Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 02, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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grange olnmii-
The Oregon State Orange.
Master Judge R. F. Boise, Salem, Marlon
Co., Ogn.
Overseer D. S. K. Bui;k, Myrtle Creek,
Douglas Co., Oijn.
Lecturer H. E. Hayes, Stafford, Clackamas
Co., Ogn.
Steward W. B. Thomas, Walla Walla,
Wash. Ty.
Asst. Steward W. M. Hilleary, Turner,
Marion Co,, Ogn.
Chaplain W. H. Gray, Olney, Clatsop Co.,
Treasurer B. F. Burch, Independence, Folk
Co., Ogn.
Secretary Mrs. M. J. Train, Harrisburi;,
Linn Vo , Ugn.
Smith, Anburn, Baker
Co,, Ugn.
Ceres Mr. E. B. Heath, Portland, Multno
mah Co., Ogn.
Pomona Miss M. J. Harris, Corvallii, Ben
ton Co., Ogn.
Flora Mrs. Harriet Cooper, Wilbur, Douglas
Co., Ogn.
Lady Asst. Steward Mrs. I. L. Hilleary,
Turner, Marion Co., Ogn.
Subordinate Oranges ot Oregon-Name and
Address ot Secretary Time of Meeting.
Oak Plain, No. 6 H. B. Sprenger, Shedd,
Linn Co., Oregon. Meets 24 Saturday.
Tangent, Mo. 7 J. -U. Scott, Tangent, Linn
Co., Oregon. .fleets 4th Saturday.
Grand Prairie, No. 10 Thos. Froman, Al-
bany, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets on 4th
Saturday until after October, after that
on 2d Saturday.
Harrisburg, No 11 S. S. Train, Harrisburg,
Linu Co., Oregon. Meets 4th Saturday.
Soap Creek, No. 14 W. L Cauthoro, Wells,
Bentou Co., Oregon. Meets 2d Sat.
Charity, No. 15 C. P. Clinghan, Grangerille,
Idaho Territory.
Salem, No. 17 Adam Stephens, Salem,
Mar.nn Co , Oregon. 1st and 3d Sat.
Turner, No. 18 Wm. M. Hilleary, Turner,
Marion Co., Oregon. Meets 4th Sat.
Lebanon, No. 21 J. M. Settle, Lebanon,
Linn Co., Oregon. Meets 3d Sat.
Knox Butte, No. 22 P. B Marshal, Albany,
Linn Co , Oregon. Meets 4th Sat.
Harmony, No. 23 Marion Arrant, Albany,
Linn Co , Oregon. Meets 3d bat.
Mono, No. 25 B. F. Smith, Lewisville, Polk
Co., Oregon. Meets 1st Saturday;
Grand Prairie, No. 2G J. 0. Jennings, Junc
tion, Lane Co., Oregon. Meets 3d Sat.
Evening Star, No. 27 Euda Kelly, East Port-
land, Multnomah Co., Oregon. 1st Sat.
Umpqua, No. 28 W. F. Owens, Roseburg,
Douglas County, Or. Meet 1st Sat.
MoMinnville, No. 31 W. S. Frink, Mc-
Mil nville, Oregon. Meet 1st and 3d Sat.
. Soio, No. 36 H. S. Williams, Scio, Linn
Co., Oregon. ,
Santlsm, No. 37 Oscar Pomeroy, Scio, Linn
Co., Oregon. Meet 2d and 4th Sat.
Molalta, No. 40 N. H. Darnell, Molalla,
Clackamas Co., Oregon. Mr-et 2d Sat.
Jordan Valley, No. 42, J. B. Trask, Jordan
Vnlley, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets Satur
day before 1st and 3d Sunday.
Willamette, No. 52 Stokley Moore, Corval-
hr, Benton Co., Oregon. 1st Thursdry.
8iuslw, No. 54 Isaac Simpson, Siuslaw,
, Lane Coi, Oregon. Meet 2d Saturday.
Sand Ridge, No. 57 James M. hwank, Al
bany Unn (jo., uregon. jueecza sai.
