Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 11, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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sfyht otie JircU,
A practical, plain young girl;
Not afraid of the rain young girl;
A poetical posy,
A ruddy and rosy,
A helper of self young girl.
'At home in her place young girt;
A never will lace young girl;
A toiler serene,
A life pare and cloan,
A princess of peace young gjrl,
A wear her own hair young girl;
A free from a stare young girl;
Improves every hour,
No sickly sunflower;
A wealth of rare sense young girl.
Plenty of room in her shoes young girl;
No indulgence in blues young girl;
Not a bang on her brow,
To fraud not a bow;
She's just what sho seems young girl.
Not a reader of trash oung girl;
Not a cheap jewel flash young girl;
Not a sippcr of rum,
Nor a chewer of gum;
A marvel of sense young girl.
An early retiring young girl;
An active, aspiring young girl;
A morning ariser,
A dandy despiser;
A progressive American girl.
A lover of prose young girl;
Not a turn up your nose young girl;
Not given to splutter,
Nor "utterly utter,"
But a mutter of fact younp girl.
A rightly delicious young girl;
Red lips most delicious young girl;
A sparkling clear eye
A sure to succeed young girl.
An honestly courting young girl;
A never seen flirting young girl;
A quiet and pure,
A modest, demure,
A fit for a wife young girL
A sought everywhere young girl;
A future most fair young girl,
An ever discreet,
Wo too seldom meet,
This queen among queens young girl.
Summemde Journal'.
Rag Carpets and Bass.
Scio,Or., Jan. 4, 1884.
Editor Home Circle :
.Some two months ago I sent a few
frnnA ramnaa wViinli Ternrd nrinfml in vnnr
,ft IfSnper. I hope they will prove as valua
ble to somo other young house-koopers
as they have to me. Those of us who
want a new rag carpet to put down after
tho "spring cleaning, iinu oursoives
sorting over old clothes. Our long win
ter evenings aro employed in tearing,
cutting and sowing until our fingers are
sore and our eyes aro tired of the sight of
tho rags. But after all is done and our
new carpet homo from the weavers, how
proud wo feel, (especially if it i$ our first
one) and wo aro ready to tay indeed, it
i turn good rag carpet, made entirely of cotton
rags, mixed with light and dark, is much
better for tho "living'' loom than any
other kind.
Now let 'mo tell tho "sisters" how I
mnke my .rugs. If you ull only follow
my directions' I Qink you will say with
me, that for cheapness, durability and
beauty it is unequalled. 1 take my old
ingrain carpet, cut it into ?tnps about
two inches wido, ravel out three threads
on each side, which leaves a small
fringo. Sew these strips togi-thor as you
would carpet-rags, and wind in balls.
Tiight pounds prepared in this way will
make a handsome rug two yards long.
Of course the cleaner your carpet, the
pleasanter it is to work with, and the
nicer it is tho prettier tho .rug will be.
Any weaver will weave it for you. They
are cheap, but not a cheap-looking affair
at all. If mado of good material they
are nice onougli for any room in your
house. I would not be without them, as
I think them superior to any rug I over
If tho cold snap has wilted your flow
ers, sprinkle cold water on them and
keep in a cool place. Thoy will come
out all right. Aujrr Mar v.
Poultry and Eggs.
' Editor Home Circle:
I am always interested in anything re
garding tho raising of poultry, and am
"quite successful in it. Our grocorics are
mostly got in this way, by exchange
with our stores at the nearest station.
But I do not near get the price that I
ought to do, for I take my eggs to tho
merchant, he allows me say, twenty-five
cents at this time of year, then I take
my pay in goods, on which he makes
reat profit. I intend-after this to put
my eggs up.pr rather down, in dry salt,
till I can take them to headquarters, for
in Salem or Portland eggs are forty and
fifty cents a dozen. It is jiut to with
butter ; I only got twenty cents for some
"Jersey butter," while my next neighbor
r sent his to Salem and got thirty-five cents.
