WILLAMETTE FARMER. SAL'EM OKKGOf JANUARY 11 lM Ijfcius sjpqjaiihncnf. GENERAL NEWS. Diphtheria prevails nt Seattle. A daily mail is to run to Alsea hero- niter. 0 Scarlet fever prevails at Salem and at Eugene. Thero was good skating at The Dalles last week. In December the Olvmpia Land Office received $11,702. Thero were 79 weddings in Washing ton county in 1S83. During 1883 the rainfall at The Dalles wa3 only about 14 inches. AVork on the Cascade branch, towards Yakima, is still continued. Queen Victoria has written a book of her life in the Highlands. The lime kilns at Orcas Island made 50,000 bnsrels of limo last year. Nineteen Norwegian families have lately located at Gray's Harbor. Clallam Indians, in Clallam county, pay for this year .f los.JU taxes. Lane county has paid $1G,000 and yet oven 0,000 of its State taxes. D. H. Stearns has a town site over in Clarke county that ho is "booming." San Francisco is talking up tho pro ject of having a world's fair in loa7. Tramps annoy people at Port Town send and people are robbed over theie. There has been a few days of exces sive cold weather in the .Mississippi val ley. The remains of DoLong and his com panions are bcing'carricd through IJus nia. A son of Ira Mayfiold is said to have been killed near Pendleton by a train accident. Twenty-seven peisons were killed by tho burning of a convent at Belleville, Illinois. Heavy rains in Jackson county dam aged the railroad traek and delayed travel. H. W. Holveretott's house and many things of value burned last week ; loss $1,500. In tho Senatorial contest in Ohio, it is said Payne is getting the best of Pen dleton. Egypt is in trouble and tho ministry have tendered their resignations to the Khedive. The treasury is out of one and two dol lar bills and askB to bo allowed to print tome more. The general business outlook is not good and commercial circles move with great caution, Heavy floods on Coos Bay sent many valuable saw logs out to sea by breaking up of booms. . The nations coinage for 1883 was sixty millions, of which two-fifths was big sil ver dollars. Linn county recorded 903 deeds in 1883 for the value of over a million and a half dollars. New gates are being made for the locks at Oregon City, as the old ones aro the norso for wear. At Indianapolis tho mercury was last week 20 deg. below two. A heavy snow occurred in Delaware. The pig iron industry in' the whole United Stateis trying to combine so as to prevent over production and keep up prices. Governor Newell refuses to pardon El fus, tho murderer, but pardons John Hailey, sent up for four years for grand larceny. Congress is disturbed because an effort has been made to collect of clerks funds to Ube in Indiana as a Republican cam paign fund. Weather in Kansas has been colder than ever known, so cold that a train of Texai mules not acclimated were half of them killed. No prcsidont is elected vet to suecced Mr. Villard by tho Northern Pacific di rectors. Tho directors passed resolutions ery complimentary to Mr. Villard. Jlidgo Sawyer has decided tho mining depris cases in favor of the farmers and the people ofMarysville are wild over it. Miners aro overshadowed with gloom. The new county of Lincoln is fifty six miles long by about fifty wide. The now county of Douglas, in the Big Bend country, i fnoie than twice as largo. Judge Pardee, of tho U. S. Circuit Court of Louisiana, has decided in favor of the Lottery Company and against their mail being seized by government, Elk Head Cinnabar mines shut down last week after &ix months run that real-' ized 10,000 pounds of quicksilver. Re duction works will bo enlarged and work soon resumed with vigor. Tho Mormons have had a big.meeting at Salt Lnkc and Bishop Sharp told them