WITLAMFTTR PA.RMWR F.M WH)Oo JULY 18, IRR4. JjTenra ejjatjfment GENERAL MEWS. Cholera has appeared on t,ho euberbs o( Puna. Tin is said to be found in Occur d'Aleno. Rich gold discoveries from Colvillo are reported. Wilbur F. Storey, of the Chisago Times, is insane. Heavy weather and thunder storms prevail in England. Tho railroad is to bo finished to Mos cow in two months. War between Franco and China is thought to bo inevitable. The report of good crops in all di rections is continued. President Harris of tho N. P. Rail road has been in Portland, s Mrs. J. M. Shelly died nt Eugene, Saturday, July 5th, aged 31. A traveler in Palestine claims to have found the genuine Holy Sepulchre. Assotin county will turn off four times an much wheat aS ever it did before. An eastern defaulting bank cashier was lately arrested at Fort Townsend. A German bark is loading lumber at Porllaad for Panama, to fill an order. The weather is extremely hot in Cali fornia and harvesting is proceeding nil over the State. One of tho Makah tribe chiefs, on the Sound, lately gave a feast and potlatch to 3,000 Indians. The residence of Goo. Belshaw, near Eugene, was robbed lately, while the folks were absent. XA. J. Knott has received word that his father, Joseph Knott, died last Sunday at San Francisco. Cattle men feel good over the pros pect for their business as prices are high and advancing. France has given China one week to answer the clain for indemnity or will besiege Chinese ports. Cleveland and Hendricks have been making nice speeches to admiring friends who serenaded them. On Sunday last, before day, a boy babe was left at the house of r. Swank, -5 miles west of Lebanon. A Pioneer Association met lately at Olympia, and was well attended. It was the first movement. At the Trcadwell mine, on Douglas Island, Alaska, a 120 stamp mill is to bo erected as soon as possible. Chief of Police Parrish, of Portland, mskes city prisoners war against bull thistles in a lively manner. Work is pushed rapidly on the Oregon Pacific road, and the long tunnel is bored through to daylight. Sunday, tho Gth, there was a screrc rain storm in this valley that was espe cially hard at McMinnville. Tho grain yield east of tho Cascades is generally good and farmers are hoping lor good crops ana fair prices. Owing to overproduction the Sound lumber mills have agreed to close ono week in both July anil August. At Lapwni agency a grand tourna ment was given, July 4th, by COO In dians, in giana outnt ana all mounted. Tho schedule submitted of the assets of Grant & Ward sets Wall street on a broad grin. It is a miserable showing. Gen. Butler intends to make tho best effott he can to get support as the anti monopoly candidate for tho presidency. Tho Commissioner of Lands will not patent any more railroad lands until Congress hs worked over tho matter. Ben Simpson's tour of duty now lies in tho South nnd he writes that thoy treat him well, way down south in Dixie. Samuel Miller, an old citien and much respected man, died last week at . his home in Clackamas county. Ho was X, over 77 years old and camo to Oregon in 1850. An attempt was mado to kill tho Em peror of Austria by a railroad accident, bat the misplaced rail was discovered in time. Considerable fall wheat was knocked down by tho rains of July, but the dam age is more than made up by bonefit to other crops. It is claimed that Chinook salmon caught at tho Cascades are as good, everj' way, as those caught at the mouth of