WILLAMETTE" PARMER; gA&EM, 0B5jG0N APHID 4, "iSfM. ,Mttmt,,M!lu Tree ! e - : ' I nortirnlfitrxL y THE fWOSLlVS SEJUHD SOK IRXttt. j i j Jeanne C. Carr furnishes Iho Pacific Itural Press an interesting article show ing what an, imtnesc demand thcro is for fruit, which" wc reproduce ad follows : I liavo been reading with a grent deal of interest somo articles in the English .papers and also the press copies of the Consular lleports, ana nave conaenseu from thoso sources some of tho statistics which seem to havo a bearing upon our fruit interests. In the voar 1871 tho amount of raw fruit sont from tho United State? to England, was reported us .10,111 bushels, valued at i 0,(501. In 1882 it had in creased to 1)063,070 buBhcls valued" at .387,190. Tiio apple is tho principal fruit exported in a raw state, and tho supply is mostly obtained from tho States bordering upon the Dominion of Canada, whero tlio best keeping apples aro very extensively grown. The mcroasc in tho consumption of nil kiiulB of fruit, in England is so onornious that fruit farming as a sourco of profit is attracting great attention, and thorc aro ribwmany titled fruit farmers. .Among thee tho operations of Lord Sudoloy, of Toddington, in Glou cestershire, aro tho most instructive to us. ho havine entered into the business on wha't may bo termed tho American' plan. (Ho has orectcd works for the conversion of all his fruit not roquircd in a froeli state into jams and jollies. Ho first steam plowed,, manured and plantod 600 acres to apples, pears, chorrios, plums and damsons, nnd 200 acies nioro will bo planted this year. From tho Weekly Times of January 4, 1884, 1 learn that gooseberry and currant' bushes nro set between the standnrd trees, and the latter aro only 10 feet apart? This isy'intcnsive farming," indeed. Thorc ato DO acres of ulack currants planted Without standards; 100 acres of strawberries, nnd 00 acres of raspljcrry canes, anoro aro -jo minis oi goofecuerncs. This planting of Lord Studely will have' many imitators ; but if every avnilable acre ofjfruit,laud in the British Islands wore under cultivation for vegetables nnd small fiuits, it is (said 111 ft t 'the production would not keep pace with tho incicased domiuid, owing largely to the increased consumption brought about by tho tempuranco roform. Fruit, milk and vegetables mo biking tho placo of beer in thousands of English families, who cannot nf Ibid to eat meat oftenor than onco a week. Scotland is in a liko manner slowly "fleeting ii dietary reform, by tho extensive manufactures of foreign fruits. It is estimated that 190,000 acres are -devoted to fruit culture in the United Kingdom; yet of oranges and lemons 4,000,000 bushels wore consumed. Up to tho end of last November tho prodigious number of 520,000,000 single oranges and lemons had been bold, and thero bad boon imported for homo consumption within the samo period 891,973 cwt. of urrants; and 'of raisins, 388,370 cwt. It is cstimatou Mat enough oi Almcna grapes wero sold Inst year in British inar- Jcets to atiom two or three bunches to evory unit of tho population ; and'it is Haul that, Inut is Mill too scarco ami dear to form an important part of tho diet of the laboring "classes. Largo quantities of apricot pulp is exported from Franco to England, whero it is sold for fid per pound. ' The fruit oxports of Belgium to Eng land in the year 1882", amounted tofi93r 000 buhhcls, valued at GC9,1(1 ; and the Islands of (lunniMiy, Jersey and Madeira, furniihod a still linger supply. Consnl Kablo reports from Sydney, Now South A bales, that tho tanned fruit used in tlrit country is almost exoIubiuJy obt ouod in San Francisco, and that apples from California jdave boon wild at n nnl price. Ho further u ' Tho annua con sumption of j-iniH nnd jollies in this colony is very . i at, amounting to 3, 000,000 pounds, t hough iih yet noue have been recoiled fiom tho Unitod States." Tho Consul at Penang writes: "Tho tnulo in can tied goods wad protty lively last year, and "American preserves nro gaining more and mom fawtr with' the public. Considerable lots of California fruit in tins has Ikvii imported by toamors via Chains, and sold readily at iiitiiib rj i'v cum) tu iwu uitzuu uns. Much moro tould lo done in this article if tho. manufactures would at least for pnrtof their goods adopt glass InUtles in ctcud of tins for packing," Again: 'Tho French nnd English fruits in the market aro mostly put up iu glast bottles, and although tho fruit is inferior, and a bottlo contains loss than n tin, they are preferred by many buyers nnd (etch hotter prices. 