WILLAMETTE FARMER: SALEM, OREGON. MARCH 28 1884. grange olumi(. ORANGE DIRECTORY. Til Oregon BUte Grange. - OFFICERS. Ulster Judge Ii. P. BoUc, 8lcm, llniion Co., Ogn. Overseer D. S. K. Bui:U, Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co., 0r,n. Lecturer II. K. Hsyes, Stafford, Clackamas Co., Ogn. Steward V. B. Thomas, Walla Walls, Wash. Ty. Asst Steward W. M. Hilleary, Turner, Marion Co., Oeu. Chaplain W. H. Gray, Olney, Clatsop Co., Ogn. Treasurer B. F. Burch, Independence, Polk Co., On. Secretary Mrs. M. J. Train, Harrisburi;, Llnu Co , Oi;n. Gate Keeper Thus. Smith, Auburn, Baker Co., Ogn. Geres Mr. E. B. Heath, Portland, Multno mah Co.. 0n. Pomona Mies 11. J. Il.rrii, Corvallti, Ben ton Co., Ogn. Flora Mrs. Harriet Cooper, Wilbur, Donglas Co., Ogn. f.idv Asst. Rtownrd Mrs. I. L. Hilleary, "Turner, JUrion Co , Ogn. aubordttutJ Granges ot Oregon-Name and Address of socrotary -Time of Meeting. Oak riaia, No. 6 H. B. Spronger, Shodd, Linn Co., Oregon. Meeti 2i Saturday. Tangent, Ko. 7 J. H. Scott. Tangent, Liun Co., Oregon, sleets 4th Saturday. Grand Praino, No. 10 Thos. Froman, Al bany, Linn Co., Orejros. Meets on 4th Saturday until utter October, after that on 2d 3a tin J. ly. riarrisburg. No 11 S. S. Train, Harrisburg, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets 4th Saturday. Soap Creek-, No. 14, W. L. Cauthorn, Wells, Benton Co.; Oregon. M,eete 2d Sat. Charity, No: 15-C. P. Clmghan, Grangeville, Idaho Territory. 9klem. No. 17 Adam Stephens, Salem, Marlon Co., Oregon. 1st and 3d Sat. Turner, No. 18 Win. M. Hilleary, Turner, Marion Co., Oregon. .Meets 4th Sat. Lebanon, No. 21 J. M.' Settle, Lebanon, Linn Co., Oregon. Meets 3d Sat Knox Butto, No. 22 P. B,,Mrshal, 'Albany, Linn Co , Oregon. Meets' 4 th Sat, Harmony, No. 23,-Marjon Arrant, Albany, Linn, Co., Oregon, , Meets 3$ Isat. , Mono.No. 25-B..F..3quth,1psvllle. Polk Co., Oregon. "Meets 1st Saturday: Grand Prairie, No.,28J.-Cf JennlnR. Junc tion, Lane Co., Oregon.! Meet 3d. Sat. Eveuing Star, No. 27 Euda Kelly, East Port land, ilultnoinah Co., Oregon -1st Satj- Umpqua, No'. 28-YV. F. Oweas.iEosoburg; Liouslas Uounty, ur. oieei isi sac McMinnrille,. No. 31 W. S., Frink, Mo- Minnrille, Oregon. Meet 1st and 3d Sat. Scio, No. 36-H. S. Williams, Scio,' Linn Co., Oregon. J . SantiamI No. 37 Oscar Pomeroy, Soio, Linn Co., Oregon., Meet 2d and' 4th Sat Molalla, No.'40--N. HT Darnell, 'Molalla, Clackamas Co., Oregon., Meet 2d Sat. Jv.a v.u -fi 42,rr. 11. Trssk, .Iprrlan Valley,, linn Co.,, Oregon Meets Batur- day before 1st and :id Sunday. Willamette, No. 52 Stokley Moore, Corval- lis,' Benton Co.-, Oregon. 1st Thursdry. Siailaw, No. 51 Isaao Simpson, Sinslaw, Lane Coj, Orogon. ..Meet 2d Saturday. Sand' Ridge, No. 67 James M. bwank, Al bany Linn Co'., Oregon. Meet 2d Sat. West Union,. No. 72-J. A. Imbrie, West Union, Oregon, Meet 2d Saturday. Howell Prairie, No. 80 Mtota 4th Saturday. J. W. Howell, Sa'om,' Or. ' , Butte Creek, (No, ,82-J. R.'White, Butte Creek, Clackamas Co. " Sleet" 2d Saturday. Powell's Valloy, No. 81 George WillUms, Powell's V alloy, Multuomah Co., Oregon. Meek-1st Thursday. . . , Goshen, No. 101 meets on the 1st Saturday. W. U. DiUard, Goshen, lane Co. 2dSat. (Jkarity, No. 103 Miss Agues Waggoner, Halsey, Linn Co., Oregon. .Meet 3d Sat. Round -Prairie, NoTlOO-rW. ,MV Collard, ., Brooks. Marion Co.; Oregon. 