WILLAMETTE FARMER: SALEM, OREGON, JUL5T 11. 1884. M v ,v m !. fjf ' ftfi' grange olumi GRANGE DIRECTORY. The Oregon BUt Grange. OFFICEttS. .MMter Judge R. P. Bjise, Salem, Marion Co., Ogn. Overseer D. 8. K. Bui:k, Myrtle Creok, Dougl s Co., Ogn, Lecturer H. li Hayta, Stafford, Clackamas Co., Ogn. Steward W. B. Thomas, Walla Walla, Asst. Steward W. M. Hilleary, Turner, ' Marion Co., Oen. i f haplain W. U. Uray, Ulney, uiatsop uo., Ugo. Treasurer B. F. Buroh, Independence, Polk Co., Ogn. Secretary Mrs. M. J. Train, Harrisbuip;, Linn Co , Ot'n. 'Gate Ke-per Thus. Smith, Auburn, Baker Co.. Ogn. Geres Mr-. E B Heath, Portland, Multno mah Co.. On. ' Pomona Miss M J. Htrris, Corvalli, Ben ton Co., Ogn. Flora Mrs. Harriet Cooper, Wilbur, Duaglas Co., Ogn. Lady Asst. Steward Mrs. I. L. Hilleary, Turner, Marion Co., Ogn. Stephens, i-jalem, 1st and 3d Sat. Hilleary, Turner, Meets 4th Sat. Settle, Lebanon, Subordinate Granges ot Oregon Name and. Address ol secretary Time 01 meeuxu;. Oak Plain, N. 6 H. B. Sprenger, Shedd, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets 2 l Saturday. Tangent, No. 7 J. H, Scott, Tangent, Linn Co., Oregon. Jeets 4th S iturday. Grand Prairie, No. 10 Tho3. Protnan, AN bany, Lion Co., Oregon. Meets on 4th Sttnrdav u itil after October, after that ou 2d Saturday. Harrisburg. No 11 S. S. Train, Harrisbnrg, Linn C'., Oregon. Meets 4th Saturday. Soap Creek, No. 14 W. L Cauthorn, Wells, Bentmi C.i., Oregon. Meets 2d Sat. Charity, No. 15 C. P. Clinghan, Grangeville, Idaho rerri'ory Salem, No. 17 Adam Mar.nnCo.. Oregon. Turner, No. 18 Win. M. Marion Co., Oregon. Lebanon. No. 21 J. M. Linn Co., Oregon. Meets del oat. Knox Butte. No. 22 P. B Marshal, Albany, Linn Co , Oregon. Meets 4th Sat. Harmuuy, No 23 Marinn Arrant, Albany, Linn "o., Oregon. M;ets 3d bat. Mono, No. 25 B. F. Smith, Lewisville, Polk Co., Oregon. Meets let S it unlay: Grand Prairie, No, 26 J. 0. Jenninns, Junc tion, Lan- Co., Oregon. Meets 3d Sat. Evening Star, No. 27 Euda Kelly, East Port land, Multnomah Co., Oregon. 1st Sat. ffmpqua, No. 28 W. F. Owens, Roseburg, Duuglas County, Or. Meet 1st Sat. MoMinnviIle, No. 31 W. S. Frink. Mo Mil nville, Oregon. Meet 1st and 3d Sat. Scio, No. 38 H. S. Williams, Scio, Linn Co., Oregon. Santiam, No. 37 Oscar Pomeroy, Scio, Linn Co., Oregon. Meet 2d and 4th Sat Uolalla, No. 40 N. H. DarneU, MolalU, Clackamas Co., Oregon. Mret 2d Sat. Jordan Valley. No. 42, J. B. Trask, Jordan Valley, Linn Co., Oregon. Moets Satur day before 1st and 3d Sundy. Willamette, No. 52 Stokley Moore, Corral lir, Benton Co., Oregon. 1st Thursdry. Stasis w, No. 54 Isaac Simpson, Siuslaw, Lane Co., Oregon. Meet 2d Saturday. Band Ridge, No. 67 James M. bwank, Al bany Linn Co., Oregon. Meet 2d Sat. West Union, No. 72 J. A. Imbrie, West Onion, Oregon, Meet 2d Saturday. Woodhurn Grange No. 79. W. P. Riy, Woodburn, Marion county, Or. Howell Prairie, No. 80 Meets 4th Saturday. J. W. Howell, Salem, Or. Butte Creek, No. 82-J. R. White, Butte Creek. Clackamas Co. Meet 2d Saturday. Powell's Valley, No. 84 George Williams, Powell's Valley, Multnomah Co., Oregon. Meet 1st Thursday. Goshen, No. 101 meets on the 1st Saturday. W. R. Dillard, Goshen, Lane Co. 2i13at. Charity, No.103 Miss Agnes Waggoner, Balsey, Linn Co., Oregon. Meet 3d Sat. Round Prairie, No. 1C6 W. M. Collard, Brooks, Marion Co.. Oregon. 2d Sat. Parmington, No. 110 Calvin Jack, Rcedville, Washington Co., Oregon. Meet 4th Sat. Tmalatin, No. Ill F. M. Kruse, Wilsonville, . Clackamas Co., Orecon. Last Sat. Butte. No. 14S Thos. Paulsen, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon. 3d Wed. Wingville, No. 150 Bononia Hturgil, Baker City, Baker Co., Oregon. 1st and 3d Sat. Baker City, No. 152 Thomas Smith, Auhnrn, Baker Co.', Oregon.