In tho East I never was bothered by
mite?, it must bo that our Oregon win
ters aro so mild, that it is favorable to
infect lifo. Well thpse same mites or hen
lice are the worst enemy to poultry rais
ing, for it is tho reason why so many
littlo chickens just hatched droop and
die. No success can bo had if these
,..,,.,, ... ,
mites am plentiful in tho chicken house.
Now lor.the remedy: I find cold water
the best, if one has hose it js better, but
to use plenty of cold water thrown up by
dipper till the whgle house and roosts
are well drenched, will exterminate
them. Hot water only helps to hatch the
nits, but cold water chills them. Kero-
seno costs money, and with my oxperi-
encois not as thorough as cold water.
Tho season for setting hens will soon be
hero, and wo should try to get Jill the
hints we can, and I should bo glad if
some sister would do as I have done, tell
something of personal experience. I.
sprinkle sulnhur in tho nests of scttine i
hens. "While poultry and eggs aro in
such demand, with cash prices, thoro is
profit in raising thpm. I teach the chil
dren how to attend to them, so that I
really tako few steps myself, and tho
children love to run after them. H. T.
Hops ln'Iea Knitting Stockings.
Eil i tor Home Circle:
"Whilo visiting a friend not long' ago I
saw her put a couplo of hop blossoms
into her teapot. It did seem to give a
flavor to tho ton. Whilo wo all know
that hops aro healthful "and beneficial.
Something can be learned every day if
wo will but notice.
My friend was knitting stockings for
tko grandchildren, and sho gave me a
now idea in that line. Now, children's
stockings are mado to come above the
knee, which is an admirable thing, to
gether with tho present way of support
ing tho stockings by elastic bands from
tho waist instead of the' garter around
the calf of the leg, thereby hindering cir
culation and making tho child's! feet
cold. In shaping tho stocking leg she
narrows on two sides, instead of the one
seam down tha back. Tho advantage is
this : in footing tho stocking the leg can
bo turned, bringing the old knee on the
under side, as the knee is the first to give
out. Our home factory yarn is not worth
knitting, but at a'l tho stores can be
found a yarn which seems to lie made of
goats hair, which is strong and wears ex
ceedingly well, while thero is a finer.
called Saxony, which is nice for baby
stockings. itUTii.
Death of Matthew Price.
Ono of the number in our circle has
loft ns. Matthew Trice was thirteen
years old; ho was ono of the first to send
in his name to the temperance roll, and
was a frequent correspondent. It seems
sad to sco tho young takon just as lifo is
opening with bright hopes, and it is sad
for tho parents ; but for him, tho transi
tion is an entrance to another and a more
beautiful life, whcio thoro can be no
pain, caro or sorrow, where ho will wait
to welcome the rest of his dear ones as
ono by ono they cross the dark river.
Try this for tea somo night : Pick up
ono tcacupful of codfish, let it sonk in
lukewarm water whilo you mix two cups
of cold mashed potatoes with ono pint of
sweet milk", two eggs, a good-sued lump
of butter, and pepper and salt if- it is
necessary; thou add thocfidfish, mix all
woll, and bake in a buttered pudding
dish for from twenty-fie minute to half
an hour; fervo hot.
A elciici"us pnino pudding is m.idoby
Stow: ig a pound of prune till they aio
soft, teinove the stones, add sugar to
your u-te, and tne whites f three eggs
beat- n to n stitl froth. Jluko a puff
paste fur tlio bottom ol a'piulumg uisli
After licating tho eggs and prunes to
gether till they aro thoroughly mixed.
spread them on the crust. Bako half an
hour, or until you aic mho tho ciust is
A Valuable I5ecipe for Colds. Tin is
a good recipo . for colds, coughs, croup
and chills, -which will bo of incalculable
valuo to many reader.'' : Ammonia wine,
one ounco; applo vinegar, one pint; pari
goric, ono ounco; honey or syrup to
sweeten. Cost only about thirty cent3 a
quart at any drug store. Wo'Iuvo tried
this and know it to bs good. Doso
Tablespoonful three times a day after
Cucumber Pickles. Paro thorn, cut
them iti slices about an inch thick; tako
out the centra containing the seeds ; let
them lie in salt and water two days, then
rinse them with boiling water ; let them
remain in this until it cools ; then pro
paro tho vinegar; if it is very strong,
weaken it with water ; add eugar and
spices nntil the right taste is imparted.
