Willamette PAftMER; salem, Oregon, august 8, 1884. $wti tpij.ttteit.. GENERAL NEWS. Klonr in $15 11 thoiiwuid pounds in JavkHOiivillu. Wheat !h Helling lit lOcontH in I'ondlo- lon, Oregon. WliuiiL helow til) conlH a IiuhiiuI lit WiiitHliurtf, V. T. .Mm ICt'isiHi lnw wild liin Newport prop erty for W.000. Horno thieve nro winking up l-'nflt- ern Orouon iiumn. A now jail, with mIoiio toll, i to he Innllul HI. .IoIiiih. Iliiioii i-rmiilv. Oitl'oii. i in (li'ht to thnc.xtnntof m,)W. Tin) New York Timi-H tli'iioimciM tho Ciiiuii I'licilic Uailroiiil. CoiiL'icfm hni iiiiroiriiil'il $ 5,000 to I'tHiuiiragu mil: cult lire. The AlclhoiliMs hnild a new church .-t IliinlHvilli), V. T. An inrreiiHo of " jkt emit, in the wheat orop of (Juloriulo in noted for IhHl. Tho weather in Knejiind inmoniHiiilliMl mill hntiilntulln 1110 (lull ami inclined Ii drop. The nati'inal convention of photo giuplieiH hut Im-imi in wHHion at CJiiittiti nati, Ohio. The Whatcom, V. T.. Heveille U try iin: to woik up a hooiii for thoNookcnck gl)lll lllillOH. Piinuinbra Kelley, I.-m., ii"wly ap- poinieil I'. S. Miirnhiil. Inn nttlcd dow to liin now posit ion. A pottiiHiee hiw Ixien italiliHlnd at Jiuiipfi', rinatillii county, with John II Diivieri iih pimtiiuu-ter. The IiiNiHiitor of (MihtoniM at Tiifoiiin Iiiim iniiiln a haul of Hiiiuglud opium ahout WOO worth. John Turner, of 1'ermi.ylviiiiiit, and Wnlliiei ItoHH. of New Ihuimwiek, hadii Miulhng iniiti'h featnd. recently. HohK wiih de Mr. .1 II. Ah xiiuder, tioil fil, living near (iiildi'inliile, hud mi arm ampututed recently, anil survives the JlcK anil i lining "I'll A diipatrh from (iidvPHtnii, Texas, announces that croiM inn oy no inrnni favorable. The want of rain in the prin cipal I-UIIKII. I'hiormoiiH yields an reporhxl from ninny grain liehU in .lucknii rniiuty, Oregon. Some farmer will fji-t fifty Iiim1ic1h to tho iiert'. Tho Meppnerii'azi'tto Hay The com crops throughout, the county look re mailuibly well, and the proMjiect.-i are food for a large yield. Tho linker county, Oregon, agricul tural Hociety'x fair will commence Sep tember JUh and continue live d;iyn f l,.'l()() in npei'il piiri.es. Wheat in tho vicinity of We. ton, Ore gon, in making a fjood yield of a lino quality, with the exception of a little HIUIlC ill hoiiic localities The frame wink f (he WomauV Hall of Whitman College, Walla Walla, it, about up, and will be completed by tint opening of the next Hclmol year. The .Sinilkaineen inineti, an experi enced miner Hiiyn, are richer than tho Coniidoek mine-. The bent toiitti lay through Marruigton, W. T. Tho MKirtiug world is excited over the .. . . .i.... i ...i. i.... i- i. . i , ... , ii'puri unit uoui .iay ivyn fM.' aim .waiiii S have lowered their reconlH. The for mer to i! 10 and the latter to i! .01l:. Or. O'Donnoll of hand lot fame, has taken hoiiio (.'liinci-o lepers to New Yoik, and tho authorities have refused to allow them to b: jiaraded ill the public utieot.s. N. C. Moiptn, of Kpoknuo FuIIh, V. T., has leased a tract of laud to Chinese, and a committee, styling thenii-elve.s "Neck-Tie Committed," have g'tvim him fifteen tluyn to lid his premiK's of them. It ia Miid the deep sea lishing of)' the coast at (be mouth of the Columbia will prove profitable. A company was formed last bpring, which Iiuh met with rather piomisitiK returns. "What shall weilo with our fruit?" is now (ho cry of producers in this vicinity, says tho Tacoma Ledger. Apple, eur and plum trees are breaking down under their enormous burdenn. Tho newly appointed il tidgv for Wash ington 'J'erritory, Turner by name, will preside, il is said, over the counties of Skamania, Klickitat, Kittitas, Lincoln, Douglas, Yakima and .Stevens. Decrease of tho public debt during July was .f:i,!)