WILLAMETTE FARMTSfl: SALtiM, OREGON. AUGUST 15 1884. grunge q1iuiul ;itAN;i: ihkkctoky. The Oregon BUto dranga. oi'i'ioniifl. MiMor .Iwltfo It. I'. Ilolur, .Ssli-rn, Marlon Co., Ou". OvPM-ir-11. H. K. Iluijk, Myrllo Crieli, l)(lll! H I'll,, . frtiutnrui II, K lliym, .Stallon!, Clackaiiivi ('.. 0,'ti. Stuwntil -W. II, 'I'liutrinx, Wnlli Wiilla, VVamIi. 'I'v, Awil. .Stimixnl V. M. Illllcitrv. Tinner. Miiiiuii (',, Oku. ' Chaplain -V. II, (Jr.iy, Olnoy, Cliitimp Co., ": Hum iii Honifi otli;rn, Ihivo tlio fnriiicrn Ih'ijii iih lurgily Ijonijlltni! by it, Imvo llioy Iktii ko thoroughly nroiiHuri to their own rluht, fntcrcHU mid iiuoiIh. Tlioy liavi) rimlizwl that tlioir wnnt of iiiimlinrify with UK! iiKiUiodn of orKiuiizcd bullion mid of tins knotOcrigoof thucluu itcler of iiifoiiiiiition thoy need uh funn civ and (ilizciic, Imvo leou drawback to ti.nir iidvaiiccinciil. TIiIh Iiiih Htimti litlcil not only 11 junior cHtirnalo of tho Vllltlil of till' Oldl'l' hill a HliiiiUif inmiiri'. wliicli in mi injury of tlm briylitcMt liroiniwi to tlio fiiluri' of tlio Ktiitii. Tciiihitcu in thi only .Statu in which Hindi iwctiiiKH iiro held in tlio miniincr 'riiii'niiildli! of AngiiNt in a Icimiic, when tlm fimnorn may giw moru llionlit to their (Jiiiiiuo interest., and may wM-k tlm rcciciilion ho ncciwaiy alter the I.iIioi'h of Iho hi asoli iiicuver. Theim. iiraKiiriT u. I . isutuli, Inili iimiiimiuf, roll. Inni vej Ime been more llian Uxinillv , S,"'!)Ai m i - ii i "', froin a cold and Imekwaiil eiiriiii,' I iit'o (i ""' ' ' t "",l " "" ""''. 'I'" .n net yen,. .;ali.'Ku.-i...i'-n..i. Hn.itli, AuImii.i, IUI.C I '""NationaM!i-1ii1Ko.williiiiihiiil)lcdly tot.. t)n. I Hlimtiliiii' a (li-cjiiT inti'ifht aininiit tlm fleiVH-Mr . i: 11 MiHitli, I'lirLlunl, Miiltno- I'alii'liH of tlio Stale, who will, beyond innli On. Hun. Llllentliiii, (,'HC it a Coiilial iei'eitn'i!i III I'uniuiii -Mm M .1 II in, Cvtilli, Hon-'Novemhoi. Thin ih one nf ihe ffnindcHl I.-., l"V." ' Ii'." .. . iv ii .. . '"wi'ii"'" of funiiiri on tin. face of tlm. .HI I I .1 I l I. "IJ'i I TTIIMIII.IJUL'ltlllfl., ' '"' J,nl Ami. S'iHBril Mm. I I.. Ilillinrj 'f'uiiii.r, Mariuii (,'ti , i in iliih'inlltitttn CranKCK ol Ori:iai Njiiio uml Ailrtrei-s ot Hocrxtnry Time tit Mooting rill, HUM 1H, III IIH I'L'IIIII.,IIII. II' limit lll'iioiill, ttilh it-i (Hiliry di-tllictlv foriiinliiti-d, it metlmdi cle.irly dclineil, and willmiil the eleinenln of wciikuci-H, which have heietofore pnned fatal to all mriinnal iiKcui-iatioiiH of fauni'M. Tlm I'll! roil- of TeiiH-,ii Will (lcilll)tlo-H U"'" !':Hll'u"n ,.", "u S,:,M.,."r.l",,T1'' ' l' ""- ' the uiKimml pivwiir. I. ii a ( ., )i i-Lfi u i Mini '.' i ,sti riliiy. i ,i . . i , , . i .i ... i T.i.,,1. No. 7- J. II. Sc.lt. TM,.t, I.,,?,, , " '"" "'"'"J- fV 'l !"l'illiiflifth.' ()., Oli'Uiiil, JihiIb Itli Hitiinlav rami I'ran hi, Nil Id I lion, Kruuian, AN Imiy, I.iiiii Co., Orrfoii. .MuitH on Itli Hiliinliviir.il ltur il-tuiiir, nftur that on "l Satnrdiy. riairi'iliiirif, No II S. S. Train, Unrriaburh', I, inn C ., Ori'K'm. .Mi'ulh Itli KtunUy AoapCrnk, No. 1 1 - V, I. Catitliorn, WbIIh, ISont'Hi (' , On'Kon. M'i'U -'I Sat. harity, No. IT 0. I'. Clnilmn, (inuiguvilln, IiUho Tirn'ory Saliiu, No. 17 -Adam Strplii'im, .Sulini, Mar.im'yti, Urruoii. I t anil .lil Mul. Sl) 1,, ...l,,,.!, ,,.. k.,...l.l ........ ,.,... "fcLfc $J: Murri., srr ;v,,,l,y "xv" j,,v rrrah,, " o,,r UIiviimi. No. '.'! S. M. .Si.ttlo. Mmi.oii, (,,iI,,-.. well ealeiilutod to promolc l.im. Co , iJriL'im. Mc'h :H fi.it. i "cry iniercHi ol uio turmcr. nouy ;,,", ontli aijain boon, Hi it im aruiiKi'd to n-ttlo itelf permanently in WiiHhiiiKlon, where It had ith hirth and fnim whinice, iih iIh meal nationiil center, it may nio-i readily diKKcniniinalo itw henelilH to the country. 'iViineieo is tal.im; bili rank iih a .State, not only fur it Mipcrior ruNiurcei in agriculture, mining and nianufaetur iiiK. hut for the character and intel licence of iu jx-oiile. and there is no Kuui Ituttii, No. '.'.' - I". Ii Manlial, Allmiiy, l.liill Co , Onon. Mntn tth Sit. llarinoiiy. No. '.'.'I Mri"ii Arrant, Alhan), I.iiiii 'Jo , Ori'H'Hi. M ctit 31 .Sjt. Mono. No. -'.'i- II K .Smith, l-rwuville, I'olU Oi., (trefoil. Mwrtii 1,1 HtliinU). rami I'rninu, No. "t! .1. C. Juiiniiiit', Junc tion, llll' '"i.Orryon Mn U .'I I Hut. Hvuiinn Mr, No. 'J7 Kii l Kelly, Ka.t Tort land, MtiltiKiinali Co., Orison. Ut Sat. Viu'iiii, No "8 VV. F, ().jii, Itoneliur, I) ami k County, Or. Meet lt Hat. UcMuinvillo, No, 31-W. H. I'lli.lt. Mo Mil nullu, Oro(;oii. Mi-rt lataml.'ld S.U. clo, No. :il) II. S. Wilhania, Scio, l.inn Co., (Vl'OII, untlain. No. .'17 Onoir I'omuoy. Kcio, l.inn Co., Orison. MtctUiI mill 4th Sat, Molalln, No. 10 -N. II. Dirnell, MolnlU, Claukaiiun Co., Orrgon. Mt !M Sat, Jordan Valli-v, No. VI, .1. II Trunk, Jordan nlluy, l.inn Co., Oreion MeeU Satur day hi'lorr Int and 3d Slllidy, W'lllai'iftUi, No. ti'2 Stokluy Mnoia, ("orval hr, lli-iiton Co., Orrgon Int Thuradry. Siutlau, No. M Ipiiau SitnpMiii, Siltalaw, Iiiio Co., Orrgon. Mnet i!d Saturday. i'and Iiidm, No. r7 Jaiiicn M. fcwank, Al liany l.inn Co , Orrgmi. Meot'Jd Sat. 1'ft Union, No, 7- J. A. Indira1, U'mt Cnioii, Orc'Kon Me. t'.'d Saturday. - Wciodliurn (IrniiKo No. 7!. '. l'. Kiy, Woodliurn, Marion county, Or flow ell I'rairn', No. SO - Mi-ola Itli Saturday. .1. W. Ilowi-ll, .salfia, Or. Jliittt- Creek, No '.'-J. It. White, llutto Creek. ('lucLaman C. Meet 'J.l hitnrdiiy. I'owull'a Valley, No, SI Dirk William", I'o well ' Valley, Multnomah Co.,Ore(jon. Muct '.'il Saturday. ohen, No. 101 ineeti on the Int Saturday. W. It. Dillard, rimhaii. Line Co. 