Put tho cucumbers in this vinegar and
heat it to the boiling point. A good rule
to follow (or the seasoning is this : To
a quart of vinegar allow ono teaspoouful
each of cloves, cinnamon, allspice, nut
meg, and-black pepper. A little grated
horseradish root is a good addition. This
should.be put in after the pickles aro In
the jar, and not be scalded with them.
Cold Frosting for Cakes. To the
white of one egg," beaten Tery light, add
nine heaping tcaspoonfuls of powdered
,ugar, with one teaspoon ful cornstarch.
our ail wen together, nd flavor to taste-,
if1! 4 4"Iilrei
wr..jLjm..lu-im.i. x
a squirrel, A BIRD, and A boy.
, . . . . . " , ,
A hrzsl nut hung in the top of a tree;
..Hl,, chirped Sir Squirrel "that fellow for
Then he whisked his tall high over his back,
And began to map out his plan of attack,
..Supp0,ei Mr. Frisky you take itnow...
Piped Nut-hatch up from a handy bough;
Then he wiped his bill and wiggled his v, ing,
Ready the minuto Sir Squirrel should spring,
As the two sat sharply eying each other,
Along came a boy. "Now.somehowanuthcr,"
Said he, "that nut has got to come down,
And, just for a change, tako atrip to town."
Come down jt lyA. wnjie squirrel and bird
Sat so still not a hair or a feather stirred;
The kink w all out of Sir Frisky 's tiil,
And Nuthatch's bill felt blunt as a nail.
'Tisu't best to be too certain, you see,
About the plump nuts in the top of tho tree.
St. Xieholas.
A Happy New Year to all once more.
Aunt Hetty is happy to see tho new year
start with so bright a look for tho Home
Circle Hero is tho letter box brim full
of charming letters, then here is the long
list on tho Tempcranco Roll, making
tho hcait of all who lovo children glad
to seo so many on tho right sido anxious
to'begin a career of usefulness by taking
this first and mosj important step of
signing tho Temperance Roll. Our boys
and girls aro honorable, and wo are sure
not onfi of them will bieak this pledge.
Just think how much this little band,
which now counts more than a hundred
names, can do ; then we hope to have an
other hundred by next New Years; then,
if wo may anticipate, ma few years more
we shall, find yon all ready to vote and
to cast your vote on tho sido of temper
ance and the best men. Key ono of
you whoso namo appears will have- an
influence, and you must bo sure that
this influence is used in tho ery best
Wo are happy to sec that even one of
our dear littlo girls has tried to see how
many verses of tho Bible she could com
mit to momory. From tho littlo state
ment that she sent wo find that Daisio
Geisendorfcr has committed 1C3. Aunt
Hetty remembers so woll that beaujiful
summer day when sho stopped at Dai
sie's home, and of tho nice visit with
Daisie's mother and father, and are glad
to know that wo are romembcred yet
D.iisio must write and tell us just how
old alio is and what stylo of reading sho
likes best, so that Aunt Hetty may ic
deem her promise of a book in ono that
shall give Bailie tho most pleasure.
Two dear little sisters, Winnie and Ef
fip, got thoir mamma to write for them,
and want to bo put on tho roll, and as
tho old roll is all mado out, their names
shall begin tho roll for 1881, and little
brother Carroll, too; his sisters must see
that ho understands what he promises,
and help keep him in tho right way
when ho gets older, for thero aro always
greater Temptations thrown about a boy's
lifo than a gill's, so it will bo so much
easier for girls to keep tho pledge.
