'tfWTwr '( v . i WILLAMETTE FARMER: SALEM, OREGON, MAY 2, 1884. i-x ' ! Hfenra jpeptjtmcnf. GENERAL MEWS. Stock are dying in Western Texas for want of water and grass. Tho third week in April the Northern racifio earnings were $344,000. J. K. Mercer, who killed McDonald six years ago, has been pardoned. Copious rains have visited all parts of the country East of the Cascades. The Pioneer's reunion will bo held this yoar at Salem Fair Grounds, June 17. New York has passed a law to prohibit entirely the manufacture of oleomarga rine. Iowa sends a delegation in favor of Blaino to tho Eepublican National Con vention. Encouraging news from the mines ex cite the people of Spokane and many are leaving for the diggings. South of Snake river the wool clip will be unusually large and free from dirt and superior in quality. Eichards Muckle, of the Philadelphia Ledger, is talked of as tho successor of Sargent at the Berlin mission. Now Orleans intends to have a World's Fair and wants to borrow $1,000,000 of Congress to get matters started. Congresss has finally agreed to con sider the Chineso bill and the Pacific Coast men have hopes of its passage. In Louisiana tho Democratic State 'ticket is elected and there are charges of gross frauds in connection therewith. The O. & C. rnilroad will be opened through to Ashland next Monday, so the Sstago drive will bo less than 150 miles. Massachusetts delegates to Chicago favor Edmunds; Ohio delegates are lor Sherman ; Michigan delegates are rather for Blaine. Good beef has been scarce in Portland but a lot of good cattle have lately come from Whito Bluff and also from other places so tho supply is ample. A steamship is to make regular trips twice a month, from Portland to Shoal water Bay and Gray's Harbor, and also to Port Townsend and Seattle The Sharon divorce case keeps up its filthy course in San Francisco courts. It is one of tho most disgusting matters that ever was mado public. The Southern States are sending del egates to tho Republican National Con vention at Chicago who tavor tiie nom ination of President Arthur. The reach crop near Vancouver pi om- ises to bo unusually good this year, so it does in other localities mat wo hoar ot in the Willamotte valley. Seattle is to have railroad connection with tho Columbia bv the 10th or middle of May. The gap between Black river and Tuyallup will bo immediately closed. A signal observer is on Piko's Peak and fears are entertained that ho will suffer for food. Efforts are making to re lievo him but tho snow is hundreds of feet deep. Congress has passed and thoPiesi dent has signed a bill to pay F. G. Schwatka, of Salem, $0,000 for his land claim at the mouth of the Columbia where Fort Stevens now stands. En eland invites tho powers of Europe to join in a conference concerningEgyp- tian matters, itaiy is wining to co-oper-ato with England and will furnish 20,000 men for an Eastern campaign. John A. Walsh, whoso testimony is considered essential to tho trial of Wm. P. Kellogg, in one of the star route cases, has consented to give his evidence. He claims to be able to convict Kellogg. Capt. Eads claims to havo been suc cessful in interesting English capital in building tho ship railroad across the Te huantepeo and says ho has no doubt it will be workjpg within five years. The New York Republican State Con vention elected delegates for the State at large who were in favor of Edmunds. A union of Arthur and Edmunds men de feated tho election of Blaine men. Mexico is trying to buy