'., urrat. 2O.cra.nri. NOT UNTIL NEXT TIME. l:V R. II. 1ILACKMOHK. I drcamctt that wo were lovers c till. At ter dor as wo used to l, Wlieu I brnujlit you the iiatTolii, And jou loottcd up, stirl smilitl at mc, 1'iupewcethearls wcro wo then intled, When "iith was budding into lilocmj Hut now thu flowers liato gone to seed, And bicrya liavo left no perfume. JJccatito jou ever, evpr will, 1 ake such a oro ked viow of things, Distorting thn anil that until Confusion i nils in cnvclings. l!ecauo you n'Vr, ntver, will Perceive the force of what I say; An if I always lPnuoucd ill Knough to take ono's hrrath nwy! Uut what, if rincr love replace The vision tat enchanted me, Whon all you did wn9 perfect grace, And all you said was melody? And whit, it loyal heart renew The inmgo n'-ver ijuito foregone, Combining, aH of yore, in you A Namton and a Solomon! Theu to the breez8 will I to The (.trans wo si lit, with tctnpir't loss, Th seal upon your lips auow The poaco that gentlo hearts ensuo. 0 wtlcomo then, ye playful wayi, And tuiialiine of the early days, And banish to the clouds above Dull reason, that liodaikttiB love! . The Story of a Spelling Match. Tho lira! spelliii,' liinlch of the siism wan to bo held in tliu I'ricketl school houso on tlio cvouiuj; of tho li-nth ol Novcmbor, untl all tho young jieoplo on tho farms for twunly mile-5 aronuil weio greatly uxcitctl over it. At Iloio Addiaon'ri applo paring frolic tlio wuek previous, the coming contest was (Jio princip.il subject of convocation, .mil evory one present had something to rtiiy about it. Tlioic was, no reasonable doubt us to the two who would lie elect ed to " lead sides," for Georgo dimming and lfonry Lisbon had novcr failed yet to receive the greatest number of voles, and look their lionom an a matter of t-otirso. But nothing was known as to their probablo ehoiuo of followers, and some anxiety was felt on tho subject, paiticu liirly among tho girls, with whom Ueorgc, by reason of his liuntlsontu person and pleasing manners, was u groat favorite. Henry Lisbon was n tall, shy, rather awkward-looking young man, who was elected n leader piineipally becaiwj ho was tui excellent sj ' r. and inspired his followers with coi ,.r and eonlident'o. It was flattering, of course, to bo chosen as his flfbt assistant ; but it was consider ed a far greater honor to bo thus favored by Oeorgo, nsd thoro wero several girls who would have foil very glnd had (hoy been Mire or standing next to tho latter during tho match, tho sharer of his hopes and fears as to its probablo results, and tho recipient of liis smiles and whisiwied "onlldonces floo.'go vv'ii-. gieatly iiniusul at tho un- iibual altentiou ho icceived Iroui (he girls iit the paring frolic. Ho know what it meant, but kept his own counsel, and gave no ono any sutisftUition ai to hia intentions. " 1 hnvu't made up my mind," ho said to I.idy Wheeler, who, mudo Iwld by (inxiely, at last inked him to relieve tho xenei-.il suspjnso. "It' is u very grave matter, nud requires iMioful eoinider.i- lirtll." Tho evening of the tenth was clear and :oW, tho sleighing was excellent, and as eutter after cutter and sleigh nftorbloigh emptied its load of merry young pooplo at the diHir of tho old school-house, it became ovidont (o every ono (hat tho spelling match would bo onq of manual interest anil competition, At eight o'clock tho voting began. vorv ono lirosent vtis rwiuiivd U write ou a slip of paper tho namo ho or.slio wished to le.ul, ami tlicso slips wore , dropped into a hat. When counteditho A.xo gentlemen receiving tho greatest number of votes yoro doelnrcd olectcd. In view of the popularity of Oeorgo (Cliautiing and Henry Lisbon, (hi voting wits a, more form, and (icorge, sum of the remill, luid no atteutiou Ut it after de positing in thu hat his own vote, which -of course was for Homy. '- Ho waa iiiivlianically counting tho number of peoplo crowded on ono of tho forms near bitit when it suddenly occur ,rtd to him that it would bo well for him to divitio whom ho would favor with " lirat call " 'h thia purpo) he look-j il about lutu, mooting, as no ma so, muny half-dazed earnest, almost entreat ing planets front as many pairs of bright eyes. Ilia inclination pointed io lloae Adi dinou, but he know such a choice would rou'r u givtt deal of ill-frliug und WILJbAMETTE jealousy, for ho had chosen lloso on sov eral occasions tho previous winter. "Uothcr the girls I" ho thought ; "there is sure to bo a fuss, no matter how I chooso. As tho words formed thenipolvos in his mind his eyes fell on tho gaunt forin of Dcbby Jtawloy, a girl of ubout sixteen years of age, who had never before made her appearance at a spelling match, but whom ho knew quito well nevertheless, having had occasion to call several times upon her grandinothor, with whom she lived. . Debby was called "odd" by her neigh bor, and perhaps thoy had somo cause to think lior so, for her poverty obliged her to dross in all sorts of outlandish garments which had belonged to various dead relatives) and her consciousness of her grotesque appearance caused her to assume a cJd and resorved manner, which, while it protected herfrom open ridicule, was calculated to give tho im pression that sho was both rude and sullen. Sho was attired to-night in a faded, shrunken green, worstod dicss, trimmed with shabby ball fringe. About her shoulders was a rusty black shawl, and hor head was covered with a red woolen hood of her own manufacture. She sat in a corner of tho room, her baie, rod hands wrapped in ono end of her shawl, and her foot tucked out of sight under hor dies) to conceal her worn and patch od shoes. She looked as sho felt, very lonoly and ill at case. No one present recognizod her by so much as a look, and hor heart was filled with bitternoss and pain. She wished most earnestly tiiat sho hod not come, had not exposed her self to such coldness and neglect. But sho was too proud to go home. That sho thought would be too open a confes sion of hor pain and chagrin. Ocorgo's eyes sparkled with mischief as he looko'l at her. "I'll do it," ho thought. "It will ben capital joko, and will givo the girls some thing to talk about for tho nost six week1-" At Ihis moment (ho counting of the voles was concluded, and tho school-master announced that George Channtng and Henry Lisbon had been elected by a tremendous majority. Amid loud applntue tho two success ful candidates took their places in the two fiit forms, one on each sido of the room. Then thore was a breathless hush. Thu room was so still that Iho ticking of tho big clock over tho blackboard could bo distinctly heard. Goorgo had re ceived a few more votes than Honry, and, therefore, had tho privilege of the first choice, but for a moment both young men wore silent. Then : "Dcbby Bawley," cried George in a clear, ringing voice. Poor Dcbby! Sho could sfearcely be lieve her card. Her faco Hushed, then grow deadly palo. It did uot scorn pos sible to hor that sho bad been honored with first call by this handsome young fellow with tho laughing brown cyo. She made a motion to rise, then ank back in her se.it again, trembling all over. i George taw hor confu-ion, und was touched bv it. "Come, Dobby," he said kindly, 'I'm wailiits." Sho ro.