f WILLAMETTE FARMER r SALEM, OREGON. FEBRUARY 15. 18S4. fciua ajpcjiaijfmcnt. I GENERAL NEWS. All over Eastern Oregon the tlierniotn ntnr fins tipmi billow zero Intel v. Queen Victoria lias written a liook called "Life in the Highlands." The Chincso bill drugs along nnd meets with a great deal of opposition. The bulls have the control of the New York stock market and stocks aro on the rise. In the House liOO bills aro introduced nlready. Only 200 have been acted on at all. There is a snow blockmle on the Cen tral line but no obt-tiuction by snow on the Northern. Gen. Grant is in poor health but not in any danger. He suffers pain but his recovery is coitain. Mr. Morrison's tariff bill is said to be a complete failure. They will try to lix it up so as to make it do. BUckburn is nominated in ernieus and elected by the legislatuie of Ken tucky to tho TJ. S. Senate. The United Workmen number 18,208. They havo collected .15322,000 and paid out $296,000 in death claims. The Chinese arc not allowed to buy public lands in BritMi Columbia by re-' cent act of thoir parliament. About eight inches of rain h.v recently fallen in California and farmers there warrt dry weather. The floods on the Ohio are doing im mense damage and the water is in some places ingner man ever ooiore Known. Mining excitement is cooling down at ' Walla Walla. Too many lies havo been told. It is not believed $5,000 have been taken out. John A. Doyle, Sr., want to know if i Tortland people will give him some as-1 sistance in starting glas woik in that vicinity. The Sacramento chamber of com merce memorializes Congress and asks that the land grant for the Oregon road be not rescinded. Judge Axtell, of Arizona, is accused of every crime he can possibly commit as judge. They say he sells his decWons to the highest bidder. Tho Tortland board of trade petitions Congress not to rescind the Northern Pa cific grants, as they are needed as a basis of credit for building the roads. Some flathead Indians taken to Wa ili ington were blind from cataracts in the eye. An oceulist removed them anc they saw aeam, much to tneir immense delight. In the southern tenitoiies over :1U,000 equate miles of teriitory are clouded by Mexican titles and Congiets is trying to provide a way for determining the le ality of Mexican title. Recent rains in California have made the pastures good and revived the hopes of fanners. Holme all was dried up and stock was sold for a song because they had no grass to keep them on. It is said that in competitive-examination before tho civil service board the common school candidates aie far ahead of the college graduates good for the public schools. Senator Slater introduced a bill to pay A. Morrison, of Oregon, -13,402 for prop erty destroyed by Yakimas and Klicki tats.out of any money coming to those tribes. On Loon Lake, Douglas county, John Kelly was shot and killed by J. 1 Uutter field. Kelly was dangerous and quar relsome and tried to intimidate Butter lieldwhois a settler. Butterfield has the good will of all who know the facts. The House committee on labor makes a favorable report for establishing a bu reau of labor statistics to acquire infor mation ns to labor and ways to promote material, social, religious and intellectual prosperity of laboring men and women. A man twined .Sanderson, and a part ner, have been mining in 'Dry Gulch, near