Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 04, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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imuM every Week by tho
4XTtLAiF.TTE r mm.r rrni ismxK .
TKUM3 OF 8d.Scr.lIfIUf.
One year, (Postajc paid). In ltnce t 3 00
U montln, (Potasc rH). 1" """; 124
Ittti Uuui elx month will be, per month ... .23
MMrtlaeroent will be Inserted, prOTMuifUi are
eipeetable, at tho following table of rates I
One Inch of pce per month I "W
tbiee Inches of upwe per month 6.WJ
r ae-hall column per month ;.. 16.P0
Ja column per month SO.GO
9-A Himtj rrmlea fnl fFRft no ftDnlirfttlon.
Publication Office: No. 6 WasM-itton Btrtet. Up
In. rooms No. E and Ci
; Notice to Subscribers.
We pu'JMi only a radilwit number of tho lVrjint
to BTinply acttnl l repaid ul tcrlUr nu e cMintt up.
ply l'tV nun-ber.
It It U JetlrJ jiiMi tl'x m n ioiri fll femes they
mutt imlfl lo ten 1 In their rraimH 111 BM.pIntln.il
to reach Into oOlre bcfoic txplihtion
JVAIIinlieuIhtrt imiUII lij theprlntml tajon-St
(Wthttr paj.tr emctly alien llidr time will p!re."H
Anoiher lnipoitint point Al.f. COMMUNICATIONS
"iin.Li'nr.iri: Kiitm.ii."
l'orvrMAvm: GrsF.iiAi, CIkemiam, when
.it fttj. Paul, lately, made arrangements
ho Unit n daily iimil will icach l'oitlnnd
in 1!)5 hours from Now Yoik, equal to
(Ho and n quaitcr days; in four anil a
half dnyh from Chicago and four daya
from St. l'nul. Tho racifio mail oxprons
tiain will commence running April Oth,
.ind will nrrivo at Portland at 4 :"0 v. a.,
making tho ride down the Columbia by
daylight. When tho Ainsnorth bridge
it finished Htill better time can be inado.
(jAhOAOlv in a name Migcidt'd by
t'oiign'ssniiin Hicnts as (it for the now
ritiile to hu created out Washington Ter
ritory. 'lacoina or Talionia, signifying
hcavenwind, nnd tho Indian nnino for
that gi.ind pe.ik is nnotlicr; Yakima is
another Indian rmmo that-is beautiful as
well as euphonious. After indulging ill a
little burlesque lulls alwitt these names
tho Wall.i "Walla Union BoriouBly pio
po'cw tho nnino of Whitman, after "tho
man who faced savage foes, defied the
elements, and gave hid life." This would
o ily be n bust rf cognition of his grcnt sac
rificoH. Tic garo not only his own life,
Ini tin' life of ii noble, great-hearted
woman wont out to nave this beautiful
laud to American institutions. In all
dihCiisMoni or reminiscences there is lit
tle said or thought of the part taken by
a woman in thin fearful scene of death;
her lnuiiu should nlways bo woven in
with that of Matcus Whitman.
TiikKi.ati.u: HcruhL, doesn't h.o tho
nutter of luwspnpor copyright exactly
.in those newspapers do thai havo not a
monoiHily of dispatches i. . ' lun't see
tlint other journals have in lights or
thill iciiIcih Hhotildget the nens ict'pt
tliiough privileged columns. AVo lmvo
solved tho imetion for ourselves thus:
OmgicH recognizes this to ho an ago of
.iiiti-iiioiiiipoly mid will not dare to
perpntiulo a news monopoly, thoioforu
llonry Wiitloi.ion is wnHtiug his time.
Not conceiving that thore- i any danger
tlmt Congio-41 will pab hiiuIi a law wo
conclude not to wui-to time on the Mibjeet.
The arri'gmua which monopoly is nine
m display when it can !s frhown as
plainly in the nutter of now iip.ipors as
in nihoads or Ulographs and isipiitu as
dnitgcitfiis if allowed its way. Hut, n
wo ":ml befoie, this being an anti
itioii(ndy tigo we leave the woild lo
liet tho i.ut at its loinuro.
'llio stagnation in blend .-hill's that has
piewiihd since last linncht, nnd is cer
tain to ptovnil until next hamv't, is
iilcelr tn bn followed by another year of
depression. So far us uu can lourn, all
I'htropn has good pio-poots for tho com
ing crop. We tin not hear of any Kri-
oui damage to giowitig wheat anywhere
in tho world. North Ainoilcn gives
piomiso of an Abundant yield; India is
probably eeitain to turn oil' an increased
production; ISusma will doubtless umuI
heavy supplies to Knglnnd. Judging
'rjmtho (tloi)k for the world's har
vits. ISSl will Ihi a year of marked
iilimul.uirc, and that uic.ius low piicos.
