WILLAMETTE PARMER: SALEM, OREGON. JULY 4 1884. nuiflc oltimii. oimn;i: DIlthCrOKY. The or ego a state Orange. OFFICERS. Master .I'llyo R. P. K i.-c, Sikm, Marion Over's i-rD. . K. Iliijk, Myrtle Creek, D Ha' li , ''n Lecturer-II. K II v n SulTord, Clackamw Co.. O.i. Stowaril t. K. Tinman, Wall Walla, Wh ' , Asat. Stwn .1 W M. Hilleary, Turner, Marm C,, Ojn Chap am -W il. liny. Omey, CUtrr.p Co., tl'ii Trea-uri-r II. K. Butch, Independence, 1'olk C.i , Oim. Secretary li. M. J. Trim, Harnabuij?, Ln ii Oi . Oju. Gate Ke p r 1'ii'is. Smith, Auburn, Bker Co.. Ogu. Or. a -Mi . B H lleith, Portland, Multno mah (' . 0m. Pomomt-iMi l J H rn, Corvallis, Ben- oii Ch., Oiiti. Flora Mr ll.rri t Cuoper, Wilbur, Diuglas Co., 11(111. Lady Ast. S cuaul Ma. I. L. Hilleary, furiioi, Mri in Co , Ojn. Subordinate Oranges ot Oregon-Name ana Address of Becrecary -Time or Meeting. Oak Plain, N . 6 -H. B. Sprenger, Shed-1, Linn Oi., Orrg'.n. Miets 2i Saturday. Tanveiit, No 7 J. H. ontt. Tangent, Lain Ci., Orem. ;et8 4'h Situiday. Grand Prairin, No. 10 llios. Krotniii, Al Iwiy, Liuu Co., Oregon. Meets on 4th Situr.Uv u nil after October, after that on 2d Saturday. HarrialiutH. No 11 S. S. Train, Harrisburg, Liuu 0 '.. Ongon. Meets 4th Saturday. Soap Creek, N. U W. L Ciuthorn, Wells, Bent in C , Oregon. M-ets 2d Sat. Charity, No. 15 C. P. Chughan, Orangevillo, Idiho IVrn ory Salem, No. 17 Adam Stephens, Salem, Mar.im Uo , Oregon. 1st and 3d Sat. Tumor, N ' 18 Win. M. Hilleary, Turner, Marion Co., Oregoa. Meets 4th Sat. Lebanou. No. 21 J. M. Settle, Lebanon, Lmn Co . reg Meets 3 1 Sat. Knox Butte, No. '21 P. B Mirshal, Albany, Lmn Co , Oregon. Meets 4th Sat. Harm my, No 23 Man. a Arrant, Albany, Lniu Co , OrHjf iu. M eta 3 1 bat. Mono, No. 23 11 P Smith, Lewisville, Polk Co., Oregon. Meets l.t S iturclay: rand Prairie, N i. 2G J. C. JetiniiiLS, Junc tion, Lan- Co., Oregon. Meets 3 1 Hut. Kveniug Stir, No. 27 Kuda Kelly, East Port laud, Multnomah Co., Oregon. 1st Sat. ffmpuuj, No. 28 W. F. Oweus, Roseburg, D ula C mnty. Or. Meet 1st Sat. McMnmvillo, No. 31 W. S. Friuk, Mc Mil nvilln. Oregon. Meet 1st and 3d Sat. Scio, No. 30 H, S. Williams, Scio, Linn Co., Oregon. SantUin. No. 37 Oscar Pomeroy, Scio, Linn Co., Oregon. Meet 2d and 4th Sat Molalln, No. 40 N. H. Darne'l, Molalb, Clackamas Co., Oregon. Meet 2d Sat. Jordan Valley. No. 42, J. B. Trask, Jordan Valley, Liun Co., Oregon. Meets Satur day before 1st and 3d Sunday. Willamette, No. 52 Stokley Moore, Corval t.. Tnfnn IV. Drpcrnn. lit Thuradrv. 8inlaw, No. 54 Isaac Simpson, Siuslaw, Lane Co., Oregon. Meet 2d Saturday, gand Ridge, No. 67 James M. iswauk, Al bany Liun Co , Oregon. Meet 2d Sat. Tett Union, No. 72 J. A. Imbrio, West Union, Oregon. Meet 2d Saturday. WoodHirn Grange No. 79. W. F. l!y, Woodburn, Marion county, Or. Howell Prairie. No. 80-Meets 4th Saturday. J. W. Howell, Salem, Or. Butte Creek, No 82 -J. K. White, Butte Croek. Clackamas Co. Meet 2d Saturday. Powell's Valley, No. 84-George Williams, Powell's Valley, Multnomah Co., Oregon. Meet 1st Thuraday. Goshen, No. 101 meets on the lat Saturday. W. It Dillard, Goaben, Lane Co. 2dhat. Ctturity, No. 103 Mia Agnes Waggoner, Halsey, Linn Co , Oregon. Meet 3d Sat .Round Prairie, No. K6-W. M. Collard, Brooks, Marion Co., Oregon. 