2d Sat. Harmingtoo, No. 110-CaTvin Jack", Reedville, Washington 'Co), Oregon. 'Meet 4th Sat. Tualatin, No. Ill F. M. Kruse, Wilsonrille, Clackamas Co.4, OrcfonXa!) Sat. Hutte, No. 148 Thos. Paulsen, Portland, Multnoniah Co., Oregon. '3d Wed. Wiugville, No. 150 Bononia Kturgil, Baker City,.Bakcr Co.,, Oregon. "1st and 3d Sat. Baker City, No. 1 52 Thomas Bmitb, Auburn, " Baker Co., Oregon.!. Meet 2d and 4th Sat. 'Canyon City, No. lol E. S, -Peufield, Can- ' yoa City, Grabs Co., Oregon. Daniel Clark, No.' 102 Henry Hall, Prairie City, Grant Co.,. Oregon. Young's Hirer, No. 172 C. .Petorson, Olney, UlaUop Co., Or. Alt 1st Saturday. OsWego. No. 17fl G. W. Stephens, Oswego, Clackamas Co.. Orezon. Meet 2d Sat. Josephine, No. 179-J. S. Chatham, Wilder- Tiue, joscpnine w., irregon. Washington, No. 181 L. L. Day, Williims, Joseuliiue Co.. Oregon. Bogus Rivet1, No. lOO-MlB. Gibaou, TJUtni- burg, Curry Co., Oregon. Waasouunl, No. 102 O.J.Moore, WashougaL Clark Co., W. T. t Umjxiua Dut. Pomona Gr.ia!e Mnii 1st Saturday at 2 P.M., Geo. W. Jodcs, Seo. THZ GRAUdE AMD THE FAU1E&. Some people are very much afraid of farmors, as farmers, meddling with tho politics of the Nation. Thcy wish to see tho Grange be influential and beneficial hut carefully abstain from polities. The question comes up : "What ia political" If politics is mere office holding then the farmer U interested in having 'offica filled by people honest in principle and who ait) friendly to "farniuig interests. Brory fanner lias' iifinleiliate interest in the conduct of iinblfcViffSire. If poli tics is' merely party, then tho Grange can be folt inside CTcry party eficbuf aging good management, honesty and conomy. 'Die principles laid down m the Grange are all good and worthy and if we can carry them into 'the arena of politic they will do no liann. W .do not mean, cither, to force th'cui on polic ial parties as the dictum of the Grange, we limply mean that every Granger ean .iuietlycanyoutthe'crlIof Orange' teachings to good t&rmtga ia'any aad every condition of tife,'Ali great qaea fion eauae men to differ in opinions. Tariffs, banks.publio lands, law forjeor porafiona all things occurring in poli tics call for individual opinion, and we shnli never bo able to formulate opinions in the Grange tbM people can all agree on. ' Thcro is no danger of the Orange meddltDg with partisan matters, but it enn safely and harmoniously set forth true and honest principles of aclion and bring them to bearori National and State affairs. II all the power of the producers of tho country was well organized in the Grange, or in any other form, for goal work, it would be omnipotent in con trolling public affairs, for good or for evil. Suppose a political meeting or caucus to be held on some measure to bo on hand for partisan purposes. Do you think thoy would dare to attempt to leg islate or to nominate oven, against tho well known wishes of tho farmers? Not a bit of it. But the producers are not well organized and do not harmonizo effectually. Their power is wasted for want of unity and a common understand ing of tho