l!MWir.1WiaylMMT5W'M-.U.-MIMWyCTM- K33i2alrMBBZ32smxaME!ua WILLAMETTE FARMER.' SALEM, JoREQON", JUNE (5, H34. TXh. 4Ilc Wh i MRS. KAI'.KIOT T. CLARKE, KniTOR. E0MXET3 0I PP.AUE. tiii; vamk. : Tho uoitliug vales I nihvlle uJ fiom roti ; ti winds, . As Httlo baliei ! t.-i tier .t'phiu "row, Somo nirr.iw grge cell lljwory limit Miiil; Thus wj from childish cym hi'te elcl-r vv-c-The vales aro thick with cm u, with pbnty sliino ; Thus should the children smiln in tunuy glee, For nno hath Itletscd them w itli u loi p divine, The untried pilariuia of lift'j toimy em. Though lough wii d cariii' t enVer, gentlo rain Refreshes the er en vale, till prints ne- Their source 'mo snow-did hills : so age "should g'lin, '4 v s By gentle tcaclii g childl o id',oiger eyes. Rain fills the iioolrtlie;tlijrsty,valo,isbYst.( Thus should children thrive, by love CJreasea,- THK iIOUXTAiyS(J The lofty mountains with their snowy ensts, God's ensigns, 'p:nise tlitir Loid throughout the land ; r Their, heights, which few; oiu reach, i i human breasts Inspiring owe. yet quake beneath His hard. Oft 'twixt their tumult's and the lower larth, The wreathing cloud-mists rolj, alone sthey dwell As sight-ilimmcd igo. Our 'cries f pnin or mirth, ., s .,, n. Molest them not; thus r.gij.with deiujontng I" ., , ... Benumbs oui- ear, yet near "acli Innelv peak Srig mountain biid ; saltan a eaofi'tiitumit crown. From I1i3b0.1t heavens Sliu-t God's saints may Bis. k 'l Itefngo in thought divme, though loug yosrs drown Ea-th'i sound; on mountain ores: lejose the A-, Oar home abate shines clear, as earth grows dark. . Chambers Journal. -'ANORY WORDS. ' .Angry words are lightly spoken, ,' Tu a rash and" thoughtless hour ; lirigbtest links of life nre brLen, B their deep insidious po er. Hearti inspired hy w-inne.it feiliuj, .Ne'er before by aner ptii-red, Oft ars rent past human healing, 11 a single angry word. Poison dropi of care and sorrow. Bitter poison drops are tney, Weaving for the coming morrow, Saddest menoriaa of to-day. Angry words, oh, lit tlmm ncvor i ' , From the tonauo unbridled slip; "" Hay the bearv'sabest impulse, ever Check them ere they soil the Up. Love is much too pure and holy, Friendship is too eacrid far, For a moment's reckkss folly Thus to detolalo and mar. Angry words arc lightly spoken, Bitterest thoughts are rashly stimd, Brightts. links of life are broken By a single angry word WOMAN IN AGRICULTURE, Is the title of an article in the Itural Tress, giving some excellent ideas in connection with the education of young ladies in some departments of agricul ture. Mrs. Jeannie Carr, who is a well known writer in California, as well as teacher, gave a lecture on horticulture to the young Indies at the seminary in. Berkeley, which was a novel idea, but a most excellent one. 'Why should not women be educated in theso most prac tical matters. Anyone who undertakes this pursuit must have a knowledge of chemistry, botany, and understand n deal of natural history too, if this light with insect pests is to go on in Califor nia. Thero is the bed culture, which Is eminently adapted to woman's care ; and silk worm; culture whore the climate will admit with tho poultry busmen, on which there much depends on having a well trained mind. Mrs. Carr propo ses that women's colleges shall be equip ped to prepare young women for ii wo man's business on the form, wheie she may bo instructed in, 1. The cultivation of fruit and nut bearing trees, or pomology, 2,JTho cultivation of forest and orna mental trees and shrubs, or forestry. 3. The cultivation of flowers in the open air and under glass floriculture. 4. The cultivation of vegetables and small fruits for market market garden ing. a. Fruit drying anil preserving, or the changing of natural into commercial products. (5. Domestic cookery and housekeep ing. 7. Uboful and ornamental needlework: 8. Breeding and caro of poultry. 9. Silk culture (whore practicable ) 10. Dairying. This practical instmctiou would in ac cordance with the peculiar environment of the school ; bee keeping, for instance, being more suitable in some localities than silk culture. The course would be so systematized that every pupil would take part in the manual of farm and household until the necessary skill was acquired. The object would be simply and wholly educational, and when a pu pil could fit a garment, prepare a whole some meal, bad a tree, cr execute any other required task nccoptably, that would end and something inoro difficult entered upon, until tho curriculum was finished. The instructions in cookery of Mrs. WMchi of the Jowu Agricultural Col lege, nil excellent- ijluatinlion-s of the happy union of practical mid theoieticnl education.in the industries. Tho Iowa girls uro not le.ss studious1, who furnih bread for tho college la'ile.