matters were so heavy against them now at Washington that only Uod could save them. Williamson1 & Phipps, of Oyster Bay, aro turning an immense cranberry swamp into a cultivated cranberry marsh, to bo farmed in the best way. The vines come from Wisconsin. Chas. S. Shed, a logger, was shot and killed near Whatcom by an o'd man named S. H. Roper. Shed and others were in liquor and beat Roper unmerci fully and so Shed got shot. Wm. Still well, aged 18, who carped mail in Coos county, is under arrest for robbing the mail. Ho confessct- and says it was planned by another person who lurmshcd tho Key and bliared tho plunder. Private advico from New York say that T. F. Oakes is to be President of tho Northern Pacific. Villard has made an assignment in favor of his creditors and to mftko iood any claims the roads he has managed have against him. The trading schooner Wander, wan dered in a gale in the wrong direction and was wrecked on Smith's Island, on tho Sound, in a gale. The cargo and passengers were saved but tho vessel is lost. Apostles Cannon and Woodruff swear that all the existing features of Mormon ism shall last through all time whatever Congress and pooplo may tin eaten. 1 Dr. Laskpr, a German statesman and scientist; who had been visiting his friends in America and was ono of 'the party who camo West witli the Villard excursiun and spoke to tho audionco in Mechanics' Hall, died suddenly in New York of heart disease. Ho was about re turning to attend tho German parlia ment, to which ho belonged. Satuiday afternoon Ed. Saunders, employed in scalding hogs at Walla Walla, slipped and fell backwnnls into tho trough of boiling water Used for this purK)se, scalding his body thiough out its whole length in a terrible man ner. Tho physician who is attending the case thinks the injury is such that recov ery is doubtful. Tho growing wheat crop in Linn county never looked better, and a broad area of grain is sown. Farmers 'have taken great pains putting tho' crop in well, and tho outlook for tho wheat ciop of Linn for tho fall of 1881 is indeed promising. If nothing happens to dis turb tho grain, Linn county will conic to tho front next fall with tho laigcst harvest of wheat over raised in the county. Letter to Mountainccr:InWasco county there are 13,000 horses valuo at 119,0:20 with COO owners, allowing ono owner to each assessment. Average number of horses to each owner, 18?. There aic 12,73.) head of cattle valued at 233,720. with o21 owners. Aterngo valuo of cat tie $19 S7. Average number of cattle to eacli owner, allowing ono owner to each assessment, 24J. There arc 172,119 sheep, valued at 300,258. with 121 own ers. Avorage valuo of sheep, fl. lOcacu. On a basis of one man to oach assess ment thore is 13881 head to each man. At 4 pounds to ono sheep, and ISc per pound, the valuo of tho wool clip is if2.J, 917 28. CtmtMITlllY ITRER. All o!J physician, retired Irom practice, hivln had p!acej In lilt hand, by an East India nileslounrr (lie formula of a simple icetaMe remedy for tf.e speedy aid permanent mrc of Consumption, Bro-chttl., Cat arrh, Asthm.1, and all throat and Lung; Affections, also a pojitlvo ard radical cuio for Serious Delnhtj and al NerlousComphlnts, alter hulnr tested Its woiukrful curathe powers In thiHlsau.'s of ciscs has felt It Ills duty to make It knomi lo his satfcrliir MIoms. Actu ated by this motive and a desire to re leve hum-in nit frlmr. I will sic J free of cl arse, to all who di sire It this rcilpo In German, Erjjlijh or trench, wlih full dlnctpns for preparing and lrjf. Sent hy rcall b) addrcMliijMlOi stamp and naming this piper, W. A. :OYES, U3 IVwcr's lllock, llochistir, N. V. n9m Oak Lawn Stock Farm. R. W. Carey, Salem, Ogn. .... Imp rter aid