Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 09, 1884, Image 2

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((jtyuncni Hcraiur
A light girl's form and a baby's face,
Blue eyes with a cool soft Btaro;
Yet they tell me, Dice, she can go the pace
In a way that would curl your hair,
They say that she's not yet twenty-one,
And she hardly looks eighteen;
But she does not care for what girls call fun
She can hardly know what they mean.
She played the deuce with good old Fred,
Till he went to the Kast, you know;
She had said to his fase that she wished him
dead, '
For sho'd somebody else in tow,
They said Harry blew out his brains for debts
On the night of the last Two Thou;
But I saw his book, and, for all his bets,
He might have been plunging now.
And two men fought on tho beach at Cowcs;
One fell and the other fled;
And a Romish priest would havo broken his
But he broke his heart instead.
who neglected them while living, my
soul is filled with digust at tho slighest
manifestation of tho kind. Yet I do re
spect and appreciate true mourning, that
which arises from years of faithfulness
hy all parties concerned. Such mockery
is not confined to the family circle alone,
but it 13 found in various organizations,
tho church not excepted. Many humble
persons have had a pauper's care in their
last sickness and a pauper's burial, while
their professed brethren were rolling in
wealth and revelling in pleasure.
Who can wonder that their prayers
aro not answered? "Whatsoever yo do
unto one of the least of these ye do unto
Me," are words still echoed from tho
courts of heaven.
Ho, Dickey, yu seed not look so glum;
She'll wait for a better match;
She's not the girl for you, old chum;
And you're not what they call a catch.
London Society.
An Fxperlence Familiar to all Editors.
A Life Scene-
' "Poor Nancy has gone," said Susan
Titty in a sad tone to her friend, Mary
Stoutheart, on whom she was making a
morning call. ,
"Ah ; I'vo been oxpacting it for a long
timo," was tho calm roply.
"So havo I; but it sooms as though I
can't givo her up." This remark wbb
followed by emotions of grief, broken by
such expression as follows : "Sho was
such a good neighbor, always diligent,
always patient and kind, and tnen sho
was tho most self-sacrificing person I
over saw."
Amid her emotions of griof sho forgot
how many times sho had noglocted to
aid and comfort her poor, suffering
neighbor, Nancy, whoso memory nnd
worthiness was then very precious to her,
but such is lifo tho wido world around.
"Yes, she was too mild, too pntiont, too
self-sacrificing," repliod Mr Stouthoart,
having a thorough knowledge of tho
"That's just what I think. It seems
as though her husband and children will
dio. Ho says ho can't have hor carried
out of tho houso there it would mako
your heart acho to boo them take on."
"It truly is n sad thing to bury our
menus, nut il tlioy lcavo an assuranco
that tho luturo looks bright to them, wo
ought not to wish thorn back, it is decid
edly solfish. And if wo beliovo that tho
timo of ono's (loath is sot by a higher
Power wo aro rebelling against that
Power, but if wo havo reason to beliovo
that tho death of a friond was hastoncd
by our cold neglect, wo havo reason to
regiot that nogloct, and try to amond in
tho future
"You kno.v, Mrs. Pitty, that Xnncy
Dolittlo, was neglected by her husband,
lior children and many of her neighbors,"
haid Mrs. Stouthoart, with earnestness.
"I know it, Xablo Dolittlo never half
provided for his family ; nnd besides ho
was cold nnd stem and soinotinios very
unkind to poor Xnncy. Sho was not a
"dolittlo" in tho tmo senso of tho word,
but sho had poor health, nnd her hus
band was a Dolittlo, consequently sho
had littlo to do with, but sho mndo tho
best of what sho did havo," replied Mrs.
l'itty, unmindful of tho ninny times sho
hod communicated to her noighbors
Xancy's hnbits of economy, which scorned
to many to 1h acts of meanness
"Poor creature," continued Susan, "sho
boro all her trials uncomplainingly, nnd
pinod away and died" (followed by
emotions and griof.)
'trl'iii r.1 tun An l,nt.it rrrtrwl lutt n ltflln
occasional liolp and a low encouraging
words miRiit m days that aro passed,
wnon mo s mmiou'a boro heavily upon
her nnd storn want faced hor. Probably
sho would havo lived many years longor,
it Btio bad been (urmslicd with tlio neces
saries of lifo."
