, Roseburg, Douglas Uountv, Ur. .Meet 1st pat. McMinnville, No. 31 W. S. Frlnk. Mo- Mil nville, Oregon. Meet 1st and 3d Sat. Scio, No. 30 II. S. Williams, Scio, Liun Co., Oregon, Santhtn, No. 37 Oscar Pomeroy, Scio, Linn Co., Oregon. Meet 2d and 4th Sat. Molalh, No. 30 N. H. Darnell, Molalh, Clackamas Co., Oregon. llret 2d Sat. Jordan Valley, No. 42, J. B. Trask, Joidan Valley, Linn Co., Orecon. Meets Satui- day befoio 1st and 3d Sunday. Willanuttc, No. 52 Stokley Mooro, Corval- lir, Benton Co., Oregon, lit Thurodry. Siuslmv, No, 51 Icaao Simpson, Siuslaw, Lane. Co., Oregon. Meet 2d Saturday. Sand Ridge, No. 57 James M. bwanlc, Al bany Linn Co., Oregon. Meet 2d Sat. West Union, No. 72J. A. Imbrie, West Union, Oregon, Meet 2d Saturday. Woodburn Or.uig3 No. 70. W. F. Ray, Woodburn, Marion county, Or. Howell Piairie, No. 80 M-ets 4th Siturday. J. W. Howell, Salem, Or. Butte Creek, No. 82 -J. R. White, Batte Creek. Clackamas Co. Meet 2 1 Saturday, Powell's Valley. No. St Diek Williams, Powell's Valley, Multnomah Co., Oregon, Meet 2d Saturday. Soehcn, No. 101 meets on the 1st Saturday, W. It. Dillard, Goshen, Lane Co. 2d bat. Charity, No. 103 Miss Agnes Waggoner, lialsey, i.inn uo., uregon. r.ieei ou oat. Bound Prairie, No. 100 W. M. Collard, Brooks, Marion Co., Oregon. 2d Sat. Farmington, No. 110 Calvin Jack, Reedville, Washington Co., Oregon. Meet 4th Sat. Tualatin, No. Ill F. M. Kruse, Wilsonvillo, Clackamas Co., Ore?on. Last Sat. Btte, No. 14S Thos. Paulsen, Portland, Multnomah G Oregon. 3d Wed. Wingville, No. 150 Bjnonia .Stnrgil, Bakor City, Baker Co., Oiogon. 1st and 3d Sat. Baiter City, No. 152 Iho'mas Smith, Auburn, Baker Co., Oregon. Meet 2d and 4th Sat, Canyon City, No.ltil E. S. Penfield, Can- yon City, Grant Co., Oregon. Daniel Clark, No. 102 Henry Hall, Prairie City, Grant Co., Oregon. Young's River, No. 1720. Peterson, Olney, Clatsop Co.. Or. Meet 1st Saturday. Oswego. No, 175 G. W. Stephens, Oswego, Clackamas Co,, Oregon. Meet 2d Sat. Josephine, No. 179-J. S. Chatham, Wilder- villc, Josephine Co , Oregon. Washington, No. 181 Lnlu L. Day, Murphy, Josephine Co., Oregon. Meet 3d Sat, Rogue River, No. 100 M. B. Gibson, Elkns- burg, Curry Co., Oregon. Washougal, No. 102-C.J. Moore, Washougal, Clark Cj W. T. Umpnu Dist. Poinoni Orance Meets 1st Saturday at 2 P.M., Geo. W. Jones, Sec Oapo Horn Grange, No. 105. F. Candiano, dpi Iloru, V. T. Tne Grange, What lias It Doae7 Capable of Dolus. WUat U It I ncod not rccito tho detnila ot the inception, early history and the ilmcl opeinent of tho idea, which has culmin ated in eatAblwhing what in my mind, has hecomo tho most important organ ization of the times in which e lio; it is, or should ho, familiar to all who have become members, or eligible to member ship. At an organization which directly affects the vital intere-ts of all persons directly engaged in the pursuit of agri culture, it otaiuls out prominent as the leading one, and as tho one best calcu lated to meet the exigencies and de mands of tho times ; in fact ns the only one that has for its basis ft foundation .brood enough, and comprehensive enough to ombraeo and cover all the interests of the farmer, his wife, his m his daughters, his interest, material, moral, social and political. It is an oncanieation, deriwl to promote the general and individual welfaio of all who till the soil, to bind together in one common brotherhood, and with fraternal feelings, the men and women composing that gioat majority of