- Meet 2d and 4 th Sat. Canyon City, No. 161 E. S. Pcnfield, Can yon City, .Grant Co., Oregon. Daniel Clark, No. 162-Henry Hall, Prairie City, Grant Co., Oregon. Yomog'i River, No. 172 C. Petenon, Olney,, Clatsop Co., Or. Meet 1st Saturday. Oswego. No. 175 G. W. Stephens, Oswego, Clackamas Co., Oregon. Meet 2d Sat. Josephine, No. 179 -J. 8. Chatham, Wilder- ville, Josephine Co., Oregon. "Washington,No. 181 Lulu . Day, Murphy, Josephine Co., Oregon. Meet 3d Sat. Rogue River, No. 100 M. B. Gibson, Ellens burg, Curry Co., Oregon. Washougal, No. 192 C. J. Moore, Washougal, Clark Co., W. T. Umpqua Dist. Pomona Grange Meets 1st Saturday at 2 P.M., Geo. W. Jones, Seo. Cape Horn Grange, No. Wm. Haffy, Jr. Cape Horn, W. T. Oood Agricultural Creed. There is a good deal of sound nense in this creed, said to have been ndopted by tho agriculturists of Canada in con vention assembled : Wo believe in small farms and thor ough cultivation; wo beliovo that tbo poil lives to oat, as well as the owner, and ought thercforo to bo well manured ;' wo beliovo in going to the bottom of things, and enough of it all the better if it be a subsoil plow; wo beliovo in large crop, which leave the land better than they found it, making both the fa'iu and farmr rich at once ; wo be lieve every farm should own a 'good far mer ; wo believo that the fertilizer of any soil is a spirit of industry, enter prise, intelligence without thoso lime, gypsum, and guano would be of little uo; we believo in good fences, good farm , houses, good orchards, and good children, enough to gather iie fruit; wo believo in a clean kitchen, a neat wife in it, a clean cupboard, a clean dairy, and a clean conscience; we believe to ask a tnia'a advioe U not atooputr. bat ot mack benefit;' wt believe that to keep a place for everything and everything in its place saves many a stop, and is pret ty sure to lead to good tools and keep ing them in order; we believo that kindness to stock, like good shelter, is saving of fodder ; we believe that it is a. good thing to k'ep an eye on experi ments, and no'e all, good and bad; wo believe it is a good rule to sell grain when it is ready j we beliove in produc ing the best butter and cheese, and mar keting it when it is ready. "Win It Pay" To keep fowls for eggs alone?" is one of tho qpestions that I answer pretty ofton, but, like a good many others, it never stays answered ; this timo it comes from a woman who puts it in this way : "I am a farmers wifo, and like most farmer's wives have plenty of housework to do, bu.t still I am anxious to do something extra something that will bring a little money into the family treasury. As I am situated, caring for poultry seems to be tho ouly outside work that I can cn gago in without neglecting homo duties, and raising eggs for market, the only branch of tho poultry business coming within my reach. Tho average market price of eggs in this locnlity is twenty cents per dozen, and tho questin ie, at that price for eggs, will a flock of 50 or 100 hens pay when kept for eggs alono?" If you can give your fowls frcoxango during warm weather, n comfortable house and good care in winter, you can make $75 a year from tho sale of eggs from a flock of fifty hens, judge for your self whether that would pay or not. Yes, of course, somebody will tell you that you cannot make half that amount from fifty hens, but wait a bit ; horo are the figures, and we all know thnt figures can be depended upon especially when, as in this case, they are taken from tho poultry account of a farmer's wifo who raises eggs for market. Fifty hens if well cared for, will lay 7500 eggs in a yrar, an average of 150 apiece ; allow 1500 for uso in tho family and for hatching and you havo 500 dozen left for market, which will bring an even $100 into the "family treas ury." "But