; I ) ! t I . fumuf ljifcra.nre, GOOD BYE, OLD YEAR. Oootl Uyo Old Year, good bycl With all your many circa! With all your hopes and feara! With all your joys and teats! Oood Bjc, Old Year, goodbjo. Wc do not hid theo stay, To us thou ditlst not bring Ho many a j ynm thing, That wo to thou should clintt, The past U gone to-day. With tho opening of this year. This year so fresh and fair, How many of us dare To yield to dark dotpaii! It brings us hopo and cheer. You, to whoso saddened life, The put brought solace sweet, The new year may repeat Tho happiness complete With which that year was rife. flood Bye, Old Year, good bye! Wo would not have thee stay. Thou dncll'st in memory 1 But now, Old Yenrl make way For the New Year! So Oood Bye Widow Lockery. I mnilc lior nequaitance at an old Set tlor'H Iiutinion. Tlio club, which held it yenrly meeting) nt Gicshnin, was com posed of tho surviving pioneers of lo.lO. All persona, who, either ns adults or chil dren, lnul nettled in the district covered by tho "organization previous to within that yenr, were entitled to enrollment. A group of nieiivu'rodiscufesing wheat projects. They seemed to belong to Unit class in whom tho uncertainty of iho funnel's hope had hied n condition of cluonio forelKxlinir- One -aid the wheat wan too bluing, nml would all be "lodged" bufoic the hniest. Another thought tho recent mill-, would produce "runt in (ho stalk." A thiul predicted x hot, thy time, that would cause it to fne jit tho loot." Old Sotli Householder had been a re luarkably good hhot in his time. We paused in our haunter to honr him tell about it. Ho vvn n giotesquc Old man, with yellowish, curling hair hanging ovor tho collar of his lean calico shiit. "I piesumo thcio'e a good many old fellers here," said he, "that minds about tho doggery Hank Sloan kop' over on the old State Ito.ul. He kept a little stool of gioccry, too, and altput once a fortn't ho'd hev a shooting match. He'd tie up tho bundles of tea and teillackor and sugar, and we'd shoot for 'em. Will, one afternoon in tho beginnin'of winter it was tho thiity-llrstof November, if I mind light Hank had a shoot. The it was sevonty-three of them pa V igos, and when tho match was out a u Hank told 'cm over, all but fourvvn- ni.ukcd Householder.' Yes, th.it was rather fair tdiootin' I tell you, gentlemen, it'B all in tho optic neive of tho eye. Ther'b vvheic it lays." The band began playing on the ros' tniin, mid tho inultitudo moved toward the music. "Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And novor brought to mind J Should old acquaintance be forgot, And the days of auld lang syne?" Tlio Kvveel horns seemed to speak the very words, Tlieio was roll-call, unsweied to in voieos varying from the lobust. mellow (ones of the middle aged to tlio feeble ' iptavorof the oetogennrian. A brief bio graphical obituary of a late member wits ie.nl. Then tho orator of the day vviu introduced. Aficr the speech caine the basket dinner under tho ttees. Tlio af ternoon was devoted to muic mid r-tory telling An aged fainier named Man- uing said : "1 win tho Ihet white littler in Doer T.iek Tuw nliip. onhandy 'long at fust- What 'ud folks think now of driving thirty mile- for a bag of seed who.it mid two plow pints' 1 did that in ':)7 diuv in with o.vcn.loo, It wa powerful hard woik elearin' up my land -timber ?o In nvy and help so .scarce. 1 had one hiied man that did a heap of good. Ho was only a boy, but bo was a good one, (.tioiig-lbtid and keon-wittod. He'd chop all day and ftmly his books till ten o'clock nt night. llo's heio to-day, fiicud?, and may U some of you knows who I mean. ItV Jiutee.Tiuowell.theu on the iliifrni Ho split and laid up the rail on u.y tlrt clearing. He's Wen Jo Congre-s rince, and I'm proud to y heV as bunot u law-mnKcr as no uii u toiice miser J proiKwi tints; cheers for the rail littti or the old Tonlh DNtriot." Thoy wcie given with enorgv, and Judge Tazewell e.une down ami hook bands with Uncle Kli .Manning Tlio Prortidcnt of the club then asked how many iu the assembly bad nnj jicr honal recollection of a two-days hunt for a lot child in the autumn of '41. "Aiuwor Sunday School fmhioii," mid lie, and about n half a dozen haiuU went I Iho Widow Uvlery heivf he nnt . inquired, 'I reckon Ue in,'' cunie Uie muwer in a woman's voice from soinewhcio in tho crowd. "Mrs. Lockery," continued tlio rrcei- dent, "lounu