-.. My own experience mid obseivation have satisfied me tli.it elementary in struction in tin: liiitut ji1 scienco-,in phys ics and chemistry when faithfully c-u-ried in tho applications is doubly effec tive, .Arithmetic and geometry, applied to actual measuring of Mirfaces, finding the cubic cuntints of bndiib, laying of plain to n wale, mo ''fur 111010 cageily puisucd and easily mastered. Tho principles of l.iniNe.pe gardening and of architecture, skeluhingof plants, drawing and growing them, uro essen tial acquirements for an accomplished country womrtn. ,, Daily lessons in tho English language and its litcrature,and training in expres sion aie, of coun-c, indispensable in any scheme of education And, above all, knowledge of tho laws of health and life, of the proper euro of children and of the sjck, will be imparted in our practical schools. Women -who engage independently in farming find little nntagonism to over come j.so close is tho relation between lurid and tho homo, that1 n woman who surrounds herself with evidence of thrift and skill commands uniwrciil respect. A lady of the t Sacramento Valley dis played a collection of jollii'i mid pic served fruits at the State Fair so per fectly prepared and. tastefully arranged thitt she not only, f wept tho hoard in tho way of premiums, imt a San Francisco banker paid her 500 for them, saying: "I bought them 111 'a surprise 10 my wife, and to fchow my roped for woman as nhhidiHtrialist." On tho same occasion a woman left on the, death o! Iter husband ns the sole lnimagor of u pomplicatcd landed estate, exhibited tho fruits of her indus-try in a novel foiiii, viz., in caes of,'-ineet pow der' which she had manufactured fiom pyrothrum, .cultivated 'on her own farm. She cleared off heavy indebtedness, soiu heij children to tho university, and won it?pjsition for her.-clf among capitalists by this culture, ,&mtlior California lady derivoi 11 ihnnd-'onm income from the manufacture of olive oil, from trees of her own luising. Instances might be iiulefinilely multi plied to show that for women to-day, as for men in all tho past, land-ownership is the "basisof uiistocracy," of nobility, in the American sene of tho w"rd. My hopes for advancement of women are strengthened by the fact that bo many doors are now open to them into profes sional callings, and so many facilities af forded for iucesaiy training therein. It cannot bo long before- tho Woman's Indutrml University shall bo cieated and become the model for hundreds of practical training bchoola throughout the country. Twenty-five dollars a month, with board, is a common price for a cook, and many a foreigner has earned tho price of a email l.irm in 11 single year 01 domestic servicrj .tsido from this, co-operation and association is tho moit foasiblow.iy to success in woman's farming. "By co-oper.itiOn beggars become capitalists ;" and school teachers develop into free-. Holders. Hie eo-opcrativo farm of JIisscs Austin, Cleveland and Hatch, teachers in tho San Francisco schools, near Fresno, Cul , has become famous. The "colonies" of Southern California afford excellent opportunities for the ex tension of the Fresno experiment, so as to cover branches of business growing out of fruit growing, silk culture, bee culture, and other industries. lit many of theso colonies Jong credits are given for tho land, and hou-es are frequently built and furni'-hed on the installment plan, thus making a small capiral,"pluck, pcr severanco and energy equal to a larger one. TOE WORK BASKET. A thoughtful lady friend and reader of the Farmer away off in Dakota sends, tho following letter ; Ohiska, D. T., May 1, 1884. Editor Willamette Farmer: As I have read your paper ever since you sent it to the North Dakota Farmer, I feel as if I would liko to add my mile to tho Homo Citclo if you would let me. I'like to read the boy's and girl's letters so well, and as,I think most of the little girls would like to help to 111 nko some thing to adorn the home, I will tell them how to make rugs, and will send you a a knit laco pattern. As this is my first attempt at writing I hope you will correct all mistakes. Mrs. Jselue Stoxe Pointed Laco Cost on 11 stitches. First Bow Knit 5, throw thread over, narrow, throw thread over, narrow, throw thread over, knit 2 plain, knit back plain. Second Row Knit 0, thread over, nar row, thread over, narrow, thread ovor, knit 2 plain, knit back plain. Third Row Knit 7, thread over, nar row, thread over, narrow, thread ovor, knit 2 