lireejirot .... LaaarasktSEilLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMiaaiaaaaai iHlilyHaaaKiaHI i JrfijwHsfiRSlSarBl ifflfewllRlli 1531 fiAHUEN AND FARM TOPICS In within II. scone the following nhl.,E &C..F KndyXtao! tares, and Mes of heating -PrnYtion and icnoTalli Kftllv4l All ltXaI lift aVar m Lull. mMn lf w la I as. 111 ft a &.s lil. a- . . . . -T... traled MANUAL rial KVHA PETER HENDERSON & CO..lV2&rffV8!t " 8e)nd for Catalogue I PfiOSS. AHKItltr.FA, AMJI'S anil .IXKSKY C4TI If, Cotswold, hiop3hire,and Amcricin or Improved Spanish Mcr no Sheep of the best Vcrniout blood. Also SUort Nosed, illsliod f ice, hwrlish Hcrkshlres. Service fee of Ahcnlcf in, 23; Jersy,S10. Hie vlntc 111 crriitn for Hie ltur lor Mile. JtulliuO Yafclma Valijy, Tho Yakima Signal published, at Yakima, W. T., is one of our best as well as neatest exchanges. A lato issuo Quicksilver mines on tho Nestucca, Tillamook county, aro being developed. A tunnel is in 80 feet. Ben Dutlcr is no longer Ciovernor of Massachusetts, Januuiy 1 he g.uo place to Gov. Robinson. In England they have to guard their railroads from dynamite hentls, or else they would bo blow n up. Mr. Villard has resigned and his resig nation has been accepted from the Xoi th em Pacific Presidency. Owonby, the murdeim '-. "ving "t tho point of death in contcqiu'...-o of his suf ferings while trying to cacipu. The season has been unusually mild East of tho Mountains so that nink can be carried on out doors cery day. A Catholic academy under chirge of "Sisters of tho Holy Names," U to be erected at Seattlo to cost over $ 10,000. At Ainsworth Billy Hughes hud his ckull cracked anil another man named smith was run oer by a train. President Arthur is talked of for re nomination, and Logan and llobt. Lin coln are also talked of just now. A strong petition for reappointment of Gov. Newell has been forwarded to AViibhington from Washington Territory. The pension fund, only requires $13. 000,000'nest year because of largo sums left over from other years. This is an agreeable surprise. There wcro 120 marriages in Linn county in 1883, and farmers say one fourth more wheat is sown than one year ago. Win. Hamilton, a boy in Linn county, is arrested for pasting oira giljed nickel for five dollars. . The man should 1 ar rested who was fool enough to take it. Elfus and Owenby, the murderers who lately escpaped from jail at Dayton, ero recaptured on the Walla Walla rivor, above Milton, and returned to their dun-, geona. Twenty-fiVe people have died as a re sult of a railroad collision at Toronto, Canada. The train had a new engineer who was not properly advised, and to the accident. Cattle owners have been a little con cerned as to the situation of their herds on the Columbia range. It is stated on good authority that there is very little snow in that quaiter, and that tho cattle are doing well. During 18S3 tho La Grande Land Of fice had 496 cash entries, 159 final home steads, 434 homesteads, 320 timbor cul tuies, 37 desert claims, 4 final mineral, 3 mineral, 1 coal and 1,131 pre-emptions, total of acres 392,391. Tho Oregonian vory truly says it was lucky that the Northern Pacific collapse didn't tuko place till now. Wo should feel lonesome hero now, wore there still a gap of six or seven hunched miles be tween tho two ends of tho road. It is said that Chinese consumo three fourths of the chickens and nine-tenths of tho tamo ducks brought to tho Port land market and care nothing for goeo and tin keys Ho wont cat salmon but prefers suckers and sturgeon. In his i.i-tes John Chinaman U peculiar. Tho Oiegon and California road has discharged a largo number of men. It is thought Oakland v ill bo tin termi nus fur somo timo to come. ). P. Thompson has