l-j 8 V WILLAMETTE FABMER; SALEM, OREGON, MARCH ,21 1S84, IK In .,' P P ft 0 l(. h i !M . 4 nmmerctaL MARKET lilil'OltT. nu.ni: ritoin n mahuxt. m Then quotations arc for Portland. IT.8 following represent iTholcu.lo reto. rem producer or first hands WHi:AT AalU A'alla, $1.13&45; Val. Icy $1.61(!y1 f2J ritr cental. FLOUJl $.5.o0S.rF.2.V ,itWr,l; supcrfln?, :).7fia. BAULKY SI. 105.1'25. , ," ' OATS.-00o OOTONR. lto. " , IDDLlNOlb-S2;.rj; tV.orU, V..'i VKAX SlSi!0. BACON-SMts, Urm llglSjj Hams 13,: 18c; Shouldnrs, 10llc. ' LARD Eastern pails, 1311:; Orrgin, fu tics, simp; Kc'a, llfuil.'c. CHEK3K.-CaI J4o; Orecon, 18o V ft. HONEV In comb, lSaSOu; stiamcd, in 6 fsllons, 10J lie. APPLKS-81.7B2 25 per bo. DRIED FKU11 S. Apples, sun dried qnnr- red, 12c; sliced, 14c; machine dried, firm, 1 6s; Pears, machine driod, 1 2c: Plants, sun dried, ICc, and machine dried, 16c. POULTRY. Chickens, full grown, $3 00 95 60; ncpoe, $8; KGG8. 20o. lH)TATOK8.-flO.VJo per bush. BUTTER Choice California rolls, 27Jc. HOGS. Live weight, Cic; ditto fat, (IJ3; dressed, 7a(S58c. BEEK. 4flo on foot. SHEEP.- Ores weight, 4c on foot. VEAL OtolOo V OO L. Eastern Orecon, 15al7o; Wil araeUn Valley, l(l18o; Umpqua, 2C23c. HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 14c; wiuntry cured, dry, 15c; culs i ou, green tildin, saltod, 7c; country ditto, 7c; deerskins, dry, 30c tP lb; d Bhcep pelts each ISal.OO; dry elk, 20o por II). TALLOW Quotable at 8o. per lb. HAY Choice timothy, 8J8$20. HOPS Can bring 18o; holders intist on 20 SEED Timothy, 7J8c; red clover, 15 le. CKNKitAI. HKUCIMNMsE. RICE. China No. 2, 5i)j Sandwioli Inlands, (Sigfilc. TEAS. Japan, 3G40; Black, 40"5o flreeo, 8505SOo. COFFEE Costa Rica 14ldc; Java, 20 HUOim Crushed A lllloi Fine trashed 111I1.oi Cube, llllJo; Extra 0, lOJc; Golden 0. 010oi Sandwioh Islands No. 1, 8JDoi D,01o. 8YRUP.Fivo gallons 70o . RAISINS. -California, 92.76 I3.2525 lb NC DANDLES 12lCo. 1 ROAVS. Good, 76c1.76. . OILS. Ordinary brands of coal, 306; high trades, Downe; & Co., 37ic Boiled Linseed, HO; ditto Raw, 77o; lmou oil, 05oj Turpen line, 70o; Tore Lard, al 30; Castor, f 1.26 11.40. , ETALT. Stook, bay, 10 t ton; Carmen Island, $12Jf Coarso Liverpool, $16; Fine qual V, $1020; Ashton'i dairy, ditto, $30 . choico milling, $1,0241.05: futures .firm, with prices against buyers; Xo-i.il white, Sfl-Oj. Flour The market is unimproved, cither as to demand or valtiesj stocks in hand nro large. i Barley Spot steady ; feed, S085c; futures quiet but firm; No. 1 feed holler May, 8c ; buyer the Eeason, 87(g,88j;c; buyer year, 91c. Oats Steady for extra choice; quote 1.7j1.80 poor qtinlities are difficult to Bell ; quote U01. 10. . Corn Large yellow choice, $1.C5 ; Nebraska ycllott, $1,3501.10. Potatoes Tim demand iq liht and trade slow, I'etalnnia andTomales, 65 Gfio; Garnet Chili, $l1.12r. Wool Tianactions aro umall, receipts litMit and market "steady. Kjjirs Fresh California, 20a22c. Oilerings aie very largo. Butter 1'rcsh roll, choico and extra choice, 22(,2.io; receipts yeoierday were 700 boxes; maikct very weak. CHICAGO MARKETS, Chicago, Starch 19. ' May delivorics "Wheat -unsettled, 91J f?9.'ic': nork lower. ?17.9.'; lard lower. 