Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 04, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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$twn jjpejjaiifment
Allen Pinkcrton, the famous detocthe,
is dead.
Tho national debt decreased $9,217,060
in June.
A force is grading the Ynquina ex
tension. Tho Mexican war pension bill has
passed tho Scnato.
Colored Democrats havo held a con
ference at New York.
A great storm caused fearful dnmago
in parts of Maryland.
A destructive storm ravaged Ponnsyl
vania, doing great damage.
Broadway, Now York, in now lighted
throughout with electricity.
. Leading Now York Democrats work
to defeat Cleveland's nomination.
Tho cholera at Toulon, France, is very
dangerous and causes great alarm.
Tho weather in England and nil
.Europe is favorable to grain crops.
A small boom is working for Pana, of
the Sun, as the Democratic candidate.
A steel steamer of 800 tons is building
at San Francisco for tho Coos Bay trade.
A Washington newspaper asserts that
a plot is laid for Tammany to work for
Democratic delegates am assembling
at Chicago to attend tho National Con
vention. '
A new daily, o cheap paper, will be
started in New Yorkto advocate Blaine's
Tho game law expires this week and
deer is now anybody's venison that can
capture it.
Queen Victoria's last book doesn't sell
well so Bhe gives it away liberally to
hospital patients.
Farm hands aro in great demand nt
Fhiladclphin, and experienced men can
get $2& to $au per montn.
Many refuso to believe that Mr. Til
den'b refusal is positive and expect to see
him nominated at Chicago.
Mexico will require American railroads
to be fenced, which will bo a'fearful cx
ponso that was not anticipated.
C. P. Huntington seems to be in a
tight place and has had to ask Crocker
for assistance, which was granted.
A new cunnrder with 12,500 horse
power is being built that is expected to
cross tho ocean quicker than any of them.
House bill passed to appoint an addi
tional justice of the Supreme Court for
Washington Territory and two for Da
kota. At different French ports a fearful
panic prevails because of tho appearance
of what the doctors call the Asiatic
W. C. Squires, of Seattle, ha been ap
pointed Governor of Washington Terri
tory. Governor Newell is appointed In
dian Inspector.
Do Lcsseps says tho obstacles at Pana
ma are less than he expected and work
goes on remarkably well. Tho canal
will bo dono in 1888.
In llio groat university boat iuco at
New London, on tho river Thamos, Yale
was victor over Harvard and made tho
best time ever recorded.
At Gardner, mouth of tho Umpqua,
Aug. Fox killed Frank Franklin, who
threatened him. Ho was acquitted as
acting in self-defonse.
A terriblo explosion in tho Wellington
mine. Nanaimo, took placo Monday by
which twenty five- white- men wero killed
and many others injured.
Many fishermen aro lost on thn ocean
for this" season. Usually foreigners arc
the unhappy victims; sometimes the
most expert men aro lost.
A largo party of New England ex
cursionists wore visiting all points in
Washington and Oregon and express
themselves as much pleased.
The effort to tow rafts of logs from
Coos Bay to San Francibco was it failure,
as tho rafts broke up in a heavy swell in
tho ocean and were a total loss.
The Houso Committee agreo to favor
the forfeiture of the Southern Pacifio
land grant along the road completed
July 1S78. It involves 5,500,000 acres.
Blaine and his frionds are preparing
to make a prodigious effort to carry sov
eral Southern States for him. Ho may
tako tho stump in sover.il States, him-
Toias drovers complain that regular
robbery and extortion is practiced on
them as they drive through the Indian
territory by Commancho and Kiawa In
dians. A now steamer tho Alki owned by
the Oregon Improvement Company, is
a splendid ship for the trade and will
ply between San Francisco, Empire City
aod Coos Bay.
Fino quartz specimens como down
from Cceur d'Alene and reports that dig
gings pay well, but them seems to be no
great excitement. Tho miners have set
tled down to regular business.
Tho O. R. fc N. Co., offorg to lease its
roads to tho X. P. for six per cent on its
etock for two years and seven for three
years, and eight per cent thereafter. A
dicision will bo made this week.
There is no doubt that the Asiatic
cholera prevails in France among the
maritima citios. Tho sickness is short
and death sudden. The worst seems to
be over and fewer fatal cases are reported.
The Piegan Indians in Northern Mon
tana aro said to be literally starving and
tho death rate is fearful, especially
among children. By this time J.000 of
them are entirely destitute, and cither
ttarvo or steal nettlera cattle.
Pierce county, W. T., assesses a little
over $3,000,000.
