Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 25, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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imm nary Week by )
tkrvh nr fciTnsnmiTIobi
Ooa year. (Toeta-jo paid). In advanco t S.W
fix montas, (Postaee paid), In advance... 1.!
bm Mian six month! will be. per month 25
AdvettlKmenU will be Inserted, proTldlnfr tl are
ipecWilo, t tho follon Inu table of rate :
Oelptii of HMO per month f
fliroe lnrbul of space per month oQO
I na-Satf column per month . n'
Un column por month 30 00
$.Siniple copies sent tree on application,
l'ubllcation Offlco: No. 6 Washington Street. Up
tain, rocmi No. 6 and 6A
Notice to Subscribers.
Orrnr. or IVuunrm Faiimkr, 1
I thru iry W, 1S3.
Wc publMi only a mffii lent number of the I'AnurR
ifl supply actual prepaid subscriber and io cannnt sup
ply back numbers.
If It 'Is doirulby tubacrllicrs ta secure all Ihiioi they
must arranco to send In their renewals In amplo tune
to reach Inls oliieo heforo expiration.
t& Ml suVi ribers t-an UU by theprlntfd fcuronTfi
"tnvir p.ivr )ctiy rtbun lltcif li.o v-III cApIc'C
Another ImporUnt point: AM. COM MUNICA1 IONS
, noN or tub Tiur..i'Aii) roit.
Oont Send .Honey to us through
Willi Iho present low rule at which
I'ostal N.(tes enn be purclmscd on any
money order ollice we must insist upon
our subscribers buying them and (emit
ting to us direct. ' It seems Unit iiienta
takotho money and chaigo us for tho
fee, and nil tho way fiorn 10 cents to 25
cents additional. This is not light and
wo shall bercaftct credit the subscriber
for just what money wc receive. Our
only agents art J. It. MeCIung, Kligonoj
W. II, Bauer, of Junction Oity , and
Miller Bros., Portland ; F. L. Kinton, Al
bany; Win. Cyril's Scio; ami Jno. W.
Roland, Joll'oi.son. James MoPhillips of
McMinnville. All of whom' do it
for nothing, Wc also have u Mr. Sharp,
who is in Washington Territory at pres
ent, who ha authority to solicit. This
ordor will in nowiso interfere with those
who got up neighborhood clubs and who
lire indivdually and personally known.
Communications received too Into for
this week will appear in our next issue.
Wo feel thnukful for tho very bountiful
supply that has como to hand, and they
aio all of an interesting order.
Osk or our eoi respondent" in this
week's isui, in addition to writing an
original article for publication, sends us
n few clippings. This is exactly wh.it
we want. If any .reader spo in any
other p'ipcr an uiliolo flint is of impor
tance, let him out it out and send to us.
Ho sine to state what p.ipcrit is taken
l-'on MANYje.irs Mr James Me.Phil
lips, of McMinnville, Oiegon, has taken
tho Faiimkii. lie has been an earnest
worker in increasing our circulation,
We want our friends and readciH.it
McMinnvillo to thoroughly understand
that he is one of the few agonts who
havo worked to assist us, anil has never
yet made a charge. We' also wish to
Mpologir.o for leaving his name out of
our list of agents. Ho will receipt for
any money paid him on our account.
(lOVUIlMMi NliWM.l. s trim as goeiuoi
of Washington Territoiy is about out.
There ale many candid ites for the po
sition and some objection is uiado to the
piesont iiiciiiuls'iit. Me would not be
human it he was without faults, but ho
bus really made a useful executive ; has
done nil he could for the good of tho
'territory. We have heard his enemies
say he has made an oxeollont governor
Wc see mi reason why he should not lie
to-appointed Hud doubt if any other
man will be apiointcd who 0.111 or will
do as much as Newell has done for the
good of tlu country.
Pou vi:ah past the Fwimkii has held
' tip to tho farmers of Oregon the need of
counteracting the political corruption
of Portland. That ambitious city is in
a medicament. Its Mayor sold himself
to a few ollice sockets W-foru bis election
and the sealed document has Kon
printed in the newspanor. Di, Chap
man, the Mayor, lately tried to leave
Portland for San Francisco, and the Ore
goninn given an amusing account of the
way hit crwitiicre in ollice compelled him
to remain a ml stand by them. One ot
them, the Chief of Folic, is the notori
ous Bill Wstkindj, who iiHMcrU that a
large sum of money hat ben rained to
put liiiu out of othce, and that it it to U
doue 8.oii as I
cauY prevent it.
