Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 01, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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ifjftit Hfjotite Jtrde.
Say, what is life? '1 U to be born
A helpless babe, to greet the light
With a sharp wail, as if the morn
Foretell n cloudy noon and night.
To weep, to sleep and weep again,
With sunny smiles between aud then!
And then apicothe infant grows
To be a laughing, sprishtly boy,
Happy despite his little woes,
Were he but conscious of his joy !
To be, in short, from one to ten,
A merry, moody child aud then?
And then in coat and trousers clad,
To learn to say the decalogue,
And break it; au unthinking Ir.d,
With mirth and mischief all agog;
A tr.uaat eft by field and fen,
And capture .butterflies and then ?
And then increased in strength and siz?,
To be anon a youth full grown;
A hero in his mother's eyes,
A young Apollo in his own;
To imitate the ways of men
In fashionable sin and then ?
And then, at last, to be a man,
To tall in love, to woo and wed 1
With Beething brain to scheme and plan
To gather gold or toil for bread;
To sue for fame, with tongue or pen,
And gain or lose the prize! And then ?
And then in gray and wrinkled eld
To mourn the speed of life's decline;
To praise the scenes our youth beheld,
And dwell in the memory of Ian? syne;
To dream awhile with darkened ken,
To drop into the grave and then?
John Q. Saxe.
Tho woman was old, ragged and gray,
And bent with the chill of the winter's day;
The streets were wet with the recent snow,
And the woman's feet were aged and slow.
She stood at the crossing and waited long,
Alone, uncared for, amid the throng
Of human beings who passed her by,
Nor heeded the glance of her anxious eye.
Down the street, with laugh and shout,
Glad in the freedom of "school let out,"
Came the boys, like a flock of sheep,
Hailing the snow piled high and deep.
Past the woman so old and gray
Hastened the children on their way;
Nor offered a helping hand to her,
So meek, so timid, afraid to atir,
Lest the carriage wheels, or the horses' feet
Should crowd her down in the slippery street.
At last came one of the merry troop
The gayest laddie of the groupe;
He paused beside her and whispered low,
''I'll help you across if you wish to go." '
Her aged hand on his strong young arm
She placed, and so, without hurt or harm,
He guided the trembling feet along,
Proud that his own were firm and strong.
Then back aqain to his friends he went,
His young heart happy and well content.
"She's somebody's mother, boys you know,
For all she's aged, and poor, and slow ;
And I hope some fellow will lend a hand
To help my mother, you understand,
If ever she's poor, and old, and gray,
When her own dear boy is far away."
And "somebody's mother'' bowed low her
In I er homo that night, and the prayer sho
Was: "God be kind to the noble boy,
Who is somebody's son, and pride, and joy!"
Starch Tolish. The following is an
approved recipe for putting a gloss on
shirts: One ounce of spermaceti, two
ounces of whito wax and seven drops of
glycerine; melt all together in an earthen
dish ; wl'en cold keep wrapped in a pa
per. Wa-ih tho shirts and dry them,
mako your starch, one tablespoonful of
dry starch to each shirt, and while cook
ing put in a pieco of tho wax as large
as a Lima bean to each shirt, rub it in
while warm, until every part of tho
bosom looks clear when held to the light,
roll up and don't iron for a few hours,
then dip a cloth in clear water, rub your
linen, and iron with a hot iron. After
- it is ironed and thoroughly dried uso a
wet cloth and a polishing iron.
Spiced Currants. Eight pounds fruit,
five pounds sugar, one pint cidor vine
gar, ono ounce cinnamon, one half ounce
clove, ono ounce nutmeg. Boil one
hour all together. Pnt in more epico
if you wish, and cook it down as much
as you wish. A very nice relish with
Dish for Dessert. Line a mould with
ico cream, fill tho center with strawber
ries, cover them with ice cream, and set
in (he freezer for about half an hour. It
is not intended that the fruit shall be lit
erally frozen, but chilled. Any fruit
may of course be used.
Itipo Cantaloupe Pickle. Seven
pounds of cantaloupe rind, cut from a
melon ripe but not soft. IVel thickly ;
wash and drain thoroughly. To two
quarts of vinegar add four pounds of
brown sugar, and one ounce each of cin
namon, whito ginger and cloves, with
the rind of two lemons; boil the vinegar
and sugar together, and remove any
ecum that rises ; add the epicet, and let
it boil a few minutes ; then put in the
fruit and let it boil until the syrup looks
a little thick.