how about tho cost of keep ing? You have allowed but 25 for keeping fowls for a year!" and tho "other of us" smiles tho superior, triumphant sort of smile that he keeps for such occasions. Not quite so fast; to that $25 add tho value of 100 dozen or so of eggs that will be vised in tho family, the value of the poultry manure, which, pound for pound, is worth quite as much as tho best com mercial fertilizer ; take into consideration tho fact that fowls running at large on a farm can be fed at loss expense than those that are confined to tho limits of even large yards. That fowls on a farm are generally fed much refuso stuff" (and it is ofton the best kind of food for laying liens) that would bo wasted, or nearly so, if not used for chicken feed, and you will find that I havo made a pretty liberal allowance for the cost, of keeping. Now, let other farmer's wive, or any body else who is interested in tho subject, look over my figurps, and then find out for themselves whether keeping fowls for eggs alono will pay in thoir locality or not. I think a flock of 50 or 100 fowls can be profitably kept for oggs alono n every farm whoro the averago price of of eggs is fifteen cents per dozen, and I think that for farmers' wive and other women who live on farms, and who can devote but a small portion of their timo to outside work, this raising eggs for market will pay bettor in proportion to the timo and capitnl invested than any other employment that comes within their reach. "When fowls are kept for eggs alone, fully two-thirds of tho hens should be disposed of early in tho fall, and their places filled by pullets that were hatched early enough to commence laying late in tho fall, when eggs usually command a good price. To get tho pullets, mate eight or ten of your best laying hens with a vigorous young cock, and keep them seperato from the rest of the flock until after you havo set all the eggs you care 'to; then disposo of tho male bird and save the useless expense of keeping him for the rest of the year. Proirio Farmer. ' A CARD. Tn 11 who are mfferlnr from the eirors and Indis cretions ot youth, nervou. wcakres., earlr decay, leas 01 mannooa. Ita, I Hi Sena a recipe ui win cure you, FRKE OF CIIAltOE. This sreit remedy ni diatov. erul bv a mlMlonarr In Death America Send a self- andreteed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T IKMAN, Station D, Mew Toe city. uv. ximariy THE WELL KNOWN MITCHELL WAGON, ALSO ., , mllE SAVE HAKE OF SPRING WAGONS. BUCK BOARDS. PHAETONS una BUGGIES. , Lewis & Co., MANUFACTURERS. rarlle Coast Itraneh 13 and ll rroal SI., I'ortland, Orrgea. W. II. MITCHELL, Manager. Uridyl 4 Koerlr, Salem I W. IT. Goltra, Albany Smith it Cox, Eujeue, I W, '. Owens, BoatLurtf. marly, COJrSTJHPTION CTRED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed In his hands by an Eait India missionary the formula ot a simple vegetable remedy tor the speedy and permanent cure ol Consumption, Bronchitis, Cat arrh. Asthma, and all throat and Lung Affections, alio a positive and radical cure for Kcnoua Debility and all Nervous Complaints, alter htvinar tested its wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases, has felt it Ms duty to make It known to his sufferlig fellows. Aetn ated by this moUve and a desire to relieve human ml fering. 1111 send free of el arse, to all who deatre I . this recipe In German, English or Kronen, with full directions for preparing; and using. Sent by rcall by addressing wltn stomp nnd namtnirthts paper, W A. KOVES, It. Power's Ulock, Kochester, N. V. riDm DR. JATNE'S AGUE MIXTURE. A CERTAIN AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOB. Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Cc This class of diseases so common in all parts of the World, and especially prevalent in ma larious districts and vicinage of nnter-courso", are almost invariably accompanied by more or less derangement of the liver, nnd frequently by a defective action of tho digc.'tho organs. Tbo mcro breaking of the Chill is but a step towards completing a radical cure; tbo various organs of tbo body, especially tbo stomach nnd liver, must bo brought to a healthy nnd vigor ous condition before a permanent euro can be established, nnd this fact has been specially kept in view by Dr. Jayne in his treatment of theso complaints. Tbo uso of Jano's .Ague Mixture, in conjunction with Jnync's Sanative l'ills, as prescribed In tho Directions which accompany each bottle, will not only BREAK UP THE CHILLS, but rcstoro the system, more particularly tbo liver and stomach, to a sound condition, and so prevent a relapse of Fever and Ague by thor oughly ERADICATING THE DISEASE, and the best ividemrt of tb! is tbu invariablo suceo4 hlcb has alwny followed tho admin istration of these remedies, as attested by tho certificates published annually in Dr. Jnyno's Almanac, and tbo v ide-spread popularity of tho Ague Mixture in those districts of the United States, wltero the diseases, for nli'.ch It Is -dnpted, most prevail. For Bale by Hodge, Davis & Co., Agents. 1850. 93 Venral'mctlcal Experience. 1S83. John A. Child & Co., DRUGGIST. AKD SCAURS IX Drugs, Chemicals Tcr funiery,Tollet Articles, Hponges,8aips and rub her Hoods, Carrier Horrlaon A Second 81s. PORTLAND, - ORE Special attention paid to orders by ma!!,whcD accompankdby cash, ntigly 'IWWBHi 3l Caldwell, Becker & Licke. LARGE NEW STOCK GOODS : OF Dryiioods, . Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, lints and Caps. We aim to build up our trade by selliiiR OKNUINK llOOD-t OF THE 0E8T QUAUTV ONLY, at prices from in lo .15 Per Out less than the same goods can be sold for ou credit THE GENUINE OKE-ritlCE CASH STORE! Opposite Chemclteta Hotel, Salem, Oregon. MANHOOD Br tinny lb a irreat Viitliwr, the King of RcwtorUlvet. RESTORED. Dr. Abernethy & Cos VITALIZER ..THE . 8IBS0N, CHURCH ft CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS Lime, Lime5 Lime I Use LANGDON LIME Manufactured by San Juan Archi pelago Lime Co,, THE BEST IN THE MARKET ! rin TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., S O Z JE AGENTS. Portland, Oregon. If, E. Corner Front and Ash. John W. Gilbert FINE SHOES! ;T;ti7tavixMefJtigAUaiMiJia.aaa GEO. A. 1103 HE, 1'resiUcnt. J. N. PATTON, Secretary. Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co'y A MINNIE Manager for Northwest Department. OFFICE WITH PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated Under tlie Liovs of Caliibrnin, nnd isto-Kuy the Strongest Life Insurance o. in Anicr en. REITEKEN'CE'j TO JIEN Company : J. A. STUOWBItlTiAR, L. C. IlKN'KICIldKN, JAMES bTEEL. C. A. DOLl'll, J. K. (DLL, V. .ANOVIOir IN POllTLANII WHO HAVE $10,1X10 .INiUltASCE EACH IN TUI8 M. S. nURKF.U., C. M. WIBKIia, DR.OKO. K. NOTTAQ, ANDttEW notlEKTS JOS. BUHKIIARDT, J E. A. KLOSTEI1MAN Col. J. McCKAKKN, W W. fePAUUHMI P. L. WILLIS. J.U. MbKINNON, M. ZAVOVinit. MrtOmA CLOSING OUT FOR BARGAINS A LARGE STOCK OT CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, OREGON HACKS, EXPRESS WAGONS, PUTNAM CARTS, ' TRUCKS AND DRAYS, THE LARGEST AND TlEST STOCK EVEU OFFKKEI) IN TOUTLAND. THE BEST WORK FOR TflK lc3t money. TVUMft 1'm.U or ApproTfd Notr If you want anything In this line on can get ft bargain by ca.Un.Tt or fending for prko catalojpio lo aprltf Office; Corner of Madison and Front St re Portland, Ort'troit, Lock I'. O. box 280. Established in 1857. G. Shindler & Co. FURNITURE & CARPET DEALERS. 