tho people, who (..uyiu-f luuuirau iwiicn leeus tno wnole world and gnes it strength. The Orange in the yoais of its c-ti-tence, has been womluifully successful m neeoniplishini: tho piupo-es of its foundeig, partii-ul.irly in the direction of relieving the isolnt on of farmers in tl e country ; it is found to meet the wants of those separated by di-tanco, who needed the stimulus and uoodfellowship which only numbeisnffoid. liv isolation iaimersliosinglo handed, ami aie at the mercy of coiporato poweis, thev are compelled to submit to the offinies assumed authority unjustly exoi cited by corpoi.ition. Other clashes and inteicstb are organized for the puipo.-o of to operation, and by tlio application of concentrated poweis hao gained, and even now maintain ninny advantages which bear heavily ngaui-t the farmer, linpoMiiK burdens which .ire unjust and which through organi7od effjit, ir-ing some weapons that aro u-ed 1 oppo-ing foiccs, will iemoo and eniiblo u-, to maintain with becoming dignity the true position justice accords all, as men among men. It is only bv united and concon tinted efl'oit, that farmers can protect their own intoicst-, and mike themselves a power that will enforce a proper respect trom othor clashes, and it is jut this that tho Uinmrc is enilpavor- mg to bring about. The Ginnge has collected many thousand faimorsiind their families horn till sections of the country, into a grand fraternal association for social and intellectual improemcnt, for moral elevation and financial advancement. It is leading its members from the isolation heretofoie common to farm life, to a higher social piano, and to means of culture and refinement; it is educating them in tho science of ngu'cultuio, in business, tiade, political economy, and tho affairs of government. Tlnough tho teachings of the Change its member have culth ated stronger attachments for tho puisuit of agriculture, hao hecomo bettor f, timers, better citizen", havo aided each other in cTevnting theinselv es to a higher manhood and womanhood. It is only by truo co-oneiation that fnrmcis will bo ablu to accomplish any permanent and lasting benefits for their buiness and for thcuisclvuvind through it success is nssuied. Co-oporation has a wido latitude, and but few f umers bavo a proper conception of its tntu value and availablo forte when applied in any diiection, and compmathcly but few patrons nave given the subject sutll cicnt thought to comprehend it. Tho futuio of our orgttnization de pends largely upon tho co-opeiatio ef forts of membors, and if pioperly em ployed would soon exhibit deniable ie sultp. Tho first step toward-, unity of action is to discard thai indhidnal selfishness which finds no quality to commend in otlieis, and cultivato con lidenco in our fellous,-and that charity which is one of tho fundamental pi in ciples, forming tho bcd-ioak of our oider. Co-operate them to build up the Change, and advance its intorots upon tho puie principles on which it is baed, nnd thus be truo to ourselves, our obligation, and to all who arc, or may become connected with it. Act unitedly together, in a long pull, and n strong null, seeking to ae eoinnlish tho greatest (rood to tho greitest number; tho unieral piactiee of those principles will accomplish the most good both in and out of the Orange. The interest which stands at the. head, and rises above all other intorests in our country, is that of agriculture, and it forms tho base upon which all