"You nro right; I'vo soon hor out
bringing wood early 'in tho morning to
cook ho' breakfast with, if she had any
thing to cook and Dolittlo in bed I sup
pose poor thing, how I did pity her."
"Did you nity hor onouch to let your
boys run ovor and help her?" was the
The recent death of a somewhat prom
inent gentleman in Now Jersey, recalls
to tho mind of Charles K. Bishop, a lu
dicrous circumstance which occurred in
his office when ho was the publisher of
a daily paper in that State. The indi
vidual referred to had often been heard
to say that tho press of New Jersey was
destitute of independence, and that any
communication reflecting upon the man
agement of corporations in general, was
sure to be consigned to the waste basket.
"We combatted his views to the best
of our ability, contending that tho press
he denounced was as independent as its
duty to tho public interests required,
and intimated that if ho were tho pub
lisher of a newspaper, ho would bo less
likely than ourselves to givo utterance
to the views ho entertained in the bold
and fearless style he so much admired.
Of course he thought differently, and so
oxpressod himself.
One day he handed to us for publica
tion a long communication which, said
he, was "perfectly truthful" from begin
ning to end. Wo read it very carefully,
nnd though it contained some personali
ties which we thought out of place, we
resolved to publish it on one condi
tion. Turning to him wo said :
"Sign your full namo to this article
and it shall appear to-morrow."
"Why sign my namo at all?" he asked.
"Because," wo answered, "we wish to
put your boastod courage to the test.
You say the statements in that article
are incontrovertible, and admitting them
to bo so, wo nro curious to see if you
havo the manliness to do yourself what
you declare New Jersey publishers dare
not do."
These few words broueht a bricrht
color to tho gentleman's cheeks, but they
brought also, an answer to his tongue,
for, after a littlo hesitation ho said :
"I will do as you demand. I will let
tho railroad corporation against which
my charges aro mado seo that thero is
one man in JNew Jersey wuo nas tno
couratro of his convictions."
So saying he appended his signature
to tho communication, which, it was
agreed should nppoar on tho following
Tho same evening mucii to our sur
prise tho author called at tho office and
stated that ho wished to mako some
changes in his aiticle.
"On rollcction," ho said, "I havo deter
mined to omit somo of tho personalities
it contained. Tlioy might involvo mo in
a law suit."
Wo smiled as wo whistled up to tho
composing room lor tno manuscript, and
when it ciuiu down in tho copy box, wo
could not refrain from observing, as wo
handed it to tho writer:
"Wo trust your valor is not going to
and receiving his proofs, took his depar
ture. The next day, quite early, with a very
suouueu air no walked into the oihee.
Humility had taken the place of arro
gance, and we saw at onco that ho had
como to ask a favor but did not know in
what manner to solicit it.
"What now?" we exclaimed, pretend
ing not to notice his embarrassment.
"You may perhaps smile," ho began,
"when I tell you that my errand is "
"To withdraw your 'piece' altogother,"
wo saiu, anticipating him.
"Just, so. I'm afraid my severe com
ments on the acts of these parties named
might affect my private interest in the
future very seriously, and if not asking
loomucn j. would like you to cancel tho
entiro article, and any expense you havo
been put to on account of it, I will gladly
"It seems to us, Mr. ," wo said,
calling him by name, "that this is the
quintessence of trifling. You first al
most dare us to publish the article, and
when wo accept to do so on a condition
that you accept, you put us to tho trouble
of setting it up, you change and modify
it at will, and now you beseech us not
to publish it all.
"I am willing to indemnify you, as I
have said, for any loss you may sustain,"
said our crestfallen acquaintance.
"Wo havo no doubt you aro," wo re
turned; "but if tho communication had
appeared as you originally wrote it, you
might not havo got off so easily. Be
wiser hereafter, and before you again ar
raign the press of New Jersey for its se
venty or us iacK oi moral independence,
remember this littlo affair, in which you
havo played a very ridiculous part."
It was finally agreed that our friend
(as he afterwards bpcamo) would pay tho
cost of sotting up his "piece" and treat
the typos to a fino oyster supper, both of
which contracts ho faithfully fulfilled ;
nnd so tho diatribe which was going to
electrify tho community nnd teach tho
press, its duty, never met the public oye.
