Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 18, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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flte oiie irde.
In the davswhen blue chins abounded
On tables and not on the wall
A lady there lived with ungrounded
Dislike and contempt for it all.
She hated those three weeping willows,
And was heartily tired i.f the sight
Of those somewhat conventional billows
Which rolled toward the bridtre on the right
She thought it so very old-tashioncd,
So common, Borough to the hands,
And she'd talk in a way quite impassioned
Of the beauty of simple gold bands.
Her granddaughtor, fair Angelina
When she married August Vun Pruyn,
Had a full set of Haviland china,
Of madly esthetic design.
She has also a few cherished dishes,
Which are carefully guarded from whacks
In crimson plush frames, and she wishes
Them all to be mei tionedas "plaques.
Yet with all this assortment of faience,
Angelina la far Irom content,
She has miuy a day-dreamy seance,
In which visions ceramic are blent.
For smill are August's earnings,
And all modern china he hates,
So her life is embittered with yearning',
For some oU-fashioned blue Canton pUtes
Oak Leaf Trimming. I will send di
rections for oak leaf trimming which is
erynico. Uso two needles. Start with
fifteen stitches, knit three and then throw
your thread over and narrow ; then knit
within six stitches of the other side ; then
throw your thread over and narrow;
throw it over and narrow; then throw it
over and knit the other two ; then knit
plain on the other side and so on. Al
ways knit within six stitches of the end
before you narrow. When you have knit
twelve times across, skip and bind off
the pointed end till you have fifteen
stitches left.
Directions for Making Diamond Edg
ing. -Cast on seven stitches, knit across
1 Slip one, knit one, over, narrow,
oyer, narrow, over, narrow, over, knit
2 Slip one, knit two, over, narrow,
over, narrow, over, narrow, over, knit one.
3 Slip one, knit three, over, narrow,
over, narrow, over, narrow, over, knit one.
4 Slip one, knit four, over, narrow,
over, narrow, over, narrow, over, knit one.
5 Slip one, knit five, over, narrow,
, over, narrow, over, narrow, over, knit one.
0 Slip one, knit six, over, narrow,
over, narrow, over, narrow, over, knit one.
7 Slip one, knit seven, over, narrow,
over, narrow, over, narrow, over, knit one.
Bind off seven; repeat from first row.
A correspondent asks what will re
move the "shine" from black silk. This
cannot always bo done ; it depends" on
how worn it is; but sometimes it can be
freshened surprisingly by sponging with
cold coffee and ammonia a tcaspoonful
of ammonia to nearly a cupful of coffee.
Use a very soft spongo or a flannel cloth ;
rub very gontly ; and, if possible to get
along without so doing, do not iron the
bilk at all. Spiead it out smoothly while
damp, and pin the edges to the homng
'table or board, and let it dry in this way
If it is too much wrinkled or folded lay a
cloth over the wrong side of the bilk after
sponging, and iron it.
The progress of science in lelution to
health is seen nowhero incleai erlight than'
in all matters pertaining to children's
clothing. The long-sleeved, high-nccked
knit wrappers, a perfect fit fur a boy of
five months, would doubtless astonish the
child's great-grandmother. The price,
also, at which they aio oVeied is sur
prising, making it cheaper to buy them
than to make them out of old ones, when
one considers the waste, If they are put
on in early spring they will become thin
enough, in consequence of the frequent
washing necessary, to be worn all sum
mer, and the mother who adopts this
sensible. way of dressing her child will he
rewarded by its freedom from cold and
To make rick rack trimming: Kick
rack number seventeen, thread number
twenty. Double braid; count seven
points in the rings, sew the eighth and
ninth together ; slip the thread down tho
tide and fasten tho tenth and eleventh
together; button hole stitch every point
in tho circle ; gather all the thread on
the needle and draw it in a little star and
fasten. Count seven more points and
fatten just as before. Will havo a very
pretty edge. I have some ?ery pretty
patterns, and will exchange with any one
for some other patterns of fancy work.