Quartsville, in the rfantiam mine-i, since last May. They came out lately for supplies. They came from Colorado and say theso an' good enough diggings for them. They showed a whisky bottle full of gold. ,, The latest news horn the Ohio river show that the flood was terrible and the situation indescribable. The suffering is beyond anything known and many deaths are reported. Many are homeless and without food. Tho Hoods extend through West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and the north side. The Standanl nublishe n letter from two men in the mines, wlio give their names, denouncing the swindling games practiced to get men there. A man named McCoy, published a glowing ac count and they denounce him a a trader trying to get people to go there to specu late oft" them. They say the stories told are nearly all lies and little is known of the mines or of th richness of the diggings. The steam collier Umatilla, belonging to the Oregon Improvement Coni'miy, in'trying to enter the Straits of Fnca in a blinding snow storm, struck a reef neat Cape Flattery and cruhed in her fore part The captain and wond mate took boats and made for shore. The first mate took tho rest of the cVew on the life raft, but looking Uek he aw the ship float and went to her, intending to make the Columbia river. The steamer Wellington came along and towed the "Umatilla to Ksquimalt where she eunk in 42 feet of water. Great anxiety is felt a to the fate of the other boats . with the captain and other. Tho 0regpti Transcontinental compa ny wilj Jose Iwo million dollars by the oporatio'W of tho Oregon mortgage tax law. Stockmen in British Columbia are much alarmed about the scvero cold, fearful that thoir stock will die of star vation and freezing. The snow is deep. As Gov. Crittenden, of Missouri, refnsos to pardon Dick Liddell, ono of the Frank James' band, the United States cannot make a case and so it has been dismissed. A big fellow over nt Seattle thought he could stand againt Sullivan, the slugger, and so he did for a few second, but in seven seconds Sullivan had him entirely "chawed up.'' The weather has, been very cold in San Francisco, so that people who win ter there for benefit of climate talk of going away in disgust. The Dalle is infested with tramps from the Northern l'acific railroad. They earn money and spend if- all for whiskey and when out of work turn tramps. Portland jail is filled with poor crea tures who seek any kind of a lodging this cold weather. Walla Walla people established a soup kitchen and Portland people w ill likely do something of the kind. A proposal is made that instead of rescinding the land grants the compa nies sell the lands at $1.25 nn acre and have five years to do it in, and at tho end of that time all unearned lands shall reeit to the government. The common council of Portland, has pased a resolution requesting members of Congress to favor the continuance of the land grants to the Northern Pacific roi.il so as to enable that company to linish its lines. Thomas S. Smith, proprietor of the Cosmopolitan hotel, at The Dalles, went to San Francisco fer benefit of his health and died there last Saturday. Mr. Smith was for several years landlord of tlic C'hemeketa hotel", S.dem. He was a good man and much icspected by all who knew him. Northern saw niilK aie working on short time so as not to overdo the busi