8 WILLAMETTE FARM Ell- SALEM, OREGON, AUGUST 1, 1884. I & jMSplR jfammtrdnL UAltKET ItEPOllT. ni.m: rniiMT. market. Thcso quotations aro for Portland, l'ho following represent wholcahlo rate, f .om producer!) or first liandn WIIKAT Walla Walla, 31. 35 1.40; Val loy $1.401.45 per cental. FLOUli S.").00C.2.i, ttuvlari; superfine, $3.7Cal. BARLEY SI.101 23. OAT3.-4718c. OVtONS. lc. MIDDLIN(JS-S2.'i30; Bliorts, $2223. BllAN 81820. BACON Sides, firm 12gl33; Hams 13c 17c; Shoulders, 10llc. LAHI) Kastcrn pails, lngl.TJ';; Oregon, iu tins, I3l4c;in nan imrrels, rjl3c. OHKKSE.-Cal., 14c: Oieeon, 18o V 16. HONKY In comb, 18a20c; strained, in 5 gallons, 10Jllc. AP1'LES-S1.752 25 per box. DRIED FKUI18. Apples, sun dried quar red,10o; slicod, 14c; machine dried, firm, 15c; roars, machine dried, 10c; riums, sun dncd, 16c. and machine dried, lGc. POULTKY. Chickens, young $2.C0; old Jl.GU; eeeso, S; EGGS. 25c. POTATOES. -Old 1.10l,23c per bush. BUTTElt 2025c. HOGS. Live weight, BJc; ditto fat, CJc; dresseii, J woe. BEEK. 45o on foot. SHEEP.- Grcss weight, 4a on foot. VEAL 9 to 10a HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 14c; eonntry cured, dry, 15a; culs J oif, green kldjs, salted, 7c; country ditto, 7c; deerskins, dry, 3()o S lb; d snoop pelta each lfol.00; dry elk, 20o per lb. TALLOW Quotable at 8o. per lb. HAY $1718 for baled. VvOOL. Eastern Oregon, ICalTcj Wil lamette Valley, 1618c; Utnpqua, 2C23c. HOPS Can bring 1018o. SEED Timothy, 718c; red clovor, 15 ISo. CENKKAI. HKUCUAXDISE. BICE China No. 2, 5Jj ; Sandwich Islands, 86o. TEAS. Japan, 3040) Black, 4076o Hreen. 8fi80o. COFFEE Costa Rica 1215o; Java, 20 Z?o. dOGARS. Crushed A 1010Joi Gol den 0, 8o; in barrels, Sja in halves; Dry Granulated 9Jt0c. 8YRUP. Fivoeallons 70o RAISINS. -California, 2.75$3.26V25 lb Mx CANDLES 1215o. SOAPS. Good, 76oll.76. OILS. Ordinary brands of coal, 30o; high 0adca, Downer & Co., 37Jo; Boiled Linseed, 80; ditto Raw, 77c; Salmon oil, 65c; Turpen tine, 70a; Pure Lard, 1 30; Castor, $1.25 11.40. SALT. Stock, bay, $10 V ton; Carmen Island, $12J; Coarse Liverpool, $15; Fine qual r, $1520; Ashton'a dairy, ditto, $30 COMMERCIAL. Thursday, July 31, 1881. Tho truth is tbero is literally nothing doing in tho niarkots oithor at Salciu or rortlaml. AVhont has not begun to ar rivo fully yot. Harvesting is progress ing under favorablo circumstances and nil that is needed ia a continunuco of tho weather us it now is. Tliero is a slightly better prospect for wheat in Liv erpool. Tho unfavorable) wcathor has caused mi uneasy fooling on tho mnrkot. Wool is cxtrenwly dull and nothing doing. Local dcalor bid low. Tho eastern situation is fully explained bo low. From .Maugorifc Avory's I'hihulolphia Monthly Wool Circular, wo tako tho fol lowing : Them is but little eliiiiiiro iu tho con dition of tho woo! market dming the past mouth compared with tho preceif ing iiiouin, except a loworr.mgo oi viu uos. lltiMiiesa has boon at u btnnd still. rurohiiMis havo been stopped on account of money facilities and salos havo been only possihlo at steadily declining prices. Tho refusal of banks to furnish nionov to niovo tho clip has prolubly proved of beuollt to tho market which otherwise would havo btvomo overstocked and wools would havo been Hlaughtcrcd. Tho stringency in money occurred nt a timo whoa wool dealers aro strongest as regards their own capital mid will havo no worse c fleet on thoiu than prevent ing them from carrying as much wool as usual at this timo of year. Welo liovo that wool should bo held by tho former until required for market, and possiMy this season's experience may re sult iu a change in tho manner of buy ing in tho West that will bo of benclU to all interested. Oregon