Pies Boiling Overj The trouble many
cooks hare witf tfe boiling over and
losing their best portion in the. oven,
can be greatly obviated by baking them
in a slow oven. Green apple pies (which
are among the wont -to boil over) are
much bettar flavored if the baking U not
hsm4.&8wM daew it aavwdOe to fill
the crust with apples and bako without
seasoning; then, as soon as done, romovo
the upper crust and after adding sugar,
butter, cinnamon and water, return tlio
crust to its place. Others bake the pics
without water, and add it through the
hnlrs in the crust as soon aa done.
Neither of these methods is quite as
satisfactory as baking slowly with all the
ingredients, although if desired very
juiey, a little water can be added after
baking. To keep the edge from braking
apart, wet with sweet milk, and press
firmly togethei with the fingers. For
this, use if possiplo a small, flexible
brush, in shape like a varnish brush ;
but if this is lacking, the milk can lie
applied with the fingers.
Lemon Pics. For two pies: Three
good sized lemons, vo cups of sugar
(less if the lemons are not very juicy),
three eggs woll beaten, two cups of
sweet milk, four teaspoons corn-starch
wet with other milk. Put tho sugar in
the bowl, and strain thelemon juice upon
it ; add the eggs, then the milk, then tho
corn-starch and a little salt; have the
crust all ready to put this in. lut an
upper crust on tiglit, turning 0110 over;
the other and pressing; .
A Bice Dish with Fruits. rut, a tea
cup of rico in a quart of milk, and boil
it very slowly to keep it from burning.
When done, add a little salt, a toacupful
of cream, and sugar enough to sweeten
it. Havo ready, in deep dish, fruit that
is in season cherries, blackberries, apri
cots, apples or peaches, cut up well and
sweetened, but uncooked. Spread the
rico roughly over tho fruit, and bake it
slowly two hours. It may b3 eaten with
cream and nutmeg, and is qui to as good
cold as warm.
Bottle Yeast. Boil six largo potatoes
in fivo nints of water. Tie a handful of
hops in a cloth and boil with tho pota
toes. When done, mash tho potatoes,
and add one-half cup of sugar, one-half
cup salt, and pour thb boiling wator over.
When milk-warm, add one cup good
yeast. It will be ready for use in
twenty-four hours. One cup is enough
for a largo baking. To have number
one bread in warm weather, one sho Id
make fresh yeast onco a month, at le.iat.
Beef Steak, If tho steak is tough,
pound it well and press it togethei-.
When everything else is leady for tho
table, build a quick fire with kindling
wood, have a thick iion spider smoking
hot, grease it and put in the steak ; just
before tne blood starts sprinme wim sau
and turn ; let it cook only a minute ; cut
a small piece in the center and see if it is
raw: if not (that is if it looks quite red
or pink) take it up quickly, sprinkle the
upper siae witn salt, spread wun ouiier,
eat while hot. If you have ooals and a
broiler, uso those instead; never cook
beef over a slow firo and let it "bizzle,"
while all the juico runs out; it nmkos it
A simplobut good blackberry pudding
is mado by taking half cup of butter and
lard mixed, ono cup of sugar, one egg,
ono cup of sweet milk, and two teaspoon
fuls of baking powder. Beat tho sugar,
butter, and eggs together till light ; then
add tho sweet milk and flour enough to
make a batter of modiun thickness.
Then stir in as many blaekbernes as
you can afford to put in. Do not put
much juico in. Keep that to flavor
mincemeat with. Bake for an hour.
Influence of Woman's Boetaty
It is hotter for ypu, says Thackoiy, to
pass an evening once or twice iu alady's
drawing room, even though tho conver
sation is slow, and you know tho girl's
bongs by heart, than in a club, tavern, or
tho pit of a theatre. All amusements of
youth to which virtuous women are not
admitted, rely on it, aro delatcrious to
their naturo.. All men who avoid female
society havo dull preceptions and are
stupid, or have gross tastes, and icvolt
again- what is pure. Your club sniig
gerers, who are sucking the butts of bil
liard cues all night, call femnlo society
insipid. Poetry is insipid to a yokel;
beauty bun no charms for a blind man ;
music does not pltjase a poor boast who
does not know one tuno from another;
and- as a truo epicure is hardly ever
tired of water-souchyi and brown bread
and butter, L protest I can sit for a
whole night talking to a well regulated,
kindly woman about her girl coming out,
or her boy at Eton, and liking the even
ings entertainment. One of tho great
benefits a man may derive from woman's
society is, that he is bound to be respect
ful to them. The habit is of great good
to your moral man, depend upon it. Our
education makes us the most eminently
selfish men in tho world. Wo fight for
ourselves, we push for ourselves, wo light
our pipes, anu say we won t go out. i e
preler ourselves ana our ease; anu uie
greatest good that comes to a man from
a woman's society is that ho has to think
of somebody besides himself, somebody
to whom he is Itound to be constantly
attentive and respectful.