-o then and (ook hor pLco by his sido, loo much dnrod and lewildercd (o seo Iho contemptuous glances which wcro directed towards hor. Thero was a subdued whispering ntnong tho girls for a moment, but it ceased as Henry Lisbon called for Bose AUUisou, anil the rest of too choosing proceeded rapidly until all wero eurollod upon ono ido or tho other. Tho schoolmaster lookup tho spelling book niid Iho battle began, thpso who misupclled a word being obliged to sit down at oneo. Ono by ono iheywfcc vanquished, until at tho ond of an hour and a half Ilcnry Lisbon, Goorgo Chnn- ning and Debby Kawley were tho only ones left standing. Tho oxcitoment ran high, and all eyes wero riveted on tho remaining contest ants. Dobby'ij checks wcro Hushed, her eyes sbono hko stars, and sho had appar ently entiioly forgotten her shabby clothes and tho neglect with which she hud been treated in Iho beginning of the evewiug. "Wo must n't be leaton, Dobby," whispered George ns the schoolmaster paused to tiiin over a now leaf. '"I de pond on you, remember." "I'll do my liet," whispered Debby in return, smiling up at hini. The spelling continued, and opinion w.ia, about equally divided as to which bide would win ; but at last Henry Lis bon failed on a common word of only two syllables, and a deafening cheer re sounded through the old Btihoolhouso as, with a forced smile, ho took his seat. All was confusion. at onco; every ono crowded around Georgo to congratulate and shako hands with him ; but bo was not too much cngacod to notice that Debby had left his sido and was trying to force her way through tho crowd to Uu door. Ho hastened after hor nud stopped heri just as she was goiug out. "Surely you aro not going yet! he said. "yes, J must," sho answered, "Grand ma' will bo -anxious abomt mo." "JJut you ought not to IcaVo mo to bear tho burden of our honors alone," ho said, laughing. "You ought to stay and take your share. If it hadn't been for you our aide wouldn't have won. You aurprUod mo, Debby. J didn't think there was any one in Grundy county cx cept tho bchoolmaster who could spell down llonry Lisbon." ' "Jjrtndy at homo at night,'' said; Deb by, in a low, untdy voice; and, with a little nod alio walked away front, him and went out into .tho night. At ten o'clock the school houaa w&l empty, and tli find pelling-niatch of FARMER: SALEM, OREGON, MARCH 7 the season which was to hove a rosult of which Goorgo little dreamed -was over. ' A The noxt dav Georgo had occasion to go to town. His way led by tho small farm of Debby's grandmother, which, badly managed for many years, yielded but a meagro living for two women. Dcbby was at the window of a front room as George drove by ; but the next moment she had thrown open tho door, and, without hat or shawl, was flying down the path which led to tho gate. "Stop!" she cried, "I want to speak to you." . George shouted "Whoal" pulled-tip his horses, and jumped out of 'tho wagon. "Anything wanted in asked. ' . "No. no." said Debby. (own?" ho "I I only wanted to thank you for choosing me last night," the quick tears sprincing to her earnest eves. "It it was so kind of von," and then, her tears falling fast by, this time, sho rushed back into the liouso before ho had a chance to say a word in reply. Ho stood still a moment, staring After hor, then climbed into his wagon again and drove on. Ho didn't resumo the whistling of "The Last Eoso of Sum mer," which Debby's appearance had interrupted. His face was very gravo and thoughtful. For nearly a milo he let Dobbin and Whitefoot choose their own gait. Then just as tho wagon was entering the town, ho roused himself with a start. "Comfound it all," ho mutteicd. "I wish now I had asked her out of kind ness." There were several other spelling matches held in tho Prickett school house during tho winter; but Dobby did not attend them, and Georgo, who cntored college in tho spring, saw her only at long intervals dnriug tho five years. At tho end of that time Drbby's old grandmother diod, and Dobby, after selling the farm to a Norwegian who had recently come into tho neigborhood, left her old homo forover, telling no ono whithor ahe was bound. Scvon years later, Georgo Channing, who had become a lawyer and was en joying an excellent practice in Detroit, was disturbed ono morning, while en gRgcd in his office on a brief, by tho entrance of a tall, jrooil-lookmg, well dressed lady, who, instead of returning tho businoss-liko bow with which bo greeted her, advanced towards him with both hands outstretched. "You don't know mc?' sho cried. "You don't recognize Deborah Kaw-ley?