9.05; ribs lower, pMtj; short ribs, lower, $9.70. ni:i:ni)OHM's foiikic.v bkkadstuii's jik ronT. London, March 19. Floating cargoes "Wheat dull. Cargoes on' passago and for prompt shipment Wheat and maize slow. Mark Lane Wheat and maizo slow. Knglish and French country markets Steady. Imports into U. K. pabt week, wheat, 180,000 to 185,000 quarters. Imports into U. K. past week, Jlour, 150,000 to 155,000 barrels. . P0WPE! Absolutely Pure. PULVERIZING HARROW- Clod Crusher and Ltveler. t;ACM:E" r- ' s ii k WASTED, SfijESjfWr It Is the Best selling lElK tool on Earth. gJBBL jJtCtKM tjih nowflor rcTcr arioi. t trtntfth mtil v IioleGnen . A mftrTcI ff pnrlti More economical than lb8 or.linar I.il,)s an can&rt bo sold In competlllcn whh the multitude of loft tcU, short wtlit, alum or iinospiiaio rKjwotr. &oia onij in cons, huiai. MAKING FOWULB CO lOilWall Ft .N Y. dcfly COMMEIICIAL. PoirLAND, Mmch 20, 1834 Tlic weathor for the pest week haB ))con romarkablo good for this month, cloudy, with somo rnin Wednesday, but generally .such as to favor work by farmers. Except on low, wot land the Hpring sowing has been generally advanced and nork is progic&mng, fairly in all lines of farm work. Fruit buds remain undeveloped and fruit prospects in o excellent. Tho samu report comes from uvery section of country, that winter wheat looks its best: and farming prospect .could not bo moro f.ivoi.ible. Kvery indication favors a iiint -iioiH'ssful year for prothicors. Tim wlic.it market remains without chiuiuo for it week past, Tho same quo t.iti'ius apply and same conditions nro niuin(.-iined. Tho foreign market is Miuply dull juul no cieitoment pievails anywluo, save that heuvior shipments am made. Irom Cdliforuia siucy raius huvo lccn jjenernlly nliundant and to M'curo thoxn for a great harvest in 188-1 Wheat quotations aio $l.rl$1.52J for for Walla Walla, Death of Geo. E. Edcs. Jtr. Edos wa struck with paralysis in tho City Council Chamber hile at a Council meeting and novor recovered concioubness. Ho was about sixty years of age and has resided in Salem for nearly "thirty years, filling tho of fices pt Sheriff and Clerk of tho coun ty for twelvo years. Ho was a mot obliging and 'accomplished officer and m ado a host of friends. Probably no man vyas moro popular than Gcorgo Edes, and doservedly so, in this county. He leaves a widow, a son and daught.er in good circumstances. Ho was prob ably better known than any man in this vicinity and will bo long remembered for tho posession of good qualities. Ho was liberal to any in want and exception ally kind hearted. So tho pioneers go and loave none to tako their place. Tan Seattle Ohronilo says "the Cho- halis-G ray's htubor country is improving very rapidly. A letter from Mr. C. M. Byles, of Montesano, informs us that a bank is to bo. opened in that place, and that lots find ready sale there. Also that down at the harbor two towns havo been laid out Cosmopolis and Aberdeen the latter at the mouth of tlio Wihka river, the foimer at the head of the har bor. Lots in both places soil readily at f i oni $75 to $100 each. Tho resources of tho county aro immense, and it is with out doubt tho garden of western Wash ington when its sioano vaiied qualitios aro taken into afcount."" TUTT'S PILLS TORPItt BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER. and MALARIA. , From tlicso sources nriso three ronrths or the illsciwcs of the tinman raco. Those .ymptomsliKlicatothoiroxi8tence:Iss ot Appetite, llo-ivrls costive, Slelc Head rclir, fullness altercating, SiTerslon to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irritability of temper, X.ovr spirit. A. feeling of having neglected same daty, Dlzzliiea,FlntUrln8;at