Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 18, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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I&tivr gcptifutctif.
At Port TovvnsondRG now houses weio
built in 1S83.
Klickitat county Iiim 4,000 population
ami Uolilcndalc GOO.
Congress will investigate tha expenses
of tlio Star Routo trial-".
Owcnby, tho murderer, is dead, so the.
hangman is sprued n fearful job.
General Bhcmian will bo pushed for
the presidency by his brother John.
E"eni hid more now buildings in
1883 than in any two years of lato limes.
Joromo Porter has sold his race mnro
Trade-Dollar for if-1,500 to Agrc A. C'o
E. W. Colon in A- Go. , heavy dealers in
flour and grain at Xevv York, failed hit
During 1883, 11,000 tons nf wheat,
woith fSOSjOOO, was shipped from Pen
dleton. Elfus, who nimdeied Hngcfprtv, at
Prcscott, ws hanged at 'Walla Walla on
I. S. Swearinger, an old r-ettler r.nd pio
neer of Linn county, died January 8lh,
aged 71.
"Wheat fields in 'Washington county
are looking ery fine, so they are every
where. Thero is a comet visible in the north
western sky nt about half past seven. It
is a dim a flair.
Berry Evans, of Morongo, was arrested
for firing his own barn ; tho evidence is
very stiong.
bears one kind of fruit one year and an
other the next.
It is said theru is a good prospect for a
mil to pass uongicss to provide for a
postal telegraph. '
A arm oi i.onuon tmniccr-s comnipncp
an notion against S. W. Dorsey for an old
railroad Dona transaction.
Ben'llolladay is still pavinj a thou
sand dollars o month rent to receiver for
tho use of his own house.
Four boys at Ccntervillc. Ill
county, have been arrested and lined for
uiHuuuuig religious HUlBUip.
Stock men and farmers are prospering
all over the region etrst'of the Cascades
as well as west of them.
An unfavorable import w'ill be made on
the claim of the Southern Pacific for the
Texas Pacific Land Grant.
Very rich mines are said to be discov
cred near Tucson, Arizona, and the bo
nanza lirm have bought them.
A bill is introduced in Congioss to es
tablish postal savings banks in all post
offices that have ?1,000 income.
Villard is recovering health and will
go to Europe to rest nnd recruit. It is
asserted his entire foitune is lost.
Old and New Tacoma are consolidated
and now it is all one town and pretty
certain to become a great city.
Work on the Snake river bridge is be
ing prosecuted day and night and it is
expected will be finished by March.
A large force is at work on the Cedar
Rivotf branch railroad, back of Seattle.
There will no stoppage of work then-.
Congressional committees have under
consideration tho question of revoking
the land grants not earned by railrqads.'
France has interdicted American pork
liecause of a rumor that a great deal of
diseased meat has been shipped abroad.
The press is showing up favoritism of
whicli Senators provide their own rela
tives with good positions at Washington.
Henry B. Payne is elf cted Penator from
Ohio, Allison is re-eleckd from low a,
una Williams leads the vote in Kentucky.
A French expert pay California wine
is nothing near equal to French wines
.and don't think it will ever be excellent.
A regular lino of sleighs rung from
Spokane Falls to Cnur d'Ale'ne MU-ion
, .and pack trains go tluough to Oft mines.
It is predicted that Speaker Carlisle.
of Kentucky, will bo elected Senator
, from thnt State by the present Legisla
Several bill aie before Congress pro
viding for a government telegraph sr-
r vice uuimueifu wiiii me posiai ueimu-
Client..- r
The woolen mill at Davton, W.T., is
i running six looms, employs twenty-fiio
i men and manufactures a great Yaney of
j goods.
Two Tennessee Judges dfd noi agrro
and lud a fight, beinif HJparatfd thov
I drew knivei and wished a chance' to usj
Coiicress U exorcised over tho exclu
sion of American meatH from franco and
Jeraauy, and relaltory ieabutes are
nlked off. " .
Chinese nntlioritieM have blockaded
jthe Canton rivorin iipprehwicioiiMf war
all J-rance and attack ly the raiiou
fleet on Canton. , '
f- Young Xutt, who'killtil Dukfs in
Pennsylvama, s tnr trial utid the t-yi-lenee
is very pohitivi,vbut pyiniwtliy in
Ml with him for all that.