mo lost vuuu, hum ; will tolljis all about it, I, for one, will bo , .1. nUicni i litun n vnfiip lmnros sion of tnor which tho hunt produced, and the excit'-ment it aroubco in my childish mind; but I do not remember that I ecr hoard the occunenco fully de scribed by any one who took part in the search." . ,. ,. Ifn 1nnnni1 nmiin ill tllO (UrCCtlOll whence came that prompt response, and sat down. A tall straight woman arose from her beat, walked slowly down the aislo bo- tween the ciuclo benches, anu iook a po sition facing ton people. Sho seemed m no hurry to begin her story, but deliber ately took ofT her starched bonnet and iniil i nTi ilm it. brsidn her. She was tho most remarkable personage I bad seen tnat nay. inougii iuuy r-uvu" years old, sho was as erect as an Indian, and gave one tlio impression of great physical power. Her iron-gray hair grew low over her lorenonti, nnuwusguuioiuu iiitn o nin.)t rnilfrll-lnnkilll? knot flt the back oflior head, and secured in its place by n brass comb. Her complexion was swarthy, and her dark eyes were shaded by daiker brows which almost met abovo her prominont aquiline nose. Her lips ! viral iirinlv. nnil her whole facc.hndnn expression of unspeakable sadness. "ITienUs anu noigunors," snpuegau; ntwl nil nl nnon found llivsnlf Slllilillir as I ob-erved many otlieis doing. Never bo- f .1!.) t.... . . nni m t rn n r nr on illirLlv' UJrU Ulll IllUIl.m tUlllllUili"li.u as alkkvj tfunafonn ita nvtir-miK TllO (lark CVC8 tlllll liflll .' vj-!'-'- ---- -- In inl'li.il lm nirniiis of Ilm mnlltll IfaVO ... ...i.., mv """" ., i 1 a Jiumorous curl, llic lips paneu in siiuouu lovtaled a double row of perfect, natural teeth, gleaming with drollery, and the whole changed physiognomy was laugb- ter-provoKing. iir.lntwlu m-iil miiVlilinrs? Seem' as how Mr. Kvans has borto' given out that I'm tlio lieioiuo o mis iuio wiriur, mml.il wnlllil 401111(1 hpttor for S0U10 one cbe to tell it. So much by way of preface. "If iv.iw Itiim.iimn Nvlnrs Cllliil lil.u was loit. Hen staitcd one mornin', in October to get some gunilin done, mere it-iu nn i.iill nf nrnr Hi. in one on Tavlor's Foik, twelve miles off, and tho way roads was then, it woulil take mm long iiuo tlio night to get Home, niai muo voy o' his'n, jut lio yeaisokl, took a notion to go 'along, hut his pa wouldn't let him. IIo whipped the pool little fellow in tho iiioruin' for cryin' to go; but when he stinted the child just followed thowagon and bawled to be look in. The young ones told me that; and that piocious mother o' his'n, instead of coaxin' him into thchou-c. and frjin' him a dough imr.o nnil lui.iin' litin five or six vards of tow strings for drivin' lines, jut wont on nhout ner won;, anu pam nu it-iuiuu t lii.n till lm ! clean out o' sisiht. 'bong towards noon Maiy Ann Xyfur, the oldest gal, camo over to my house, lookin' real scaiit, and said Sammy was lost. He'd followed pa away in 'the mornin' nnd liadn t come wka. j naj: right away "He's all right. Youi father's give in to his vellin' and took him 'long," "Hut the gal shook her head, and re marked: 'rather never gives into nutliin.' II.,'. .l,.i,v ln'm li.ick. ii nil S.immv's lost.' 'r wont with her and found Luke AVil-on theie. AVo tlnto families lived miiiv rlonst all within a mile. Luke i.n'r.i.i tn.t m t did. that Nvfor had took tho lov along with him, but tho mother and Maiy Ann bccmcd to doubt Ji ;i.n .iiil lio'd co ilitwn the load and stop at TellV and Harycr's maybe little Mini nau sioppeu io pmy. , .i:.i..'i iii..l liim nnd the L'ood foller hoofed it till ho met Nyfcr, three or four m hi. Ha side o ino rorii. iireii: nus m s.immv with him. He said the child had turned back at the big shingle tieo stumi). about a mile from home. "When Ben druv up to the house, It,..,., u-w .-nnlfMl rilmnanv of tllO llOlth borR theio waitin' to seo if he had the boy A search was started that night nill, Innlilins nnd Ijl'llt 111) till mOl'IUIl'. Word was sent far and near, and before noon the next day tnree lownsuips were .. ilv. limn hnrna werA bl'owed. liolls rung, and tho poor baby's name called 111 llUlUlreUS 01 Voices. 1UU omis mm riwiiuiis were sooureil and evciy brush heap and holler log wekod into. 