Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 01, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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$twa fytynVjinH
Counterfeit $10 Rrcenbacks have been
put afloat at Now York.
Spokane Falls has spent 12,000 in
grading streets this season.
The values in the State of Texas this
year show an increase of $00,000,000.
A Pittsburg millionaire is about to
establish a daily newspaper in London.
There is abatement of the cholera at
Marseilles and other points in Franco.
The Lakoview Examiner says there is
2,843 94 in Lake county's treasury over
The total assessed value of property
in Grant county for the present year is
The free baths in Philadelphia were
patronized by over 00,000 people week
before hist.
Grass on the hills in Oregon is re
markably fresh and giccn for tlii-i season
of the year.
Cher $8S,000 have been left by the late
John Archer, of Salem, Mass , to the
Salem hospital.
At Conyors, Oa , John Mitchell shot
himself in a room w hero four men had
before committed suicide.
The gen eminent says th redemption
of unused postal cards does not pay,and
it will redeem no moro of them.
A New York dispatch says merchants
in loading blanches of trade are notic
ing indications of better times.
Col. Bob Ingersoll is to deliver a sciies
of lectures in Portland. Infidels will
find poor picking in Oregon we think.
The wife of Lieut. Groely has left San
Diego, Cal., for Portsmouth, X. H. She
expects to join her husband in August.
We understand, says the Uoseburg
Independent, that giain in the country
is rusting, though not enough to afreet
the yield.
A thunder J-storm accompanied by
lightning set fire to a field near Bollcs'
Junction, and destioyed 1750 woith of
Im.migi.uits aro ai riving daily from
California and settling in the llig Bend
country. Thoy biing all their stock, etc.,
with them.
The exhibit published by County
Clerk J. J. Lamd shows that tho in
debtedness of Coos county, July 1, loss
cash on hand, was .110,929.9:5.
Tho total expense of the Greely relief
expedition is estimated by officials of
the navy department at about $700,000.
The original estimate was 300,000.
A federal court in Chicago decided
that the liability of a national bank
stockholder is a contract which survives
his death and attaches to his estate.
The authorities of Xew York city are
taking precautions against cholera and
during the next eight weeks will distrib
ute 5,000 gallons of disinfectants daily.
Hon. T. W. Uicknell is visiting our
State. Ho writes an article and says wo
are a grand country ami can raise wheat.
Truly this is wonderful.
The name of the Pomeroy Republican
has been changed to tho East Washing
ton, the first number under tho now
namo has reached us.
An assay from a Baker county assay
ofiico, of tho croppings of tho quartz
ledgo discovered near Wallowa, gives
51.70 gold and $2 50 silver.
A large number of hop kilns aro be
ing erected along tho lino of the Puget
Sound Shore road. Xearly every farm
has from five to ten acres in hops.
A son of J. A. Haskell, living near
Goldondale, W. T., committed suicide
because ho couldn't go to The Dalles
and see the circus. He was aged 18.
The striped convict suit has been dis
carded in tho Ohio penitentiary, and
prisoners have been furnished with
clothing tho samo as worn by honest
Polk county Itomizer: The fruit
raisers of Oregon can o.to to themselves
and tho State thousands of dollars by
destroying the worm webs on the fruit
trees without further delay. If this
work is neglected they will find their
trees a living mass of worms next spring,
destroying foliage and frujt to a greater
extent than ever beforo heard of in
the northwest.
R. Hogan, of Sandv, says tho Oregon
City Courior, out of one cedar tree,
seven feet in diameter, built a ono story
frame house, including the shingles on
tho roof, dimensions 21x10, cut 4,000
shakes, made 4,000ehingles, and has
enough wood left for 5,000 moro shingles.
Mr. Hogan says ho has tho bo turnip,
thirty and one-half inches in circumfer
ence The Sandy country is looming
Tho increased acreage of fall wheat in
Clackamas county, says tho Courier, if
about twenty per cent; tho aereago of
oats and spring sown wheat is also
larger than last year's, and tho crop, if
harvest time is favorable, will much ex
ceed the jield of last year. Tho fate of
tho farmers depends on the weather,
which, judging from atmospheric indi
cations, may now probably eoon como to
a settled condition.
The Corvallis Gazette Miys : "Wo aro
informed from a reliable source that the
big trestle on the O. P. It, II., between
tunnels Nbs. 1 and 2 is now completed.