- Deb! little Deb of Grundy county!" exclaimed Georgo. "Jt can't bo pos sible." "lie a Xittlo more rospectml, sir, in addressing roe," laughed Deb. "Doc tor Kawley, if you please," dropping him a little courtesy. "Doctor Rawloy!" repeated Goorgo. "Oh, nonsonsol" 'It's true," said Deb, still langhing. "Sit do n, and Pll tell you all about it" And then in a few 'words she gave him the history of her life since sjio li"d loft her old home. With tho procoeds of the sale of her farm she had gono to collogo in Michigan and taken themedical course, graduating at Iho end of throo years with high honors. Hor money was oxhatistod by that time; but an old professor, who had taken a warm interest in her from tho beginning, paid her expenses to Now York, where sho spent ft year in a hospital, learning much that sho could never havu learned nny whoro else. Then sho began the pratice of her own pro fession in Chicago, had soon been ublo to pay oft'her debts and now after three years of hard work, sho was taking a much needed vacation ot a lew woj-us among tho Jakes and nvors ol .Micnigan. "Look at me," sho said. "I'm not yet thirty, and I am in tho possession of a good pratice, and am on tho wad to fame and fortune. Don't you think I havo canse to bo thankful to you Mr. Channinc?" "To mo 1" said Goorgo. "What do you menu? I've had nothing to do with ypur success, it is due entirely toyoiir latent and perseverance." "No," said Dobby," "it is duo to tho kind wordb you sjioke to mo at that spelling match nearly twelve years ago. I had never liad auj attention or ten denials shown mo in all my life before, and when you in the kindness of your heart honored nie poor, despised, ami shabbily dressed as I was with 'first call,' I know how to appreciate it. And you told mo afterwards that I had surprised you, I made up my mind to surprise you htili more foiho day. i uvea on those words for five years, studying hardor than I had over dono before, and then tho chanco camo for mo to havo tho instruction I so ardently desired. I seized it at once, and behold mo a flourishing physyeian!'' Sho ended with s. laugh, but thero wero tears in her bright, dark eyes. "I rofnso to take a particle of credit to myself," said George with a great carncstno.ss. "Please don't nccord it lo me oven in your thoughts." "Uonor to whom honor is due id ways," she sa'id, rising to go. "If it hadt been for you I should probably havo vgotatttl on that little Illinois farm all my life." Georgo went to tho , window and watched her at bho walked away. There was a look of piu and chagrin on his, baud sgme face. "I would gic a thousand 'dollars this minute,'' he said, speaking aloud, tIf I could only fee) that I had asked her out of kindness. I couldeu't look her in the face when she was ttlligg ma bout it, and I lull a if I deserved a dscking under tho neareat pumjv My conscience will never bo easy until"! tell 1884 her tho truth, though, of course, sho will despiso mo forever after. ' , .But though ho made it a point to seo Debby wlionevcr business took him to Chicago) ho' novcr had courage to make hi. confession. , And perhaps it w a .just ail well 'that sho never, heard it. Illus. Christian, Weekly ( . CWSOIIITI"l CEREB. An old plij.lcUn, retired fiom practice, kTlir p1ce.lin his h.ndibyn Ewt India mlwioiurv Umi fo'rmnU of a (Implcr TCjeiaWe remedy lor the speedy a, d permanent cure ol on.umption, !. ckltK Cat inh A.thi a. and .11 