V WILLAMETTE FARMER: SALEM, OREGON, DECEMBER 28, 1883. 8 K m ommcrrial, JTAItKET liBPOllT. now: i-Hoiin i: iiAitm.T. These ijuotatious arc for l'ortlanil. l'lie following represent wholesale rate, rom producers or first hands WHEAT Valley SI SO p r cental. alia Walla, SI. 70. FLOUlt llBt countrj brandi15l.501.7.ij best standard, $" OATS. 5S to liOc ONIONS. 1& He. .'OTATOHS. -:m COc per liush. MIDDLINOS ?Mg30j shorts, J2:ti. MIAN 820fs22. BACON Sides, firm Wl1s; Hams, 15 to 16c; Shoulders, lira 12c. LARD Kastcrn pails, 12i13.'S Oregon, 1., tins, same; kegs, 1 Ifgl'ic CHEESE.-Cal., Hes Oregon, ISc 0 lb. HONKY In comb, 18a20c; strained, in 6 tallona, 10i.lc. APPLKS-85cf$l.."0, and nther plenty. ORIKD FKUn'S. Apples, sm dried rjuar--rod, 12c; sliced, 14c; machine dried, firm,) Go; Peart, machine dried, 15c; Plums, tun dried, 16c, and machine dried, ISc. TOULTKY. Chickens, full (frown, S3 GO &!4.5(J: tjeeec, $8; t uUys $12 50016 per do. BOOS. Oregon 4.c; Eastcon Hoc. BUTTEK Oregon dairy. 4oc; California 4Qo per pound. HOGS. 4Jc on foot; dressed 7c. BEEF. Oross wci(dit, 4 jo on foot. SHEEP.- (iross weight, 2Jc on foot. VEAL 0 to 10c VOOL. Eastern Oregon, lfialOc; Wil Umette Valley, MglOc; Umpua, 2C(g.23c. HIDES. Hutchera' hides, dry, 13c; ocuntry cured, dry, 14c; culs B olf, gnen IdM, salted, 7c; country ditto, 7c; 'orsklns, dry, 30c B lb; d sheep pelts each lfcil.00; dry elk, 20c per 111. TALLOW Quotable at 8c. per lb. HAY Choice timothy. S20&J22.G0. HOPS 18c; sellers ask 20c. (.KNKKAL HIUdlAMDIKR. RICE. China No. 2, ojo ; Sandwich Islands, .Uc. TEAS. Japan, IltigtO; Black, 40576o 9ren, 65ft?80c. COFFEE Costa itica I4l.ic; Java, -U 22o. dUGARS. Crushed A UHJc; Fine Crushed 111 11 ot Cube, ll&lljc; Extra C, lOJc; Oolden C. !)tf(IO': Sanctwicn Islands No. 1, 8(n!)c; I), llkiDJc. 8YRUP. Five gallons 70c CANDLES 12 15c. RAISINS. California, t2.7C3.25V25 H bei 80APS. Good, 75cSl.7B. OILS. Ordinary brands of ccal, 30c; high erodes, Downe & Co., 37ic; Boiled Linseed, 80; ditto Raw, 77c; almou oil, C5o; Turpen. Una, 70o; Purr, Lard, i 30; Castor, 1.25 1.40. SALT. Stock, bay, $10 V ton; Carmen land, 12i; Coarse Liverpool, $15; Fine qual. ly, ir20: Ashton's dairy, ditto, 30 COMMERCIAL. I'oiiriAMi, Die. '27, To-tl.ty tho wouthi r i Ii-iun up, or piom ise Id lo mi, after fouroi the thyn of very Htonuy wcnthfi- tli.it inu( lime f tended e.ivtof the mountain-, and k'hun all tin niuMmi motltfl f"i p'owillf,' tlieie. We in.iy exjieet I loldcr weiitlii'i miijii, if Menu to Imu mil tlu-j i-tuvm. Ho far, oiu funnel.- lme luid a ery fiuoialde fall and whitci As it is lmlidn time tlieie lh no lmi ni"5s of impoitiinre dninj:. o.fai a- wo know tlieie i nocliaiip in the Mtu.ition from last week, and teler luck to that i-nue foi iiifuiiiiiition iih to the pies ent liiiukoK The wxv lime hi en down helwem here and San 1'innci-to foi tliupilaj ni we fjie the maikit lepoit of that date. MAHKETS BY TELEC1RAPH. San Francisco Markets ,s Ii. vi l-i k. Pi e 21. I'loitfliii- Maikel dull quotation nominal Cli.irteied piioi to uitiwtl Nor nil lleini.in l.einknhl. wood 1!I0'J foi U. K or continent, ."."- The I'leueh lik Petit HmiiKOoi". will lo.nl mill muiii Sound. Wheal pot ipiiet ami weak ; prue favor lm ei s ipiote No I rOiipiniiK SI M)jr$l.S:!l. fiituii" weak: No. I white. Imver the vein ! .S'Jlnl S2 Uixot tin hiMMin, l-l'.Hdd 'I I J Flour Pull piier i'.i ll.uley Not - tirin . iioto ft nl l 1 111 ; futures au lowei ; No. 1 feed, selh I the year, $l.U:t -vllei the mmimhi. 