Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 30, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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When on my dayo' lifn tbo night is falling,
Aud, in tliu win in from u.itunued spacei
I licai far voice, but of darkness cilllng
My ftet to paths unknown.
Tl.ou vl o hait undo my home of life ro
Leave not its ti nanr when its walls dtcay.
0 Lonl divine, 0 Helper ever present,
l$i thuu my atre"gth and stay.
Be nt-ar mo when till le from me is d. if tine,
Kittli, sky, liotiie'a pictmes, days of shade
and shine,
And kindly faces to my on upltftiut;
The levo which answers mine.
1 havu but Thee, 0 Father! L-.t Thy spirit
Be with mo then to comfort and uphold:
No fate of pear', no lirancli of palm, I merit,
Nor street of thiuing gold.
Suffice it if my good and ill unreckoncd.
And b ith forgiven through Thy abcund'ng
I find myreif by hand familiar be.kbned
Unto my fitting p'aee.
Some humble door among Thy many mansions,
Some shi luring shade where sin and striv
ing erase,
And flows forever tbrt-ngli Heaven's green
The rier of Thy peace.
There, from the music round about mo stealing,
I fam would learn the new and holy song,
And find, at last, beneath Thy tree of healing,
The life for which I lontr.
Birds'-Ncst Tudding. Pare six or
eight large Baldwin or Greening apples
and core them. Put thein into a well
bultered pudding dish, and fill up the
center of each apple with sugar and gra
ted lemon peel. Then mako a thin bat
ter of one quart of fresh milk, four eggs
and four tablespoonfuls of wheat flour,
mixing the flour with a small quantity
of the milk to make, it perfectly smooth,
and .then adding the eggs and milk and
a little sugar and salt. Turn the batter
all over the npples and bake it for half
an hour, or long enough to make the ap
ples tender. Serve with a sauce of sugar
and butter stirred together. . Cold boiled
rice may bo used instead of flour.
Plain Plum Pudding.-Take four cup
f uls of flour, one cupful of thinly-sliced
suet, one cupful of sweet milk, one cup
ful of molasses, one cupful of sugar, one
cupful of Zunto currants, two cupfuls of
raisins, and ono teaspoonfnl ouch cloves,
cinnamon, allspico and nutmeg. Dis
solve two teaspoonfuls of baking powder
in the milk. Mix well together, and boil
in a mould or pudding cloth for three
Apple Batter Pudding. To two tea
spoonfuls of bour milk, add one tenspoon
sul of saleratus dissolved in two table
spoonfuls of boiling water and half a
teaspooiiful of salt. Beat two eggs to a
froth, add to the milk, and thicken with
flour as thick as you can atir it in.
Slice up some nice tart apples, or peaches
will be better, and add to it. Steam two
hours, servo with whipped cream sweet
ened and flavored with grated lemon
Unique Sofa Pillow. It is made from
one of the grayish silk handkerchiefs
seen in gentlemen's furnishing stores.
A cardinal handkerchief is chospn which
has an owl in one corner. After the
pillow is made and covered with silesia
or some similar material, pucth handker
chief over it and turn the corner, which
is ornamented with the low back toward
the centre, and catch it there with in-'
risible stitches. The corner of the pillow
that is left visible has a piece of black
velvet put moothly over it, and a hand
some ribbon bow of the color of the
handkerchief is fastened to tho velvet.
The pillow is finished on the ed pre with
a silk cord of bright gold color, and the
under side is lined with canton flannel
It is pretty, and takes but a few hours to
make. ,
A good dish for supper is made by
chopping cold roast meat of any kind,
and seasoning it well wjtli; pepper and
salt. Then put a layer of cold mashed
potato in the bottom of a pudding-dish ;
then a layer of tho chopped moat, with
little lumps of butter over it; cover with
another layer of .potato, sprinkle pepper
and salt, and put lumps of butter over
this. Bake for half nn hour in a hot
oven. The top should to brown, and
have a nice crust over it.
A delicious hard sauce for pudding is
made by shaving eome maple eugar just
as thin as possible, and mixing it with
butter in the proportion of two tablc
spoonfuU of sugar to one of butter.