ness. The demand for local uses on this const is good but the foreign demand slacks at this season. Many new mills have been erected on the Sound, the Co lumbia, nnd along the coast. These all agiee to dimi9h production. Five car goes for foieign ports left this coast in January. The civil service eonimis-ioii com menced woik Julv Hi, and makes a re- poit to the president for the six month. to January Hi, that shows surprising success. They have held examinations in twenty-six States; havo examined over 8.000 persons and 500 have received annointnients. It i claimed mat mo reform movement is greatly encouraged by this lepoit. C. W. Barzee, in Wasco county, says ho has had eleven horse, two calves, seven hog, and twenty chickens pois oned by ome wretch who persistently followed up the business. When neigh bors furni-hed si team the-e demons poisoned them also. He says the parties he supposes did it have left tho country and he wihe them no evil. It i a pity they cannot get their just de-eit-, but how they can get it except at the cud oi a halter "we don't exactly sec. The very latest ftoni the Ohio river is that homeless thousands cry for help. The dispatches contain columns of ac counts from the inundated districts, and up to date the situation grows worse. The Kanawha and other streams in We-t Virginia are all at llood stage. Ciipt.Gr.vy.of the Ainsworth r.iihoad ferry boat, .has broken hi arm and dis located his shoulder. The Walla Walla Board of Tiade will pass resolutions concerning the continu ance of the Northern l'acific railroad grants. Public sentiment favors their retaining the grant if they sell their lands to actual settlers at $2 an acie. Arrangements are making to have the steam collier I'matilla raised The tug Coliah went down the coast iindrccunU Oapt. Woith and crew, :55 in all. The Chinese merchants of Portland have put fortwinl a Chinese giant to meet Sullivan or forfeit $1,00(1 bomN. The material for the grpat iron steam ferry boat, across tho Columbia, near Kalama, is being taken out of a ship just arrivtd and will lie put together. If the cold does not soon cease the Columbia river will be elnsed so that boats cannot run from A-doiia to Portland. Bow Much Malcei a Han Rich. "To U rich," nid William I.. Marcy, at one time Secretary of State, "requiro only a tatisfactory condition of mird One man may be rich with $100, while another in the po?es.-ion of million mar think himelfio.)r,aud if necevities of life are enjoyed by each, it lf evident that the man who is lieet witn-hed with ' his po--v-eion is the richest.'' To illus trate this idea 'Mr,, Marcy related the following anecdote. I 'While I was f inventor of the State of New' York I was culled upon one morning at my olliceby ti rough srxci I men of a baek-wocidMiian, who stalked in and commenced coversation by in quiring 'if thi wa- Mr. Mrcy,"I replied I that was mv name. 