in VOL. XV. tyvrrtfymultntq. The Host Suitable Lands for Sheep Ranges in Oregon. Sal, Or., Jan. 3, 18S4. Editor Willamette Farmer: "Our mutual friend," 17. W. Cary, of this county, recently received a letter of inquiry from a gentleman of Brockton, Mass., asking an answer to the following queries : First Is there any land suitable for sheep ranges between the coast range of mountains and the Pacific ocean? Second Is tlieio any lands for sheep yet attainable between the Cascade and Coast range? Third Is there good opportunity for the sale of good thoroughbred Meiino rams in Oregon? Fourth Is it profitable to raise sheep in Oregon? Tho above is the substance of the questions asked by a gentleman, who is referred to Mr. Cary by Mr. Garland and who says he learned tho management of sheen (I kudposo Merinosi under Mr . --4 v A x- , I J Geo. Campbell, of Vermont, and has fol lowed the business successfully in Texas, but docs not like Texas climate. Mr. Gary sent the letter to mo with a re quest that I answer if, and I have done so. 'Hut, it occuis to me, that amongst the 100,000 immigrants who aic expected to arrive on theNorthwet Coast this coming season there may be many who would gladly receive ever so little infor mation which might aid them in decid ing a lino of investment and a location for a new home. In order to help in such a field the following is at your 'service : Between the coast range and the sea along the Oregon coast there is no large tracts of open land. There are some lo calities, as at Clatsop Plains, at Tilla mook Bay and many other points, linv Hod areas of open lands, some of them 6andy dumes thiown up by the sea and wind, and some of them rich afuvious or tide lands. These lands are good as far as they go for grazing stock of any kind, but are much more suitable for dairy and cattle farms Uian for 6heep. Back a little distance from the beach and valleys of the many small streams (in which lands are very rich but gener ally covcied with fine timber growth), there are at intervals all along the Eea ward side of the coast lange districts over which fires have run in yeais past and killed the timber, on some of these the tops and south sides of ridge6 have grown up to grass, fein and wild pea, making excellent summer ranges for cat tie, for which for many reasons they are better adapted than for sheep. Soil and climate combine to keep grasses green and growing nearly throughout the year wherever the timber and underbrush is got out of the way. In the southwest corner of the State these openings and bald hill districts are mewt frequent, and ihere sheep husbandry is taking hold, and increasing by the judicious use of the fire brand, the axe and grass seeds. It takes labor ; in most places persist ent and patient labor, but given that there is ample room for thousands of homes between tho summit of the co.ut range and the ocean. Between the Cascdes and coast range lie tho valleys of Willamette and Ump 'qna in which the pioneer settlers loca ted. In both of them lands free from timber by nature are long ago the sites of homes. In the Willamette sheep hus bandry is now mainly an accessory to wheat raising, and on account of the in crease of dogHjuidothvf destructive ;; ri- ii po, is uiuiiiiuuiiig vu wueav innus, oui is perhaps extending into the foothills nd into the bench lands of the tnoun- mint surrounding the valley. In tljee di the tops of spure and ridges there ire good summer ranges which aie not et all occupied, and in the vicinity of any of thee partial openings land Heap, ailording opportunity, forfairly fitabk investment. In Unipiwvjl-Ilw.iv ley where a larger proportion of the best lands are used for sheep,' there are still moie favorableopportunitiestomake safe investments covering theso cheap partially open ranges. Taking the best of all tests the niaiket price theUmp qua valley produces the best wool grown on the Pacific Coast. The Willamette valley until recently has rated next. The Merino is the prevailing breed used and will always be so; but, I piesume there are local breeders there now sufiicient to meet the local requirements, and the country is not favorably situated for the supply of that portion of the country where the greatest demand is. John Mivro. Note. Mr. Minto has prepared an other article upon this subject, which will be continued in our next issue. Enrroi:. Hop Picking in Sumner Valley. Soi.vnn. W. T., Jan. 3, 18SI. Editor Willamette Farmer. The first Monday in September ar rives, tins is a momentous one to the hop-grower, and he is astir as soon as it is light, lie has already engaged his overseer, who must bo a man of experi ence, firmness and good natured withal, for he has a peculiar class to deal with. He has carefully chosen a man to take charge of the hop kilns. He, too, must be experienced, faithful, and must possess good judgment as to the condition of the hops, the heating apparatus and every thing which pertains to the drying pro cess. There must be two or more as sistants in this work; besides, must be several other men to drive the teams, un load the loxe6, and haul away the cured hops to the store houses. Such are the white workers. We find them busy tlnN morning in finding the kilnand nailing down new sacking on the floor It is scarcely down, but throntrli th gray fog, grotesque figure nu- d miv seen mpving-along to the fields. Tneti are the workers that make two boxes u day and are anxious to impiove cveiy moment; they are generally "klutcli- men." 