mado estimates and is piepii oil to make bids for tho bul.inr o of gnii'.i ig to tho place of junction, which is Ion miles south of the i-tnto line. Aimm Paiker, founoily of tho Xez Pckp Now, Lcwiston, ha m quiiid mu tciial l i n daily paper to bo issued at L'agle Citv, Cu'iir d'Alono inine-, begin ning nest spring, and to bo called the Idaho l.mlumlle. It is i-.iid that the Colfax Viditto will also be moved to tho mines. During 1SS3 Astoiia lrn erected for 510,000 ouo of the iine-t school buildings in Oregon, an Odd T llow temple that cost 80,000, tra u n, 50,000. water works 125,000, Dr. Kinney's brick, Capt. i layers building, al-o many business blocks and a large number of handsome residonces. Tho total exut of im move ments was $513,850 and there is not a vacant hoiie to let. Thomas J. Dennis and a man named Ilurbauk, his son-in-law, while hunting in tho Alsea valley, twenty five miles west of Corvallis, Satuiday, separated, agreeing to meet on Grant's mountain. Dennis failed to appear at tho proper timo and Burbank, after vain waiting and search, returned home and reported tho facts to tho neighbors. The wholo neighborhood became aroused and scoured the country vainly until yester day, when Dennis' body was found in a lonely spot shot through the heart, his gun, still loaded, lying near him. Tho circumstances indicated that the body had been dragged fifty yards from where it fell and footprints not corre sponding to Dennis' boots were' noticed. There U no doubt of foul play. Bur bank was arrested on suspicion at the grave of Dennis' burial and is expected to reach this city to night Dennis wu 50 years old and leaves a large family. contains the following: Until recently Yakima was considered but tho centre of a vast and rich, though only a country which will produce by irrigation. It has but Blowly become apparent that our gi cutest revenues are to come, and our richest and bcri wheat are to" bo .found in those far -notching plateaus that rise in oasy slop1 1 fi oin the Yakima river, and thenco descend grad ually, on both sides, tq the Columbia. Walla Walla and its tribtit.uy country has for some years been regmded as tho granary of tho Northwest. Their alloy lands aro not more extensivo than ours, and their streams lack the volume and fall of tho Yakima, coming fresh and cold from the snows of Itanier, and the Cascade range. It is not irrigated lands that have given our sistir city her enviablo reputation. Tho bench lands of the Blue mountains have most largely contributed to it. Is was bv Walla Walla men, wo must acknowledge, that our attention was hsrt called to our bunch grass lands, but tho wheel was set in motion, and to-day tho young men of this country, and the immigrants from others, are acquiring for themselves, at government prices, as good natural wheat lands alroady cleared, even of s.igo brush, as can bo found anywheie. Small homes aro springing up all over tho vast tablo land. Wclis aro being dug, and water being found. Settlers aro pouring in, and Yakima at last real izes that her good and open govern ment lands exceed any oth r district in tho west. Wo have et thousands of good claims nntaken. How long this will ho depends upon tho quietness with which settlerscan move. Standing on tho top of what is known as tho Kat tlosnako divide, and looking south and east, in paiticular, may bo teen tho most beautiful unclaimed countiy yet remain ing in tho Interior Department's posses sion. An.casy slope of tall, yellow bunch grass, ulmo-t tho counterpart of an end less wlicat field, stretching away to xVinsworth. As it noars that point, and tho Columbia river, tho glass gives way to'thc sago and the soil cliaugos from a damp loam to a sandy and calcareous