It ishatdlx to bo oxpiK'lixl Unit the
freight market will Jo to decidedly in
jur (aor auotluir year, though wo need
not nntU'iitM wry high freight . To
limit) to an opinion of muho noit, we
-liould say that our fainu'r will be very
foilumitti if they itilUl tiny imjirovc
uont on tho hituatiou. It uppctu to
us, iteiglilngall ootwidcnitions, that the
chance are agsiiift tiny improvement,
though the wluvit market is one of thoe
things that are humanly inexplicable.
Very natch depend on the surphu that
ludiA mid Uutoia can throw on the
I higlUh market. Should thoj countriei
jurn'ah a hesvy aupply, tbfn the uiarkul
will always bo dopnwsod. But we do
hot see that India can grow wheat to
any especial advantage. It requires ir
rigation, nnd that involves heavy ex
pense in production that wo know noth
ing about.
"We must still grow wheat largely, but
tho point we wish to make is this:
Evory pprson should have a variety of
products to sell, and so bo ablo to hold
any crop that is not in favorablo de
mand. Tho man 'who must sell has no
oiition. The man who enn place differ
ent things on the market can generally
get a fair price for something. The con
dition of tho wheat market is such that
a lesson should bo learned in favor of
mixed farming. The question then
comes What shall an Oregon farmer
raise? The two export staples are wheat
and wool. Hoth aro dcpie-cd. Oats
have commanded a fair price and a lim
ited market, but there never has been a
year when oats would not pay finely.
We shall say, raise souio oats to sell.
Good hay is geneially fribiblo overy
spring l..e"y tiirin should have ample
hay land. tWendov-b will fill your barn,
and when winter h out if you wi'h lo
froll, yoiicri'i grucralli do fro at n good
iguie. Hay is always denier in May
than in Novembur. Another crop that
piomisM well, o-i na average, is hops.
'ihey involi'e much trouble for equip
ment and for curing them properly, and
many persons aro not calculated for the
business. One mti't have enough hops
to bo nbk to handle them well. It is a
ciop liable to disappointments. Boot
crops riqtiiro considerable work and are
uiicoitain, but the cultivation of pota
toes is increasing of late, and so is the
dumitnd. Tlioy have paid fairly for
some j en i-s now
Jiailey is noglectert with us, and so is
corn. Itolh glow fairly in this region,
if put in on good'soil and well cultivated.
There is demand at home that should
be supplied Wo do not hesitate to ad-vi-o
more attention to llio dairy and tho
poultry j aid. Ilighthcie is a lesourco
that is sufficient to inmiro prosperity to
the farm, if improved. Kery farm
should kwshcfp and pigs, o that tho
home meat supply shall be ample, and
havo more or ! for snle. Let your
work stock be mines and bring colts:
have good cows, ff you can, offer
townspeople good milch cows of your
own laisiug, and you will make a good
prico for them. Sorno stock must lie
kept to itittko tho faun pay. Trobnbly
thoknoury is moie in slock than in la
bored crops.
Another imporlunt featuie is the or
chard. Of court, tho fruit can fall oif
and lot, and does do so in many cases,
but your true orchardist has preparation
for drying fruit, so sates and makes all
profitable. Thoio is a great doal of
hard work in wheal growiug, and not a
gieatdealof monoy. We have tried to
chow how you can lobsen your wheat
aereiigu, have more variety and certain
ty, and bo tnr more independent. Think
itover ' Study and pondor it, nud try
to And i-onie way to cmancipalo yourself
fioni this bondage that Oregon has fallen
into, lo wheat giowing. Sow grass and
r.iihe hlcsik on permanent pasture, nud
do some of those other things wo alludo
lo, and you will bo moro successful.
It is only fair (hat our ivadcis, tsmio
of whom l.tko no other paimr, should
havo ii liltlo tasto of politics that, too,
from mi independent stand. "We occu
py that position in journalism, and from
looking over many of tho, nhlet jour-
inils in the laud, can piobably offer you
a fair statement of the political situa
tion. The dispntchos bring in brief
statements of tho workings at the polit
ical centrr Washington is tho great
hive of national politics, and all Stntes
aro well represented there. Just now
the letter wi iters aro working diligently
to develop Homethlng from their persist
ent intn views and gossiping
Thoy woiu agree that Samuel J.
