-Vl i 1 ! !,!.' WILLaalETTE FARMER: SALEM, OREGON, APRIL 1884 iH mmf&i'f,yfr7inutomfi,lTwrt is. e. !i rfa L ,fti ill t SI P f (if. 8 jfltamutertial. hjujlj:t report. M"1E I'SUBlf R SitMTt rate. Va Thea qnoU'.i'wj are for Portland. l"be fcll&wing repre-int wholesale f.-otn proJcccn or nt hands WHEAT-'-Valla Valla, $1.401. ley M.4V?-47ip-r c-ntil. FLOUH-$3.0CKgo.25, timdird; superfine, $3.754. BAKLEY-3I.10J1 25. MATS. ISSOc. OitOKS. 4i. MIDDLINGS eiVS30; shorts, P22&25. BKAN-Sisaeo BACON' Sids. Hrm 12 913;; Hama l2-3 IB... -IS--rnl.ln. 0-lOlc LiRD Eastern miU, I3gI3y2; Oregon, U tinj, same; fceia, 12Jc CHEE3K.-Cal., 14c: Oregon, IS: f B. HONEY In comb, 1320:; strained, in 5 nlbm. lOlllc APPLE-$1.7-2 2i per box. JRIKD rT.UITS. Apples, an dried qaar re4,10cj iliced, 14;; machine dned,arci,15c; Pears, machine dried, 15-:: Plunu, ton dried, I6c, and michine dnel, 16c POULTKY. Chickens, fnll growTJ, 5G 00 7 00; gecee. S3: EGCIS. 202-.2c. 'OTATOES. 4gi0o per hash. BUTTER Orezrn rolls, 26327c; Califor nia dairy, 261527c; Eulern dairy, 30(s37J. UOGa. Lire weight, 5J;; ditto tit, 6Js; dreiMl, "SSc BEEP. JS: on foot. oHEEP.- Grcaa weight, 4u ou f jot. VEAL-OtolOc imetto Vallev. lG'SlS;: Ummoa, 2C23c. HIDES. Batchers' hidw, dry. 14c; tointry cared, dry, 13.", caU 1 oa, green iHn, salted, 7c; coantry ditto, c; ieers'ini, dry. 30c t? lb; d sheep pelt ea:h I61I.OO: dry elk, 20c per Ih. TALLOW QaoUbte at S:. per lb. UAY 319-0 for baled. WOOL. Eastern Orezoa, 14316a; Wil- HOPS Cm brinj l5-gl9- SEED-TimJthy, 7ig:; red clover, 15 16c .KS.UAL JLKXH.ODIbE. KICK. Cain Ji'o. 2, 5,;; Saadwich ItUnda, 126Jc I'KAS. Japan, 36810; Black, 40-75c Jrfn, 65&,60c. COPFEii Ccata Rica 14315c; Java, CO 622c. dUGAP.S. Crashed A 11 lie: rme Craihedll'IU'iCabe. ll&njc; Extra C, lOJc; ildn C, 9J10:: Saaiirich standi No. I, 8J9c: D, 910Jc. 3VRUP. Fireeallon 70c P.A1SINS. -California. S2.75e3.2523 R. CANDLES 1215c. JflAPS Good. 75ofcJ1.75. OILS. Ordinary brand of ccl, 30c; high irtdvi, Dowce i Co., 37ic; Boiled Linaeed, SO; dito Raw, 77c; lniOu oil, 65c; Topen. line. 70c; Pure Lard, 1 30; Castor, $1.25g SALT. Stock, bay. $10 P ton; Carmen U!nd, 812J; Coarw LiTerpcol,?15; Fine qual IT. 1520: Athton'a dairy, ditto, $30 Harlrtea by Telecnph. Sax FRASciico, April 10. Wheat spot steadier; Xo. 1 shipping, 41.47JsLoO; futures the demand is a little better Xo. 1 white seller the rear, 1-3T?1.37; buyer the season, 1.50 'L50J; bnver the year $1J1. "Etour Weak and dull; Oregon and Walla "Walla, 14.12V; fair Walla Wall offered at 4 from warehoa-o on CO davs time. Barley Sp.it market easy ; feed, SOg S0c; brewing, 90a'J'. i: "tores are weak. Sales on call were No. 1 feed, pot, SOc; seller the sea-on, SOic; buyer the reason, SlS2Jc . buyer the year. SsSSJc Potatoes Pttalurna and Tornalaa, 1.251J0. Onions Tliree lots of Oregon were sold at auction and brought $2.25, $2..V) and 430. the Litter for strictly choice. Woo The demand is light Sales of YJi bales eastern Oregon at lS20c, the latter for choice ; Valley, Oregon lamb, nominal at 156 l"c. Ege Quiet. Quote California fresh 23J24c; eastern, 22g23o. Butter Steady at 2124c for choice and extra choice fresn roll. CHICAGO MABKTTS. Chicago, April 10. May options Wheat lower, 8ic; pork lower, 105o ; lard lower, SS.17 ; ribs lower, $3.20; short nbs, lo.lii. BEEnBOHM'S FOREIGN' BEEADSTUfTS RE PORT. Lokdox, April 1C. Floating cargoes Quiet but steady. Cargoes on passage and for prompt shipment Wheat slow; maize dulL Mark Lane DulL English and French country markets Generally cheaper. Imports into U. K. past week, wheat, 75,000 to SO.00O quarters. Imports into U. K. pan week, flour, 105,000 to 110,000 barrels. "We