mixture. Tho lights of Ainsworth may bo seen at night, though 40 miles distent, and in tho day timo the locomo tive of tho Cascade brand), 15 miles distant, can bo seen nufliing its circles of smoke into the not uncongenial air of our December. Let thoe who look for homes cast their eyes this wav. Tho climate, tho lands and tho sturdy chnrac tor of tho pooplo aliko claim their atten tion and command their admuation Dundee Mortgage & Trust Investment Co., Ld. Cnpllnl niilliorfrtl ?.,Kic,flftO upllal kiiIi crilx"! . . ..4,:K0,00 Iliad office,.. . .13 ranmuru St , LUndco, Scotland. Local Ulrrrtcm In J'orlinml. DOXALD MACLEAY, Eiq II. KII.LIK, Esq Attorney, ttttnijer Itourne. MONEY TO LEND. ON IMPROVED FARMING LANDS IN THE counttcH of Multnomah, Mar'on, Linn and Polk, Oregon aid WoRhinton Territory. Full Information may bo obta'ned on aiplkati n to IIH.II HOUtiK, Ajrent, n10 No. -lOfcrcommtrcel, t'onitrof A Mi. j 4 m$m 7-aizw Kuriy llarve TfctMrllwtudMHt vklnnMt Bmupberrj, rvvat HiMLberpT. Atimntle and Daniel Iloano NtrttwberrlfM tend for detail. Tk target tand bet Hack of SMALL FRUITS (it tU Vnittd Stat$. including att valuable rartttit. new and old. BtcMy Ittuitrated tataUtfue, Mtlng trAal Co jttnnt, How to plant, and koto to Qtt and prow Fruit Trwt mmi Want, fltledttith U4rul information en fruit eutturit, fra. AddrmaM. J.T. I.OVF.TT. Lltllf Hllir,rWw itrtj. Intro4uccr CWAUrt i?oj'berrjf and Jfcncacilcr Strait hnry RUPTURE Abiiolutrly cured In 30 to W clnyi, bv Dr Pkrcui Patent Masnetla Xlaatia Tiubb. IVamntitltiirnnlvEIpatrla'PruiB in the world Entirely diffarrntfrnin Motheri FerfeotHetalner, audit worn with caio and comfort night and day. Cured thn mnnwnnil 1r J Sitntni of New ork. andhundrediofnthcra Sew 111 unrated lunu la J Ht V EkiE3be3 ATLASMI! KINDIANAPOLI8. IND., U.S. a. JUHUTACTUQIBS Of I STEAM ENGINES ftffi ROIL FRS. CARRY ENBINESandBOItEBS IN STOCKfjr IMMEDIATE DEUVEBV iTIiM-slSfl LJOSSSSBSSBSSalBl ihUiJsin:f.,iiii?innflaBi -fi..aiuti,wmmr l-!::.ALOOr,. M laof.-isa't y!jyaaMMiM!r JAMES I. I88.V,rto t"r Ter.' eiptrlc.oe a Bejd Orowcr, will bount tW tn aj who apply. All mj Seed hmrruM taboflre.h uittrae U name, .a far tkat (heuld It prove atlicrnlw.1 acres to reOll .rder. sratlf. Mj eolleeUsa r TfrrtnMo Seed, one of the no.t CKtcimlve to bo rouniltii any American ratalefne, I. larre part.r It of my own ffrowlac. A tho orl.rn.l Introdiieep f I ellptc i lleeu Burbank l'ul !, Marblehead Karly Corn, the Hubbard eqvahli, itnd Reore. ? now leartablc.. I InTltethe Dntrcnnzcor tlte Dnb. Jbcrarden aurlon the furai. of lbHvrhoulaat d will be found my beat advertisement. H. GREGORY. Seed Crtmor. Mtrblchead. Matt. n NETIC thletiYee, containing ftill Information. MPANY. . Praaciaoo. CM. nhipt fAA. rnntailninir PI-AftTin truss no nto St. Ban STRAYED. A LI BEIt AL REWA11D FOR RETURN. From tlie own era residence In Salem, one dark bay marc, about HJ hand high, with star on ion neaa ana a tmiiu miDp on ino front of riktht forclfir near the uaatern Joint also two saddle n ante; ni tin luntrson leftside. Any information conccning the aboodiscribetl liorao tan be left at this office. Janlltf Shepherd Dogs for Sale: ONE S o'eh Collin Iun 0 month o'J, $20; also of aaniu mother, 3 pups 3 months old, $. each. Appl to tfKOHOE II. IUIK, Armostroug Farm, Amiti, Oretron. Vapor Baths. Klsowlicru will bo found, (on tho third paK(-') tho iidvcrtiseraent of Mm. Dr. Cnu'y. Mrs. Craig has hail an extended experience, which she- has infected to a high degree, and is now jtrepartd to tieat thoilit-onsCHof women andchildien as a specialty. Tho Medicated Vapor Ji.iths, which fcho h.iri in connection with her establishment, aro vahuhlu for tho euro of skin discntt", they aro also of valuo in tho euro of ecarlet