West Union. No. 72-J. A. Imbrie, West
Union, Oregon. Meet 2d Saturday.
Woodburn Grange No. 70. W. F. Ray,
Woodburn, Marion county, Or.
Howell Prairie, No. 80 Meets 4th Saturday.
J. W. Howell, Salem. Or.
Butte Creek, No. 82-J. R. White, Butte
Creek. Clackamas Co. Meet 2d Saturday.
Powell's Valley, No. 84 George Williams,
Powell's Valley, Multnomah Co., Oregon.
Meet 1st Thursday.
Goshen, No. 101 meets on the 1st Saturday.
W. R. Dillard, Goshen, Lane Co. 2iSat
Charity, No. 103 Mias Agues Waggoner,
Halsey, Linn Co., Oregon. Meet 3d Sat
Round Prairie, No.' 106 W. M. Collard,
Brooks, Marion Co., Oregon. 24 Sat.
Farmington, No. 110 Calvin Jack, Reedville,
Washington Co., Oregon. Meet 4th Sat.
Tualatin, No. Ill F. M. Kruse, Wilsonville,
Clackamas Co., Oregon. Last Sat.
Butte, No. 148 Thos Paulsen, Portland,
Multnomah Co., Oregon. 3d Wed.
Wmgville, No. 150 Bonouia Sturgil, Baker
City, Baker Co., Oregon. 1st and 3d Sat.
Baker City, No. 152 Thomat Smith, Auburn,
Hater (Jo., uregon. meet .uaiiu im oai,
Canyon City, No. 161 E. S. PeuBeld, Can'
yon vity, urani jo uregou.
Daniel Clark, No. 162 Henry Hall
City, Grant Co., Uregon.
Youug's River, No. 172 C. Peterson, Olney,
Clatsop Co., Or. Meet 1st Saturday.
Oswego. No. 175 G. W. Stephens, Oswego,
Clackamas Co., Oregon. Meetr2d 8at.
Josephine, No. 179 J. S. Chatham, Wilder-
vine, josepmne jo., uregon.
Washington, No. 181
Day, Murphy,
, . Josephine Co., Oregon. Meet 3d Sat.
Rogue River, No. 190 M. B. Gibson, Eilens-
1 DUTg, wurry w, uitSuu.
i" Waahouual, No. 192-kXJ.Moore, Washouga,
' m.-i, rv. W. T.
ITmnniu Tint. Pomona Graam -Meets lsf)
-. ' Saturday at 2 P. M. , Geo. W. Jene, Seo
-J CapeHorn Grange. Mo. wm. iiany, jr.
jmyn jiuiu
W. T.
Staftoud, Or., April 18, 1884. "
EditorJWiUametto Farmer.
I met with Pomona Grange at Salem
April 3d. Was rejoiced to find peeaea
bo many of oar tried veteran, among
them Bra White of Butte -Creek, and
Bro. Bonney of Woodburn Grange. Spent
iho nisrht nleaaantly with the editor of
the Wiixamote Farmer and family.
Bra O. ia buaily rngsged on his farm,
while our kind hostess is as ever busy in
the nerformance of household and edito
rial duties. On the morning of the 4th,
W. 8. AL and myself took the train for
Roseburg; Bro. Owena met us at the
station with a cordial greeting. W. B.