'Tho search continued another night iiii.l inntli.ii- .1 iv till tho afteinoon fonie beirun to uioout, myself among the nuinbei. I went home and threw myelf .mil. ,nv Ih1 Ullh 111V clotllCO Oil Illld slent as I'd never slept bifore. About (ii nVlm t tlnil uMinin' I woke ill) slid den, pM a wide awake as I am this minute. My mind seemed clear and quick Tluit child can't bo fur away,' I thought. 'He's been with the test to tho hucUebcriv wamp this summer. The trail b'tHuV tu thf v)Wmi lcnes the main road not fur from the shinglo-tree ....in l'.l .ift.m li.iiir.1 ilmt lot idol. Cllllllf. i ..v. ...... .-. .... dren would never answirwhon callcil, lull Hi Ulgui wiieu vMijiuiiib ""-i, the d cry and nuke a noio. It secmnl a? thoutb the hull kentVy had been w ell M-arehod, but 1 Ivliovcil ho us stickiu' suim-whcrcsin that huekilboriy m.irh. "Now. I don't want hiiytHly to think I was a lurviwine, for 1 wasn't. I think I Ml mor'n common sorry for Haebel Nj for Ut us I'd h.ul a dislike to her foi quite a sufll. It growed out of an rg inido. 1 wantoJ n f tlin of goo-e es:! she had some and said she'd let iue Iihm1 a iV.7on for some ben's eggs. ill, we tiudiHl, and I spnsed it was nil right till one daysheenmo over and said -li.. flinn.nl hti.i iiil.r lii Jniiltuir lihlf down rgg ; for she'd opemd 8 gise egg shell aiulthon bnilc two hen's eggs into it ana ti Mttaiii Qiiut iuii iMouia wi aA &x lihlf Another 01:1:! 1 i.iiliil.wl it Jv tr fllbl olkt llltrrftil Vlll vvtiuuM ! n vm' ...... -s... q(i - s.... home; then 1 told Mi Luke Wilson and one or two other women that I wis nurtv tliiek iMtn, ami we inauo no iiui '. !.... ..I. ...i !. l .. .4 ... Ulll MMlll II nnviivl mu iii iu- Ihoi. '! didn't liku (he scneiul uiik(.-up of WILLAMETTE FA11MEK: the woman. She bad five purty chil dien, but she didn't seem to take no kind o comfoit with 'cm ; rust pusneu 'cm si-ide nnd drnv ahead with her work. .she and Xyfer both seemed to think all the duty thoy owed their young ones was tomnkc 'em mind from tho word go, and dig away liko all possessed, to make pioperty for 'em. ' But T was theio that ovenin' when Ben camo homo without tho bov. nnd I saw 'em stand and look in r-ne.1i olhor's facos. like tho end of the world had come and neithor one could help tho other. Then sho went about puttin' a bit of nipper onto tho table; but wbon sho s,t out Satn's-littlo plato and iinur. all t -o mother in her broke loose, and she flung herself down' shud derin' and sobbiu' in a way I'll novcr foreit. Well, eecin' as how I kinder mis iud"cd the crectur for bavin' no heart, I felt pushed to make ono moro try for that poor lost kid o' hern ; so I jumped right up and said out loud : "With the Lord's help I'll find him yet I" "I lit my lantern and shaded it so it lot just a little light down onto the ground. Then I went over tho road just as I guessed the boy had done, tuinin' ofT on the tiail nt tho big red oak stump, and right down to tho swamp. Thoro I stood and listenod still as death. Sure as theio's mercy for us all above, I heard him almost right away. "Oh, Mai' such a pitiful call I Then he cried and whimpered, very weak, like bis breath was 'most gone, nnd his heait 'most broke. I followed that sound and found him easy. Ho was mired to his aimspits in mud and water. I couldn't at lirst soe how I was to get to him. Thoro was a body of a big walnut tree lyin' back on tho hard ground, and the bark was loose. I pulled off tho slabs and throwod 'em onto the hummocks nnd so bridged my way out to that littlo yaller heap. "Ho struggled wild when I first pulled him out; then gave up in a. kind of faint. I carried him homo in a hurry. There was still a good many people at Xyfors, Tney made some milk warm and put a taste of liquor in it, and forced a few diops down bis throat, as you'o done to a chilled lamb on a wm ter'd mornin'. Ho was bathed and nibbed and wrapped in soft llannel, and laid m the baby s warm nest aloro tne fire Xvfer and his wife stood lookin' down at him. ' 'Jiaicho,' said he and she looked up her black eves a swininiin' and her face all a ticmble. Then he took her into his arms and held her cloat 'llnicn. wo hain't loved ono another enough, and wo hain't loed our children enough. Thei's that, that's better'n money and land, and for the rest of our lics we'll try and keep holt of it.' "And I belies they did. The little boy had a fever, but ho came out all rig'ht at last. Mrs. Xyferdied about five years after that, and bo took the family and went back East. Of COUiaC I wouldn't have told this just as I have if .iiiv of 'cm had been aiound." The people had listened closely, and when Mis. Sockory put on her bonnet and resumed her seat, the hush was so piofound that we could hear, high abovo our heads, the twitterinpr clamor of a nest of young b'nds to whom the mother biul bad brought a worm. The next to addiess the- assembly was a noble looking old man with silvery white hair. It was Mr. Luke Wilson, or 'Snuiio Wilson, as he was cencrally called. He had a linn, intellectual head, and when he enoko his Iniii'iiaj'e was correct and well-snoken. 