' ' li i I 3 :: t I i 1 1 . y c y"" " wMtn- ' issued every Week byhe W IU.AMr.TTK FAHMKR PI BMSIIIXt) CO, TKRMH flP HtlllHCIUPTlOllJ iMt. (Tmtwe paid). In advance f 2.00 l asonths, (Postage paid), In advance.., H than 111 months will be, per month 1.25 .25 ADVER81SIKO RATK8 Advertisements will be Inserted, presiding (n MtilJ aft th fAllmi-tna- table of rates t Oa loch of space per month I 2.50 ItlisM Inches of space Der month 0- t aa-half column per month I5.0 era column per month So.00 BJJunpl ooplos nnt free on application. Publication Office: No. 6 Washington Street. Up talrs. rooms No. 6 and M IMPORTANT NOTICE. Dont Send illoucy to us through AgCIltH. With tlio present low rate at which Postal Notts enn be imiclinscdon any money order oflicc wo must insist upon our subscribers buying thun nnd remit ting to us direct. It seems that ngentg tako tlic money nnd charge us for the fee, nnd all tho way from 10 cents to 25 cents additional. This is not right nnd wo shnll hereafter credit tho Hiibscribcr for just what money wo receive. Our only agents arc J. II. JfeClung, Kugono; Miller Bros., l'ortlund; K L. Kinton, Al bany; Wm. Cyrus, Scio; and Jno. W. Kolnnd, Jolibreon. All of whom do it for nothing, AVc nlno have n Mr. Sharp, who is in Washington Territory at iires cnt, who has nuthority to solicit. This order will in nowiso intorfcro with those who got up neighborhood clubs nnd who ire indivdunlly nnd personally known. We would state for tho benefit of thoso who wroto us nsking if wo could procure nny -Lincoln grass irom Jur. ' Townscnd of this placo, that wo havo seen him and ho says he has none to Bell. Ho says also that ho has many inquiries for it sineo our notice. Tiik comet which was first discovered bomo mouths ago is fast approaching tho earth, and astronomers sny thnt on tho afith of January, it will only bo nbout 0,000,000 miles from tho rarth. It has licon decidod boyond a doubt that it is tho same comot thnt appeared in 1812, and which an nstronomcr then predicted would appear again in 71 years pretty closo calculntion. It will bo visible in tho early evening. Ouit Cohiikspondknth nro alive to tho wants of their column and by reference to the first pngo it will bo hocii that tho entire pngo is filled. AIbo it nieo selec tion on tho fourth page. Wo havo a number of valuable articles on filo which will appoiu- next week. Wo have arranged to havo an unusual amount of interesting correspondence for future iHHiios. AVo shall make tho Willamiitti: Farm Kit tho most valuablo paper ill tho l'ncille Northwest. Send in your expe riences renders, they will bo interesting to tho now comers who are filling our Stale. A viiAit or k) ngo when we said in tho Kaismku that powerful iiilhiences were at work to defeat tho Northern Pacific, nnd thoro was danger that thoy might eiiiccecd, wo meant what we said. Had tho present collapse in Northern Pacific atl'airs occurred ouo or two years ago, before money was scoured to build the road, it would havu caused stoppage of work and wo should not havo the road running ns it is to-day. The Central nnd Union Pacific weio anxious to pre vent this northern rival from taking the field. It costs millions to them, annually, that they Ioo in tiallie, and they could all'ord to expend millions to defeat it. Wo nvo favored in getting the road and now are independent and can do busi ness to tho best possible advantage. Tin: umiKT of lion. Geo. 1!. Loving, commissioner of agricultuie, just made shows that nearly two and n half mil lions of packages of seeds were distribut ed ot which two and n half millions were furnished to members of Congress. The experiment;) by tho department of I'xtvacting the juice from sorghum cane by ditVui-lon instead of milling were very meccssful, and have resulted an increase of'Jj to SU) per cent, yield. In urging tho importance of forest products in tho Vniled States for the census year was e.tlmatod at $700,000,000 i in other words our foroft products are greater in value than our erow of hay, rye, oats, lurloy, buckwheat, potatoes and tobacco. Taken together, tho amount is ten times tho value than the gold nnd silver of which wo nutko so much account, and more than three time the vultio of the precious minerals and coal and other niiiienil combincd. Tho oxpenses of tho dcpait iiient for tho year werol55,(!07. Tub Statu Auuioummw. Socnrvv havo in this iwaio a card in which they ufjklri fliat