An old plnslclan, retired from practice, having bad
placed In his hands by an East India misionary the
formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy
and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Cat
arrh. Asthma, and all throat and Lung Affections, also
a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all
Nervous Complaints, alter luvlng tested its wonderful
curative powers in thousands of cases has felt it his
duty to make It known to his sufTeriLg fellows. Actu
ated by this moUve and a desire to relieve human suf
fering. 1 will send free of cbarge, to all who desire it.
this recipe in German, English or French, with full
directions for preparing and: usln?. Sent bv mail by
addressing with stamp and naming this paper, W. A.
NO YES, H9 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. nflm
The tide of immigration setting toward
our shorscs is subject to fluctuations, but
thero oxists no reason to anticipate that
during the lifo of tho present generation
it will fail to reach the average height of
tho past ten years : immigration, there
fore, continues to be one of the great
economic questions of this country, and
it involves a political problem of tho
highest importance,that of naturalization.
That our naturalization laws are defective
in many respects is notorious, nnd the
demand for their revision will no doubt
acquire added force from the pnblication
of an article by Justice William Strong
upon that subject in the North American
Review for May. In tho same number
of the Review, Edwin P. Whipple offers
a candid judgment of Matthew Arnold,
ns a thinker and as a man of letters.
Richard A. Proctor, under the title of "A
Zone of Worlds," writes of tho vast
multitude of the pigmy kindred of tho
earth, known as tho astoroids. In "The
Eailway and the State," GerritL. Lansing
essays to prove that the multiplication
and extension of railroad lines, and the
establishment of low rates of transporta
tion, nro hindered rather than helped by
governmental interference. Prof. Henry
P. Osborn, of Princeton College, has a
highly inteiesting articlo on "Illusions of
Memory." Helen Kendrick Johnson
contributes an essay on "The Meaning
of btrong. .Finally, there is n loint
discussion of " Workingmcn's Grievances,"
by William Godwin Moody and Prof. J.
Laurenco Laughlin, of Harvard University.
" One year ago I was Induced to try Atzb'
Pills as a remedy for Indigestion, Con
stlpatlon, and Headache, from which I
had long been a great sufferer. Commenc
ing with a dose of tiro Pills, I found their
action easy, and obtained prompt relief. la
continuing their use, a single Pill taken
after dinner, dally, has been all the medi
cine I have required. Aran's Pills har
kept my system regular and my head clear,
and benefited me more than all the medi
cines ever before tried. Every person sim
ilarly afflicted should know their value,
152 State St, Chicago, Jane , 1882.
M. V. Watsoh.
For all diseases of the stomach and bowel
try Aran's Pills.
Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mat.
Sold by all Druggist.
VcftTuslp'tf mn H)kn Han?!!
TiHrn.r jniMl pnrrvf Wire Foacln u8,beloga
iilrT. wl
wiiloni injury toe fiber fenoe or stock. It II Jait th feae
Lltocf KtTOorkTf.i
BPfp, 'iu ps.mr
!oatEi.rbfl. It will turn doei. Dies.
u well M the moit rlcioua stock,
it. ardent, itock rannt tud ritroadi, (uid very
nrMforUvTB8,vrrki!,choolloUniricemeteriei. Cofirtl
ll m lal-UUo
Fever and Ague, Intermittent
and Remittent Fevers, c.
oozo out nt your linger ends, like that of
i, in Sheridan a play of 'Tho
poiutcd rcnly,
"I told them they might, but tlioy didn't
euro to."
"My childron havo taken food to hor
many time, nnd frequently assisted hor
in tho gnnlon, in cutting wood.oto. They
did not caru to hecuusu that was hor hits
(mud's lmsinc.-y, but "
"Just 80."
"That mado no difference sho needed.
help, it was our duty to holp hor for her
own nako,yct no ono could feci it a duty
to indulge him in his indolent neglect of
"Well, ha feel bad enough now, and
it is good enough tor him. Ho has sent
for a very nico casket, and intends to
havo tho funeral at tho church."
"That is nil right, but wo think it
would havo been well for him to have
provided for a decent suit that sho might
iuvo gono to tho church occasionally in
day jast but Knblo is his nanus anil
folly is hi nature and wo arts iiorry to
my thero aro many just such Naliles in
this world ,and many of them wear Mow
ing garments.