Fruit 1'udding. A delicious pudding
is made in this way : Chop a pineapple
quite fino ; tako some cako which is a
little dry, rub it fine in your hands? or
crush it on a kneading board ; put it into
a pudding dish in nlternato layers with
tho pineapple, sweeten abundantly,
moisten with cold water, and bako in a
moderate oven for an hour and three
quarter?. Currant Jelly. Heat your currants
just as picked, after washine, and crush
with a wooden spoon; then squeeze
through a jelly-bag. To four cups of
juice add four cups of white sugar; boil
from fifteen to twenty minutes. Don't
boil more than four cups ut a time. Pti'
in jolly tumblers.
Blueberry Cake. One quart Hour, one
pint berries, one cup sugar, two tea
spoonfuls cream tartar and one of soda,
a little salt, two teacups of sweet milk.
Dissolve the sotla in the milK and cream
tartar; stir in tho flour. Heat all to
gether and add the blueberries and a
spoonful of sugar, just before baking.
Raspberry Shrub. Add ten pounds
white sugar to the strained juice of eight
quarts of berries. Boil ten minutes;
take from the fire, and when cool skim
it. When cold add two ounces tartaric
acid, and bottle.
Is there such a thing as luck? There
may bo with gamblers, whether it bo
with cards or in tho stock or mining ex
changes; but ask any old, successful
business man what luck is, and how
much he owes of his success to mero
luck, and his reply will convince you
that luck consists in steady application,
hard work, persistent and well directed
endeavor, over held together by economy
in tho administration of business in all
departments. This is an insight into luck
which young persons seldom get. They
look at certain successes, not realizing
the very many hardships and obstacles
which had to be overcome to attain
them, and then call it "luck."
Luck belongs to fairyland, and is very
nice for the nurses to beguile tho child
ren with, but the lucky man usually
dies in infancy if we may be permitted
to use this Irish bull and the sooner be
ginners in life realize the fact that suc
cess is the result of well directed and
hard, persistent work, the sooner will
he achieve that reward for his labors
which the visionary ones aro pleased to
call Mr. So and So's luck, calling him a
favored, fortunate man and grumbling
because luck frowned on them so sternly.
We have seen rich men envied by their
poorer neighbors, the latter being so
lazy that they would not if offered ac
cept the wealth that excited their envy
if they had to work as hard to get it as
the rich man himself did.
Mr. Jones is called lucky because he
has raised so many fine chicks, and be
cause so many of them are choice speci
mens, the commentators not caring to
acquaint themselves with the fact that
knowledge and work together produced
the desirable nnd flattering results. Mr.
Brown gets good prices for his surplus
stock, sells them off quickly and reaps
a very comfortablo profit from his pure
bred poultry, and lookers-on claim that
he has been lucky in doing this, when it
was merely a judicious uso of printer's
ink which secured him customers for
the fine stock which care and labor pro
duced. A combination of fortuitous circum
stances is called luck, and yet this com
binatirn has almost invariably been
brought about by judgment, knowledge
and labor, either of hand or of head, or
both. If wo will trace back almost all
tho cases of seeming luck, we will find
that it leads sooner or later to brains,
from whence it had its origin and direc
tion, yet too many porsons aro prone to
view the successful results without tak
ing into consideration tho causes which
dfrccted and accomplished them, and
thus loso sight of tho very essence of
so-called luck. There is a cute proverb
which speaks of "tho luck which hap
pens to good players" at cards. Poultry
Plantation Philosophy : Do fust step
toward spilin' a chilo is ter laugh an'
call him smart when he sasses yer.
Sense doan' alius win in business. De
smartes' dog on do plan'ation will some
times baric at a holler, an' artorwarus
fine dat do rabbit ain't dar. A boy ken
do wrong an' outlive it but it ain't often
dat way wid a man. Do colt ken slip
down an' jump up widout much injury,
but when do old boss falls he's ap' to
hurt hisso'f. Do 'oinan what drosses ter
please horse'f shows sense, but de'oman
what dresses to displease some other
'oman wid s'perior finery is got a eoft
spot summers near do top o' her head.
I has alius heard it said dat if yerll
arnly stick ter yer business yer boun'
ter win, but dU ain't truo in ebery case.
When yer tries ter keep a olo goose from
settin', yer may take'deraigs er way, an'
'stroy her nes', but do gooso keeps on or
settin' jea' az clos' tor do lies' az she can
get. Dis shows mighty fine 'termina
tion, but mighty po' sense.
Its Wondtirol Efficacy.