1 " i'l.tl2j;hiijer the foaon, tl.KI1 '1 H- Outs Tlieie is nioie m'IIiiik pussiue. (iood to clioieu feed, tl.ti'Jltff I 70 .u-kinl ; eomiiioii Nobr.fka.'tl.lO hid. (uote niaiket at $1 I.Vl.'o. I'otatoes- IVt.iliiuiiii ami Touudi 7fi(if8.rK"; Cutlevh Coe. Il,rc(rt5fl Mar ket is ovetstoeked eet, .1 Wool Thine no eompetition atmmjr Imyeib, and priees an nominal Hujm Dull hut not uotnliy lowoi Eprs Choice fivtii Cdliforuiii in ile nmiul and nrice firm. lluttcri)ull, ami price faor luijrrr, fivh roll 1-elliu.j t Il.iG'HTJo. iiosroN wool Muiki.r IUlhTO.V, Dfe- 21. Wwl. tiiiu i romliins and ilrlttinv, JK'n 4oc; tinwa.shed,iri(.H'.,e; pulleil, i(0i I2e. iuhuu)m' ioiskii.n utt:iitiii h.- 1X1111. l.OMHI.N iv. 'J I rioatiiiK ettigiH Dull CniKoea on passage and for thijiim nt Yerv httlo deiuaiul. Murk Lime Slow, Country iimrketi, Kujjli-h Quiet Country market-, French (Jtuitually yhei)cr. lnuorU into U. K. pact mvk, whi,nt, Vidflw to 12.'i,000 qturttTN Imports Into II. K. 'n.Mt' wtvk". Hour Hm to 175,000 UinvU. New York Wool Market Ni.w Yoiik, Dec. 11, 18811. The market for wool remains mud the same as nt our lat writing, viz : A linn, advancing market for choice grndos and a dull market for poor hoits lth leganl to foieign wool, o learn .that no wool is on the way from Monteviedo or Capo of (iood Hope for use in the Lmtfd Stales. What is here or on the way,!" for Canada, and stock of foreign of cloth ing kinds niny ho taid to he "nil," or al most fo. Tho-c wools can only he sold at a loss of :i cents a pound. Wu aio glad to find all the mills are at present engaged in making a better class of woolens and consuming more lino woole. Choice fleeces and the bet ter clahs of nulled arc likely to become scarce ero long, and an advance in price must lo-mlt. When all the best wools are used up fine California and Jci litorinl wools, which have been so long neglected, will, as a matter of course, en hance in aluo. But for the present, no tiuekvor heavv wools can bo sola to day at whnt they would bring yesterday, nor to morjow,at what tliey wouiu com mand to-day. If the tnrifT-meddlers in Congress will let "well enough" alone, wo can easily regulate the market for wool and wool ens in duo season. What the manufac tuiors want is to turn their attention to making finer goods, pay better prices for fine Ohio wools make fewer yards of goods and secuid better prices for them. Woolen manufacturers have not been buying their wools right for many yeais, they have paid too much money for poor California, Texas and Tcritory wools, all along, and too little for the choice woolsof Ohio.Pcnnsylvania, West ViiL'inia and Michigan. Tims far this year wcltave imported .I1 1,000,000 woith or woolens. V. r Economist. California Crop Prospects Mi. f '. J'. Church conlhms to us his hi-, ii'poit to theOiegonian. That paper .ay : 1'iom .Mr. Charles V. Chtuch, utii ii'Mirni'il mi S.itnul.iv from a two wieks' iiit in Han Kiauci.co, wo learn that tin' fanner-, of Cali'iiinia aie begin ning to feel 'he utmost coniein at the light l.nnfall up tothepie.ent time. The wiwii gimn is in gieat peiil, and kiiuc fanner have already reweded. If with in thiity tin vss the lajnfall is not copious, .mil mint. ili. in lin.'