Serve with hot pudding by putting a
spoonful on the top of tlio saucerful of
pudding. ,
Tea as a summer drink. Ton made
as strong as you like it, well sweetened,
with cream in it sufficient quantity to
give it a dark yellow color, and the
whole mixture cooled in an ire-chest to
the temperature of ice-water is the most
thirst-allaying drink you can have in
summer time. Make a note of this now,
and when the summer-fever visits you,
and you feel with Sidney Smith, that for
the sake of coolness you could get out
of your flesh and sit in your bones, try
ice cold tea. Of course, the sugar and
cream are optional ; some prefer the tea
milium uimur. j.iiu evening I'usi says
that iced tea should bo mado with cold
water pour tho water on the tea and lot
it stand until drawn.
Don't Let the Children Whine!
A whining, fault-finding person who
can love? Yet how often we meet
them ! We know them by the vinegar
ish look of their faces before they open
their mouths and that is usually soon
enough, for they hae to tell us that tho
cars nre dusty and. the omnibus jolts,
tho lecture room is ill ventilated, the
streets are muddy and the sidewalks nre
slippery, the groceries bad and the dry
goods shoddy. This class of persons
never praise unreservedly. In their
eyes there is some fxult in the most per
fect production of art and nature, and it
would he contrary to their duty and in
clination to overlook the flaw and notice
the beauty. Their attention is called to
a gorgeous lily, and a modest pansy ;
tho first fades too quickly, the last grows
too low to bo worth cultivation. They
are presented with a book they have long
wanted, and the binding is too easily
soiled, or, if expensive, they bemoan
their friend's extravagance, and wish
that two books with cheap binding had
been given them instead. The minister
preached most excellent, soul-inspiring
sermons; but they inform us with an
ominous shake of the head that his
father died n drunkard 1
There is nothing on earth that will
work a transformation in such persons
unless it is divine grace, and even
that sometimes fails not that it lacks
power to sweeten the sourest temper,
but because it seems impossible for their
contracted natures to take in sufficient
quantities of the quieting element to
change into prniso thoir fault-finding
As all things fail to reform a chronic
grumbler, is it not best to tako tho dis
ease in its infancy and prevent its as
suming a chronic form? How natural
it is for a child to whine over its play
things, and complain of tho "old things"
when their chair horses get unharnessed
and their block houses tumble down I
How easy and natural is the growth
from this to the youth and maiden who
grumble that their home comforts are not
luxuries, and whine because they are
under authority I At this stage, the
parents notice the faults, but hesitate to
correct, fearing to lose the little love the
children seem to entertain for them.
Then when the young folk are grown,
and take the responsibilities of life, how
natural that the mother should constant
ly assume a whining tone to her hus
band and children 1 And tho father,
who always grumbled at his own father
and mother, how easy it is for him to
make his home a hot-bed of strife 1 Ho
will do it, too, unless his wife possesses
the rare tact of speaking pleasant when
he scolds, and by constant example and
precept teaches her children to do tho
The parents to-day who will allow
their children to indulge in this fault,
argue that it is a natural trait with chil
dren, and they will outgrow it in time.
lint it is one of nature s laws to bring
forth plants according to the seed that
is sown; if weeds aronot uprooted, they
remain weeds, and do not develop into
radishes or corn. Then how much fast
er tho weeds grow, and how. easy it is for
them to overtop and hide the radishes !
The corn, naturally jrrowing taller,
shows its head above theirs. -But what
a contrast there is in tho harvest of old
ago between a patch of uncultivated,
unweeded corn, and another piece on
the same soil which has received proper
caro ! Therefore let no one think that
faults will grow into virtues, but during
infancy and childhood give care to the
little hearts and lives, that in thoir old
age the parents may receivo grateful
thanks instead of fault-finding whines,
and when thoir harvest is garnered;
there may be no tares to destroy.
A Sad Case.
Prince of Wales "No, I don't want a
King Charles or Louis XIV. costume
nor anything of that kind. I want a
Poor Jo costume."
Costumer "Oh, it is not a fancy ball
then, but private theatricals. Very well ;
we have them. You wish it for a lady,
l presumer'
The Prince "No ; I want it for my
self." Costumer "My stars! for yourself?
And are you to play Poor Jof
The Prince "No ; I am not going to
play anything."
Costumer "Pardon me, your Hitjh
ness, but I can't tct up a costnmo with
out knowing what it is for."
The Prince "Well, if you must know,
the fact is my wife won't let me go to
see Mary Anderson any more, but i are
in the papers that Mary is going to
personally attend a dinner to destitute
Costumer "Yes ; I noticed it."
The Prince "Well, I want to go as
one of tho boys." Philadelphia Call.
All the But.