tho river. Another rebellion against the Tartar dynasty is said to have made a success ful effort in China and has captured a prominent city. A secret treaty is said to exist between China and Germany by which tho latter will support the Chinese in case of any war with China. A man named Smith wai brutally beaten to death at Willow Springs, Jack fon Co, last week in bomo tort of a drunken quarrel. Tho effort to raise the wrecked steamer Umatilla havo proved ineffectual but very exponsivo. The next move will be 1o build a coffer dam. . Tho Iondon Times discusses tho plat form of both American paties, but Eng lish journals generally dislike Blaine and make unfriendly comments. A. II. Stnrges died lately at bis home on tho MoUII.i aged 80, and Alfred Humphrey at his home in Harrioburg aged (8, lioth were early comers. Roth companies owning the Salem flouring mills havo agreed to put 10 hands at work cleaning out the creek -and improving the water supply. It seems to be positively true that the Northern Pacific has made arrange ments to leaso the Oregon Railway & .Navigation uo.'s roans. A shoemaker named Henry Weeks who had just received a heavy lot of leather by express at Union, Union county, tho next day disappeared. Tho medical department of the navy has turned out to have robbed tho gov ernment of $03,000, Medical Director Wales, and his chief clerk, did it. Tho people of Cliehalis held nn indig nation meeting lately to denounce the tricks by which parties secured three bridgo contraf ts at enormous figures, by hiring others not to bid for the jobs. The most prominent men in connec tion with the presidency in the latj Dem ocratic convention were Cleveland, Thur man, Bayard, Hendricks ami Randall. Mr. Wm. Reid leaves for Scotland this week to confer with tho bondholders of the Oregonian railway company and try to induce them to push thoir iines into Portland. Tho Civil Service Commission is busy certifying to heads of departments elig ible persons for appointment to office. It has on its list 300 names who havo passed well. The Central Pacific has been obliged to soil part of its franchise and permit the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fo road to come to San Francisco. Its monopoly is therefore broken. United States Presbyterians havo es- tablished 50 churches, wtth 10,000 at tendance, and 7 Sunday and 12 day schools, a girls' normal school and a seminary, in Mexico. Tho Star John Kelly's and the Tam many organ is confident that few Irishmen will vote for Cleveland, and German authority says that few of that race will vote for Blaine. Tho O. R. & N. Co. will be turned over to the Northern Pacific about the end of August, and the transfer will be "for good," or for a "good while" 99 years. China will refuse to pay Franco any subsidy. Chinese in California and else where forwarded, July 1, $500,000 and will soon send as much more to assist China in preparing for active war. Anti-Monopolists make a great show of their objection to Cleveland, and in dependent Republicans aro making a great effort to build up a Cleveland ring of tho Republican party. So it goes. Gov. Murray, who was recently reap pointed governor of Utah, received an enthusiastic welcome on his return to Salt Lake City, from Gentile friends of course. There was a grand demonstra tion at Qgden. It is thought that tho heavy thunder storms caused smut in grain fields in Umatilla county. They came juBt as grain was in the- milk and the theory