.n fro fallen Mure August, the outlook for a crop will be :.,:.... ivul, i,;, ;.. .:..... MJI tlll;iiiilll-Jll;. "HH nun in nun, what little giain is yet withheld fioni Hhipmcnt is being held tenaciously, and, if the woist fears areiealized, it will oon eaiiho a booming niaiket theio. As to thonniountofwhe.it held in the state beyond the shipping lequireinents of ch'tirteied veeN, there was tome differ ence of opinion among tho best judges ; but Mr. Chinch's impression is that tho stock-taking on the 1-t of January will show that beyond the homo leciuireirents and the Pacific coast maikcts dependent mi .m I iniii'isi n. thnie will not. he an additional 100,000 tons for expoit. ine uncn.uiemi neei in jioit is capa ble of carrying oil' twice the above sui plu, hi that' theie is no posoihlc prov piets forievial ot Height, tbcje this itsoii, paiticulailv as mhlitions aie eon.tantly being made to the unemplov id lleet The situation i. full of encour agement to the faimeisof Oiegon and luigningion leiiuory, as aioug wiiuoui l..tllllli n nf !l triuiil iMim UH lltlllt llwi addid 1 1 t.unty of cheap heights foi ue.i -caHui. .-ucu an aceiiiiiiuanou in fiu Kiaiici-co eaiiliot po..ibly bo ili'si- nili il I iufi ki ii lliii u( mi t lit tiiivt it.n h nop, and will be a deail weight to any attempt to "iioom ncimiis ioi tne coin nig .(.i-on on tin. coast. Amiim. nil despicable thing, done in politic, tlueo Ncats ago, the Hepublican Senatoi. allowed Virginia Mahone to hitati that (ioihamof California, who was a long t'liie Hei ictaiy of the i-enate, .huuld be appointed; but D.nid Davi. of Illinois, (Iud.) beat that game, as he would not vote foi hiiu. (ioihnm is the uio.t di i-picahle tpe of a politician contemptible in many ways: and when he was beaten again, and the enate i lei ted a guitlciimii foi that olhie, in his pi ii i, j;ieal cau.e foi public thankful ni'i. I'xisiul. It .iem strange that in h a mail should be able to foice himsi If on lioiiniatile gentlemen, but m it .. A War Hone's War Kecord. ( iiluiiul C'ih hniue'b old iirmy horse, Nell,"nppe.iuil in line with the Tenth Vetci.uis nt tlair paiade, wearing the nnie In idle and saddle that she wore in the win, and w.i led by V Louergau, who was orderly foi Colonel Cochrane in ISlill and IMil "Old Nell" enteied the seiwee in Miy, IMil, with tin Tlnitcenth Indiana Ucginicnt, with whiih she pjis-i-d through the West Viigima cain imiguof IMil and tho IVuiu.uhir cam jmign of W2. The Colonel Iwught her in the sluing of lSlKS, and linle hei con tinuously thuigh the cnmwign of ISt'sl, 'i'A and '(!", to the Mirrender at Apponuittox. She wa- thut-thite yean, old liut .lime, iindi jutly entitltil to lie fidlisl a M'terau. i?he has the muik of tvfiul wound livened in tlie erxice. Nhhlum (X H 1 Telegraph. We tali nuicb pltasurr in rcccinn.tudie); to uewspaper publishes and proprietors, Mr. liolnit Aiiimaa, ot San .lcJ, Cal , as ac honorablr Ktnllciiiao, and Jtiimii; ot their couliileiKi'. Tai tnrdicine (Anuncns Coujh Sjrrupl we btlieie just what it is rrmtntd to br, ad will do all that its owncis claim (or it, ami it cciUln to oomt Into unrrtnal us m aoon at its mtiit bcuome known. Albu Oron, JfnvlJ, Oct. tl, lel- (lentlemi'ii ,whce beard are not of Die tint which they desire, can remedy th defrx't by uaing lliiokinghain's Dye for ike Wliihkeri. V!f'4T L.4L.OS. A lartjo amount of vacant land may be f jund in the Willow Creek country'. Umatilla county. The town of Heppner is in tho midst of this section, ine noppner uazene, puo lished there by J. W. Itedinptoti, can be had atS2.50a year, SI. CO for six months, $1 for three months. Subscriptions may be left at the Fakmeb office. Faumfh and Oowtle ft, 50 a year. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This pod never varies. A msrvel of purit), enth snil uholesomentes More economical than fieoAlinar kinds, and cannot be sold In competition w .'.h the multitude of low lot, short weight, alum or phosphate powder, bold onlv In cans. ROYAL UAKinu ruft ur;n uu . mo waunt ,.i. ueui. DR. SPINNEY, No. II lieriifH(.,HiiFraiirUfo,al. TreaU all Chronic and S-eclal diseaaes. 1UIING MK Who mny Ik- sufferinfr from the rflecK of youthful lla or indiscretion uill do well to avail themselv thts, the greatest boon evr laid at the leet or mm ..umaiiltv. Dr. Spinney ill guarantee to forfeit toveer) case of w ftk net? or prUute diseases of kind or character which heun 'ertakesand fails to ft 1 I) O L K A 1. 1: 1) H K V . There re nmnj at the uf,c of So to 35 v ho are troubled vsith too frw(uciit eatuition of the bluddr, often fo ompaniedh a slight emartln' or burning sen and a we ikenir; ol the 6etem in manner the . cinnot account f"r. O.i examining the urin y t poita rojn redimcnt v " ten he found, and some times small p rtlcW rf jitirten will appe , or the color u 111 he thln.inllkish hip,baAini.huiiin a dark and tcrpid appearance. Tin re are many men who die of thl diftiuilty, lirnorant of tin? ciue, which Is the second st-eof emiinal vveakneas Dr.li.w III guarantee u perfect cure In all such casts, and a health) restoia tion of the fenito .inan organs. Ottlce hours 10 to I, ami 6 to 8. Sundajs from 10 toll A.M. Consulta tion free. Thorough examination and advice?') Call oraddresB' DK. SPINNHY & CO., No. 11 Kcarnej street, San Kranetsco, Cal ljan34 tf Dr. Allen's I'BltATK IIII'F..9AKY, 'Hi krarnrj Hlret, Hnn Fraarlaro, Cal. The t:prrt SprcliilUI. Dr. Allen, Is a regular graduated Phician from the University of Mkhl t;an. He hi devot d a lifetime to the stud of Special diseases IDIMi M E N And VIDDLE-AOED MEN, who are s -ffcilne from the effects of Vc ithful Imtescretlon or Excesses in luaturcr Jfar NK11VOUS and l'HVSIOAL UEDILITV, LOST MANHOOD, etc , remen br that, by a combina tion if remediis of urcat cur, a poer. the Doctor ha so ananecd hi treatment .at it will not only ufford immediate relief, but permanent cure. Ml HttSI'ITAL t:PKBIEXE (Ita ing been surgeon in charro of two leading hospitals) enabt. s me to treat all private troubles with excellent results. 1 lalm to be a akillful I'lij sieian and Surgeon TIIOKCUOIILY Informed ip mvip claltj iisi:isi:s of ia. AIIIII net Horn) honestloplnlonof their complaints o experimenting. ComultaiioiiK ikk and strictl privatp Charges reasonable. Call or address: DH. ALEEN, Sil) Kearney M. San Francisco. Cal. Ortke hour", !) to J da U, 7 tn S evenlnn. IjanSt If GREAT SAVING FOR FARMERS TUE LIGHTN NG HAYKNFE! (Witjioctu Patxxt) Awardxl riMTClDII OrUtUT at Milboarm Exaitltl.a', 1110 i. awardeil the Aral liremlum at the International xblbltiou tu l'blladrlphia lu U16, aud ac cei ted b) uje Judges an Bl'I'tlllOK TO AM urilEH k.MiciM'se. It