For Bale, Cash or Trade.
An old fashioned Grover & Baker
sewing machine, in good order the
works having been recently sent to San
Francisco and put in first-rate order. It
is the best machine for general family
work. Produce will bo taken in ex
change for it Enquire at this office.
At a Bargain.
A fine fur set, collar and muff, of the
verv handsomest of mink, entirely new,
made in the East; the owner will sell it
for f 18, and which could not be bought
at a store for double the money. En
quire at this office.
Whenever possible, remit money to us
by Postal Order or Postal Note. Send
J direct and get a receipt from the office.
.jfi"! fyht hililreiv
A swallow l'i the spring
Came toour erauary and 'ueath the evrg
.Essayed to make a nest, and there aid bring
wis mua ana straw aim leaves.
Day after day oho toiled
With patient art; but, ere her work was
Some sad mishap the tiny fabric spoiled
And dashed it to tne grouud.
She found the ruiu wrought;
But, not east down, forth from the place she
And wi'li her mite fresh earth and grasses
And built her nest anew.
But scarcely had she plac-d
The last feather on its amnle floor
! When wicked hand or chance again laid waste
j And wrought the ruin o'er,
But Bt. herheart sne kept
JAu.1 toilod again and last n;ght, hearing oils,
looked, and lol three little swallows alep
Vithin the eaith-made walls.
What truth is here, 0 man!
Hath hope been smitten in its early dawn?
Havo clouds o'trcast thy purpjse, trust tr
Have faith and stiugje out
Such a nico lot of letters as has ac
cumulated in tho box is good to see.
Aunt Hetty thinks it is best to give all
the December letters for fear they will
get too old.
Jessie's letter comes first; we feared
she had forgotten tho Circle; we must say
that tho hand-writing is excellent, and
can tqo marked improvement. Aunt
Hotty will como some time on purpose
to see tho toads, but think with a corre
spondent of the Faumek that thoy will
be only the little green tree toad and not
one of those dark, fat, comfoi table look
ing fellows that sit under cabbage leaves
in Ohio gardens.
Eddie sends a jolly letter from Walla
Walla. His teachers, ho says, have taken
land claims that's nico; we ho'ii' they
will keep their claims too; women have
a right to land.
Mittio has a ery appropriate n inio for
her canary, if he is so good n tiugcr, bo
sure and care for him, and dou.'t forget
his feed and water every day : it is so
cruel not to attend to its little wants and
necessities. Aunt Hetty often wonders
how littlo wild birds do live. God takes
care of them in his own way.
Scio must bo a good place for boys
and girls, for wo get plenty of letters from
Fred must be a very livo boy to help
his father so much. Santa Claus did
not find snow enough to got out his
reindeers, but nevertheless ho found
smo way of getting to Fred's.
Eva is full of Christmas times too, but
answers Iv'a's riddle.
Sarah is a now correspondent and
sends n long lotter full of interesting
things. Wo hope she will remember the
Circle often.
Scio, Or., Dec. 2s, 1883.
Kditor Homo Circle:
As tho othor little boys and gills have
been writing to tho Fak.mi:ii I thought I
would try and write a letter too. I am a
little boy eleven yeais old tho fourth day
of last July, and I livo on a farm three
miles from Scio. I am not going to
school this winter, but expect to go in
tho spring. I drivo up tho sheep and
sometimes carry in wood and hunt up
the eggs, and do other things that I can.