To motivate the popular taste and sarp:s
all pr vious rffost to please the palate, re
quires no small amount of knowledge and no
little skill, and when we remrmler that
the very agreeable ligulrf fruit remedy, Syrup
of Kig, is aa beneficial to ibe system as It is
acceptable to tie stomach, we really under
stand why it h the universal favorite as a
core tor Habitual Constipation suit other ilia
rising from a weakattss, or inactive condition
of the Bowels, Kidneys, Law and stomach.
Hample bottles free, sail Urge bottles for sals
by J. J, Biifjs, Salem.
do.J ;h 4,liil!lrfix.
Ducjles, and buttons, and top.
And marbles and pieces of string,
A screw from a rusty old mop,
Aud scraps of a favorite sliug.
Slate pencils and part of a li ck,
Some matches and kernels of corn,
Tho wb"eli of a discarded clock,
And remains t.f a mitten all turn.
A jtckkuifc or two, never sharp,
Some pieces of bright-colon d glass,
Tim rim of an ancient jowsharp,
Pens, fish-hooks and pieces of btasr,
Old nails, "sweetios," clippings of tin,
With bits of batterrd-up locket.
All these, aud much more, are within
Tho depths of a little boy's packet.
This week will finish the April letters,
and May is almost passed, 60 you will
not fear an empty Letter Box for this
summer, as sometimes has happened in
years past. Aunt Hetty wonders how
it is that her little friends can stay in
long enough to write, for every thing is
so beautiful out in the soft sunshine; we
old folks would liko to bo young again,
so as to enjoy woods, fields, and plains
in tho same carelebs way. After such
an assertion as Peter makes, it will not
be possible for "Katie S." to keep silent;
she must spoak up for herself; we nil
want to hear what she is doing, and
Aunt Hetty wants to sec how much
she has improved in theso months post.
Wo like to hear cf theso smart, useful
dogs; we can always bo sure on intelli
gent dog hns a kind master. Animals
always wish to please, but cannot till
thoy understand what is wished of
them; then ono must bo very patient,
teaching little at a time. That is a very
good idea about tho corn, for popcorn is
very high in market, only about five lit
tle ears for ten cents. Don't forget to
let us know how tho crop turns out
Why not get a fow subscribcis for the
Farmer, and earn the paper in that way?
Then save the corn money for some
other purpose. Eugene writes well ; ho
is a wide awake boy. Ho cun toll what
ho knows and observes. Those ducks
must bo nice pets ; they aro rather more
profitable than hens for eggs, ns they
lay many moro in tho season ; then tho
Chinamen pay well for them to eat.
Geeso are comical when Binall. Not
long ago Aunt Hotty saw som in tho
road and got out of the carriage to got
one to show to tho rest of tho ladies.
The old goose and gandor weio very
angry and hissed. When tho litllo ono
was put down again, it waddlodoff ever
so fast, crying to its mother and both of
the old ones came to it, acting for all the
world as if they woro talking to it I
Geese aro very knowing, affectionate
birds, and it has been noticed that often
when one of the pair dies, tho other will
grieve to death. Then why do we say
such a ono is a "gooso" in speaking of a
silly person. They aro far from being
S. M. Kelly has sent a long good let
ter, full of interesting items. She shall
have a book, too. Aunt Hetty mislaid
the paper with the names of those who
learned verses. As soon as it is found
she will send. Wo wish theso who did
learn verses would write again and toll.
e know of several "Pleasant Hills."
So next time put the county on tho date.
Lizzie comes agaih with another of
her good letters. A thousand chickens
are a great many. Chickens do not
prosper kept in large numbers together.
They must be divided up into separate
families, in entirely separate yards. We
should think it would be well to get an
incubator, if ono wishes to liavo so many.
A friend of ours has just got ono hold
ing 280 eggs. He will keep a close ac
count of every bit of expense, and see
if it will pay to keep an incubator. We
can hear of so many who are raising
chickens this year. Prices for eggs and
chickens are so very high that it must
pay to raise them. But to bo success
ful, one must b very watchful, feeding
early and watching close. There are so
many little ones die just from mites.
Old ncsta are sure to have them. There
should be fresh ones made often, burn
ing up the old straw ; then give plenty
of dry dust, with a little sulphur in it
to wallow in. Every ono of the little
chicks that dies is so much profit gone.
Charley is a "rustler," wo should judge.