groat questions. "Wo can rule and control its parties and politics and work out thorough reform and levolu tion in public affairs, if wo can get the producers tt agree in sentiment, if wo can ouuealo them in understand affairs and can organize them to exercise an influence that may be unseen but bo ir resistible hi favor of all that ii lighl and proper to bo done. Wo hoar many speakers who elaljorate ont the wrongs that corporate powers impose. They delight 'in tho lugubri ous. Thry rcjo'ce in boing prophets of evil. Now, the truth if tho great ma jority of capital invested in railroads doos not earn common interest on tho principal. By organizing and combin ing capital is gaining power, and wo must organize and combine to hold our own with the world. Things aie not all going wrong. Tho courts have sustained the great principlo that public policy and natural right is grcatcrthan legisla tion and no law of any State cm impair this native principlo. "With this posi tion assured wo can hold our own against all capital can do or attempt. Tho Sup reme Court at Washington is right and the people will try tho right of revolu tion whenever this principlo laid down in tho "the Granger decisioiis'' shall bo reversod. TliA.fnrmrr ia in a -aaiuiuy 111 this world, and he ho a natural ally in every working man, in every merchant and mechanic, in a great majority of professional men. He has only to uso his power with wisdom to insure tho success of all measures he is inteiesled in. et 'us then woik to educate and organize tho producers of the country so that' they can work together and bo an irrcsistablo power for right. They can only bo irresistable when they aio right. OPENINGS FOB OKANOE EFFORTS. Tho papers are discussing a matter that we havo called attention to in tho Fabmeb within six months, to-wit : The fact that inland freights in Orogon act as a bar to market gardening away from the towns further thnn a f.irmcrcan haul to Portland or any other good trad ing point. AYe alluded to tho fact firct in connection with the capacity of far mers in "Wasco county, along the Col umbia rivor, to grow early fruits and vegetables, but prevented by tho fact that ordinary freight charges left them unable to cornpeto with market gardeners in California, so far as Portland was con corned. Wo bcliovo that ifa trade open ed up in any direction that could cn eourago protection of nrarket vegetables and fruits the railroads would make a "live and lot livo freight tariff. So far asY,o cau learn no effort has Ih'Cii made to have the charges lowered. Here is a matter where grange intluence could be brought to bear to advantage if it was organized to that end. If there wan an efficient agent at Portland to handle all such products ho would no doubt secure reasonable freightB, especially if ho wont to the freight agent with an earnest re quest for such action m ado by tho State Grange. We believe Uio time has fully come when tho Grange, an an order, should make an effort at co-operation, What is required is not to venture large ly into business but to concentrate trade so as to command tho best possible terms for cabh. Tho only way to reform bit iuesa matters ia to commence by reform inzthe customer