wools aro quoted at lll'23c per pound. Wo quote as follows : Northern, good lots, 17021c; infciior lots, i:illio; Katern Oregon, good lots, 17(3 18o; in ferior lots, ll(jrr;lGo; Valley Oiogon ranges fiom l(tc4!Mo. IJeg.inliug the Hop market, wo find littlo of interest. The surplus left over from last year is limited. Keganling tho report of lud weather in Kuropo and its oll'ect on tho hop crop wo Ibid some truth iu tho report. It is thought by conservative jwrtics, however, that Eng land will gather 800,000 centals, or just about half enough for her us.es tho com ing year. OI this deficit it is thought America can make good two thirds, while tho Continent is called on to fur nish the remainder. Under theto cii cumstances there is no reason to bo othonvuo than cheerful, tho prospect fori good prices during the year being ex cellent. This coast will raiso 100,000 bales or about 12,000,000 pounds and wo predict that Oregon and Washington will supply fully .),000,000 iwunds ex clusive of the Tuyallup fields. Tho prico cannot yet bo given as there is nono to sell. The stringency of tho money market will work hardship upon ninny farmers and we would not bo surprised to hoar of some of Oregon's milling interest let lio idle. The banks have no money on hand to loan. The mortg.igo tax is showing itself and tho fruits thereof. Groceries and provisions aro tin- changed, butter and eggs aro in good demand at old prices. Green fruit is abundant and is being sent over tho Northern Pacific in largo quantities. Tho prices obtained we aro unable to give. Hay is selling for $10 to $12 for good timothy delivered ; oat hay is worth only .) to $7 per ton. Tho crop is both light and inferior in quality. Markets by Telegraph. San Fhanci.-co, July 30. Wheat Spot market firm with a good demand; No. 1 shipping, $1.37301.40; futures, No. 1 white, scllor year, $1.38!; buyer tho year, $1.43V; buyer seasoD, 1.49. Flour Oregon and Walla Walla dull at $1 ; California City Mills choice and extra choico jobbing at $4.004.50. Barloy No. 1 feed, seller season, 82J ; buyer year, 87o ; buyer season, 92c. Oats Supplies aro larger than tho de mand and prices favor buycrs.l.:J21.40 Grain Bags Standard size aro quoted at7.12.i7.25 spot, S7.37i7.50 July. Wool Eastern Orogon,"l018J ; mar ket dull and prices aro against sellers. Eggs steady at former quotations. Iiuttor Quoto samo as before. Chicaoo, July 30. Tho market closed weak and lower. Wheat, 814c for cash July, 821o for August, 83Jc for Septem ber. Oa'ts, 29.c for July, 20Jc for Au gust, 26c for September. MEEBnOHM'S FOKKION HREADSTUFFS RE PORT. London, July 23. Floating cargoes Quieter. Cargoes on passage and for prompt shipment Wheat and maizo rather quiet. Mark Lane Slow. English and French country markets Steady. Imports into U. K. past week, wheat, 290,000 to 295,000 qrs. Imports into U. K. past week, flour, 110,000 to 115,000 barrels. Marie Lane Review. London, July 28. Tho Mark Lano Ex press, in its weekly reviow of tho Brit ish grain trade, says : Tho weather last wook, owing to heavy thunder storms and cold nights, was detrimental to the wheat crop generally. Nevertheless thcro are some splendid fields of wheat. which show tho finest appearances still, in favor of an avcrago yield. Salos of English whoat tho past week wero 27, 495 quarters, at 37s Id, against 28,734 quarters, at 42s Id, the corresponding stagnant, and prices aro unchanged. In tho oil' coast trado there is littlo doing. Eight cargoos arrived during tho weok, live cargoes wero sold, six wore with drawn and nine remained. Sixteen car goes aro due. Tho broken weather itu parted steadiness to tho trade. Flour is less depressed, Barloy is quiet and