If tho cow kicks, there is probably some
good reason for it We hope Charley
don't kick or beat her for it. Bee if she
has not a sore teat. Speak pleasant to
her and pat her. Some cows are ner
vous. Such should have a little feed of
some kind given to them to tako up
their attention. All animals cau be
made gentle by kindness in a little
while. A gentlo cow will bring ten dol
lars more in market; so it pays to bo
H. A. Waldron, from New Era, is wel
come again. Yes, Aunt Hetty did got
a toad in a littlo box by express from
Mr. Waldron. It was admired by all tho
neighbors, who had never seen" one be
fore. Wo put it in a coiner, where
there was gras and a chance to get
bugs, but it got away. It may bounder
the walk, but it has not come out. Aunt
Hetty is so sorry it has hid, for sho wits
hoping to make a pet of it, and then so
many wanted to look nt a garden toad
once more. If wo find-it, wo will build a
pen for it. Wo called it Jumbo, it was
so large. May bo H. can toll us whore
it would bo likely to go, and if it would
hide long.
Koskburo, Or., April 28. 1881.
Editor Home Circle:
As I have never written to tho Home
Circle, I will now make my first trial.
I am a little over fifteen years old, and
live just about ten miles f rom Bosoburg.
In last week's Farmer I noticed two
letters from my schoolmates (Currio D.
and Ethel B.), and I thought that 'it
wouldn't do to lot the girls get ahead of
the boys. Kate S. hasn't written for a
long time. I guess sho has got marriod
by this time, and hasn't time to write any
more letters to tho HomeCircU). I will
tell about my pets. I have a littlo dog
and his name is Rover. He is a ro.il smart
littlo fellow, and will drivo the cow up
splendid I also have a littlo pig, that
J caught 'wild in the woods, but it is
gentle now. I milk five cows twice
every day, and have two horses to feed
and water, and a little pony of my own.
I wish you would put my namo on the
Temperance Roll, for I aheady belong
to the Band of Hope. I don't tako tho
Farmer, becauso I can't afford it. I am
going to raise some popcorn this sum
mer, and if it does well, I will subscribe
for tho Farmer this fall. My best
wishes to the Farmer.
Peter Joni:..
Monmouth, Or., April 110, 1884.
Editor Home Circle:
As I have not written to the Farmer,
I will write you a small letter. I nm 13
years old, and I am Btaying with my
uncle, so as to go to school. 1 walk
about a half a mile to school, which is
very good exercise. My father owns a
farm ono milo west of Buena Vista. He
owns eovcral head of horses, and hns
about 120 acres of spring grain. Ho is
having a new barn built this spring. I
hao no brothers or sistors. I have n
i-inall garden and twenty ducks. The
young ones can divo and swim as well
as tho older onos. Somo of my friends
have come fiom Iowa to tho sunny lands
of Oregon, and I bno been out of
school for tho past wool;. Wo aro hav
ing beautiful weather now, and tho
greon wheat fields aro changing their
color very fast. I livo in sight of tho
narrow gauge railroad, which goes along
of a morning at daybreak, and of an
evening somo twenty minutes beforo
sundown. My uncle has a colt, and ho
says it is just the same as $100. Ho is
putting in a summer fallow this sum
mer, and his grain looks very well.
Hoping success to your paper, I remain
yours, Eugene M. Simmon.
Foster, Or. April 5, 1881.
Editor Home Circle:
I will write you another letter, as I
saw my other letter in print. I am help
ing pa plant garden and treo seeds; wo
aro having nice weather now; every
thing is growing nice. I will be glad
when vegetable things get big enough
to cat Spring is making tho girls and
boys write lots; there were lota of let
ters in tho paper last week. Thcro'are
none that write from Foster, Oregon, ex
cept mo and my sister. I would liko to
hear from somo one around here. Wo
havo seven head of cattle and sixteen
head of horses and mules. They are
talking of building a school house closo
here two miles from bore and then
wo won't have far to go to scheol. Pa
and ma havo gono to my grandpa to go
to church to night. It is ton miles
down there. I like to read Aunt Hetty's
recipe in the Homo Circle. My sister
and I are staying alone to-night. W
havo six hens on chickens egg setting)
five turkey hens setting. We are going
to raise a thousand chickens, if we can,
this year. My fainter and I are making
a scrap book. I am fifteen jtiiih old.
From your frioud, Li.zik I'aukkji.
Plkahant HomeTOtT, April 27, 1881.