is that the lightning soured the grain and caused smut. Fifteen thousand people havo left Marseilles on account of tho cholera ep idemic. Tho deaths at Marseilles for ono evening were 75. Ten deaths a day nt Toulon, including the Lady Superior of tho bisters of Chanty. Mr. Duff, of Whitman county, suspect ed parties of stealing his stock and fol lowed it up until ho found some of his beef steers in a Walla Walla butchor's corral and somo hides he onco owned hung on the ,'cncc. Two brothers named Jenkins aro awaiting tho action of tho grand jury. Cleveland's majority when he ran for governor of New York, two years ago, was 191,854 ; tho voto was 535,318. Tho voto for Gariiold was 555,514. Republi cans who did not voto for Folger against Cleveland, 213,180. Hancocks vote in 1880, 534,511. Cleveland more than Hancock, 807. Tildcn's voto in 1870, 521,919. Cleveland moro than Tildcn, 11,309. So many aio interested in fruit dry ing now a days that it will be good news to know that tno wire cloth used in fruit driers is manufactured in Ore gon. Messrs. John JJrtish & Son, of Albany, make all sorts of wire cloth and wire goods, including wire mattresses, and sell very reasonably. Their adver tisement can be found in another column and we commend it to the attention of all who have fruit driers. It is a pleas ure to know that Oregon is commencing many kinds of manufactures and that home industries are proving eucoessful. Take the man who farms for the pur pose of growing his family supplies, without having them to buy. He raises nearly everything that his family con sumes. Having a variety of small crops, his risk of total failure is almost noth ing. He labors for himself, and not for the other fellow. Panics do not affect him, for his crops are not under mortg age and he has no debts. His food, and much of his raiment, is as sure a the return of the seasons. He farms for a living, and he 'makes it, that is, if com senso and ordinary industry are invoked. Index Appeal. Sweet apples aro colts juet weaned. excellent feod for EU success. Financially an1 socially are ilno ta his excel lent health. If his system were clogged ami feverish, no doubt ho would fail as many others do. Hat why cot enjoy good health when one can please the palate at the samo time! Syrup of Figs it not ooly pleasant to the taste, itakoclraaies thesvsttm thorn-jiili. ly, yet painlessly; it is hartnltssio its nature, ana streDgtnens we oretns on whica it acta tithtt regular habits may be formed, aud the suIT-rer permantntly restored to health and happiness. Sample bottle free and large bottles for Kile by J, J, Bnggs. ACMc DRIER AND FARMERS SAVE FRUIT ! YOUR THE ACME DRIER CO. Having purchased the rUht (or Multnomah county (or the BURNS FRUIT DRIER AND EVAPORATOR. Are prepared to firiilsh the various sizes of family and factory drtors. The merita of Hits drier and the superior quality ot iU product tare too well known t require detailed enutueratlin. For terms and particulars enquire at the foot of Oak streett Portland, of J. It. KXAPP, AGENT, Also Agent for Clnckamns Co. ljul)3ra Orcgou It ml way und Naviga tion Company. OCEAN DIVISION. Between Portland and Han Francisco. Leaving AtnsMTorth Wharl at midnight, as (ollows: rKOH PORTLAND. MMnieht. from sis nuxcisoo. 