'J. lie men raiely make their ap pearance so early, for in this respect they are the proverbial fcred men" and prefer laziness to work every time. Should yon stroll down to the camps you would find an unwonted bustle and hurry. Fires are blazing, the squaws cooking, packing water, or scolding, at tne last oi wnicn tney are adapts, for in this art they rival any white woman we ever met. Hastily improvised meals of dough cakes, baked on the coals, dried salmon or clams are disposed of. The crying papooses are cither left in charge of some of the children too small to pick hops, or they are strapped in the Indian cradles and borne to the hop yards. But time Hies and tho camp is deserted and almost all are at work, for "new brooms sweep clean." The Klickitat, Sound Indians and British Columbia Indians rarely pick together, but divide into groups. Each division has two or more pole pullers. These are men generally selecte-d for their strength and their abMity to talk English or Jargon. Their duty is to cut the vines, pull the poles and convey them to the pickers whenever they call for them. They sometimes assist in re moving the boxes, to the wagon-. They receive about $2.50 per day for their ser vices, they endeavor to impress the be- holder itb the dignity of their office. In that respect, thry would make good politicians. In some yards, as many as four hun dred workers are employed, but usually theie are not more than a hundred. These chooso their boxes very carefully, although it would take an ohsenant eye tofind an eighth of an inch difference in size. Ue-nerally, two or more go" "canot," (to use the Jargon), and pick together as it is nceshary to till the boxes as fast as possible " to avoid the hopn sinking, the boxes are paid for by size and not by weight. Great care fc taken in filling thrin. Each picker has a method of hi own. Some never put a hop into the luxe until they have gathered enough to fill them. They bring large Itfi-kei of (heir own work manship, into which they threw the hops' or fllr spread shawl upon the ground and heap the bop npon them. The favorite plan is to put'the bops first in the corners, of the boxes and till the t ntre at the last moment. Ufae major ity till one box per day. The expert. however, by working caily and late, manage 10 till two l-oxo. These are women, and line i once, that the! SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY "weaker sex"' excel. In fact, after a few days roll by, the "klutchmen" do tho most of the work, .while their liego lords gamble, trade horses, and drink bail whisky whenever they can obtain it. So eager arc they for stimulants, that we have heard instances of their drinking bottlo after bottlo of Jamaica ginger. we have heard it privately hinted, how over, that said bottles were "doctored." Many of tho men uso up, in this way. the hard earned cash of the women, and sometimes leave them with scarcely any thing to eat. They have learned tho lesson of submission and do not grumble, out expect tins as a matter of course. iet us visit tne groups. All are in good humor this morning and call out "clahiyah," or ask if tho white "tilli- cums" are going to pick hops to-day. The Klickitat men are more moroso than the othor Indians, as a general rule, tho women more shy. The whole sot love flatter' ; should you chance to remark that such a ono was-afast picker, or that one was good looking, a smile lights up the features showing they comprehend. They understand English better than thny speak it, and ono has to be careful what he says before them. The Klicki tat women are the host pickers, they attend strictly to work and cast a half timid look at you which changes partly to fear and perhaps to impatience as you appioach their papooses. Hero undpr the shade of the vines, you find them, packed secuiely in their queer cradles. They have a sphinx like look, relieved only by their great black eyes which roll at you in a wondering way. Ono is stood up against a hop nolo like a stick of wood. Another suspended to a swaying branch fastened in the ground, Here we come to a group and thero swung between two sticks, is a cradle witli h woe baby ensconsed within it. It is actually clean; bright blue beads arc around its neck ; a gay colored Bhell is fastened at the ton of tho cradlo: a string leads Jrom the branches to where the mother is picking, when the baby grows restless the string is nulled, the cradle swing mid baby finds its way to dream laud once more, for tho mother ly