!):i,'J.S0. Cash in treasury, SlO'r..IIO.OOl ; gold certificates, .118,017 .'110; silver, i:i,'j:50,()0(); rcfundini,' coi (ificates, $27 1, MO; legal (eiiders. $: Ki, (iHI.Olli; rractmnal cturettcy, .$11(17,8 10. A heavy hail storm prevailed near Davenport, W. 'J'., which did much dam ago to crops of grain and fruit. The hail came with such force as to lour the k'i'ain to tho ground, in many places cut ting tho heads from (ho stalk. Mail ntoncH liveeighl.s of an inch in diameter wero picked up. Whilo I'. Proctor wiih engaged in oil iuj,' thoedger in Miller Co.' mill near .runt's Pas", saya the Jacksonville Times, nun of his sleeves caught in tho machinery. Doctors Flanagan and Ster ling wore miinmoncil mid amputated an arm, but it proved unavailing. J'oor Proctor died in great agony not long afterward. Although, practically, thoro nro no dealings, wheat in quoted in Walla Walla at 45 cunts a ImihIioI. Mill men mado ofTera to take a limited amount of whout, furnishing sacks and freo storage for six ty duyt) and paving tlio ruling prico any timo during (hat period. Khould tho freight rates to Portland bo reduced f 2 per ton km the talk gooe, prico will rul nix conta por buuhoT higher. KHt Portland liml n $00,000 firo re cently. (lun. (Irant has written twonty articles for tho Contury concerning tho war. Ho gctH $10,000. On circiiH day a jowolry Htoro at Hpokimo Fulls whs robbed of about $800 worth of goods. Lieut, (ireoly has returned UnuikH to tho government and tho puoplo for their timely awdstaneo. Thero are now ten candidatcH for HhoriU'hefor'i the Convontion in Whit man county, W. T. Tho authorities aro preventing tho fthipmont of live ctoek from points af fected by the Texas fever. Jay Kyo .See will trot August loth to lower Maud Ks record of 2 ;0!);. It is not thought thai he can do it. The cotton crop of Texas has been in hurod by a heavy tain. A report Kays it is worth millions to tho .State. Tho Walla Walla Statesman has been ollercd and has refused ?:i(K)0 for ita cabinet of minerals, curiositieH and collection of coins. Theie are !!000 men at work now on tho Oiegon Pacific railroad. With the above force Corvallis will be reached within ninety days. Says a Highlands, Oregon, corres pondent : If the weather during hiirveil is favorable, thi' Highlands will marko twice the amount of grain of any former year. Mr. F.dgar Ititclneof I'IciihiiI Valley, in Clackamas county, Oregon, received oiio quart of (iolden Medal kernels of ubeiii lad fall, which ho planted, and has just gathered 800 quarts from that planting. The iurv at Walla Walla, W. T decides that the drowned man was Peter ,). Ia'ii., aged about 2'A years ; that ho ciune to this county from lleattle, Man-hull county, Kiidki, and rendered a verdict accordingly. Suva the Tacoii.a News: Thin in the hottest day of the beie-on, (ho down town thermometers, more or le-s exposed, tanging from Si degrees to 00 degress, about as hign points as the mercury usually teaches here. Win. Diiughcrly, a traveling physician, aged about (!. years, whilo on a drunken spree in Walla Walla. Monday, attacked TIioh. Morrii'sy, a Dry creek fanner, with bis pocket knife and cut him about the lb rout and fce in a fearful manner. Daugheity was crazed with drink. Says the Snohomish Kye There is not a bi ttor 1 x-iitioii on Puget Sound for a furniture and wooden ware factory, a tannery, and other industries, than Snohomihh City. '1 ho-u with capital to invest should jot tins down in their moranduni book and visit the place ujxm the first opportunity. The Seattle Hop Orower's AH-ociatiou expects to employ between 100 and f00 Indians in the big yard at Suoqualiu'e Prairie during the hop picking hcuHou. Fearing a HCiircity of pickers on this side thoy have written over to Yakima for a lot of Indians fiom thu eastern side of the mountain". Ah hooij as tho paiK-rs are pa.