'JdSat. Wiarity, No. 10:l Mii AguiM Waggoner, lltliiey, l.inn Co , Oregon. Meet :id Sat tound I'raine, No. 1 0-W. M. Collard, Itrnoki, Marion Co., Oregon. '.' I Sat. "'armnigtoii, No. 110 C.ilviu Jack, Heedville, Waiiliuigtiiii Co , Oregon. Miut ItliS.it. Tualatin, No. Ill " M. Krime, Wilnotiville, Claekiiinaa Co., Orel' ai. Last Sat. Hntte, No. IIS- 'I'll"" I'ailltru, I'ortlaud, Multuoinih t'i., Oregon. .'Id Wu. 'Viiigvillii, No. I .Ml II iioiiu hturgil, 1 la I, or City, Haki'i Co , Oregon. I ut mid .'Id Sit. fakir City, No. l."- lliuiiu Smith, Atihutn, ' llaker Co . Oregon, Miet'-Miind Itli Sit. Canyon 'ity, No. 101-K S. IVulield, Can yon City, (Irint Co , Oregon. Daniel Clark, No. Hi-' lleniy Hull, I'rairio City, Orant Co . Oregon Vong' llivir. No 1 7 - C I'rtoiBiui, Olney, (Jlntiup Co.. Or. Meet lot SatunUy, Oancgu, No. IT.'i '. W. Mephoim, Owego, CUt'kani is '., Oregon. Me t 2d Sat. .'otipliiiii., o. 17'J-J. S. Clmthaiu, Wilder- ille, Joneiiliinii Co . Oregon Wailiinctun, No. Ill - l.tilul.. Diy, Miiiiuy, Joephiun Co , Oregon. Meet 'M Sit, Koguu Kiver, No, I'.IO M. II. (ilbson, Kllens burg, Curry Co., Ougoii. W'ftaliougftl, No. ltr.'-C.J. Moore, Wnsliougal, Clark C'J., W. 'I'. I'niiwpit Dint. I'omnnn (liaiign Mrnti Ut Saturday at 2 I'.M., (!ro. W. .lonca, Sec P-ipo llorn Or.ing", No. Ul,".-- 1-". Cindiino, Calm Horn, W. T. WulrtiHttho ciMiiint,' Siitti ineotinK may he one of tlio iiiokI catinfaetory and pmlitahlo that Iiiih ever len held in it and givo an impuli-e to Clrano growth in the future thai will place the State in Uio front rank of Orange Status. -Orange IiiiDetm. Tlio Order In tho Boutli 'I'lie .Stiilo I limine (T 'renin hi e nieeln in Augtiit, and U looked forward to with inoiolliuu UHtial inli rcRl perhaps ho caurolhn National (iniuge met is in thai Stale in Novcmhor, in the city of Xiinh villo. That city hccin to he a center of inloiei-l to tho fanners evcm-heio tlii.s y j.ir,un tlm ".SKickhrcodeiri' Association" have nheady held Hlate nioolini; there, and llio "National 'onyu'.v." of I'aitiier.s will alho hold its annual iiKeliiiK there ami the "XiitionalCoug;iii.srt"of Fiiiukiih will also hold its aiiuual meeting theio in tho lallor pint of Novonihor. l'cihaps the farnicrd of no .State mo moio nlho to tho iniporlance of organi zation or to tho noocHsity for cotnhincd effort t Ii it i a the fai-morn of Toniicbsoc, or ajiprcciuto iiioto fully tho mipurior faoil itich the (iniiigu anbrd.s. for bcouring tlio lionolltHof tmch fomhincd iiclion, and In lluti,'ariium who have hoen at work h;w Ktittes, iiotwithstaiidiii,' tho fnof, in l'liniiwylvania mines are going bank that thitOi'lur lias hwn less proHH'rona homo hccmno wo k is s'a !; just now. buinq tulm all in. A worthy incmher HUfjgcst- that l'.i tioiiH cliould not lei thuir amliition to exceed other (i ranges in point of nuin ler make thoin regartlle-.s of the char acter of thoso admitted. Tho moral btandard of tho Order, ho maintains, has alway been very high, and the largoit Oranges aro not noocHiinrily the htrong CHt or most useful. 