-We road of cutting and shooting
crapes in difl'erent direction, too niimer-
lid tV .iA.ili, .?, I'llJ W.IL.,i." .M.1
iias going to the bad, ' v
'Senator Slater lis written a letter tn
lie Wool firowere Association whtrn I.e
curou lo try to cet the tann on wool
Stored. It is against his free trader
rinciples, -t--
Work at Albina on the great elevator
has ceased and it is doubtful if it will bo
renewed, but work on the shops N going
on steadily.
A bill introduced in the 1'. S. Senate
is lor cutting down one-half passenger
and freight latcs on tho Union and Cen
tral Pacific roads.
Bismarck seems to bo inclined to tieat
our pork products more favorably since
it appears that we don't send any dis
eased pork to Germany.
At Prairio City, Grant county, a little
daughter of Dan Cohoe. while playing
around adion-fire was burned to death by
her clothes taking fire.
Some pitiful scoundicl lobbed an lion
est and industrious Italian of $180, at
Portland. The money was earned black
ing boots and was all he had.
J. W. Murray, charged with the mur
der of Venkc.his brother-in-law, at Port
laud, is held to answer tho. chaigo of
murder in the first degiee without bail.
Waterman A Co., a much respected
house in the grain trade in San Fran
cisco, hae failed, owing to looses on
chaiUrs and nhipments made, this jw.r.
Tho ouarrel over a mine in Jackon
county between Kelly and Uublc parties
has ended by Ruble withdrawing from
tho mine as the courts decided against
The b-irk Minnie M. Watts, bound for
Portland from New York, is believed to
have been lot with all on board. She
had a cargo of railroad iron worth $S5,
000. Congress will probably this winter pass
a bill to reimburse F. G. Schwatka for his
land nt the mouth of the river taken for
military purposes over thirty yen re ago.
lie will receive ifu.uuu.
Charles Brazec, son-in-law of Jese
Eaton Of Wasco, had all his horses (fouri
and one of Mr. .baton's, two calves and
fifty hens killed by grain being poisoned
by somo scoundrel.
After a rest of about two days without
anj body being actually killed Portland
had a shooting nft'iay at tho red house
when Tom Cornelius, aged 21, shot Ed
ward Lawrence, who was dangeionslv
ou ruled.
A conespond'Mit writes from Cimir
Ucne and endorses tho great wealth of
titchard week mine, but doesn't ad-
iso people to go there, because thcie
will be too many theie, anyhow.
The Government Superintendent of
Yellowstone P.uk complojns that fences
aic torn down and reservations invaded
by stock of the Hotel Company, so that
ho cannot find feed for tho government
At Willamina, Yamhill county, a boy
with a pistol accidentally shot it off and
through two little girl ; it went through
at tho cheek of one and out of the mouth,
and through the arm of the other.
New Year's day a gill 14 years old,
daughter of Joseph Roberts and wife,
nine miles of Itoseburg, was cut in the
arm, severing tin aitc-ry. It was bound
tip but bled internally, and caused her
death some days after.
The papers say that the waim weather
is causing fruit buds to swell so that
cold weather would do great harm. Th
favorable weather tells well on the 'low
ing wheat crop andtheie i a gnu, I pi m
ise for a Luge ciop next ye.u.
A correspondent sa that be
tween the John Day and Des
Chuttes, for 35 miles back from the Co
lumbia, government land is nearly all
taken and great improvement i going
ou, being fenced and plowed.
Ohio Democrats have nominated in
legislative caucus 11. 15. Payne instead of
Pendleton lor United states Senator.
Mr. Pendleton has distinguished himself
as tho friend of civil service reform and
is poor, while Payne, is a millionaite and
connected with the Standard Oil Co.
At Bradford, Pa., a stream of wafe
oil took fire and a railroad train that
tried to run through it tookfiie. Several
persons were burnea to death. In an
instant the train wa all ablaze. Thii
toen others will die and many .ire in
jured. In the family of Mr. Bennett, Powell
Valley, Multnomah county, his son was
handling the family gun and not think
ing it loaded pulled the trigger when a
heavy ball went through the body of
his little ister. Strange to say, though
it penetiated the body it was not a mor
tal wound.