plain, knit hack plain. r onrtn Kow Jimt 0, thread over, nar row, thread over, narrow, thread otor, knit 2, plain knit bock plain. Fifth Row Knit acroes plain. Tenth Row Bind off 4 stitche, knit 10 plain ; this makes ono point ; you can make tliu wide by casting on 15 stitches and widening to 27. Bugs, Take a ball of twine, inch a merchants use, pair of mitten kneedles, take any kind of soft woolen or wonted rags', cut them nearly half an inch wide, cast on the odd number of stitches, 25 iy ns many ns can le knit easy, knit ono stitch, lay a mg between tho noodles, having half an inch out, then knit one stitch and bring tho) rag forward, knit one etitch, turn tho tag back, leaving a loop half an inch, do 'so until you knit across, leaving loops ono side, smooth the other, then knit back plain, or it pre ferred cut tho lag-' in pieces one inch long, by knitting stitches alike you can knit liny designs ; whn dono clip all tho loons and trim even! alunvs knit one r-titch between each fold of the rags suw 1110 Knit strips together. Hoping these directions aro plain, I remain, rospcetfully, Mrs. Nellie Stoxi:.- CHOICE RECirES. Prevent the formation of a crust in tea-kettles bv keeping in them an ovster shell. Pnro apples by pouring scalding water on ihcni, then quickly slip" off the skins. To each quart of npplo sauce add a spoonful of butter. You will find your sauce improved. Scour knives with buck dust or powder by using, instead of a rag and water, u potato cut smooth at tho end. If you would havo wholesome .food, keep tho pantry window down at tho top, night and day, except in tho coldest weather. t Kid shoes eon bo kept soft and freo from cracks by rubbing thom onco a week with pure glycerine or castor oil. Tough meat may bo made as tender as any by the addition of a littlo vinegar to the water when it is put on to boij. Make a squiuo bag of flannel, leaving one end paitly open. In thi put all the remnants of soap as tho piero-i become too small to hnndlo easily. Whuli the bag is filled, baste up tho opening and it makes n good bath-tub arrangement. It is not generally known that when coffee beans are placed upon hot coals or upon a hot plato the flavor arising is 0110 of the iiiot effective and at the same time agreeable disinfectants. If no heat is obtainable, oven tho -spreading of ground coffee on the olijoct to be disinfected is most satisfactory. Amori enn Queen. Prevont ivory knifo handles fiom crucking while washing by soaking the blades in a pitcher of water instead of laying them down in a pan. If tho dish in which osculoped oysters and similar preparations aie b.ikod is well buttered, it will be a saving of time and money, for tho oysters and crumbs will not fetick to tho dish. Clean brass with ti solution made by dissolving ono tablrspoonful of oxalic acid and two tablcspoonf uls tripoli in n half-pint of soft water.' Apply with a woolen rug, and after a few minute? wipe dry and poliish. Bee N0103. Editor Willamette Varmci; Since I have novor seen any letters that said anything about bees I thought I would write. I havo four colonies ; friends that write to the Homo Cirdlo can tell the hybrids or Italians fiom tho blacks by thego'den bands around their abdomen ; tho Italians havo three golden bands, the hybrids only have ono oright and one light band; the hybrids, which is a cross between a black and Italians, are very cross. Rather than lot your bees swarm and let them get away, as they often do, I prefor artificial swarm ing. This is dono by moving tho old stand away and placing an empty hive there with somo hatching brood, with a nice capped Italian queen cell; bo sure to brush all of the bees off of the brood so that ou will bo suro and not get tho queen. Do this on a warm day when tho boes are flying then when they all como back you will hae quite a swarm. One of the Farmer Bovh, aoe 12. "Wo are glad to soe such interest taken in bee culture by a boy, and havo no doubt his ideas arc correct, as they seem to como from practical observation. Kocklord. A correspondent of Cheney Tribune writes : Rockford is situated nearly due cast of Chcuoy, four and a quarter miles west of the Idaho lino; surrounded by us good a farming country as wo havo in the northwest. To the north and cast for miles extend a va6t body of valuable timbor consisting of pine, fir and tama rack with intervening prairios ranging from five to fifty acres. To tho south and west open timbor extends from ono to two miles from which extends south to the Palonse river and west from tho Co?ur d' Aleno mountains frofh twenty to twenty-five miles as rich a prairie as you would expect to find. Government land being principally taken up; crops arc good considering tho dry season, the av erage being much better than last year. Some crops aro very light from the fact that they were put in very lato and the season has been remarkably dry. Veg etable are very good whoro they were planted in season. I consider this sea son but a test for this country; showing that however dry the season we can raise grain and vegetables if wo will plant the seeds at the proper time. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic Is in valuable for impure blood and disor dered liver. 1. wi'i Jsfcoaefclal Trseiss for Colds ad Coughs; "X think them tbo best sod most convenient relief cxUut." Iter, C. M, Humphrey, Oraiz, Ky. 4 4pie Iulilrcj. .-!-X5t MY, LITTLS OIRL. Sly littlo uirl is nestled Witbin her liny bed, With Amber lingftts enV.td Around her d ii ty luvd; She lioi'xi valm mid stilly, Sh-j liioatlieM o soft and low, Slip cilli to mind a lily Half bidden in tl.o mow, A weny htlle mOrtnl Hie gonu to slumWiland; The Pixiis at the 1 0rt.1l Have ovight licr by the hand, bhc dreams her bioktn dolly Will si on lie mended there, That looki so mel mcboly Upn the rocking chair. OUR LETTER BOX. Juno has come, with its flowers and plenty of strawberries and O, what fun and wlwt picnics thero will be while tho berries last there wont-be many letters written while they Jnst. Tim timo is coming whon, io fear, tho 'berries will not be so easily found, the plowing and grubbing has already spoiled many a spot where wo would go from year to year suro of gotting our baskets filled. Tho wild borries aro so much finer fla vored than the cultivated one, and then thoy como earlier. The first letter wo open to-day seems to bo neighboily. four letters all in ono envelop, and all from 0110 placo ; that is a splendid idoa. Minnie tells all about homo affairs, andweshouhl say that mamma could not voiy well do without her little gill's holp. It is always good to seo 11 helpful spirit, and all the steps that can be saved for mother add so much to her comfort. Laura is a busy little woman tpo. Those nruno treos will keenjou nil busy after awhilo; Aunt llelty knows nbout it and has to help dry them after awlnto. O. D. sends a lively littlo letter and must le 11 go ahead littlo body, but no doubt will writo more next time. J ulia starts out well lor a beginnor. It is not always easy to speak in public, but it is pood exercise, itis just as neces sary as it is to have to writo letters ; not many gii Is read well aloud or speak well, bceauso thoy are not compelled to do so. Etta lives nwav up in Colfax; feho ought to find many njco things. to write about next timo, but a short letter is net- tor than none. Another littlu Minnie nppears in tho Circle How sweet tho nanio sounds ; we aro suio wo loyo them nil who carry thnt namo. Four pets, all her own too; what a happy littlo girl ; doing every thing too that she can for her dear mamma. Hattio is another favorite name. Aunt Hetty hopos that your uiiimmn's "ngri cultuial" seeds will ennio up, for hors did nor. We think thero is a deal of money wasted in such things in Wash ington. It is an imposition on people, for now it is too late to sow good seeds and tho flower beds will bo quito baro of flowers. Tho seeds aro of very common kinds, and good for nothing at that. Those silver-sprayed chickens must be great pets, but after all tho common sorts of fowls ore better property and are not so difficult to raise. Theso high brod birds are not good mammas ; jiei haps they think itis not sufficiently dig nified to run after tho littlo chicks, but liko some proud ladies, wish to lea'vo tho little ones to nurses. North Yamhill, May ti, 1884. Kditor Home Circle: I never wrote to the Farmer before and will now try and write a few lines, I am eight years old; I go thrco miles to school and walk part of the time. Wo havo a good teacher, his namo is Marion McCoy ; Iiq is going to givq to tho 0110 that gets the most head-marks a prizo ; I havo eight now. My grandpa takes tho Farmer and likes it ho has takon it for somo timo. I help mamma wash the dishes, feed tho chickens, take caro of my little brother, and a great many other things. I have a brother and three sisters. I havo a cow and calf, a pig and a pet goat. Evpr your friend, Minnie Pebki.nh. rafca-MdM for Infants CnHtorlaprorhotcHPIgPHtloi id overcomes flatulency, Cofutqii rratlon finu tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishneta. It Insures health and natural sleep, without morphine. " OutorU U so weR adapted to Chfldren (hat I reconuaeud It u superior to any pruicription know 10 me." A. A. A amis, JL ., R Portland Am., Brooklyn, N. T. CKNTAUtf LtNlsVUNT-an absolute cure for BaetUBa- tiatn, MpralB. Bursa, oalia, c, Tae stoat rowernu w rw fnttlBK Pals-relleTtsf; d lesllas; Kenedy knows to sun. UMr-QBA FEimv,Or.,fMny4,188M. I-'ditor Home Circle: , ."' As I sn vr, my last. letter in print I will try again. I can i-l.iyon tho organ we have ono, my Undo Will Thompson gave it to us for a present. I live on u farm twelve miles fiom Odklaiu', sixtoen miles from Koselnirg. 