'The w idow Lockery," he began, "has disclaimed all right to the title ot Hero ine. l not lot tho verdict bo rendeied till I have finished what I am about to relate. Mv friend and neiKhbor for foriv venis will. I know, pardon me if I for oneo lift the veil fiom a passage of her experience to which she seldom alludes, and of which many in this au dience hiuo never heard. Nothing has been told here to-day, nothing could be told, more stronclv illustrative of the pi oneer spirit, nt least of the1 spirit of one tnave pioneer "Ono winters, evening, ninny years ago a stranger presented hinuelf at the cabin of Thomas and Ruth Lockery and begged a nights lodging. He was ,i Canadian, completely tiled out, and far from well. Neither Loekerv nor his wife had it in them to turn a sick atrongor from their door : so thev cave him sunner and a bed, The next day he was unable to rise, and netore nigiu no uroKooui wuu siu.m nox. "Tho following morning when I went out to feed my cattle I happened to look toward l.oekVryV and ww on a ?lmrp rise of ground, half way l-etw ecu the tw o houses, a woman standing and bee ton ing to me. It was my neighbor here, I went toward her. but. while 1 was some distance away she halted inc. and told me in a few words about the nun with the Miiall pox, and charged me to watch the roml ana warn tnc community She said she had been inoculated and would not take the dieaso, but she feared for her husband and the cbildnn. That day I rode 11 milt to tho nearest doctor His wife cried and would not let him go. He read his books for an hour while. my horse rei-kd, and then ho made up a package of medicines for me and I stalled back. 1 left tho medicine and -linuilants on the sv rub oak hill, and Tom came and got thtm. An limit had feortd, her husband and two children were ttikuidown. Sev eral of t'lf licaitr families then otlertd to take all risks ami help her nurse her ick, but sh liunb refustd their assist ance. 1 can vft along alone.,' she would mv iioin mr poi on tne upi. -ii.e Urn! sixes me strength for nil I have to do, and this horror must not preul. Kiorytinng l.e needed was lurnisiiett iminmtlv mid ubiindantlv. and this is nil she wouid 8iiri"ei u to da The stranger had tho disce in its mildest form, but Lockery and the littW box s, Amos and Willey,wcre hopelessly "bud from the lirt. One niouung tlio poor woman SALEM, OREGON, JANUARY 11, 1884. rnlled to me that both the children were Ldead, and told mo to have two coffins brought to tlio lull tnat evening aiuarK. Oeo. Ones and I itug a snort, wine grin e at a spot on tbo" place whore sho desig nated ; and that night she took those coffins to her cabin, put her children into thorn, and burioM them with her own hands! One morning some three weeks later, as I went out to my hotve just at daybreak, I saw Mr. Lockery u-nitint? on tho hill. She looked changed and bent, and her hair was loose and living in tho wipd. I can 'ec it all now. " Tho sky was such a clear, palo crav. and sho looked b6 dark and wild against it! I ran to my old post, from which I bad hailed her daily for weeks. " 'Thomas died at midnight,' she called. 'Make his coffin as light as possible to have it strong enough. "Then i snouted Dacu: "Ruth Lockery, you havo done enough! Giles and I will corco to day and burry your dead.' At this sue tnrew up her arms and uttered in an awful cry. " 'Don't do it, for the love of God! I've gone through this all alone, that no other place need be made desolate as mine has been. Don t let it be tor notn ing. It shall not be for nothing. If man or woman dares to come near that awful house, I'll draw my rifle on them?' Tho Canadinn was well enough by this time to render her some assistance, and together they coffined and buried poor Tom. They drew the body on a stono slod over the snow, and laid it in the new crave beside the