100 AND 103 riRST AND 1(17 AND 100 FRONT STREETS. ; TORTLAND. OREGON. re thoroughly liort notice. as)sssBassjajsg3SggM.'ijj1yf7ijgf' TCTi . i , . r . r lcj L ij A re thoroughly prepared to furnish throughout at X JL Kivri none. Hotels, Bording Houses, Private Residences & Steamboats. ....AT Sl'CIJ.... LOW PRICES As were never Uilor. offered. ftliilnc Hoom Tallica, from M Kim mil, rimmli.r Hf la, from tao 1'pw.rJ. a'urlur Hd. frm HO I iiiar4 THE )IOl'iKHOI.U TREASURE. Indies n.iiil toe It to ho aiWH-Utod. Call lor It. ftWtf Kl.aTolallKnoxii Krnsedtrs. Tii hjtvaiiii . dMibtthemofet re'Ubl.. useful and X PsKNiirrAT Toxio to lha rcprojuctlv. organs of bath sexes known. It acta dlrec ly upon tho nervouj ayitem. lereatorosd.btlisated function. o thopila ..l ormna cl the hod' and unsu passed as aKtrvlne It It powerful, permanent and determined AphrodUlsc, It Is so AUeratUeand Aperient ot exceient nneUah up it relieve weaicnei. ana Deine in u,e Mifia.i t prevents lowot from tin i)ttem fromunnaturaleaueo; It cure, frontal headache, pimple, on th. Nee, I r ol m.mw. nlxxtA condition of tlie nerteiii tttem. In durcstlon, our stomach, Clahetee, and all urinary trouble. Thwe !io have tailed tn obtain a cure ahould Immediately clve the VITALIZEH s trial. It la the KINO of all. It ha. neisr (ailed In a ilnj-le c-ae. The company ill pay t Vx) (or a ewe It HI not curr, no meuer newirr compile nfiivr ii'iu mc .. na tion ol the Vitilizk l auch tnat It cures both cluiple and complicaUd ct'ei. Tliis liOHlngto a piactiuil ex perience ot SO eara, Dr. A. 4 Co will guarantee a permanrrt cure tnetery cite taken under their trial, went and epeilal advice. Time rciulred It Iroui one lo threj mentht treitment II tn sreat ViTiUtsa lalla. the wney paid for the remedy 111 be refunded n.iV.K.-rfeilel. Cill cr writ for our Oanavarioxa os llajtiiooii, v.bli-1 HI enable the tuffirer to art, r the nec4ary nueKtbnt, o that each ran hvu the Pioper remedy Ixraarded aoliable for hi. genial. Cats CoSsULrATION KREK-CO.Vr'llilS.vnAL. Pilceof the tnat Mtiliasr, ti. cr a.x liottlc In raw, $1. Sir ricitxr to Ccn i Hoar Cut., tent by Expreaa en r-fm nt 1 r.rfrM nr fl f. If. T ATIT'CCI sufferlnr Irom dlaraMt n-cultr to laXUXiOUtr six, loratuaile aid and ae.ly eure obtalool. Onr fenja'e monthly II are ui.aur. ntt-ed a. a rej-oUtor. Benton recilituf prlr, (3 lr. AhtrutturVa.,ltl9 Itnrkrl hi., for nrr MUlb, rmrl.c, I'als. tfUH ilartet and Valencia lUeet dummy cabin cart from the I rry, eu. OJ?'8" UTHK S1KBT IB fiMEAStCBT." arr..mi nnLontnocitfHiiiefi IS Vfl mnio frcra thn tcf-t inatmu lStifMrlAr ArUflm I of Diilrr Uohi tttnt arc ino-icU of utrniptJi uid fclmiillci I tv. UifjueflkmeJ irtf tfvi-ij tit their (lorHbil)ly, rVlo nuum . IifrUorbr. tf'stfla sUhim m I Umx Churn Itrcfoiifular t'hurn, miu VRla,Uoff lmver,nCr7 "Uiie f-nniur -rtiurn nt wuaUNuiie irbrrA rr hnvn m lu-rnt." AIH7MW warnuitMl rsiwihr tw mfnitl. TVI ilOLV Jin LiVVm'lSJir'MJL'Jlmr'n sTir.if.wj frwiimw ior Hijrr.ortty, focturerj of turtlt' Iinirovctl Fciory Ckirrn m a son's rowrr iiutirr norarTi i-rrr orKrrt i.'drfia i rrrau vnim. iHale irhei , CUBTIS.& QEEENE, Fort Atkinson. Wli? lafraSk MlJR rW-riiitnSiW "' wis54.-i884maaMtw Mts r rrr' prrlMva iWe l 1) wk aifJi I b fmh mud irum tw Mf rctolilf 4 nwcrScil Cmtm fb' t ttruwtTt win f r( i All nr Heed ! wrniMl4 I I MMfctrarU)athldUprvtbttrwltlcrce ! rdll vrdcr -gratia. My vll:U-ii f vimntmhlm He-cd f (-ha aMt Ult U be f-vunX la say AmrrOuJi t'tttalojrot- l m Uncv Mrtnf It mtmy Jm (M vnajiiasma Mir(JB w ervlaa tACl-af ItmNien ulldtoanairtloo Wrtufaf vataayilu&rMaphM i stfUttnr lAtuvnaTIR Eis, m yum it cm vj UMUUNIIfMKI niM MMT. In Cm Uomth, Pitet:sTvttarXaSiT la lac muwrnvrnm nmm an tun fariasar Ihmmi who mmI will bm tmmmt mi best a4vrrtlemeaU H. GREGORY. Sed Croaer. MArblthcad. Mim. And Tinners' Stock ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY V J 2LsWixrPF yfmf lTv 8T.LOUIS,MO