btoady. Maizo, especially American, is firmer. Oats aro dull and weaker. Our old friend ami school mate, Miles Hendricks, of Wheatland, ha presented us with u box of peaches. Ho tells us that they havo 200 trees, and that they are in a sheltered situation. Tho farm is ten miles down tho river from Salem. He has brought many bushels to S.ilem tho past few weeks and receives a good price. Many thanks. In St. Louis, says ono of its newspa pers, four-fifths of tho inhabitants have taken to chewing gum. . SEBSON, CHURCH & CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS Nartheaat Corner of Ash aait Front a'teeta, PORTLAND, . . . OREGON. Wlfl.lf B0YAl r foKwtio? Sat W Troyal nVlRt J it vHJ"ii i POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never" Aarle. A marvel of purity strength and vvholesomentss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, nnt cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powder. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING FOWbER CO., 106 Wall St.,N Y. decly $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY 500 4:50 400 350 300 275 250 235 200 175 150 125 100 00 80 70 $60 50 40 30 20 10 Smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco will receive Premiums m follows on terms and conditions here specified: 1st PREMIUM. JBSjOOO 2d " $2,000 3d " $1,000 22 other Premiums as here shown. Tho SS premiums will be awarded December 33, 1884. 1st Premium goes to the person from whom we re ceive thel&rgcBtnumberof our empty tobacco bags prior to Dte, IS. 2d will be given for tho next largest number and thus. In tho order of the number of empty bags received from each, to the twenty-five successful con testants. Each bag must bear our original Bull Durham label, U. 8. Revenue stamp, and Caution Notice. Bags must be done up securely In a package, with name and address of sender, and number of bags contain. ed, plainly marked on the outside, and must be sent, charges prepaid, to niacktvell'a Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N.C Every genuine package has picture of Bull. , Bee our next announcement Situation asjtardener. fTVVENTT YEARS EXPERIENCE IN N. Y. STATE and 0 years in England. unaeiBtana propa (ration of all kinds of flowers, roses especially and ltouerln? shrub: also the trrmilnir cf smallfrmts. irrape vices, and vegetables. Wiuld like to come to Oregon. Address: my30t3 CHAHLES LANG. Box HO, Council Muffs, Iowa, Established 1863. Faim for Sale. ACRE FARM FOUR MILE 3 SOUTH OF Salem. In (rood state of cultivation: good lars-e barn: cojd house: rood orchard: well fenced all around, and two cross fenced; 62 acres in wheat; 34 acres in pasture; 30 acres plowed ready for summer fallow, if you want to buy a rood farm come and see mine before purchasing elsewhere. 1 will sell crop extra, ine place is wen wuierei. ror runner par ticulars address: A. R. DUN LAP, Salem, Or. Jnnoltf E. O. SMITH, OFFICE: No. 167 First Street, between Moi Jritwn and Yamhill, Portland, Oretros Banner Apiary Supplies. PI RE IIBED ITAI.IAX llF.EM. FULL COL ONY li simplicity hive bitpcr furnished . d. n. $17.50; In crate, $10; hio complete, with f.d.n., 17.50; in flat, $3.50; smokers. $1. Wax m anted or taken in ex change for f.d n. Bright f d.n., 00c ptr pound; dark, 50c per pound. Untcfte 1 Italian (juecn, $2.50. Tented Ouccns, $5. Select Tes'cd. $0. Decs by the pound, 3'.'. Oueens sent bv mail nrtoaid. 