Tildon would lw the candidate of choice
for Democrat nil over the United Slates,
if litSwa physically slrijng enough to
try I ho i son Mr. Tildon is quite aged
and fpe.iks in a whisper. He has his
faculties clearly, bht shows ngo greatly
much Im was ncuudid.ito in lS7t. The
ivipiilur btinf is thsl ho wus wronged
tlut he wat elected then, and should
h.svo Im I llio oil! c. That feeling and
tho goncral coulldotico in his bounty
and ability would count xtrongly fir
him in lk cuiivs.s, If Mr. Tildeu c.u)
make the canvas, it is likely In? will iv
l-tjv) till) IRUllilUtUUV
As to other Democratic candidates,
thoit) i talk of a number. MeDonald,
of Indiana, loads well; .Payne, of Ohio,
Scnidor-eleot, ii named Flower, o( New
York, Uwidall, of Pwinsylvania, llayurd,
of LMawar. MorrUoa, of Illinois all
arc iiauiod ivnmmonly, bui no one f
these H!cm to bo satisfactory or capa
bio of arousing eiillitieiani. To tell the
truth, the Dcmociacy stem as jet all at
sea about their Presidential campaign.
They may take up some soldier -of the
war, as they did Hancock. What nils
thcin is the tarifftroublc, foi a strons fac
tion in Congrcfs follows llandall in fator
of protection. The tariff question di
vides and distracts tlum in Congress
and elsewhere to some extent. -Repub
licans claim a great advantage over
them in the residential race, on account
of the tariff, as several Southern State
favor protection for their manufactures;
Ohio and somo olhors want protection
for their wool.
As to tho Republicans, they havo de
cided candidates., and some not so de
cided. John Logan wants to be Presi
dent, and Grant favors his nomination.
Logan is not strong onough to carry
some neeilccl uouutiui states. ,ionn
Sherman is not a cnndid.ite, but they
say hofnvoishis brother, tho General;
tho latest news of him is that he is not
much of a Republican, but rather fa
vors Domocracy. Robert Lincoln is
talked of. Hob is a good follow and
much respected for him Bolf, as well as
for being the son of his father. Ho is
too young yet, and will do to keep on
hand for futuro promotion. Oraut nnd
Blaine aro not openly candidates, but to
day there is a gioat expression being
made in tho East in favor of Blaine;
Grant is said to bo quietiy looking out
for Grant; Conkling-is in tho confidence
of great corporations, who employ him
as counsel and pay him fabulous sums as
retainers. He is aitisfied and happy to
bo making monoy ; so ia Blaino; i-o is
Grant. Geo. F. Edmunds of Vermont,
the long-time Senator, is the most likoly
candidate for the ltepublicans. Ho ac
tually doesn't want it, and keeps on
doing unpopular acts that would injure
his prospects. Good pcoplo through tho
nation want Edmunds, because ho
doesn't want anything himself, and is a
man they can depend on as competent
and honest. Hawley, of Connecticut
is mentioned as a Republican candidate.
Thcro are enough who would gladly
havo it, even if General Sherman and
Senator Edmunds would not.
The gonoral opinion is that tho elec
tion will bo closely contested; that as
Now York State goes, so will go the
Presidency; that the great boiio of con
tention will bo the tariff; that tho Dan
ville, V.i., and tho Copiah, "Miss., "out
rages'' will give a text for a "solid North,"
and Ihore will bo a "'solid South" ns a
matter of course If yon will all prom
ise not to repeat, wo will give you dur
private opinion, which can bo depended
on as correct ; that i : I'arties exist
without principles distinct enough to
quarrel over. It is not that they differ
on principles, but they all want tho of
fices; they want jKiwer, which means
money and glory and all that. There is
no reasonable exctuo for sectional issues,
no diffcrenco in principle to worry about ;
so if tho country has good harvests and
good times, we can ciuhuo any Presi
elont tho people will caro to elect. To
toll tho truth, wo aro far moio iuteie.stcd
in the crops than in tho oloctiou.
Talking with a prominent farmer
lately, ho said he expected low prices
for products next year, exactly hb the
Fakmek said last week. He remarked
that when he expressed his opinion to
any other farmer, he appeared not to
rolish it. It is true that tho truth is
sometimes not ngrceablo to hear, but no
man can succeed who goos on any other
basis than truth. Now, suppose thd
FAnMEn should mnko you beliovo that
you can expect good prices and will
have large crops. Naturally you would
bo elated with the prospect nnd would
1k apt to anticipate this prosperity by
making engagements, or perhaps incur
debt, and to pay this debt you might
havo to soil wheat for what you can get.
Wo study the markets in your interest.