1 am pretty euro that if put up in nieo white glass bottles, with showy lloIs, they would easily carry tho palm." Tho most significant umoil (to lit') comes from Consul General Van Ituten at lokohamn. Somo years ago ho says told that this is true specially of California, we ought to be 'careful that no sliaro in this conacmnation properly attches to us. " Tho commercial openings for our fruit tradd are almost too numerous to be specified, if only our reputation for excellence can be sustained. The Con' sular opinion is unanimously in favor of glass instead of tin for the pocking of our fresh and jellied and pickled fruit products. The manufacture of orar,ge marmalade ought to bo as succ'aful here as it is in Scotland. For a vast population of Encliah emigrants attached to our northwest Territories by cheap land and cheap trans portation, California will bo tho sourco of supply. Tho citrus fruits will naturally bo sent Dy water to Portland, urogon, at a season when httlo other fresh fruit can ho obtained. Thenco thoy will bo distributed over tho great "new northwest." Lato in tho year the Muscat, Ferrara au.l Almona grape will find its way to the same market, by tho same route, while "tho application of tho principlo of ensilage to fruitgrowing," na Englishmen term tho pulping procehses, will concert all tho peaches, plums and apricots into valuable commercial products. As to dried fruits, thcro seems practically no limit to tho prospective demand. ' Sho closes with calling attention to the great demand for California fruits by tho oponing of railways to the tern tory south and east, which corresponds with tho equal demand from all the northern country from tho racific to St. Paul and boyond thcro, for Oregon and Washington products. AVe have a magnilicont prospect the present season as all orchards aro in full bearing and preparing to bloom fully in a few days. Evon if there was no market for rrreen fruit wo can dry or can our plums, pru nos, cherries, apples and pears, and Can our small fruit with a certainly that they will bring a good price. ". The HoTtj tpWwnlctu Cause. luauatrlal Convention En Muss. "the ciuiiiihI goods, bottled pro-cryes, etc., of thUnl'od State; toured deservedly high'repu'Uiion'in thu'Ktstt imd tho demand for ihuui nguLutyiiicresed with every MU-on. Their thorough excellence,' litul comparatively low price tended to d live u similar class of goodi from other countries out of the market, and jt eomra that iu a short timo all com (Ktition with them must cease. But, already to the discredit of our utanufna lurt rt, the high standnrd of the goods has not Ikvii maintained, and fears are now iwprcsod by dealorshero that the trade in tlifo American products will mmii become extinct." He says ktlmt it is h burning nhainsilmt ao valuable a 'trade should bo ruined by the use of poor uiaUrial. nnd want of caw In tlieh prcptinitton.'aul u'lh ush no. aro not 'or any other disease. i Tho following letter from Judge Win. Lawrence, fully explains itself. First Comitkoller's Offick, Washington, D. O., March, 12, 1881, Hon. Columbus Delano. President National Wool Growers' Association: Dear Sir : You and others connected with wool growers' associations having called a ixaiioaai uonvenuon oi those interested in tho wool industry, to bo holdcn in Chicago, commencing May 7, 1 rospect- fully invito your attention to the fact that a call has been issued for "a mass convention of the people interested in evory possiblo industry of everv section of this country to meet at Chicago, May zi, looi, ior mo purpose oi organizing a National Industrial Congress." This call is published in tho Chicago Journal of Commorcc of March oth, and states that, "Among interests which will be ropro sen ted at tho Congress of 188-1 will be, 1. The latent resources of tho Pacific coast in flax, beet sugar, wines ond semi- tropic products, angora and mohair. . The thix interests of the whole country, of iibor and seed, and of linen, thread, twine, and yarn manufacture. 