the Heart, Dots berbrutlie eyes.lilglUyool ored Orlue, CON8TIPATION7 and do maud tho use of a rcraody that acts directly onthoLlvor. AsnUvormeaiclneTOTT'S I'IL.1.8 havo no eiuaL Their uotlon on the KldnoysandSklnW also prompt jremovlnn; nil Impurities throngli thesoturoo" scav engers of the system," producing appo tlt, sound dlBesuon.rcBtilar stools jOolef.r tklnundaviBoroushody. TCXTS rlMiS chuso no nnmea or griping nor interfere with dally work and ai o a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. oldeTtrywhcv.aSe. omoe.44MurraySt.,N.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Grit IIaii on "Whiskeus changed In stantiy toaULossr Black by a single ap. rllcatlon of tills DTK. Sold by Druggists, or ont by express on receipt of ! Offloe, Ai Murray Street, New Tork. Tlin'S MAHUAl OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. The " ACME " sul'jects the soil'so the action of a Steol Crusher nnd Leveler, and to the Cuttinr. TAMms. Turnlnir nrecess of doulU namis of CAST STEEL COUL TERS, the peculiar shape and arrangement of which give immenoe cutting power. Thus the three operations of Coughing lumps. Leveling off the ground aud thoroughly Pulverizing the soil are performed at tho same time. The entire absence of Spikes or Spring Teeth avoids pulling up rubbish. It is especially adapted to In vert sod and hard clay, where other Hanows utterly fail; works perfectly on light soil, and is the only Harrow that cuts over the entire surface, of the ground. WE MAKE A VAnil.TV OF MX IIOlMUM; FKOU 4 TO IS 1'ECT WIDE. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. 0n't let vonr dealer nalm off a base immitatlon or some inferior tool on you uuder the assurance that it is somctintr better, but SATISFY YOUHSKLF BY ORDERING AN "ACME ON TRIAL. Wo will send tho Doublt finny Acme to any responsible farmer In the United States on trial, and if it does not suit, you may send it back, we paying return freight charges. We dont't ask for pay uutU you have tried it on your own farm. 2TSend for I'afliphlet containing Thousand of Testimonials from 40 different States and Territories. NASH & BROTHER. "'XixXl'Sgi&r Sold by STAVfiR & WALKER, Portland, Oregon. UEO. BULfi & CO., San Francisco, Cal. GARDEN SEGIS. EVERGREEN MILLET. CRYING FOR AID. KnviKMBEK Tin: stallion show that will lo hold in Salom on tlio 29th inst Xct every one who liasa stulliou como to'tho nicclins. There will be a grand display ami no mistake. Poultry Raising as a Business. Loss of ,t.iolll.-, lliiul.i.l,,., lfc-prag. slon, InillRVHtlon mill r.mstli'illou, 1111 ImmrioiM, -u!lir Tiiw, Dull Kyes, and ft Ulotrluil Miiii.nnt miioiii; tho jiuptmns which Indlalo tlia t(i I.hir U nilne lor aid. Ayer's Pills will stimulate tLt Hit to pruiwr action, and correct all tlnw truull-s. One "r moro of tlicso I'HU thiulil ho tiki n iliily, until health Is fully eaWWi il 'l'huUAjnds tea tlfy to tlietr gna ir.ciit. Io family can atonl to r without Avtat' riLu. l".i l w:i i r.v Dr.J.C.AyerACo., Lowell, Mass. Sold ly til Drus,"'!"