2 1 Sat. Farmington, No. 110 Calvin Jack, Reedville, Washington Co.. Oregon. Meet 4th Sat. Tualatin, No. Ill F. M. Kruse, Wilsonvillo, Clackamas Co., Oregon. Last Sat. Butte. No. Wi Tims Paulsen, Portland, Multnomah C i., Oregon. 3d Wed. Wingville, No. 150 11 monia Sturgil, Bakor City, Btker Co., Oregon. 1st and 3d Sat. Baker City, No. 152 Ihomas Smith, Auburn, Baker Co., Oregon. Meet 2d and 4th Sat. Canyon City, No. 161-E S. Pcnfleld, Can- yoa City, Giant Co., Oregon. Daniel Clark, No. 162 Henry Hall, Prairie City, Grant Co., Oregon. Young's River, No. 172-C. Peterson, Olnoy, Clatsop Co., Or. Meet 1st Saturday. Oswetro. No. 175 G. W. Stephens, Oswego, Clackamas Co., Oregon. Meet 2.1 Sat. Josephino, No. 179-J. S. Chatham, Wildcr- villc, Josephmo Co., Oregon Washington, No. 181 Lulu L. Day, Murphy, Josephine Co., Oregon. Meet 3d Sit. Rogue River, No. 190 M.B.Gibson, Lllens- burg. Curry Ci., Oregon. WashouMl. No. 192 C.J.Moore, ashougal, Clark 0.. W. T. Umpqua Dist. Pomona Grange-Meet. 1st Saturday at 2 P.M., Geo. W. Jonea, Sec CapeHorn Grange, No. Win. Haffy, Jr. Cape Horn, W. T. Oregon Maple Sugar. Wo clip this from the East Portl.mil Vindicator- "Mr. Win. Smith, who for merly was a resident of this place, is a it i on.1 titnmiiplilv understands venuuuu'i "' """ e - tr i. m.,,.fiinliiro nf manlo Miunr. no now lives in the Nehalom valley. 28 miles from Forest Grove; on lua claim i i i r n, n finpvf nt Oro'on maplo tree. During tho hpnng weather he tapiKXla numoeroi mem iru' """ 110 SOCIirt'll a uun ui bui' i-.. -!- titv to uny he had ocr had from tho trees in eriiiuiu. -r ,, . ,, down and was delighted to tee U'.'gram .ln-fl. . A.iii1ilinv nnrl into peneci suj;.ir iuwj i- ., , tastini,' exactly like tho eastern article. He KU a eake of the iiugar at our ollico which w.is duly sampled and pronounced to bo tu good as any. Mr. Smith says he can tap 600 tree each ?;nnK. on hw place, and thinks they will yield .0 Uunds of ugar. If that ; tnio ho hw Tgood industry before him, a mapln gugarieomnxands fancy prices m Oregon. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic is in valuable for impure blooel and divjr dcred Jiver. HER SECRET TROUBLES. The Unknown Trials Which a Woman Endured Without Complaint Why They Vanished. Near the closo of one of tho most try ing of tho few hot days of the present year a pale, care-worn woman might hae been seen at tho window of her dwelling apparently in a condition of complete exhaustion. Hur efforts to meet tho accumulated dutirs of her household hud lieen great but unsucces ful. while the caro of a sick child, whose wiiilsi-ould even then be hoaid, was nddidloher otliei-wif-e overwhelming trotiblt's. Nature had done inui-h for her and in her youthful days she had been not only beautiful but the possessor of health such as is te'dom teen. Hut homo and family dutios multhu depress ing cares whieh too often accompany thoin had proven gn.iter than her splendid strength and sha felt at that moment not only Hint life was a burden but that death