U is a very nico thing to be alio to
speak woll in public, especially for boys,
and confidence is obtained by commen
cing in early years to speak pieces at
school ; declamations aro not common
now in schoolsso c havo fow oratois
and lower still of young men and women
who can get up and read in public, giv
ing tho proper inflection and minding
tho pauses propoily. Now this bianch
of education is mado a f-pcciul study and
ii not included in ovciy day school life
as it should be.
Clarinda has evidently improved her
time woll, writing so nico a lottcr when
sho has had so littlo opportunity in the
way of school. Wo aro glad to hoar from
her so often.
Alice, from away up in Colfax, wants
to join the band. It is her first letter,
but it must not bo tho last.
Alice D. says thoy don't tako tho paper,
but wo aro glad sho can read tho letters
and send her name to be put on tho roll.
Slin must rustle around and get some
others to subecribo and so earn a paper
of her own we know she could if "&ho
would try.
Albany, Dec. -1,188:).
Editor Home Circle:
I read in your paper a year ago that
you would give a nice book as a prizo for
the one who learned the most verses in
the Bible. I was on a visit when the
paper came, but when I camo homo my
ma told me alxnit it and I commenced to
learn verses, and I was attending Sunday
School at that time, but I came to the
country to spend tho holidays and like
wise forgot my verses. In September I
went'to Drain to go to school and tried to
study my Bible, bul it happened as bo
fore something amused me better, and
Christmas came and no more verses
learned J I am ashamed to send my paper
with six blank months. " I will send my
paper, but I expect thero are somo others
that did not forgot like mo and will get
die book. Pa got mo a Biblo for n
Christmas present last year and I kept
this paper in it all tho time, and when I
would learn new verses and would rccito
them to my sister or mother I would
write tho number on this paper. I could
say the ninth chapter of Acts, containing
forty-three verses, but I think I would
have to look over them before I could
say the whole chaptqr.
From your littlo friend,
Daiie Geisendorker.
Chiiixtmas Eve, TunxEit, Or., 1883.
Kditor Home Circled
We have read the little letters a long
time and now we aro going to get
mamma to write a letter for u. We
aro two littlo girls, ono of us is seven
years old and the other is nenrly nine.
We can read good in tho second reador,
but wo can't write very good. We wont
to school this winter nearly all the time ;
wo spoke a piece last Friday night at an
entertainment given by tho school. One
of us spoke a ''Ship on fire," and tho other
spoke ''The first snow." Wo had a fine
time; there were prizes given; tho largo
scholars got all of them; wo want them
to givo the littlo folks n chanco next
time. Wo havo a littlo black dog, his
namo is Pcdio; grandpa has a dog that
is smarter than our dog, he will tako
hold of his tail and whirl around as fast
as ho can. Ono of us can sow and knit,
but wo don't work very much yet. We
arc going to grandpa's to-monow if it
don't lain too hard. We go to Sabbath
school and have tho Golden text nearly
every time. Wo want our names put on
tho temperanco roll, and our brother's
name also, ho is fivo years old to-day,
his name is Carrol. Wo hopo Aunt
Hetty wont throw this into tho waste
basket; wo will try and writo tho next
letters ourselves. We wish the Farmeii
and Aunt Hetty a Happy Christmas.
Efvie ICauffmax.
Port Oi$ror.D, Or., Dec. 23, 1883.
Editor Home Circle :
As I have not written to your paper
for somo time, I will now try and writo
again J this will make tho third letter I
have written to the Homo Circle; I do
not go to school ; I never went to school
but three months in my life. It is eight
miles to our nearest neighbor. It has
been raining and snowing for the last
three or four days- Wo aro going to
have a stuffed gooso for Christinas. My
Undo Georgo is here now, ho intends to
start home to-morrow if it does not rain.