!! Tee hives! UcmouMN) plfBReJ to call all perion interested in Uccat to the imn gooJ qualities of the MONARCH HIVE! The IIK&T nou Inula It trained highest diploma at Ut two Stflte Fain. We liare plenty on hard to fill nil orderi on demand, ('nrrmiiiiiiilriiec Millritrd Address or applj to A. 1". MlhLKll, 11oqU, Or., or MILLER BROS., SmiI Slori;, JOD tccond Surest, 1'orlland. Orexon 2 'febOmo (0 Q Ul ui (0 K U O -i THOS. MEHSRIN, mror.rEit, vrnoLi;s.LE asd ketaii., dealeu in SEEDS, TREES, AND PLYNTS. ALFALFA, RED AN1 WHITE CLOVER, AuelrallanlljcUres, Timethy end Orchard Onis Kentucky Bluo Crie, HiiDKailan Jlnlttt Grase, Ited Top. Etc., Etc. 110 n LilU.i: nml rholcc rollrrllnn of PltllT nml OIlAMrNTt t rill:rs.l ..u..u, ..voi.u. wniwiiinO IdbJl, 1U Al liHmjCU 1'iULb, MTBudJhu and Frui.Ing Knhes, Orcer.liome Syrinsres, Hcde and role Shears. P. O. llox -1K9. IIIOI. MtllKltlV, 51C llallcrj St., Sun FraneKro. CSTPrlfe Catalogue Mailed Free on Application. n c H m m to UiEXl FJt R. D. FOX'S JNTRSERY. SBVIN, VINCENT & CO., The Oldest and Most lleliable House on the Pacific Coast. Eitablished in 1 851 Great Trial Offer. X I- K NX FOX THE BEST YET. Li Li Lf f $1.00. We claim our HEEDS are nnmrpaisrd, and desire that all shall ghe them a trial to test their art anperlorlty, (eelinj sure cl maklnj a jpernmnrut rnitonier ol ry pnrebaicr, and to lntrodnce themlBtotniiuiandsoI new homes we njp nni I in amountine at our regular price, to t3. tTOVM nil send ftar. by mall, on receipt ot UNE UULLAHsrECI4LlKITRODI tTIoNOF gEEDSTmakinr a Complete Family tetetable Cardea. Largeslfed packet of all the Best. New nd staadara Eatra Earlv Scarlat Horn fi.rrnf. E.tr P.rlv Ri, n im!jVSrW.lJ?!KrjKS?i""J.,."ow, Co.' lmprored Paation Lcttace, ImproTcd Casaba Musk Mellon, lee Cream Watermelloo, Yellow Dan ver. Onion Sutton'a Students Pannlp, Sevln, Vincent & Co.s Extra Early Michcaux Peas. Frerch Breaktaat RMdHI.h Bhi,,.' harti Mctona, long White Sallsfy, Prlckley Spinach, Early Buih Squash, Acme Temato. Early WhiU Dun h Turnip; alio Fvergreen Sllllet, a New Forase Plant. ' """1" Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogue is Now Ready. "A def crlptire price list of Vegetables, Flo er, Field and Fruit Trees FREE to all who apply. OOr Sansome Street, ------ San Francisco, Cat. Valley; Ifl.i3yl.ir ThoTprico'iirorailiiiirjilKmi Walla Wall . (!5c per Lusliel Mourtrtuiain K for clioioo liratidn. Oats Cl) for best nnil contiikrable of inferior grades null for a trill lews l'roviMons Witlwut fliango fiom lust ivooki HggsBtocks moit! plentiful and mo icdWjfiwwls,' Oliiolioiw avorogn f 5(1 50, but clioice lni-o'oUUt 77.50. AppkHbriuJ: price mvonling toquul ity.fsLcuoe eoll liigli, Ii7fit 2.25. ' uuitcr Ulioico (Jalilornin rojla sulrat U7Joj'Eultrn nogloctcd btHmuw lielil too Jiir;li?"",; W'twl Ml good grndj; nro in iloBirtud at tlio Ent. Thct trade is i-autioun, hoV tvtr, its tlio Hiring clip is bo near tit hand. i IV, Markte by TstatTapa. t y . a.S FnaNcioo, March 10. l'Vitrhta Ths Blrukftia erv nuiet: tlio .'Br Bhii) Rook ' Tarrat, lavwln ltllai tor AmtraJiajeiiartciid lor coal, Amahlp'lTnhoe,' tfajtaimo,'1 for t?an Franciaoo, private ; ckr' Uoulab, De parture bay, for Honolulu, private. Whaat-SpoV market Ann at full price for.clioici.d, ;ifW, flOOj There ia juit jo much intorost in poultry laising, and a dlfposftiim to lake it up on a largo cule. Tlio following ex tract front one of our recivnt letters will give an idea of tho nianyir.quiiics made of us "I poultry raising a profitable InuinesH, and 'would you adviso u young limn to invent ono thousand dollarsju itt" Tliis might ho ansierelv iii b'lief:' I'oultiy are prolitable, and we would not ndvico a young man (nor nn"oil,one)'to at oqjcc invcuit onu thousand dollau'init' Fanners find tho poultry yard the nS6st profitable part of the farm in propor tion