are asked to give period of gesta tion of the various classes ot iarm animals. There is much variation in this matter, somewhat dependent on breed and condition, but largely resulting from causes wc cannot discover, ine same animal will vary much indifferent times. There are many ca-es of pre mature births after suffi. icnt time has elapsed so that the yonnjr animal may live It h imposIbl w draw a line fixing esactly the number of days before birth mar b? counted nitnraL On the other hand, some anim.d carry their young much beyond the usrul time, often when there is no otnrr abnormal indication. Popularly w- -ay the mare carries her young eleven months ; the cow, nine; the .sheep five, and the sow, four. The average time f the mare is, probably, a few days over eleven months ; of the cow the average is about 254 days. The sheep varies considerably, probably averaging, for all breeds, not tar irom 145 days; the sow averages about 11 tollSdays. Breeder's Gazette. Chicago. Dr. Henley's dandelion tonic gives buoyancy of spirits and vigor of action to the svstem. 'AOMB:' i pULvERZNG HARROW, agentsv. l,clotl Crusher ,. 'P and LtvelBr. ItisthsBeat selling "11. tool on Earth. BMaJtesJagajaSSBIflHL , . -i Tne ACME the Cuttin;?, liifting-, TERS, te tecnuar har? COMMERCIAL. PouTi-vxu, April 17, 1SS4. April has been remarkable for good and perhaps overabundant rains that give the whole coast a grand crop outlook such as has not been general for yearf. TIu weather has been teasonablo aud every farmer, far and near, has a right to anticipate abundance, whether that means prosperity will depend on prices to bo received. IZmA of the Caicades fruit trees aie somowhat damaecd by winter's frost but elsewhere than in those localites the prospect of orchards is simply immense. They are now bloom ing niul such full bloom if we havo suitable ucather afterwards, must gho us nn enormous fruit crop. The wheat market is dull x that quotutions are merely nominal, but even at thnt they are lower than they were and 1.I0147A is the range from Eastern to Valley. Tho future shows morn doubt than over existed in the past. Onts are not overabundant and range I7i19c. Potatoes drop to 45c, Iwcau-o the de mand is limited and tho supply is not. Onions bring a full price, from 23Jc, and ttocks are small. Provisions havo a dull time of it, with a recent large arrival from tho East that canio to a ioor market. There is verv little good fruit left in the country, and what there is brings all it is worth, and quality governs price. Dried fruits are in limited ttock, and de mand is moderate, ltuttcr ehows a good demand for choice roll, and Oregon dairies havo tho prefer ence with n great nany of our best cus tomers; California r 11, 27c j Eastern clioico tuls 27c. Chickens are worth $0fc$7, the la.st for ery choice lots. Kggs are worth ISc bince the Easter demand is satisfied. l"ork prwlucts. Bacon, 1 2Q 13c ; hams, 13 Kw for country; houldens 10011c; lard, kegs, 11 J012Jc; Eastern paiK12.13o; Oregon tiwi, 12Q121c Mill Feed Bran, fl8; ehorts, $2i0 25; chop, 223; "Vt W&20 for Ulcd. Wool, U&Vk. Uid-Dry, Ho; salted, 767J.C Hoj , 15318c. Tie JJmltaaona of Coaucoa School Training. Thf nnrrwe of a school education is to train children for the inevitable struggle for life, to add to the home education certain attaiments which in most cases, canot le acquired at home, and, at the same time, to strengthen the phyisical and moral powers. For this it is that children are sent to school by all except the, it is to be feard, numerous class who send them simply that they may be "out of the way." It is because of the supposition that schools do train the young for the pursuits of life that the ritate, desirous of obtaining a many good citizens as possible, sup ports the public schools. The pursuits of life are as various as are the capacities of children, and it is obviously impossible that anything in the nature of a technical education can be given at the grammar school. The mental education necessary to enable a child to enter into the struggle with chances in its favor can bo clas.