10 Ail Oregon. Thursday ..June 5 State, Tuesday 10 Columbia, Sunday, June 8 Oregon triday 1.1 Columbia, bundtr IS Oreg n, Frldy a) State, Wednexia 25 Columbia, Monday 30 Or.lt n, Saturdiy...July S -,tato. wiunoeiuv 18 rolumbU, Monday 23 orcjr n, Saturday, 28 tat, ThursJa,...July 3 Oiumba. Tuc.du 8 TUroUKh Tickets sold to all points in the United States, Canada and Europe. RAILROAD DIVISIONS. Transfer steamer connecting with AtUntlc Express leaves Ash btreet wharl, Portland, dally, at 11:40 A.M. The Pacific Exuresi arrives at fortUnd, dally at 11:40 A. U. M1DULK COLUMBIA, WILLAMETTE AND YAHUILL Kit KB 1M11-4I4IN. Leave Portland IThnrirrl. 1 (or Hon. Tues. Wed, Dalles and Upper! uoiumDia..., Astoria and Low, er Columbia.., Da ton Corvallts and In 7 AH 7 All 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM 7 All 7 AH 7 AM 7AM 0 AM SAM lAU AMIGA termediate pt 6 AM Tfcoma anil Snuttlo d Ml at 1 r. . a am M Vfi tori i 'teamen ilo rrt run hun'ip , General uillr- I or. I rout mill It Ms. C II. PltESCOlT, Manager. A. L. STOKES Gen'IPiM Afc-ei t. A. L. MAXWfcLL, Ticket Ajjent. ST. HELENS HALL I'orlland, Oregon. Boarding and Day School Young Women and Girls. for ThoB'XrFEM-H YEAUcpens September 3il. The lit nt". H Histnr Morn, liecior Tnorou'n in. striutlon In 1-ngIhh, Art, Languages, and Mu.lc. A corn of fouriCbU teachers. For catalogue, address; MISS HODNEV, Hrlmlial, 4Jul3 Uov 0, I'ortland, Oregon Established 1863. THOS. MEHERIN, SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, Importer and Dealers In all kinds of Seeds, Trees and PInul, Agent for It. D. Fox's Nurseries. Wo. SID Battery Street, opposite lonl Ofllre, SAN FIIAMIaCO, CAL. Price Lltt mallod free on appllcitlon. Junel3mS Ta3IT:r.;3icriis!ii:j:'JiJraiL.. WII.7.IA71 iit.rir, v r tfos. 204androS Wcstnaltirao.r Street, Baltlmnr-, tin tti Plf-'i fMn,r r ' WeakNervousMen Est ". .! sjrer, preautor. decay ad fsilur ta .perform lire's sfullr. proparlf n eaued bj will ttiuf a perfect and lartluc rnteratloa to roknst kealiC n.iLhr BtAmAli Atn....l Etlniro.iiU.ThU I re.tm.st of neeessfal teanM buti oa perfect dlaanou. er uad dlrretMelaod and abfolatoikorl TCf ""'.f- '' l?n.tlw and Ttmiim f,. Aodreaa Consulting I 'hysltian of HJlRSTOh REMEDY CO.. 4CW.HUiSL, New York DNmi, TAYLOR MF8. CO. l!i '!r, "r "''''lll'TI also to xaamts. Tzrzrwstia i ..i.ihaIxi li i:7 louncuTorrrNciKE tuwwiicuct EVAPORATOR SX iBWitp KELLY & UNDERWOOD, SALEM, - - OREGON. REPRESENTING STAVER & WALKER, 208 to H14 Front St., Portland, Or. GENERAL AGENTS FOR J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.'s Engine, Threshers. Headers and Saw Mills. Sttulebakcr Farm nnd Spring Wagons, Buggies, and Car riages. P. K. Dcdcrick & Co.'s Hay Presses. EMPIRE MOWER. REAPER AND BINDER. The J. I. Case Plow Co.'s Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows and Cultivators. Iloosier Drill Co.'s Seeders, Drills and Sulky Hay Hakes. Acme Harrows. DIAMOND AND BUCKEYE FEED MILLS, FEED CUTTERS, Etc. SSSend for ACME HARROW, Clod Crusher and Leveler. Weighs much leas than other Pulverizing Harrows. Sells about one-third less, and with all does the most thorough work of any. THE L EMPIRE HARVESTER Hustlio Noatcst, Simplest and Bent Drive Wheel ; hits tho Lest Canvna Arrange ment for ctrryini; Grain fioni 1'lotfotm to Elevators ; him tho best Cutter bar ; has tho bc?t Pitman Connection; lui.s no Sido Draft ; has tho host Adjustable Keel; has the best Tilting Arrangement ; haH the best Raising nnd Lowering Arrango ment. It is unexcelled for Strength and Dmubility ; it is tho lightest ; is simplest in Construction ; id Substantially and Strongly limit; is tho Surest to Hind; ban Fewer 1'icccs of Machinery than any other; has lieed of Fewer Kxports; has a Friend inecry purchaher. IhlRS'vTIIEUEl THE NEW MASSILLON 4. SO. SI Mat B A fMfttl Csrll.il.M f.a.11 L. RU8SELL. & CO., Masiillon, 0., And olfi b nlloMft dfitr -ry w)n rv. Kiu foi (l.