The grading is finished four or five
miles this side of Trapp'a place. Tho
working force on tho road has been in
creased by one or more car loads of Chi
namen each day. All of the late rein
forcements have been put to work on
the road this tide of tho summit and
are pushing ahead with all practicable
Victoria, B. C, is thronging with vis
itors. The Texas fever is prevailing at Kan
sas City.
Wheat has begun to arrive at the
mills in Salem.
Many herds are afflicted with the Texas
fever in Kansas.
The winter wheat is all harvested
about Forest Grove.
As they cannot voto in Xovember tho
pcoplo of Tacoma are now voting in an
oil can for Presidential candidates.
Some Victoria parties have purchased
the Eliza Anderson and placed her on
the Victoiia and Westminster routo.
Bobbers stopped tho overland stage
near Bedding. Tho express box was
taken and the mail was not molested.
Mexico, according to a late San Fran
cisco dispatch, is attracting attention as
a market for salmon product. They
liko it and es-tcem it a luxury.
Work is progressing slowly on tho
Cascade division of tho Northern Pacific,
and about 100 men arc at work at the
front, about fifty miles below Yakima.
A Walla Walla exchango says that
tho yield of wheat this year in spite of
of the largo amount of summer fallow
land will be fully equal to last years
A number of the small boys of Tacoma
bocamo wealthy after the fire by gath
ering up the old iron and selling it at
the foundry. One boy mado $17.00 in
ono day.
At the evening session of the Episco
pal Convocation in Seattle last Friday,
the subject of raising a million was dis
cussed. Very enthusiastic speeches
w ere made and $265 pledged.
Lieut. Schwatkahas resigned his com
mission in the army, and his resignation
has been accepted. It is thought that
he proposes to accept some position
under a foreign government.
Tramps aro gotting to be common
about Silverton, Oregon. A large num
ber of them when diroctcd to work ex
hibit their contempt for manual labor
by going in the opposite direction.
Tho effect of the new law of Iowa,
which makes the keenini: of a house of
ill fame a penitentiiuy ollense, is repoit-
ed to bo the complete liddance of the
"social evil" in the towns of that State.
Joe Drake, tho negro under sentonce
of death for the murder of David Swarie
and now confined in tho county jail, is
taking things easy and don't seem much
worried about his coming neck-tie party
Tho Postoflico Department has $500,
000 more for the freo delivery business
this year than last, and twenty now of
fices will be put on the list, and moro
carriers hired for somo of tho old ones.
An Ohio man has just married tho
wife from whom he was divorced eight
years ago. He provod to her that ho
had quit snoring and sho demonstrated
that sho had learned to make good
Wo learn, says the Lafayette Regis
ter, that Luther Fletcher of Dayton killed
a cow a few days ago, which had a twen
tv dollar gold pieco in her windpipe.
The coin was worn perfectly smooth and
the stamps were barely pcrcoptibltv
The O. It. & X. Co. has made tho fol
lowing reduction in rates to tourists:
From Tacoma to Victoria, $ I CO ; round
trip, $5. From Seatflo to Victoria, 4 ;
round trip, $5. The former price was
$0 each way. Verily there must bo
some competition on tho Sound.
The permanent survey of the line
for the Xorth Beach Railroad is finished.
Tho company's finances are such as to
warrant their beginning building opera
tions immediately. The lino it is said
will be a very pleasant one and pictur
esque. Win. T. Mooro and Fred P. Crone
miller, of Roseburg, have formed a part
nership, and will commence the publi
cation of a Democratic nowspapor at
Rosoburg about September 1st, to bo
called the Roseburg Becord. Both are
steady and industrious young men.
Prof. B. J. Hawthorne, who recently
accepted the offer of tho chair of rhetoric
and phisiology in the State University of
Oregon, at Eugene, has been tendered,
says the Benton Leader, a situation as
Professor of mutlematics in the State
Univeisity of Texas, at Austin.
The following are tho appointments of
tho Bt. Rev. B. Wistar Morris, of the
Episcopal church for his Southern Oreg
on tour: Aug. 3, Marshfield; Aug. 0,
Port Orford ; Aug. 12, Chotco ; Aug. 13,
Kirbyville ; Aug. 17, Jacksonville ; Aug.
19, Eaglo Point; Aug. 21, Ashland.
Telograms concerning tho French har
vest uateu July II, from Pans, says:
Harvesting of the wheat crop in the
central zone is proceeding actively. Tho
farmers being unable to find n sufficient
number of reapers, furloughs have been
granted to soldiers, who assist in gather
ing the crops.