would be a giand reliof. This is no unusual esperienee. It is, in fact, a most common cverj day occurrence, and n great prayer is constantly ascend inir from thousands of homes for delier- nnco from the deadly power which is en slaving go many wives mothers and daughters. And yet theso duties of life must bo met No woman can uffoid to turn abide from the proper care of hor home and the ones who are commited to her caro, although in doing theso duties sho may sacrifice her health, and possible life itself. Tho esperienco of one who successfully overcame such trials and ct retained health and all the blessings it brings is thus told by William Watson, Piesiding Elder of the Method ist Episcopd church, residing at 'Watoi towii, X. Y. Ho tnid : "My wife became completely run down through ooiwoik and caio of a sick nicmbor of our house-hold, and I entertained ecrimib apprehensions us to her future. She was lunguid, pale, utterly exhausted, without appotito, and in a complete statu of physical decline. And j et she did not, could not neglect her duties. 1 have seen her about tho house, trying courageously to care for the ones she loed when I could tell, from tho lines upon her face how much she was suffering. At times she would rally for a day or two and then fall back into the Btato of nervous exhaustion she felt bo fore. Her head pained her frequently, her body was bocoming bowed by pain and all hope or enjoyment in life seemed departed. What to do wo could not tell. I resolved, however, to bring back her lifo and vitality if possible and to this end began to treat her mysolf. To my great relief her system has been toned up, her strength restored, her health completely recovered and wholly by the use of Warner's Tippccanoo, which I re gard as the greatest tonic, invigorator and stomach remedy that has ever been discovered. I was led to use it the more readily as I had tested the health-restoring properties of Warner's Safe Cure in my own person and I thore'ore knew that any remedy Mr. Warner might pro duce would be a valuablo ono. I have since recommended both Warner's Tippe canoe and Warner's Safe Cure to many of my friends and I know several Doctors of Divinity as well as numerous laymen who aro using both with great benelit." If all the oorworked and duty dtiven women of America could know of tho experience above described, and act upon the same, there can bo little doubt that much of the pain, and most rf the de pressing influences of lifo might be avoided. Such truths arc too valuable to remain unknown. Oregon's standard remedy for indi gestion, dyspepsia and loss of appetite, Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic. A CARD. To all ho re luffcring from tho cirori and Imlls cretlonaof outh, neiu.ii caVrc'. eirlvdcwj, low ofiusnhood .c,l 111 send a recipe that mil euro jou, FREE OF CIIAKOE. Tula 1,-rc it reracd M dltun ciclbj a mlstliMury In Scu'h Am-rlca Send a ael(. aidrenfiedemclopc to the nEV. JOSEPH T INMAN, Station V, Sew York City. Am. 81 marly THE WELL KNOWN MITCHELL WAGON, ALSO mill: S A M F. MAKE OF SPRING WAGONS. ItICK HOARDS. PHAETONS and BUGGIES. Mitchell, Lewis & Co., n&HUt'AUlUlUiHBr l-iicinc toa.t Brnatk inlaid 191 front M.. l-urlland, Orraou. W. II. MITCHELL, Manager. lirldgea Kocrk, Balcm I W. II. Ooltri, Alli' Smith i. Con, Eusrcne, I W. 1 0tn, IKwebuig-. marl SIBS0N, CHURCH & CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS .V.rkrat ratr r Aak ! Wnml VittU, PORTLAND, OREGON. alllM' WeakNervousMen Whom JWIMrrsktf INitfrrff yn ukAltiT 4rrr bd fiUoi to perform lirr'a 4u(lr roTMtl r C4Md lf 1IIWML tsTTvf Of Jfrutil, vtil tbd ft wrfeet aud luticr rct.ariMaiorat( henHli THeMARSTOIIBOLUi. itKr mrh analic Tor laitranMiU Tbtatrutataalaf Xrrvtai blIU Atvi Um4 pmi 4fcmu. KCttifal if4- ...us Ur( BMttMMte ld aMlat nw. Tddrua CceMllla tlrucUa at UHtM MKEDTC..4IW.t4eK. HcwVtrt i E KS COSIIMITIOX t'l'REIt. An old phyatclin, retired from practice, hvrlnif had placed In hla hinds by an E.at India mtmlonarr the formula of a simple rcgetable remedy for the speedy and permanent core ot Consumption, Uronchltl", Cat arrh AsthTa, and all thriut and L'jnji Affections, also u p ltie nd radical euro for tiervous licbility.rd all Nervous CompUlnts, alter h. Tin testid ttswonderful curaile powers In ihousaii.ia of c.sca has felt It his duty to mako it known to his enrTerki; lellos. Actu ated by ihls oiotho and a do-ire to re lee human suf rennjr. l n til send irei. or cr arire, w an w no ursire i llila recltie In nirmnn. Eclith or iTencll. with full direct! n for prep trlii ami tutu;. Sent t.y trail In add esln?wlin stamp and namlnir this piper, W. A. liOYEs, Hi I'untrs block, itocticsur, Si I, un.u BR. JATNE'S AGUE MIXTURE. A CERTAIN AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY ron Fever unit Ague, Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, itc. Thi" cla's of diseases so rommon In nil parts of tho Worl.l, and especially prcalcnt in ma Uriuus di'tricU and iclnngo of ater-coursos, are almost invariably nccompanicd by more or less derangement of the Ucr, anil frequently by si ik'Cicthe action of tho digesthe organs, Tho mere breaking of the Chill is but a step tow ar J completing ft radical cure ; tho ai ious orgnns of the body, especially the stomach and liver, must be brought to a healthy and igor ous condition before n permanent cure can bo et iblishid, and thia fact ha been specially kept in Uow by Dr. Jaync In his treatment of these complaints. Tho u-o of .Tityno'a Ague Mixture, in conjunction with Jajnc's Stnttho 1'ills, as prescribed in the Direction which accompany caU bottle, will not only BREAK UP THE CHILLS, but re-'tora tho pjstcm, inoic jartiouI;uly the l:cr ami stoumcb, to n found con lition. and so prevent a reNj'SO if Tecr nn tc ly thor ough!;. ERADICATING THE DISEASE, and the best eii!cmo of this i Hit imnriablo success uhicli has ulwityti foPutred the admin litr.ition of tlico rrtiudics, as ittcte.1 by the ccttificatcs pubhfhe.1 iiiimtHlly in Dr. Jayce's Aim mac, and Ihe wide sprvttd popuHnty of the Ague MKtuio ill tliow illstricta of tho United Btitcf, wbcre tho ilic"s, for which it is ldnte., rost pivvnil. For sale by Hodge, Davis & Co., Agents ISM. 33 Veanrrnettrtil Epcrlrncc. IS8.1. John A. Child & Co., DRUGGIST. am) muutaa is