Suicides, in one direction or another,
average about one a day, and crime is in
horrible ascendancy. Our country has
undeigoiio a vvondeiful change in the
few pat years and the development ve
son in progress is attended with much
The Sprague Herald mtnuumes the
discovery of rich mines twenty miles
above the mouth of the Sjiokane. It ir
ga'cna witn cm oonate oi wiver, like the
Leadvillo miries nnd unlike anything
known on' thU coat. Preparation- aie
making to put up smelters.
Tho exhibition of the deaf mute l
'fore a Portland audience attracted much
attention, and it-is probable that Hev.
Mr. Knight, the principal, will l siu
eefnl in hi appo.il to tho citizen', of
Portland for assistance iu carrying on
the school
Estimates made of tilt, shrinkage if
stocks on sjs4v live of the leading rail
roads show that two years ago tbi-y vw je
quoted and wld readily ou Wullvtrctt
for$l,22l,000,opa , One yteir ago at Wall
street quotations of sale they were worth
$1,059,000,000. Present ' values 803,
000,000. So the holders J.f thf.o stocks
are worth lour hundred and eighteen
millions less than tbev could have sold
readily fr in January. 1M2, and their
stocks have declined sf2.'0,000,000 in the
vear 1SK1, mo-tlv ince Oi'tolxr 1st.
Win. llloxom nnd Mrs. Fisher have
been committed at Portland for the mur
der of Mrs. Fisher's husband, and refused
A team-let1 who had been working for
tho O. A C railroad and was supposed
to have several hundred dollars wages
with him. was knocked down in Jack
sonville and badlv lux t, but tho jcouu
dielijid not get 'he money, as ho had not
cashed the check".
The O. It A- . Co. has completed an
arrangement with thnOnvrmi f!Mii.rnf-
tion Company by which work will be
iU'diod to a completion on the Baker City
uraueii so m.u connection win no made
with the Oiogon Short Lino next sum
mer. Pnvate advices fiom Xew York
show that there will be no intenuption
in work on our r.iilnav svstcm but all
blanches iu piogie-s will be prosecuted
to completion.
During the year 18S3 thro were re
ported to the Walla Walla health officer
171 eaes of contagious diseases, divided
as follows: Diphtheria, 70; tvphoid
fever, 29; -mall po, 2: mea1es, r2, and
scai let fever, 15. Of tho 00 doaths dur
ing tho same period, 17 were from diph
therial, 0 measles, 2 typhoid fever, and
one each from small pox and scailet
feer. Tho records show ).") births, of
which 53 were males and 12 females.
It is estimated thnt tho wheat on hand
in California January 1, 1881, was
r),S00,000 cental; barley, 2,500,000 cen
tal". At the same date a voar ago there
were 8,300,000 centals of wheat, and
1,000,000 centals of barley. Tho Alta
says fiomthc stock of wheat on hand nt
this date it is evident that California
cannot export to En tope over 80,000
tons, exclusive of tho qMmitity now load
ing. Should rain fail it is probable that
none would bo exported, except to dis
patch tho loading fleet.
Happening in Poitland the other
evening, we made a call at tho Poitland
Business College, under Mr. Armstrong's
management, nf the new rooms on the
noith-east corner of Second nnd Yam
hill streets. The gieat. class room had
fully sixty scholars at their wotk, nil
bonding with intense inieiest over their
desks nnd some at tho principal's desk to
have their work examined and collected.
One-third of the school wns not in nt-
tendance, it being owning. Business is
o ananged that those who choose to do
to can be in attendance both day and
evoning and many young men and
indies of Poitland nic engaged income
employment tluough . the day nnd
attend only in tho evening. This ac
commodates all who wish to get a busi
ness education and works a hardship
only on the teachers who give almost un
remitting attention to the school. Some
arc in a hurry to finish' the course and'
devote their ti me assiduously to their
studies. It is not an uncommon thing
for scholars to complete the term in three
months. Mr. Armstrong tells of one of
his pupils who finished his course iu ten
weeks and went from tho school room
info the employ of a large commission
nudwiiol biivinghou-o and has made a
-luvevs. Uufoio .that he never had kept
books though he had been a clerk in a
eonntr.v store and had, just provious to
entering the Business College, been
teaching school in Umatilla county.