fever and diphtheria. "Wo can Mi'ely reft r to her nx a skillful nnd t-iiwc-jfnl ili Vi-ii'i.m. Call and ace her. 6,000 Beany Orcam Shipped. During the put tline months Mayer Iteitty, the eoterpriiiog oran-builderof Waahington, N. J., ahipped 5,000 ctbient organ from hit great factory there, at fullowti 8eptcniier, 1,000; October, 1,800; November (two holi day.) 1,600-total 5.000. It it tali! that th a iaby far tha I&rpeat ahipinentof oigioa nude there by any orvan-bailder in America for the aame leDgth of time, and it it proof that tha publLara buying Beatty'i organ in preference to other make. He aflroee to ihip the orgn that fa adver tised, in thit Uaae the aame day he receives the order, or forfeit M0 jn greeabacka, Tbiaia Mterpriae. and to those who want an organ for a holiday present it is a decided bargain. mi. liiciturs WONDERFUL German Invigorator. TUB OLDEST, aRKATEST. and REbV KEMEliYfur th cure ofXt-rv-oudttnd Flosicnl lcMIIt., da! bx liaustion, Vt,akiiCB, Lot-t Mi-ihood, tauiiflr jMerntry, arm iKuxtu nnd Kuf eel. ltd LOiidllfoiiy of theOciittu Urinary orLium liiiiofriif Kaih Da, Foof Viacr, dh.MINAL UKAKNKSS, and all the nail (ITeU of you tM til follies and ahusoiinl i:CKb8 OF MATUIl ITV, It iicriiiiitipiitly irctnlH all Uniiuturil lstt-frcm tho ostein, at thi unand can atUt who nave wtd tho rtnicdv It th past quarter of a antury ich it hat btm b foro the imWIc. II If I ii die. I h Momlrrfnl Ki'tnril toiilttf the r.ervc pnd Btrrntathnlti7 thu inusc'oi, chttkln the wastf, iiiloratInr the wholu dtemanl rtloiinsr the atllkted to 1IKALT1I and MAPrJNl.SS. Ilif Iloctor wl I uroe to forfe't Sl.OttO for a caio xuuUi taken, not Hired. Tho reason i-o many can not (fit turcil of w(alnc and tho ahoe dUcawfH Is owl if to a coiiiiill- utlon. ealltd HllOirAfOKItHCA, nhldi rfr.ulrc tciai (reitrnent. lilt, LIKBIU'S INMfiOHATOIt No 2, U the on!. curf fi rKOKTiioitKiir v. U) It MtMioun U ritortd and tho hind of tl o motM hick fr"m aj-i to,ou h. rrli-t ufeltlK r Im.i;ir;iJor, ?!. Oa o of alx hottlts, 10. brut to an addrm ioerud nature frciu oh enation. Dr. ff.lt IiIk i '"e trti mcffCBfnlli h) lioinceo a tin evtryformcf hIl,CIAL,l'ItMrA'lK or CJIMIMO MSKAHH uiihoutiiiircury or iusloui dru 'f. If lull tv U drained from thu hodv. iintiieroiH dUtane follow that liWIltj ordinary mivtkAl treatment. If dtlotil to continue the unnatural lM caute Ciniln pllon, 1)1 b tw, JlrUht's Dacac. I h-iiiI i, tt:. Cure t'U.irun Uod Dl4-tinf thu ifHii.to urinary oryan, Lidnej , llirand hl.ddr MuU!lv truatul. IJfeKA'JK itV UOMKN 81'KLUILV CUItKD. UujillIIrd ntnl Itt wiukikUiIc lr I,lL.lar A f'o , from Li hoi e, are ortrauiztd in compliancy ttith Cill Trnia Helical Lav( Dploma vo urrul hy rcifutur college otlucatl n unJ are now n their nineteenth jvar of special rnitlee. Uot pmtrful ihctrlc belt free to p4tlriiti Tn Vho k vu Wosfrhn l I'uvpk ok Tiir INVI'I'H; AIOU A iUuaLHUlMtKMrT UtUK. CbliaU tailo'i free ritd priAto. IH. I.IKUIfra WOSDKttrUli OKUMAV INVHOK AlOUiir'O'-! by cop) rltflit from Tattnt lc of Ufdd hut- ifocrcincfit, liuware of liiimlttlTin. Oalloro-Idreva- III-: II 11- IHiITNh WiY. 4Wvar Urtf t,n rrantlo, L'ai, I'jHato Cfitrifiu 405 Ai4on a.fvct, four bloehu up Geary Mrct from Kcainej, Main intiance through IHrtjniiry Iru btorc. lsJanSftf TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER. and MALARIA. tu , From those aonrocs arlso tluco lourths of tho 1lott3a8 of tho human mco. Tlicao Brmptoma lr.djinto Uiolrcxlatcnce : Inaa of Appetite. Dowels coattTe, Sick Head' ache, fiillneas naoreatliiK, arerslou to exertion of bodjr or mind, Eructation or food, Irritability of temper, low spirits, A feeling of liavlus; neglected mmt iltuj-, IlzzlaesSFlnttcrlua;at tho Heart. Dot be roru the yea,lilnlycol ored Urine, COiSTII'ATIOIV, and do mnnd tho uso of a romody tbnt acts direotly on tho Liver. AsaLIvormodloinoTlTTT'lS 1'tl.I.S havo no oaual. Tliolr notion on tha KidncyBHndSklnls also prompt J removing nil Impurities through tlieso thrco " icar engera of the system," producing nppo tito, sound dlsostlon, regular stools, a clcr.r BkinandaTlgorouabodv. TCTT'S l'n.I.N cnuso no nausea or griping nor lntorfero with daily work and aro a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Soldeverywherp.ano. Offlro.44. Murray 8t.,N.