1 the Mejor ia away ro he
The Mayor didn't go J
to California and Watkinds is still
Chief of Police, but tho Council, that
ratified his appointment without know
ing him, has found him out and natural
ly wishes to turn him out. Tho ap
pointment of this man -to Hint office is
supposed to have liccn one result of .Mr.
Mitchell's attempt to go to tho Senate.
This man Watkinds came to Salem to
work for Mitchell's eloction, with Demo
crats, himself a Democrat. Mitchell's
friends in tho Portland City Council
voted him to bo Chief of Police as a com
pensation for his zeal for Mitchell, Octo
ber 1882. This tale is very likely true,
and shows the roiruption of the political
world. This man Watkinds, who is
placid over tlu peace and welfare of a
great city, is corrupt to tho libl degree.
His appointment to that oflicc was an
insult to all decency, and proves the
depth of degradation politics cm reach.
After his appointment tho men who
voted for him in tho Council said thoy
did not know his character or they would
not have placed him in .such n position.
Political lifo in Poitland is all of a piece
with Dr. Chapman and this man
Tniir.i: is no doubt that our country
is pathing through a serious period of
business. AVe have lcnlly hard times
jtnd thousands of workmen aie idle.
There has been too much produced and
manufactured. There is moio wheat
than the world needs, or at least a very
full supply, ot all kinds of manufactur
ed goods. Tho price of non and steel
has tronc down over half down to a
vory low ligiuo and there is no demand
for it even, at that. Woolen goods nre
in excess- -even our Oregon mills
have a vory large stock of goods and
keep on tunning bcciu-o they cannot
afford to break Up their organization.
Tho fall in prices of stocks in Wall street
amounts to hundreds of millions of
money that is actually lost to those who
held them. Tho fearful collapse- of the
Northern Pacific and ita allied companies
was caused by tho apprehension that
pervades all business circles that times
arc becoming stringont. Money is
abundant and yet scarco; when timos
become, hard money calls in loans and
protects itself by strict precautions. The
bushiest of the world is ill-balanced. If
thero was just enough produced of all
goods to satisfy the needs of the world,
and enough of all sorts of food produc
ed, so that everybody could havo reason
able employment, thon there would be
good times and wc should not hoar amy
complaint of idleness and low prices of
It is astonishing to witness .the
changes in commercial and financial
matters that arc constantly occurriug.
Wo have focn Villard step down from
regal state, almost, and join tho ranks of
the "poor but honest'' majority, and wo
havo seen wheat ships reduce their pre
tensions exactly 0110 half inXour months
time. The season opened with freights
held at (i. shillings and last Friday a
largo vessel was taken at Portland at ex
actly half that rate, :12s fid per ton. Tho
demand for tonnage has never equalled
the supply and some vessels havo given
up wheat chatters and loaded with In in
tier. 1 nat may result 111 opening up a
trade in lumber that will bo extensive,
hut lumber must havo cheaper freights
than sometimes rule. So far this season
thewheat grown has had tho best of
possibilities, for every decline in freights
Ins been attended with an advance in
wheat to correspond. Wheat exporters
seem to be in an anxious 8taeof cqioct
ancy for they depended on a rise of
wheat in foreign markets to pay them
for their trouble and outlay. As yet
there is no indication of any advance
Kight dollars a ton freight to any.Kuro
iean port is really a very low price and
cannot jiossibly icpay a ship for its ex
penses of the voyuge, and that was what
the last charter we referred to figures,
reducing stctling exchange to 'our cur
senator Slater has replied at length,
arid in phrase consistent with tho politi
cal faith of 11 free-trade democrat, to a
resolution pied in October by the
Wool ell-ewer's Convention, held at Tho
ll.illt'i. which ilcmsndcd of him as a
Senator iiom Irrcgon, that he 'exert his
influence to restore the duty en wool,
which was taken oil' last winter. He
as.erts hlmst'lf 'trongly, saying this de
mand for a duty on wool is merely a
claim made by farmers who are wool
grover and who count only ua one in
fifty of the imputation, that money shall
l put in their pocket at tho oxjne of
the griut majority. After eniphasiring
tin ulteiance he add; Verily the
monopolists in this country are net con
fined to 1 tie great wilnwd corporations."