O.Buick and 'Sister B. met us oh the
morning of the 5th, ready as usual U
labor for our Order. At 1 o'clock we
held a meeting, at which W. 8. M. Boise
proved to his hearers he interest be so
ardently fatb la the agricultural portion
f this riaiag Stata. Took the traia at
six, for Myrtle Creek, where we spent
the Sabbath with Bro. and Sister Buick,
enjoying our visit amid those romantic
hills and fertile valley with the true
Grange relish, and on Monday morning,
that we might have an extended view of
the country by daylight, boarded the
freight train at 8 :30 for Grant's Pass, a
distance of soventy-fivo miles. Having
crossed the Umpqua river at Myrtle
Creek, we coursed our way along iti
western bank, some ten or twelve miles
from Cow crook, where the railroad
leaves the Umpqua and enters Cow
croek canyon. Here we seated ourselves
on top of the car that we might en
joy the delightful scenery along the
creek and oor the mountains. There
is some mining done 011 the creek. Here
we passed out of the farming country,
and the iron horse pulled us up, up, up
for miles in the canyon, through tunnels
and along mountain gorges, until we
came to the divide, where we passed
through two tunnels and shot out to the
other side of the mountain, the appear
ance of the entire country being
changed, the mountain steeps consist of
granite. The pino and mansonita bush
reminded me of the gold fields of Cali
fornia in '49 and '50. The road follows
down along the side of the mountain
until it reaches Wolt creek, where it
forms a complete loop and winds its
course towards Bogue river, the country
being rough and almost barren. Arrived
at Grant's Pass, on Rogue river, about 4
o'clock. The farming land here is quite
limited. This place may in the future
make quite a shipping point for Jose
phine county, if the inhabitants can suc
ceed in raising such products as will de
mand a greater price in the market than
the railroad company charges for trans
portation. After spending the night, crossed the
Rogue river on the 6th, and traveled
some fifteen miles to Applegate creek.
Here we found a nice little valley, the
low lands producing corn and sorghum;
the sirup made from it is very good.
Fruit, particularly peaches, growe abun
dantly in this valley.
We visited the Grange Co-operative
Store, kept by Bro. Powell, for Wash
ingtOn Grange. They have at present a
f5,000 or $6,000 stock of goods and are
doing an excellent co-operative business.
Spent the night most pleasantly with
Bro. Basye and family. Attended Wash
ington Orange on the 7th, and was sur
prised at the concourse of Patrons met
in the hall, wno made its walls ring
with vocal and instrumental music,
which delightful exercise seemed to be
conducted by the sisters, who are whole
hearted Grangers. W. M. Day finally
called to order and Judge Boise ad
dressed tho meeting for an hour and a
half, in which every one seemed inter
ested. Then followed the tables laden
with delicious delicacips enough to sat
isfy a company, three times its number,
at which we all labored faithfully. Or
der being again restored your Lecturer
was requested to favor them with an ad
dress. We had a very interesting meet
ing and many a cheering word was spo
ken for the good of our Order. Tho Pa
trons of this remote locality are deserving
much credit for their praiseworthy and
heroic conduct, and for their indomita
ble persevereance, for which at every
meeting they seem to realizo a full com
pensation. With reluctance I bade adieu
to friends so generous and kind.
There having been no other appoint
ments made in Josephine and Jackson
counties, and wishing to accomplish as
much as possible during our brief 1 so
journ, the S. M. visited as faraa possible
inythe 'former, whilqljraversed a portion
of the latter county, laboring in behalf of
the Grange, explaining its objects and
urging upon the citizens the necessity
htimmediate, earnest co-operative action.
Jj"Ou, the 10th went up the Applegate
toPoor Man'i creek. The country as we
proceed further east seems'better adapted
to the raising of stock. Hydraulic min
ing carried on to a certaia extent, but
water seems to be scarce. After travel
ing fifteen or twenty miles obtained a
birds-eye view, of "Rogue river valley
proper. The lovely valley rpread out
before us like a rich panorama, dotted
with fine farms, presented a spectacle
beautiful to behold, while the grand old
Siskiyou mountains standing to the
south and Mt. MeLauthleu. with her
eternal snow cap, and the Cascades to the
east and north, seemed to say : ''This is
ray treasured farm, trespass not."
We proceeded about five miles into
the valley, called on Bro. Mingus, last
Master of Jackson Grange, who after a
lengthy conversation decided that it
would be best to converse with other
brother through the valley, which I did,
spending the night with Bro. Plymal,
mj companion, Bro. Clappel, tarried
with Bra Walker. April 11th Bra
Walker took his team and hack, and we
visited the farmers in various sections of
the valley, while Bro. Clappel returned
to his home on Applegate.