43TMomy mnet accom pany all orders. Send 1'ost ehVe rrdcr on Prrtland or ure-on uiy, or mgiatereu lettir to jumauMe. eaie arriial guaranteed, lrico list free. aplS Adcicss: J. D. HUSK, Miloaukio, Oregon. DK. SPINNEY, "Vfo.ll Kearny St., San KraiicIifo.Cnl. Treats r allChronio audSrcclal diseases: TOl'.VC MKN who may be suffering: from the enects of youthful fol lies or indiscretion will do well to avail themrelves of this, the greatest boon ever Uld at the feet of suffer! n( humanity. Dr. Spinney will guarantee to forfeit $M)( for ever case of weakness or private diseastsof an) kind or character which he undertakes and falls to curs MIDDLE. AC;KI MEN. There are many at the a$e of SO to S5 who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the bladder, often ac companied by a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weakening of the system In a maim it the patient an not sveount frr. On examlnlrj: the urinary de psslt a ropy sediment will of tew be found, and some times small pirticles of albumen will appear, or the co1 or w 111 be a thio,milklsh hue.agaln changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty, icnorant of the cause, which Is the second stage of simlnal weakness. Dr.S.wtll guarantee a perfect cure In all such cases, and a healthy restora tion of the gtnlto urinar organs. Office hours 10 U 4,and0 to S- Sundays from 10 to 11 A.U. Consulta tion fres. Thorough examination and dvlce,$3 Call or address: DR. SIMNNEV & CO., No. 11 Kearney street, San Vcaalco, Cal JJanSi-U THOS. MEHERIN, SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, Importer and Dealers iu all kinds of .Seeds, Trees and riant, Agent for IU V. Fox's Xurwrlea. o. SU llalirrr Mrrcl, iiilt lt oilier, BAN I'KAM'IU'O, CAL. Vrlee Llt mailed free on applloithn. JunelSiul imlilJBC Toas.Toncli.Worianaiisliiii ani DuMliillty. WILLIAII kkaiii:a(o. Nos. 204 ana :oG Weit Baltimore Slrce:. Baltimore. No, m Fifth Avenue, N. Y Dr. Allen's rsUYATE nisrt:xAKT, Mi Kearsiy ittrrrt, asi Fraarl.ro, Cal. The I.xurrt fcprtalll. Dr. Allen, Is a regular f raduated rhyslclin from the Unlrerslty cf Michl. ran. Us has dsvoti d a llfetlni. to the study of Special disc-Ms. lOl'Mi DEI An4 VIDDLK-AGEU HEN. ho ire s.'fferlni' from th. effects cf Youthful Indiscretion cr Excesses la maturer years,NEItVOUa and PHYSICAL DKUILITY, LOST UAMIOOIl, etc, rcnieinber that, by a wrublna. tion of rvmedUa of fittt curatire power, the lXctor has so artanrcd bis treitmenl tbit it will not on) sJTord tmmrdiite relief, but permanent cure. MY UO.riT.lL Um-CKIIACF. (TlaTlnir Uen suron Iu (hanr. of ta o leading hospitals) enablis ni. to tnat all priraie trctublss iih exnll.'nt nsults. I claim to be a skillful l'tusician and Surnoo T1IOUCUOULY Inf innnt In wj sp claltj UlslUliES OF MA. Allal'l receuen'j honest oplrlouof their complaints vo entlajtiiljv. Xniultatlccs ran and suUtlj print. chr Kt uasouable. Call or addrea: Pii. ALLEN, M Kearny M. San rrancisco, Cal. Offlce hours, 8 to 3 da 1 , I to 3 main-. IJanSJ-tf inff AS.H.DOD S Front, First and Vino Sts., PORTLAND, ORECON, -IMPOBTER3 OP HAHDWAEB, HWN AOT STEEL FARM MAOHINBBY. . .. .,.n,(nllmilrtr Celebrated Inn lcinents: BUCKEYE BflOVVER AtD Rl.APERb jr PATENTS Hand-Book FREE. a.ui p. ucer. tauat AU-ra. TTaaatuWa. P. nilniDPCC aosohtb mvoiiCEs ron rrr. UllUnliLa.soas rea'dliT lhruu.-hout th. I'nitnl frtttes aad Canada for desertion, non-support, tatem- lrauev, vniiii,, incomiui oiuiT, & Aa.ic. ire. ! jour cai. and address ATTORNLY WARD, World llulMlpr. l!o7 Broad. , New York, 13J It jrVprvc"fJe24-' -r Pie's &.$ i -! '. n i.t ; ' Jf.J! I ..mr-vr nv Tlir Tin A 11. JLl.tf.Il. "-' ..a... - - Theie machines are too well known tu need cm.ineu UntTfitrps'P t1"lITfIJ ThvjinJ f ftinrs here hae ind them, and . . . is ..i n.t,Uas XXfa asa J&X8Z&Z& "StiSrS? Oll-HraoMUriSIcUlner-Wear. also Sole Agents of the TTyBifjwjgSjmvr avuis si njmastA'W-. . ..... .. t i .. j Y)v v i jwt. V7Tmrr5.T'"JJJVrfVTi.i.s...,Ji fkVO t'W,i. ?J -MaW V V. lll,M''-i'r- aSSW3alR Clio Bucltoyo i?wlX3.e tSo3.f-:Blxlca.I, Mollue Buggy Co.'