Tbia bit ot sarcasm is at the expense of
Oregon wool growers, who recognite that
there leing a heavy tariff on woolen
goods the manufacturer ha a chance to
enrich himself at
the full cost of the
difference between foreign and homo
in ions. Mr. Slater seems lo bo unable to
s. 1- that JLlie wool grower has accom
plished a great deal fothis country and
has been protected in so doing by a duty
levied On foreign wools. Only for that
duty it is very doubtful if wool growing
could havo grown to tho magnitude it
has attained in tho United States.
Protection has enabled us to grow
wool' and to manufacture them into
goods of many kinds, and has created a
great and prosperous industry whicji
gives employment to hundreds of thou
sands. Wool growing has become n
groat item of production from the soils
and the producer naturally seeks to hivo
protection extended to him, nt least in
proportion to the duties levied on wool
ens manufactured abroad. Mr. Slater
has found a prominent manufacturer
who wants all wools to bo freo of duty,
but who insists that the duties shall re
main on manufactured goods, lie is
mth'r a awini-hlydisposod mtt, is Gpo.
W. Bond, who is thus quoted. He asks
all possible protection for his cloth and
yet claims that he should buy foreign
wools without let or hindrance Then
ho would havo a soft thing, sure enough 1
Mr. Slater sets foith that homo wools
have homo tho highest price when for
eign wool has paid tho lowes' duty.
After making this claim as positivo as
pos.-iblo, he gives away his case by say
ing that 110 doubt the reduction of wool
duty caused the late decrcaso in price.
But Mr. Slater's great argument is, that
the nation has too much revenue, that
the great duty he as a Senator has to
perforin is to stop this unnecessary tax
ing of tho people, lie proposes to let
foicign wools in on us, like a flood of
devastation, from tho dry plains of Aus
tralia, from tho great valley regions of
Brazil and Buenos Ayres, from Chili,
from the islands of the sea, from every
where because it is necessary to reduce
tho revenue. If he is is a free trader he
means that wool shall pay no duty at
all. There is nothing that can be made
to wear so falso a face as statistics. The
shrewd demagogues can take facts and
figures and by bending and twisting
thorn to his uses can mystify tho world.
The other sido mounts tho stump when
ho gets down, and demagogue number
two proves by his array of facts mid
figures just theopposito. "Figures can't
lie." Tho deuco they can't! They
can't lo anything else under somo peo
ples handling of them. This question
siramerH down to simply as follows :
Our wtx4 growers have seen their fleeces
sell in 1883 from at least one-third less
than thoy brought in 1882. They see
the manufacturer, instead of reducing
the price of manufactured goods, put
about ten millions into their own pock
ets, so our wool growers ask to havo the
old tariff restored again. Mr. Slator i
a freo-tradcr and has a perfect right to
say that he cannot consistently comply
with thd "demand" made on him. He
thinks his opportunity has conic to show
off a groat deal of erudition. He has
been for fivo yeais a professional states
man, so, instead of quietly asserting
that he must abide by his principles he
treats us to a homily about tho tariff.
Wo respect tho Senator's consistency,
but wish it had been shown in fewor
words, lie could have spared us the
sarcasm that asserts that he sees no dif
ference betweon the railroad that char
ges freight on products to the extent
they will bear and let the. producer live,
and the farmer who having only ono
single item of protection in the whole
tariff ''demands" of our Congressmen
that they use their influence lo preserve
that one item of protection. Our wool
growers miss nearly a million dollars
from theii income, lost to them by do
prceiation of wool. Mr. Slater prefers to
have them lose this $1,000,000 in prefer
ence to jeopardizing his consistency, at
a time too, when his party is divided be
tween protection and free trade and he
could le excused for favoring the exigen-cv-s
of his constituents.