1 nm eleven years old. We havo got 11 young orchard set out and 101 pruno trees. Wo sold $122 woith of dried fruit lat year. I saw n letter in the Farmer Inst week from my s;holninte, Ethel Brock. I will closo for this lime. Your friend,. LAVRA TlIOMI'.-OX. ' Oakland, ,Or. May V 1, 1884. Kditor Homo Circle: Well, here goes, a letter to tho Home Circle. I have written once to the Home Circle before. 1 am going to school now-; wo have to walk two miles to school. My father lias got about forty head of cattle and twelve head of horses, and I have got one lino colt, it is n year old this spring. I havo got a brother and sistor up East of tho Mountains, they aro going to como homo in tho fall I guess they expect that they will make a fortune beforo then, but I don't do vout Well I will have to quit' for this time. I romnin 'as ever your friend, ' M C. I). Barxard. ' Usu-qua Ferry, On, May 1, 1884. Editor Home Circle: ' ' This is my first attempt to write to the Far.mer;' my papa docs not take the ' FArmer, but I often see tho young folk's letters. Wo have not got any cows now. I have,nnt got any brothers. Wo havo got twenty-four chickens and ten tur keys; I havo got a pair of pigeons, their names aro Lucy and Bobie; I have got a littlo baby sistor, sho is three months old, her name is Iva Grade. Wo have got a family staying at our houso ; they havo got a span of nortes- and two cows. I rim going to school; to-morrow we will have to speak, I have" to', but I' don't liko to speak. Your friend, Julia Cartwbkiiit. Coliwx. W. T., April 21!, 18S4. Editor Hume Ciicle: '- As I hovo not written to the Homo' Circlo for somo timo I will write again. I havo been going to school for thico weeks. Wo havo twenty two littlo cliick ons. Pa has got his crop all in now'. At bchool last'summei-il got a nice bbok for' a prizo. I go to Sunday School every Sunday. As I can't think of anything more to writo I will close. Your friend, Etta Waumotu. Umi-quX Ferry, Or., May 8, 1884. Kditor Homo Circlet As I havo not written to tho Farmer for awhilo 1 will try and, writo; this will, make my fourth letter to tho Farmer; whorl 1 wrote betoio tho week my letter was printed wo did not get tho Farmer, so I did not get to seo my letter in print, but it was published. I -have got two pot shoop; mamma .has got tint ty-two largo chickens and twenty littlo ones, and wo havo got somo littlo ducks and three largo ones. I will (ell you what I do to, help my mamma: I help wash dishes, milk, wash and help to scrub; I feed the chickens and gather tho. eggs. Wo milk throe cows now. 1 have' got n pair of pigeons, their names tiro Lucy and Will Lucy laid two eggs, but sho wont set on them. I go to school. My pupa' has got eight horsos, but ono of thoin is a young colt. We have got all our garden made. Your friend, Minnie Tiiomi-hon. Harmony, Or., May J), 188. Editor Home Circle : As I havo uevor written to any paper I thought I would writo to tho Farmer, My mamma has six geeso; I go to school; I am ten years old j we have a literary meeting every Saturday .night; I nm go ing to spunk a pieco next Saturday, We have a, nico garden, and, also a nice flower garden; mamma got fifty pack ages of llovvor seeds from the Agricul tural Department this spring. Pupu has 100 acres of land, it is nearly all seeded in timothy and clover. Maminu got a pair of gold and silver spauglod chick ens for ' a Christmus present thoy aro real rdco my brother Johnnie sent theni from Independence,' wo are raising loin of chickens this spring; wo aro going to havo lots of fruit this summer, too. Papa's health is not very good and go my brothor hub como homo to help us run tho farm. Papa has taken tho Farmer for many years, and wo take several other pupCH, but I like tho Farmer the best because it has so many Ifttlo letters in. Yours truly, Hathe Piiilliiv, and Children. What (pre our Children roar cheeks. what cure their ravers, makm them slcrp torn When babls fret and cry bjr turns. What suns their colic, kill their worms. Hut Ctorla. What qulcklr cures ConstlpaUon, Bour Biofnach, Colds, IwUgentlon, MatCtorla. rarewtU then to Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil and Jarrgrtc, and HallCaatorlal 1 u .Ml