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or WmsKEits ohanged in. Btantly toaULossv Black byaslnglo ap plication of this Ore. Bold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of ai. Office, 4 Murray Street, New York. TUTT'8 MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS. HIK. Lfjl n J J f 1 n 1 1 l WNEW CHOICE-' SEEDSllFRUITS! All of tha beat, both new and old Plantn, Timn, Moe8.Heedatfto..brmail,aBioctalt)r. lAtarriml fuarmutd. OOchoice,chop,l8eU,forciaiiii)le; a Aa9asafaBl'I.F.NDIU. IZ n.W9C9nsrr. 30 PACKETS FLowK?tSt:EM, $1. For the other 68 9 micB, Henu tor our i rafrefl, frees Son utuieai $i SI. M Ref and l.OOl thliiKs tw 11 lust rated Oatalotrue of oer lot) bttfmor mort rtiiabit Eitab. fiOOacrea. ISllanreUreenboiiKa. 3U yn THE ST0RRS & HARRISON CO. l'Al.MiVII.I.H, I.AKK COUNTY, OIIKt RAILROAD LANDS. Liltcml Terms, Low Prices, Long Time, Low lutorc&t. o. & o. itAil7iToAi : ".IfElt T.'IEIR I.AND3 FOR SlE I'J ON THh V IolIolii)lltKralttrjis: One tcvlli of tli prici In uutli; intcrett on the bulince at tie rato of Bovtn percent one jtar after sale, and i3l1i lollnwln year Uno-tcnth of the prim Ipal unu Intcrmt on tli Ml inti at tho rate of atvi n pir ttnt. ier Hiiimm Loth prin cipjl and Interest imable In U. H. Cutrtitc A dUcoilnt of twi cr lent. alov.el for tniih. Letters shiaiKI t e aildicesod to PALL SCIIt'LZK, Land Aroii, O. fi C. It. 11. Co , Portland, Otfn. Wit. WrHsYVOJlllE. V. s. VJSTERTNAtlY SURGEON, rortlamlf Orrt;ii Wrltu, I'riMcrlptlons 'or DUcancnof all cw a of utock rice, (I for each prrscrlptlott Hrttttu, htuto bnj tomand ujfo of antnuU u uuirait ponftlhlo. omce-o. I. Bacort' l.Urlihuwk KtftMci. 93 Neinad St, hit HUrk ui-1 Ouk. rrHlOpTifMPo' 1 frtifnth Rinl Tsivlft' ' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. . . "Orrvlllc.Olilo, Sept. 10, 1882. CULDSt " llavl"l.' he n subject lo a hroi rhlKl ufli'illon, with frequeia) roiils, fur a nuinb'r of frars, 1 hereby cen tlfy tbar Avmi's Ciirmtv ITitoiui. gire mo prompt rillif, ami Is tho most effective rcu.ciljr 1 Laye i v r tried. J.tMts A. Hamilton, Ultorcf ThtCrtKtnt. - " Vt fillfKii, Ohio, June 5, IM2. CCUuHS, " I have used Avm'a Clll-KllT I'r'limil. this sprluK for a so ito ioiikIi and lung IrouMi. with gool tlftel, ami I am p'casol to rreoiuineud It to any one vlm'l&rly sffreted. lliUVKV UAl'I.IUliX, Proprietor atoU Hotel." mrrAKCD or Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mair. fr 1 1 .J -;l Iruel'ta. Corbett's Fire Proof Livery Hack & Feed Stable. Comer ai an I .Vul fjlrort. PortUnd, Oregon, L. H. MAOOON, Pi-oi. rtTT1J4,v' S .N 81 VI. VI. 21, , Sfl 4.S7 i-'G!i?KT-0r',r'gr "-ck" ai,,i ii(.'ifviiioi. .yiTT liromnilv htttiuUxl toilav oro O. W. JEFFREY, VETERINARY SUflGEON. Triut. tho DLubjttf )ouustle Arlnuls. A I.L n'lrstlons nerluliilii to tha brrfdi'iioii. an.. J wired by uull (l.stor tin; ' lis unit lll.'ellnus aiMLtlty, OI11--0 tl the i'orl.V I'.IUs Livery B'aWe, Hum, Oregon, Jjii"1II "THE BEflT IS THE CHEAPEST." THRESHERS, hWPowtij ((oraJtHTllu'i.aniliiortMiMik Wiltefurl'rvlani'ldei and PrtUis toTU Aultiuun X raylur Co. , tlansll. Id. oliu ENGINES PATENTS ttUn of your arr.rfon. A. li THAI- MSIIMM, IHI1TM. l..lM. itnUJt'tripttH of uttu JHtnl LauttranlSotmUr, Waikimlv. U. V OPT. I1IITM. IIKMIIiN. Rsaajiitjv, yixuiiAM, CRANBERRY PUI.TSISTJSSBSS sale, 'llicw hI-Iiiii to rl;ranlierrle will lem send for tlrcuhr, reUllru toruiturvand ii'antln, .oil. etc. V, Taoaaaiixia, lllilford, L'ui.il; or II. II. Out, Jtwett.Conri. 