Cuba and sendSja messenger to Washington to learn if pur government will not object Pres ident Diaz is willing to buy tire island if the C'ub'ifn will- consent by. a popular vote. ' y Tho California and 'Orison Bailroad has abandoned work on tho 'California end. People say they are Waiting to freeze out tho Germans who own this end of tho lino and get control of the whole. A terriblo criino was prevented by the dvnamite becoming wet, or there would have been an awful explosion at the great public event held in Germany. Two men who were arresiea nave cumesseu to tho details of the plot. The Central Pacific people own the railroad land grant front Victoria to Nanaimo, 3,UW,WU acres, mucn or. wnicn in nnnl land and they are trying to take the duty off coal so they can bring Van couver Island coal to compete with Pu- get Sound coal. John Davenport. Wm. Reed and A. H, Hart were arrested at Albany for pass ing counterfeit money and after examin ation before Paul R. Deady, U. S. Com missioner, at Portland, were committed to jail. Davenport says he gave the other each a bogus dollar and they will probably be discharged. The linnets are destroying cherries in California orchards the same as in our Oregon orchards and people thero either shoot them or6carethemoff with pound ing tin pans. In case these birds are numerous the fruit-grower cap afford to take some pains to keep them off, by shooting or scaring inesa. There are 100 pupils in the public schools of Heppner. Immigrants, it is computed, now bring into Oregon $500,000 per month. It is asserted that cars will run to Ba ker City by the middle of August. Wasco and Umatilla counties, also all tho Upper country, never had such a fine prospect for crops. A State commission in Kansas has authoritatively decided that tho cattle disease prevalent in Kansas herds is not the foot and mouth disease. Philadelphia has a silk exhibition that shows all phases of silk worm raising and manufacture of silk, even the hatch ing of silk worms goes on. The state of things at the Isthmus is simply frightful as concerns sickness, more sickness and deaths are occurring than ever weie known in tho past. Stockholders aro trying to induce En- dicott to resign tho presidency of tho the Oregon and Transcontinental Com pany, but ho stays there to protect his own interests, which are large. A terrible cyclone swept Southern Ohio and destroyed much property. The town of Jamestown was two-thirds ruined. The storm was extensive and destructive. Al Weir, aired 10. laid down in the bunch-grass in Umatilla and tied his horse to his wrist He was found dead, dragged to death and his skull crushed. He recently came there Irom Oregon City. The orange crop is short in California and oranges are high priced, besides which some people have bought up tho crop on speculation. Half tho oranges crown in California are consumed m Oregon and Washington, they say. Theltemizersavs 50,000 acres of land has gone untaxed in Polk county and demands honest assessment The coun ty surveyor has figured it up; taking six months to do it, and is notifying land owners of the discrepency in their as sessments. Mention was mado in a Seattle ox- change that a disoase had broken out among hoises on Cedar river bolonging to the Oregon Transcontinental compa ny, and that Dr. Hope, tho veterinary surgeon, had been sent for. It is now learned that sover.U horses dieu, ana tho doctor shot six more, sinco which time tho disoaso has been checked. Frank James is acquitted in