Our winter has nearly p.itsoJ, and the
genera) jwwjpeet of farming ojierations
is excellent. Through Western Oregon
a very extensive acreage is in wheat,
though our funnels are not depending
as much on that as formerly. They are
sowing to grass a great deal. The ques
tion as to what variety of grass will do
well is 4 eiy important one. "We can
recollect when it was ajuertoJ that cloer
would not giow in Marion county, and
oven now we hear that on the south
id of (hi Wa'do HilUit will not grow,
while on the north and wttt of the same
locality, not a dojten miles J way, it dots
ttdmir.ibly. It is asserted that the loose
(soil vul of Aumsvillfl prtvyenU clover
from growing, and other grass, while
they do well in clay soil. Clover and
orchard grass in fact all grasses -eeni
to thrive 011 the led hills. Again: we
hear that clover will not grow cotitli of
the Santmrn, which i probably true of
localities. If wo were twenty years
younger we could journey about the
country to advantage and gather many
valuable facts as well as add many
friends to our subscription list. W'v
should bo glad to havo our friends in
form us what grasses, grains, fruits and
vegetables thrive in different parts of
this valley and elsewhere.
Our winter is passing pleasantly and
no harm dono to anything. M. N.
Smith, of Waitsburg, Washington Ter
ritory, whom wc lately mot, an old
friond,says thero is a. great acreage in
wheat in his country, and all bouth of
Snake river .there is a great deal of wheut
sown that is up and looking well. Thero
is universal prospect of good harvests,
and we can hope that farmers will real
ize good crops this year, which, with the
immense immigration we arc sure to re
ceive, will groatly bless tho country.
This is a good season for sheep, be-
causo tho wool has
lias grown steadily all
the season and boo ovri-wed 119 eis -
situdes. If Ave have severe cold weather
it stops growth and leaves a dead spot
on tho fiber or a place that is weak,
whereas the mild, or at leat moderate,
season has permitted tho wool to make
regular growth. So wo. may oxpect to
have fair weight of fleeces and a very
good quality of wool. Considering the
prospect for a low price it is comforting
to flock-owners to have thoi'r sbcop
winter well, their flocks incrca-c well
and the crop be heavy. There is money
in sheep oven at 15 cents for wool
where they can- be kept without ex
pense. Though tho prico of wool was
low last year, and promises little better
for tho year to come, the sheep industry
is yet important and pays tho best of all.
So far as we can judge by what wo see
and learn the fruit crop promises to be
fair. Tho trees set heavily with fruit
buds, and tho warm weather was making
them swell in Clackamas county, as the
Enterprise said, but this cool, frosty
weather has checked that tendency.
Judge J. W. Grim, of Aurora, who is an
experienced fruit grower, says he thinks
we are on the eve of a very prosperous
year. Ho has a number of orchards.
Fruit sometimes has bloomed in Oregon
in February and thon has made a large
yield. Mr. Grim thinks wc need not
fear early blooming, but wc prefer to
havo the bloom and the fruit come late.
This season wo can sell a great deal of
fruit at a high prico to Montana miners
and stock men. All the country from
hero to St. Paul is wanting those red
Oregon apples they havo heard of. They
will not object to pears and cherries,
also, and wc shall be disappointed if they
refuse plums. Somo of our people sec
Turkish prunes offered for sale here
cloven poujids for tho dollar, or nine
cents a pound. That will pay well
enough. If n bushel of primes weighs
sixty pounds and you get one-third of
dried fruit, that is twenty pounds to the
bushel. If you get sit cents a pound
that will mean $1.20 a bushel for the
green fruit, and after drying them, will
givo you noar a dollar a bushel over tho
cost of gathering and curing and pack
ing. Tho man who can gt fifty cents a
bushel for green prunes in his orchard
is doing fairly, as prunes have always
borne here, but that gives a dollar net
at only six cents a pound for the dried
fruit. Despite what our Portland friends
have said about the shame to our farm
ers that they could not supply Portland
last season with all sorts of products,
we should not recommend to every fai
mcr to plant small fruits and vegetables
for the local markets. That is a ntco
sary thing to do but may be overdone.
The market can bo over-supplied, in
which ca.e products will drop out of
sight in price. It is true of many that
they have excellent land for gaiden
stull's. Such will find a profit in well
manuring an acre or so of land and thon
growing vegetable, thereon. He will
generally find a demand for them among
neighbors or in the nearest town. In
case he has too many potatoes, and 'there
is dull sale, he 0.111 boil them up with
bniu and meal and feed them to pigs
or stock. Cabbage are rather cer
tain to be in demand, and there are
some places that produce them remark
ably woll. Tons and toim of cabbage
oorue from California. Wo ought not to
permit vegetables lo be brought here
that we can grow at home.