interests aro builded. It employs nino-twclfths of tho capital of tho country, and ns large a per cent, of its population, so the "sinews of war" aro actually in tho hands of tho faimcr and it becomos his boumlon duty to fit and prepare himself by every means within his reach, that ho may bo ahlo to dischargo tho grave roponsi bilit'es that rest upon with fidelity. Cor. Maine Farmer. Co-operation. According to tho principles of tho Order of Patrons of Husbandry, every Orange is a co-operative association. Without co-oporation the Grange is nothing but a socioty with indefinite aims and ebjects. It may be beneficial in many iepect, that is, in bringing the farmers, their sons and wives and daughters together for social intercourse, and for an interchange of opinions on subjocts of interest to nil. It in iy allord occa-ions for necessary rest and recre ation, and therefore Kervo a good purpose,; but, so far ns tliereii ami piramouiu nhipcts of the onwnuutionore concerned, it is a failure. Something more than ret nnd recreation tho cultivation of - .cial relations or tho discussion of qutions of intere-t to all is needed. Tho objects are well defined and closoly expressed in the Declaration of Purpo-es. They are so elevating nnd ennobling, so well adapted to the promotion of tho interr -ds of the farmer, intellectually m rally, sociallv and financially, that they aro entitled to command univen-ol respex t and recognition Tho Order, in itb seek ing, makes no war upon othor interests or callings. It Himply cocks protection for its meinbwhip a to what is their own against unjust discrimination and hostile invasion of rights coming from whatever quarter they may. It insist upon the preservation of rights which in their very nature are inalienable, and which evjnr class of men is bound la re-pect This, and nothing more, and nothing leas. Virginia Granger. &md us one new sub-criber. TUTT 1 Li!L? reanimJQJ TORPJD JSOVELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. tu , From theso sources nrlao Unco lourtbs of tlio ilUenges of tho human raco. Theso Bymptom3lmlicatotliclroxlstcnco:I.oaoir Appetite, Howls costive, Sick IlentS- chr,ftilliics after eating, nverloit tu exertion of body or lultitl, I2rnctatlou of food, Irritability of temper, low ftptrltia, A feelili!! ofllaTlll(r ncsjlecicil omo duty, lIj7luc,KluttcrlneattIio II(nrt,Iot8t)cr(iro tlm eye,lilqm-col orca t'rlnc, COXSTII'ATIOX, nna tic mnnd tho uso of n reineily that nets direct!? on Uio l.iver. As a LlvormoiUoino TDTX'S I'lLI.S havo no canal. Their action on tha Khlncys niul Skin la also prompt ; lemoviug nil impurities through theso tliroo"scnv tiiger of tha system," pioducing nppo tlte, sound digestion, reprulir stooN, tl cler.r tklnnndnvlgorousbodv. T0TT' PIUS tatiso no nnuwn or Biiptng nor luterfero Artth dally work and nio a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. boltlocrwherPt'J'lo OtH?.41 Murray atMN.Y. mia9j S o w QBVuai w a ao GnuT ILvir on WniSKriM chanced in. ttantly tonGrossr 11L.VCK hvnsiiiBlo up lilieatlon of tills UYE. bold by DrugslstSc or sent by express on rccoipt of il Office, 44urmy Struct, New York. TJTT'3 WAHUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREJ It! tW IIIII Ti.E MKiECH FOWlfl DiGCER SflrflltscoatycaiI,nK TtMr kO i.H. In t t IV ffiliirr. (.!. ""fflC. Ai. uauei tolJiL' x Huilrci CCNT fiU Vl(5it3i- jiiu.w.wuwn GO Days' TcslTriaL J . Tlci!Hf. vcwAsaSsSwarivvs-Ti'-v- "Writo postal card forFRCE ctenntly