I have a pet, and that is a little black
dog. I havo two littlo sisters, and we
arc expecting Santa Claus will como to
night and bring us some presents. Can
nqy of the littlo readers of the Home Cir
cle tell wh.it two chapters of the Bible
read exactly alike. My pa and ma are
both members of Santiam Grange, so is
grandpa and grandma; grandpa is over
eighty-throe years old. My pa takes the
Farmer, and likes it well. Hoping all
the liitlo boys nnd girls will have ainerry
Christmas and get lots of presents, and
wibhing the Farmer success, I will close,
New Era, Or., Dec. 27, 1883.
Editor Home Circle i
I havo been silent for a long time, so I
thought I would write and tell yo where
Iva C. Brook's riddle was to be found.
If Aunt Hetty, or any of tho readers, will
look in tho Bible at Judges 14 chapter
and eighth verse, and again in tho 18th
verse, second clause, they will find the
answer. We had quito a nice time,
Christmas, had a Christmas tree and
a dinner, and then spoke pieces and
sang wings, and had a jolly time, don't
yon believe it? It has been real stormy
here for several days, but is quite nice
to-day. My father has been making
shingles, he has got two thousand mode,
but has not been working at them any
time. I take another paper that has a
letter box in it, tho name ol it is Our
Young People : I think it is a real nice
paper for one dollar, a year. I will an
wer Lanora S. Markwood'a riddle if I
can : If there were neither, men, women,
nor children Here most have been a
man, woman and child. Father as if
Aunt Hetty will give us a visit next sum
mer ho will get her some toads out of
tlto garden. Well, I guess I will close
for this time. Yours truly, from your
iittle friend Jessie Wwjirox.
Pu3s.iNTHoMK,Or., Dec. 24, 1883.
Editor Home Circle:
As I have seen many letters written to
thoFu:Mi:n, I will write one, although I
have not written. Papa has been taking
the Farmer for several years. We have a
dairy, and are milking 21 cows now.
We have eleven calves, four horses, three
farm", ninety chickens, and eight eats.
I am tweho years old; I help my mother;
I wah dishes, scrub the floor, and cook
and make tho bods. I am going to
school now, we havo to walk three
quarters of a milo to school. I hac a
doll that is a year old this Christmas. I
have three brothers and three sisters,
my oldest brother has gone east of tho
mountains, he has twenty-one head of
cattle to take care of this winter. I am
piecing a quilt, they call it a brick block,
it will take about two hundred blocks to
make ft. Plea&cput my name on the
tempcr.uico roll ; I hope thoio will be
more names put on it. T liko to read
he letters Aunt Hetty prints for the
boys and gills. Iva made n inistako and
I w ill correct it : Out of the crater came
forth meat, and out of tho strong camo
forth sweotness. I will answer it to
what i sweeter than honey and what is
stronger than a lion. Hoping good suc
cess to tho Farmer. Yourjs truly,
SuunM. KKIJ.V.
Cknterviixe, Or., Dec. 2."), 1883.
Editor Home Circle:
As I have never written to tho Home
Circle before, I thought I would write.
Mv na takes tho Farmer; I like to read
the littlo folks' letters. I have been
going to school this winter in Contcr
ville; we live about a quarter of a mile
from tho school house. Wo now have a
vacation of two weeks. Wo had a nice
Christmas tree last night in tho Chris
tian church; I got a Bible, scrap-book,
cup and saucer, and a money purso on
the tree. I have two brothors,' one six
yoare old and the other four years old ;
one sister at home and two married
sisters living CO miles from hero, on But
ter Creek. I will try' to answer Iva
Brook's riddle, it is : Out of tho strong
lion that was ready to eat Samson, Sam
son had taken sweet honey for himsolf
to eat. I will close, wishing tho Farmer
great success. Please put my name on
tho temperance roll. Yours truly,
Eva Staitoiid.
Waija Walla, Dec. 211, 1883.
Editor nome Circle:
lama littlo boy thiitoon yoarsold;
my name is Eddio Evans; my p.i takes
the Farmer. I see so many letters fiom
the little folks thnt I thought I would
write ono too. 1 am going to school in
WallaWsllo, to tho Baker school house;
wo have mhph te.ieheis in tho building,
and about il.'il) scholars ; our teachors aru
ladies, and snino of them have taken up
land out on tho bills between Touuhot
and Dry Cieek; they believe in women's
rights. Somo of our teachers nio pietty
large, mid pay if we aro not good seholats
thoy will set down on us, so w a don't
give them much trouble. My ran has got
two goldfish in a niagnatied globe;
they look nice, so I thought I would
catch somo trout and put in tho globe.