Take the year just and the priiesof
poultry and eggs has been high enough
at Portland to have made a oultiy far
mer noar that place rich. Kwry farmor
can make money at it and should, The
Chinese eat three-fourth of all the
chickens. Kgjrs have averaged at whole
sale twenty-lio cents a dozen and chiok
en SM.W) down. Where is there any
thing on tho farm that counts up better
tlun chicken and eggs do at those
Gov. Newell has minv dinnl. wlm
lunre bis re-amviintnifiitmi,! a lie li
done much for the Tcrri tor v he should
kntinuo to have the place,
In a free talk before Salem Change it
was assorted that a fow men manage
Portland and a few men from Portland
manage the State. The speaker referred
to the Republican party. We can give
a little information on Portland manage
ment. Political parties there hold open
balloting for election of convention del
egates. There is no open meeting, but
peoplo vote for whoovcr they please.
Wc attended' tho polls onco to see how
things went and found judges and a
clerk holding an election. Tho matter
had been "iixed up" somewhere. There
wns a man by with printed tickets and
there was only one ticket in the field.
Wc tried to lo.irn what that ticket reprcr
Edited but could not. The Republican
machine magnates had gotten together
in caucus and made nominations ; this
all day polling was to sanction their ac
tion. This year Portland will send
( about thiity delegates, irotton un in the
lsp.mn. v.-av. Thervill all veto and wnvlr
together. No one will know what power
controlled their election, but it was
done by men who knew how these others
would go on important points. These
thirty votes will be n solid wedge. Vcy.
likely Salem will fix up a delegation to
work with them. Salem politicians fix
matters up very much in tho same way,
and the Portland ring is extensive. The
country precincts are not half attended
and a handful of sharp men will "fix up"
the whole country if we are not mindful.
Tho way matters are conducted and mis
managed it is easy, sometimes, to "put
up" a whole county against the interest
of its voters, who act in blind confidence
with their party. The fault lies greatly
with the voters. They should go to
these primaries; and turn out in such
numbers as to make "putting up jobs"
impossible. They don't turn out and
then the rings rule. In this way con
ventions are packed, legislatures arc
packed und Congress is packed. The
very election of governors and presidents
is fore-ordained by political bosses. It is
all very easily possible because tho best
and most responsible citizens neglect
thoir duties.
All this results from the perfection of
tho political machine and the subservi
ency with which voters run with the
machine. We must break tho machine
wherever it is at work and practice inde
pendent voting. It will not do to vote
for any man who is not reliuble and if
you don't know him to be so don V vote
for him. The independent voter saves
the country. "We don't need any "boss"
to manage our voting. It 'n frequently
the case that men are put in nomination
who are hardly known. Somebody
knows them ? depend on it.
The producers ot the country have
the votes. They can rule. They have a
right to rule and to be in all positions.
To bo a lawyer seems to be the requisite
for many offices. Farmers are contin
ually electing lawyers to office instead of
choosing able men from the ranks of
producers. Let us overcome this sense
less course and look out competent men
from our own class to send to tho Senate
to Congress, to be Governor, to till our
State Legislature. "We needn't be too
selfish, but it must bo remembered that
"honest farmers" exist who are capable
of all these positions and they have for
a long time waited vainly for their turn
to come. -
The news came over the wires tho
other day that the Northern Pacific rail
road management has freshly announced
that Tacoma will leceive all the encour
agement the company can give, and
will be the terminus of the great trans
'onlinental road. This rumor has not
exactly paralizcd Portland, but some
people there evideutly fear that Tacoma
may interfere with Portland's ambition.
It was nothing new or strange that Ta
toma is the terminus and will be made
the most ot by the Northern Piicific com
pany. Ten years ago it was located for
that purpose, and as we published after
visiting there, the company and its in
dividual memliers have 20,000 acres of
land to speculate on. Of course they
wish to make it as valuable as thoy can,
and no doubt they can make it very
valuable property. Considering then
mm ine oruiern rscine people are
more interested in Tacoma than Port
land, what is to nuln Will they carry
goods there for nothing? of course not.
They will hurry up tho construction of
the Cascade branch road so as to run
train's direct to Tacoma from St. Paul.