A dispatch from Paris, dated July 27,
says that after a council of the ministers
at'Klysee, Saturday, Prime Minister Fer
ry held an interview with Li Fong Pac,
Chino-e embassador. It was arranged
that China should pay Franco indemdity
of 20,000,000 francs. A pacific solution
of the troubles is now certain.
Tho hay crop in Lane county is being
gathered now. and although considerable
has liccn spoiled by tho late ruins, stilj
thoro will be donble tho quantity cthor
ed that there was last year. Self-binders
are cutting wheat and barley in every
portion of tho county, and the wheat is
said to be heavier than ever before
known. It is thought that hcodors w ill
be able to commence work, if tho weath
er remains fair, the last of next week.
The oat crop is also larger than ever be
fore, the yield being astonishingly large.
Lane county will hare nearly double
the surplus grain to ship it did in 1883.
Helena is to use electricity.
The San Diego Sun has begun its
seventh volumo.
Boston wants to photograph those of
its old landmarks which it cannot afford
to preserve.
Tho farmers say the corn is now mak
ing a growth of two inches every twen-
ly-rour Hours.
The Prince of Wales is reported to
have inspired the hNscs at Bernhardt in
London recently.
A trio of counterfeiters wore arrested
in Portland. Thoy were making and
passing bogus dollars. They will bo
sent up without a doubt.
Two elk have lately been killed near
the valley, one near Sit. Wilcox, in Scog
gins' valley, and tho other in tho vicini
ty of Quick's mill, Oregon. Hunters
say that game has not been so plentiful
for years.
Valuablo gold diggings have been
discovered on Lone crock, a tributary of
Skeena river, It. C. Six hundred dollars
were taken out by ono man in two days,
and two other men found 1,700 in thrco
Tho great conl vein on Clo-el-um, W.
T., is twenty iot thick; the upper strat
um is fourteon feet and the lower ono
siv feet, and the two aro separated by a
layer of slate six inches thick. The un
der stratum is pure coal.
During tho year 1883 there wero 100
pamphlets on British Columbia distrib
uted in Europe, mostly in tho United
Kingdom. Some wero translated into
Gorman. There wero 9,000 immigrants
landed in the provincp, of which 0,000
were whites and 3,000 Chinese.
It is believed that there aro fowor
idle men in Tacoma to-day, says tho
Ledger, than in any city of its size in
the Northwest, and mmy of tho men'
who are idle aro those who would not
work if they had tho opportunity to do
The Oregon Fruit Drier.
Fruit growers aro doing tho light
thing in purchasing the convenient
machines they can save their orchards
with. Mr. 11. S. Jory informs us that he
is now putting up the sixth of his Oregon
Driers ordered this season. Evciy ono
admires their convenience and durabil
ity. Ho will go to California soon and
build machines there and that will be
turning the tables and "carrying the war
into Atrica." Tho old story is reversed
and instead of California inventors
hawking thoir wares through Oregon
our fiiend Jory will show them an Ore
gon idea worthy their notice. AVe have
no doubt ho will do well.
J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.s Engine, Threshers,
Headers and Saw Mills.
Stmlcbakor Farm nntl Spring Wagons. Buggies, and Car
riages. P. K. Dcderick & Co.'s Hay Presses.
The J. I. Case Plow Co.' Sulkvuntl Walking Plows, Harrows
and Cultivators. Hoosier Drill Co.'s Seeders, Drills
and Sulky Hay Itakcs. Acme Harrows.
gsSend for Illustrated Catalogues.
Clod CpuhIicv and LevcU-v.
Weighs much less than other Pulverizing
Harrows. Sells about one-third lees, aad
with all does the most thorough work of any.
Hid Agitator is the hel grain Having ma
chine eter tnailt. It runs lighter, threshes
faster, is jess liable to net out of order, and
saves "rain better than any other machine
Tho Faiuiek is making an eflort to pnlist
hi its behalf all tho reading and thinking
portion of tho farmers of the North West.
Subscription has been reduced as low
as wo daro venture in tho belief that wo can
doublo our lit of paying subscribers and
greatly increase its inlluenco and popu
larity. Tho Farmeii is closing its fifteen year
of publication. It is no new venture, no
uncertain thing, but well founded and
nbly conducted.
Any binglo bubscriber can remit $2 00
and receive tho Faumi:k ono .v cur from
date of payment.