who lias worn his life 1 t out paying up old More bills. What to ! raise to trade for family supplier is a J very important query ; and how to wImj J it U "another, though properly a part of . the same question. It is possible to be , producing something all the wbilu that J will buy anpplie ; butter and ogg and poultry are iu eucn uciuanu niov mey can be'eounted at safe to try. Some time lie. expect some good friend will ait down and write a splendid "farm talk" just to sum up the article the farm can produce that tho woild will gladly pay for. We should not care if half a dozen made the effort. To resumo our subject: A! good gran go agent could work off tho varied products to bo sent to him by tho fraternity. Tho right sort of a man would soon catch the "true inwardness" of tho markets and would quietly com; inand an extensive trade. That would bo one nico feature of co-operation, to be followed with other features as the time should justify expansion. Marlon County Fcmoaa Cranio. Salem, Or., March 1, 1881. Kditor Willamette Farmer. Please say in your very useful paper that tho next regular meeting of tho Po mona Grnngo will fciko place, Thursday, April 3d, in the hall in this city, at 11 A. m. Tho members are earnestly soli cited, and Fourth Degree members cor dially invited to bo present. Don't let trilling matters prevent your attendance. E. Stkoxo, Sec'y. f&It&lffssM&KftHft I Pipe smolilnglaUnml tester atobaoco. Itls tberepilmjr of smoklns'. You get mors dlrecUy ittbo Surer and Ittgntioe. You take the amok cooler, aad Ihfc tonlo cleanlier; sod safer,' Pipo amoklng U smokliiif.rtviuoedtoanneart. V 7 Ihe mors the (jneetlon of adulterated tobacco foroes Itself on the attention of smokers, the mora desirable It becomes to know precisely what you are smoking. In niacsrmU's Bull Durham Smoking To- baocoyoo nave airuaranieo. i anray, wi n is xiaiuro la I ownnnadulteratcd product. Zw I Its fragrance, flavor, and I unetUTaaaed quality, are de. nveu irwu mo euu uui Mr. Try It, and ou will be m(. itUJ. Nona genuine with. ont trade-uark of the BulL HfEOS RILLS si.TAKPlP BOWELS, DISORD? Barn ivtro. and MALARIA. , , From these sources arise tnrue fourtlii or tbo diseases of the human raoe. lbosii y-mptoms Indicate tholr existence : loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, auck Ilea, avebe, Aallnesa after eating, aversion (a rseruon, off body or mind, Braetntlon of food. Irritability off temper, Imw spirits, A ffaollns; off baTlnsf neglected aanie aatjr, nixslnssSfmnttarlnsf t tlia JleavrttDots before tho cvei.blrnJy eo! ored (Trine, COITSTIPATIOlsV and do niandtbensa of arcmwly that acts illrcotlv ontbelilTer. AaaUvermcdlclneTOTT'ti rnxsnavenooquaL TUclrnoUonontha Kidneys and Skin Is also prompt; romoTlnfr uU Imparities throaich tnese (liroo " sct enRera off.ths system," producing urtpn. tlto, sound digestion, regular ntools, a clear sUnandavlgorou'ihoily. TCTrKPnXN cause no nnuio. or io1ptni: nor intcrfero Trttli rtally woik atul itr.- ;i vret;t ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. rU.eTt.'iv,UMq,isMsV. Ofticet44M.mTay8t.,N.Y. rurrs hair dye. GnAT Haib )B WrasKEivt changed In stanUy toaGtossr IIUCK byasinglo np. plication of tills line. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on reoolpt of at. Office, 44 Murray Street, No w Tort. TDTTI MANUAL OF UltrUL RECEIPT! FREE. MONARCH HORSE HOE AKD cultivator cohbinei ItiMtttMMMim, SSS&ff SENT0JI 30 Days' r IXSriRUL .fla Isasaenaa anTlnc of Isliur ul nion.y. W snutrauitee aa boy riaa calcltKte n.l 'lue, uaal klU atolalora. rent ct, 13 tiairi. u easy ad Haat on man rni tbe old mv. Sanklb C..2WttjiJsL.(tico.IlL VBmmmimuco't 8PUEMDI0P0TUAKra,spoelallypf ainred for Immediate lloom. Oollvarsd ufely by mall lw'i'ald.atjl iwtoffla.arlen- Jld vwrirno. your chol.aU labeled, for ail 12 ', r gSl IB f,r3t as in. t m for(f 75 for IO:lOOf,'CI3. IWC (iVYa Handsom PieaentoiohoiOBucavoUaotaaOtaalree) c,Ji .i. r txi r, O.u NEW eUlPsf, aa-u rt j, II r K IM. ?3 rP. KltliiniiirWrifrt -".' THE DINCEC ACONARO CO. T;M-(.'iawra, WftOve.CMtarCe..l,s. THIMOPtrNOW! tAHboagh mueh ia tali slant the impar. Ujweotabloal-purlfyinqniKlicJnefIt nuiylie passible that the subject ut never srlmuly clabned your attention, niulc o it wrr ' Aliaoet every peraonlu- omn iniiof ierif. alous Kilnu latent In lilHilr. tnt ibli develop fn Srrofuluns nrea, t71(ra, of Kmptloiis,or In the fnrn it lllieuniall.in, ortaranaolr lrleare, th vuffrrlnjj liat n iraei la terrible, lleuceth irraiitvileof ilnue wliodiaoefesfilioatsiiiUjiarlv'lo, llui Ayer's San will tboroqghly eradksle system. i ivil frtr.i the As well espeet life wtU at a'r ai hilth Without imre blood. CloaUe tl-illo-1 wlih Aria's tuasAriaiLLa. raaratiuj DrJ.C.AyeratCe., (ewell,Ma(i.- aU by all PrB(gn I II, bsotUe forts. i mtiw acar sa THRESHfflS'iii, ""1"' " "" J--- "j ti r '! t i&r'Um iuiiwiM.tsMaaTsykcek. aWv-lT&3, H Alt sncccaafnl Elahennen and Sporte. raen smoke Rlackveu'e Dull Piirham H Smoking Tobacco, and Uiry enjoy It. Mgk.iJ,;lhr ROSES Dundee Mortgage & Trust Investment Co., Li. Capital anlhorlird...t M.ooo.sso Capital snb.erlbril t,ua,i,o Head office,.. . .13 Panmure SL, Dundee, Scotland. Loral Director, la Fartland. DONALD HACLGW, E,o.., 11. KILLIN, Hsq Attorney,Kninger & Bourne, MONEY TO LEND. ON IMPROVED FARMING LANDS IN THE counties ot Multnomah, Marlon, Linn und Tollc. OrceoQ and Washington Territory. Full information ma) be obu'ned on appltcatlun to HIGH KOUElt. Aarnl, nQ No. 40 H -?o ihU trcft, C'oriitr of Xh, . SIBSON, CHURCH & CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS Xorlhcoat Corner of Ash and Front ti'ietta, PORTLAND, OREGON. aurt-tt THE WELL KNOWN MITCHELL WAGON, ALSO . . ' m H K SAUK MAKE OF srRixo waoxs, HI 4 K BOARDS, PHAETONS and BITUOIKS. Mitchell. Lewis & Co., MANUFACTURERS. rnclllc I'omI Itnineh ISinnd l4 I'routt.. I'ortlnnil. Urrtran. W. Ii; III n IHlu Manager. RrUUttl & Uoork.Siltia MV. U. Coltra, Albany ymlth A Cot, Kuctie, 1 W. F. Oncud,,Koselurs:, inartr Oak Lawn Stock Farm. R. W. Carey, Salem, Ogn. ,,Imi iter ar.d Breeder of ., iwmmESmi A BERnKKV, AVGI' aad JBRHKV tlATllB. J. CotanoM, bhiopjhlre.and American or Improved Spanlib Her no Sheep ot the best Vermont blood. Also Short Nosed, dished fdeo, Enjrli.h Berkshire. Service lee ol Aim deem, f J5; Jeney.tlO. Tbe Male In create for Ibr 1 ear far Hale. Jaullmd Tho Bovrns' Ouron U I illustrations a Mliolo pir tliro trallcrr. Oivivs ti'linln. saio