-csl i-ccuring the lease to the Northern Pacific for iiiiietv-nine years of the Oregon Kailway and Navigation Kysteins, there will bo no breaking bulk at Tacoma. Through freights from the Fast to point", on the lower Sound will be subject to one charge, ami timiorm. Ncwh is ieceived of the robbery of (ho stage between ICetchum and Vienna, Idaho, on Friday, says the Hast Ore gonial). The robbero made their attack eight miles above Ketchuin. There weio five pas-engerH. One wiih arrested, and gave his name as Win. (inithoun, and eonfosi-ed the crime. 'The other is X. Clary. A Lafayette correspondent of tho l!e porler sayw there nevor was a time in the hi.-tory of Oregon when money was so scarce as now. Hut harvest is here threshing uill soon commence, and then wheat ought to go into market as soon as possible to relievo the stringency and help thoo who have not only emptied their pockets but stretched their credit to its utmost extent. ItcKidontss of Lowiston and surround country have applied to the Governor of Idaho for enough arms and equipments for four comoanies of militia, which will be organized at once, and prepared for the return of Joseph and his baud of cut throats or any possible outbreak by the Indians on tho whites surrounding the No, Force reservation. Yesterday afternoon, says Saturday's Dalles Mountaineer, two littlo boyHiigcd 5 ami 7 yearn, named Johnnie ami Uichard Geary, wore drowned in Mill ere k, within a few feet of tho ico house. They were first discovered lying dead in tho water and their smaller brother asleep on tho bridge, by two girls who wero passing. The alarm wiih given and Mr. Jacob Drum, accompanied by a boy, went and took them out or tho water. Judging from all tho reports wo can gather, crops of every description in Spokane and Lincoln counties will bo I he best raised for years, if not, in fact, without parallel in the history of agri culture in tlioso counties. We have already exhibitions that would bo a credit U any part of tho agricultural world. Harvest is just beginning, and will soon be in progress all over tho territory. Mr. John Fagan, living near Tangent, Oregon, left at this olllco Tuesday samples of timothy measuring seven feet one inch in length, says tho Albany Democrat. Tho longest timothy head measurod eleven and three-sixteenths inches. lie also left u sample of afalfa, second crop, that measured four foot and three inches in length. Also a very flue aainplo of early roue potatoci, which wa think cannot be beaten. TBI TBOTTHtd W0HDEK8. Jay Era m and Maud .. Lower their Record A Detailed Description. From tho dispatches (o tho daily press wo obtain tho following which will lo of much interest (o (ho gencrul public. PitoviPK.vct:, It. I., Aug. (i, 1881. -Soon after camo tho groat event of the day, and the greatest event in tho history of the trotting turf. Jay Kye See camo on tho track, and as ho swung into the stretch the judges announced that he would make an attempt to beat his re cord. Jim Murphy, behind his own running horse, was also on the stretch limbering out, as he was to go the mile with Jay Fye See, to give tho littlo (Iyer courage and force him to a faster gait, if necessary. After jogging down the stretch onco or twice .lay Kye See turned at the distant stand, and came down to the