tlin KjvlAt v Alt nnf liimi4i l)i jo! .ororgHmblhigoniUKrounds iMt yer. o ca prow that they did ell Mr. Adolph tho privilege to use tho m ..','&,., room under tho grand stand, well know ing ho intended selling liquor Hiorc; Why did they not closo him up when they found ho was selling liquor? the feo roceived wns an important item to tho Society treasury. They did not issue a license to any one to gamble, but they did issue licenses to individuals to sell soap, etc., well knowing it meant gam bling. Thoy wanted money last year nnd thoy wore only loo glad to get it, no matter upon what prctoxt the license was asked for. They had plenty of funds for trinls of speed, nnd made that an important nnd srccinl feature of the Fair. We nro glad thoy nro awakening up to n true realization tf what the mnss of the people want, and by their non-nt-tondnuco last year showed they would not tolerate gambling nnd liquor selling. At Tin: present time we hear uniiBiinl roports of good prospects; for fall-sown grain throughout this region of country, both cast and west of tho Cascades. Tho extent of fall seeding is largo, and all grain looks romarkably well. At thin tiino in 188! wo had sufibrcd two very sharp frosts nnd meltings, so that wheat fields were already damaged. Tho frosty weather of tho 31st ot Deccmbor and 1st of January did no harm as far as wo can lonrn, nnd tho prospect is very excellent, for a good wheat yield. Tho extont of grain production is less than it onco was, aB farmers nro begin ning to learn thnt grass, pays more profit and requires less labor than grain crops, Thcro is an increasing disposi tion to havo good pastures and raise good stock', nnd certainly that costs less money and labor to produce roturns than wheat growing does. It would bo a great satisfaction to sco n thoroughly good crop soason nnd havo our farmers realize actual prosperity onco more, for, notwithstanding the sharp criticism on Westerif Oregon farming made in Port land, our deficiencies nro duo to natural causes, not to indifference or want of in telligence among farmers. It is true that many farmers are deficient in re spect to tho best methods, but as a class, our farmers lmvo done good work if there had been good seasons to help them out. In other words, if wo had enjoyed good seasons there would havo been bettor times and nothing to complain of in the supply of Portland markets. Wiikn wn were writing our item about poultry this week wo remembered a fact that wo woro witness too in Port land in tho fall of 1850. Two old sen captains, Northrup and Sitnonds, kept a genorol incrchnndio storo on Front street, where tho St. Charlos hotel is now. One day dipt. Northrup had a customer, a farmers wife, who came in from Tualatin Plains with .butter and eggs. Ho allowed her 00 cents n dozen for the eggs nnd 75 cents a pound for her butter, and then showed her calico nt 25 cents a yard, as she was to tako trade for her butter and eggs. The good lady was horrified; sho had left the States two years before and remembered prices there. Said elio: "Why, Mr. Northrup, I havo bought better calico than that for eight cents a yard in tho Stales." So it was with everything she looked at, until the old bailor's patience gave out and ho said : "Madame, I've allowed you 00 cents a dozen for eggs and I've bought better i ay. and biggor eggs than yours, lots of times, for livo cents a dozen. I have allowed you 75 cents for butter, and 1 havo bought a great deal better butter many a time for 10 cents a pound. Now. as vou are haul to suit, I decline to have nny thing more to do with it." And tho old gon tlemnu went and sat down by tho stove and took up a newspaper a States news pnjK'r, for the Oregonian wasn't started then. The farmer's wife saw tho ab surdity of the thing and gave up her complaints with full iqKUOgy for her tin-iva-ionableness and the trading was fin ished in harmony. RAILROAD W0i;K Work has stopped on tho Maker City branch on account of the snow and iee in tho llltm mountains, but will bo re sumed In tho spring. lirading is finished between Walla Wnlla and Pendleton and rails are on the ground so the work will soon l unMiod. The Terminal company has money in hand to finish all its enterprises anil work at Albina will bo prosecuted a rapidly us possible as they nro as neces sary ns the roads nro. Tlio California extension is pushed with nil Hissihlc peed. 