lathe BEST KN1FF In the irorM to cut Jtitttni from lisle, to cut ilow u moiror itaflt, tocut eirn it ilAt for feed, to cut rrtr, or for tmtilujr in marshes, and has ui eiitlal lor tuttltiK elisilatr. trots, the ullo. TJIV IT. IT WILL PAY YOU. Manufacture.) onl) b HIRAM HOLT & CO.MVK.0?: filthy Jtitnluar .Vtrrhanddtbf traJycMtrUf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. nni no "Orrvilie.Ohlo, Sept. 10, ISM. LULUS. " Having Ihh subject to a braiv ililal nrrecllon, villi frequen) ratlin, for a uuiulvr ot jars, I hereby cer. tlf) that Amk's Ciiikkv l'n roKAI. tl.ej ue prompt n lii f, and is the most effectira reined) 1 bare ei r tried JlSU A. llAMIITOM, FJuor of nt iVriofaf, nniiniio " l" (i"""'' ,,1"' ,,n,,r . lw vDUGHS. " ' k U'ett avsr's Chkri.t l'li'loHAI tins apring for a a re ciu(h and tuna; trouble nilu gmA Oifl, aud 1 am pleiiej tn reeomuienj to uj out similarly affeote.1, Haktki Rakuimix, Proprietor lilou HoUl." ratrAKio bt Dr.J.C.Ayer4Co.,Lowell,MM:. Sol.lt) all lTliMiMi. PORTLAND -BUSINESS COLLEGE,- mi and VamhiMSl., OKEC0S. VrinviivNl Prnmn aad tirtlary A I. AMTHUS'., 1 A. W v c, .; 9 , e.y ft 1-frS J 7'(tJ- Anittid en aus week 4) llt e ar. -P2NnV0RKa- Of all klmkrrutil ttrtdrr at rravnabl 1 NfattfiAliMi ffairntviT. TWCtotlffv" Journal, rnUUlnr Infonnatlo ff Ih cur or td), TJir t tuitut ttwf M iniiti.f, )rt R0YAl w aUliii7itV f2a mi . "irnft ?!aS im M f A. ROBERTS, ....SUCCESSOR TO.... FISHEL & ROBERTS. Cor. Hut and Alder Sts, Portland, Ore. THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor, And Hatter. OF OREGON, Guarantees to sell the verj best CLOTHING lor less Money than any other house in the state. Juneltf Oregon Railway and Naviga tion Company. OCEAN DIVISION. Between Portland: and San Francises). Leaving Alnsworth Wharf at midniicht, as follows: R0M FORTLAMJ. Midnight. Dec IR0M BAS FRANCISCO. 10 A. M. Dec State, Wednesday 2G Columbia, Wednesda),..2 Oregon. Mondsv 'il Columbia, Tuesda),.. Jan l Oregon, Sunday (I State, Friday 11 Columbia, nednesda) . ..1G Oregon. He day 21 State. Saturday Jan. 6 Columbia, Thursday. ...10 Oregon. Tuesday 13 State, Sunday 20 Columbia, Friday 25 i tate, Friday 26 Columbia, Wednesday. ..31 Oregon, Wednesday. ...30 Oregon, Tuesday Feb 61 Throagh Tickets sold to all points In the United States, Canada and Europe, RAILROAD DIVISIONS. Transfer steamer connecting with Atlantic Express leaves Ash Street wharf, Portland, dailj, at l.iO P. II. The PaclBc Express arrives at Portland, daily a) 0.30 A.M. MlDDLK COLUMBIA, WILLAMETTE AMI YAMHILL KltEK DItlSIO.V Leave Portland lor MoD.Tues.wed.Thurirrl. Sat. Dalles aad Upper icumDia..... A tortaandLoW' er Columbia... Da) ton Vlct.rla. B.C.... 7 AM 6 AM 7 AM 6 AM 6 AM 7AU 6 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8M 7 AM 7 AM 6 AM 6 AM 7AM 6AM 7 AM t All 6a'm 7AM AM 6AM Corvallls and in. termediate pts 6 AM f.eaernl Tlrket OHIres Cor. Frsnl and D 8t, C. H. I'KESCOTT, JOHNMUIR, Manager. Snp of Traffic. A. L. STOKES, E. P. ROGERS, Ass't Sup't Traffic. Cen'l Agent Pass Dep. A. L. MAXWELL, Tlrket Agent. Commission Merchants. The following Is a list of the Commission Merchants or this C'lly, whirls we publish for the benrnt of our readers. They are perfect ly reliable, and any business entrusted Ilo their care will receive prompt af trillion! GEORGE HERREN. J. J. HASSELL. HERREN & HASSELL, (SUCCESSORS TO) IIEBKE.V BROS, and IIF.HULV A FABRAR. GENERAL Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN GKA1V. WOOL, and FLOIR BAC8. Fleer aud Sewing Twines, correspondence and Consignments solicited. Libera cash adlanies made on consignments. P. O. Cox No. 063. 