ait nt Mic dusky native is as warm aiid affectionate toward her offspring as that of the white woman. But heie is a sight! A year old baby emancipated fiom its chrysalis state, has a string tied around its arm and fastenpd to it is a bit of fat pork ; that baby cooes, chokes over the pork, dabs it in tho dust, smiles under its fringe of hair and is evidently asouiceof delight to its admiring rela tives. Next is a ctoh papdose ; the mother, in despair, straps it to. her back and goes on with her woik. Time is too piecious fo be spent in soothing its cries. Covered over with shawls and old rags, lies a sick child ; it feebly opens its eyes and gaes languidly around. Poor little bit of humanity! The lamp of life will soon flicker out. Better so. Perhnns n linv tov. nn nnnlp nr n vnlrpv lies beside it, a token of somebody's love. Rolicking, untamed children fly across the fields in merry play; regular little savages, half-dressed, wild-eyed, they torment each other and get into mis chief generally. The "klutchmen" scold them, send them back to the tents, or in a fit of desperation, call them up and strap a papoose on their backs. It looks odd to see the little "braves" struggling along, bent neaily double by their live burden,. Some times one forgets, and start oft on a wild run, until recalled to duty by frantic cries fiom the brown baby and Bharp words from its mother. But we should not do justice to the picture should we omit mention of the dogs. Dogs to the right, of us; dogs to the left of us, big, little, lean, fat, black. white, any color, snapping, running, tumbling over the children. You stum ble over one unawaies, and aro only saved fiom being eaten up by the ap pearance of its master. Nothing could induce ustoadnrre them, they aie a pest and nuisance, and sometimes to be feared as well. We witnessed a scene lat summer, not soon to be forgotten. An Indian at the camps, was trying to break an un Unifd cayui-e. In some way, the horse angered the dogs laying ncjr and they turned on him like untamed wolves. The man, to save him, jumiied on his back and rode for dear life with a dozen of the curs cloe at his Ik!. It was a thrilling sight; the Indians tcn-amed, the dog-j barked, the rider and his horse flew like the wind seemingly in great danger, and what would have happened we do not know, had not a half dozn Indians on horse back started to the rescue and with blows from their riding whips, turned the dogt from the pursuit. , Of course, all sort of grotesque habil iments are seen. They are fearfully and wonderfully made. Now and then your eyes arc agreeably surprised with wme attempt t neatness and ornament. Here arctwo Indians almewt a old as Mt. Hood, picking hops by faith nnd not by sight, for they are nearly blind. Next, a man nnd wife aided by their dusky progeny. Here are several girls chattering away merry as crickets over thoir tasks. Tho heart of nn Indian "braye", is susceptiblo as well as that of othcr'classes. Half hidden by a box, is tho jbelle of tho hop yard; a dusky maiden ornamented with gay colored handkerchiefs, presumably gifts from her lovers ; a red one adorns her brow, a blqe one is tied around her neck, and a purple one encircling her waist. She casts coquetibh glances at her admirers as thoy slyly slip handfuls of hops into her box or bring her well filled poles to pick. Human nature is the same vcry where. Should you inquire names, you would find Old Blue, clad in tho same from head to foot; Duke William, the possessor or an enormous nose; Jim Wesley, a Methodist liko his namesake, but alasl lie dances, gambles, and is a iirBircjius JviicKuat uauuy; 1.001111, ih, a of liiV4 stain cmct carries tlio lnsiirnia office in the shape of a crimson handker chief around his brow ; LaHush, Muck iashute Joe, Jinij and Mala are devout Catholics; Indian George, Abraham Lincoln, Gen. Jackson, U. S. Grant arc all hero and proud of their names too. But it is noon, a sicrnal for a hastv meal, it is eaten in the field nnd then work is resumed. As tho dav lencthens frequent calls are heard for tho overseer to "chnreo" and pay the dollar for tho filled boxes. They hasten the fivinsr fin gers so as to finishtho woik before night iuuo. juiu miuh, in groups or two aim three, wend thoir way back to camp. But it irrows dark before the mmt faith- ful desist from their tasks. Indian-, are considered to bo better pickers than Chinaman as they clean the vines well nnd'do not trample them down so much. As to white pickers we know little, thoy are said to be good. As far as our own experience is concerned, for wo tried it one day, wo find it pleasant work, though tedious. We also realized that tho "knack" of picking hops was not to bo learned in a day for ft was after sunset before the box was filled. Tho hops would sink and the fingers giow tired. Many wore the laughs at our expense. Tho pole-puller was very compassionate and brought us tho heaviest vines. Even some of the ' klutchmen" kindly threw in a few handfuls, butuoweie