wire for tho word. He was working magnificently, and as "go" wan shouted by Mr. Windsor the little gelding sped away around the turn, with thn uinuer about eight lengths behind. Never did a horo work more evenly than did Jay-JCye-See, as ho sped around the turn, and it M.'omed as if he was a piece of machinery, and not a thing with life, so perfect was his actions. Up tho quarter lie went, with (he runner trailing four lengths behind, and as he sped into (he straight Itithers cut him loose. Faster and faster wero his strides, and it was evident "lid" meant to send him. At the half tho watches registered 1 :0."i, a 2 ;10 gait, and if he could hold his own forthe last half he would accomplish an unprecedented feat. Around thetmnor turn it seemed as if ho was Hying, and fast as had been his gait on the baekstretch, it was forced up now to something terrilic. On anu on he wont, without a suspicion of a break, passing the three quarter post in 1 :.'., At this point the runner came up even with the trotter, arid now began the final struggle. Down he came, without a skip, ever stride trotting in the mo montous race against the fast-flying seconds. ISithers had not yet used his whip, and as tho gallant flyer sped down to the stand, and under the wire, (here was a momentary bustle, and then suddenly the cry, "He has dono it," was raised by tho-e among the spectators who had'timed him. A loud burst of applause greeted this announcement, only to Is) followed by a much more ontliiiiastic demonstration as the board swung round, witli the record '2 :10" upon it. Never on a raco track has thoro been a sceno of wilder excitement than followed the announcement. Hats, canes, handkerchiefs ami fans were waved, whilo men shouted themselves hoarse in cheering the king of the American turf. When Hithers came back to (he stand with Jay Kye See a magnificent horse shoe of flowers was presented him, while around him gathered groups of admi ring friends. Immediately following this repoit came the following. Ci.i:vi:i.anp, Aug. 2. -This has been a groat day at the driving nark-. On account of rain interfering with the programme of the week, tho sort began at 11 this morning and continued until f, when the race were iinidied. The attendance n large and the weather was pb ii'irit, wept a short shower at 1 o'clock , Ui truck was good. At half past 1, lictwten three heats of a pacing race of tho - :27 class, Maud S. was brought on tho (rack, and after a littlo warming up, William Illair, the driver, nodded forthe start and gave the mare her head. She strode oft in the smoothest conceivable manner, unattend ed by any horse to help her along, and mado the entire circuit like a perfect working machine, without a .kip. She passed tho first quarter in !12! seconds; tho half mile in 1 -01 f ; the thrco-quartcr post in 1 ::(!(, and tho full mile, time given, in 2 :0D;. Three gentlemen limed her from the judge'H stand. Davis Homier of New York made the time 2 01) ; W. 1). Fosig, secretary of tho Cleveland Driving Park, 2:01) :i-f, and J. Cuinnnngs, president of tho Toledo Driving Park, tl:0!).. Several watches in boxe opposite tlfo judge'd stand marked '2.0'.).1. President Edwards announced that tho time was a record, in as much as a wager of $100 was made on time, 1). H. Loudentsach of Chicago putting $100 with Captain Goorgo M. Stone, manager of Maud S., that she would trot better ban li:ll.J. Tho track is estimated to bo a second and a half to two seconds slower to-day than tho Providence track. Tho great crowd of spectators went wild with en thusiasm when tho timo was bulletined showing that all previous records