Thoso who write and send in a club of
five, nil paying nt once, cm have the
Fakmkk one yi-ar for $1.75 each.
Old friends of tho Farmer cau easily
sccuic among their neighbors five or ten
names and secure their paper at $1.75 or
$1.50 per year.
Wo hope that many will get up clubs
and vindicate our faith in their good will
towaids their old timo friend,
The Willamette Farmb.
Hast ho Neatest, Simplest and Best Drivo Wheel : has tho best Canvas Arrange
ment for carrying Grain from l'latfoim to Elevators ; has tho best Cutter bar j has
the best ritman Connection ; has no Sulo Droit ; 1ms tlio best Adjustable Jieel;
has the best Tilting Arrangcmont ; has tho bcst liaising and Lowering Arrange
ment. It is unexcelled for Stiength nnd Durability ; it is tho lightest j is simplest
in Construction ; is Substantially and Strongly Built; is tho Surest to Hind ; has
Fowor Pieces of Machinery than any othor; has hoed of Fewer Exports; has a
Friend in every purchaser.
Bb Haiera ef all itylei of
. I. i.ua iiaraeM
Mike "It's the Irish that does all the
inventing in these days, suio." Jonath
an "Irish be hanged 1 Tho Irish don't
invent anything to speak of. Americans
invent everything." Mike "Thin per
haps yez can tell mo why tho Irishman's
name, Fat, is always next to the date on
all new inventions. Not an American
namo can you find on one, nt all, at all."
MiUriafrom the undrained Pontine marshes
near Homo, is a terror to travelers. Ayor's
Ague Care is an effectual protection from the
disease, and a cure for those who have become
its victims. It woris just as f fTecuillr in all
malarial districts on tnis side of the tea.
Try it.
To all who are suffering from the cirors and India
cretlonsof )outh, nertou. ukru, earlv decay, Ices
of manhood .c,l wtlleenda rerlpothat will cure you,
KRKK OK CI 1 AHO K. This Kreit remedy was dl.cov.
cred by a mlsrionary In 8cuh America bend a aelf.
addressed envelope to the HKV. JOSEPH T ISMA.V,
Station D, New York. Citj, Adv. Slmarly
llivinj purthued the rUht lr Multnomah (.ouMy
for the
Are prepared to fumUh the various alzeicf family and
factory drlera.
The merlUof 1 his drier and the superior qutllty of
IU product an too ell known t- rulre detailed
For Urmi and particulars enquire at the foot of Oak
street, TortUnd, of
AIM .lacal far Clarkaatas ,
" - m BBBBBRBn
We Retail at Wholesale
We employ no lurentu, ana If fioc ,. T-aU4 1
wuatyou order is not Minn jp?
IILCIIirVf 1CTMV rjiyrndfi
No. 4i JJUKKy (W cut) In Ji:t
the Rama liHotliprrt w 11 at 130.
Ton Hiiinrifs at KIM), fine ha
iiniiaU Hold for $I2& to 4140.
Our JiaxueRfl aro nil N 1 Onk
..iilli.r. Hlnirlo.MK.ri(ltoM2ll.
Kven tiling fully wiirrnnlrd. lie- '
foroutiylDff.Bt-udfor our llliitUraUHl
ft Li taint ('fttalnnifl frf. AildnwHlV.
l'itATT, Hoc'. Jjliliiiri, Inrilann
Wl i 11 I'M V1I.MIL, US'
ii!N-' rt. &oi2
Examlning Before!
,0 K frXHtH
VV" ""
WN ...N-'V iij!ii
,BS'" - Vl? -vftir-
" 5"Vi v,.
SI.HO. 38 and ID! Incti lliu!er, bulll liy
RUSSELL & CO., MaBnillon, 0.,
sifid noli! by rWllblt (iutlffj tery).i re hrwX tot
I IrcuUm unl lutJirrf of nediest ALnil
Muut tblt tapr,
Ilruurll Iliiuar, I orlluiKl, Orrunrt. Junltf
j I.J.I. I I, I 1 3q4?7cjB
m -ivrx
'&- i-
I i rrj tVif fe tree in tut, bting
- WUIttn, i!mIi. It trill turr. -UbmI,,
j at wjU u tl e mt ticlcnw htiAli,
r iVrfrn-xror rocW, Jtn)uuhtioc
t.i tit it rr nro arvi riltffd, d1 tr
, fcprtl 'trrlcn ttfnvv.covvTv-l
r rci fl M! wiil,,ntilJflia.