the last in the field, despite it all. Of one thing we arc certain, it is a healthful employ ment. Tho balmy air, redolent with the sleepy perfume of the vines, subtly in vigorates tho system, brings the color to the checks, and gives an appetite that is surprising, but the evening dew is falling and we will leave tho weary pickers to an hours repose beforo wo visit them around their camp fire. .mpi'iiiri:." Taxation or Money. Editor Willamette Farmer : I have watched in the Fai:mi:r and other papers the discussion going on concerning taxation of money and the mortgage tax law. I have become in volved and have borrowed money. I borrowed $4,000 hero in Oregon and 2,000 from an undo in tho East. This money is all drawing interest. On one I pay ten per cent., and on the other six per cent. I can offset the money bor rowed in Oregon from my taxable prop erty. My property has cost me 1 12,tK)0, and tho total assessment is $lf0. So I pay taxes only on $500. This is favor able enough to mo, as I pay but little taxes, but I feci humiliated that such should lie tho case. Hnvin" irood prop erty and paying so small a tax places me in a poor Jignt in some lesjx'ctg. What I wish to get at, however, is this; That this law exempting debt from taxa tion eaves me from paving taxe, and therefore is favorable to me. I have all the benefit possible from it. Now, I have read in the papers all that is said on this tax subject, and it is decidedly mixed. I have been to Port land to pay my interest and have talkfd with the money lender. Ho ta he i willing to be as's.jcd fairly, but com plains that he is more than doubly taxed. He tells me to be sure and pay up as agreed, because he can loan money to better advantige in tin- territories wheiever that may be. Otheis lell me that if money wa not taxed it would be plenty, and much chriq r, at hast a cheap as in the State'. An I have fi lean of $2,000 at 0 r rent from an uncle in Illinois I uppieeiatt- that fact Having read and verbally dicued this question I am heartily in favoi of the scheme I hao wtn Kiiggeted (bat money "hall not lie taxed, at all, not from regal d to tho lender, hut the I .or rower inyM-If I mean. If 1 can get money at rix per cent. I can afford to 11, 1881. pay all tho taxes and not offset tho debt. As you say: Theio is a great deal of dis honesty practiced by money lenders and deljtor to avoid paying just tnxos, and money is when assessed at its face twieo or thrico taxed. Tho assessment of my land proves it. I am honest in offsetting my debts, but I see where dis honesty is possible. If all property that is visablc pays taxes, that will secure a far greater in come to the government than it receives now. If interest is low and money not uixcu mere win ue no excuse to sweax off debts. Adopt this system and all will bo benefitted and no one be loser. I have studied it long and caiefullr. and from my own standpoint as a debtor. itn all the advantages that possibly can accrue from the mortgago tax law, with the taxation of money and ex emption of debt in my favor, I am thor oughly converted to tho belief that I shall bo better oil", so will tho State (which includes the whole community if the existing laws nro repealed ami money is not taxed. If I can stand it and be benefitted by it cveiybody can. I have no doubt that bitterly prejudiced people, will denounce me as "in league with money and doing itsdiitv work." The Tax Law. CoTi-Af.i: Gisovk, Or., Jan. o, 1884. I see that one of the correspondents of your excollent paper has struck it in lcgaul to the tax law. I refer to A. C. Jennings, in the last f number. Tho law is all right, let those who nro aggrieved put it in force. J. P. T. Warts on Horses. Svixji, Jan. 3, 1S84. E Utor Willametto Farmer : Warts may bo removed by excisions or torsion ; twisting or pulling by the hand being very often sufficient. If they aro on the sheath of the penis, or on the prepuce surrounding the auriface of the urethra, the animal has to be cat and tlio whole mass removed by cautery or knife, and their seat cauterized. If this is not done they are apt to grow again. External or epidermic warts may be effectually removed by the following : Acide nraen. tt drachms, ung. petrolis .1 drachm, M. ct w'g. Apply to the wart every four hours until they drop on", then grease tho part with lartl. C. W. Ji:n isi.v, V. f. The above lecipe appeared in last week's issue, but as theire were tome fla giant errors in it we icpnblish. Kit. Bmi: Crhkk, O., Jan. ii, 1S84. Editor Willamette Farmer : You ask experience in taking 'warts ofl'horeee, I will give mine, i had a two-j car-old filly with a wart on the in side of the fore kg, up close to the body, and as large as a small teacup, and about the tame shape. I threw her to cut it off with a sharp knife, and took a hand ful of pulverized blue vitriol and held it on the place until it quit bleeding, and that was tho last of the wait. 1 also took one off a horses ear by wetting and putting thp same thing 