-ruUr U sultinw of iurt-4 4icrnt Nuwill.lti.i-r, RUSSELL & HO., Uraaeh H.ase. rarlUad, Orrxoa, Junltf Aui.jiiSdireFencB VM. :f?H i7.x afcJSi 1 rM,f,l t'llTTvtti Wifsi ttntsilQ DiA.bsllasf A tli- jtl-Vv-V7j;liiilBrt. liwilllor&dngi.'tL. tct bh pr. try. at well m lb Boil rkioot nitt, u.jin urylotitl.trfs'aMcrctock, ItUjutlbfoc ( r tutu i, x itct. nock tKnii anil rtilrcadi, tad ttr l n Aii,fuirki,ihoolMDJcmt'ttft cetr4 r- st f'Wr4;ttirnr(rtirinitt1).tiillutliXl9o. h j lifttr la Iwstnii r Birtn Wirt lo f tf y fwn. 1m vj Pt it s t.f in!, kmtwicn It will wr Mwlf I jaj i.-i'iJtw ,dt'ftUcptlUiaBifttiiM. Htst b ii(J A ifklofilr " t-A ik tti bM ti f,r t AW lrn Antomttlt rlt Opoalst Owl. Ut Cii:.- -ci yt.ut All ires ftM. Utmt Wlrm lrn uvritu J fui Auffc-r. AIm fuare tuif lluurir rftrrJIriii HTu4 f.skslur for 4's vivai isaa i l work. Vuw t,rlc iiad bArlsrulAr uk USE KOSE PILLS Having purchased the right for Marion county for the Burns Fruit Drier and Evaporator, We are now prepared to msnufae hire and turn eh three different siaea of family and three tizes of factory' driers. Its economy of heat, per fect control and distribution of same nndersit impossible to scorch the fruit. Every part of the drying chamber is ot equal temperature as indicated by a thermometer, and its systemof ventilation carrying off the moisture and steam thrown off, are a few of tho points of superior ity that recommend it to every in telligent mind. Driers in Operation. Tho following named gentlemen have our drier in operation: It. V. Sayrcs, lirooks Station; John Sch wader, Aurora Mills; or S.A.Clarke, 1J miles outh of Salem. We wlil have a drier up and ready for exhibition, at the time of the next Pioneers meeting, at Strang's tin shop, Salem. For further particulars address; Strang & Ziinniermnn, Salem, Oregon. Illustrated Catalogues. J. I. Case AGITATOR. The Agitator it the bat grain saving ma- . cli'mt eitr made. It runs lighter, threshes faster, is less liable to qet out of order, said saves grain better than any other maohlue. AND TWINE BINDER. STATE INSURANCE COY, Salem, Oregon. Stock Company-Charter Perpetual. I'APirAL, IIM.tM.M. The Farmer's onipapy,IiiHurcM only Farm Property, Priv ate DwelllngH, School IlouHes & Cburcht'H. RATES A8 LOW A8 IB CONSIMTKNT WITII RJC tlAULE 1NUEMNITV. LOSSES HONORABLY ADJD3TBD L.L.ItOWLAND, Trcsldtnt. Y. II. MtlLKOY, VicsrreaUent, II, W. COTTLE, Secretary, OKO, WILLIAMS, Trcuuitr, ai-rlllKuiJ asHHBHHilBBSSSIiV "ASBEaSHSSaSBHsst Salem Property For Sale I ALOTMstOo fwt south of ClieintlitU Hotel, with .terra on it dill pil by Jlr. A.L, UuiklriKhaai ss vrocr store. AUo A oomforuhle dwelling lu ooulh baMm, Hid, aw roouis; loi73Xl&Oftel. The abut lll h. sold at a Urraln. Address : CIU1II.ES JOIIV, hitlcin, Or, Or, 4-all at theJor) traiuu shop, HoMthHtltiu, BISHOP SCOTT GRAMMAR SCHOOL, A BoaldlUK aal Itty rirhoal for Koys. flllE I.KVKNTII VKAK UMUKIt ITa 1'HKHKNT j ininraiei.1 1'1 hesln Hcplrmlirr til. Iloys sutxtrsluliv Otud lor fVllet, ur for builness. Kivs rrsldent nd three 'l.llln learhers. I'lclillne strict, Kor furibir ltjnjiatlou and for catalogue couululfig ll.t of foriutr pupils, addreu: J. VT. II I ll, 1. U .Hratl Master. Jnne?0ai3 Drr 17, I'rtUud, Oregon. UBE HOSE PILLS. fi r &4