Ko remedy ever dlicorered noutnei the
wonderful efficacy of Syrup of Figs. The
certainty with which it expels all impurities
from tbe tytttm, at the sm time giving
tone to tbe Liver, Stomach an i Bowels, plsccs
it ahead of all other remedies, to aay nothing
of ita being more txily taken. It is aelliu?
very rapidly, J, J. Briggs it agent for Salem,
jfIJ $Jl$ Wl'
"Ah, me! Ah, me!" a cricket said,
"Grandmother Gray has gone to bed;
Ko oua listens but little Fred
To all the tunes I pi y ;
So I will hop away."
"I'll c'imb the chimney, and begin
To play my dulcet violiu.
Too long I've waited; 't a sin
For genius thus 10 stay
Hid from the light of day!"
Poor little Fred begin to moan:
'Grandmother Gray, the cricket's gone!"
Aud you anl I nre left alone !
Alas! I fe&r," he said,
"The Summer time is dead!"
With many a weary hop, hop, hop
The cricket reached the chimnoy top.
But, ah! the people did not stop !
None heard in all the din
The cricket's violia.
The cricket played in every key,
From do, fa, la, to do, re, mi,
From a, b, c, to x, y, z,
He played both slow and fast
The heedless crowd went past.
Jack Frost came 'round and nipped his bow,
And then the music was so low,
The cricket cried in tones of woe:
"Ob, for the hearthstone bed,
Thenars of little Fred."
St. Nicholas.
Last week every letter on hand was
printed. Aunt Hetty thought sho
would depend upon chance or good luck
for this week, and sure enough her faith'
in ner near little nephews ana nioccs
was rewarded by threo good letters.
Aunt Hetty is very busy helping in tho
prune orchard sho rides out every
morning early and stays all day out in
the beautiful sunshine; away up whero
the air is so pure and from where five
snow mountains can be seen every
cloudless day, and as there has boen no
mountain fires this year the sky is
clear. There was time to watch tho
birds, and tho little ones in the nesU
but also some ivy grew over it, tho kind
called "poison ivy," and Aunt Hetty has
to suffer so much from contact with it.
We think most all of the littlo girls have
some such experience with it.
The first letter comes from afar off
Iowa. Charley does not tell us which of
the two ducks claimed tho duckling, or
whether tho littlo webfoot had two
mothers to teach him to swim and cry
quack, quack, quack.
Ettic is one of our most faithful of
friends to the Letter Box and wo always
feol glad to seo her handwriting. Ettio
has a wonderfully sweet trio of cousins
now sho ought to tell us the names
givon to them it will bo quito a study
to find names appropriate for them.
Sarah shall havo a book for learning
tho Bible verses. It will come to her as
soon as timo will permit, She asks a
difficult question on relationship. Sarah
must answer it next week, for thero will
he no one able to answer it.
As for blackberry picking Aunt Hetty
had sufficient experience this season to
last a life time going nine miles to
where tho berries were said to bo four
miles distant then wo left the team and
walked a mile farther through tho down
timber left by a heavy storm. By that
time we did not come to or even see a
blackborry. And wo shall never think
fifty cents a gallon was too much to pay
for them. If easy to get at it is nico to
gather them.
KiLLDfrr, Iowa, July IS, 1881.
Editor Home Circle:
As I havo not wrote for a long timo I
will write again. It wont be long until
wheat will do to cut here. Wo have a
Derring binder and a mower, it is tho
Clipper. My brothers sent for a telos
copo. We can seo the moons of Jnpiter
with it. We had two ducks that havo
their nest close together. They hatched
out six ducks, and now they haven't but
only ono. I will send you ono of my
cards. Yours truly,
Dkxteh, Or., July 23, 1881 '
Editor Home Circle ;
As this is such a beautiful morning I
will spond it by chatting with Aunt
Hotty and the numerous cousins. This
seems a very unusual summer; tbore is
a great amount of hay being spoiled on
account of so much rain. Our orchard
is looking well, and is loaded with pears
and apples, but plums and blackberries
aro a failure with us. I will answer
Albert's questions. The ehortast verso
is: "Jesns wept," and is found in 11th
chapter of St. John. I will tell whero
i ho longest one is to bo found : ''Esther,
8th chapter and 9th verso. I will ask a
Biblo question: Which is tho middle
vcrte in tho Bible. Tho first ono who
answers I will send my card to. As all
of the girls tell about their littlo nieces,
nephews, sisters, brothers and cousins I
think I can bent them all. I havo throe
littlo cousins that were all born tho 1st
day of June. Their namo is Cannon
nnd they live in Douglas county. I
havo not seen them yet. They aro all
girls and weighed when born 4, G and 7
pounds respectively. I will close.