ihm.it and Lun $;".' injslt'.e and radl.alruie lor J.cr?oi. I eblny' d la JjrVol. Compldnta. aHer h Tin, U.t d Its on de.ful cumlv. pa In ihoiiMij- of ok ha felt It hta duty to rnke .t known to Mi lferi. gt ll". Aclrj leYlyIhl.motU.and adojlr- to to lh"n' ' terlng: 1 lllend In of d.ree, to all whoil I ! rcolne In Oirman.'Eririhh or rr.nch, wlih full diractl n for nrcp. rln and using. Bsnt ijnai; s aild elnirlliitatupnd nanilnir inn Pri t.OYE.i, 119 fuwtr'a Block, KochesUr. I. Y. W. A. Ilfl(U Ayer's Cfieny Pectoral. " Or1"". ohl- Sept. 10, 1382. (JOLDS. ."HlnR bem subject to n brorv clilnl nITcclIon, with frequent cnl8, for a number of yenra, I hereby cer. tlfy Ui.it Avi:b' Ciifiirv irci-oRAL glTej Ine prompt relief, nnd Is tho most clfcctl remedy I hao crer tried. James A. Hamilton, rdltor of The Crtcnf." "Mt.OIIcnd,Ohio,.Tnnfi5(i, 1M2. COUGHS. " l h Vfe'1 AVKIl'S CUERilT l'rcTOHAI. this spring for a 60 vcro rough and InriRr troublu wllh good elfect, and 1 am pleased to recommend It to any one similarly affected. IUltVFV ItAUOnMW, IYoprielor Globo HotsL" rnsrAnF.o bv Dr.J.C.Ayer&'Co.,Lowell,-Ma8:. Sold by all Pruffglst?. DR. JATNE'S AGUE MIXTURE. , A CERTAIN AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOB JPVi'cr and Affile, Intermittent and liemittent 1'evers, Ct. This clans of ilUcno so common In .ill jiurtt of the World, and Cipeeinlly prcalent iu ma larious districts and riciuago t-f aler-couri-"j aro almoi-t iarariably acoomjianli-d hy more or lens deraugcuienl of tho liver, and frequently liy a dofoctho antion of the digesti orjan. 'X'hc mcrobreikio of the Chill Is but a -tip toward? completing a radical euro; the :triou. orgins of tho body, espt chilly tho Ftoma.-h and I!cr, mut bo brought to a healthy and timor ous condition before a permanent core can bo established, aud this fact ha been gpooLtily kept in viow by Dr. Jayne in bis treatment iif thcho complaints. The ue of Jaync'fi Auo Mixture, in coijuuction with Jayno's Sanative Tills, a. prcscrilicd in the Directions hi(.h acompany eah botllc, will uot only BREAK UP THE CHILLS. lu.t iciloro tho fystera, more paiticularl.' the llTir and stomach, to a sound condition, nr:-l vi piereat n relapr-i-f Finer ami Ague h 'icr-ouj-bly ERADICATING THE DISEASE, and the Ifrt evidenoo of this is th- in-, anable euet-cs tvbieh baa always followed the aduiin lstr itlon of these remedioF, as altered by the evrtiOcativ publifhcd annually in Dr. Jay no'. Alumnae, nud tl e wido spread popularity of tho Ague MIMuia in thero di-triets of the United States, wliL'tv the di-enxs, lor which it f adaptc-t, ino.t prcvhzl. Por nolo by ilixlge, Davis . Co., Agtnu, 33 1'raraPractlral Kxprrlrate. lgss. John A. Child & Co., DRUGGISTS. ANDDSALKfc3!Y Drur, ChemtcaTs Per f aincry Toilet Article. spofiss-Soaiis and rub Ivr Gfxtdn, CHrncr MorrHan t triDd HU !n(tTLNn, ORK, ihstiv tttentlonpttld k rriAiiiriibycsifih. FJ.RST NATIONAL BANK, Of Salem, Oreyon. 8AV1(.S WEF.lll'niKXT: OPlS OS SATURDAY'S ONLY FROM SAM. to 3 P. M and from 7 to 1 P M Xjrialercet allowed an lluinlenoalu. jan'Jitf Mammotir Surprise Wheat. rpUB LAROEST AND MOST PRODUCTIVE X Spring wheat kne n. I hare kuewn It to grow overall feet high, and yield seventy-nine bushels per aae. Of this wonderful wheat I hare a small quantity to sell at 1 pohnd. Kilty cents, S pound, tl; by malL 8M M. REEVJES, New Bridge, Union Co., Or. 45 1NK MIXE CHKH rABBS, i.ame on n all af-vlM tvna IrTivtla Jt a...