prices nirect to conmmcrt on all t'oodi for jicrsonnl or faniil use. Tells Low to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you uso, cat, drink, wear, or havo fun with. These invaliialilo 'books ron tniit information gleaned from tho map lets of the world. Wo will nail & cony Froo to any address upon receipt ot tho postage 7 cents. Let us hear iiom you. . licspectfully, ,, MONTGOMERY. WARD A CO. SS7 A SS Wskeak AVea.se, OkleaaZ lit SI NEWii -CH0ICE-fcft SEEDSIIFRUITS! All of the best, botb new aud old. ri.ii.ln, Trew, liiea,eeds1aa.bYBiail.aarlalty. .beurrlrjl lixirMHt. t)Oliuou)S,eheai,ai.Hfl,foriiainiir: kRPl.KMIII) 'J sFl-!a.-irter. $1 ssa va.aT sa avss m alio oomliitf 30 PACKETS im mw:, $1. Ystt the other MSI Nets and I.OOI Oilnna Ia. .Idea, send tor our Uliutrated Cui(4nie ol o er In I j'ureN.free. Am, httr nor wim r.ti,&l. KwtalJ. IirliMlSOrrs. MOscree. Ullanredreenboueee. THE ST0RRS& HARRISON CO. t'AlNKHVlX.I.K. UKE COUNTY. OIIHI BUPTUBE Abtolvttlf ciirxt In SO to lx Uji, Iit t)r VifTftB I'aicnt ICawnetia XlutlA Truu. Mirnui(Tltiieoot7KleotrloTruB laliia wurtil. LnlirtlvdiflortntfrAin an uiiirri, avrsJU'' Aavtsainvra anu n worn tUi ri iml corrjlWt nlht tnu day, Cun-J iu IVtifawnsMl Ilr J. hlixina fTNav Vnrk. .... n. . -t . j ii" ' ftnlhutiflnxl(ofetlirrt New UIiu4ratJb4n. tlfiti tVaa. sann ta. I nl las ftill Infarmalli.n MAGNETIC ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY. , WANTED HELP. Entirely New, Outfit Frit. A'irrirn w-nnACENTi'eri A II I r. Il.localitv StiuetJIiria cmlrclt ,r Inrw 1 I A rani, t . .x.f I. . inn nrui stiirrr?7er ir fo ami Rlkli; itwir'y ripl l!y. Men, tirru, t-si, iflrll, fcll fnt jual ly well W ill MTifi yuu lull outT " - ,". n)illlr i . j T rvi rtaitai(BaMa. isiaji I ! vnrt i, (; nndlsjr Ai1r"sj (.f tret. n, riJULiMii cu.t flrcwnmvjl Teiai v.nAi.sTeo'a 1 r!5CC!JV!sapi ., Mil regulating 'all leeusuloja aud llaad ImoV at s'suots seat naa. I'rl-jelU'tvl IaHijiv, Al'iijv Tuuinii. pert to hoUtf torn four tn fr il nrU tmfrttre urtA 1 f' ioffifrfatinj i'n r. tHh ALUO r jwoiwv tn. i. ff iin;fi t'luu pPATENTS,.f etar. RIU4ITK, Mates. U timniAM, SSSIIS'Ai. riflLUUruH4Uilr, Wftftm, It. C. ,.' r r" " "" CffaSBBBBBUaCsBam '''' " 'la's wawaaasaasrsaaiaBrMr air 4 JlWlllft tw u, is. U ajapapsalBspBBBfJ''- 1 MHuaaa. r jvm. iwKMLmmxum z rovna tasiioo. ad uitutrwAo doos on Usstrslatf drrsJsrs or cbejos soulUT, ' ..'. , jaaaaaaitsak- I .ivi-iii xlj- ''saaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVesBVSBVSBvH dinaHffiHaiBtssa9iaHl mtmrnmBM WMiWmKmMlM S asM. i aa. tt MX !"I i. .!.., u".i." j.ij ss)s,s s was 81" ,d,gf, .V.JmicJ; ti.eprlc.-IUt.H., Yll- If gj WW Tliuroujhbred Jl rc SA j wa;y d .aW(wJaW.H,w,"ii "" ' r'l " xnf fit 1 i ..,-.,. jav aSM s sa flA-fcaiurn fii.withTtN -'araltt T If Itt IM ." u rwv." flaHII iniMWisitiaiiiiMM sjjiUt IU l.il.