This is tin exceptional case and tho per
son alluded to may have had more
preparation, having liecn a teacher for
awhile, than would bo tho cao with an
averago country scholar. The average
of time for the tcholnrs from the country
is from fourteen to eighteen weeks while
the scholar from Poitland and vicinity
often spend five to eight months at the
course. The dillcrenco is inthis: coun
try bcholarsare gencially older and more
anxious to make good time because it is
a heavy expense tiiat they -strive to
shorten as much as iossible. Boys are
sent fiom town at an eailier age and so
do not learn as rapidly as older ono,
and, as they live at home, they do not
feel the same inducement for haste. It
is an inteiesting matter for (ho principal
to watch the young gentlemen at their
work and see tho great interest they tako
in it. Out of neaily a hundred only
three of the present number requiro
any urging or show any lack of inteiest.
To the great majority it seemn to be a
moor 01 love, aim an 1110 more suc
cessful. Two-thirds of all the scholars now in
attendance come from oub-ide of Port
land, and the great majority of these
are from the country. We are satisfied
that the education thus acquired is more
frviceable to tho greater numlier than
graduation at some high hchools. It
pre-puppoecj a knowledge nf the com
mon branches. The scholar is inude
proficient in arithmetic nnd taught tho
meaning of business forms in common
u?e. For iu-tance; A system of bui
ne- is practically carried out that no
collates corie-ponilcnte and transac
tion, a-if regular business was carrii'd
on. All branches: retail wholesale.
commU'ion morchnuts and the intrica
cies of the banking house itself, ate made
pUin to the. scholar by actual practice.
The Businero Collciro is i)li'uJtitlv
a'x.'iuted witlf regard to all othe r educa
tional initiation-, it is in harmony
with every other school, occupying n
field tlut i- a specialty and ono that all
other n-iioois and coiivgi's endori-e xi an
absolute neix-ity.
Wu weie'ph'.istil to to m inuny far
mer-' son?, r.i well a t""e farmers'
daughters, in the bunne'S college, le-eaiii-e
wefeel tho great neod of practical
information ou, business matters among
fanturs them-elvcs and know it is necea
rary loliegiu by educating the young.
I'un if we don't intend to have them
leave iho farm, wo should educate them
lo understand biibinees. Every farmer;
should bo a butiincs.i man. 1
The F.vr.MEn is making an eflort to enlist
in its behalf nil tho raiding nnd thinking
portion of the farmers of thoXorth Wet
Subscription has been leduced as low
as we daro venture in the belief that wecan
double our lit of paying subscribers and
greatly iucic.tso its inlluence and popu
larity, 'a
Tho Faiimkr is closing its fiftfcn yeai
of publication. It is no new venture", no
uncertain thing, but well founded and
ably conducted.
Any singlo subscriber can remit $2.00
and receive the F.vkmkk one j car fiom
date of payment.
Tlio'o who write and fend in a club of
five, all paying at nhce, can have th"
Faumek one year for $1.75 each.
Old friends of the Fakmeii can easily
securo among their neighbors five or ten
names and secure their paper at $LZ or
$1.50 per year.
Wo hope tb.it miny will get up clubs
snd vindicate our faith in their good will
liiwntds tin ir old time friend,
The AVim.vmi.tte Fm:mi:k.
Lano County Pomona Grange.
Invi.Nc, Or., Jan. 11. 18SI.