- --- a mall l , ... ... yr vri"-!" !., oftu, bt ivtpiid, StnPUin. Addrest: b3m IRA. A. riltaPA, Newport. Orccn. KaMai WeakNervousMen ra.weta. preraainre tlveav ua raiiar to txrforaa llr. luslee Ktrls are caaad tT WUI St.3 a prM Ind TjKiZ mi.trr.r''". aoMwafal boraan tu4 ti rarfaC-s AlArau ftaatr. Full Uterwutu aad TrraUM fcV-T AJirMCsitiacPtir.liaao( "" IUWIW f tTC..4W.MaiK. WraYwO USE r HOSE PILLS m and m rl ki? u aL tl sa. J iB Titl I1MI f,";i:liIroSi)nDB' jWB&w' m ESM t Ijipo. finMl rnrp''- Wire FeecTin til.,buf a B!for!JiATWlUMBrtt. .Ilwlll inroiletajrtKi, t.ti. ja itrr, well M tlie taost f klou fi, Tril'.i.niini'' TioedbfrfcnMOrttwIc ItlnJmltBanioca fjr fni. dm- B!o-k rinae and railroad, aad fery utlfoilirrn,H'k.'i,'llMianlcetoftsrla.Co4 rtHir.-tiin'Knt(fil-alantfitlltllllMtaIlt41m. tl t Scan Ik to 1-urJl or Baibtl Pftra In etry rupMI, Mt At Ivl it m Uir trial, tcnfir,n It mil wear IIMlt futr. fa-.v.uThi Octf swlclr finfre. tna-ie of wrongbj. Iroo t iw an'! .1. rl wh e, -rj all eompfttltloBlti oeataui, it-frcib an I d italllttTi vvo ni.n mnk the beat ma cbelrr't All I"' Autnnatlo or Call-Opiatec Gata,al O.-Apct il IUiur: All Iraa Tuct. Ural Wlrt Mli..flic-i.n.ll" liner. Alt mnaarae. i.nr i:uut-li' cxi-s-llcna WliiU KtiKliiea For li.ili.lilut liiklri-, or (!'! enRinea fur ctlnilio( flutl.t- tiaht wtrl:. lor prices and particulara ata 1, lw.in Htilri. t a.Idr.'SH. mntifrilnK tapr h " - -"""i "r... rnrlimondlml. DR. MINTIE, Speriall.t and Cradnate. "VTO 11 KEARNY STREET, San Francisco, Oal , 1 Treat, all rtaramr, Special and rrlrato Jtlseaant with Wondrrrul Sncccaa. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. I. certain Cowl for Nut. oca DiBiurr, Lfl8T M AM HOOD, PaoeTltosajioi, acid all the evil tttiUi Vouihfui follies a eiocoea, DR. MltHTI'.wboUa RiauLAa fnTBiaax, ntit niTB or nil I'KiMJurrr of PiKitarmriu nlli arro. to forfeit (Ml ft r a cafe ot tha klni that t a YITal RCSTORAIIVE, (order hi. special advlca and treat. mDt)lll not cure Price 13 a brtile; Four tinea the QUintlU, ia Sent to any address, conndeaUally, la prlrate address If desired, by A. E. MINI IE. M.D , 11 Kearny SI , S. F.,Cal, jaVSend for pamphlet and list of question. SAMt-LF, DOTTLE aVKKE Wm be lent to any one applylnr by letter, itatlaf aymptorai, aez and age. Strict iccresy In rerrard U all buslneM transactions. Janltf Dr. Allen's PRIVATE ni5l'F.SAUY. M Kearny Mlrert, San Fraacl.ro, Cat. ri'he I.Xpert Snf lullsl. Dr. Allen, Id a regular J gra'luated rhyslclan frem the University cf kicU- an. lie has deot d a lifetime to the study ot Special lsoa.es. YOIINU MEN And VlDDf.TI-AGED MEN, who re fferln? from the effects if Youthful In Iscietlon or Excewt. la matnrcryfars.NnRVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBIL1TT, LOST MANIIOOn, etc., remember that, by a comblnv tlon of rcmcdIr-8 of great curative power, the Ductor has so .rented hi. treitmenl that It "ill not only afford Immrdlute telhf. but Crmancnt cure. MY HOxPlTAI, EXrT.ltlPACR (ITaIng been surgeon iu ' harro ot t o leadlntrhospltels) enabl s me to treat all pr vate troubls. wiihexovllent results. I claim to bo a eklllful Ph)Blelan and Surgeon TUOKOUailLY Inf rmedln mysp clalty lllStUSKS OP MAN. Allwl'l reconemy honest opinion of their complalnti experimenting. 0 usultation. rara and strictly private Char cs reasonable. Call o address: D& ALLEN, 201 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cal. OfSo. hours, 9 to 3 da ly, 7 to S evening. lJinS4-tf DR. SPINNEY, o.II Kearny Sl.,san rTnrisr,raI Treata all Chronio at.d S eclal diseases: YUUNfi Krj ho mav be suffering from the .fleet of V"Uth'ut fol lies or Indiscretion will do well to avail uernHlre. of this the greatest boon ev.r laid at the feet of rafferlnf humanity. Dr. Spinney 111 guarantee to forfeit .0 faretervcaaoof weakness or nrtvate disease, of anr kind or character which he undertake and tail, tecum 11IDDLE.AI.E1I MEN. ' . Thero are many at the nae of SO to 85 who are tnallel with too frequent evacuation of the bladder, often a eorapanled by a slight smarting or burning eenntioa and a weakening of the sj stem in a manner the patieQt cannot account f-r. On examining the urinary de posit a ropy sediment will often be found, and Mm tiroes smalt p.rtlclrs of albumen will appear, or to. color will be a thln.milklsh hue ,agaln changing to adark and torpid appearance. There are many men who flU of tht difficulty, iarnerant of the etuae, which U tbs Sflcond stage of siminal weaknes Dr.S.will guarar.tM a perfect cure in all such cases, and a healthy reaton. tlea of the genlto urinary organs. Office hours 10 tt . 