Editor Home Circlet
I did not get tho lust Fahjii.ii, and
waa sorry that it did not come. To-day
is my birthday. I am thirteen year
old. Aunt Hetty cither mado a mistake
in reading my letter, or I mado a mis
take in writing it. I have learned 1!K)
verses. I know tho Lord's Prayer and
the Ten Commandments. I will tell
that littlo girl how to cure her dog of
eating eggs. Break tho egg at ono end,
empty out some of the egg, and put
enough tartar emetic in it to make the
dog sick ; give it two or threo eggs with
tho tartar emetic in tlum. It will not
hurt tho dog. My two older brothers
and sister hae gono east of the moun
tain". They took twenty-one cows with
them. Thoy repot i themselves doing
well. I will answer E. Gibson's riddle.
It is a whisky jug. 1 intended to write
before now, but wc hate been so busy.
Mamma has been cleaning house, and
putting down carpets. One of my mar
ried sistors has licen hero helping hor,
but our house is t large that it has
kept us nil busy. It has been raining
very hind all this afternoon ; in fact, it
has ruined almost a week. 1 have been
going to singing school ; I have learned
the notes. Wo aro having school here
now, hut 1 am not going; will not go
until next winter. The people aie going
to build a church here. Thoy ha the
ground cleaned up and somo of tho lum
ber on the ground. I will wind it riddle:
Come, liddle, come, riddle, come, rototo
tote; a man with u red, red coat, a staff
in his hand, a stone in his throat; come,
riddle, come, riddle, come, liddle, come,
rjtote. Sincerely yours, S. M. Kelly.
Kn.LnuH', Iowa, April, 1884.
Editor Home Circle:
I have not written for a long time; so
I wilt write ng.iin. Wo havo threo littlo
calves ; ono is while and ono is ltd and
tho other is spotted, red and white. Wo
havo three ducks unci four turkeys and
about a hundred and ton chickens.
Two of my brothers aro working on tho
railroad and two on tho farm. The rail
road is but a little ways from ourhouso.
The train gois to Newton in tho morn
ing at eleven o'clock, and comes back at
th roo in tho evening. Wo havo all of
our wheat and oats sowed, and will be
ready to plant corn. Won't know what
olse to say, but I milk a cow, and sho
k:cks. Father milks two cons, and my
brother milks two. Wo will soon have
anothor to milk. I guess I have written
enough for this time Yours truly,
Charlii: F. Smisar.
.New Era, Or., April 20, 1884.
Editor Home Circle:
Wo aro having wet weather here now,
and tho farmers can't put in their crops.
I suppose Aunt Hetty had tho fun of
seeing a little groen tree "toad, about as
big as a mulo's ear. If Hint is not u
toad, them uin't any in Oregon. Thoro
aro several moio where Ihry conio out
of the ground. I think I run tell ono
riddle, anyway. I think theiuweio not
any cots or any wives going lo St. Ire.
Theio was only one going to St. Iro.
Thoro was nuotlii: riddlo in tho paper.
It was boiuothiug about wuler, I think.
Now, I will ask u liddle. This was a
prisoner gill, and they mid thoy would
set her f ioo if she would make a liddlo
that thoy could not guess in thieo days.
As I went out ami came in. I saw tho
dead from where th" living came. Six
thero nre, seen to bo. If jou don't
guess this riddle, you must set the
maiden free. Yours ti uly,
II. A, Waldron.
Infants and Children
Without Morphine or Narcotist.
What sires our Children roar cheeks.
What cures their fevers, makes them sleep:
TI. C-natoTlti.
When Babies fret, and err by turns, i
What cures their colic, kills their worms, ,
Mot Caatori.
What quickly cures Constipation,
Bour 8tonuca, Colas, Indigestion i
Hut Castorla.
Farewell then to Morphine Byrups,
Castor Oil and l'artnoric, ana
Centaur Llnlment.-Av-
olatt) care for Rheaxnevtieaa,
arsnradsu, Darns, UsUls, exo.,
lastaustsuuoas Pala-roUever.
Words Fail
Words fall la
sprees my (rati
tude .' ears Mr.
Saxar Oaana, of Kashvlua, Tenik, "foe
the benefits derived from
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Hartai keen afflicted all my life with I
la, my system seamed saturated with It. It
came out In Blotch, Clears, end Matter
Sores, all over my body." Mr. Carter stats
that he was entirely eared by the use oC
Ar'f BABSArABil&A, and sines dlaeoa
tlouiof its use, eight months ago, be has baa
no return of the serof uloui symptoms.
AM baneful Infections of the blood aft
promptly removed by this aeo,nTlsd aliens
ttte. '
axraBin r
MUbrtJirJrsMaM:i,BUsctUeifef. I
JitfrtAiM)aV'Ji i
ttstt ,W"4.tf4-
. t-