'iWk is laid eight miles nbovo Pen- dleton on the Walla Walla and Pendle- ton liallKvad. Surveyors aro in tho Camp Harney country hiirveying u railroad route. Tho outfit consibU of about forty men. Walla Walla Union ; But little work !&Y"ffiSffi?S wM givw hh mm just eM0U, ,rk keep them duriug tlw winter mouths. lA't'.tA.rV , i.ilLi .;..! a.hU..,. WILJLiAJUJflTTE AEMEB: SALEM, OREGON, JANUARY THE MORTGAGE TAX LAV. Foreign loan companies seom deter mined to tost tho legality of this law thoroughly. Having been defeated in the State courts thoy now ask tho United States Circuit Courts to restrain sheriffs of tho several counties from collecting taxes on their mortgages. They claim that ns to themselves tho law is invnlid because it violates tho constitution of United States, nnd the U. S. Supreme Court has decided that foreign held I dohts are not subject to State taxation. Tho principal reason for bringing this suit wns tho ex post facto fenturo of tho new law. Tho company had largo sums loaned before tho, law passed, which cut down their interest from three-quarters to one nnd ono-half per cent. If it had affected new loans only, thoy probably would not have felt dis posed to fight the matter further in tho courts, but under tho circumstances they deem it their duty to, resist what thoy deem unjust taxation until nil remedies nt law arc exhausted. Notwithstanding tho decision of tho Supremo Court.it seems as if nil proper ty that sought protection of our laws ought to do its share towards supporting tho government that protects it. Wo understand from tho agents of these foreign loan companies that they do not object to so doing, and thoy claim that thoy opposo the present Inw beeauso it is enforced in n manner that works n hardship on themselves. They consider it tho duty of assessors to make tho as sessment of jnoney in proportion to the valuation placed on real estate. Tho law is reasonable enough, and thoro is no legal reason why money should not bo taxed. If there is any fault in its enforcement the noxt Legisla ture can provide a remedy. If these compnnios are roally willing to do their sharo of supporting tho government thoy ought to be allowed to do so with out any hindrance. The next Legisla ture will havo to give full consideration1 to this subject, if it does nothing else. railroad matters, It appears . from tho dispatches that Mr. Villard has resigned tho presidency of tho Northern Pacifio Kail'oad. Wo said last week that if stocks did not im prove. ho would havo to resign. Instead of going up thoy wont down lower than over. As wo said then, Villard has en emies who would nqt bo apt to rest until ho was dethroned ontircly. They have been able to still furthoi destroy cohfi denco in thoso stocks nnd as a conse quence, to savo his frionds from f urthor loss, Villard has laid down tho presidency of tho Northern Pacific. Wo may now expect to soo stocks go up, though per haps not rapidly. This community and tho readers of tho Farmer arc not inter ested in railroad stocks, but wo aro in terested in having the road and in its success. It will not bo easy for it to earn fifteen millions, or over forty thou sand dollars a day in this now country, but it will soon beconio populous and productive -and convinco Wall street bears that it'hns availablo resources. As for Mr. Villard himself, ho is in broken health and depressed spirits because of thoso reverses. Ho was worth two mil lions of dollars whon ho enmo hero in 18S0, and is not a poor man yet, for all his misfovtunes. Ho had great faith in our region nnd induced others to invest hero jvith him. His enterpriso nnd en ergy have given us tho railroad anil wo owo him only our good will. Unless matters had leen pushed rapidly to com pletion, there would most likely have been another collapse such ,as broke Jay Cooke in 187il. Had that happened, ns it might, nnd many powerful infiuouces combined to e fleet it, theio is no telling when our region would havo had direct connection with tho Ea-t. Wo owo something to Villard's energy and enter prise and in his time of adversity we can all'ord to say so. The Douglas county clerk, during tho year ISSIt, recorded just COO deeds, of which 107 were for town anil city proper ty of tho aggregate value of JSl,2l2, and :2 1 for agricultural lands coveringabout 01.21 1 acres for total consideration of f i:il,S8l, and nine sheriffs deeds of the value of S'.l.KiO. Ihero were also record ed 