'and 0 to 8 Sundays from 10 to 11 A.M. Consulta tion free. Thoroutrh examination and drlce,U Oal oraddrss: DR. SPINNEY & CO., No. 11 Kearney 'ireet, San Franelsco, Cal Ijn8l-U - THE 1)K. LIEBIO'S I PMIATC DISPEAaAKI. I fuO Geary St., San Francisco, Oil Conducted by Qualified Physlclini H .LU ana ciirgcons r guiar tru-iai?. l yiho olitrnf kiicrlHll.t in tb rV United StAtcs, whose LimuoKOSi , rrr.iri.cr, pprfect method and purs r mcili.tnc, insure sreKur and W U mM!it cdris of r 11 Prit.tc, Cbrcnle I, and Nervous Dseasui,' A flections of IS the Blood, rikla, Kldacjs.UlseVf; tier, EriiMluna, Ilccia. Ol4f: horc. Swelling or Hie tilaadi, ', . Sore Mouth, Throat, ' Pnlna, perrramntly cured anderu nj luted from the sj stem for life. NERVOUS .'" losbi-a. hraunl llccny, MeaUl-, anil I'hislral llraunoi, Fall-1; Ingilcmory. Weiik Fra,8tail ' t D- rlnimcnl,lnipedinieitt '" lo Marriage, rlc, fmn ewest j eanr youthmi rolllc. or aaf 7 raiiav. pcrdlly, snMy tl. ' nrltalrlv rurrtl. ,J.i tec men.andallvhoneetlmeJif-all.LIII and P tirrletec 8 consult tho old liuropeAn PhjsUIan at once. His oplft- J. Ion costs nothing, and may sm future misery swl shame. When inconvenient to visit the city for trot 4 free from olrrnlon. It Is sUf-ctldcnt thatV nnvl.!. win. n-t.ia M.Bh.iU.ll.nflM. n n clMV - diseases attain, great aklll.andph.'slclanathroiiJj om uiecouniry, anoaing tnit, frtqutntiy reccm-i difficult evea to the .llria t..i!t. hv trhcai very known good rrnirdy la usM. The Poctort J AgeajiJt.xpcrlenrcruiku his opinion of auireal aiuiivriiiurr. Cl.Thoe who call see no one but the Doctor. G ! saltation FREE and snrredb rnnlldrntlal. Cal which hare failed in obtaining relief cls-wnere ope . ally solicited Female di.ca'ts aucccfnlly treawj The Darter will agree to forfeit 11,000 for a cwjj undertaken, not cured. Call or write. Hours. D""!11; from 9 A. M.. n a P. M.. 6 to 8 evenings; SutdJAs; w to S3 orny. ?ep r.iR tuk ailTAWT l.nta -- tiiaiTii ; nair t ksb. Address as above, DR. UEBIG'S ' Wonderful German IuvUtoratoT Permanently ptevtnte all Unnatural law fromtvb system, i,nos ine nertes, stremithens the muscwi tucvaaine waste, invigorates trie wnole system wi restores the atflicted ra Ilealtn an.t naitntnpiu. The reason so many can not get cured of wer.koe and the above diseases o,g to a complIitll Called PP.OSTATflRRIIFA ..h'.l. .-.l.s m u'k treatment. PR. LIRBIO'S INV1O0RATOH 1. the oi$ cure foiPB.THvRBliru, with tiooullar tpocial Trei? meat, ud at tie. LIEIIK1 DI31-KNS KKi, 2 ?TPr.,'T "r h' lavluonitor, J. Owe of $j bottles, gw. fceot to. any ajdrcas, covered secur,T frm obtuvation. r4j Most powerful electric belr free to patients l-. .ToPaovtTiiiVl'oparoi.PowiiE cr rasINVlGO'J ATOR a n Bom OlttN UK SK4T FREIi CunstJtlt 19- free and private. ' u Caller adJrcif UEIIIV rl-.Pi;aSitt ., M , 00 ftrury Strcet.Mii J'raneiM.'O, Oal. i3 Plivate entrant liH u..nn ... i..,. llikt S'l'.lj St? Euett ,roal Kearny, Mill entrance lhioeJjjj! rM. -,u awrr. , i.janstvt LIFE LOANS AT4FEB CENT-1 y rUatMi ae4 arvee he ali -M ' MleaaaatattaMU la Less as. Mir Niisonxtrffeqdiadteceptt latent. aadUieaulv rxn" i Vtt!?T.i?9t?'' rfdcral auaat, ia Jl' 'J,!JSf'SSXiWK. sjate.ifcirirS.-iiUri., L ".waaia,wtmu, ea w. eta at. vtmlmMU.t LANO'a ""THtrW ChOWI, THoJ V K re""" , -uwtr cs OSvl PDCCCt B m ftiZi a wiffm rT s vrzAI EEDt " " " W Stinm Uataio L-M TT" " aXUklU xbd uart U kftf uvj FKED. N. LANC KlT5t4M. i