BJitor Willamette Farmer :
Please publish that Lane county Po
mona Grange will meet with Springfield
grangoon the fourth Saturday, (the 20)
of January, 1881, "at vhichJtimo the
olliecrs for tho ensuing year will be in
stalled. All Fourth degiee members nre
cordially invited. A.C. Jkn.vint.s,
In .I'lotliprcl'imn will be found tho silver
tiseiiioi.t of t'e Fatm, Held and Fitosiclc,
offjriiv $53,000 in preheats to new subscrib
ers. This publication rinks among) the best
and hamlsouiuit of J family ami acujultural
papers, slid its pronrif t ir are fully able ti
cairj out any offur t'l'j.iniy make. An
award of f.nty thousand iluilaw was made iu
December to its sulis-nbcrs all of which was
oirried out as shown by tlic minus nnd
addressee, in 0c ad trtisement, of some of
the lecebers. Aih:
Jay Cooke au'l Henry VitUrd
To Jay Cooko nnd lleniy A'illaid the
great noithwest will ever owe a debt of
gratitude, because their courage made
its development possible, and time will
lownrd Mr. A'illaid as it has Mr. t'ooko,
in rostoring to him his fortune. It is
somewhat leinarkablo thnt exactly ten
years should elapse between the diststtts
that ovoi took the two men in the same
enterprise. In tho closing weeks of
18715 Jay Cooko went down under a load
similar to that Villard has been cm rying,
but before nnother ten yenrs hnve passed
the faith of both men will be justified,
and the wisdom of their plans fully
demonstrated. (Jlncago Jntcr-Uecau.
Dili any scientifid physician know the form'
ula from which Ammcu'a Couch Syrup is pro
pared, he would not only recommend, but
prescribe it to his patients troubled with a
cough or cold, or any disease of the throat
and lungs. Try it. It has no equal. Tor
the benefit of tliose ho would say, "An
other humbug," a trial 15 cent ti?e is prepared
Ask your druggist to get it for you. In
bottles af 15 cts., 59 cts and $1
Tho following is tlio nr-ses-wnonl of
Clackainus c ovinty : Number of ticres of
land assessed, 32(J,.")10, us,osed value,
1,150,039; agfjregato of mortgages ni
sossed, SCU0,:i2(J ; value of towp lots $317
540 ; value of improvements in the coun
ty, 5235,520; nierchamlifo and imple
niunlh, $350,731; money, notes nud ac
eotintH, sliafs of stock, etc, $.)2S,:S10;
household furniture, watches-, etc., 50,
737, horses and iiiuIcb, 2,105, v.ilue,
$11,.1S1; rattle, 0,201!, value, .ff)2,10!Ji
hcei), 0,121, value, S13,2fi"; swine, 5,031;
v.iluo, $ll,S(il. Grots vtilueof property,
f3,8 11,110. Indebtedness and exemp
tion, !fl,109,0(!l. Total taxable liioper
ty, .2,345,0S.-).
The world wide reputation of Ayer's Hair
Visor is due to its healthy action on tho luir
and scalp, through which it restores gray hair
to us original coior ami unparrs a nans aan
freshness which makes it so much desired by
an classes anil comuiwiu oi people.
Church Notice
Oujerof services at the nvangidicul
church on Sunday, tho 20th instant,
F, J. Str.inKor, Pastor Morning tlicrce,
"Who is on tho Lord's eide I" Kvening,
"Then cometli tho devil." Services at
10:30a..m. and 7 r. w., shut p. I'rayer
meeting on Thttrfclay eveniiif,'''. SniKiny
School nt 12 m. CIu-s meeting at 0 lit)
I. M.
Sudden Changes of Wcathpr arc
productive of Throat Diseates, Joughs,Colds,
etc. There is no mote illectu.il relief in thite
diseases to bo found than in the use if
Ukow.s'h IIiiom'iiiai. To ins Price 'J5ct.
Experiments in Cultivating
W. T. lfighee, of Vermont, vviitei to
tho Practical Karnier, "Kivhiy fotni- of
the results of his cxricrlinriiU in culti
vating orchards, which nl tliouli nccnnl
ing vvitli the experiments of others, may
lie ucful if briefly stated in enfoicni!,'
their teaching. .Sowing wheat in an or
chard always etrioiisly checks the growth
ot the trees., even if tho ground is ma
mired. Oats are exhaiming, hut I'fB ,o
than whi'itt. Corn nnd fKitutoci hotl
aitrwer well, and the eitHiViition they
receive ln'lits tho tn-es In one in
stance, hilf of nu nich.ird was sown
with wheat, anil the eoiii-ciiii'Jiicrt was it (
w'js juit hai;k two yt.ir as i jnipiml i
with tho otJicr hijf. Win at in a thrifty
joiing plTim orchnril iiniul it To
thew alfiteniKiiu wemuy add the follow-.