8. E. Corner North Front and B. Streets, marltf PORTLAND, OREGON, SIBS0N, CHURCH & CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS .Northeast Corner or Ath and Fron) fe'reefa, PORTLAND, OREGON. auvl-tl HUGH ROGER, AGENT FOR THE Dundee Mortgage & Trust Investment Co., Ld. MONEY TO LEND. ON IMPROVED KAKMI.NG LANDS IN' THE counties of MuKnomuh. Mar on, Linn and Polk, Oreiron and Washington TVrnterj hull intonuUlon nia be obtained on application at . 4Wronl slrrrl, t urntr of Ali. nontf AdJrtH- HI (HI UOGEUS, Portland, Or, RAILR0AD LANDS. Liberal Terms, Low Prices, Long Time, Low Interest. o. a . kaiT7ko.41 ((IV, OFKEIt THEIR LANDS fOIt iALE I'rOX THt follo1cg liUral ter ns: One tenth cf the prict in tAli, interest on the balance at the rate of seitt per cent, one year aftti sale, and each follcuirif jeai One-tenth of the principal and Interest on the lalance at the rate of seten per cent, per annum. Both prin ci(ul and Interest pajatde In V S. Currencj A discount of ten per cent, allowed for lath. Letters should t addressed to TAIL SCIIULZE, Land Agent, O. i C. K. Ii. Co , i'ortland, Otr.. Administratrix Sale. V'tmtX IS R.'tREBY (SltEN THAT I.N PI R 1 ktianve of a license granted to me on the th ilit ! DtXYinWr. A. D. 1.), b the County Court of Ustioo Count), Mate of Oregon, in the uatur of the eit.it t of D. L. Riggs. deceased, I il) on the li-.li da) of Januar), A.U. !e.t the C'irt Unutedoor in uid alsrion louuti, t 1 ocloLP U., tell all the rujfct, title and Interttl ot said estate n tbe olloin( tea eriled real mute, to-ult. All of lets Nuuieel i and in Mock, nunaUrS, SouthwrtaJtlltJon totlif citj ot Salem, Xarion rouLtj, Ortcn, ttprther with all tha iniwotements theieci ooimstier ot dAellmi: boum. shop, stable and other I ulldlitcv Ititasef tfIe -Caall l , A. U04.I tOllk 5AKA1I BIGiS. Wdn.t AdiUtstratrix USE ROSE PILLS. GEO. HOUSTON &C0. Marine leaant tile old Eia !l. Utotea !.. I' UtihCtldsstire and O.ise tist el Uttr) Stable,- h.e rpntd a .em:k4l FRr:E $tre And are oo prepared to all Hi s of Counts) mdocr. rslLTBt A ES.4,H Will. HE JAa a srnuin, TARTIL! COMING I KOMTIIE COUNTRY WITH X suih toJs will do well to 1st then s rail before rlllnr .'avwbrrv. Ieedl4 all kinds vilt be kepi on han4 aad sold isieap for vh devlttf THE GREAT STORE I Twico as Large a most Stores; Bettev Lighted and Largest Stock of Goods GAINING GROUND At every move. The Hush of People to Our Store Increases, and the Excitement Created by Our Low Priees Spreads Throughout the Country. ALL Day Long We are iusy Providing for the Hundreds who favor us with their Patronage. We are making NE W Friends Every Day, but We still Desire to Increase the Number so that Our House, and the quality of Our GOODS Will be Known and Favorably Commented Upon by All who Favor us with their Custom. Double Blankets, Extra Large, a $14 Blanket 10. The $5 Blanket ft. Comfortables, 2. The $5 one only It Buyers will find them Comfortably low in price. - Men's and Bo)'s Stilts, about 150 Kinds, Including all sorts but poor sorts. Men's Overcoats The