1'orhapH not. Hut what Ih a little handful of nelect Hjiirits worth in tho world if thoy aro organized simply to keep theuiselvcu. to themselves for fear of boing contaminntodT .Some years, many years ago, certain perMiiih at at tnhlo with publicans and -inner and were upbraided theiefor by a class of good people who thanked God they weie not iih other men so mo other men. The world Ii.h forgotten the names of the-o holf-iightcoim pt-oplo long, long ago, ud gotten along vory well in a gen eral way without knowing whither thoy went or whero they lire, Tho Icsh care ful have inado their mark and tho world is all the belter because they lived in it. So with the Orange. It is best not tolm too particular- about tho character of llio-o who want to ho admitted into tho m mhcrbhip. Oo out, or pond out into the highwavH and by-wayn and gather them in. Having them gatheied, set aliout improving their characters' bv bet tering their conditions. How? By bo iug mi example yourself. By having a gentle tone and kindly word for all. Do not btand oil' and a-suino theie is noout come, no good in the lowliest and most illiterate. Thoie are ktiiioiis in etouc.i, and good in everything, we aro told. He btoucs, if you will, but let your hor uioiik be heard of men, especially by tho men, (and (he women too), inside tho gates, that the good may be made to shine out. A little leaven lettveneth the whole lump, lie a little leaven then or much if possible, and leaven the whole mass of the brotherhood. Let theio bo a deal of leveling, but always let the lev eling bo upward. When you once leal alie that this can ln done you will hardly fail lo realize that you can do it. lluviiiK reached this point you will not need lo be too caution about the "cluy acter" of applicants for admission into ihe Orange. Inwtc all farmeis to come, urge upon thoiu lo come, and laiug Iheiu in, great numhtts of (hem- all. Then make them feel it was good to have been there, and hot lor to revisit tho brethren again often. In unity there is Miength. Cooperation is a mighty Kivor in the hand-of even a few ; under the guidance of the many it is irresistible. Bring in the outside farriiors'thon, of eiciy class and character. Do them good. Then they will be led to exclaim How bountiful me tho feet of them who bring us lidintfs of great joy. V.x. TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER. and MALARIA. , . From thew) Honrvoa nrtoo uiriiofourtlia of Uio OIhcuhih of tho human