ing. A neigliiior "t out I0i) pe.u'h
trcth, cultivating a part of tlio ground in
potatoo and the remainder waf in
wheat. None of the tree in the pota
toes grew It', than o-it and It Imlf,
Xono of thoe eUuding in tli heat
gnMind gfew more than iln' inches
W BV PETER HENDERSQN.1".K'w.IVM'Mpi5..,.hindiTOmljPboundinclolh.
m. mmmmmmm imiMKIIiymi
'J0 n""1I,.'l.i FC?pr '?? ""0"S WI! 1-opuUr llulbn and the r Cnltarc.-W InilowtJinlpnlnff
-U.i;rJ J'rt.' o''Alns;-,"rra"tlu'u"l Kemnallon ol Uwn -Onion lrowlii.-lliwt..Kile
CbbKe nd Cnllfl.iwcr.-On ibe (I row nit and 1'rfwrvlni; ot Cflrrr. striwlwrrv Ciiliiirp lio.it
' v cuv hvw nis nunurb
M" T-TT5fgBllti 'iwupy
Pricoo. iyViJi3 jj K.MflaMj nf
Ww,rJ'-fT;r,?T T Frif 3
t-. . ji-y Yf.K -fi. -
jct 7ILtoJG5S
"J b inn', " T ltiiiflf-JzTrfffJLkzTi&T ""
It lh only enr1 purrrs Uir Fnr iu ut, 1 doj; a Stronff Net-Work v, Ithnut Tlftrbs It will tnra
Ior, piRt, Bbrepaml pultrrtiii tp m lli mot iclmi ftnrlt, wUhoiit injury In tt)n r It net t r mock, Udjual
Ibc feut-e for farms, pardwip, ilock rftn,; &ud rallrnatl, tnJ Vkty nt-itt f t Iawi.ii. ) m kn, cc lot and crmi
lriri. Corrrd with rml-jrtof pftlrt or piUnuirfd) it wilt tail lirfthn It in Superior to Boarjlaor
ubroea wire in cTfry rrfvci nitRitri. imr nvi,
(rI, ramie of wrougbt iroc ftp and t?i mrc, defy all competition In niMiie!i,tttiii;tii and durability.
Ui atxo mki tbo t-ft and chrai retell Iron AutotDbtlo orBeif-Openinff Onto, alto Cheapest and Neat-
est all Iron rence. Mlvmt- Iro istretrltfr nnl
pxrrllrnl i hid l,iiclnniriiiiiniilng;tnfrr or prnrttl t'tiptnts for KrlmllnK nnd olber
lijfUl nurk. Jt'orprlro- mul pi rtU ninrsntk lmrlmirnilculrl or nulrfH. hiimiI lutiliijr caper.
SEDGWICK BROS. VWxt.. Richmond. IniHann.
I oV I k y5 "tB fl wM
-NEW"S ess- CHOICE1'
All of tho bcHf tKitU new inn. nl.1 I'lantH, Trr .
inf(, heeli. c bv lutil a t-j.ecia.ty itarrivnt
uurunuca uuctlon.-c,iutfti'lgl n i.iorciBiJii t(
-1. Motxftrftftri'MUli
, .it. kuoco,,,1,;::;;.;,.
k 30 PACKETS ri.owi.K KixiiN, SI.
Il'or toe cthor M SI Hrtn nnl l.OOl UiIiirb 1i.
ririefi, tenit for our llliutnitett C&t&Uviifl ol QJi'r liil
JJUW, fret. Aon lt rr nor mor. renu6l. 1'etll).
Iirbd30 r. SOOatrro. 't 1 larno Uruonboiieeo.
Liberal Term,
Low Prices,
Long Time,
Low Interest.
tollohi liberal Ur m: One-trnth ot the prlo
In cath; InUreitt on the balance at tho rate of .oven
per cent, one year after talc, and oaili following: ear
One-Unth of the principal and intercut on the balance
at the rate of acen per cent, per annum. lJoth prln
tlpal and interest piy .iblo in U. H. Currency,
A discount cf ten per cent, allowod for iaeh.