The renowned table rocks stand in
the northwest part of the valley, and to
the south is the farm of Col. Boss, whom
we visited, finding him a granger both in
heart and practice. His farm is in or
der and everything about it bespeaks
taste and refinement. Found tho Colonel
engaged in tanning deer skins, which
reminded us of early days.
I saw large fields ready to plant to
corn and sorghum. Went through Bro.
Walker's mill for crushing cane and
making sirup, of which he can manufoo
ture two barrels a day. Tho valley has
not yet produced enough for home con
sumption. Am informed that it grows
very large upon black soil, though it is
sometimes caught by frost, but always
ripens upon thin soil. The yield of sirup
per acre is from sixty to one hundred
and twenty gallons. In my opinion the
raising of sorghum is the most inviting
business for farmers of Jackson county,
as the manufacture of sugar would soon
follow, while they could find ready mar
ket in the various sections of this large
State, and we should import nothing
which we can successfully raise at home.
It will be necessary for fruit growers
to resort to the drying and canning pro
cesses as the freights by rail are so enor
mous that no profit would return to the
producer upon groen fruit.
We aro in hopes that there may yet
bo several Granges organized in Jackson
county. Tho little town of Medford is
upon the lino of rail, five miles from
Jackson and near the centre of the al
lev, and I think ere many years will be
tho principal town in tho county.
Took train for Oakland at 7 o'clock
m. Was joined by Judge Boise at Grant's
Pass. Bio. Buick joined us at Myrtle
Creek, and we all arrived at Oakland
about 7 o'clock in the morning prepared
to commence anew our work. At 11
o'clock a good number of farmers had
collected in Masonic hall, to whom our
W. S. M. was introduoed by W. S. O,
Buick, who proceeded in his able man
ner to explain our object in coming here
and tho necessity of maintaining our
organization. We organized a Grange
in the afternoon of twenty mombers,
with Sister H. Cooper, as Master ; Bro.
J. C. Hutchinson, O.; Bro. Theil, Secre.
try. After suggestions for good of the
Order, meeting adjourned to convene
again tho second Saturday in'May. We
predict success for this Grange, as it has
many energetic, intelligent and useful
Spent the Sabbath with Bro. and Sis
ter Cooper at their farm near Wilbur, in
a fine valley surrounded by hills luxuri
ant with vegetation and flowers. The
vmmff larlipa nf flifi fnmilv lrinrllv pntli
J""-.& .WVW w. -w ,, ......,,
erca ana presented mo wiin a Deauuiui
boquet of wild flowers, which now deco
rates the centre-table of my little daughy
tcr, almost as fresh and bright as when
plucked from the parent stein. Bro:
Cooper has some furniture made from
myrtlo timber, also a sideboard of ma
hogany, and I think the myrtle pol
ishes as nicely and presents as fine and
rich a color as tho mahogany. I am in
formed that there is an abundance of
myrtle timber in this section, and urn
surprised that our manufacturers of fur
niture, do not utilize it.
The Patrons of Douglas county have
co-operated successfully in wool and ma
chinery. Bro. Owons has managed the
business with great ability, but the farm
ers must not become careless and neg-4
lectful, but ever remember that eternal
vigilance is the secret of success, there
fore co-operate more extensively and en
larcfi annually.
On tho morning of the 14th took thSf
Irani uguiu w xuutibuiujj, nuuiiirircun
the night pleasantly with Bro. and Sis-j
ter Irvin. The farmers in that section-
are exceedingly busy, and we thought
best to postpone a meeting until a time
more convenient to those interested.
Should like to attend the next session
of the Linn County Council, but that
being impracticable, hope to meet all its
members at the State Grange in May,
clothed in the full armor of the Order,
able to report a year of both mental and
financial progress. This ha been a year
of tests and this question remains to be
solved. Will the agriculturist of Ore
gon a a people put their hands and
minds in earnest to the work, each de
termined to make their occupation a suc
cess, or will they degenerate into tho
peasantry system of the Old World?