3.' Tho ramie industry of the Southern States, which may lie made to equal that of cotton. 4. The hemp andjnto industry, fi. Tho sugar iudustiy of cane, sor ghum, and boots and corn, (5. Tho wool and mohair industries. . 7. A tinplate industry." . You will thus preceivo that one, if not the chief object of tho convention is to consider the intorests of those ongaged in agriculture in all forms. I respeot- iiuiy BucKOsi, inorworo, mat you consider whether it is not advisable to change tho meeting oi too wooi-growors, gay, to .May 19th, in order that they may also unit'o in tho mass meeting of May 21st. I adviso this course It is a grent mistake to suppose that wool growers nro the only class oon among thoso engaged in agriculture, ami glazing, who are directly interetted in protoctincr and cncourairinir tho wool industry, and inereating its product. If.-ilocks of sheen-are di miiushod, lnndajiow devoted to"graxing mom, ana producing nay. una corn (o feed them, must lie devoted, to, rastnR wheat and other grains, thus increasing me product oi uu-ho, and involving tho dancer of overstocking tho market. England ia now taking steps to increase tho product of wheat iu tho nritiah East Indies, au1 soon there will be no foreign market for American wheat dr Hour. Every grower of twheat has a direct interest in encouraging tho wool industry, so tlmt there may be an adequate home market for wheat. The same may be said aa to the nroducor of cotton, euirar. cQrn, oats, barley, and other crops. o nation cut was or can bo prosper ous without duerf itied industries, making aailublo tho poucr of steam and water ith lahor-sning machinery. There is at much ,neccwity for diversifying our (iKiieiiiiiinu aim inua innusiric as ior il nig so with others. It is time farmers were uniting to consult as to their interests and scArotliem, as they may if tnoy w ill. u tlioy w ill not do this, they w ill hao no friends.'nnd oa jx prominent fnpnor of Wisconsin has ,aaid they will agareoly deserve to have any. r Very respccl fully, (, v ' t William liAwitKsoi ', "no 'allowing correpondence taken uom ho Corvallis Leader is from the P?nofMr. C. B. Wcll, of Philomath. It gives a few of the principal points regarding tho prevailing epidemic. Dr. Joflerys, V. S., of this city, lia promised to give us a treatise on this subject, but having been called away so much of late in professional capacity, has, been unable to do so. Tho following seems to us to answer tho question fully : As there are at present a great many sick'horfccs, and quiton number of very valuable horses have recently died in this county, the question very naturally arises: What is the matter with the horses and what is the cause of tie disease! Now I will givo vott my opinion of the causo. It is Keeping them too closely confined iu tho stable, and feed consantly on dry feed, with little or no exercise; very often in stables poorly ventilated. If our horse owners will obsorve this fact, that the horsos almost invariable get sick in the winter season, when tho weather is so' bud they cannot use them nor turn them out of stable for ccerchc, but keep them up in these poorly ventilated stables, pampering them with' all tho oats and hay they cane.it; and very often tho hay eithermusty or very dusty indeed. Henco tho horses' stomach becomos entirely too full and causo a pressuro upon tho heart and lungs, interfering with the action of both, and causing a rush of blood ti the hoad, producing stupor. In somo cases the animal becomos very dull and will hard ly movo at all; and some will havo a wild vacant stare about the eves, often become frantio crazy or mad. Some times ho becomes blind with pain and agony, and in this stage ho does not last long, but will fall hero and there and beat his head against the ground or fiido of tho barn until he dies, this last stage being tho inflmmation on the brain, and you need not doctor for it for your timo will bo thrown away. Now for my reasons, believing the dls caBO arises from too much dry food, and too little exercise. First, when we aro using our horses rogularly they aro healthy. Livery horsos, lmok horses, mail carriers' horses, and nil horses that are used regulary, do not have this blind stagger. Horses do'not'have