WILLAMETTE FA.IMER,: SALEM, OKEGON. DECEMBER 21, 183. tyommertial MARKET REPORT. IIOWK PHflltltF. HAKKET. Thcso (juotatioDS arc for Portland. llio following represent wholesale rate, rom producers or first liamls WHEAT Valley $1.60 per ctntal. Walla Walla, $1.70. FLOUK Iljst country lirands.SI.SOgl.TC; best ttindaril, ?.i. OATS. 58 to (!0c. OSIONS. lfUe. l'OTATOKS.-50fn00c per bush. MII)DLIN(JS-S2o:i0j shorts, $232j. 11HAN 82022. UACON Sides, firm lli12jj Hams, IS to 10c; Shoulders, ll12c. LARD K latcrn pails, 12i13j; Oregon, in tins, same; lugs, ll12c. OHKESK. Cal., 14c; OrcRon, 18o V lb. HONEY In comb, 18a20o; strained, in 5 gallons, 10llc. Al'l'liKS BSc&gl.DO, and rather plenty. ORIKD FKUlla. Apples, sun dried qnar ared,12c; sliced, 1-toj machine dried, firm, 10;; Pears, machine dried, Ifioi Plums, sun dried, 18c, and machine dried, 18c. POULTKY. Chickens, full Brown, $3 90 4 60; ee(ie, $8; tirkeys $12 6016 per do. -HGGS. Oregon 45c; EasUon 35c. BUTTER Oregon dairy. 45oj California 40o per pound. HOOfa. 4Jo on foot; dressed 7c. BEEF. Gross wsjgbt, 4Jo on foot. SHEEP.- Gross weight, 2c on foot. VKAL-fJtolOc vOOL. Eastern Oregon, ISalOo; Wil tomette Valley, 1310c; Umpqua, 2C23c. HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 15c; ountry cured, dry, 14c; culs i on, green Vldjs, salted, 7c; country ditto, 7c; Mrskins, dry, 3Uo v lb; a sheep pelts each Ual.00; dry elk, 20c per lh. TALLOW Quotable at 8c. per lb. HAY Choice timothy, $20J22.50. HOI'S 18c; sellers ask 20c. UENKwUL UUCIUJKDISE. RICE. China No. 2, 6&ji Sandwich Islands, fl65c TKA8. Japan, 304O; Black, 407o (tin. 6680o. COFFEE Costa Rica l-llGo; Java, 20 22o. dUGAKS. Crashed A llllc! Fine Crushed HlUo;Cube, llHJo; Extra O, lOJc; Golden C. 0lOo; Sandwich Islands No. 1, WfeOc; 1), DJtsllJo. 8YRUP. Five gallons 70o CANDLES 1215o. RA18INS. -California, $2.76 $3.2525 ft MX SOAPS. Good, 75c1.76. OILS. Ordinary brands of coal, 30o; high tradea, Downe. k Co., 37Jo; Boilod Linseed, aui ait'o Maw, Tlo; H,im0u oil, U5oj Turpen tine, 70c; Pure Lard, ,1 30; Castor, $1.26 11.40. SALT. Stock, bay, $10 tf ton; Carmen bland, $12J; Coarse Liverpool, $15; Fine qual f, $1520 Ashton'i dairy, ditto. $30 COMMERCIAL. I'oiitiami, Dec. 1!. Tho beautiful xx'enthcr xxo Imxn limlall through Docoinhor fiiHciimle tlioso xxho hoo our country for tho Ji i t winter. The work of building goes on unrustiictcd iindfanucrs evrryxxhoro arc putting in "wlioftt. Tho cool nioiiiingti hio not fiivz ing ho that laud cniinot ho broken. Our icimirkH for weeks piwt as to tho probability that no chango need bo ex pected in wheat quotations hero or nhroad toon, remain xorilicd. It is not prohahlo tlint any clmugo will occur, iH'foio tlui middle of Jannniy, if then. In view of this situation of tho wheat market many farmers sell their wheat at present juices. Salem mills have, re cently jiurclinscd heaily at iliflferont points, bidding at tho rate of ifl.Tii to $1.80 er etl. at Portland. Kecent smlou made to this eomjmny and other facts nt hand furnish data as to riding juices through this valley and rmpqun, which wo give. Wo may not bo accurate in giving these figures but they iipprounmto lo bo nearly exact. The dill'erenee in warohouso charges at ditfeient points jnnketi some dillerenco In l elation to prices paid. Quotations may lo given as follow", per bushel; Salem, ICIJcts; Jetl'erson, 01 cts; Al bany, !H) ets ; Shedd, 8!) cts ; Coburjj, 87 cts ; ltoooburg, 81 ets; Eugene, 8tl cts , liulujHMidenco, lKJJ ets; Lincoln, SKI ets; MoMiuuvillo, 92 ets j Corvallis, IK) cts. This will givo our renders a nearly correct Idon of prices jaid for wheat in Western Oregon, Wuiepoiit what xxu huxo often said, that the improvement of tho wheut mar hero has boon entirely due to tho declino in freights. We said in August, tho wheat market would bo improved in December. Now we say that nil indica tions faor no ehungo of any impoituuro until alter .New iears, and jvorhajw not for a mouth. EiiglNh markets are, (hill ; theie aw heavy stocks in fight tho woild oxer and the xxoihl has a great leal of, wheat it wants to renliro on. All this N true, while it is probable that the world bus n ilciicicmy or a baie sulll cieney for it years nipplx The abun' iluiico of wheat in inery market make ii depresMl condition Any deficiency discovered in February, cannot help us much as it will Ux too late to ship them to reach Knjjlund beforo harvest. Hut itny riso abroad will do good liere, to some ttkt 0ta'ltndliky will bo apt to bvr good prico through this couutry before liarvMt, especially oaU, us tho crop wu not heavy last summer, apt to advance later in tho season. Ui the vnllcy so much jioor grain waa cut for hay that it pretty well made uj for tho deficiency in the regular hay crop, Hcroipts for the season, ince Angut 1st to Dec KHh, had been, wheat fi,7lZ ctls 01 !)12,!M0 bushels of wheat from this xallcy, and 138.175 bbls of flour, equal in all to l,S:il,(i!)S bu-hels or til, 000 tons of AViMcrn Oregon wheat. 