other. "The next day we saw a red name shoot up through the timber, and we know Ruth had fired her cabin and all the effects it contained. There wasn't much to be sure nothing that ho valued after what had gono before. We left a pound of BUlpIior and two suits ot dom ing on the hill by her oiders. The stran cer cot into fresh earmolds after lluth had tsmokod them well. Then she cut his hair short, and rubbed his head with sulpher till, she said afterward, she new ho'd carry he scent into the next world with him. He took a gun and a pouch of provisions and w ent aw ay, promising solemnly to ontfir no human habitation for at least a month. "Tlio weather hhd turned very mild it was tho last of March and Mrs. Lockery bogged us not to ask her in for a little while longer. She built her self a wicwam of poles and bark; and we took her some bedding, and for three weoks sho lived out doors. Then she changed her clothing again and came among us, pure enough we thought, to mintrle amone tho ancle of Heaven. Tho people got together and built anoth er house, and furnished it with every thing for her comfort. She Hycd alone for years, a bravo cheerful, actively help ful life; then she adopted a friendless babe, whome she reared to womanhood, and who is now well married and gives to Mrs. Lockery in her old adge a child's love and duty." Queer Notices Chambers.' Journal mentions the fol lowing whimsical notices that have ap peared from time to time. Tho following perspiciuous. notice to engine-diivers was exhibited at a railway station. "Heieaftcr, when trains moving" in an opposite diicction are appro.iohing each other in separate lines, conductois and enginoers will be required to bring their respective trains to a dead halt before the point of meeting, and be very caieful not to proceed till eachtiain ha passed the other." Equally lucid was the placard an nouncing" a pleasure-trip to Warkworth one day during the summer of lbSl, in which was the follwing passage which implies that the crew adopted the light and airy costume of our primitixe ances tors; "The Gleaner is one of the finest and fastest boats on the Tyne; her accom modation is iu every respect good and comfoitable, her crew skillfull, steady, and obliging, being newly-painted and decorated for pleasuie-trips." We are assured of genuintne-ss uf the following curious notice, addsea, ipute recently, to the members of jKiiuidly Society which need not fear a "inn-' up on it, if the procedure therein de ri! d bo rigidly adhered to; "In the event of your death, y m .ue requested to bring your book polie nd certificate at once to the agent, Mr . wiieiiyoui ciuniis nmiuic iiihi- m w .lttofitirtti " attention A few days previous to the leginning of a session, this brief notice was affixed to the notice-board at the entrance of onf of the elass-ixxuna of Kdinburg I i.ier sity: '1'iofo-sor will mtet bis cl.u-es on the Jth hist." On the opening day, a student erased the letter e of the word "classes." A group of youths remained in the vi ciuity of the entrance tool-serxehow the piofessor xvould receive the intimation, which now set forth that he would "meet his lasses on the -tth inst." A the profthsor appronehud, he ob served the chance that had been made. and quietly taking out his pencil, made some further modineation, and pa-sod on a quiet smile overspieailing his features. The notice nox finally stood: Trofessor willmett hi) t.,n the 1th inst."' Lest. Some time last summei a nice baxhii shawl, which fell from a cairiage while driving iu the vicinity of eateni. A handsome low. nil will be paid, for the return of M Miaul or infoimationof its being found. At a Btrtan; A rino fur set, collar and muff, of the very handsomest of mink, entirely new, nude in the East: the owner will sell it Inr SIS. nnd which could not be hom-lit I at a store for double the money. En-1 quire at this office. iff If UfMtMt. sV JW"'W How to Make Six or Eight Stands of Bees Supply the Family Table. Mr. J. D. Ruk, of Milwaukio, writing to the Oregon City Enterprise, upon this subject, fays : Make some moveable frame hives and Iw sure you pick out the kind of hixo you like" to handlo ono that is conveni ent to manipulate your bees in during swarminc time. To prepare your frames for transferring make some splints to go crosswise of the fiamc and with one inch wire nails. Tack two on one side anu one on the