'Bill Marcy 1' said 'bo. I nodded assent. Ued to live in iHouthport, didn't yel' I arnwered in the lafhrniMive, and began to feel a little curious to know who my visitor was, ' i1 what lie was drivine at. I "ThatV whl I told 'em,' cried the back-woodsman, bringing his hand down on his thigh with tremendous force "I told 'em you was the same Bill Mnrcy who used to live in Southport ; but they wouldn't beliove it, nnd I promised the next time I canto to Albany to come and see you, and find out for sartin. Why, you know me, don't you, Bill?' "1 didn't exactly like to ignore nis acquaintance altogether, but for the life of mo I rouldn't recollect having seen him before, nnd so I replied he had n familiar countenance, but that I was not nblo to call him by name, "My name is Jack Smith,' answered the back woodsman, 'and wo used to fjo to school together thirty years ago, in the little rod schoolhouse in old South port. Well, times hao changed since then, and you havo liecome a great innn and got rich, I suppose.' "1 BliooK my head and was going to contradict that improssion, when he broke in: "Oh, yes, you are : I know you are rich ; no use denying it; you was conir. t"oller for for a long time, and tho rest time we heard of you you was governor, i on must liavo liaa a neap of money, and I am glad of it glad to see you getting along so smart; you was always a smart Ind at school, and I know thnt you would conic to something.' "I thanked him for his good wishes and opinion, but told him that political life did not pay so well a ho imagined. "I suppose,' said I, fortuno has smiled upon you since you left Southport?' "Oh, yes,' said he, 'I hain't got nothing to complain of ; I must say I havo got along right smart ; you see, shortly after you left Southport our whole family moved up into Vermont, and put right into tho woods, and I reckon our family cut down more trees and cleared more land than any other in the whole State.' "And so vim havo made n trood thine. How much do von consider yourself worth?' I asked, feeling a little curious to know what ho considered a fortune, as he seemed to be well satisfied with his. "Well.' be replied. '1 don't know exactly how much I mil worth, but I think "(straightening himself up), if nil my debts were pnid, I should be worth $300 clear cah!' He was rich, for ho was satisfied." Aminnisr. to the icturiis made by as sessors the property of Oregon amounts to if 631 for each person. If property had been assessed at it fair valuation tho average, would be at least 51,300 for each person. If that was done the world would not point to this State as almost bankrupt. We have lost considerably in a general way by thU false s-ystent of undervaluation of propeity. FANCY POULTRY. Plymouth Roc!is Exclusively. Of till tho breeds known to poultry fanciers the I'lyinouth Itock is placed at the top of the list, as a fowl for all pur-po-eH. In March and April of l:it year I ha'ched one hundred and fifty chicks or over, and with otdinary care did not lose but one or two. They are beautiful, large and i-iikjv'Mly ; good at foraging, hence me easily kpt. As layers they arc not eeelk-d and only equaled per hap., by the little Leghorn. I have never vet known a person who owned a yard of pure Plymouth Hooks to change for any other nreeil ine touiiry ism lefth has the following "After an ex-(ierienceof.-ever.il yens they hold the l'ut place in our tvtininto of value, com bining the merits of good layers of largo rich eggs, contented, good sitters, and excellent mothers; are veiy domestic, take on ne-h rapidly and matin e as quickly as any fowl of their size. As poultry they uie plump, ellow ileshed, with clean 'yc'lnw legs, rendering them inviting to the eye and commanding readv sale." A vear ago 1 imported fowls fioni A. C. Hawkins, of Lancaster, Miu"., and also eggs from ( A. Kcofor, of Sterling, 111. Their ttiains aie considered the liampioiis nf the continent. '1 Ins sea son I have two yards of fowl-, all fwni' my la.