Ktta Handsakek.
Peasant Home, July 21, 1SS1.
Kditor Homo Circle :
I will writo you another lottcr to let
you know that I have not forgotten the
Circle. Am very sorry to soc so fow let
ters in our Letter Box. I think it very
kind in Aunt Hotty to offer the child
ren a prize for learning verses, and If
she thinks I deserve a prize I will send
my address at the end of this letter. I
will answer Albert's question : Longest
verso, Esther 8, 9. Shortest verse, John
11, 35. I will ask a question, "Where
was Saul converted; was his namo
changed; what was ho called? I am
afraid our boys and girls aro losing all
interest in the Letter Box. Guess we
will have to excuse thorn on account of
busy times. I am afraid this rain will
spoil a great deal of hay for our farmers.
Father was about half through his har
vest when it commenced to rain and had
it all in the barn with tho exception of
about two acres which ho had not timo
to haul in. I would have enjoyed it
very much if Aunt Hotty could have
boon hero to pick blackberries with mo
before it rained. Our now church is
progressing very slowly at present and I
will be glad when it is finished so wo
can use it. I will sond a puzzle and to
tbo ono who first answers it corroctly I
will send a nice card. In a house lives
a father, mother, unclo, aunt, son,
daughtor, nophow and a noicc; how
many persons were thero in that house.
I will close hoping to seo this in print.
Sarah W. Kelly.
The First Distillery In Oregon Some Inter
esting Reminiscence.
A correspondent of tho Tacoma News
tells tho following :
Listening to modern temperance talk
and speeches carries my mind back to
the first temperance locturo delivered in
this northwest country, somo forty years
ago, in Washington county, Orogon, by
the Itev. J. S. Griffin, on tho text, "Wine
is a mocker; strongdrink is raging, and
whosoever is deceived thereby is not
wise." Thero was a largo audience, and
many signed what was called tho Wash-
ingtonian pledge. That was in tho year
'41, and wasjtho first temporanco cam
paign carried on between thero and but
ter's fort.
The first legislators of Oregon territo
ry passod an act prohibiting tbo making
or selling of intoxicating liquors of any
Tho first distillery in Oregon was de
stroyed by a mob headed by E. Whito,
and tho worm was cast into tho falls of
tho Willamctto for safo keeping, and no
doubt is thero yot. Of the first threo
mon that mado tho first whisky 11 lore,
two killed themsolves drinking their
own goods.
Of tho first threo men killed two canio
to their death by whisky.
The cause of tho first Indian hanging
was whisky.
Tho first Indian killed was struck
with tho edgo of a paddle on the back of
the neck in n drunken fit.
Tho first whito man, W. C. Bourse,
who killed his wife and three littlo
daughters, set firo to his house whilo
drunk, burning his family and every
thing ho had in it, whilo ho lay on a
plank with a bottle of whisky in his
hand. When his neighbors asked him
whero his family were, ho pointed to his
burning house.
Five Indians wero burnt to death, and
ono white man killed by tho Indians at
Checto, Oiegon, instigated by whisky.
At Scott valley, Cul., ono whito man
was killed by an Indian, aud nino Indi
ans and tho same number of white men
wero killod. In Jackson county, Oregon,
,for Infants
CaninrlttpromotPH Digestion
and overcomes r'iaiuleucy, Coubtipu
tion, Sour Btomach, Diarrhoea, and
KevcrishneBS. It insures health and
natural (sleep, without morphine.
" CaatorU la so well a-Uptftl to Children that
I recommend it us superior to any prmciiptiou
kuowa to Inc." JL A. Akcuxa, 11. l,,
tC rortlacd Are., lirooUjn, N. T.
tWnii Hnrains. JIurnH, tialla. &c
truthig Pain-relieving nnd Uculing Itemed? known to man.
30 Indians, mostly women, wero killed.
Tho same morning a whito man that
had been loft by Supt. Palmor on Tablo
Hock, had iilo bond chopped off by Chief
John, forwhom ho had been loft to build
a bouse. From thero John went to Mr.
Wagner's and killed his wife nnd child ;
and tho Indians then traveled north,
killing the whites as they met tboni.
At tho big battle of Hungry Hill,
many were killed on both sides.
Then came tho great war of 1854-5,
This was what the Indians told mo (I
was then United States Interpreter), that
this war started from ono bpttlo of whis
ky, and no whito man ever denied it.
I could luinio many other similar cases
t murder nnd ravages duo to whisky,
but these will suffice.