I havo scon so much solmu mockery
ovor tho clay of departed friends by those
Hob Acres,
Rivals V"
"Xot a whit," ho replied ; "tho articlo
will bo iust as strong without so many
personal stricturos."
xno necessary ennnges ami erasures
having boon made, tho paper was ro
tumed to tho foreman, with tho request
to havo in typo by 10 o'clock, as tho au
thor wished to seo tho proof of it by that
Punctually at tho hour named tho
proof-shoots were placod in tho hands of
our indopondont contributor, nnd wo
watched his countenance as ho road
them. Ho was evidently troubled. At
longth ho said :
"I notico boro somo passages which I
forgot to modify whon I was last here.
May I do so now?"
"Certainly ," said we, silently onjoyiug
his uneasiness.
In about half an hour ho returned us
tho proofs, and clancinsr at them we dis
covered that about fifty lines had been
"la it all right nowi ' wo oskou.
"Yes. I think so," ho responded, and
ho bowed nnd bsdo us good night.
lint wo wero destiued to sen more of
our bravo scribe for at 12 o'clock tho
timo which tho foreman usually began
to mako up the editorial page, on which
tho communication was to no inserted,
ho affom annoared. His remark was
"Could that piece of mino beheld over
lor nnothoraayT
"Yes," wo answered, "but why do you
"uocauso, said ho in a nervous, agi
tated manner. "I desire to consult my
lawyer in rofcreneo to somo of tho alle
gations made in it. I snouiti not nee to
got Into a libel suit."
"Nor should wo," wo rejoined, "though
wo might take the risk, it necessary for
tho public good, despite your accusa
tion of the 'snbservienoy ot the press to
monopolies;" quotlnjr his words in a
previous interview.
tie winced a little, but said aouiiBg, ,
To all uho are sulterinir from the ctrors and inilis
crulons ot )outh, ncrvou ueakres. carlv decay, loss
of manhood, &c . I u ill send a rocine that w ill euro j ou,
FltKE OK CUAUOE. This gret remedy as discov.
ered by a raisdonary In Souih America Send a self
attdresscd envelope to the nnv. JOSEPH T. IN5IAN,
Station D, New VorL City. Ad. Slmarly
The most valuable treo In the Northern Mates for
pro'llcinir foou for silk uoruuthat i. un.urcaased.
Also valuable as a fruit, timber and ornamental tree.
Al.o the Urgent list of I'm IT TIU'.CS and
rn.vis, ror .uitllini: in tne cnltril Slates.
Arnil for price Hat. I think 1 can convince 5 ou
mat 11 is lor jour imeresi io nruer 01 mo ' Aaurras:
22leb8l j. F.CLARK, QUELL,: NEB,
This class of diseases so common in all parts
of the World, nnd especially prevalent in ma
larious districts nnd vicinage of water-courses,
are almost invariably accompanied by more or
less derangement of the liver, nnd frequently
by a defective action of the digestive organs.
Tho mere breaking of the Chill is but a step
towards completing a radical cure; the various
organs of the body, especially the stomach nnd
liver, must bo brought to a hoalthy and vigor
ous condition beforo a permanent cure can be
established, and this fact has been specially
kept in view by Dr. Jayne in his treatment of
these complaints. The use of Jayne's Ague
Mixture, in conjunction with Jayno's Sanative
Pills, as prescribed in the Directions which
accompany eah bottle, will not only
bnt restore the system, more particularly the
liver and stomach, to a sound condition, and so
prevent a relapse of Fever and Ague by thoroughly
and tho best evidence of this Is the invariable
aueeess which has always followed the admin
istration of those remedies, as attested by the
certificates published annually in Dr. Jayne's
Almanac, and tho wide-spread popularity of the
Ague Mixture in thoso districts of the United
States, where the diseases, for which it if
adapted, most prevail.
tct (xt at,
crlo( (anus, .ni nn,nf uifji lukftuiuvcuici
villi mil nrorfpaintforffilrftnliediltTOitl
Il liflnf t.-lr ta lu.M.riarBn.ThKd wlr in erarT renect.
uk fo. it a fair trial, knowing it will wetr lUslf
laljfaror. The fJCiIfftvlrSt Gates, made cf wrought
Iroi tripe had steel wire, dry all eoapatltla1a nttntt,
Sirsritb ind durnbllitr. We alio make the beet and.