-t year's importation. Those ordering eggs can n-iy on tneir lieins wifely packed in light spruce boxes, and "guaranteed to hatch a iea- onuble peieentage of chicks If they are to lie conveyed over mage mine, please htate so wheu ordered. :i) lowis lor saic tiiiiti inn K"gs, $2.50 iter doen; 2 dozen, -fl.fK); It dozen, fri.lKl. (,'Hhh must accompany all orders. Addrer-, .1 M. (i.iiiiiMi.s, fS-tf FoieU drove, Oiegon. SedwickSteelWire Fence illtenlaimtSriMliwi,NWI SMS-wsim wivm aan. ww. v . ?! it it tmtnm lijmll muttWW i iff- toSsa. mat W itst- kft.rf.4lrl fr Mmhi. hIviim I4MI, SHCSMI WICKS B siuiMiaui HM I IHsl hr r. K- I'U.IMI If i- 9JT w lLAfnl.l 1M. CHI UWl jrwrva4im ILHMIKSTIN.ILLhVrV T of rroit Oruisn fi Tret. ru)fu tf ffl'iisir Of lM tew rtif i WsVlrd on irl- wwjimwt i rfiaWV(.f cuiistyt (. tr dfuUlllft sIm I rttir, wm iiish rr a I. R; IHHBlll J- .IJ-LXIV. taiaMffM. immmmmmvm mmmrtrnm mrnfw, am' t M"i't USMWrTiakt !. fw ft" swihsMis us rs44tMa. I'sif lHI, .rra- l4. Caldwell, Becker & Licke. LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS i Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, lints nnd nts. We aim to build up our trade by selling flE.NUINE GOODS OK THE Bfcvr QCAMTV OSI.V, t prices from v id ;u rer lent - than the same goods can be sold for un credit. THE GENUINE ONE -PRICE CASH STORK! Opposite Chen .eke t a Hotel, Sulem. trpgrm. ARM & HAMMER BRAND TO FAttJIKKS. ltli import ant tint the SODA or SALERATUS they use SHOULD tie white and pure, in common with all similar aubstances used (or food. In making bread with caet, it h well to uso about half a teaspoon est CD"TI!C Iul mo -rni ami Mnmiuri 5 SALtHM US. iimiulor Sods" or SHleriitim at the Miuo tlmo, and thus make the bread rl-o better and precn it becoming sour by comcthi); the natur al acidity of tho j cast. I A I H M R M nii't F A It W K K ft should use only the "ARM AND 1IAMMKI!" tor cleaning and keeping milk-pans sweet and clean. To Insure obtaining only the "Arm and Hum. mtr" brand Soda or Pilemtui, hu it In "I'oi nd or half porxo PAChAORS,'1 which bear our in.tme and trade mark, as .nfcrior goode aro Minirtlinea subtl tuted tor the "Arm anil Hammer" brand when bought In bulk. uccMMauui MAMMOTH SALE OK 1.M1M1KTE1I ClydesdaleHorses& Mares ALSO A HU311IKU Of Sh.I.M rt-ll Polled Angus & Galoway Cattle. Tho Clydesdale Ilorse Co. of ltockford Fnim, Cedar Kpid and(iU'gn,s otlano, wilUcll by public auction at their American location, tho largeat number of imported Clydesdale Horses and Mares that have ever been offered at one sale in this or any other country, on Thursday, February Slat, 1884. The progeny of almost all the most noted stud hones in Scotland, And premium wiuuers at the great Illit ois State Fair, Chicago, St. ixiuis, Minneapolis, lies .Moines, lopeKa, a., betides many Fairs In Scotland. They will offer 35 head of the most choice stallions in America, and 18 mares, bred to such horses as Cairnbrogie Keir, (recently sent by this C". to Scotland and sold for the largest sum of mon ey ever paid for a stallion), Here I (o, (also sent to Scotland), Jlaiuie Williams, sunrise, ito. Also a number of Polled Angus and Galloway Bulls. For the convenience of per sons goinp to tho sale, a special train will leave