I)ru,rs, Chemicals Per. furaery,Toilet Articles, Spomres.Sojpsand ru ti ler Ooods. ('rnrr Morrison 4 iSrcooil Mia. I-ORTLAND, - ORE Special attention paid to orders b) mni'.w hen accotnpanlid h coaki. uuri) Caldwell, Becker & Licke. LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS! Wry Ooods, Fancy Goods, Furiiisliiiig Goods, Coots, Shoes, Hats nntl Clips. We Rim to IniM up our trJe by sellinR HB.NCINE OOOHS Of THE 1IMT QUALITY OSLV, at prices from 10 to !W IVr nl lea than tho lame gooda cm bo aold (or on erf Jit. Tin: ;kmim: om; runt; cash stou.;! Oppokite aiemiketa Hotel, Silcm, Oregon. Dr. Abernethy & Co.'s virii,izt;i: TUB MANHOOD ity uinif tho treat Utilizer, tho K'n' of ill HotoritliLs. RESTORED.1 liinc"! an m ItrmruirH. rTI. beiond a d:abt Ihe mutt re'lible. tixM slid J Pikmaiest Tone to the reproductive or.-anrgl both scxe. known. It acts dlree ly uoa thu nertci. system. It re.toro deblllutcd functions of tlic p. In lip I organs cf the rx.); and un.U'pau'd as ahervlne it is powerful, pennaatntand detenalned Aphrodi.hc It Is an AUerathe and Aperient of excellent fine qua! ily. It rclleeiweaknenand pain, lu the klrfnei.; It fireenta losses fr.im the i.teni from unnatural iau.c; t cures fronts hcadarhe, piruplev on the f.te, li i. of n,-mrv. rcl.xMl eii.iiitlon of the nertous st.tein. In digestion, our stomach, Ciahetc, and all urtn.r trouble.. Thoie hIio hate fallo.1 to obtain a cure should Immediately c'li-e the VITAI.I.KK a trial. It is the KINO of all. It has neterfailcd In a tingle or. The companj will pa) fUXXoracue It will not cure, no matter whether cinipllctted or not -Ihe(,n.blna tion ol the VlriLltm is sucli that It curt, both simple and complicated caiel. This lsolnUia pisitlcalrx perleneeof 30 jears. Dr. A. A Co Mill .u.rinteo a peroianertcurelneieryc.se taken under ttielr treat, uent ami special advice, lime miuirod is from one to three mouths trcitment. If tne grait Vnatur falls, the money paid I'jr the remedy ill I refunded o' iou for (cite 1. CallcrHrite fori.urOMiKtiriui.il o Maaiiooo, which will enable the tuffirtr ouiir Ihe necesury quevtiws, so that ea.h can htvu the pvotivr rtmtdylorwarileil .uitatle for hi. hrann.(-iia OJfiBULTATION Hthfc-UJ.MIDE.NrlAL. I'llcool lliei,-rt Vltilii'.r, tl. or Six liottle. in taie, tl H r iicixxt roCuaa I foT Can, sent byEpron rec pt of price or C O I. T ATaTa7B aullerl.f from d'aeaaea p-rur to tinUlZtOu.elr an, inralualle aid and pil core obtaioel. Our ftma'e monthit ril'a ate im.ur. pM.ed as a re;cUtor, bent on root Ipt of price, it Ut. Abemelliy et . Market St.. run rrkUlb. aaa rrasrl.ra. .U. TTak Urltnl aliucia ilrert ilumnit nble tars from the f rr) , tli " Htf "THE BEST IS CHCAPCST." Itnefwm itan i nnton tno ri.ri,ii(n adl new Tim AUlmaJB At Taiwr Uo..M..a0.1d.Oalo. Ittllijf (ri r-jTjei.iu.n jk turtum bt .a with Til ill II MfMf. ta Oa. JJowk It,i.r".i,'rj,,',!r7 "-"i ,'y l 'irfi"..Vinl.r...k.,(.Wi Mf COlaX ASD "A ft NKK HE. M H iBBanlTrTnal?T Lizne, Lime, Lime ! Use LAN6D0N LIME Manufactured by San Juan Archi pelago Lime' Co., THE BEST IN TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., S O JL J! AGENTS. Portland, Oregon