Oi-ipsrt and ZTtMt All Iron Fuce. Bt Wtr
Mr-it ii4rrniHot Ausrer. Atmo man u far
litre KiimM'n excellent Wind Engine Tor
Ittifupluir Meter, or geared enginta for grinding
itid ether light wort. For price and particular aaki
hii-rlvror fip1r" t addrens, mentioning paper.
CEDOWICfC BROS. WrrawHIchmnnd Ind
Dr. Allen's
'I0r Kearny Bircett inn Francisco, Cal.
Tne Expert Specialist, Dr. Allen, is a rreulsr
graduated Phyilclin from the University of llichl
ns, Ha bu devot d a lifetime to the study of Special
diseues. YOUNG HEN
And MIDDLE-AGED MEN, who re i;fferlnt; from
the effects ol Youthful Indiscretion or Excesses in
LOST MANHOOD, etc., remember that, by a combina
tion or remeaies 01 great cururro power, tne Doctor
has so arranged hit treatment that It will not only
afford Immediate relief, but permanent cure.
(Harlng been surgeon in charre of two leading hospitals)
enablismetotreatall private tronblss with excellent
results. I claim to be a skilllal Physician and Surgeon
THOBOUOHLY Informed in my sp clalty
All will receive my honest opinion of their complaints
No experimenting. Consultations rusi and strictly
private Chtr.es reasonable. Call or address: DR.
ALLEN, 26 Kearny SI. San Francisco, Cal. Office
hours, 0 to 8 da ly, 7 to 8 evening. lJanS4-tf
0.11 Kenrnv Sf..San Franclsrn.rnl Treat
aUChronlo and Sr.ecial diseases. YOIINO Must
ho may be sufferlnar from the eSecte of vouthful fol.
lies or indiscretion will do well to avail themselves of
this, the greatest boon ever laid at the feet of suffering
uuuuuMijr. ui, opinuvy "ui guarantee 10 loneil saw
for every case ot weakness or private diseases of any
Kind or character which he undertakes and fails to curs
There are many at the age of SO to 35 who are troubled
with too frequent evacuation of the bladder, often ac
companied by a slight smarting or burning sensation
and a weakening ol the system In a manner the patient
eannot aecount for. On examining the urinary de
posit a ropy sediment will often he found, and some
times small particles of albumen will appear, or the
color will be a thln.mllklsh hue .again changing to a dark
and torpid appearance. There are many men who die
of thla difficulty, hrnorant of the cause, which Is the
seoond stage of slmlnal weakness. Dr.S.will guarantee1
a perfect cure In all such cases, and a healthy restora
tion of tho genlto urinary organs. Office hours 10 to
t.andS to 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 A.M. Consulta
tion free. Thorough examination and dvtce.M Call
or address: DR. SPINNEY & CO., No. 11 Kearney
street, San Francisco, Cal rjanSi-U
For sale by Hodge, Davis 4 Co., Agents.
Mitchell, Lewis & Co.,
raclsle Cewut Branch !4 and 191 Front SI.,
iortlam, Oman.
Bridges Boerk, Salem I W. II. Ooltra, Albany
Smith & Cox, Eugene, I W, F. Owens, Roaeburg.
1850. 33 Ycnrsl'rncilcal Experience. 1883,
John A. Child
& Co.,
Drug", Chemicals Per
fumcry.Toilet Articles,
Spones.Soaps and rub
ber Goods,
Corner Morrlion it
Second Sis.
Special attention paid
to orders by mai!,when
accompanied by cash.
itWsKi COSHES ik
gk HEK HE. J?
Caldwell, Becker & Licke.
Dry Goods,
Fancy Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Boots, Shoes,
Hats and Caps.
We aim to build up our trade by selling
at prices from
! la Fer Ceat lets
than the same goods on be sold for on credit
Opposite Chemeketa Hotel, Salem, Oregon.
Specialist and Graduate.