mco. Theio nymiaomilririlcato UiolrnxMtoticaiXrfiii of Appetite, llmreU tiontlrc, Nick Ifenfl b lie. Till tifisi niter entlii(r,nveriloti to inrtlon of IkxIk or ml ml, ("nictation of food, Irrltnlilllty of temper, low ipliita, A (VnlliiK of Imvlnr; i'uUclti nunc (Inly, Jlxliici,I''lutlrrlnE(ftt tlie Hi art, IliitN Ixifor.i tlm eym.lilrlily eol nreil tjrli.r, coNTII'ATIO.'V? mid do inimO tho imo ofa remedy Unit ntla directly on Uio I.Ivit. vHnI.lvurinciIICllioTUTT'.S 1II.I.H h:iv(inoo(tmI. Their action on tlio Kt.iicyMiiilKllnlMiilso)roinntjromovlii nil Iiiipiiilti''M tlirougli tlicsri ilirco "rnv eii;er of (lie iiyntcm," proiluclnt? nppo I II ii, Hound i)l!CStlon, rcBillnratoolB, iv cW r Hktlililiitiivk'oiou41)0(lv. 'J'UTT'H J'III.S ciiiiio no riimiea or ;rlpluif nor lntorfuro ivllli dully 'irlcnnd in on perfect APJTIDOTK TO MALARIA. rolUniwi. i;'jr,c. ('HiivllMnrmyht.,H.y. tutt's mm DYE. (iMAT llAin oa WiiiHitriti tlmiiKod In Hiintly,tou(JMsHr llr.ACK hyiiHlncl'! up pIlMitTon of tills Uri:. Hold by DruggliilM, or' nt liy expross on recoiptof 91. OI!l ii, 41. Murray fUrei't, New York. T'JTT'3 MAHUAL OF U8EFUI RECEIPTS mEL 1JR. JMTNWB AGUE MIXTURE. A CERTAIN AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY ran JFrvvr anil Ague, Jntermlttcnt anil Jlnmittrnt J''vvcrn, dr. TIiJm cln" of iliM-uprji mi common In nil parti of tlio WorM, ami especially .jirevak-iit t uiu liirlonii illtricl and M(.'iniif;c of wnter-courM', aro alrniut Inrarlahly accoiui:inied hy more or Ins derangement of tho liver, ar.i frcjoeritly b) ndefectlie hctiun of tlio dicrttve un;uii9. Tho were breaking "f the Cliill ! hut a t tup li.iiunli coiiiplotliiK a radical cure; tlic v.irioni org.nn of tl.e l,dy, eijK'ciully the itomneh and I vcr, imit ho hroiiht to a healthy and vior )toi eonditiuii hefure ft peruiaDcnl cure can ho crliihlifliF'l, hd this fact ha htrn (ipefiatly kept in new by Dr. Jaync in his trcatiuint of then- complaint. Tlio uc of Jnync'n Apuo Miituri', in eoiijiiuctinii uith Jnyiii'i- f-.unino I'lllf, m prcicrihod In the Direct! m ulu h lecompiny cash holtle, will not only BREAK UP THE CHILLS, lut rtftoro the fjtteni, more pnrl'.ulirly tho liter n I rtninarb, tn a imtind cotiHition, nml fo prertHt a rrlnpK'uf Kmcrnnd jne hy tlmr oujlily ERADICATING THE DISEASE, ami tlio hot iuiIukc nf thi- i- tl e in ar.iblr lutiei" v.hleli !n ,ilir.i i. I.,im tin- admin litratii'U of tboe remcilU", :i aite-led I y the coilUirnleK pnhh.lii'd iiiii.iinll.i in llr I .vu f AD. 