180 Unit'Hl States land patents cover ing 2l,lon acres. During the same tune 102 mortgages were entered into tho mortgage records of this county, to se cure the aggregate little sum of$2l$, 107, nnd only thitteenout of this number have been canceled. Ttiero was also one nuutgiiKO voconled against theO A C. llailrond Company of $10,000 per milo of its road. Out of tho above mortgages U! were executed to tho state hoard of school land commissioners to secure tlio sum of $2 1,000, Only U mortgages were niiule to foreign coriwrations amounting to 15,000. Mr. Tho. Meherin, of San Francisco, ; California, advertises with us. Ho has a full lino of all kinds of mxhIs. Sco his notice on tho eighth page and send for catalogue. When von have acouth or cold, ok hrlZZ T ',....? ,oc'P"n Amawo'iCoU Simp. It will tarel core voa. Villard's m-Fortune. Tho New York Herald of Jnnuary 3d, says : ' Wo print an interview with a friend of Henry Villard concerning tho relation of that gentlrman to the Northern Pacific and its kindred corporations, and j concerning Villard's health and private fortune, which will bo read with great I interest, and, wo believe, with great sympathy, The fact that the reporter was roforrod by Villard to this gentlemen for an au thoritative statement gives tho report an air of truthfulness. Following are passages from the interview : "Villard is ruined in his private for tune. Ho has not as much money to his name to-day os you have. All has gone to help tho great enterprises he has been at the head of. There can be no question of his conscientiousness or integrity, for which he has voluntarily sacrificed his private means to svtppoi t the Northern Pacific. Ho has not lung left absolutely nothing. His stocks, bonds, two residences, all nro involved in tho wreck. Ho has saved nothing. Ho never was so rich as reported. He was not worth .$10,000,000. Five was nearer the lliruro'" '"Did tho conversation with Billings tako place, as reported 1" "Yes. Last Saturday Billings called to sco Villard. Hillings you know, hud ouarreld with Villard, and there Was some ill feeling between them. Whon Hillings called and found him sick in pen, ana learneu mat viiinru uau im poverished himself in his efforts to sup port the company, Billing expressed entire belief in Villard's. integrity, and there was a tceno of reconciliation be tween tho tuo.. When tho rascals in Wall street made their combined attack on tho street, Villard was straining evory nerve to preserve the company's redit, and began to saerifico his own money. To make matters worse ho was away from the city, and had to do business by telegraph. A certain banking firm was in difficulty and would have failed if he had not come to its rescue by rais ing money on bonds and property be longing to him. So ho has gono on, giving his own money away, until every thing ho owns is pledged. But there is one source of strain upon him which I have not mentioned. Money lias been trusted into his hands to invest for other people. All financial men know what that experience is. His friends would insist on having him invest their sav ings. When tho stock ent down such was Villard's senso of honor that I have known him, many a time, to put his hand into his own pocket and purchase stocks to save them from depreciation. I suppose ho has lost $1,000,000 in this way." Caur d'Alens Mines. M. R. Shclton tells a reporter thai he is just from theso mines. Ho says : There nro now on Eaglo crook between 000 and 700 men. Tho weather was very cold when Mr. Shclton left tho mines. Tho snow was alxuit six fCet deep in tho valloy and much deeper in the mountains. At present there aro only nbout three claims being worked on Eaglo creek. Snow is a great impedi ment to tlio opening nnd location of claims ; and but littlo effective work can bo done until tho weather grows warmer and the snow disappears. Tho only lumber that enn bo purchased is sawed by hand, with a wliipsaw. Provisions of all kinds were very scarce. Flour was 00 a barrel, and other necessaries of lifa proportionally denr. On Pritchard creek there nro nbout 200 men. But few claims have been located there. Snowshoes aro now the only mentis by which persons can reach these mines oV depart from them. Mr. Shclton says tlio best time to go to theso mimes is about the middlo of March just before tho snow melts. To start earlier is Useless and to attempt to reach tho mines later