Heavy rains havo greatly helped the
Pnyallup hop yards.
Gov. Murray, of Kentucky, is re-appointed
to Utah.
Tho colored man Joseph Drako will be
hung tho 13th of August.
Chas. H. Iteid, who defended Guiteau,
is to have $3,000 for his trouble.
Increased forco will bo put to work
on tho Cascade branch, near Yakima.
No bills affecting territorial interests
havo been passed at this sosion
Track laying towards Baker City goes
on a mile and a quarter n day.
The run of salmon in the Columbia
has not been largo this year.
Many people arc already stopping at
Wilhoits and camped near by.
A cloud-burst on tho Touchct made
the water rise fifteen feet suddenly.
At Indian Valley, Union county, a
man and horso were killed by lightning.
Mails from France are brought in
tarred sacks since cholera broke out there.
Many invalids arc already stopping at
or near Medical Lako for tho benefit of
the waters.
Ben. Butler's frionds will do all they
can to get him nominated by Democrats
at Chicago.
Prctidont Arthur pays Judge Advocate
Swaim must bo court-martialed, and no
mistako about it
Lane county hop growers havo en
gaged tho Silitz and Warm Springs In
dians to do their picking.
Congressmen dodgo "action on the
eight hour law and aro not to bo found
when voting time comes.
It is thought that Ben Butler will
havo considerable strength in the Chi
cago Democratic Convention.
A poplar tree was'shivered and splint
ered and broken cloar off the stump by
lightning in South Palouse.
Tho magnificient new hotel at Tncoma
is now opened for business. It, is. the
finest north of San Francisco.
John Hcwdy was drowned in Spokane
Falls. Ho was intoxicated and tried to
show somo boyshow to manage a boat.
""Simpson BorthcrVaro building two
tugB on Coos Bay, ono for the Columbia
river trado and the othor for tho bar of
that river.
John II. Kinkaid, of Nevada, is ap
pointed Governor of Alaska; J. M. Arm
strong is reappointed to the Spokane
land office.
Through this valloy some tall grain
was knocked down by the heavy rains
last week, but more good resulted than
Concressmnn Henley, of California, is
trying to have the Alaska Commercial
Companv investigated anj is confident
that its franchise will be annulled if in
vestigation is ever made. ,,
On Tuesday the morning express went
through a bridge that had a bent burned
tho night beforo and quite a number of
persons wero moro or loss injured, but
none fatally. Two had legs broken.
Tho corner stone of tho Clackamas
County Court House was laid last Thurs
day with imposing ceremonies. Elabor
ate nildrcsses were made by W. Cury
Johnson, Ei., and Peter Piiquct was
grand oiator for the Masons.
An immense crowd came togethor in
New York to too a glovo fight between
Sullivan and Mitchell; Sullivan was
beastly drunk and Mitchell was palo
from malaria and thero was no fight
though a gieat deal of money was taken
Cholora in France continues to excite
fears in England. At Toulon eight to
ten dio daily. Marseilles has also a
plaguo of mosquitoes. The captain of
the vessel that introduced cholera hung
himself from rcmor.se for his having
done so.
In Indian Territory tho Cherokee
sheriff is taking down and confiscating
all wiro fences at omul fluids larger than
fifty acres. Thoy hud taken down 1000
miles of fence and wero still nt it.
Indians will eject all objectionablo in
truders. The directors of tho N. P. road have
ordered twenty-fivo miles built on either
side of the mountains on tho projected
Cascado branch road. The road will be
built this seaon to Yakima City from
Ainsworth, and the steamer Billings
will bo used as a transfer boat on that
louto hereafter.
Tho Houso has patsed a bill repealing
pre-emptions, timber cultures, desert
lands, and amending tho homestead law
so that no agricultural land can bo sold
except for town sites and mineral lands,
but nil shall be reserved for actual home
stead settlers. This does not repeal tho
act for sale of timber on this coast.
A refrigerator enr loaded with salmon
for New York, got ditched in Montana
and tho fish dumped out and then re
packed, but the fish spoiled ; another car
load was three-fourths spoiled, all of
which is tho loss of tho railroad. Decline
in price has taken place, so it no longer
pays to ship frosh salmon if it goes
through safe. It is expected that regu
lar business will yet le developed out of
this trado, as epicures say salmon from
the I-ower Columbia are tho finest tho
world over.
Persons interested at tho East declare
themselves well pleased with he present
condition of tho Northern Pacific and
Oregon roads. It is not likely the Nor
thern Pacific will lease the O. It. it N.