Uncle was very sick a short limo back,
but is much better now. I will closo by
giving ariddlo: Thore's something or
other to my brother, it's holy, all holy
and nary hole through. Merry Christ
mas to Aunt Hetty and success to tho
Farmer. Your friend,
Claiuxda L. Wilson.
Colfax, W. T., Dec. 12
Editor Homo Circle:
As I havo nevor written to tho Homo
Circle I thought I would try find write.
I do not go to school this winter. We
live fivo miles from Colfax. We had a
foiv mouths school this summer whero
we livo, I study United St.ites history,
arithmetic, grammar, spelling, geogia
phy and writing, I havo thrco brothcis
and two sisters. I think all tho boys
and girls should writo to tho Homo Cir
cle, as Aunt Hetty is so kind as to havo
them printed for us. My papa t.ikps tho
Farmer; ho likes it very much ; I liko to
read tho letters from tho children. Well
I will closo this time. Please put my
namo on tho temperance roll. I leinain
your friend. Alice M. War.moih.
Corr.oi: Grove, Dec. 23, 18S3.
Editor Homo Ciido:
I thought I would writo again as you
was so kind as to publish my other let
tor. Wo have had a very pleasant full
and winter so far, wo havo had no cold
weather to amount to anything, and but
very littlo snow; thero is about thrco
inches of snow on tho ground now, this
is the second snow wo havo had. I havo
but ono sister, and she lives at Princ
villo and I don't get to t-eo her, and I
get lonesome tomutiincH ; tho only child
sho had died September 21, 1883; I
hated to hear of my little nephew's death,
but he is in tho happy laud where pain
nor sorrow is. I havo a littlo canary
bird, ho was given to me, ho don't sing, I
guess he is too younj; to ting, his name
is Billy. Aunt Hetty, I think your opin
ion about chickens is right; I never
raised any chickens from those hens I
wrote about in my other letter. Wo don't
tako the Farmer, but I get to read it
sometimes; I like to read thu little let
ters very well, though I am not ac
quainted with any of the littlo folks that
writo to your paper. I wish you a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year. I
will close by wishing the Farmer suc
cess. I'le&M) put my name on the tern
ptxsnee roll. Aiice Daknewood.
Wo thought-it best to commenco the
now yeaf with tho list of all tho names,
and then after this publish thom onco in
three months. Wo aro proud to seo
such a list as this. It may bo that some
ones- namo has been missed, if so wo
hope that wo may lie told of it, as we
want every ono of them down.
Jano II. Warren, John M. Handsaker,
John W. Brewer, Mary Weston,
Aniso II. Brewer, Ida S. Munkcrs,
Oscar K. Goodman, Lizzie Lent,
Lizzio 0. Bryan, Annio Stafford,
Mahlen H. Day, Bessie Scttlemicr,
Oscar E. Ebv.
J-iConora Markham,
Kinina J. Dimmick,
Jessie Withers,
ICmtna Withers,
Li.-.zio Parker,
May Parker,
Juno Kliy,
John Jordcn,
Tommic Jorden,
llobcit Ilnrtin,
Jciinio Hartin,
Addic May Drake,
Ficddio Powell,
Jesse Waldron,
Xaonia Day,
Leah J. Vernon,
Mary A. Shaw,
Elizalicth B.iroe,
John Shaw,
F. M. Taylor,
Otis C. Taylor,
Grace B. Draki,
Liency Mote,
J. Henry Jackson,
Jane E. Mote,
George F. lteod,
Cynthia J. Reed,
Annio Powell,
1'tta Handsaker,
MnpgicMcMeokiu, Harvey Taylor,
ji. ij. iiiiroutt, liny Aicrrunan,
Lucia N. rrincle,
Blanch Adams,
Ellsworth Baivee,
Norah Glover,
Johnny "Williams,
Jennie Sutton,
El ma Wright,
Alice Martin,
Oshkosh, Wis.