in tho season after tho snow begins to thaw, is futile. The whole country for miles is inundated bv tho Hood, caused by melting snowjimd those start ing in April, or later, would probably not bo able to reach the nu'nes until June. In most placer diggings, Mr. Shelton says, it is necessary to go down to tho bedrock lioforo tihding gold. Along Eaglo and Pritchard creeks gold can bo found almost on tho surfneo just below tho roots of the gras. Even iq in tho mountains the color can be raised from the surface earth. At present tho best route to tho mines i by wav of llathdruin. a stntion mi tb Northern Pacific, twelve miles from Lake Uoevfr it Alenc. Arnw the lake to the mission is thirty miles. From tho mis sion it is twelve miles to Miner's cabin, or Evolution; and thenco it is eighteen miles over tho mountain to tho mines, which are in Kootenay county. Idaho, tho county seat of which is Ibithdruiu. A road' has been surveyed from llathdrum, which is more direct, shortening tho distance for about forty miles ; and it is propose I to open this road and put on a lino of coaches next summer. Courtney Meek is in tho citv, having also just returned from tho mines. He brings a number of siiccinions of coarse gold and lns eveiv confidenco in tho richness of the mines, to which ho will njnim about tho middle of February. Ho states that thoso persons who have inken up iwenty-acre claims, of whom ho is one, are determined to hold them against all comers. Olympia mpcrs rejoice because en. gtneors aro to survey a line for a railroad ' Gray's Harbor from near there. Diiputnot email thinge. That elUhtcoM you think to little of may prove the forerun. met of a comrJaiot that my land you in the rrre. Avoid tll by tVin Ayer'e Oherrv recioiM, tbe beat of known remediee for M. .voi,. ..." -." "Tv,:""?"." IdumZ ' " v""4 '"" ana inuf 11, 1884. The Oregon State Fair Management. Salem, Or.,'Jnn, 8. 1881. Kditor Willamette Farmer: At the annual meeting of the Board of Managers of tho Oregon Stato Agri cultural Socicry, held at Salem, on Dec. Ith, and 5th, 188:1, by votoof the Board, tho' executive committee was instructed to prepare- a statement forpublication to tho people, relative to the views of tho members of the Board upon the subject of licensing the sale of spirituous liquors and the practice of the- gambling devi ces. Wo conclude from the comments ol the press of this State, that largo num bers of the peoplo as well as tho editors of tho papers published in Oregon aro under tho impression that the officeis of the Oregon Stato Agricultural Society havo boon licensing thesalo of spirituous liquors on tho fair grounds and tho gambling games practiced during fair week. m In vipw of this fact wc have deemed it but just to say that this Society has not in years past licensed the salo of spirituous liquors nt any of the fairs : nor have we licensed any of the gambling or soap games, but on the other hand we have endeavored to prevent all persons from engaging in tho violation of tho laws of this Stato, by warning them of tho risk they run of being prosecuted and punished by tho proper officers of the country, and wo will not permit or allow any ono to engage in or sell spiritu ous liquors or engage in any gambling device upon the fair grounds, so far as it is nossable for us to prevent tho same. In view of this fact, we would ask tho papers of this tSate to publish this state ment, nnd also state to all persons that it is the determination of the oflicors of this society to ask, and demand the co operation of the civil officers of Marion county, to arrest and punish all persons that may bo found at, or upon tho fair grounds of this society, engaged in any violation of tho laws of this State. Wo sincerely hopo that this warning will be heeded and that all persion3 com ing to our fair, will refrain from attempt ing to practice or'carry on, or engage in any pursuit in which they will lay thorn selves liablo to arrest under the law of this State. We would ask all cood citizens in at tendance at tho fair to aid us in giving the nocessnry-ovidence to the officers to insure the conviction of all persons, who may in any way violate tho laws of this Stato. The Board of managers at the samo meeting passee the following resolutions and we would ask the papers of this State to give us space for their publication that all persons may be informed of the action of tho board upon the