IlluetrntedCntnlopuo, In Sit Ilrllllunt tolor-i, that cobt us $W00 to pubtlsh, Monarch Manufacturing Co,, afcAco.ffc UK. JAYJSTBSS AGUE MIXTU21E. A CERTAIN AND EnECTUAL REMEDY ron v Fever and Ague, Intermittent ami Remittent I'cvers, iCc. This civs of i1ictfcs o counuon in all irla i f th. WorUl, ami ippedully jtrealcnt in rua loitims ill'trliia and iciniije ol nater-courci, a"-e a'luott iniuiiably .iccoinjiaiilcd by mora or 'mi diranieinint of tlio hur, nn-J fuquintly hj I'cri.tne action of tho dige-tlo er;-Ti.s. The u-re broaMng of tho Chill is I ut a t p to X: eci ijilttm a radlcil cure, tl.c i n u oi h of tlo Ik d,eji' chilly the pItdii i uid In inu-t be Irm-lit to a heil.'iv nnd Mi, r. 'i (onditon l,Lf ,ro a jitrmincnt mr n n Ijs ("(iHiahel, and this fuel hai been ti pi ia !j i.,;t in iii by Di. Jayne in Ins ticamaat of Hhvc coiiiplaiuti. Tlio ufo ot Jajnc'ii -uo Mixture, in conjunction nlth Joyno film m Ill's, 03 iiccriboil in tlio Dircrt rs ni, h ac onipiny cash bottle, Hill not ou'y SFiEAK UP THE CH' ' 3, hut ro-tre tlio (!l', Incr ami ftirar . - n m1 irn.jr j . liHtif jni "uh t o n v,i un A, liirly tho i i.aail o juo by ihcr- CRA0ICA7JNG THE DISEASE, ami tbu bet t.dico of thl. is tlio Invaiuble micti.-ii nhidi Ins ill a it followed tlio .i.lniin islrati'm if thc.-o ifnic.lic, ns ntlc-tp t by tho cert fic.ites jubhshdl nnm. illy in Dr. Jayno'a .Mniuiac.iiad tl cnble sj-reiidpojiuKrlly ot tho . u .Mimn '11 mi!o di trittsof the bulled " ", Lot" i, iii tr which it it For salo by JloJge, Davis & Co., Agentr MAPS ! MAPS ! ! MAI'S OE OREGON & WASH INGTON TEKRITOKY. HEHEAFTKK WK WILL HE ADI.K TO SUPPLY copies of maps of Orej.-on and Washington a, following rates. Those maps are put up In coincident form to cary In the jjocltt. Kncloeed In a stiff b ard cover. They can be obtalnod at the follow Inir prices: Map or Oregon ? 8 .liupor tVasliliiulun, , Oregon anil WusliliiKton Combintd. I. to jrirntmlt by Postal Order or Keglitcrcd I.ltler Po.taxe ttamps Mill not be liken. AdJrcsi : Mll.l.tMXTTKr-AKMnt PI II. I (., Iraerl3. TorlUiid Orcn IH.-,d. :ti ic.u'sl'r.ictlcal Kviirrli'iin-. issi. d John A. Child & Co., DRUGGISTS. su. 'V : pTA? eoT.,rr, a V'-Mmhjnril'J 'unitrj.Tollst Aril Im '4MW'VV l-rlood.. Vf'U?in?lrii' Cwriiir tint rlsoii .t fipPlal ttti-ntlon i all to urdirs by mal',, in u ascoinpAobd by cm.1i. Uily - ', V. -. . ;; f it rflltllll aimuii.Wuiii, 070. fall 'isiu Ukl Uao4 Ituok at rwasU sbt uav tii2i3ZzszssaKsnazi;? "BT. Cilbsrt, FINE. SHOES! i 'AVr.?J!S;asa'JroiV:TrSr'3I7KniT OKO A. , l're-uknt. ! II 1'ATTOS, frecretarj A WHfHfi Llffi im CP CAUFORN1A. p ? A KoKIHtilE rvlanager (or Sonhwest Department.' orncs with poutlakd savings bank. m-opir.'3.csi Unrtcr Uw, ,suvs or CaJIfoniiH, nnil Hto-Wny the sUnii'sl LU) 2)ihiiraiK'c Co. in An.ur cu; JJEI'FKIISVCi:-. Til MH.N JlSj Colllpi J. a .siroiMivnKv , U r lH-Mllflli-A, .IAMr- sTUIL I' A II I I'll, i k. i:u,b, i.v ror.iLMi nvno ham: jiii.mo ilvjuraxci: each ix this y otirn 11 A UftlSlEl!MX Tel J. lcCllAKI N, bimi.llIMl V. I. WILMS J. I) MliKlNKOV, V STANOVIPII ji b. ni'm;i:i.L, C. M. lllKl.O, 1)R. OKO C XOTTAOR, AMIIinW ItOUKllTa jus liuiiKiiAimr, Mi'ntr? LOSING OU" BARGAIN AEjiAr:s, A 1 A1U.L hTOCk OF . ors;gon E'HJB3, ll'AGONS, I't'TNAJI T II U C K S A X D HACKS, CAKTS, EXPRESS Oil AYS. rjViE i Miur.vr ami i.kst mock i:vi i ib-1 UH) IN t'nRILAXI) THE DE'jT MOItK llMinl nli-. FOU THE iti . iri,im'ii i1(ll,, If )Ou n int autliln; In tlil lino ynn cm kit 1 bir.