Cedar Kapids for the farm at 0 V. M. Cata logues on application. Address : ULlUrJatiALr, Jiuiior. i-u., Hockford Farm, Cedar Kapids, lown. TUTTS pTlls TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. , , From tlioao sources arise three-lourtlis or the diseases or tlio human race. Tlicso symptoms lndicato tliolrcxlstcnoo : rjs of Aliixtltc, Uoivels costive, ttlclt IIil cUr, fullness after catlue, aversion to ricrtlon of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irrltlillltjr of temper. Low spirit. A rreltnR or having ncglrrttd some duty, Illriliies,FlnUerlnt the Heart, Iota bcftr th eyes.lilclily col ored fertile, CONSTIPATION, nnd do. mandtho uso ofn remedy that nctsnlrcctljr on tho Uer. AsftLlverraedlcinoTBTT'S rir.LS have no equal. Their action on tho Kidneys nnd Skin is also prompt; remoTin all impurities through these tlireo" scav enger or the system," producing appe. tIte,sounadiKOSUon,rtBulartools,a clear sklnumla vigorous body. TOTT'W PttM cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere with dally work and are aperfeet foil eTcrywlirrr.aHc. Othre.44 MurrayBtMrTY TUTTS HAIR DYE. Grat Ham on WnUKKRS changed In. rtantlytoaUtossr Hlack by n jingle ap. plication of this DTK. 6o 0 by Druggists, or acnt by express on receipt of fi . Omce,44JIurray8tr-t.NewYork. TUTTS MANUAL OF USEFUL RfCEIPTt FREE. Commission Merchants. Tlir rollnwlBK l a Hit t tlir l'omiiilklin MrrrliantsoriliUlilr. which rpolillb Tor the benrflt ofonr rrailrm. Tlif arc ptrftrt ly rrlUblr, and any basinets rnlnulf.l ;iu heir care "III receive trmit alteullum CFX1ROK IIERRF.N. J. J. HASSELL. HERREN & HASSELL, (SUCCFAKORS TO) IIKKREV KWO. ami MCHRKV A t'AHU.lK. GENERAL Commission Merchants, AND UEAI.KKS IN C1K4l,TOOL, aad rLOIK IUVK, rirert f aad oenluc Tvclae. conircric!nii tnd Ccn.lfnmnjU tolliltttl. I.llrl mil uhinin uait on miuiKiiintriti. V. O. lion No. uA . v.. earner .Vurlh Km at and B. tilrrfl", unrlt! rOHTLAND, OKKCON, SIBS0N, CHURCH & CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS .vrlaeal t'araer f Ash aad I'raal irefs. PORTLAND, OREGCS. utM GEO. HOUSTON & CO, lUtli'trltafil tut cIiiE.tlw Hoiu. Ittr tie. I'. L.'.lfliuV.Krf nJ (lilri. Fltliti's l.tttr tullr, ti; OfiniJ GENERAL I'RODI'IJE KTORE AihI ut no ipitil te i) all llfli! ('wintry rioliiit. rII.TB A fAUi Will. KE N1IK A arMIALTl. TkiiTinmulVfl mnu TIIKCOIISTRY WITH I such roodt will it well U rlrt Uta cM Ixtor llintlt. "ee4lo( sll Elaos aill U s4 on hui4 ir.i Ml4 cacsp ler ctth. stel lt IT WILL PAY TO GET iSTS la. rant's Karli Kneel lara starlr faltast Isfit. Uat ,ualll , hai our lH laUlerue ef trans, su weetut, rt haras In Wit. OUR WW POTATO i Ma)uctl, M aeusat lion I LMiFarorlle. 'ilrimrlr esrtjr. Wit 'iallt, most Ma)ucti. M aeusat sroas Irom oaa. TaUlSfut Ires fail aVaVUoa, rrask lord 4 has, HTn,(ihle. xSSjgg J. C. BROWN, BROWN, FULLERTON & CO., DEALERS IN HARDWARE, pARMjMPLEMENTS . AND AKNTS FOR .... Buffalo Pitt's Separators and Engines, McCormick's Twine Binders, Reapers and Mowers. . . ALSO THE . BAIN WAGON AND THE OLIVER CHILLED PLOW. U?