-ed into three stages (1) Those acquirements which it is necessary that all should learn; (2) those which are necessary only to those who intend to enter into pursuits which requiro them; (3) the technical education for tho pursuit it.-clf. The third is attained by apprenticeships, and certain important iodustres may be to a limited extent taught in special schools ; but it does not come within the scope of the ordinary public schools. The second or higher education is the business of the high schools and of colleges, where young people can go who have already mastered t hoe things which all must learn to acquire the futher knowledge needed by all who enter the nrotessions and what may be called scientific trades. In tho ordinary' public school', which all, whether they are likely to be laborers or artists, doctors or draymen, are expected to attend, snouiu be taugllt only uioso tilings wnicu every lmman being livingin a civilized country ought to know. This necessary knowiedtre inciuues tho ability to speak, read and write the English language with an approach to correctness, a goou grounumg in jiniii luetic, a little drawing, and an outline in geography and of the physical sciences, inclndint: human nhysiolov and hygiene. Above all, the reading, writing and arith metic should 1)0 cared for. itliout these it is iiiij)05sible to acquire higher knowledge; with these thoroughly im planted in the brain, the day-laborer who has tho inclination or tho opportunity can, at any time in his life, improve his mental status. Of what use is it to a boy or girl to leam from text-book as a miscellaneous assortment oi Historical or scientific facts when he or she cannot write n letter, tako notes from nnnddress, add correctly a column of figures, or even read understamlingly any but the most simplo looks? The scientific knowledge that should be riven in tho public schools is not by any means a coiuve in botany, chemistry or astronomy ; slill less a succession oi doses from a text-look on natural philosophy. It is such a series of well chosen oral and object lessons as will teach tho bioader facta resisting the order of tho universe of which no form a part, anu make an acquainted with their own structure sultiriontly to give them a guido for life conduct- To giv such a coarse, now over, requires teachers more efficient than those whoso stock of information Is, like that of their pupils, drawn from a text-book only. Ijcchange, Tho French have succeeded in Ton- auin and havo driven the Chinese from achninh, and tho French government will make thoChineso government pay a heavy indemnity for aid rendered the Anamite. For Cough or Cold ihm U ci jul to AaacB1 Coajh Srip. fmK mi i Jeet. th soil the actio, , of a fc terf Xrusher and ggS '.turning process oi vouvtc yui'w --- .T, ThlTfhV thre oira.i . if CnSh!nK lamps. Leveling off the , gn-nnd I ami V Pulverlxlnir foe w.l are performed at .he same time. The entire absence or Splie ,.r Spring Teeth .frlPJlPi: vert aod ana nara ciar, wner oiner iiarinw" u.i'i-j .- - x , is the only Htrrow that cuU over the entire surface of the ground. WE JUKE A TAEUTI K SIZES 1TOUKIVI. I stoJH T IS FKET It llK. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Don't let yonr dealer ialra off a base immltation or sooe inferior tool on you under the assurance that it J. someUngbetter.bat SATISFY YOURSELF B ORDERHvG AN 'CME OS TRIAL WewlU send the DculU Gaw Acme to any responsible " in tl.e United States on trial, and if it does not suit, you may send it Dae, we pmying return freight charges We donft ask for pay until you have tried it on your own fitrm. X3-Snd fcr Pamphlet coataiting Tbouai.di of Ttatimouials from 46 differnt Statea and Territone. NASH & BROTHER. "SSSSlXt ?&? Sold by STAVfiR & WALKER, Portland, Oregon. GEO. BULL A 0.. San Franrisco, Cnl. GARDEN SEEIS. EVEKGREEX MILLET. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Til vodtt nT nriel A dut-1 ct pontj. recjrthil whlTcieo ). JlorewJocmfcal taux wl-Ji the malf.t t- ot lir lets, short wcilt, anal er lAoapluu OTiir. Sold eoli In caaj. KOTAL BAGI5G POVVOER CO.. OJ WiH Ss . JT Y. dly Q U Ul (0 UJ o u. THOS. MEHERZIT, IMPOP.TEE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, DEALER IX SEEDS, TREES, AND PLYNTS, ALFALFA, RED AM WHITE CLOVER, AstrU3PjeCr., lliwthy nd orcbird Cras- Kcninttj blue Crass, HucgsrUn JlilleU Grass, Red Top, Etc , ttc. Use a LH'GE and rholee folKcllon of IKIIT nn!l0?,RA-lMrnVni4,'TB,:,:S' I3"Badd:itr aad Praaloi KciM, GrwrteuM SjriKr. Hcd?e snd Pcle Shears. P. O. EoxSJ-9. iuu. WtlltUI.N.SIOUaUrrj !., Min liancltts. "Prite CatJilogue 31ailcd Free oil Application. n 73 C 73 m m 0) A.i!T FOR It. I. FOX'S ATRSERY. TUTT!S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. u From these sonrcea arlso tliree fourths or the diseases of the human race. These mnotoms Indicate their enstence : lVoaa or AppttUe, Bowela costiTC, SUat Head, achr, follness BfUreatliis.aTeraloti . t9 ciertlon of body manili Eraetatlon of food. Irritability of temper, Ixw spirit., A feeling of bavinc negleeted .ome dnty, Dlxxlaeaa, FluUertng' t lio Ucut,Dols before the erea.hlshly col ored Crlne, COXSTIPATIOS7 5?dde cand the use of a remedy ttat BCt3dlrecHy cnttwUver. JUaUvermedirineTCTT-S l'IT.IJShaTeiiocqal. Their action entire Kldners andStlnUaHoprompt; remoTlng all tapartUes through thec three "acar tneer of the avatera," prodcclng oppe tlti.soanil digestion, reS3l5"JSLs'o?? sanandaTlgoroosbody. TCXTSPIILS causa no nausea or griping cor Interfere with dally work aadarea perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Guar Hair OB 'WmsKEES changed In. atanUy to a Glossr Black by a single ap. "calfon of thU Urc Sold ty Drogglsu, or sent by expreaa on rece.pt or OOce, blurray Street w Torfc mrs Hiwki of osirui mam nu. SBVIN, VINCENT & CO. Oldeat and Most Reliable House on the Pacific Coast. Established i in ISol. The Oldeat our o r r n o 3,00 Great Trial Offer. N T K J 5 ""!.?"" THE BEST VET. a a 91.UU. We claim our EEIH are BBnrpa.wl nddeiK that ill sh.ll yire them a trial to tet their arrat .nnerl.rllT. feeiinzscre if mlnz a irnianeul ra.laoier esery pnrrhacr, and to introdnee ttlnlotofusatulsof n-hom w. nfir nni I B.W-ffi.P" ?? sill feed free, brmall, on receipt oiuiil uuiinii-riiiim.iiii"...i '.1,r,",:", a Complete aroll) leelaiie uni.n. Largi2ed p-ci.:t- cf all the ILtl, ev nd aSlaidr t...n-ut 1 1U.L'IU tSfcl a f "" ..-, ( . - . . . . r. vw it . r .. , . Snttcn's "tcdeota Pirtiip. Serin, Vlncnt Co.' tatra tny jiicr.eim eaa. t rercn ursunsx ttaaiuo, nnea rrb Vktora. LonjWtite Silisfj-, Prickley Sptnh, Eatlj- Btnh iqaish, Acae Ttmito, Early White Dutch Turnip; Io rTergreen Millet, a tw Forijie PUnt. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogue is Xow Ready. t3"X deripUTe price list ot Vegetables, noer. Field and Fruit Trees FREE to ill who apply. GOT Sansomc Street, ------ San Francisco, Cat. Uleiim Oao. A. MuOKE, Ptendenu J. PA1TOS, Secretary. I &4&i6; n yi s &zst PEXM.iXSIHl. m W. JleCONSIXL 13 OIVIXG LESWSS IS I piio aivd Onumental Penmamhip, In the room otw the not National Bank. Penons wl-hlnc to take leaaona can evtrntH-e any day la the eek. For HUM wi.MK, T.p mt Tnlllau sons, tl 50, or U lor it lewoca. losoai, $5, or 10 ter monio. rited to atnnd. For ijn drawinr. 1: Old and jouo.r an la- icar2U Plymouth Rock Eggs. $1.50 A SETTIXG. I hart elTen rLVUOUTII ROCK HES; .ill Dot keepaor otbtr kind. Will J1 Mttl'ffi el 13 tes far I.S. AdiirtM. folio.: S. H. MARBLE. Brtlrn WASUOUOAL, W. T. PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS FOR SALE. Thoroaehbred Plymouth Kock Eixs bred frocn fo!s IicporteKl troa A. C. IL.klu rJ I?xltr. Uw. direct. of IJ KM; 1 aeUinES. . JUwi few flea CWkcr.U tor a.! ttlroai 3 UJih. CJ K kd auredlilir ea pparat!n tJ (.Co. r. ixxr. r raniaad, No. lOauik uml. tB. AH orlers by maU wCJ rel prnpt ana iCjs abifd to say point la Oreoa or adjolalaj States or LfritutiMtaadhtUh insured. Ketllast We ar ptrMatSy aojualat d with air. can rureau inai Diiuoa . o. ; Lent and aiulltl TBI rAKatEK PCB. CO. FANCY POULTRY. Plymouth Rocks EXCLUBlVJCIiT. tv. nin'isvrcizt wccsrxo arkAialalUadaaaiplacaof Ua Ooatlacat. & l;tUrr,dcB, e. CuK miut accosBpaay erdera. AddrcM : J. L UAHRISOX. Ponst Cmi, Or. lapnlly Pacific Mutual Life k Co' y OF CALIFORNIA. A NcKINNIE Manager for Northwest Department. OFFICE WITH PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated Under the Laws of California, and is to-Day the Strongest Life Insurance Co. in Amcr ea. T) EFFEP.EXCE'j XV Ccap&cr TO MEN IX POP.TI.AM WHO IIAVE JI0,O0 .IXaURASCE EACH IK THIS , A. STKOWBKIDCE, J U C HEMUCII5UT. JAMES STEEL. C A. DuLPH. J. K. G1LU V. ZAVOVIOH E. A. KLOSTERMAX Ccu J. JIcCKAKt-N. W W. aPAULDIXtt P. L. 1LU. J D. MlKIXXOV, M ZASOVICH it. S. BURRELL, C. M. W1BLRG, Da. CEO. E. XOTTAOB, AXDKEW ROBERTS JOS. BURKnARDT, aonmS CLOSINC OUT FOR BARGAINS ) A LARGE STOCK OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, OREGON HACKS, WAGONS. FITXJU1 CARTS, EXPRESS TRUCKS AND DRAYS, THE LARGEST AXD BEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IX PORTLAXD -THE BEST WORK FOR THE lcstmene). TEKS1S. fash or Approrol lr. If yoa aat any this? In this line yon can jret barjain ty caiiinr. or sending for p-ice catalogue to aprltl Ofice: Comer of IfaJlxn acd Front Streets, Portland, Oregon, Lock P. O. box BSd. Wexzacefrcci the best xnatenal Rnnfri.r 1hI.Im1 f Dairy Cood. that are models of szrrnclh and nmiiri. ty. Unquosoccjea teou green of their doability. Eoi mann- factanrs of tarti.' Inpraied Farlorr tknrn. 3laaun'a rower uaiirr narkrr, er Uorkrr, Cnrti." hqaare "Oae i Bx raarn, Krctaanlar Charm Crraa Vata,IKur Fawrr.ric? family laara at wholesale wherr wr have aa aarat." All ewl nmsl eurtlT as irfrwir.U'd. TW O COLD CUBTIS & OEEEME. Fo: on. TW IMPERIAL EGG FOOD. dm XILLLF.U BROS. Agents Y7WBOCECOS AXD WASlil.NGTO: J Wc hi,. ta appointed ceaenl ROCECOS AXDWAMIl.NGTOXTERElTOR'i. H. ha, Iwea appointed cenenl arcnta for Or a,-oa and WuhUrtoa for th aide cf Imperial E;z Food, the berf impaiatlon for the pcaltryyard knoa e. ausd foe CatiJofaea. tne npai aplkacca. lxjh a.. rocuaao, v.r. uallu au ICUaCtlTCfrOeiltE iawiOUGaUU AsMraM,TVUMI Wf. OS. iwniiln immtmi Ckauakaraawsj. ft. KIMABI PIANOFORTES. Tffi8,T.a3ii,VopSiiii ni Durability. wit-nu ici'int: a ro. Nos. 104 and aoG West Dalli-aore Street, Baltimore. No 113 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. E. O. SMITH, QlffTIS g3L. orricE: k. in rust sut, um. na. gBfaaaa and Tamhm. Portland. Oraes . "THK BEST M CtWAPKIT." USE ROSE PILLS.