Brnanza Bargain at S. The rarest Event is the absurdly low price on Dress Goods, and buttons The Genuine One-Price Cash Store. CALDWELL, BECKER & LICKE, At the old stand of AIKEN A 1'ARNHAM, opp.Chemekete Hotel, one door south of P.O. John W. Gilbert, .M ANCFACTUREE AND IMPORTER OP BOOTS AND SHOES I AND LEATHER AND R ESPECTFULLT INVITES YOUR ATTENTION i complete line of boots and ehots, direct lrom EASTERN AM HOME MANUFACTURERS. The entire stock is STRICTLY FIRST CLASS, and for workmanship and general good quality Is unequalled Highest price In CASH paid for WOOL, HIDES, FURS, and SHEEP PELTS. noriotf SPORTSMAN'S EMPORIUM. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, FISH TACKLE, BUmjimfcaJlB&ijr s Skates, Boxing Gloves AGENCY CIELECr.VTED "BAKER DOUBLE AND THREE BARRELED CIJN COMBINED." "REMINGTON. z "Sharps," "Marlln's," and " W Inchtster rifles." Colt's," "J. P. Clabrough's," "Parker's" and "Real inrrton s Double and single Breich Loading Guns. Agency for Hazard's Blasting and Sporting Powder. 166 and 107 Second Street, between Morrison and YamhlLL aaatUaBiBiBBHnaSSll CEO A MOCRK, President. Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co'y OF CALIFORNIA. A.NcKINNIE Manager for Northwest Department. OPFICE -WITH PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated ruder the Laws ol California, aud is to-Day tke Strongest Life Insurance Co. in Amcr en. Ii EFKEKENCE'j TO MEN IN ICKTUND Coujpan) J A STROW BRIDGE, J L. a 11KMIICHSE.NV JAMES bTEEL. r A. DOLl'H. J K. GILL. i. ANOTICH E A KLOSTERMAX I'OL. J. McCRAKEN, V. . SPAULDING V. L. WILLI h. J D. Mkhl.N'NON, KNABE TcEe.Teccb.Wcrtnansliip M Durability. WU.LIAM KMH C. No. 304 and ao6 West BaJtimorc Street, BsUtiBBorc. No. tu Fifth Avenue, N.V. trmjtatsT. PATENTS,--. raausTm. LABBtJa. mm ...rrul,.. .' b.sr at..f.a t.i!H.1Jt. .(sal s,rai .'i,fr Ma.Siaflsa, ii. V. A flcr to cs wna. Ttl tit ajit'-rfUju-.L AMIMI MltTMttt ls(urn, TMt Engines CHtAMST. T." THKUBrt SAW mus. KtMtPlltM bwbsbm am a asataTsTS e--Jlr ..LBMjllBflTT Jawa.okiAkLa! Tevtcl(a(jr.Mi.aL,N.Yra, VnManidsrtiirtVilrU.tacnllsiarlsAsauPsu Wlisr-ssrtrornttMrmi,,rrirv4t'ak4abst DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. TO HIS OPENING OF AN ENTIRELY NEW AND and Sporting Goods. FOR THE I. F. POWERS, HA.NCFICTCRBR, IMFORISR AND J0BS1K Ot FURNITURE, Bedding. Carpets, Paper Bang ing, Stores, and Crockery and Glassware. Stiam Factory Water Street, between Hootgom.r? and Harrison. Streets Warehouse 1SS and 189 First and 184 Second Street I'OKTLA.MJ, OKECO . scp9-tf J. N. PATTON, Secretary. WHO HAN E l,SJMl SURANCE EACH IN Til l. S. BURRELL, C. M. WIBERO, Da. GEO. E. NOTTAOK, ANDREW ROBERTS JOS. UUKKHARDT, U. ZANOVICH. a20m3 Corbetts Fire Proof Livery Hack & Feed Stable. CcrLeiJJ acd Tlcr6trta. Partlind, O egon. L. B. MAOOOV.sPtvb. J miunm s. ie,Haoks -" -1, , a, a, U, H S7. Oraers fer Hacks and Barfif ssntoa ptcjujuly atttatfsd to day or R. WlTfYCMaiE, V. 8. YBTBJtIXA RY SURGEON, rrtlass, rga. Wrltas rrtscristicss'orDUeaaesct alldaasesats rice, tl Icreach frcrlpt) stritUa. llaM SJp vuasatafsal aadssalsuasarat scaalklc. re-C F. laccs-i Klarttaik Isa.lii. n Sacoas . tx., tea, tsast sastOa. .fata ". Tlstsvata. aarf Taeloi tu. FATENTSSvCTricK,B tell IsairutJtB aU ZaaMaMfc ci rataatslSJ. si 'AY. O. C. maa. for sn- isabiliti al I. nlr. Nr,H.T.BiV7.- M l n VI s