Tho first whisky destroyed in tho
noithwostwnsat Ellcnsburg, Oregon, by
Hev. J. L. l'arrish, Indian agent, who
stovo in tho head of tho barrols. Ono
of the ownors, a whito woman, who had
bcenselling to Indians, seeing her whis
ky disappearing, laid down and took n
long last drink I
Tho first wholesalers on tho coat
wore two Indians between Salmon and
Siletz rivers. Two large barrels of whis
ky wero iloatcd ashore from tho wreck
of a ship. Thoy rollod tho barrels to a.
point nliovc high tldo, sent word far and
near, knocked in tho heads, and sold tha
liquor by tho bucket full.
Tho first keg of whisky taken frmir
an Indian at Grand Hondo reservation
was taken by tho writer and turned
over to tho agent in charge. Tho day
of trial was delayed from timo to time,
and whon the council met tho keg was
brought into court, minus tho whisky,
and thero was no evidence. Tho judge
said : "Give tho Indian his keg, dismiss
tho council. Tlioro is no ovidoneo that
thero was whisky in tbo keg."
Tho first cargo forfeited on Grnndo.
Hondo reservation was a load of niiiilcs-
The Indian wifo of an old Frenchman
had passed tho gato near Fort Yamhill
timo and again unmolested, but was
finally seized and her cargo examined.
A keg of whisky was found undor tho
apples. Tho old woman was put in tho
blockhouse, and the apples and whisky
wore taken in charge Tho next day tbo
old klootchman was turned out and her
borso and cart headed homeward. Sho
never returned. I never heard of tho
official report of tho affair ; I guess it
nover went further. I think tho officer
in chargo at tho timo was Lieut. Phil.
Sheridan, sinco somewhat famous.
Tho first selling of whisky on tho
abovo reservation was by '.'Indian Davo."
An inducement had been held out to any
ono reporting tho sale of liquor to an'
Indian. Davo offered his services, pro
viding somo ono would let him havo tho
money to buy with. Ho was handed $5
and a kog, with strict orders to bring;
tho whisky to tho officer in charge, but.
Davo took tho liquor to oak Grove, fixed
up a bar, and retailed it at 25 cents a
glass. When ho took ono quart out ho
put in a quart of water. After awhilo
ho was discovered, and a file of soldiers
was sent to arrest him. Ho refused to
go and to work for thirty days with pick
and shovel, adorned with n ball and
chain, but would not inform on his cus
tomers. Davo's life was a checkered ono.
Ho often boasted of being ono of tho
first missionary boys at Salom, having
been with tho first missionary that cuine
to this country, Jason Loo, who camo
hero about 1850. When I first knew
Davo ho could read homo. He said that
ho rail away from tho missionaries be
fore his education was complete.
I onco saw Gov. Woods strip Davo of
nearly all his clothes, bis blanket, horso
nnd nearly everything ho had, and leavo
him in tho road with fivo empty whisky
bottles, for stealing ono of tho governor's
horses. Davo was one of tho chiefs who
signed tho first treaties that tho govern
ment would accept, in March, 1854
Davo made many narrow escapes with
his lifo. Ho was onco shot in tho foot
by an Indian, and onco by MeGinniss.
The quarrel was about ono bottlo of
whisky. MeGinniss took his gun. Davo
startod to run, leaning forward. Me
Ginniss shot; the ball struck on tbo
right side, bhooting two of his ribs oil',
and making a horrible wound. Ho
rode 18 miles that evening. Ho married
Princess Mary of Uogtie liver. I heard
that he killed her in a drunken spree.
Davo understood politics better ihan
many whites. Ho was first a Democrat
of tbo Johnson school; nnd afterwards
a war Democrat. (Jiiiln a history could
be written of poor Davo ; ho became
blind and was murdered in his liotiso.
Jly return matt. Fall rH.ih
uniMuuuiiur motajvu.
nuari hmv TuiernviM
and Children.
What Kirn our Children roy chwki,
Wh-t uurvj their fctcrj, maii-s Uii-m sleep ;
'fid C'aitnrlu.
TTVn liable fn t nnl cry ty lurar.
Wilt cu.-. iLcir coUc, U!!j their wnrms.
Hut diAtnrli.
V,Ti-.t qulrttlr euros Coattlp&tloii,
Cour Ulooicb, CuliiJ, lad-'ftttlon,
Jlilt r.-i.tfirln.
rareweil Own to Jlcrphlna Syrups,
C'usior Oil ucJ i'aresorlc, on J
Hall Pn'orlttl
an absolute euro for Illicumn-
Tho roost Powerful nnd Peno-