They will alo run to Portland. Portland
has the advantage of being a railroad
centei. It is alo an ocean port. Be
rides this, great rien bring commerce
to its wharves. The city's fortunes
are of a sudden dependent on the con
struction of canals and locks around the
Cascades and The Dalles of the Colum
bia, which its Board ot Trade and its
creat neKrwrw.rt.v v,iti.r .m..
led a wae of money. Thoy begin tore-!
nlizo that water transportation is cheaper
ban railroad travel can ever bo ; that
with the rivers open to Idaho and British
Colnmbia Portland will recoive the pro
ducts of tho Upper Country with their
wheat and wool will como their other
trade. Portland has suddenly discovered
the key to its destiny and will work for
river improvements.
Thero must be great cities on the
Sound, and its resources will sustain
them. It is a mistake to supposo it so
great an object to go to Tacoma rather
than to Portland. If a vessel wants to
load wheat, when sho is off the Columbia
2.") miles out to sea, sho is 150 miles, at
most, from Portland, and 400 miles from
Tacoma. bho can bo towed to Portland
as cheap as sho can bo lowed from Capo
Flattery to Tacoma. When govern
ment has improved tho Columbia en
trance and tho river channel is nindo
passable thero will bo no reason why
commerce shall not como as readily to
Portland as to Tacoma.
Of course tho farmers of our legion
and State are interested in having their
products go to market by tho best and
cheapest route, and if that is Tacoma it
will bo all right for them. It is some
advantage to a Stato' to havo a great
metropolis to 'assist in paying taxes.
Portland, with half-way common-sense
management, can always bo the great
metropolis of the Pacific Northwest, but
if any other point becomes so it will be
because great commercial principles
control and direct, and tho interest of
producers will follow the course of
general trade.
niong the corporations started under
Villard management was one called The
Northern Pacific Terminal Company,
which was building at Albina large shops
for the joint use of the three great rail
roads. Also an elevator for handling
wheat. This elevator was estimated to
cost eight hundred thousand dollars,
and no doubt would eventually be of
great xisc in a commercial sense. Con
siderable talk is made because work has
stopped on this elevator, and it 23 sup
posed by many to have somo connection
with the intention of the Northern Pa
cific management to favor Tacoma as a
great commercial point, but that is not
so, as wo firmly believe. There are two
facts that hear on this subject. Wo are
personally acquainted with tho en
gineer who had this elevator under his
charge and who already has the founda
tion in at a cost of about $20,000. He
says tho company depends on the sale
of its bonds to raise tho money needed
for the work, and in the present critical
state of finances these bonds can only be
sold at a ruinous discount, so it is good
policy to let work stop for tho present,
as there is no urgent need for an elevator
to handle wheat The fact is, from our
standpoint, that the building of such an
elevator is entirely premature. -If we
ship wheat, as heretofore, it will be
handled in sacks and the elevator will
not be required and even cannot bo used
to a good advantage in making shell
It is possible that there was some in
tention to ship wheat overland, but Eas
tern wheat will not como to Portland to
commence tho overland journey and
there is little inducement to ship our
valley wheat that way when it com
mands a premium as white wheat in tho
foreign markets. Tho building of-an
elevator seems then entirely useless
until we commence to handle grain in
bulk. When we ship carcoes in bulkwe
can use an elevator, not licforc. We do
not understand that California, which
sometimes handles fifty millions of bush
els of wheat in a season, has any great
elevators or could use them if they had
them. The quostion of shipping wheat
in bulk is interesting and important and
if it can be done successfully will save
fivo cents on a bushel in the cost of
sacks. What our wheat growers need is
good warehouses and facilities for stor
ing and handling this grain nt all points
of storage and shipment. Mr. Villard
deserves to havo our respect because he
was earnest in trying to provide the
country with all tho facilities commerce
can need. It is .very doubtful if we
shall seo soon any one else who will have
the same broad and liberal views.
It is doubtful when the elevator work
at Albina will be resumed but probably
not for some time, if ever.
18 First Street,
We call SBeclal atten
tion to our Large Assort-
mem ni
Which we offer at the
lowest ptssible prices for
goofl gooes.
ur stock of dry goods
is always kept eoaaplete
i every deaartateat.
B.v seadiar aa order to
us by msiTaB.v' reader of
iae A.KMHti eaa oa
taia goods as satisfactor
ily as if aersoaally la
oar store
sa-Tif atr tut ear tmkn
is alliatc Orra by autlL
t ,-j'ij-, Jaf .
Taj" ni h iiTiiiiiii 'iMftai whuiw'i'i" "m"1 p"' i 'iiiiiimaw 1 " mtmr
.,. 8J3 '-. & hrQtJ