- One Door South or Liuld & Bush's Bank. SALEM, OREGON. GEO. A. MOCnE, President. Pacific Mutual OF CALIFORNIA. A NcKINNIE Manager for Northwest Department. OFFICE WITH PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated Under the Laws of California, nnd is to-Day tk Strongest Lite Insurance Co. in Anicr en. REFt'ERKNCKl Company : 10 MK.N IN rOKTLANl) WHO J. A. STHOWDltWClE, E. A. KLOSTERMAN Col.. J. McCRAKEN, W. V. SPAULDlNtl P. L. WILLIS, J. D. MbKINNON, L. c. hkk'kii:iise:, JAMES HTKEt C. A. DOLl'It, J. K. tilLL. K. ZANOVICII FRESHSEEDS! NEW FIRM! NEW STOCK! NO WARMED OVER! The l'oiru.ANi) Xnwiiiv ask Sei:i Compaxv Iihh just itwivotl it lot of superior .seed, nnd is now proimreil to till largo or siiiull oidcrs at Eiistvi'ii'iiricM. rtT CATALOGUE KKKK. SEND YOU OXE to. THE PORTLAND XUKSKRY AND SEED ., fcbltf S2J forrihOii Street, Portlunil, Oregon. John W. MANUKACTUIIER AMI . AND LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS. RKSPKCNTI.I.Y INVITES VOl'll ATTENTION TO HIS UI'ENINII OF AN ENTlllKI.V NEW AXD icnii'kU' line ol l.ooti niul 1ioi , illrctt Ironi EASTEItN' AND HOME MANITACTUKEKS. The cntlreitoii. Is &TH!'rLY FIRST i'LA&S.snil tor uoikmaiulilp snU gxnirut KOtd Mimlltvls uninlle4 HIvlK.t price III !.lill piiUlcr WOOL, HIDES, RAILROAD LANDS Liberal Terms, Loir Trices, Long Time, Low Interest. O. & C. RAILROAD CO'Y, OTFER THEIR LANDS FOR SILE UPON THt tollowlmr literal terns: Ooe-tenthot the rrlci In (Mil. Intereit on the balance at the rate ot atvto rercentonejoar alter Hale, and eaih following rear Onc-Unth ot the tinclpal anil Inttreit on tlis Ulanca at the rate ol ae(cn pet cent, fer annum. Iloth rlD. iip.il anil Intereat j)able In U. S. Currency. A ailcouiifc ui ii i'i ".. iiv" -.-. Lelteri ahoulil be addreitcd to I'Al L SCHULZE, Und Aifent, O. A C. It. R. Co., 1'ortUml, Ok'n. Corbett's Fire Proof Livery Hack & Feed Stable. Corner :M and Uail htreetci, I'ortland, Oregon. L. B. MAGOOK, Prop. IXKI'lltlM: XO. IHIi.lla.iks .Sua. -21, -U, W. it, U, S'l H ,()r.lfr lor Harka and Ilaiwme sot-on .promptly attended to dav or n C. W. JEFFREY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Trrat, the Diae.ei ol ioinellc Anluuli. I.L iinntJon. irUinimf to the prcltwion, an ernlb mail Caa'OMtlnifColUsnil lll(lin an.ialty. Oill.e at the Font A Kill l.liery btable, ba'im, Ortjtori. )"',t' Dundee Mortgage & Trust Investment Co., Ld. rpllalli...rlnl . S.wia.WMi aalilUI nlirrlhril t,:ui(i,l.M Ik.1 Olti.e, 1J I'ahliiiir St., H'Jadee, fcietUn.1. jral lilreclera la fei'lland. M.VAI.D MiCLKW, Kiq . KH.LI.V, ti'i AttornejK,".tmiiKer A l-t-iine. MONEY TO LEND. ON ItlPltOVKb FAHUINO I.ANDH IS TIIF. icintletol Ulultiiomah, H.rnn. I.liin ami lelk, Ortton cd (a.HnlonTtrrlu.iy. lull InKnr.aiion Dta t olitallifrd on .nrlicatiili to MIS.M .:. Aenl. nl(. . Ierndlreel, Oraercl Ash. "XHirrnvAin Tae puUr caurh reniedj an U VVlgsvnUlsViurht atallpilrmpal UniK fcuirs. lUTTn W..l.llaAOpa)Tl.'f Itl I K II laeahly. .iSi .ai.i.1. HELP. - mr ate. f . Out Af U . f4" tb I4 VaVCIClU ls9 (. -3 r.,,',.- aValUr . t4.t. fl?U. ll U JV.t- It lair pqiij riBtoiF. tsstva. rnoriTAssH, slOMIfsSyiplvf ! !, WIKFrM.r isyt) I 1'"l, I CaPiv . ri isvasi ilt.waafsawl. I fff . PATENTS Hand-lMkFREE. . s. 4 a. e. tacir. Tust AM'rs, WaaalaeMs. . W L. IS. FULLERTOX. n:R,:M: 'j- amlflflACHINES. J. N. PATTON, Secretary. Life Ins. Co'y HAVE flO.AOO SURANCE EACH IK TH m. 8. nimnti.1., C. 11. W11IKRO, DH.OKO. E. NOTTAQS, ANDREW ROBERTS. IUB. liUnKUAUII, H. ZAKOVIRII tp20m3 OLD STOCK Gilbert, IMl'ORIT.R 01" AITD SHOE I IIEAI.KR IN FURS, ami SHEEP I'Kl.Th. norltltr br. mintie; , Kpeclallst and tJrsduile. t TkTO. 11 KEARNY STREET, San Francisco, Cal , IN Treat all Cbr.nlr. HpecUl andrrlvata diseases with Wonderrm Sacee.a. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDT. Is a certain Cl s tor NssT ois Dsmlitt, LOST MAN llttOII. I'aojraionnisA, scd all the ell eSacts ot Youthful Icllles k eiueeaea. SIR. MIOTIC, who Is a IsatuK riitaicuii.asaB. rats or ins I'xitsurtT or I'rNxaiLVAMA. ulil sirre. to forfeit UK lor a ess. et this kind that Us VITAL lEnTvHATITK, lusdar ila medal addceand traav- ol)ill act cure., Trice, 13 a bottle; Four t roes the quantity, 110. Best to any address, confidentially. In srlrate addreea It deilred, by A. B. MINTIE, M.D , 11 Kearsy St. 8. T Cal. JsTSssil lor pamphlet and Hit of mirations. aAMftR BOTTIB VUKK k ., Will Ka aa,il In mv ona anDlvlnr bV l.tUf. lUtlntf lynploma, aex and ae. all bullneis tranaa.tlini. ..... -..- --, .r'r - a ." BiriK secreay in resa'K m Janaitl Dr. Allen' HIIIVATi: niarENHARV, 'Ml Kearny aireel. its rraarlsc. t'al, rtAbr rxperi uperlall.l. Dr. Allen, la a reicular J iTKluatedl'lijelciinlrom the Unlrtrilty of stlchl can. He hai detot A a lifetime Ui the study of Special nlieaaea. V I . MV. S And MIHDMS-AllKD JlhN, who are s'ffirlnir from the efleita ot Youthful Im'ltcfctk.n or Eauaaea la Kalureryesrs.KKRVtiL'S and liliMCAL DEUILITY, I.OfcT klAMKiOD, etc., ruiidi 11 thal.b) a combloa-a tlon ol remedies of K'eat mratlve jower. the Doctor haa o arianeed his Irealintnl that It will sot only afford Immediate, relief. Lilt permanent cure. mv HusriTAt, .f.itii;v K (Hating been auiieonliiiharrcol tooUaillncboapilala) n.al.liauie to treat all prleate tioublte villi cicellenl rteulta. I dalin to be a klllful l-hyaleiaii and Surreoa THOBCUUHLY Infcrmul In h.j .) dall ItlMKAnIM UI IA. All will reielreinr hontit eplnloncf ihelrcowplalsU voeaperli.lnlinlf. Coiieiilfatlena isaa and strictly 4lv&l Cliarj.a i J ri.i WUSm fcT. 'k aCB if reaaenablr. Call of addreaa: DK. - aLLES. iti Ktrn "M. ban framl'to. t'al. OfBoe hour., 0 to a rfa'l), 7,tc ejenli.-. 1JanM.ll DK. SPINNEY, Ta.ll Kearny f..a Iraarlara.t'al. Treat (.o II. a i tlea) Irmlltrli.i'tioiu lhe(llets of youthful fol u Indiatreilcn will lo well to avail themaelrescl elllhronlc ai u A eeiat uirea.t.. svanta eeauv this the Kreateet lon er laiilatlbe feet of euserirur bocnanltt, 111. (pil.nay will snaraolee to forfeit M0 fer eter) caaa cf weakut.a of piltete dlaeaaes of any Had or ciar.iter whUbbe unirttkea and falls Ucuie "HDll.iirll HH, frtreerr mn) at ike ate el :e to 31 who are troubles IU toofreiiiiebleiatualiiuet the ladder, ofua .luiailid by a a)iht lu.Hlir " lumlnr Masstiuri am! a weakening of Ike ejiUmlna tcan.ei the fttal ear.Kt atieust fr, Vu tiarcinirr the urteary do. Ill a Kir aedlneol ll JIn le leutd, aed soste tiaiee auall liartlcles sf elknaen will appear, r the (else will I a ibln.ullkUh hue .seals basilar to .dark aidUipiVf arresrasce. There are wany ssea w be die tf U.led.lT.euliy, lttei.nl el the non, which to ta ttU eue (.1 aluJual weakseta tir.l.wlll ruaraata s rerte rl rule I .11 mrh eaaar, sad a healthy raateea. Ilea sf tks realso urlnai' oitaria. OSes hturt 1 as 4.IUIU k au.S.ieliesa I0U1I A.M. Ceasalav, Mas ties. Tkereusb esaaalssllee ssds4elce,W CaJt re alone,: UK. srl.NatY CO., .Ve, II Ksaraef eu.et, Asa -raaU.e, l Ijanlt-sl TktnumHtri. (Veij Vurm e,aaw. lu.nufaMiaiaaT (louctaaa, M,ea. lltr-twad rer sHaesraled "" " -Ui tJ 1 n 1 r: .11 l M M ! V i d i m ?l M m r , I .t