Letters should le aildreHnu to
TALL hUHUI..E, Und Afant,
O, .V. O. It. 11. Co , Porthnd, Ok-n.
1K. WITIIVCOMlIi:, V. s.
PorllaiKl, Orreun.
Write, rrencrlptlons 'or lllseaot all cUtxcaof ttock
rice, 81 lor each prescription nrittvn. btatc bjtop
torn, and ae ot animals as near at poealbte.
Offlre c. P.
Dacon'i B'actl.auli Stables. (13 Second
ot , oet. auirK ami uaK,
SU.Iilrnri Cnr Thirl. nlh m Tarlnr RtM
Corbett's Fire Proof Livery
Hack & Feed Stable.
Corner 3J and Mai i Strrctv Tortland, Orijon.
L. B. MAGOON, Prop.
mi:Li:i'iioc - i. """
I Hm. HI, 1, 21, 24, 25, 20 i 27.
firdtraior luiKa and iiairifavei wnxoo
promptly attnde.! to day orn
Treat, tho DiKaviif Iioinotic Animal..
VI.L iitlon periainini; to the prclea.lon, an
acred lymail Ct'oritlii Coin und lllt'llni;!
a M'tciiltr. Olli'.e at tho Ford .V l-llli Llttry H'ab'c,
Sia'cm, ureyon, jan-in
SAwryniyro threshers,
MILLS, CNUlllCaHuPoi.s
(Kor ail. ti"lint and trtf IVriirora'raintil(i1
ax.dfKtilulbeaiUauidt7a;lcrC. atan.l!fld. uuiu.
tu tietrtpuoM hi ymr I
J'uttmt iMtrytruhu ft,lntvf
fall... .. IIIMllhlM.
tvt ltutiinflv, U. V,
iuIp. 'lh'(4 wldiiit t.j ri4oi ranlwrrio. will idmt
viidfor. nulir rrl jtioi totirltnr.aiHl pliraiu, .oil,
tc V Ikijocniuui, Ml.llor.l, i'onil or II, II, uu,
J It t lin IJjn2t
A.uii's fur.I in f fi
ria, Ur Mr fn tllat
M3ftt.c K jt)Q Tru.
lul Mifkf 1 Dili-) (1 flrrrittlrLiii
rrailjiJi t t)ttAt itU)TruB
illirlt-ri TtrUot n7fiiiDtr,raliiMtnt
tih -(: i drtfifitrinV'i f lilj C itifii
in nttowpm nrMj fin ui ciiaw ..,
mm (ii it fret ron.1rit fiiitlnff rrritlii
q bUi4inla ff ' lt Art I uatll itf
St Helen's Hall. " .
A Itoai'iliii miri Day School
tor airls.
X 'til illi a corf uf fourteen Ua..hcrfc Thor
cu.-l, tiitfl'tlon In EniH.li, Ancient and Modern
laoUH! Vot'al and Iralrntneni.l Mutl,. PraMna.
f'.lnllnif lnd Catittlienlca. The I'Ul'lll l)v daily akl
In c.niiij' itli a Kailier. tor further Infomiation
An.IitxTili'llor WOKUIK, Kiclor.tr VIM MAIIV
II I.MiVKV, I lin. !,,!, Portland, Oie.on.
l W.
an. rouisinins sicel ronra 1 01 (lie Aalhor. i.mhr.i.;
A rt ?AB.?f"?M.. F.h9.n'STS.
NJW VI W 35 37 VOIIianQl SI,,
nuw YOKK.
vl Bd4l
aiANUTACTUiiEna op
nnii rnn
?T.ye,,",,., Vi. F,"wr Clalne-VF
i A,,hB "' Uilrlj inn' eiprrloecaa
Bcj4 (Irowcr. tIII kMcnl free lo hII mho pplj.
All mr Heed m nurrnnted lubcfrciih nd(rA l
immou fur that thould It prove i.hi-rwl.f,l itm
(a rrOll order, armtlm II nlleetlon of Tesetefcttt
Need, one of Iho mot eKleitKlte lo be found lo onj
Aip.ri.nii ninioffur. o mrco sortor Horn
A (be nrteVnat Inlrodnrep ol"
Kellne lleeu Ilnrbnnk I'ofatoeK. Alorbleheoal
l.arlr Corn, the Hubbard Hquath, and Beorea or
nfT VcffctaMra.! Invlletho patrannaeor the pub
aeed wilt be found beat odvertlAemenU
cc jrsr'-ca una on too lurm. or thom3cl.o plant
JAMES J. H. GREGORY. Seed Grower. Mirblthead. Mass.