Wo soo tho prospect for good crops, but
wo do not see tho certainty of good
prices. We might do much harm by
flattering you with tho belief that tho
market will be favorable. We prefer to
warn you that you had best go slow,
and rdndy economy. Make your old
harvest mncbinery answer the piiipoo,
if you can. Take caro of what you have
and don't purchase anything you can do
without. If wohaie good prices yon
will not buffer harm, and if we do not,
vou will lw snfi from harm. The Ftn
uiwdotWt llattcr its' friends but trie
to give j im points that you be governed
by folloning your own judgment in the
use tf our facts.
The Kucene Joumnl think the fm't
crop will bo short in that vicinity, a
plum and audi fruits winter killed. In
mm rccuon mm preHprco air victim m-
The question is asked: What condi
tion does a mortgage occupy in relation
to taxation since' Judge Deady has pro
nounced the lately pnscd moitgago tax
act unconstitutional?
Tho law stands now exactly as it did
previous to tho attempt of the .last Leg
islature. Money as property is subject
to assessment and taxation, .ind itis the
duty of assessors to assess it wherever
found, and of tax-collectors to collect
tho taxe3 so assessed. Tho law was en
acted to make more definite a fact that
already existed. Tho holder of a mort
gage can be taxed for it, nnd tho man
who gives it can offset his indebtedness
u me tax is inus coiieciuu, uuu uw
otherwise. Tho new act went into thej
mattf r more conclusively, and provided J
iur iax collection on uiiniungaijusBni."'
That law may be inoperative, and under
thS old statutes it may bo possible that
taxes cannot be collected on mortgages
held abroad ; but when they f omo hero
to claim payment of interest or princi
pal, then they can bo nttachctl or gar
nisheed, just as other property is. The
present law is far-reaching, but may not
bo easy of execution; still it will do un
til we get another Legislature together
to amend matters by something of an
enactment that can stand the te-t. Tho
decision of the U. S. Distinct Court is
not so binding that wo can havo no law
left. The finances of our Stute can be
managed without much difficulty, as
they have been in the past.
Western Oregon and Washington will
soon have excellent communication with
the world and with the intoiior, or In
land Empire that is, if tho transporta
tion enterprises that wo aro in need of
conic to pass. Timo will no doubt seo a
system of railroads that will make As
toria their objective point. Roads will
develop the coast line of Western Ore
gon and Washington, north and south
of the Columbia, nnd connect the mouth
of tho great river with Portland and
this valley. It is in the nature of things
tliat the Short Line shall cross Middlo
Oregon and strike across the Cascades
towards Yaquina Bay. . The surmises as
to What source supplies means for the
completion of the Northern Pacifio say
that the Short Lino people are helping,
and again that the Central Pacific are
aiding. It is also said the Central peo
ple own the control of the O. R.- & N.
Company. We don't seo why they
should not, since tho stock has been
very low. It can be counted a calamity
for Oregon if they do.
Tho Oregon Pacific will soon be com
pleted, and will give connection with
San Francisco by steamer, in fifty hours.
That will be quite an advantago to our
peoplo iu the way of trade. It will en-,
courage trading with San Franeiuco
rather than with Portland.
The coast railroad to connect Coos
Co. with tho O. Si C. at Eoseburg is
another very imtiortant enterprise. It
will bring Coos Bay and Roseburg into
close connection with San Francisco.
Matters aro thus shaping to oncourago
trade between a largo part of Western
Orogoh and the city at the Golden Gate.
There is uncertainty, ns to completing
the road, through to California. Wo
hear tho prediction ?uado that connec
tion won't le made until the C. P. peo
ple own the whole line. It looks as
though they were detonninod to own it
and all 'the connections. They can and
no doubt will buy up tho narrow gaugo
ronds in this valley as a t'tep towards
the desired end.
more cowrmmoHAL
The' veteran landlord of the Chemek
eta Hotel, Salem, Mr. "Wesley Gr.ics,
tells us that he hears from some mem
bers of the coming Legislature, who wish
to secure accommodations, and say thoy
expect to be hero on timo, in Septem
ber, as heretofore. The State constitu
tion says tho Legislature shall moet bi
ennially, on a certain day in September,
until otherwise provided for" by legisla
tive enactment. The last session pro
vided for folding tlje sosmoii in January,
It was n wise provision, for tho scsion
has heretofore been held in a busy Eoa
son, and has greatly incommoded many
who attend. To meet in January and
Febiuary is to utilize the mot useless
time in the whole year, when tho farm
er's woik stand still, and all kind.- of
bu-tiness are dull.!
A feeling of sJli.-fuctiou c.xhtc.l at tho
new arrangement, but now comes cou
stitutioual question to'hpset the,. new
law. The constitution provide for bi
ennial legislation once in two year?.