to tlio capital invested. Many leckou in this way: If fifty fowls are profitable, livo hundred nill bo ten time as profitable. This is an instanco in which figures do not tell tlm truth. As boon as tho number of fowl is doubled. troubles ate quadrupled. A range and lunuos wuien will Keep tittv in perfect health, will bo overcrowded with one hundred, and all the -tixuibles tluo to a deiiHO population1 will fallow," Whilo e believe that poultry koopiug on a lai-go scale may be ni'idu profitable, capi tal to purvhiis bit da and build houses, is not the only thincr needful. Thoo who undertake tho business must givo their flbolc iiuie! Snd'attenfion to it. Onu point is well fettled fowls .cannot bo kept together in largo numbers, and thrive. The whole matter rciiuirM cureful study -Riid experiment. The be ginner ihould start in a small way, cud increase as success scem& to warrant it. The point to l dater.mined at tho o'utT k, is: ShsJl eggs br, Unused fowl be tho objeetT Kach requires a ditlVreiit mauagement throughout, though tho two may, in a measure,- be united. Shutiuir witli abundant.eaaltaL aasl at exiK-rionee, will surely end in failure. The beatj'erk"upei Ktr ,iauafe- rucnt inattt upon keepinr fowls ia eaeall RUSSIAN MULBERRY The met valuable tree In the Xerthern Mates for , SILK CULTURE pro'ucinif foii tor silk worms tLit 1$ UDijriwjed. Ato wlublo m a fruit, timber nod orcmienwl trtc. AIo thr larrc lUt r frltlir 1KKFH und I'UMSfur UaIIIbu lu the 1'mflrtl hiiilri. Mnul forirle list, I think 1 can tonvlncejou thut ft In for juur lutcrtPt tot rder of rue. Addn t&i IMS. C:. HOWELL. jf?n fUUTICAt Wr.TIT. Oinev (st l.t- taXBMdmnsot, WottyUiwdl, louell'nirli.1''. ' All norb ilonnmAen Mjlr, ami nllrur tlou tiuiirantctil. Ituarti GEO. A. MOO UK, President. J. N. PATTOX, Secretary. Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co'y OF CALIFORNIA. A NcKINNIE Manager for Northwest Departmsnt OFFICE WITH PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. itcil I'lHler .be Laws of California, and isto-Day the Strongest Life Insunuico Co. in Amer en. TO ME.N IS POUTLAM) WHO HAVE m,iM SL'RWCB EACH I.V TH !iin PHVHlOPffV hriA Tf .O. J. A. STROWnnlDGE, J U (" llKNUICHSt.V, JAMK3 bTElX. C. A. DOLFH, J. K. GILL, r. ZASOVlni t A. KIOSTKRMAN Cot. J. Mn!NAKK.N, , iv n. ai'AULDixa r. I. WILLI'. J l. MsKINXON, KINflVlrMt S. mT.RELL, C. 11. W1I1KKO, Ba.OKO. E NOTTAOB, A.VD1IEW ROBEMPB ' CUHKtlAROT, e20ms J. V. IIKOWX, t AMi WCI 1 ft I'lCtUiiy. t; ") "..0 rT ,r.. i;cuf ,t tlockat thia uccesa. ia 'regarded ecaeal tR. HINTIE, aperlallst aad tlnUlaate. "VfO-11 KKAKNT 8TKIET, Baa Franclace, Cal . 1 Treat all t'hraalr, aplal aa rrtrat lilsrasrs Willi naaarrlal aarcea. THE GREAT .KXaialSH REKEDT. Is im& Oral tor If T. sa&atalJrrMaTMAJI. aSaalTtb. aril Kc7et Teaiaral totomh sanistss." m. afurtnr. viw it axciai' riTsaaaa, Oai. rata r m Vnvauar a awasftTAiit. vtUisers Sakl ktaa thaf lis Vf AX aaar ' Ovft .Cal bsssAmbT Ma sawSkvVna tasaaaathr.1., eaat lasM(MaayB A.&llBKa,n r4ifiiCiii miw tTsTO mi sataCafjaistliM, Wat W atat su mm flggJlSSSSS saiu bibbb s r TT -n-Z-!. L. B. I'ULLEUTOX. NEW 3E3:2&3M: BROWN, FOLLEBTON 1 GO., DEALERS IN HARDWARE ' .HARDWARE, PffiMlMPLEMBNTS andlCHINBS: ..... ..U AGENTS FOR ... Buffalo .Pitt's Separators and Engines, Mccormick's Twine Binders, Reapers and Mowers. j ' ALSO THE ... BAIN WAGON AND THE OLIVER UiiijjjjUJU JFIiOW. T Oae Doer SHth f Ladd & BsVs BmIc. SALKM, j. OBKGOX.