other, two on the opposite side. Tools to transfer with will amount to about these : Ono smoker, a hammer, one or more pans, one bucket of water to keep your hands clean, some rotten haul wood to burn in smoker, one cold chisel to cut the nails in the old hive, or an'old hatchet will answer. Xow as this lesson is to the novice, I would say put on a bee veil and n pair of rubber gloves. Place your board or bench by tho bees, set your hive on one end of the bench, thoonene.xt to the bees. Now smoke the bees, but not too much, or you will smother them. Let them have time to fill themselves with honey, then pick up the liivc and lay it? side on tlio bench open end to the new hive. If you have a board long enough, lay a sack or two on it, lay the combs on, as you take them out, and as you arc taking them out, and as you are taking them out, brush with a feather duster the adhering bees into tho new hive.. Cut the comb so as to fit snugly in your clamp frames. Place your two moveable cleats or splints and tack fast the two ends and hang it in the hive. By the time you cn get two or thiee combs in, the bees will begin to cluster. Keep a good lookout for the nueen that she does not set mashed be tween the combs-, or fall on the ground and get tramped upon and killed. If the combs are straight you may get enough combs to fill one body of your bie, and if you get more, put it in the upper story of the hive nnd till out with F. D. X. as it is Usually called. Keep them well supplied with F. 1). X. as this is a great help to them .in making honev. I prefer using the full bize sheets to fill the frames to within one half inch of the end and bottom bars. Then your comb are tuie and easy to handle cither large or small. When the bees have mended the transfer comb you may tako the splints off. Bees cared for in this way will Usu ally gix-c two or three times as much comb or extracted honey as they will in the old way of handling them. Ihae taken honey to the amount of seveial dollars woith, from a few stands kept in this wav. which rcau'ued but little moro labor to produce, than doe an empty box in the old way. ion win wort dili gently to care for "cows and horses, sheep and hog-, while the bees are no given a chance to take care of tho delicious sweets of natuio that go to waste about your premises, jear after year. One more question I will auswer: When you leceivca fpieen by mail go to the hie you want to introduce this one into. Catch the original or black queen, take it away or kill it. Lay the cage on top of the frames; wire down for a day or two. or turn the tin points out and stick them through the comb and the bets will become acquainted. When vou see they are quiet, you may take -the queen out of the cage and daub some honey o er her and drop ner down in between two combs among tho bees. Proper Location tor Bees X.X.Shepard, of Meadville, Pa , xvrites to the Pennsylvania Farmer, as follows concerning good localities for beo raising Get a place protected from the winds. Bees, when xery young or when heavily loaded are easily blown down. In hot weather they will rise again but in the cool part oi tne day, or in the Fpiing time they may not be so lucky as to ever reach their hives. Again, heavy winds are very much against swarming opera tions. Many a swarm has been unable to light and been compelled to return to the old hive again, with the loss of their queen, perhaps, by having to encounter a hard winter. I would say, then, get a place protected, if po-sible on the noith wot snd south from the winds. Airjin. j would not seek 'a place close by a large tody ot water, tnougn a smaii stream I 1J t . 1 ll -. T- .,. .. --. -.....!. . . vv ould be desirable. Bees ue much water, not only to drink tlienit-elves, but in pre paring food for the young brood, nnd ufUn need it when the vve.uh.er will not admit of their goin far from their hives and rather than let the brood die for want of it. I have known ninny to lose their lives in bad weathei in attempting to get it. It has been observed that when ihey teek their own homes in the woods they generally get near living water and they lire less liable to run away from an apiary where there ia wider near. An other point to aim at is to rind a place when; there is plenty of bee pasture. Hunt vti) a snot wheie the white clover1 the buckwheat, the golden rod und IwH-J wood grow in abundance, and