BnowinR uivni w r iineu imo mtt r. inirruKitirB
lof jtiiKi AKoMi.tiiifHrturt Hu
Liiitfiv Alii lrliitinrMiir lIitULll,
Portable and Stationary
And fiteam Hollers of tho let tlcBitrn, materUI mJ
Wtirknuinshlp. Our Biimlltr elzce epchlly odapt d a
Farm and Plantation Use.
Wo manufacture atx aizci of Saw Mill., with capacl
ty of from Tlirue to 1 illy Thoimaiul Fctt rr day, wltl
One Maw bend for ourspuial circular of our No. 1
Plantation Saw Mill, which wo tell for
Illustrated Catalogues of Machinery sent Free.
a;17 (tin John and Wntrr His., t'inelanall.
....SUCCESiOn TO....
Cor. Kirat and Alder &ti, Portland, Ore.
Merchant Tailor,
And Hatter.
(aiiunuitccs (o sell the very
bent CLOTJfING for let
Money than tiny other house
In the state.
Oregon Railway and Naviga
tion Company.
Kftnrtn Portlftml ana dan rraarlaea.
Leailntf Alnmoith Wharf at nildnurlit, aa folio i;
Mlllili'lit. llco 10 A.M. Dm
btatc, VVodi.cl.y VI Tolumlla, Wrilnewlay. ,.IM
ColiiuiMa, TiiMdai,, Jan lOrrvon, Monday 31
Oregon, Biuiday il.htate, Saturday Ian. 6
btate. tlidai. . .. lllColllinLI.. Tl.nruUv in
Columbia, VVrdn-kd.i li.JOnyon. Tutrdiy. , 1,
OrtKon, Monday , ,lstatr, Huwlay. SO
t-tale, KrWav, lid C'uliiml la, Krilay. .JJ
CoHiDilila, WeilneU) II 'Prison, Wedneaday ,,,30
I In f ou, Tuemlar Mlio!
Thronsh Tlf Lrla .old to all nolnt. In Ih. ITnllr.1
Htatei, Canada and Kuroye.
Tramler ati-ame r ooiinertln iih Atlantic nne.a
liae A.li Mreet wharf, 1'nrtland, ilally, at 7,'JO 1'. U
1 lie I'kcilc Lxpreai arrlit. at I ortland, daily at
iniA SI '
mniiLK (OMiiuit.' miLAmrrri: awn
VlVlllli.L lllti:K ltllKll.
Lean rorlland
for Vfon. ruca.Wed.ThurKH. Hat.
Vlory ruca.lwed.lThurlKH.
7 AM 7 All 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM
7AM . , 7AM ... 7AM
A I -1AM
llleinul ir
t'oliiuilua . ., 7 All 7AJ1 7AM 7 AM 7 A M 7 A U
Aiionaanu i.ow,
er Oola-jilila,
Hajton ,.
Vlcurla, 11.0... 0 AM J AM, j AM M AM II AM A M
i.naiui ana in.
tennedUlo pt.
t.rurml llrkrl (Mliii.
c. H. Pfctst-orr,
A. L. hTOhW,
('.if I ruin anil Ii Ma
JOil. Ml'IH,
8np of Traffic.
. U 1' ItiMIKIW,
fitn'i Alreilt Pa... Deo.
A t Hunt TraW
a. l,.ma:
XUKI.I,, II ktt Vnuit
Toiic.ToDeWorkiaiisiijp and Daraliilily.
ViilLIAll liNABr. a .
Not. 304 and 306 Welt Baltimore Street,
Baltimore. No, in Fifth Avenue, N. Y.
' !
TH En M 0 M ETCn oJCv"'""-.
H Kl -Kriianiifa. turiiur Oi.tkaau,. VuuuV, Pa.
fjruid tot llluaanal4 Wle CalaJaaoa.
I "
' it?
I P.
r IU-