4JnJt MICROSCOPES wsTiS2Z. "J7!3wU--.il.'A;J.1ll'.t'li; Hanufartiirlny. (ildai. (Iillnilrfohla, Vuu lar-alnid furlllitaUaaea triced L'alaaaasui Tumrn as Hh TIP iTt.rou'UiiiiUi A H I, K W assay eesaagiDH HI UU.il ajaU VBI Llm j Sli. Mil NMT.f Oh Moaili. AlbaaaiirtlUatf.ui.lnAuM.rlni. AUM.fuW3rtolutr. BF Md aw iUaJ. aL Yaaa4nuraMiwlcb LLa.Iurk. LANE & BODLEY CO. MASirACTL'RCH3 OP Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES, Ami Stovn IloUcrs of the test d est pi, tuatcrlil and workmamhtp. Our smaller sizes cppililly adapt d to Farm and Plantation Use, Wo nianufitture fix size of Pa v .Mills, alth capacl ty of from Tlirmi to 1 Ifty Thousand Feet per day, will One Saw Send tor our spcilal circular of our No. 1 riantatlon Saw .Mill, which e sell for $200. IIlu1 tratcil Catalogues of Machinery Bent Prco. LANE & BODLEY CO., njl7 Cm Joint nuil Wnler HU., Clnrliinntl. A. ROBERTS, ...SUCCESSOR TO.... FISHEL & ROBERTS. Cor. Klltt and Alder Sts, l'ortland, Ore. THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor, And Hatter: OF OREGON, Guarantees to sell the best CLOTHING lor Money thnn in the state. very less any other house' Juncltf Oregon Kuihvay and Naviga tion Company. OCEAN DIVISION. Het ween I'orllaiia nuil Hnn Francisco. L0aviii AliHttorth Wharf at mldnlulit, as follows: raoM roitTLANi). Ml lnll.t. Dec Stato, Wolltmhy ... ,J0 Columbia. liiCHdrfy. Jan 1 Ortirou, Sunday . . (, htute, Illdav, . . II rohliuhla, ei'illvdn , 1(1 Ore'rou, Alo' dny , . 21 state, l'rldiy at. Cclimibia. Uedncda) ..i OriKOn, 'Mlfmlav, lMil siioh san rltAclsoo. 10 A M. Dec Colunibli, Wednisday, ,M Oreuolu Aloi l.y 81 jbute, huturdn Jan. 6 ionium , i nurHiiy,...iu Urron 'liu'ily,, 15 'tim, uiidav liu Colim Mi. I (.lav 25 "nguii, idicsday,.,.30 Tlirnusli Ticlicta sold to all polnti In the United fitatof, Canada and Lurojio. RAILROAD DIVISIONS. Transfer Uutner conriuctluir with Atltntlc Esprose halts Ath htrott wharf, I'ortiaiul, dtllj, at 7.S0 I'. M. 'llio I'KChlu 1 xpresi airlis at fo.tl nd, dally at .iiiiiii.k fin i Mint, mili tiii.rrn ami v.tMiiii.i. itm:u unihKi.N. Loato l'ortland for Dalles and Upptr uoiumuia .. Astoria and Low- Lr Columbia.., IMylon .,,, Vlttorla, Ilti..., Curvsllls anl In ttrinodlato ptf Mon. 7 AM HAM 7.UI GAM 6 AM Tuoi WeJ. ThmlPil. 7 All 7 All I dAMI". 'M . . 7A.V 0 AM jAM 7 AM '.AM BAM QA1I 7 AM 0AM 7 AM AM Oat. 7 AM I) AM 'am Cinrinl llilirt llfti('i'- c. ii. rittbtoiT, Manii'.r A. I. NIOKS, for As.'tbui.vrwnc, A. L 1IU 1.1,1,, II Vet Al'tlit I'i-hiI mill Htn JOHN MUlIt, Blip Of Traflle. I'. 1'. KOIIKHH. dtn'l Aiiml I'asl. Ucp. PORTLAND -BUSINESS COLLEGE N, il. Cor, Sicoiul an 1 VninlnllSls , ronTLMZD. onEoon. A. I. AiMiiriioNO, J. Ai Wi ki, I'rinclpil. Iniiui .mJ StcrtUry Disigscd for lbs BijIatK Edawtica cf Doth Seres. y IT OIVC null ur Hand BubUrBlamp. BiuiplM II lA I u'"t. iTouassi Co , CUtelsuL U, t YY- . . :: f Ss ( 'ZSZ'Z'C CSWV'' AtluntUil on .iny wit )iy iifllic "jenr. -rPENWORK! Of all UniWixicuUil tn or Ji. rut rcafcoinblt rate. h.ttifuctiuu (fiur inliiil, ThCoIliKUl,Jtuni4llM coiitiilnln lnformalloa nf thu coiin.0 or fcUnUt riti v( lultton, lime to mttr, etc, untl tutjof pUlu tn4 uiaaiut,utul jicn ittJiikhli's tree KNABE PIANOFORTliT UilJ!.UUAlali.U in Tonc.Toneli.WorianaiLsLiip and Doraliility. WILLIAM IMAM CM. No. ao4 and 206 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, fmiia Fifth Avenue, N.V. Jl iivm..., OSpsl MsiUrslMnilCTsTBft USE HOSE PILLS, v'