011 two or three times a week. II. Tiiovic-ox. ComoE (JnoVK, Oi., .Ian .1, ISM. Editor Willirnett Farmer: Put a heavy plaster eif ellow fir pitch on the wart and tlien cover it with a piece of brown piper and then gicae around the edge of the plaster with lard to pievcnt the skin from lieing irritated unnece-sarily. Whon the wait (omen off gieat.e the placej with Ijrd'and it will heal smoothly and hair eivor naturally This ha been my experience with two v cry lai ge wart. J. I'. Ti vi oil. A New Year's Wadding Si vit-oid), Or,, .Inn, ISM. KJitor WilUmett Farmer; Tho vvidiliug tin New Yer' day nt H.wlia. the country icnidnii'i of Mr. and Mis. A. It. Shipley, new Oswego, Clackamas county, of their daughter Mis I.inmeJ who was. united in matu monial liond 10 Mr; Elmer K. Miller, of Purest Grovet, XWhinton county, Mas an exct'dingly pleasant and (iujoyable occasion. The marriage ceremony was irform-d by Bev. H. K. Hine-s, I). I),, of Portland, a great nneleof tho briJo, who in his uMial dignified and graceful man ner impri'Mscd njxm the nrimN of (he y . " NO. .48. bridal pair tho solemnity of the vows by which they pledged fidelity to each other. Tho attendants consisted of Mr. Charles W. Miller, brother of the groom, and wife, of Hood River, also Mr.. Loster A. Shipley, of Ilazelia, brother of the bride, and wife. The dress of the bride was a handsome garnet silk and velvet, with veil and wreath of orange blossoms. The congratulations of tho ciirhtv guests in attendance having been ex tended, refreshments were served con sisting of a variety of meats, sandwiches, cakes and confectionery. Thus happily engaged in social converse, tho hours (fitted by until the newly wedded pair, anel many guests were compelled to break away from the enjoyment of homo and tho associations of friends, that they might take passago by steamer at Oswego for Portland, thenco by rail to Forest Grove. Mas. H. E. II. There was an oxteuded list of piesents which wo aro obliged to omit on acconnt of a lack of space. Ewroit. Sowing Spring Grain Tlio Value or Boilers. . CoTTAeiE GnoVK, Jan. 5, 1884. Editor Willamette Farmer: I wish to address a fow words to your leaders in regard to putting in spring crop". 1 nave uecn running harvest ma chinery in tho Willamette valloy for some twenty-five years and finel more crops spoiled by late plowing and neg lect in pulverizing than by all other causes combined. I believe that I could have mado !f200 last year by using a good roller on my crop after it was ready to begin jointing, and what is true of mine is true of many others, to the amount of hundreds of thousands of bushels. In my observations last har vest I did not see a field where the ground was piopcily cultivated and compressed but what had a good ciop. And I ran over several fields with my machinery that had good ciops that could not bo property gathered on account of the looseness, of tho ground, the grain hav ing fallen down among the clods. Had the giound been properly compressed tho stalks would have grown strongor and not have fallen so much, and thon tho harvester could have run lower and saved all. I would suggest that it would bo h good layout for somo foundryman to cast a lot of iron rollers for the farmeis. Tho rollers should bo cast in sections three feet in diameter, with eine foot face, 200 pounds weight each. With such weight the ground could be compressed after the grain was giowing and thus avoid having to work when too wet. Tho worst thing to make clods is to wait until the ground is too dry befoie plowing. AH ground should lie plowed early in this country, if it is not sowed until late. I raised forty bushels per acre of club (white) wheat lart year on early plowing, towed just before the last spring rain, which waon tho Iftth of May, 1 beliove. Yours, etc., .1. P.'Tavlok. Weather Report for December, 1683. Eoi.v, January 1, 1S8I. Editor Willamette Farmers During December, 188.'!, there wero 10 ilayt during which rain and snow fell, and .l.till inches of valer; thero wero G clear and 15 cloudy days, other than thoMs on which rain and snow fell. The mean li'iiivi.Huic for the month wa 10.I12 d g. Highest daily mean tcuii''ialuru feii tho HHinlli,.VMi2 deu'. on the 2tith. Lowest daily mean temperature for th mouth, 20 dig. on tliclllsl, Menu teniH latum for the month ftt o'clock I'.M., lUtMUg. Highest t-iiiK'iaiui( lor the month, oil deg. at 2 r. m on tlic'titli. Lowest t'fiiH-iaiiuc for the month, 24 dg. 111 7a. m. on the :ilt. Prowls o-vdrr.Hl on tho I, 8,11, 10,11.12, 12.1:1, Jl.i:.. HI. 17, 18,22, 2!l,!10, 111. Tin p;'vailiug uimU' for the month wcie fiom the north dining 17 day, oiihwit 11 days, south I days. During D'Ci-mlier, IS82, them vveie 2ft rainy dii ami U.70 inches of water, ." lew, and ti cloud diivs, Mean l iii;r.itui: for the month, 1.1.21 dg. Highest daily mean tcihiicrature for :he- month, ' ieg., on the l.ftti, I-owcst daily mean tcmiiemture for the month, 29 (leg. on the 3ht. T. Pearci, ') 11 u 1 ti ii n 1 1 1 1 J