'in i'. T tl e ui.te pr. i 1 puutar t;. Il a Ague Mixture m (I..., di-'i tr i.f (he I mlcd tUitf. '.ilcc tli .... for i-Ii Ii u it -it '!!" ', II l 'H .1 EK3I John W. Gilbert FIITE ESiX&JEXB&rm&WraXSW&lSmJSttl! i ; SHOES! f.KO A U'l .UK, I'reii'd ut. J. N. CAITOX, Secretary. OF CALIFORN8A. A NcKINNIE Manager for'Northwest Department. . OI'FICE VITH PORTLANI3 SAVINGS .BANK. Iiiroriorn(c(l I'imIri' (lie Laws of raliiomist, atitl iso-Iny the Slroii'st LFJV; liistiriiisci; Co. in Amor ca. RKK1 l.ltKM Coilillli Chi TO MM IN PORTLAND no H. K r ID. Oct .ivsrttASnK r.Afir I'lTtin J I. A. KI.O'VrEI.UAN M J. A STIIoWllliltir.f, i.. o iii:mii('IIni..s, JAMKS hTI.KI,. t a in-M-ir J K. (lll.h, f AVOVICtl 1. A. KI.O-iTF.I.MAN Coi .1. MiCKAhKN C W W r-fl ll.lil.SU c i. wir.r.ic J O. JIIbKI.N'NO.V, H ZAVOVirlf niT.nKi.i.. m trinKisn, or. ci.o. i:. nottage, A.'JDIfBH' r.OHERTS joh iiurkharot; .li'VlmS For mil" bv Ilolye, Him .V Co., Agenta. IV1APS ! IV1APSM CLOSING OUT FOR BARGAINS ) A I.AKOE STuOh OK iiEKE.K.E.s i;i4;;(t;s, m:i:;o hacks, express WAUO.YS, IMINAM CAUTS, TRUCKS AND DRAYS, rpilE l.AUOKsT AMI lO.ST STOCK KV Hi OFM.UF.Il IX I' UTI.AMl X. Iw.t ni'iii j ICItll-. I rh nr A iiroril .Sole. II jou .nt a thiriL' in tin line jon ut tret mr. ajirl f onke Corner of Murli-'.n awl Kfoi t Stre THE BEhT WORK KOIt THK loryaln by catllnc, or cmlln for pit e Citaloy.s-to , r'.rtlan'J Oregon. XjuiWV. O. box 5M. Established in 1857. C. Shixidler & Co. FURNITURE & CARPET DEALERS. Id ANIi 1U i'lttST ANbltlT AND 1OT FRONT STREETS. : 1'ORTLA.SD, OREGON. A re thorouvhly prepared to furnl?h throuirtiout U XJL eliorl rioOce. Hotels, Bording Houses, Privati Residences & Steamboats. .AT SUCH.... PRICES LOW As were neier before offered. IHiilim It no in Tnlilc. from t4 I i-ard. linmlier eli, frnm g.io I )-ard. I'll rl or tiet. fri p. fin I mir SIAI'S i. OUEilOX & MASH I.TO. TKKK1TOKY. IrEREAl-TER HE WILL 1SK AI1I.E TO Sl'PPLY I 1 coptc ol main ol Oregon ami Wnililnctin ai ' lollowini; laten. Tliviw map. are put up In comtnlenl (mi to cary In the jiocket Kncloptt In a btifT Ih ril ronr. The) mil he oliUlned at the folloMlnic priir: li uf Orei; (i ii, . j .Mn of Ma.liliixlaii, . ,. OreKon nml Miiklilnuion Comblni'd. I. Mi Hrllemlt I.) PimUl Ordir or U(-'ltirwl Utier t'Oktak'o itauip. slll not tie takin. Aiiilremi ' ii.uiMi'.iTi. iai:ii:i: rut. o.. Iirucr IX 1'ortland On ton , THE HOUSEHOLU TREASURE. Lsil.i- u.uat .ee it to b arrrerlntcJ. Call for It. febJrtt SEDGWICK STEEL WIRE FENCE. -avTuzi 1K.VI. ,'ll leiirrr.-iellr.il i:perli'iirr. Iss.i. John A. Child & Co., DRUGGISTS. AMI tiKllKKd Druirii, ClirmlcaU Per I Hiinerj'.Toiitt Arucler tl"Om,TivHo'iinilruh ter OikkI. 4'ni'iier.llurrlsiiuA hi'i'uml M. PORTLAND, - ORE Spcelilattcntlonpali' I to crdiTu by tnai' ,i lu n accompanitilti) iari. ' a",' ) Caldwell, Becker & Licke. LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOOQSI IMy ooils, I'niH'y aOoiIs, Fiiriiisliin oods, Itoots, Shoes, Hats and Cap.. Wo nun to build up our trade by sidlnn; (lE.suiNr. i.uons uv tiik m:sT ijuai.itvo.sm, At pncea hum lu lu :i.l I'rr t'rnl l.e