Co 'a roads at present, and not likely
that the Cascado branch will bo built
for half a dozen years to come. Tho re
ports of work projected are only on pa
per. Villard has gone to Germany in
connection with the Oregon and Califor
nia Company, to see if the money can
be got to finish it through.
Wi iiJPTy
Horses aro stolen in Wasco county.
A Walla Walla Councilman was way
laid and robbed when returning from a
Council meeting. They knocked him
Grain crops in Klickitat are a long way
over average. Around Walla Walla
where one acre was injured hundreds wero
benefitted greatly.
The Northern Pacific road earned
12,000,000 in tho year ending July 150,
and Frosidnt Harris says thcro will bo a
handsome surplus on hand.
A nine-year-old son of Mr. Wanbau,
near Dayton, had a littlopony thatcamo
to the yard, laid down and died last week,
the same hour its little master' died.
Slater and Dolph havo worked to
gether to get the Oiegon appropriations
increased in the Scnato, Coos hay to
have $5,000 more than was first named.
Henry, charged with complicity in the
murder of David Swartz, near Salem,
pleaded'guilty of manslaughter and was
sentenced for life to, tho.State prision.
Qlleppner also had a cloud-burst of such
force that it orougnt jonnny itcuuingion
all the way here beforo ho could stop his
momentum. He wasn't on a "bust
Tho Eastprn Oregon Agricultural
Association is incorporated at Pendleton.
to encourage raising and training of
blooded stock and foster all farming
A telegram received at Portland last
week says that a car load of salmon had
reached New York in perfect ordor. No
fish as good had ever before been seen in
tho east.
Tho House of Representatives refused
to pass a land grant for future for tho
back-bone railroad in Loniseana against
which tho Judiciary committo reported
unfavorably. ZJZ'iity.
A recent railroad smash near Palouso
Junction damaged $27,000 worth ,of
proporty, wounded three tramps, who
are in the hospital, and killed tho fourth,
who is in his grave.
Eustcrn and California hop buyers aro
trying to engage Puget Sound hops this
this year and will bo apt to go homo
empty handed, or will loso on tho deal, if
they pay m-l.ing ptico.
Mtitulo Itobeits ctrongly objected to
tho suitor her patents favored and they
objected to her favorite. Sho tried to
settle it with a dosoof strychnino nnd is
hovering on tho border of tho Wonder
President Harris of tho N. P. U.K. Co.
will visit us in the summer. .. He ntyu it
will tako tin eo ycats to complete tho
Catcado tunnel and in that titno tho Cas
cado branch may Iks working; it cannot
be dono sooner.
At tho head of tho Umatilla mine
hunters found a man's skeleton, beside
which was a rusty Ixiwio knife, but no
shred of clothing was near by it. How
long ago, or who it was, or whon, nolwdy
Northern Pacific common Mock is
worth 1-1 j that Villard paid 10 for; pre
ferred is 118, that ho gavo double that
for; Oregon and Transcontinental 7i,
that cost 83 cash; Oregon Improvement
!), that cost 75 ; O. It. & N. is worth 2,
that was onco quoted at Sl.(i5.
Ed Owens and Si Nickerson stole
eight lion-en near ltock's Springs, 100
miles from Helena, and were followed
by John Davis, who had chargo of tho
horses, aided by fifteen cowltoys, who
had revolvers, whilo tho thioves had ri
fles. Guns wero procured then a fierce
fight ensued. St Nickorson was shot
dead aud Owens wounded. Two cow
boys wero wounded. Tbreo other thieves
stolo horses and were followed und tho
stock recovered, but tho men all oscnpixl
after a fierce conflict.
Importer sod Dealers In all Unda of
Secdn, Trees and Plant,
rent for It. P. Foi'a Kurierln.
1U. 3U Baflery Mrert. Oppewltr O 111 re.
Trice IM nulled tree oa ippllcitlon. Jun.I Jini
I WILL 1)15 at Ulnei 1 hers fcutle, Silem. en ilea
uir, Tudjr end WednexUjr of ny-h k for tbe
pitdkal treatment of all sick and crippled animate.
Tt remain" I of the time at tile HutUrllle Veterinary
Inflnnarj Farm. Ilorx Louded and pastured.
Median supplied at lb- Infirmary
1 Joetfic Uutttrlll, Or., rr Salem, Or,
208 to 214 Front St., Portland, Or.
J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.'s Engine, Threshers.
Headers and Saw Mills.
Stuilebukcr Farm nnd Sprint; Wagons, Ruggies, and Car
riages. P. K. DcderfcK & Co.'s Hay Presses.