The legislature mot in the fall of 1SS2,
aud to January, 18S5, would be two
year aud four mouths. Here it the
quandary that, threaten! to hold u jo
tho old order of things. The question
then is : How shall wo manage to change,
to January? Evidently tho coming sea
sion must enact tthat the, next' session
shall meet in January, 1SSC. Perhaps
tho difficulty can be some way arranged,
but it looks now as if tho law could not
Him Pries Apples.
Of Into Tortlnnd has received somo
hundreds of boxes of apples from
Jackson county. These havo sold for a
very high price. Wine Saps $2.00,
Yellow Newtons $2.50, and choice lota
S.OO, many apples came in sacks. Tons
of dried apples came in sacks, because
jsoa60nci iuber was not to bo had.
i , en
ttsor the rtmrosE or placing the
W llhln the reach of ctery fanner tn the racific North
west, c shall after thit date reduce the price u
follcns :
Onelrar, In Adtnnrr... . $ 3.M.
lllb of Ten, (money with nmrj) . . IS. OS
Clulxof Fltr. (money with namce,) K.K
Postage hhuui will oot be taken for Subscription!.
This rr.v achedule of prices ia meant to
accommodate all classes and leave no room for
complaint or dissatisfaction. Ac the prie
named above this paper is the cheapest oa
the Paoific Coast.
As many persons hare objected to beiac
askedto pay in advance we reduce the sab
scription price to those who make advance
payment and shall never deviate from th
terms stated. You can make money by pre
payment, and we prater that all ehauld pur
sue that plan.
We intemj to make a farmers' paper
that every farmer in the land w ill need ad
will not willingly do without.
Wi VKliEHSTAKii the interest f agricul
tnr in all this region and Intend to con
tinually study and work for tho advancement
of the class we represent.
We have correspondent in all uctioni of
the Pacific Northwest who will report the
success of farming in every locality.
e shall accp pace witn production ia
every department, and report, throueh cor
respondents and from personal cbservatlon,
all important facts concerning farming in all
Its brandies, including productions ol grain.
grasses fruits and vegetables; concerning
stqck raising, the value of cattle for meat and
for dairying; of horses for all purposes; of
sheep for wool and mutton, or both; of (wins
and poultry. Also, as to bees and honey.
We siull continue to stndy the market
and inform our patron on all points, so that
they will be able to judge the situation for
themselves. Our old patrons will bear wit
ness we have worked faithfully, in this con
nection, in the past. We shall do so in the
future. No daily newspaper in Portland has
ever given the producers of the country iuah
olear views of the world's crops and market
a the Farmer often doe. Our market re
port hav been worth hundred of thousands
to the producers of thi region. We shall
carefully cull such miscellaneous matter for
uie as will benefit and laitracf both young
and old. The Farhzr aim to b an educator
in every department of life.
OCR rditouiai.s will freely and independ
ently discus every quMtion that interest the
ptop!c from the standpoint of right. So far as
We bare influence, it shall be exerted in favor
Of god principles, good government, true re
ligion, temperance aua lor education 01 the -musnes
of the General aud State Govern
ments. Thk 1Iomk Circle ia edited by a lady of
mature experience in the labor of the farmer,
and well acquainted with the way of the
world. She interest herself in all the duties
and pleasure of home. Thousands bear wit
ness to the good influence the Farhxr exerts
in many home to make the lives of motkers,
wives and children better and happier.
As a family r.u-KB tho Fabmer sustain
the closest relations to the people and exer
cises the most salutatory influence. The
Wit lahmtk FAnura is not local in charac
ter, .is the mine miglitmiilead you to believe.
It was named fifteen years ago, when the
Willamette Valley waa Oregon, but it has ex
panded and crown with the growth of the
country and irpreseut all the agriculture of
Oregon and Washington.
Til I .sis the farmer's own organ, open' f or
all to relate experience, seek information, and
state any grievance they may have to com
plain of atrainst whoever and whatever seeks
to oppress or deceive them. Our columns be
leng to the people, aud the value of the Far- .
MKii chiefly depends on such popular utter
ance'. The Kditor bring to your assistance the
experience of 33 yeai spent in thi region;
intimate knowledge of the countryj many
year connection with agriculture and twelve
year' auquaititauce with many of you in the
columns of the Farmeh.
The redaction of price is mado in expecta
tion that it will bring increased circulation.
We aai every friend to aid ns in that respect,
and shall appreciate the good will of all
who do ao.
A Large Invoice or our
Plrect from
Other Skiiueuts will
soon follow.
Thi lifters m Low Pricts-
I8C Firt Street,
to MUmg Orators b7 Mil.