Fmma C. Mistier,
Stella Gillman,
J. E. Bobbins,
Frank Bobbins,
Laura Matoon,
Felix Grilzmaiker,
Hero aro sixty-ono names, and wo aro
sure that everyone of thOso whose names
aro on tho list will ho truo to their prom
ise and will bo found bravo and cour
ageous in standing up for tho tcnipcr
anco cause.
Infants and Children
Without Morphine or Naroottna.
What gives our Children rosr cheeks.
What cures their fevers, nmki-s them sloop:
'Tin rantorliv;
When Babies fret, and cry by turns.
What euros their colic, kills their worms,
j Hut Cmtorla.
What 01110117 cures Constipation,
Bour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion :
I Hut Castor!.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups,
Castor Oil and Faregoric, and
Centaur Liniment. An ah-
solnta euro for Rheumatism,
Sprain, Barns, Galls, cfco., and an
instantaneous Poln-rellovor.
TO ltimi:i:S.-ltls Import
ant thlttho hODA or hAI.IJIIATUS
they use bllOl 1.1) bo uldtcion.l
pure, In common uittt alt bllnUur
suljsc&nriH uod for food.
In umk!-ir Invud ulth caj)t, it
well to us., about ha'f u tcai)ooii
& Q-TMC nil VI uiu inn nun iiiiiiiiiii-i
iALttthl Jw iti-iiml iT Mnlu"or Mili-rnliio
at tho bjidu lime, and thut make the bread lihu hitti r
anrtimiun It boLomin; sour bj eoirtctlni; the natur
al utidlt) of th6e.vst.
it .1 1 it i .it i: . una ' a it it i: it s ii..n!.i
use only the " AU1I AND IIAMMHIl" lor ileinlrs
and keeping mllk-pnis antU and do in.
1o Insure obtaining on!) tl-o " Inn nml limn
mcr" brand Soda or r-a'cratus, I uj it in 'ioi.vd rr
ntLK roi'Mt I'Mhiori," width inur our nmiuo anl
trade mark, as infirior goods are soim Unit kttb-tl-tuttd
for ibo "inn mill ll.llillili.-r" brand nhtu
bought in bulk. dcil It lani.i
I .1011 0I1K00.V AND WAS.ll!N0TONTi:itltnoit
' Vobae buen appointed gmeibl sircuts for 0
i.'bn and Wiu)iln.rtoii for the iale ol luipuh! rV
rood, the best jirrpintlon for thepoiiltr) jard knomi
Btml for Catulo.'ues, free upo-i upplhatlon.
lil-nii lll.I.i:it illtOS.
MITNK & CO., of tho BciEVTiriO AMtniCArf, con.
tlnuutoact as Solicitors fur I'utents, Caveats. Trad
Marks, CujirrlKlits. or tho Uulte-I Slate", Canada.
Knaland, i ran, Uerraunr. etc. Hand Hook about
1'afents sent free. Hilrtj-ai-vMi roars' experience,
l'atcnts obtained throujib M UJ N CO. are noticed
In the HciL-NTino Ammiivan, the laruoit, best, an t
most nldelr circulated Uentlrlc paper. 3.a)arcar.
Weeklr. Kplendld euiiravlnirs und intorrsllnx In.
Ionuatlon. Specimen cupr of the Hclrnilflo Ainrr.
ciln sent freeT Address MUN.N A CO , Hi II3IIM0
AMIUjcan Office, A llruadwar, New York. s
107 Third St., l'OKTLAM, OUtMUS.
All lb r-aillni; rtowliiK Muililnrs, Oil,
Keodlea, AtUiliuieiiU unit Genu
ine 1'arls for sale.
All klmls ii f Hewlnic Marhlnis llrpulred
auU WarrtuiU-d,
AM &
A Splendid Opportunity
Tho proprietors of this Jourralhao a FltUIT i"ARH
within one and one-half miles of tho buslnesj
ccntro of Salem, situated In the hills
and in the ino3tfaorable loca
tion for fruit growing.
T3S. On this farm there aro tho following trees:
150 Itojal Ann Oneirics. 2 and 9 years old.
SOO Bartlctt Tears, 0 years old.