you vyjJJ find your btvs have a mind to work. ( And again, do not rlect a place with in two or thrce'miks of n large apinfV already in operation. The renon $' obvious from what we have nheady esaitl in relerence to plenty ot Doe paiwts. Too much ehade should aUo be eoid-t-d. In very hot vvtather shade is deibif4 able, but no othtr time, and take Thtf- whole eoason together, I would not wHnt any shade except artificial, Mich as can Ixj'made by hamg loose bonfd on the hives, or small tret s or grape vine might be'niad? to answer very well. "Select a pliice where you can have room enough. People generally crowd their colonics too close together. Hives should be pla:ed eight or ten feet apart, in rnuu from iv.nl v In lliii tv foot must Then if artificial swarming is asorted 'to you will haveplcntv of room, and I less number of bees will make mistakes and got in their neighbor's hives. Whenever possible, romit monev to us by Poslnl Order or Postal Note. Send direct and got a receipt from tho office. SEEK health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong? You can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing, and no one but your self can find fault, but if you are tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you choose. How? By getting one uottle of Brown' Iron Bit ters, and taking it regularly according to directions. Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. if, 93i. Gentlemen : 1 have suffered with pain in my side and back, and great soreness on mv breast, with shoot- pains all through my body, at tended with great weakness, depres sion of spirits, and loss of appe tite. I have taken several different medicines, and was treated by prom inent physicians for my liver, kid neys, ana spleen, but 1 got no relief. I thought 1 would try Brown's Iron Bitters j 1 have now taken one botts and a half and am about well pam In side and back all gone soreness all out of my breast, and I havela good appetite, and am gaining la strength an J flesh. Itcan justlybe called iazkingc tntdiemts. JOIIH K. AH.I.NMH. Brown's Iron Bitters is composed of Iron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, xvhich will cure Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases. I n DR. JATNE'S AGUE MIXTURE. A CERTAIN AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY,, rort Fever and Affile, Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Kc. This class of diseaits so common In all psrol tf ill Wnrl.l. .ml r.!allw nrBvnlanl In tntiJ V. .M ........,.. .,.....,, f.V..U. ... larious districts and vicinage of water-courses are almost invariably accompanied by more oi fcsj derangement of the liver, and frequen bv a defective action of the digestive organ: The mere breaking of the Chill is but a ste towards completing a radical cure; tbevariou organs cf tbe body, especially the itomacb an liver, mugt be brought to a healthy and vigor; ous condition before a permanent cure can established, and this fact bas been specUll' Ijcpt in view by Dr. Jayne in hie treatment tfi these complaints, Tbe use of Jayne'i A Mixture, in conjunction with Jayne'g Eanati Pills, as prescribed in the Directions whi accompany eaeb bottle, nil) not only BREAK UP THE CHILLS, but restore tbe tysteni, more particularly til f: liver and stomach, to a sound condition, and prevent a relapse of Fever and Ague by then cugbly ERADICATING THE DISEASE, and tie best evidence of this is tbe invariab ruecFte which bai alwajs followed the admit? Iftrntion of tbee remedies, it attested by mt cettiCcaUs published annually in Dr. Jajnw Almanac, aid tie wide- tv read popularity of H at ar I a cr ke on Ague Mixtt-re in these district of the Crutl lktss, wl. i re tbe diteues, fir which it sdaiftd, rxoit retail. For tale by Hodge, Davit 4 Co., Agf use. 3J lean rratllrml Exprrlcacc. i John h. I Co.if - DRUGGIS Ed 43IIIUUM Drui,-, Chemical luairry,10lici ai )nges.SuifU Wi Goods. gi -' Carat tr Mar rltf Mcaaa rat rORTLASD, wit Bu OUJ me cer mv 6 Dedal atteutl to orders by ruH, tocn.pa&ic4 by an i J MOORE'S REMEBY ,. ...FOR k-VTT VT "W A TT'andc ruiaui U-A.JV i ME OXLY my till PREVENTATT in! lift: but "Je em And certain cute. Sold by an dixoWi I Price: 25 cents a RMIVTOX 4 CKKaUL SAN FBAKCISCO, CAL. i-jmatu fsHBV .it. sV sssK in ssCc M rkL rr ,M tkufuB I'YisHissssssssssssssssssssssM . n 0 P n A a: T-"r,l-i'"i"'"y i . t.4fifr4t .V. ftHhn t1 t J