Do you think thoy will live? They
make a nice contrast. Tho E. M. Church
is going to havo a Christmas tieo to-night
and aro going to chargo twenty-fho
cents admittance. Do you think that id
right? I wanted to go but I think I will
take my monoy and buy fire-crackers. If
you print this'l will send you another.
Yours truly, Eddie Evans.
Farmivgton, Or., Dec. 23, 1883.
Editor Home Circle: '
My papa takes tho Farmer ; I am very
fond of reading tho children's column.
As I have never written before I would
liko to lend a helping hand to that col
umn. I have written a letter to my little
friend, May Cook, and addressed it my
self; fihe lives on Pea llidge, W. T she
is iust one month older than I am and I
was nine years old tho 27th of lw-t Juno.
I have but two pots, one is canary bird, 1
call him Yankey, for ho is such a good
singer; the other is a littlo dog, I call
him Guess; he is ivt handwmo but hois
smart. Mv Grandpa handis made mo
a present of a niro little stool-chair on
Christmas, but 1 was not nappy on
Christmas for tho dear grandpa I havo
lived by all mv life took sick on Wed
nesday, the 24th of October last, and
grew worso every day until tho 31ft,
about three o'clock .in tho afternoon,
when tho good Owl called him away
from us to Him. He was one of tho beet
men that evor lived; his name was H. A.
Carponter. lint I fear my lotUr is too
long for the first; if I see this in print I
will writo again. I wish success to the
Farmer. From your littlo friend,
Metiib Lanukss
I TWnrttHselSMil
! iis sr
XJU Cw4Ud SUM. islm0 fB
msVU NrMUt, mm Mi Wf.
to mtt m4 frwm fr Tnm t4
LmAUi cmuiiB i
r. Lavmr. uub -. im,
m w swaps y. -
cfc WMlp
for Infants
Cnstorln. promotes Digestion
and overcomes Flatulency, Consiipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and
Feverishness. It insures health and
nuturnl sleep, without morphine.
" Castorla Ik so vrr-Jl adapted to Children that
I recommend ltattupcrior to any prescription
known to me." IL A. Arcuxb, M. I).,
rJ! Portland Ave , Brooklyn, N. T.
tism, Sprains, Burns, Gulls, &c. Tho most Powerful nnd Pene
trating Pain-relieving and Healing Remedy known to man.
TO FAKIII'.IIh.-lt Is Imnei t-
lit tliottlm MM o sM.EKATUS
they me Sllori.t) !o uhlto nnd
pure, In common ulth nit similar
nubs'Hnccs uteo for food.
In maklup bread villi veasl, H
Is nc-11 to lino about half atuMpoon
fil of llio"Arm nnil llniniiirr
llmniltir hmlit"or sntrriilii
at the somo ttinc, and thus nmke the bread il-o ht ttt r
ami preveil It uccoininif.sour u$ i-orrmuiiK iiiu miLiir
al acidity of tho J cast.
DAIRDIRN V A It M K K 8 slionM
U30 only iho"AUM ANDIIAMMr.il" fir itainli g
and keeping milk-pins suoet and clean.
To Insure obtaining only tho Arm and ll.im-
nirr" biand Soda or Sa'eratus, bm It In "roi u or
iulh roiiNO pacuiWFs," wMrh.bi-iir our limine Mid
rn.l itmrlf . nk tifirIor iroods aro bonictlmcs inhftti
tutcd (or tho trill nnd Hammer" brand when
bought In bulk. wcl-IHni
JL' We havo boon appointed guieral atrcnts for O
effon and Washington (or the falo of Imp. rial K
Food, the best preparation forthopmiUrj )"d kndwn
Send for Catalomieti. free udi application.
..... - .Mt i n nA
JllL.LiC.il II 1 1 13.