150 Bartlctt Toars 2 years old.
600 Ptach Plums, 0 jeiss eld.
600 Teach 1'lun.s, 2 j cars old.
400 Coo's Golden Iiropl'lums, 7 jcano'd.
850 Coe's Golden Drop riums, 2 rears old.
400 Italian Truncs, 7 years old.
m SCO Itilian Prunes, 2 jears old.
150 Petite Prune d'Arscn, 7 jears old
SSOColusbla Plums, 7 jears old.
(.03 Columblt Pluras, 2 jears old,
200 Blue Damson Plums, 2 j oars old.
230 Ucnnan Prunes, 2 ) ears old.
ufl Bmdihaw Pljrac, 7 jears old.
100 rr.idhav Plums, 2cnrsoId.
2S0 Washington Plums, 7 j cars old.
2S0 Heine Claude plums, 7 j ears old.
350 Peine Chude Plums, 2 j cars old.
ToU X10 troes. ono blf nlnnt.,17 n.t n ..
and one ( 2 lears old from .tho nmscry. The
choicest irbtlcs known and best suited to cominer
il.ilu.ses Tho l rope rl consists of 0.1 acres of t.lm
Hid Hill land, lbs best aultoi for orchards and fruit
kroning There is abo a tnnll nursery of 10,000
trees on tho plice, which are of the choicest irletlcs.
It oltords an excellent opportunity to go into the
nurscrjr bu-lncs.
11-nlr if nnny other duties to look after tho owners
nrouniblotopiy the nqulslts cro andlaber on this
valuable piopenj, piobabli the moHaluatlo orchard
Interest in tho Pacific Northwest. Thcrcfi.ro he sce'is
a partner who Is skllod In orchard work and sho will
deoto his -whole time to iho lewdness and is honest
and reliable PltlCK, $5,000.
AdJrcss: . S. A. CI.AItUK,
notlltl balem, Oregon.
OFFICE: North sido ol Cheinckcta street, between
Summer nud U Inter streets.
Special attention given to the
diseases of Women and
pirod to glio tho celebrated .Medicated lnpor
LlftlitnliiK ri'riiin Until. These baths Imca
wide reputation and sro al,lblo In all cases ol
Skin Diseases, and Imaluublo In Scarlet Fecr and
la-Pie) Melius wbdilmr to hava tho use U these
baths can do so by sppl)lug at her office.
OVFICR: No. 107 First Stroet, between Uor.
Jrlson and Yamhill, Portland, Ororos.
js S.-8. cnnisms rmertaluiemb.
"BKs.uuiias or a'ceonuicinn. J.iitcr
utinnuninfiiia uin.
AfloIlMtUn of utfRcidout from If a lie It
ntrtveh(K.I workft In Tnrlou4 r nrt uC
tnJitb5,t6 tllcoun"j!euD1...nliUJl nithlmtorintfr
P'bm.uMfN'Ji IM evi-rr HutnliT ba I iuiw.-li.lvii I nl.
"'-; I ftliloae liko It virltmn Itufnri. fetW-
U tUt of all the nun Jus- t
ntt, hiii Hen I ireti to i ny ono n Unit
hU In tlia iltv(. )
tdirjasurpv i I ( nf "
lour, mv
W x-ua H ,n
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One Yenr, SI. CO. Blnlo Coplus, ICcts.
RliicII Publishing Co., 35 Cro-niltld St., Eojton, ht.
rtl I AULt JlUnmf. Jkmmm . U-
alanufaitiirlnif. .Opticians. rMluelrlphln. 1'a.
fVaftseadfor Jlluslruted 1'rlccd (jHtalasue.
Tlio HuYKIlh' GUIOR fa b
iicil .Mure h ami rk-jil., each
iyeart M 10 xuus. Bjxiw
Inclie-.. will, ovcri J.y 00
illihttrntieiiis a whole) Jile
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tain informalion Jleanoil from tho map
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