N. E. Cornor Front and Ash. OTSM73ICEZ3EEJS John W. FINE SHOES! OKO. A. MOO 111:, I'roslilent. Pacific Mutual OF CALIFORNIA. A MINNIE Manager for Northwest Department. OFFICE WITH PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated Under tlie Laws of uU!brnia, mid is to-Day the Strongest Lito Insurance Co. in Aiticr ca. REI'ICHKNCK-) TO MKN IN l'OUTI.AM) U110 1IAVK (10,001) .INSURANCE EACH IN TIII8 Companv : J. A. STItOtt nitlliOK, J E A. KI.OSTEI1MAN l. S. IlUltllKI.L, L. O. HhNllK'lISKN, Cou J. MtCKAItrN, C. M. WIUKItO, JAMES bTEtL. V W. hl'AULDINO I)R. OK. E. NOTTAOB. 0 A IIOM'il. T. L WILLIS, ANDKEW ItonKlrCS. J. K. UILL, J. II. MhKINNON, JOS. UUUKIIAltDT. AVOVlnil M ANOVirll .BMmJI CLOSING OUT FOR BARGAINS . A LAIIOE STOCK OF CMKItl.iOES. BUGOIES, OREGON HACKS, EXPRESS WAONS, PUTNAM CARTS, TRUCKS AND DRAYS, milE LAHOEST AND PEST STOCK EVEll OKfKHED IN POUTLAND TUB BE8T WORK FOK TIIK X lt inomy. TfcUHr). nah or Approird Note. II j cu want an) tlilnjr In this Hue yon can xet a bargain by calling:, or sending for p. l-e eatalogae to .prill Office; Corner ol Madison and Front Stre Portland, Oregon, Lock P.O. box HSU. Established in 1807. G. Shindler Ss Co. FURNITURE & CARPET DEALERS. ICO ANDKWnitST ANU107AND109rnOMbTItUEI6. : PORTLAND, OHEOON. r MtiMii -nin J,wrir'i ,ae!PfSSS?il'J t-JmiBFW Ey I of Dairy UhoA, Umt We tunVo from tin fucturcrrt of 'iirilH ImiirotPtl Failitrv I hnm. iiaiM..t.M i. tjiiuut.'-iMiiit.-ii imrit irntvii Ilnllfr Workrr. Iliivf huriif limnntiiilnri liurn.f rrnm VntH,itvgVirwvrttt Inirrnt" Allir;Uwamintl xnilv h rrnrtviitra. TWO kiitCU ' iriin riimiir i m ya.-via i in s.ar. --- J -- -j --. -r -----j ifccArALoor W1854.-I884r JAMES J. Hfei Wo F smmrnwmmezmm d3mi Q A riiBlFJcelsior ' '777Tllllu V X THE MARKET ! Gilbert J. N. PATTON, Secretary. Life Ins. Co'y Are thoroughly rerwrcl to furnlsli tliroujtioutM short notice. Hotels, Bording Houses, Private Residences & Steamboats. ....ATSL'CII. .. LOW PRICES As cro niTer before offered. IHiilmt Itiiom Tiilile.. from tl I iiwnrsl. I Ii ii in her Hrln, rrom t.'Ui Hinmr.l. I'nrlnr Krt. firm THO I pword THE IIOUSKIIOLD TIlFAbUIIE. Lil! iiitui ire it to be spr rrrlated. Call for it. M.Otf htL inilcrjl KiitM'rtnv AkttljkJ' aro next, Ni.f Mrnipth uml Hiutihrl. kiii - i iiis-ir iiiutlijii'iv. i-Kiio rnnnn. It Workrr. C'urlU Hfiunrn uurn in wiinirtuiiai unirn an iaav mm uuawiHU, UUK.TIS & uniuKNE, Foit Atkinson, Wis? . nir.iiaii . n ursuai ii siii.tu ii ------ -- ........... -M...nnni. -.amsaj JUj Vrertabt i1 tlnvf p N4 ltfjir rv HrJ UrvWtPtHlU Irtirnt frrm I nil mm pitJ AllMf keed ! nrrMNtt4 tukrfmk mu4trw l ukMMMlsirlliBt aliMuld M pivwlkrruUtl tifrtMt turaHIrr4frti M Utr liun f vrfttmbl He4, M)r iaiMtrt4-amplfl l I fvnwalM muf mttm Vmimtur, l h larcti rlr It ifwy tarn mrmmmm. As 11m mrlanA Iatrt1ir(-r mf ksrlr t'mrm. tkts 3lwlslitel HiumIi. tmJ mmurm ut -ollaa. Itt" lUrhMk JIUm-, MMrblrkraal ikrr ww ffrlskltti I lMVllnth umirnmfr mw lh Mil I IBP ! 4 Ill W rMM4 air tnrt iwtvrrtl'Mtrat. lkt . adttfi Ik tmrtm MH ! iai at H. H. GREGORY. SfiGtomtr. MirbUhead. Matt. And Tinners' Stock ALL KIND8 FOR SALE BY ST. LOU IS. MO i i I A