-tf jo,l !,. Hit SWStr. In u HnU SMaiUwaaarlifnvwAfnAiuil,. AUwtwf'. .iu,i,t. IBrMMlRoriuiifaLM.YrN)iijrS(.rMeaw9bm.h.VMrii MRS. DR.CRAIC i ' ' SALEM, OREGON. I1.!,, ' A OFFICE: North aide ot ChcmckeU street, bitiveen Summer and Winter streets. Special attention Riven to the Diseases of Women and Children. M Kg. CK.UC 13 NOW TlIOnOUOIILY FRH )iaral to (die the celebrated Medicated Taper l.lcnlnliiff cream iisius. incie dsiiii naroa v,ide reputation ant are aUiable In all cases of eVIn Diicists, and lna'.i.iible In Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria. iq.VhjficUn. sljhlnj to have the use ct theaa baths can do so by rpllntf at her office. JOHNSON GRASS, TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED. MILLER BROS., Seedmen, N. 909 Meeond SlrrC, Porlland. HAVK A LARGE INVOICE OF THE ABOV named gru-s eod. Tlioy 1 an supply fcll da tnnmU In lots to nutt rurctuwrs. Send for price-list. -- " ' T ' "--" - Plants for the Garden. CATICAOF. AND STI1AW1ERUY lT.lNTS, nt cl per hundred. TOMATv I'LANTS, tl.SS per hundred. Fnrnldhcd in their acaaon, I am still grow inir plants tor Ihe market. Mend lor Ijlit Ciscoli AND 0a1.DR. MAMJSL. IIF.XTEK 1 IEID, Salem, Or. RAILROAD LANDS. Liberal Terms, I;6tt Prices, Long Time, Low Interest. O. & . RAILROAD CO'Y, OFFKR TnKIIt LANDS FOR BULK UPON THA tollovlnar liberal ter in: One-tenth ot the prica in cuh; Interest on the tulanco at the rate o( saves per cent one yenr after sale, and each followlnr rear One-tenth or the principal and Interest on the balance at the rate of f,een per cent, tier annumi Both prUi i!ml and Intt ret pit) i'ile 111 U. S. Currency. A dlarount of teit per vrct. ullowod for cash. Letters ahould be addressed to J'AUL fiOHUI.ZK, Lend Agent, O. It O. II. It. Co., rortland, Ogn. Corbett's Fire Proof Livery Hack & Feed Stable. Corner 3d and )lii l Strctts, rortland, Oregon. L. B. MAOOON, Prop. JBjrsssas mEtKPHOXE NO. IM.lLults rJMWJLs -Sk X'- :l K, 23. 24, K, St) ft 27. ffT ajV ri"T for Hacks and Baggage wagon VfJ W nromntlY atte nrtnd tOdavoro C. W. JEFFREY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Treat tli a Dlicatn nf T)imiHttr ir.t.n.i. th quc.tlon.i pcrtalniiiff to the profeflalon. tw SL , worn! bj null. Cngtoratlntr Colts and Rlwllairs Salem, Ortffou. Jaii?4tl RUSSELL &COS PORTAILE SAW MILL!. FARM a SAW MILL ENIINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. t'lrrulars aad rrlre.lJvta Heal free. RUSSEL CO., PorUand, Or. KD. 1IUOII13, Uanagr. lnovm Sawing- Made Easy wonarcii Liumriing savlnt Hachlne! . eiri.t M.ivl'uc of a.H.H.i-d' JSwAy. Jtran.V l'i,1u.Mi . ,, ". "Ii,, inn, h ,.i, nV.I.IH, 1AWJ, utotuitjl, lf,4U,iri '.oijir .mv..v,fKi, iijIum if aijrK-utiliitf,iil.ne4,w.ii,dunriAl.J ' Jlluauawd Ks iei r -FYnnry" ""rflBTvaiaa faua'a Vfhlts HrtaUle lUr MarWor fobslsuaiwa la order with ruune, or nsrm and addraasaad anss bers. It Is rtUable, ehsap and convtnleat.' rtellsi slsbt aud gives pvfteet sstisfcllon. ;fUnilsstr iTtcUal and annul (rte. Asenu snH. C U. VAX A, WMtLebaas-JM V.'H. fur ai y JImIIMIv islw to nldowa, Cklklrtu, Far.1,1.. l'.l,.lauubw teitfri,5''.,',rUoo r.iuoitdi fjucliergi. ataisMttslKiClaliiiATaleiil..na,l.li.al(,lj.ll.l' -.-w, . as,i-n. .uiw a - I aaaaaVaaV tea all aw( .Ma a. 1 J it. 1 . ZZ . . aFaaaVa I -".' . r'. 7 ." u t . t '"JIHBjIlsaaaaaVjra. aaaaaaaSSBSrSIjSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaS 5 JrlsnIliya -a ISL 'IVat Trlnl. JH a-, i mtMa T". aaaaaavr; v , A I.A IB1A.(IJ va.ataaal Cf Mf. wwmim, muHM . iinOf ii, . ., li-l.tratt) iUaVUaUiOaVI, ut'S, l'-"11.Vt.,t4 kt.4 rt iTLW.r(t.ifmkBtumM' tea' Mil, p. m. nnkc & co.'t,