-iin hi cillliinr, or tenJIni; for pilco citaloeuc to "mr. Orttic Corner of Moilium nnd hroitMe sr npil I 3EB3E"Srr, lotk P.O. boOSA, rfn?ir biM fitabHshe(l I Iv-tHnd, Orojron in 185 V. i&si' ict r&. 100 WIMoa 1'lltbT . mmmmimmA liiplifl IjKiiBsrirJ CoJ WOa OEALERS. ANli 1(7 AND 1(01 bO.NT Mlil.KIh. : POltTLANI), 01:1 OO.V. rt tliaruii.-l I; i rtpind to furnlsli tliniuhoul al itiort iioi ii u. Hotels, Bording Houses, Private Reskloncss S" Stoamboats. . AT SUCH.... LOW PRICKS As wcrumur ttfero ofTirod. llliili ii ttiimn liilili... rroni fl I niiii',I. V'niiilii-r cl. 1 1 mn f:; I imiii ,i. I'm lor Si f. fri;m g.io I tmm,i TIT, IIOrH.I10I.il TllFAUIiK. Ijulliniiitt do It to hi 0 prn Intid, Ci II for It fit Ull SEDGWICK STEEL WIRE FENCE, l5sSMSZfIXi&FVK r jfi aflavir tiKEra3TJSg5rw3ls'fer t. tha antr c.n.r.l tmrnrma Wlr. F.nra In uia. halni? a fltronff Hot. Work without Tlarhfl l"". llfi., liepan 1 poullrf, as wtll aaltie modi viclou. il'.rk, wiilinut IniiirT tu .ill ,r lnre or .tnrk lb. fac. for fariiia. gardin., slock raDges and rallrdail., anil Trr neat fur lawiii. Wo ask f. r it a fair trial, knowing II will Wfarllself iLto fav, r llii.i4lvMlrk It trill (uri HHiu.l I j ! , Bt.1101. I IU II1 a a-limit It. Huprlorto Bordnr (erli. Covered ff.li. rasi'jrocf r fcirtt (or sattKnUfd) it will Uit ifatiin. Barbed Wire InorerT rfftect. We mLc ft r It ft flr lfiL knowlnif It will wear II UaUHt, road cf wrought Iron iIr atxl atel wire, defy all com petition In natti6iia,atriitith and duraMUir. We alio ruak the teat And cheat eit All Iron Automatic or Oelf Opening Oata. alu Clmupast ami tVe&t est ail iron Fence, "cat vir ririK'iier uiki 1'uat AiiKkr AlMePiamiriuiiirt J(iimii a exll4iiti tl Iml FiiKlmttror iiiiiiplii(r muIit. nrcHurnl t'tiiflnrH for Krliidln nnd otLur UgUt itjrlc. I'briirirfrt unci rti.riUnlurH link lianlwfiro (Icul-irN. nr udilrcfti, tiKuitloiilnif liuncr, SEDGWICK BROS. Mr.rs.. Richmond. Indiana. ti'lrfrv' i"r"i'rT2 v,t' ,mlJ " 'p m lbo l,ort ,Imtf n(d Hin-rlor Arilrli4rrevtt'492leaeH KiTTlCHiirj .. f,''3 nf llnlry Howls 1'nt lint " .ii f Ir until m it .iinjiliH tlMUrrarB KliidrX 3bfte?Ul(!l ' ' "I""". n'.l l.ri;f ulvni ol thi ir ilumbriily. holu inunu. 0BSKlHI iMlViiiJi''0SJti! .mi'.r. '""'r Mnrliir. licrWoiiiir, riirtln' HiiiuirnlMCrvS m7ir";fpvii.Jtri'',0lf.J1,''r,i''Ki;,,,ui''?'11'11 ' 'im. ."' i!i.iiiruiT,i-ii-Blii l5CrrltSwlM'e,l "ho Illtn'ly I hum III Mlinll-uld ulil-rn , l.iivo un Ml BaeafflEgaaaa COHfilsn, CU2.TI3 & Q7UENS, FortAtWion. Wi tJif VtCil in w. tu. At wy " i l' ttfi mi lUlctjr in m ii Men. ti t ii Mill 1i'it frva in ull win vptly. v u ft '! iMiioit'Hii iimiiriitt AJ rSw . .. d. -- l- lii Ct ' Z -v i,VVk '.". . Miirllalfci.lil I riviilli,rwl,liii.-rc (l iP'ff A' f ?.- "-K;jJ Siltfs- alliirrirrj . '1 "o tlo i t ti t i.il,! 3 fv t't '" i1 )? -,jwi !. imiMir tin mwjt 02tci,le toburumid In iitir W tXlTtf" ii- .ll -Py - Eruwln,.. . Ili ..rlirlni.I liilr.l..- ol fci i' '?' rt 1 A'fna fttflliVlJV t ' I" '' '"''"" rn url.lrl.i.l I'Sli&tXllQllArJ3&iti',f '' '"! " lllihliiir.l M,ui..l,. mill ..uri.if 111 fcalf' SrtSTlJL J l",, ti.lf- , rill, mi tiarlalilia, J lut lu-ihr lulronnur nX lt. ul IJI.CV V? ,. "1 . i S3P?!J Ur. lullil lr.lii iiIti ll l,rn.ril..iirli,iui Blly- 4ftt. -Lili''tV " "III l Uuiiil in, b..l uitvirllumilil. t854.-1R84s'l'ttt(9y JAWirS I. II. tnnr.onv. S'ti Crmer. Warblehead. Van. And Tinners' Stock ALL KINDS FOnSALEDY v AyM V v XWVSAU M mtf&WAS mmmiMms? -ismmw' -"Bgr yyfjM iiuvN N st- LOUIS,MO