had been beaten and that tho handsome mare had mado the fastest mile ever t rotten. She exhibited no signs of distress after her unpn railed performance, and was led to her stable amid excited cheoring, followed by a crowd of jubilant admirers. hho had dono no work for ten days. Gun tain Stone is confident she could easily trot on tho same track Monday in 2:08 or better, and is mora than over confi dent that she is the fastest trotter in the world. Says tho Skngit, W.T., Nows: Hay ing is begun in oiiriiost, mid a heavy crop is nnticiimtiul. Clover 1ms novur beou as full, and mowing is mado very diflicult beciumo of tho weight of the crop. Tho otvhurds aro in excellent condition and tmiiill fruits nro well ripened. Potatoes are boginnini; to lo dug, and both early and Into look well. Hon culture in increasing on tho river, and a Rood crop and lair prices nro expected thin year. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, SALEM, - - OREGON. REPRESENTING STAVER & WALKER, 208 to 214 Front St., Portland, Or. GENERAL AGENTS FOR J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.'s Engine, Threshers, Headers and Saw Mills. tiilcluk;r Farm and Bpring WagotiH. Buggies, and Car riagcH. P. K. Dcucrick & o.'s Hay Presses. EMPIRE MOWER, REAPER AND BINDER. The .1. 1. Case Plow Co.'s Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows and Cult! valors. Hoosier Drill Co.'s Seeders, Drills jukI Sulky Hay Hakes. Acme Harrows. DIAMOND AND BUCKEYE FEED MILLS, FEED CUTTERS, Etc. Send for -!5&'a&iti'K ACME HARROW, Clod Crustier and iMvelvr. Weighs much 1pm than otlit-r l'ulvcrizi:i Harrov.-H. Sclk about onu-tliird 1'h, and with all (Iocb tho in -it thorough work of any. I il I i j- THE EMPIRE HARVESTER AND TWINE BINDER. Hust ho Xcalcst, Simplest and Best Drive "Wheel ; has the best Canvas Arrange ment for earning Grain from Platform to Elevators ; has the best Cutter bar ; has tho bct Pitman Connection ; has no Side Draft ; has the best Adjustable Keel ; has tho best Tilting Arrangement ; has the best Raising and Lowering Arrange ment. It is unexcelled for Strength and Durability- it is the lightest; is simplest in Construction ; is Substantially and Strongly Built ; is the Surest to Bind; has Fewer Pieces of Ma?hinery than any other; has heed of Fewer Experts; has a Friend in every purchaser. LKHART CARRIAGE Milan of kll J-l" of CASIAOES,BUQar3,8nUSO WAGONS. SWOLE DOUBLE HAJLHEM SADDLES ikt.T.iB u.m .w at r pmnlov no airem. Lwhatyoit orucriB w ok jmxi IllCKirT, If. jviyuu rnwiwi. .n.C! Iltwvy Mcut)l just thAnamHiunLHen hh Oar Hmww re ill No. Top Iliuvt-'S it SIX, fine u mum- Mil, I for 1:5 to tM. WrmW i T.rullirr. Kinirifl,aiN.ouiossu. s uuyiiKr. wiiil for our nth na fnllv M-nrrn fciLii)Lir lLiirini IrrP. We Retail atWfiolesalB Prices. fore - ervunn Iiuiy wnrriiniru. rgLcVU. vLUk fil tTT. srp'v. IHUIinri. Indian The'lSS" sTIRE8BEB ffSMi iiase I- iiEiiv-ir .'' . -.. $, tv 'j O?- THE EW mmum vi.sn. Si.k t 'i:nb ii: RUSSELL.0-' CO.. And 'M In mill f i. . , l ir t ir- .tt (.!' . I, NVii tt.i. 1-iT.w , l.ulll 1.) ssillca. 0., r snj lor : ...rnt Mj KUSSELL & CO., Ilriiiir'j Ilim.r. I'orlliiDil. lrrsin. Junltf rr,i" 1 ikStocSlreFenea V..-' ..i'i k" .t1 rnr;-'" V .c ine i 'H..lcjg . j, .fV aovkf .. lt lm ifif.lK.i - m, bi . 11 ft On xuci i. tt .n, r it.tt.a. i .v.Teli. 11 ! tb.'.nl. t . i .i'o , t.npfiinl r"i't ai., actt itiv ,i '.....-ft.-.i I :-. r-U.'f.ifi.Ti... (.'ot.nl mMi.--til'tatalihliEM. it ai.r .. to lwr3irD..d Vlri i .er.rj re.p.ct. i . i' . . r Htil. -it: i' w 11 tuelf ' . ''il..lcl'k-;JHf4v, r. lo '-f wtocijbl. -... -. I '. i ,d..y illriavt.ttca .1 c.ilucil. at I . ' i ' - ! te.l ari i "i .