Alabama, where he was tried for participating in tho Mussel Shoals robbery. Ho was cheered by the crowd and treated like a hero. Ho was immediately arrested on charge of being in the Brownsville robbery, Mis souri. After that farce is over Minne sota officers will arrest him for devilment done there. Another Missouai Sheriff was waiting for a chance to arrest him. Tho Pacific Coast members have been before the House Committee on rivors and harbors and ask for appropriations as advised by engineers as follows: Lower Willamette and Columbia rivers, 252,000 ; Upper Willametto and Colum bia, $500,000 ; Columbia and Snake riv ers, $50,000; Cascades canal, $500,000; Coos bay, $150,000 ; Yaquina bay, $140, 000; Coquillo bay, S50.000; Cowlitz river, $0,000, and the Skagit, Chehalis and other rivers, small sums. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. Coos County. For joint sonator, A. Nasburg ; representative, John H. Roberts of Myrtlo Point ; sheriff, V. It. Simpson; county clerk, Alex. Stauff; county com missioners, E.A. Anderson and C. E, Edwards; county school superintendent, Dr. J. T. McCormac; treasurer, Fiod. Sehettor: assessor. L. Harlocker; sur veyor, W. P. Bovee ; coroner, Dr. W. O. Angell. Cnrrv Countv. lor loint representa tive, "Walter Sutton, for county judge, M. Riley; for county clork, Will Gaunt lett; for sheriff, Fred S. More; for treasurer, M. B. Gibson; for school superintendent, Charles Dewey; for assessor, "Willis T. White; for surveyor, Rolla Canfield ; for coroner, Alfred Miller. Douclass County. Senators, J. II. Schupo and John Lmmitt ; representa tives, Henry Rogers, G. W. Riddle, C. B. Wilcox and William Manning; clerk, G. McKimball; sheriff, G. A. Taylor; treasurer, William Parrott; school superintendent, F. W.Benson; assessor, P. O. Applegate ; commissioners, D. A. Lovens and Charles McGee; surveyor, W. F. Briggs ; coroner, S. S. Marsters. Marion County. Clerk, M. N. Chap man : sheriff, John W, Minto ; representa tives, A. N. Gilbert; W'. A. Cusick, Dr. Flynn, Ai Coolidge, Lewis Bleakning; treasurer, August Gcisey ; assessar, A. H. Cornelius; coroner, Dr. Warriner ; county commissioners, W. C. Hubbard and G. P. Terrell; school superintendent, G. A. Peebles. Columbia County. K. D. Cole for representative, N. C. Dalo for county clerk, F. C. Watts for sheriff, Richard Cpx county treasurer, J. N. Swager assessor, E. E. Quick school superinten dent, Thomas S. Wilkes surveyor, Dr. J. Meserve coroner. "Umatilla County. Representatives, H. C. Gray andF. O. Vincent; sheriff', William Martiij; clerk, J. P. Bushees ; treasurer, N. Hendrix; county judge, Jf. J. Bean ; .assessor, William Stafford; school superintendent left vacant ; com missioners, J. Proebstel and J. H. Koontz ; surveyor, B. L. Burr; coroner, Dr.W. McKay; Washington county, will nominate a county ticket May 21, and primaries be held May 17. Multnomah County. County com missioners, J. S. Newell and Frank DoKum ; sheriff, Tbos. A. Jordan ; clerk, L X. Banders ; treasurer, Wm. Showers ; assessor, Geo. Harold ; school superinten dent, O.F. Paxton; surveyor, W. B. Marye ; coroner, Horatio Cooke ; Stato Senators, Joseph Simon and J. C. Car ron; representatives, Geo. L. Story, Ira Brown, Jr., John Kcnworthy, L. Therkel sen, J, E. Mayo, H. S. Davonport, Wm. Brown. Wasco County. W. S. A. Johns, county Judge ; C. F. Backus' and E. D. Gibson, county commissioners; E. N. Chandler, assessor; N. E. Cambnll, surveyor; J. C. Nickclson, treasurer; W. H. Wilson, school