The good seed baa been sown, lot us la
bor and hope for a glorious rosult.
Fraternally, H. E. Ha van.
P. 8. I meet with Butte Creek Grange
May 10th. . H. K. II.
There is a rranractioa of nature s latent vip
or xxm sarins. Like the world around von.
ittiv your cmp'siioo, Invigorate year pow
r. clcuua the ctuoucl of lift. Avar's liar.
wparilla u tlut means to ut lor this porpOM (
Shropshire Downs, Leicester Sheep and Essex Swine.
' ' WhiteaTcer, Marlon County, Oregon.
leut money. TERNS. Cash or Approved IN Mr.
If )OU want anything la this line yon can Ret a bargain by ca'lln;, or lending for pries catalog-as to
I Office: Corner of Madison and Front 81reeU, Portland, Oregon, Lock P. O. box 630.
1 4F V V T VVOSBiM.-4
wi 1 sj . ... t r- ,i a
li the only cMenl pnrpoM Wire Fence In nee, belSg s Strong- Wat-Work withoot Barba. It will lata
iet.plf,aeep ud p0Ulr7.ee well Mtbe meet rteloui etook, without Injury to either fence or eteek. It at J art
Ue Aaee for ffcnni. gerdene. eteek rugee and rellroede, and Terr neat for Uwne. perk., echoed lote end eeme
terlee. Ootered-wtta rut-proefMlat (or gernalsed) It will leet lire-lime. It li Superior to Boardao
gearbad Wlra la erery Key. W aek ret It a fair IrUl, knowing It will wetr Iteelf Inu for. The dwlk
heel KaualVMMaBnVBMeammlauw - ormtnd anfiines for wrlndlnw And ot
;Ut work. Vox crlcee andpartlciilare a)rhardwara dealers, or nddreiw, mentioning paper,
u 1 t. aeUUWIfJJa.AJrUI.tMrsa.. Klnfoma. tmaiaaa.
EatabUahed in 1657.
Q. Shindler & Co.
o- . I
t 01
Are thoroughly prepirod to furnlih throughout at
short notice.
Hotels, Bording Houses, Private
Residences & Steamboats.
....AT SUCH....
'tiggggggggggggggggggH l)l""H "'""" Tablee. from M Upward.
,Ii)gi)gi)gi)gi)gi)ggi)gi)gi)gi)gi)gH I linmber Hclit, from 1Q Uimr.l.
1ggagLggggggggggggi Parlor . Ircm pteavel
gHsBgOgOgOgOgOgOgOgOgoHHI '
TlggggggggggggggggggHaW I.dlci a mo 10 be ei) reflated.
"PsVMeTaaafJBaHgaBMsaaHgaBn lottft!
ivs ") I Iri t'fqn,,! 'J
- v . ' J ill 'j-i-'i ,
-..! Manrmcmm annr-r iiira.rna moteilt o
.an well ai all rrUndard klddj. A c
Eclcct Scod or I'lutttM to that va
ue from, their
.Book, MUardflii aud. Jrarai Topic,"? a vorlc oC su page. liaoOBOmu;
ailorMLntLarteelixjrtriJtoltbtfcuttoor. TheDricoof iLshoaic alone u ft.
eaf HtlsutwflalnwVnatlta fiasi.lan.lt rrfdnrxlaialld Imaah ae.l(Aallnn
- Mwm j ojstsi(Maj swi fa va- jiiwn) mouti mot ww wyyv'iwiti -.
f tTtn;Hcnul;nSDN & CD. 35 & 37 cortMt st, New y?
without cbarRe, a oopy of Peter Ueuderaoa'a-Kew
1 work of SU) Doc es. liiuidnomUT bound In doth.
olthuautltor. The price of t'us Look alone Is ft .CO. C'aUUOgtuo
,'-'-g. W-U U:nn:i . t s )
ggWzDMefetaigeHiS'Jf'flrV18 bot motorlitl Miiinlei uli liegBgTeyalegeW
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s- "'Ymfm llwrv 8T-
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