t"dl cfMUt; Y.l m f very rfcMrt.
i hv i c it rill lUIf
ii,jrvl'i,s i F"aji Bf w(tnjht-
(VCJTM C .ipttt!ot JUOtUSdt,
" ip tt ked
r,v,. ttlt ijMlUxChU, tin
i . i 3 f. rua ;;t Wirn
4. 4it i.t muitir
ti .a. Wins: k,ttul')f fur
t t r t n ( r nnrt),m
' t" - irticuUf
. "fit ir
PWre, ruatur. druiy
and failure to,r'orra m,
dullca iroirl are cjom.4 If
.ffi mutt tit omh. ic.,
will liDd a perfect and laalini;
rmoratioa lo ruuuet heallC
and vlirirutie tnunbod fa
.niiur aivuiar-u antzKiug Lor
r fnctrumtoU. IhutreaTtnvBtof
forryu t Ilebllltr and
U tri.la1.all Ilaa1 a ta Ih fin ITntni I
necMfal teaaa baa4 en iterftxi diunofia
cmt dJ Src! i MclatsWa and atolul thar
ucliBtvsM roll li)frraailoa aaa Trtaiua fr,
AdJrcM CtMultlnjr I'luvticUfi of
MARST0M REME0rC0.,4W.f4th8t. New York
Hlllatuwctluo tud Uaud-liuvk U faiettl sent rsaa.
Oregon Railway and Nuviira
tion Company.
Krtwcn Forflmrt anil Han Francisco.
Leaving Alniworth Wharf at midnight, as follows:
raoM KMTLAXll.
Slate, Frldaj, ...July 2'.
Columbia, Wednesd-iy,..!),
Ortiron, Mondiy, Aununt 4
10 AM
Rolumhla, Weds ..July. 21
iirfKO" Honuay ...za
Stotl, flatiirday, ...Any 2
liifsngb Tickets sold to all iiolnte In the United
States, Canada and Kurope,
Transfer atoamcr connectlnt; with Atlantic Express
leavia Ath Ktreot wharf, Portland, dall), at HMO A.M.
'J he 1'atlllc Kxptom arrives at Portland, dally at
11 u A M.
Leave 1'ortland
Ualleaanu upper
Columbia,. ,
Astoria and Low.
er Columbia., .
Corvallle and In
termedlate pU
7 AM
Tacoma kul Si. tiled
lctorlt tteamera do not run hunda.
7 AM
6 AM
lly i
rVod.ThurFrl. iat.
7 AM
7 AM
1 V
7 AM
7 AM 7 AH
(.cocral Olllri'a t'ur. front unit l t.
O. II. HIKSCOTT, Manager.
A. L. STOKliS, Oen'l l'aaa. Airei.t.
A. L. MAXWfcLL, TltVet Alfcut.
rnrllnnil. Orrsou.
BoarclinK and Day School
Young Women anil Girls,
The a.TFKSTII VKAII cneni K mlirr .'lit. The
lit Hv. II VlUr .Morrli, llnlcr Thorough In
ktruitkiti In rtill.h, Art, liijrujA'(N, and Mu.lo. A
corp of fountvn tiach.rv ior caialuipio, addrt.4:
11 1. is HOIiMIV, I'rliitlH,
tjuUm llox U, Cortland, Oregon,
Salem Property For Sale I
A LOT-iix1GSficttuthcf Cheintkrta Hold, with
J tu,rt un It oimplod byllr, A I. llucldUKhain
a Kroury .i rn Al o, A loitifiruhiu dHeliinj; In
ro'ilh bal"iii, it It nv.' iwiiii, lot "ixlMJ leet.
The abore v.111 be wId at a lureuln. Adlrias :
I'lUIILKS JUKY, hale n, Or.
Or, itII at the Jort aaou abop, houlli Bilim.
A Ituaritluic mi'l lay ilf lioul fur lloya.
J inaiiaemeft l b.KinHr)lritilcr ltd. Boys
auocaefiiry utte.1 fcr Cullee er for buvlnoM. Kivs
relenl i.d throi 'iiltlnsr leathers I'lxdpline strict.
ror furthtr Inf irmatlon and tor caUUyur contalulnr
lUt of former pupils, adiireae:
J. W. UIU. M. 0., Head Mailer.
juncu3 Krawer 17, 1'urtUnd, Oregon.
mr iliiahllliri alto la
vi-im tiaiuu. lor fttm
ui. u bisuiuB;