it in sum mor time when they can be turned out occasionally. Horses that run out in tho winter and russel for their own living and get poor do not have this complaint. Yes, says One, it attacks the very best horses in tho country, why is that! This is very plain, tho best horses are taken the most care of, kept in tho stable and stuffed with dry feed from one weok.to another, and barely led out to wator ; but if'you havo an old plug, tnat mo whole family use lor every errand, then turned out with a slash across tho rump with the bridle into a very poor pasture, this horso will never die with the blind staggers. So I would recommend less feed when your horses are idle; use carrots, ground oats, bran, and let them run out, lot them wallow in tho' mud, it will do the horses good, nnd will also give you good exercise to scratch tho dirt oil. Hoping these few lines will bo n benefit to somo one, I remain yours for. Iho benefit of humanity, and also the good horses in the country. CLKHART CARAIA6E HARNESS HF6 CO. fc-- iTf-"tlTV-r"l MbTIMI mmr-Lm vn e -2mmfc Av. .v . WW mm mtm mil ILm f I fl We Retail a Wholesale urooovMram wamm, gnrati somi i ynu otder la not alii employ Jio went, and If Q IW BW !f err pv mp"m. m Jirurar fuen rati lri 1 this ume-M otherx cell at 1130. Top QgVK at m nne aa timulir sold for si2u to I r HirnfM are ui no. i t Tenthfn. Kirwle. MSMIto: Vtirrrthtn full warrantM. inra hnrlnif. Mnd frtf nii Iltitat! m-Wf CuWie fpfp. AildreMVjS PJtATT ttcc'T. Llkburi, Indlnai Prc6c. UMNUBSIB 5 ZJ!9ltFmJwW l I TH 'IBBMbBBTT Jtftfj&SwwwwwWGrKi W. f UJffw, LlYjfi 63? 31r m&zprffiw -li Before Burltf. CT-dMlP AVWHFJtK w il it rui vmjsuc ur ExinliilBg SEDGWICK STEEL WIRE FENCE. mjS&aKX&siessav! -iSJ T fM xf .hnV 'OHaaBflHBaBBjajHHHaBBBBapp. It Ibt onlj gnittl pirpoM Wlra Fne la dm, btlsg Btron inp, pigs, incp ana poaiiry, i rpoM Wir finn Is dm, btlsg Btrona Nat-work wlthcmi Barb, n will Ion Iha nno let turn, gtrdcal, itook raagai and railroad!, and Tcrf naat for laVnt, pat k, ihool lota and eaaa Uriai. Covtrad with ruit-proof paint (or KalraniEed) It will lait a lifetlma. It It 8uparlorto Boards or ak for It a fair trial, knowlnz It will wear Itaelf lata favor. TfctWcdanrlclr BaaVb4lll(ria Ita alTatfT T9tMCt. Wl Haita, mad of wrought iron ptp and tel wire, defy all competition In Mtlntw.ttrpngtb and doitWlltj. Wa alio make tba baat and cheatest All Iron AatoxDatio or 8elf-Opniar Oate. alio Obeapeat and Veal m hf w ,?ttU WMftofpaiiialag .water, nr ceared cntflnes tor grlndlnK and otter UgHt work. ForprlCPinndnirtlcuIantalc hardware doi SEDGWICK BROS. MTr.. doalHrs.nraddresamentioaiDg paper. Hl"l IUi 3f U'lC UUU I U Richmond. Indiaiia, Sl.OOw-COX'S TRIAL OFFER OF New and Scarce EEDC $300 FOR mmmmmmWi wWrnrnMrnk MlwimmMMwWwmESwm BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVraaaaaaaaaaBHaaaaaaVaaBaaaaaaBaaHBaaaa1 rBBIWfWJfWJjfffTv5 Tb order to induce eTtry ono to cive our aeedi ft trial. we Villi lend by mail poat- pcai pam, on receipt 01 (I Qfl0cerjac'"lseeach aPl.UUof the followinc New Varieties : The Boss 5? Watermelon, tbe sweet- est and beat market melon. Cuban Queen Water melon! the largest Water melon grown; prize melons have weighed from 80 to 100 It3. Lettuce S Uow Seed Butter, a new cab bage variety. Lettuce f Jmber Crrum Sweet Corn, of dellcloui awtetncaa; prodncc !' rfi'i I lflu Xnimali. lrM xerx IxrcA. aa minvu 94 Knuashea h.lrto pinluicdon a biii,ie Ino Jluskmelou liny ilew. A merlean Wonderl'ean. the earliest tweet wrinaicii pea. iiu i rniirioro iiiirhri unillinowerl early; very large, pare white Head!.. Earl HiiniliH'rCHlilinxe, IhuU.HcarlvBiM.aft. I'remlunt Flat Hatch Cabbage, trie beat Utve, late varietlea. IVrlccilm IliMnrll tlery, lnrj;c, Bolld, white, ol the flneit flator. Bloomdale I'rarl OBlOIJ.lXtraLirlv. rUrc Hllitti. IllrUln Viirlv PnmlnTanMnalrh. Ullllw a"wm. 1'iir.nlpn. I.illnc :,.. i.tho earliest Llood turnip beet. Danvtr'a Uair-Lsnz Carroll.' best vaalr. .iJatit ll.H.. jl w blha c a .. T '"""' tmicij. icnriii'.n nana ipme iicnmoer. tew rial newer tomato. r.Ter CTCfn Mlllit. ici forage plant. MAILtU f BEK-..k.'8 8F.EB ANMIJlI, COB 1884; tbe delcrlptlona a,d pr ceof l.u-trilr. Flower, Field, raa, 1 ver and TreeSetdat Tree and JIwer beedi mtUu.nT h I'ailflo VfMt; Auitralian Treee and shrub Seedi; Fruit Xreea ad Small Frulln All thiUilctiee best wlipWil for the Padfldtoajt.' Many New acd Bate Eeeda and Plant Iren Japan. ,nd for hW OATAIXWCE. Addrear , , ,- Thomas A. G6x& Co., 409 SansbmeSt., San Francisco, Cal in ovrrnatmo , Blark Rrrdnl Slimuitti. 