subject as to the course wo intend to tako toward all persons found upon the fair grounds yiolating the laws of this State. Resolved, "That no licenses shall bo granted by this society at tho next an nual fair for the sale of spirituous liq uors." Resolved "That no license shall be granted by this society for tho operation of any gambling device prohibited by mo statute ot Oregon. By order of the board of managers. T. J. AiTEUsoN, President of O. S. A. S. Tho Boy Fanners. In Dakota there is variety in farmers nnd farming, and not unfrequently nro to bo seen tho former ban'xer, clergyman, capitalists, clerk, mechanic or laborer lo cated in the samo neighborhood, pursu ing tho vocation of farmer life after a fashion peculiarly their own. Of courso there aro many experienced farmers throughout thoso broad prairies, and to thorn are duo the magnificent general results of Dakota farming. It is soldoin , however, that wo can call attontion to such perserveranco and pluck as are shown by Masters Charlio and Willie Adams, aged respectively fifteen and thirteen years. They were not accus tomed to farm work, but on their arrival last year, a team was purchased and a sason's work commenced. Breaking was in order, and later back-setting the land which had been broken. In back setting tho boys turned over tho soil to a depth of six inches, and to-dav can show one of the finest looking fields of oats in the territory. This spring they started putting in eiops in good shape, and have since done a good season's work breaking on land a short distance north, of town. Now they are just as busy as-their neigh bors securing a winter's supply of hay. Mr. I. M. Adams, their father, who is general agent of tho Molino Plow Com- ihuij iui .uiiiuesuui mm .u.iKota, comes home frequently, and is satisfied that tho boys, who exhibit such energy, with a mother's supervision, can carry on tho farm successfully, although they aro not graduates from nn agricultural college. lirand Rapids (Dak.) Journal. Sax Francisco. May Jst, 1SS2 De-.r Sir: 1-or the pisttuo months, I luvebueusufforiiw' from a severe cough and cold. A friend ad viaed me to use Ammen'a Cough Syrup. I did o, ai,d w.-a creatlv lismfi....! I L. t.ken two Urgelnttlei. ami am entirely cured. l,ritefultoouforpUcingaovaluab!earemedy vu me maiKct, i mi, yours truly. With Langley iMichaelt. Wholesale Diuts. Aberdeen Cattle. Wo publish, in another column, the ndvertisementof Mr. It. W. Carey's Ab erdeen or Polled Aneus cnttlo. The eattlo are of his recent importations and were on exhibition at the last Stato t air. Mr. C. has designated his farm by the name of Oak Lawn, and he intends by careful breeding and good stock to win laurels in the fino stock field. WiTSO.NVIL. 1. Cl.. Frh. 7th IBM commend jronr ttold Syrup (Ammea'a Couab oyrnp) in pnlcranc to any othsw, m I knew IU merita. U. A. MUBUIEAD, JJiUggi)t. PROSPECTUS. ptOR THE PURPOSE OP PLAClNOTHE Wilumette Farmer Within the reach of every farmer In the Paciflc North. wet, we tlull after thle date .reduce the price at follows : OneVenr, In Advance, f ji00 dub or Ten, (money wlthntmca) 15.00 ('111 In r Five;, (money with names,) a .. tg.C!ub9 can be composed of old and new subscribers 1'osUge Stamps will not be taken for Subscription. ' , This new schedule of prices is meant to accommo date alt class and leavo no room for complaint or dls satisfaction. At the prlco named above thia paper the cheapest on the PacMc Coast. As many persons have objected to b ing asked to pay In advance we reduce the subscription price to thoso who make advance payment and shall never dcilate from the terms stated. You can make money by Drepjymcnt, and wo prefer that all ehould pursue that plan. We Intend to make a farmers' paper that every armer In the land will need and will not willingly do without. We understand tho Interests of agriculture In all this region and intend to continually study and work for the advancement of the class wo represent. Wo have correspocdciits in all sections of the Pacific Xorthwest who will report the success of farm. Ing In ctery locality. Wo shall visit all sections ard personally report our observations. We shall compile from our contem pornrles of the press nil facts relating to development and progress, and material interests of farmers in all parts of the country. Wo shall keep pace with production In every del partment, and report, through correspondents