VTO. 11 KEARNY STREET, San Francisco, Cal ,
i.1 Treats all Chronic. Special and rrlrate
Siseates) with Wonderful Sneeess,
Is a certain Cues for Knv
oci Dbsoitt, LOST If AJT-
and all the evil effects ol
Youthful follies a exeesaes.
BK. MINTIf. who Is a
IUauLAa Phisiciajc, Oeab
cats or tbi UmvnsrrT of
FiiarsTlTAiru. will agree
to forfeit (See for a case of
this kind that ti e YITAI
hla medal advlm uiri rfc.
tnent) will not care. PrloeTT 1 a bottle: Four t me
the quantity, f 6. Seat to any address, confidentially.
In private address It desired, bv
A. K. MINT1E, M.D , 11 gearay St , 8. F., Cal,
trStni for pamphlet and II it of questions.
Will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating
symptoms, sex and age. Strict tecresy In regard to
all business transactions, JanWU
ftSf Ear -jBfc tKh
. ' - . " 1A"
a leans uteraet tekaa
Addraat, TAYLOR MFO. CO.
-z u ; jic type, lucte.; s pacta, soda, by
SUmtH taken. Addreaa:
IRA. A. PIIELPO, Newport, Oregon.
B!rfa. pnaaatare deeaa
and failars'to perioral JUfK
nri 11
-- W fWHU.
...-TTZTT.-. ..
laatrmaaata. tv
aninrefnl bwaaaa bd oaMrfS ,
AddrM Camillas tttjajclajiot ",
IIAMT8S1 CMrCX.4llf.t4S,tl. fe.Yet
O0U TEiTM. iWtVcnta.
KKD8. reKtfiabcJt
tOO Oeary St., San Francisco, Cal.
Conducted by Qualified Physicians
and Surgeons r uular Graduates.
rerThe Oldest Hpfclnllt In tho
United States, whose Life long ex
rEEiENCK, perfect method and pure
medicine, injure speedy and per.
HAMUT CURES of all Prliafj. m.rTitn
and Nervous D seascs, Affections of
the Blood, Shin, Klilnrj t.Illail
iter, Ernplluna, litem, uld
ttores, ttwrllliiit or the Olnnds,
Sore Sloulli, Tliroal, Hone
1 nlns, pcrman.ntl cured and erad
icated from the sjstem for life.
Losses, Srual lleiny, Jlrnlnl
and I'lijslcnl Menliics. Fall
Inn Memory, n enk Eyes,Slnnt
edllefIoiuienl,Ini pediments
lo llarriiise, etc., rrom excess
es or youthful follies, or any
cau.e, lXMlily, aurely and
prlinlcly cured.
YOUNO. illDDI.R.Anpn nin
men, and all who need medical Skill and Experlenco
consult the old European I'hjtl Ian at once. His opin
ion costs nothln?. and mav give fntnrA ml..n. anA
shame. When inconvenient to l Itlt the citv for treat
ment, medicine ean be sent everywhere by express
free from observation. It la f,ir.Avifinf. . .
physician who givts his whole attention to a class of
diseases attains great sUlll.andph-slcuun through
out the country, knowing this, frequently recommend
difficult caes to the oldest Specialist, by whom
every known good remedy is used. The Doctor's
Age and Experience makes Us opinion of supreme
Ca.Those who call see no one but the Doctor. Con
sultation FREE and sacredly eoaldratlal. Cases
which have (ailed in obtaining relief elsewhere especi
ally solicited. Female dlsewea successfully treated.
The Boetar will agree to forfeit tl,ee tor a case
undertaken, not cured. Call or write. Hours. Daily
from 9 A. M. to IP, It., C to 8 evenings; Sundays
It to 11 only. 8k ro tbs SAKtTAiurr arms to
Ueaitii; SkstFus. Address as above.
Wonderful Germna laTlgorator
PermaneoUy prevents all Unnatural Loaae, (nm the
svttem, tones the nerves, strengthens the muscles,
checks the waste. Invigorates the whole system and
restores the afflicted 10 tsealtn and Happiness.
The reaSAn SO maav can nnl v.t A.ira.1 U
and the above diseases Is owl. g to a complication
celled PROSTATORRIIEA. which requires peTulUr
Ueatment. DK. UESIO'S iNVIOOIUfoB U Ihe onto
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