1,120 good earn frotn 1 4 InPa FRESH -.SEED'S I NEW FIRM 2 NEW STOCK ! NO OLD STOCK WARMED OVER! Thn 1iuti.a.sd Nun.sF.iiY and Sekd Company lias just rectiveil a lot of superior seeds, mul is now prepared to fill largo or srnall orders at Eastern prices. , WT (JAT.UiOGUK 1-KKK. SEND FQJt ONE to IS8I POI.TL.iKD NURSERY AKD SEED CO., fo,,1,f. 82 Jforrisou Street, rortlarid, Oregon Ella 4 SU(tn4ialn. A' oiiiion of I. ana county siys of kliiHi t.ioni : t 1 nill not try. to civeaoy eiplan'klioii of the muhp if Iw tli), lm will givo a rctutruyVuwli UI lxlound.effoe.ve in wool cae: tiivo horwa rait tlirvo I jino a wook, tuhting n tablwxvMi(ul of ln, ami ono of sulphur. No horso want of oaiv In tlit!i trcutol in this inaimerii liable to stagger V Tne Harkotlni or Wool. Tho wool exchange and grading houe alioiit tobe eHtablished in this city will bo hii important factor in tho wool in- duiitry of Orogon and Washington. The marketing of our wool product'has al ways hocu attendod with inconvenience. '-If hold in Portland, it has been with un certainty as to its leal grade and value In market, and thn producer knows too well that the buyer taken tho benefit of all doubts. 'If scut to San Francisco or to the East in coninu'twon forsalo there) its handling has been bydlfintexvited hnhds whoso honesty the funnor -must trust. TliuiNoriltem Pacific this fall, nilbrded the jadvintago of direct emipmont, but the producer in sending his wool direct to tbe East sullVrod the inconveniences of dealing at long rango in' a: strange markotand.witk 'strangers. n exchange and grading house here will afford mar ket facilities equal to thono of the great centers, an 1 will grade and raluo the wool uiidir the producer's own eyo. An important-local effect'-'wiU be to ghre Portland benefits which' in the rJast hao largely been eiijoVdkhy,3an,FraneiooVj and nbieiMt was reared would uetlirect- ei to tne i-is'. When wool growers can tee by "ocu lar di iniuictnuion'' tlmt tlio nroduction of wll bred and elesn wool pays better than roar, and dirty fibres, they will, it j to lo hopoj, givo' more, lattcutioh to the grading ami care i of their Hocks. Tho prottuct of 'thoj "VViUaiuetto'Yalley, and of tlie Umiirjna-Tnlley.'too.'lias do terioiated steadily jluringj tho pnt five ear, tho chango helBK 'niado conspieu- im.i ov nit; tiiuniiy tH'.lllv iiu.uu.-u,i!i inv tlioqu.ilitypf Ear.t,,ru,OixrivfI- 1 one section sliuooi jterk-ct nituni) cpndi lions of climate, ami feed aro relied upon to maintain tho rharacter of tbe llockf, the rneis giving only rusual attention to thi-j lir.uu'li of u geneial fanning bui no, and as a natural result tho original Hnatles have run down nnd out. In thot uyier wi ti.ii, vvmi-rt ,uui4turai i-ouui-tionaw not m) fawrablo, thoro has beeu intelligent importation of blood and tlio result is oon in better prices. Orygo- VcAn Established in 1667. f (, i ti ti FURNITURE & CARPET DEALERS. nl ?,? wrLAND.oBE00N. ... . A Hotels, Banting Houses, Pniati nesioences & steamboats. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal ' wwwwwwBwwm- wwwwmeKwm'1 wwwwwwMtwww1 "' WWWWWWWWml ' wwwwwwwwrr aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaVnr wwwwwwww CI ,wwwwwwwwlA aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH7'1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBtfJ- , 4jQlt j i 4 - I . , , , I N i aaaal 'Jill I 1 1 f! ..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaklA IHaaaH.IIl I f - -aaaaa - r aaaIaaaaaaan-WZwaaalaia7!!laaaaaaV .L ' Tr aa ugaHill fwW&mwzmM mE2z!2SjWWWWCJLLW-M . StSSmSj ttett. n i ? LOW iTWCp,.i PRICES ;- i Mend. . J'U.'J 1 ltt ftl .j arera airar tefora lit J u i j Uj. tutt Um Taslra. fr M rpwaral, .! r Srlt. fr toe Epwarat, .!.' 'J k S' r jr. I ..fLWIiHn, TllC IrOUSEHOM TRCA8US2. UJiuu.i(.ittbaajprK-l.ta4. OaDIMlt " o'i Jmfl aniJiJima m , H--l ' 111 m 1 1 f I , I -x. " J1 eiu Ul Viit jl t u iil,iii i - JTMlraOJFr 'oakT ' 7J lliWrvN 8T. And Tinners' Stock ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY fiicelaior Sfc.v LOUIS, MO