and from personal observation, all Important facta concern. Ing firming in all Its branches, Including productions of grain, grasses, fruits and vegetables ; concerning stock raising, tiie alue of eattlo for meat and for dairying ; of horses for all purpeses ; of sheep for wool and mutton, or both ; of swine and poultry. Also as to bees and honey. We bhall continue to study the markets and Inform our patrons on all points, so that they will be able to Judge the Ituation for themselves. Our old patrons Mill bear witness we have worked faithfully, in this connection, In the past We shall do so In the future No dallj newspaper In Portland has ever given the" producers of the country such clear views of the world's crops aLd markets as tho Farmbr often does. Our market reports have been worth hundreds of thoui sands to the producers of this region. We shall carifully cull such miscellaneous matter for use as will btnedt and Instruct both young and old. The Farmer alms to be an educator in every department of life. Our editorials will freely and independently discuss every question that interests, tho people from the standpoint of right. So far as we have influence, it Shalt be exerted in favor of good principles, good gov ernment, true religion, temperance and fcr education of the masses of the General and Stato Government The Home Circle Is edited by a lady of mature experience In the labors of the farmer, and well acquainted with the ways of the world. She interest herself In all the duties and pleasures of home. Thon. sands bear witness to the e;ood Influence the Fauna exerts In many homes to make the Uvea of mothers, wives and children better and happier. It Is as a family paper that the Faaiiia sustains the closest relations to tho people and exercises the most salutatory Influence. The Wiixamstts Funis b not local In character, . as the name might mislead you to believe. It was ' named aiteen years ago, when the Willamette Valley was Oregon, but It has expanded and grown with the growth of the country and represents all the sgrlcul.. ture of Oregon and Washington. Tills Is the farmer's own organ, open for all to relate experience, seek fnfnrmatinn nnA cnA . irrl,Vin.s l)i m.u h..-. , ,--. ... .. . over and whatever seeks to oppress or deceive them. Our columns belong to the people, and the value of the t ARMia chiefly depends on such popular utterances. Ihe tditor brings to your assistance the experi ence of 33 years spent in this region; intimate knowledge of the country; many uors connection with agriculture, and twelve years' acquaintance with many of you In tho columns of the Farsisr. .i,,u nfte"01! ' ,r,f! Is mad0 ln expectation that it will bring increased circulation. We ask every friend tp aid us in that respect, and shall appreciate the (rood will of all who do so. OLDS & KING, 1SG First Street, PORTLAND, OR. We call special atten tion to our LnrgifeAssort iiient of LADIES ANI CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. 1 Which ivc offer at the a lowest possible prices for msoa goous. m 4)ur stock of dry goods i is always kept complete h'l in Aititm. .1 ........4. .... fii"- ciuii iiL'iiiiriitiuiii. tVaSy sciuiinsi an order to H m. iiiiui any reaueroi tlio JbAJUlER can ob tain goods as satisfactor ily as if personally i our store. l3.Thu greatest care taken ( in umvg .Urd3 b by mail. eiiiSCaaH22SIZS2S2222J2 St Helen's Hail. A Koardiu'.! am Day School for Uirls. mHK riKTESST I YEAR l'.EOI.VS SEPTEUBEB X Mh with a corps of fourteen teachers. Thot buh Instruct'on In English, Ancient and Modem l.angu.ics; Vocal and Instrumental- Music, Draalnf, Pointing and C'.iUithenlcs. The pupils have daily walls In o lti'hv niih a tachcr. For further Information ddr. illStlOP MOKUIS, Rector; or M1S3 MABY II. HuliXF.V, Principal, Portland, Oregon. IJulyllm MAPS I MAPS.'! MAI'S OE OKEUON & WASH INGTON TEKRITORY. HEREAFTER WE WILL BE ABLE TO 8CPPLT copies ol maps of Oregon and Washington at following rates. These maps are put up In convenient form to cary In the pocket Enclosed lo a stiff beard coer. They can be obtained at the oUowins; price: Jfnii r Oreco", '. ' MapaT Wakln(laa Ortsou and Wa.UUaUls Combined. l. C3"Rrmlt by Postal Ordr or KegfcUred Letter Postacre stamps mill not be Ukea. Address: 7 wuuiiammsinirmnn , """"'W)fl Portland Orajroa rm.Aln T popular cough naolyeaa bs , WlgftnUlaVeonhtat all principal Ping Etowa. , A k..Afci ,'- w ftr