thai) the sjiiui good a u.iu In) sold lor on credit. tiik ;i;i ixk one trick cash stokij ! Oppoalto CliciiitkolA llotol, SiU'in, Orivou. .lUr.fll.a ..r.l.ril .r .. .f I-lILTOIST s Jk Ii tb only ptntntl purpo Wlr Fnr in ur, binc Btrone Nat-Work without Farbs. It wilt ir 'RtT'C ttieep nj poultry, m well s th mctt vicious it'U, vithout Injury d eitl i- i k:k It is jual th. Uixc for firina, Kirdeni itock rn; and railrpftds, and very nent for Uwm. i k i i and ctmt It nr. Coterrd with ruat-prunf paint or rUnttiiH it will la't a life-tim It U Rutxrrfor to Donrda or Harbed Wire In every r-flct. e aik for it fjur trial, knowing it will wpar itclf litu ThtMrlrHlrl& Unit, made uf wrought iron rip and teel w irp, defy nil competition u natnes, i i ilh and durability t alo make tno twal and cboait M Iron Automatic or 8elfOpentnc Onto. alo Cheapest and Heat rat nil Iron roooe. llrt ttlio fttrrlrlirr aiutl l'at .iujrfi. Al-OiVlniiiifat'lHro ItuMell' f&rrllrnt Iml E'tiKlnrror imiiiiiIii7 ttnlrr or oarcit tn tines for trtluJtn.; mat other llgUt ivrk, l'orpr (VHUu.rwrtirlnriiU Imriluaro dPalttps, or udiln"-, inentlodin papor, SEDGWICK BROS. Mfrs.. Riclnnond.Iudinim. Wi) mako frutn the lt ma'riltil init.'rlnr (wtl.J I nf Dairy 4ttHKl-, that an.' i . i t- m rin'innh ami MuirJk-.. I ti. L iiiiLitv oiii ! rrv'' r i u of 11 t"T tiurnbilitr. S.w wim. i " . . . .- .. ." -- n.-tr-rrrs m univ iuipru( i i actor l liurn, llunn h iiiiitT ituirr n uiiiit, i.rwr 11 m urr. I'lii-fin. iunrn Ilo (litinu Itrct:iu;."ii!ar hum, t'rum VatH,l)oa rr,clc - wm- i mini i iiiiru viKHi'wiic ltrio mo linn nri Innriit," AlU-t vnmint il rvu v n'ltv-vntrt.. Tl O 4WILU AM Mil I" '.I . II.l.IC 111 11. nnim .. for tm..,HH COKJIISH, CTOTIS & GHEENE, Fort Atkinson, Wis .vc , S AV,)' 4 !! tli i nmilt lit thlti jt'ui" K'iau( it u fl irjtur. nlll in'Biit Irit' ti ull ub nnpij1. U oTAtP 0ICGE nrrr Zw sri s Til jsu 4&& JLZl tiui Iall oi Bwiit roTATors V ,v ,r -V vy All ni M -it U iti.rriiiil.l lul..ir..S ..ml Ira. l. J.U it jrtlt.ktiiSiVlsS. , jniiswirarllilliuldllir.'ului!rMl.e,lBrv. -S.-- (Vl 4 S '&' "W'lllwJtfraBnillfc lif .-ill.tl..0l tixembtn rf S-- S efy-lVVIk wV s'l. um-or Ihemu! eHnlvu (..Ii. 1iui.J la ary iS &-&- .( js&3 CAfKi n&w lfc - .-a-"-- MZ71 .. --:. K.l,rKjfi mmm -issf liinrt fmri u m trruHiiit.. iiih oriirltiMl liiirMiinrr tf I llp. lUtt. ltnH'utils I'.itiiitiio. turljfi'iird 1 urft Cur ii. I hi Jluttbiir iini4li. mil jrif ut !u r in ifluwli'fc, I lmiif (In putriiiiii.i nf ilit nult Uv. In tho iTttrU'ii uitil uh (tic lurii ut' tliiiu lio luiit nty it'tl nut bv fiiuuil nit Imi itiliirtliiui'nt v$A'&r IflMFS i. H. GREGURV. Sped Groufr. M.irbl-head. Mas'; Jmttmmmzfvwrm$wxm wmm&zKswmwr UM Tinners' Stoclc 'OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY, DAKMeB i& H1Wn,n 8T.LOUIS.MO