- auiT .tlr r l'lf'Pii.'jijt 0.U, nlo ... itAtlfal'iiu. ttPAi ivlrtt t .. .... ., ... ... 41. i.muutiir t ' t.r ( tiii t.mliifa fur '- . i ..... i . ur f... crindai .. i r j" i" 1 particular s.t ,...,,. ... ... Hlft.monil InH. WeakNervousMen 1Tio debility, esluinatrd uvrra, prewatura tleciiy and (allur to perform lltV'a dutlea properlartt cauwd by ('.', errora uf yoiith, etc., will litidj a perfect and laatlce restoration to robnat hrplih THB MARSTON BOLUS. ii TinruDi anunnuuu tu fetther stouach dructinK Aor inMtniinnntA. Tln.tn..T,nn. i or i ine 'OU I". Nrrroua .Debility and rkyalcal Decay launwiuly w baaed on perfect diafnoaia. neewaful b.can. a.w . !!.. aikaeM. Foil Intormatlom and TrMtia (m. ilml Met had and abaolut laar Adureaa i;onauiiinv rnrmtoian or MARSTON REMEDY CO., d.W.Hth St. NeYork PATENT$5WaSsF5S "A yrs .4,'-J -!k Ii v Illustrated Catalogues. J BB5SS.f f.! r1" p.p F. Sftugji jJ J. I. Case AGITATOR. 1 lie Agitator is the bent ijrain naving ma chine evtr made. It ronn lighter, threshes ia?ter, is less liable to et out of order, and taveti grain better than any other machiae. H HARNESS M FG CO. and u ipoc ai.i-i.i-..i not hhiis tw - ii ai iju. 1 (Ink filfI. llfl. IIliiKtrated AiliIrftiAW .! Hh ulj. --B nirriB I I ML' A 1 7TSH1- 1 ikN- r"5r 4xs-3-jT 7 ' r-7-nu a.ii nr.ifci WiTH riUVILEUK OF Examining Before Buying Orcgon Railnay and Naviga tion Company. OCEAN DIVISION. llrlween t'orllanrt and 8an Francliro. Leaviutf Alns otth Wbatl at niMnUht, ad follows: IRJM fORTLASD. Midnight. Orficn. Mjnu y, August 4 tKOM 8AN rRANClSCO. 10 AM tate. Saturday. ...Ausr. 2 St.te. tiaturdi- 9, Co!uuibia, Thurwlay.... 7 Oregon Tuesd.y 12 Columbia. ThursilaT. .11 Oreson. TUMday . 10 ui, sunua' i( Columbia. KnJay S2 Jrejon. VeanMdy.,..S7 SUte, Moncay, . Srt 1 To-umliia. f aturday S SUts, buiday... Columbia. rriiUv OreffOn, Wednsidiy, Stp S State, Sloil lay TIiruuEU Tlckrts sold toallioiDta In the United Stats-, Canada and Europe. RAILROAD DIVISIONS. Trinsler uUamer connecting with Atlantic ExpiM leaven Ah Street wharf, Portland, daily, at 11:40 A.H. Tho Pacific Kxprcal arrives at 1'ortlvud, daily U 11:40 A. M. ntUULG (IUHII, MlLL.tMKTTK AJia VAMIIILL KltK.K Ut.lSlOX. Leave Portland I I for Mon. Tue. Wed.ThntFrl. Sat. nalleaanuui'inir Columbia 7 AM 7 AM 7 All 7 AM 7 A 11 7 A it Astoria and Low. er Columbia... 7 All 7 AM 7AM Dayton u All '3 AM j AM 0 AM a A M C A M CurvallU and In termediate pts 8 AM 8 AM Tacoma and Seattle d.ily at 1 1'. M. Vietorlt (tenner do not run Sundays. Kmrral Offices Cor. Front and U 8U. C. II. PKESCOTT, Uanagtr. A. L. STOKES, Oen'l Pas. Ayent. A. I.. MAXWKLL, Ticket Aitent. ST. HELENS HALL I'urlliim!. OrrKun. Boarding and Day School Young Women and Girls. for The S'XTF.KXTII YEAR opens Srnlriulirr ail. The lit. Unv. It. Wiitar Mortii. Hvclor. Thorouirh In n A it ruction In fcnjr'.Lh, Art, ltnjiuasen, and Mu.ic, i-orpi of fourieni leaihr. For catalogue, addrcaa: .MISS RODNKV, Hrlnclpal, 4jul3m Uox U, Portland, Oregon BISHOP SCOTT GRAMMAR SCHOOL. A Hoarding nuil Day Mrliavl fur Hujri. riMIK SEVENTH YFAH UNDKK ITS PKESKNT I iuiajteincit villi bealn Srplrmber SU. Boyi euccenalully Httcd for Collei'e or for bulne rtn resident and three 'ikitlng teachera. DUIplina itrlct. For further Inloi iintion and for catalogue coiiUlulntf llt of former puplla. addreaa: J. W. MltU M. B., Hrtvd MMter. juneiOrua Drawer 17, Porllaad, Oregon. nibK. v a WPT. PATENTS, ilk UadHK, rwuttTu. B44 Wxcripti.a .r r.lto. ;.. BIMlillAM, 4ttut IdKv.raaJ Suhtitor llViaiajrlen, V. C. .aataa.ai. IOI 'tor any rilMbilltys aba o i iirira, rena aiainv 'ii-aUr jm. Cou u I) 0. f ,, Jil n