superintendent; coroner, C. L. Phillips; Sheriff, ; clerk, . Clatsop County. Captain J. H. D. Gray joint representative. County clerk, J. O. Spencer ; sheriff, Georgo P. Wheeler; treasurer, A. W. Berry; surveyor, G. Parker ; assessor, J. F. Warren ; school superintendent, H. Sloop ; countv com missioners, JJ. X. Warren and i. is. mar ker. A practical fanner says of tho "Acme" Pulverizing Harrow, Clod Crusher & Leveler, "Havo worked the "Acme" Pulverizing Harrow, Clod Crusher & Leveler on flat ground for thirty years. Going over it both ways, tho "Acme cut it up liko.nn ash-heap, (bee another column oi this paper.; Gossamer Garments Free To any reader of this paper who will agree to show our goods and try to Influence sales among friends we will tend post paid two full-size Ladies' Gassamer Rubber Waterproof Garments as samples, prorlded you cut this out and return with 25c to pay posture, etc. 25ap3t EMPIRE MFO CO;, WlllUmsbiiiv, N.Y, FOR SALE! IMPROVED FARMS IN LINN AND LINE COUNTIES ! .... In tho heart of . .,. The Finest Fanning District ! West ot the Rocky Mountains. Tor particulars address or call on A. WHEELER, apr2Gm3 Shedd, Linn County, Oregon. f B baV.HU il Wl IN PENMANSHIP. TW. McCOSftf'.IX IS GIVING LESSONS IN . Plain and Ornamental Penmanship, In tho northwest corner of High and Court street. At 4 30 and 7.S0 P. M. Persons wishing to take lessons can commence any day In tho week. Term or Tulllnn. For plain writing, 12 les sons, 82 60, or $1 for 21 lessons For pen drawing, 12 lessons, 55, or $10 per month. Old and joun? are In l Hod to attend. mar2tjtf STATE INSURANCE COY. Salem, Oregon. Stock Company-Charter Perpetnal. CAl'lTAl, $100,000.00. The Farmer's Coinnavy---Issucs only Farm Dwellings, Priv ate Dwellings, School Houses & Churches. RATES LOW ! A1 S LOW AS IS CONSISTENT WITH HELIADLE INDEMNITY, Lorscs honorably adjusted. L.L. ROWLAND, President. E. B. McELROV, VIco President. II. W. COTTLE, Secretary, OEO. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. , apriU8m3 A. ROBERTS, ....SUCCESSOR TO.... FISHEL & ROBERTS, Cor. First and Alder Sts, Portland, Ore. THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor, And Hatter. OF OREGON, Guarantees to sell the very best CLOTHING tor less Money than any other house in the state. loneltf Banner Apiary Supplies. TVU KRP.D ITALIA BKF.ii. FULL COL X OHY la Simplicity hire super furnished f. d. n. $17.0); In crate, !0; htro complete, with f.d.n., (7 JO; In Bat, t&M; smokers, O. Wax wanted or taken In ex. change for f d n. lirlht f d.n., Sue per pound; dark. SOo per pound. Untested Italian Queen, $2.60. Tested queens, IS. Select Tested, to, lioes by the pund,S2. Queens sent by mall prepaid) 471sony must acpom pany all orders. Send Post office order on Portland or Oregon City, or Registered letter to MUwaukie. Bate arrival guaranteed . Price list free. aplS Aderess J. D. RUSK, Mllwaukle, Oregon. R. J. TRUMBULL & CO. Importers and Dealers In SEEDS. TREES & PLANTS, 410 and 421 Sansome St., HA FK AM It CO, CAL. Illustrated Ca'alcgui for lbgi free on application. HARROWS ! HARROWS ! 1M Jl nil. li.U fn.h KlAAl ToAill ftAfyk IT.r.a. eomfctlth Double Trees, delivered at Depot or to Boat, for TEN BJIXAK3 each. Addisw: W. W. ESPY, BOX 630, PORTLAND, OREGON. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, SALEM, - - OREGON. REPRESENTING STAVER & WALKER, 208 to 314 Front St., Portland, Or. GENERAL AGENTS FOR J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.'s Engine, Threshers, Headers and Saw Mills. Stutlebukcr Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, and Car riages. P. H. DedericK & Co.'s Hay Presses. EMPIRE MOWER, REAPER AND BINDER. The J. I. Case Plow Co.'s Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows and Cultivators. Hoosier Drill Co.'s Seeders, Drills and Sulky Hay Rakes. Acme Harrows. DIAMOND AND BUCKEYE FEED MILLS, FEED CUTTERS, Etc. gSend for ACME HARROW. Clod Crusher and Leveler. Weighs-much less than other FulverizinR Harrows. Sells about one-third less, and with all does the most thorough work of any. ami. 5W56Sw4sf W t5rjs-J Bit i vvO J THE EMPIRE HARVESTER AND TWINE BINDER. Host bo Neatest, Simplest and Best Drivo "Wheol ; has tho best Canvas Arrange ment for carrying Grain from Platform to Elovntors ; has tho host Cutter bar ; has fhn host Pitman Connection: has no Side Draft; has tho host Adjustable Keel; has the best Tilting Arrangomont ; has ment. in Construction ; Fewer '. Friend in every purchaser. It is unexcelled for Strength ana .Durability ; it is tno ligmcst ; is gimpicsi is Substantially and Strongly limit ; is tno burest to umu ; nas Pieces of Machinery than any othor ; has hoed or Dower Experts; lias a Lime- Lime, Lime ! Use LANGDON LIME Manufactured by San Juan Archi pelago Lime Co., THE BEST IN TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., S O L B AGENTS. Portlands Oregon. N. E. Corner Front and Ash. i i abtaoea ereCr deslreMe NoTeUy 6tQtd leuitL' WJcrM.-aT?irSuded7 $5SQQ Book. "Uardnn mud Vm.rtir'fnnt7-.ir. JcouUliuag . steal norwaJt oUhaautljor. The , M'"w wif-pj sswpywa- ""0 M,tWt MhMlllrHVIIssal JDL y fcMjiMMmMMiMMWiJW!!. rem." ;.i.M .n.uU i-m, TUTTTTTTr tb beat vw u fltvrn OEO. A. MOORE, President. Pacific Mutual Life k Co'y OF CALIFORNIA. A NcKINNIE Manager for Northwest Department. OFI-ICE WITH PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. Iucorporated Under the Lawn of California, ami Is to-Day tke Strongest Life Insurance Co. In Ainer cu. REFF,EBENCE TO MEh Companr S i. A. BTBOWBRIDOE, U C. IIENR1CI18KN, JAMK8 STKKU a A. DOLPU, I. K. UILU, r.ZAi MOVIClf ELKHART CARRIAGE pakstsallMjrMs PIIITIHI ITTfmi Ml t w. ecnuojr no Lwnal jrou oraer u Ha BiwrViM. V Our HarDM an all Na. 1 Onk f jMther. JO.na-1 sHO to im. fnrrudaa foil.sf TTa.led. Be. fan htriuf.mui tot our IlliutralK . SK?iCSrWR WTlMiH itWMMiw Priw. WiVlXuW&W Eilili r MTTt 'yt.Kii Illustrated Catalogues. swy-'sW'BH'ErSBBsssaMy J. I. Case AGITATOR. Tho Agitator is the best grain saving ma- chine eier made. It runs lighter, threshes faster, is less liable to get out of order, and Bavcs grain better than any other machine. tho best Raising and Lowering Arrange THE MARKET ! I sdlcs n.uit tee it lo be appreciated. Call for It ebotl as well as all standard Idftda.'.. A 'arxwlil: fee select Neoda or PluutM to that value from their without charge. oopy of Peter licuderson'i.Ueir prion of lietook alone Is ll.oO. VmtMitUO wwiiwi u wiiw wyyyiiaWt j """?":"" wwi 35&37.CortliHH5tt flew Yprl material Huprrlar., irtleleV? umjuuis n auvauc nr ttutl. fiK ISF' J. N. PATTON, Secretary. IN POBTLAKD WHO HAVE tlf,Q0l ,IN8UfHHCB EACH IN THIS i. E. A. XLOSTEKMAN H. 8. BURRKLL, Col. J. McCRAKBM, C, U. WIUKIIO, W, W, sPAULDIKU Us. OEO. K. NOTTAOB, P. U WILLIS, ANDUKW ROBIBTa. J. D. UtKlNNON. JOS. BUltKHARDT. U. ZANOVfCH. teXwt HARNESS M F G CO. ttHTTH WMOIMIMU SONU BABMfM SASUUS) ascnu, and If aOK " tux muv cut) U tart .Is- s7.TV '."Lir '" MHSBjTB Ui jautt' .asBBsW NkfTlpkt. Kil i ; i l i! "Vt .V . ,i --Vrf fjtf 1LAO 1 HJi-a. iff l.-- &tL,X& I . kJc'