MTJNN A CO., of tho BciiNTino Avimcix, con-
iaetoaot aa Solicitors for Patents, OaToati. Trad
arks. Copyrights, for tho United States, Canada,
Knirlttiil- irruirn. (lArmanr. Ala. lluid Unok about
Patents sent free, 'l'hlrt j-.oren roars' uperlenea.
in the Bcittmrro Amibican, the largest, best, and
laianiaoDtainea inrougnaiurm e
& CO. aro noticed
niu.DUMiiiiu nH.iukAn. ura u
tnost widely circulated aclentlno par
tt.2n & TAar.
JVeekIr, Bplendld owrravlni
firm t Inn. AnAolmnn rnr nf I
linniiii nnvrnvinins anu
Intereatlnu In
ipeclroen copy of tho HclrutINc Amer
lean ent free. Addruts MUNN A GO , SciumriO
American umce, aii uroauwiy, new xori.
OFFICK: North illo of Chen olicta itrcct, hctecn
&iiiniiicr and Wlntor street.
Special attention xiven to tho
IiciiscK o( Women and
. liil(lrcn.
uruJ I
uriJ to Bl'e tho ctdenrutod 3lrillrulcl ilipor
LtslitnliiK t'rciini lliillis. Thcso baths hive a
vilde reputation nnd sro vulusblo In all cases o(
Skin Disrates, and Inraluahlo In Bcarlot 1 ever an I
YiLrhytlcUns wishlntr to have tho uso bf thes
baths can do so by spp1)tnjr al her office.
A Splendid Opportunity
The propilctnnol this Jourral have a KKUIT KAMI
wllbiii one and ons.half miles of the builncsi
ctntre of Salem, situated In the hills
and In the mo.t favorable loca
tion for fruit growing.
TO. On this farm tin re are the fellowlng tree.:
2M Itoyal Ann Ch-rrlts 'i and 0 years old.
300 Uarllett Pears, 0 years old.
160 llartlctt I'e.rs 2 years old
un Pi ath Plums, V ) ii eld.
&O0 Peach Plun-s, i years o d,
lull Coo'.Uoldcii llrop Plutni, 7 year od,
KM Coo's Golden Drop Hlunis, 2 i oars old.
400 Italian Prunes, 7 yrars old.
M0 Its'ian Prunes, I years old.
CO Petite Prune d'Argeti, 7 years old.
'.ftOColuvbls Pluais, 7 years old
M0 Columbia Pluii,, 'i years old.
200 lllue Daineon Hum., 2 years old,
2M1 Oenuaii 1 runes, 2 year. old.
100 Bradshaw Plums, 2 years old.
w nraositaw num., 7 years ok
2.V1 Waahlnrton Plums.
VO Heine Claude plums, 7 yeait old.
7 yesrs oiu.
XiQ Heine Claade lluius, 2 years old.
Total G.000 trees, one half planted 7 and 9 years,
ami one-half 2 years old Iron; the nu'wry. The
iholcest'varlettei known and xst suited to eoinmer
clalusaa The iiropery eoosistsof 03 scree o' the
Hl 11111 land, ilie best suited for orchards and fruit
flowing There is also a tiuall nur.ery ot 10 WJO
,.u.m Ik. ..laM l.l, hare til tlia el (.I, e.t v.rl.tliw-
It asorde an eice.lent oppjrtuutty to go Into the'
nursery auunese. r
Having many other duties to look after the owners
ar unable to pay the ituulslti cats and labcr on this
valuable p opariy, probaMr the most valualte orvhsrd
interest ia M Pacine MesthFast. Therefore be seeks
a partner who Is skllsd la oeebaxoT wort aid who win
devote bis whole Una W the bustaea aad Is boaeet
and rtliabla. PIUCB, fo.OOO.
Ad In
tslea, Cregoa.
s&mlkL jJmlk
and Children.
What (rives our Children
them eleen :
What cures their f overs, mal
'Tis Caatorla.
When babies fret and cry by turns,
What cures their colic, kills their worms.
Hut Castorla.
What quickly cures Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion,
Hut Cantoris.
Farewell the n to Morphine Syrups,
Castor Oil and l'arcgorlc, and
If nil CnntoTlM
an nbsoluto euro for Rheuma
3 OFFICK: So. 167 First Street, Beiweon Uoi
32laHjrlson an 1 Yamhill, Portland, Ore-or
S.-8. ainisms EmimwjKm
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