The J. I. Case Plow Co.'s Sulky and Walking Plows, HnrrwN
and Cultivators. Itoosier Drill Co.'s Seeders, Drills
and Sulky lluy Rakes. Anne Harrows.
j&rSend for
Clod Crustier and Levcler.
Weighs much leas than other Pulverizing
narrow. Sella about one-third leia, and
with all does the most thorough work of auy.
Hustliu Noatest. Simnlost und Ue-t Drive Wheel ; luis the host Canvas Arranco-
ment for ennyinj; Giuin from l'lulform to Kluvutiii'H ; linn tho befit Cutter bar ; lias
ihu best l'itmnn Conneetion ; hits no Sidu Dinftj liiw tho bust Acljuctallo Koel;
has tho best Tilting Ariangemoiit ; hub tho bem Uuisinf? nnd lowering Arrange
ment. It is unoxcelled for Strength and IJiuability it in tho lifrhtc-Ht ; is simplest
in Construction; w Substantially and Strongly iluilt; is tho Suiest to Hind; ban
Kower Pieces of Machinery than any othur; hius need of Kower Exports; Iiuh u
Friend in every purchaser.
In I-!l. and
The Cheapest is the Best.
Salem Property For Sale i
AUTU16i lt MUllioI (,'li.mcliela llo'tl, Willi
ton on II iipiel bjr Mr. A. l. Iluifcliiiiliam
itroar) ur. Al o: A comfortable ilvcliing lu
boutli imt'Ui, ltli Br. r:xu; lot "SilMlrct.
Trie above will be wm at a ii4rain. Aiwrvwi .
CIUIII.KH JOKV, l-altni, lir
Or; ull at the Jor wajun .hop, South Sil. m
A ateanUrjg VT 4'hM.I fur ..
uunacuer.tli U,ln riepttatbrr 4il. foja
uccnetully fitted lor Ubllere rr tor leiilne-. 1' i
roldent nJ Ihrte "lilting tender.. l)U.'lllni ilrtct.
for further iDfuruutici) .nil lor tutil'vur couulul..
lilt ( forntr pupil.. aA ,rt:
J. W. mil. M. Ii .Mrail Mu'lrr.
I lat'Mmi Urier 17, IV11U11J, Omon,
Having purchased tho right for
Marion county for the
Burns Fruit Drier and
We are now prepared to manufac
ture and turn ah three different sizes
of family and three lizes of factory
driera. Its economy of heat, per
fect control and distribution of tame
renders it impossible to scorch the
fruit. Kvcry part of the drying
chamber is ot eiiual temperature m
indicated by a thermometer, and ita
system of ventilation carrying off
tho moisture and steam thrown off,
are a few of the points of superior
ity that recommend it to every in
telligent mind.
Driers in Operation.
Tho following named gentlemen
have our diier in operation: H. V.
Sayrcs, Brooks Station; John Sch
wader, Aurora Mills; orS.A.CIarko,
1J miles couth of Half in.
We wlil hare a drier up and ready
for exhibition, at the time of the
next Pioneers meeting, at Strang'
tin shop, Salem.
For further particulars address:
Strang Zimmerman,
Salem, Oregon.
Illustrated Catalogues.
The Acitator ii" the bent arnln lavina ma-
chine txrr inmle. It runs lighter, threthea
faster, is leas liable to ipt out of order, and
saves grain bettor than any other machine
&iiHI Gopher
! Citiifc.
For Sale by all Dealers,
WAKELEE & CO., Chemists,
Situation asJGardener.
J anil 20 ! In tnnliuj. UiidenunJ. prop
ir-iiofi t-1 .11 klii'l. ef flcutn, roiea e.ptcUtlir a4
Ita.trlnz lituli; uVj liig j,'r"irlT cf email IruiUj,
xr.putikt., nl itavut'lof. W.uitllllie to come to
okkom. Aililre... CIIAHLKM l.aNU,
iujUM liiivSIS, Council mufti, lowe.
. Faim for Sale.
1iii AC1IK VAUH lOUK mii.es houtii or
f Htlcin. lu irooj iuteuf iiilm.tion; good
Ut'i lam; (fOl liouu; l'ooI nrchirtl; well fenced all
around, and too cro. femed: eg ecree.ln heat; St
ace. lu puture; Su irrm plo.nl ready far tummcr
fillow. If )ou want to buy a good linn come and f
nilno frtforu i.brctiMiu elwohtrn. I UI nil crop
eitra. ThepU-e I. welt w.lrrrl. Kor furllier pir
tlculari adJrcu; A It HUM.AI', Halem, Or.