. Mountain Wagons, Buggies and Driving Carts. HTaOX'B Safes. Callfoi-nla Io-lcr. xa-Send for Special Circulars and Price List. BREEDER AND IMPORTER OF ..m.-....- -..u.- -mi iPrldaot llonttoru. W'W I I S3' V Shropshire Downs, Leicester Sheep and Essex Swine. WtiteaJcer, Marlon County, Oregon. wHif TSBbie EVAPORATOR U.a nf n.lvBnl.a., Tnn W. WT & . WV . AAA . w . m . ... I ll'roof. Will pay torltaelflnaodaysuse.outol Bale oflti own products. I'BEKI our Illustrated CaUlogue aud Treatise. Address, JaJtES UNFOUTII. asa Franclaco, California. I Send for flBFfj m aa sav Catnlouiue bbVj!,1I aVa I J fjaw ana ij m m m aaum -m Prices. ENGINE WORKS INDIANAPOLIS. IND., U MANUPACTt'RFKS OF 6. A, STEiM ENGINES 8 BO ILEUS. r Carry Engines and Boilers in Stock isr inunegiaie ceuery. SIBBL B ySaa SaW MAKE HENS LAY . . tl .. condition Towders are absolutely pa immensely Taioable. Nothlnu on earth will malce hens lay like Sheridan s Condition lowders. Done, fte ax to 1 pint tooiu bead e ery where, or sent by null far 8 tetter-stamps. 1. 8. Jouxson & Co.. liosiov. An English Veterinary Surgeon aadChaalaf. nowtravelingln this country, says that tnoai of the Horse and Cattle fowderi sold bSf areworthlesitrash. He says that SherUanx teaspow Farm For Sale! Iaaa acres noon tatim land tkx .fLlUvrmlles wtst of Oakland. I oulas county, Ore, on. Irice $S per ace. Well ImpriAtd; t'toj Buns, House and Griliard. Call on or addles: UILUAM r'ATrtRSO.N, apr25m Oakland, Douglaa Co , Or. FOR SALE! IMPROVED FARMS IX LINX AM LANE COUNTIES ! .... In the heart cf .... The Finest Forming District ! West of the Rockjr Mountains. For f arilculars address or call on A. WHEELER, awgtfrna Shedd. Linn County, Orrg-n A. ROBERTS, ....SUCCESSOR TO.. OREGON THE FRUIT DRIER. USE KOSE PILlLS. FISHEL & ROBERTS, Cor. Hist and Alder SU, rortlsr.d, Orc( J THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor, And Hatter. OF (OREGON. Guarantees to sell the ver best CLOTHING lor lest, Money than any ether house la the state. lui'.tt Patronize Home Industry by Buying an Oregon. fIRST Fiewsr It hit more rapacity accordlnir to cost than any other. PKOiin It la ....t.. l l ... . . ,,.r. " .. .. V.-.V- i..t.ugKu uuu r quires less skill in operating than any ollnr. TUIllO. It sstes labor In h Vnx the Fruit Trail as nDchanyes from top ts boltom to drj eienly li required. ' FOUIITII It se time and f ue' by drying quicker and more thoroughly than any oilier, FlPTII-IM,lnnru.l.i.t.U.. tt -. . . .. iIL .w..u.v n .ii n. mere orna luental than any other. H.XTIL It Is adip-ed to the purpose of keeping ru fruit or for e.'.taia comciilent for ninter uso r for & fnlllr f !-. Kl. u- . .l- t. iuoasadner. www. HFVPXTIT l t .J...At i.t. ... ""nlludMlw .r-Jl fru.t or berrie.and thus salns i valuable ,1-oductend preventin?. as In fine. it. fil.lnf on the furnsce, crtaiin.- smoke to to. Jure or h'aileu the fruit. f!rirv n. Af tti. .K... -i-t ...... - v' ,, r . iBmiuij am ruuyrrcpared i?!,':'."""?? ' '!UJl '"' '" cWMtltioa.ittany ,7. J i '" iwuinmcnH or all classes of cuitom,r. IsCvDstiucte.1 nastly of brick and iron n..0.n.'L"cns,,,,1 ' '""v rmtected by U. 8. Sn?.? ?T?.,'di sf nilsr . li Arsons li'lnj In ?L 1 u ' or,UnJ; 9,n l"i. machine cl thla kind by cadlnjon -tU Luelllkj., tho etcran nurterr man vZ&XSSZfi fu"H,aklil 0t'8Jn' llel!2i,.,",U'r,"A0'dnr:a:rd "d rdTyl88- H. S. JORY, Box 2a. Saiom, Oregon. A PRIZE Fend . isii)s a KJ...V- aVlV. ItTsavM 9wm. sa Kt. VT- cf K00U4 which will heap all. viwci ic. 10 mors monty . VIUiE n ney tvt awsy than anjtiiD eUe In this world' a .-a aH-,ai4lf WCrKVTS aOSOiUUlV MM At MiM IpISy sddrsas TfcLK ttox ,