1'rom East of tho Cascades there has Ix-en receixed l,i71,(!li ctls Dastcru wheat eipi.il to 2,fi2l,.i(.0 l.uhel-; of Hour 07,115 libls equal to :jfl.'),."i02 biih els or a total of 2,!I27,8(;2 bushels equal to !)7,ii!)." tons. Total of wheat re- ceixed inform of wheat or Hour about 1.10,000 ton". Wc should ilace the fu turo receipts for the season nt about 73,- 000 ton, or one-half xvhat has been alioady received. That may be an oxer estimate. Tho Ihitish giain trade is depressed as to foreign wheat and the gret biijmly in sight in America keeps jiriccs low, Cargoes arming remain unsold at Lon don and Livoniool and nritcs remain low. The Standard says three cs&els weie rechartcred on Tuesday at a 1oh of $.10,500, nnd a million has been lost in this way in the last live months. At San Francisco wheat and oats re main .firm; jwtatoes havo been ery abundant and loxv pricod there, but arc imjiroxing somewhat in price. The supjily of wool is greatly diminished by free shipments oxerland. lfeef has ad vanced in priee within a xveek. hie hop MxnKnr. Hops are quotable at about 18 ets jor lou nd at Portland and holders wait for 20 ets. Eastern figures range from 22 to 28 cts. It is claimed that our hops thi, year do not possess the full qualities they did lut year. Tho long drouth was bad but tho smoko panojily was worse. Oning to that cause tho hops aio not so pcifett as usual, but seem to bo in demand. Wc hear of a hop grower that still holds 1882 hops for a lisj. He was offered . 1.0.1 and didn't take it. Wo don't think our hop glowers lo-o much ny Homing lor awnne, hut tlie hop mar ket is l emai kably quiet. Thei o was not any good leason for the boom last year that jieojilo can discover. The w orld w as alarmed and hops went up to an alarm ing liguie. That was all. Through tho eouttesy of Jles-is. Her icn it Hasholl, of I'oithind, we are fa voied with tho following report. Sineo our last rojioit thoro has been no tnmi-iii'tioii- in hoi. and on netmut. or the appioaehing holidays we don't e.xjiect any business till about February and to press hojw on to tho jnarket at tho present timo can only result disas trously to tho holders. Wo quote nom inally for strictlv .choice 20 ets: fair in good at 1.1c18c, while inferior and loxv grades must sell very low. LoNnON". Dee. 18. During the jiast week trade has been limited to small parcols for immediate requirements. xtr. - .. -- XV All 11X11 I K, .. JeC. I.). supply in America is regarded with glowing dibtrut. Foreign flour i in small supply, and mixed American maize obtains its value. Oats arc steady. Theie is 'xery little trade in wheat offers. Kight cargoes hao arrived, txx-o were sold and three remain unsold. The sales of English wheat for the week were 20,1!K) quarters at .'tOs fid per quarter, against 18,8,'Cl quartcis at lis fid per quarter for the coucpondiiig week of last j ear. If you are wauling a nice and durable ChiNtmas present for a young lady, and one that will please her cry much, go to I". I). MeDoxx ell's nnd get a pair of Dmcelets or a Necklace, if that is not suitable try a Finger King. He has tho largest assortment in tho city. In a public speech Uutlcr alluded to an angel as "a gentleman from heaxen," and noxv thewholo of Massachusetts is in a commotion. Is a woman a person? Js an angel a gentleman? Gie it up. A. ROBERTS, ....SUCCESSOR TO.... FISHEL & ROBERTS, Cor. Htit and Alder Sts, Tortlind, Ore. THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor, And Hatter. OF OREGON, Guarantees to sell tho very best CLOTHING for less Money than any other house In the .state. Juncltf THE GREAT store! Twice as Largo as most Stores; Better Lighted and Largest Stock of Goods GAINING GROUND A.t even move. and The Hush of People to Our Store Increase rices ISM POWDER Oregon Railway and IVavlga tlon Company. OCEAN DIVISION. Between Portland and Ban Franelaco. Leaving Alnsworth Wharf at mldnlerht, as follows: IROM TORTLAND. I tKOM SA R.CIBCO. Midnight. Dec 10 A.M. Dec State, XVedleaday S6 Columbia, XX'edneedajr,.. 26 Columbia, Tupsdaj,..jan 1Oregon, Mondaj 31 Oregon, Sunday 6 State, Saturday Jan. 6 State, Fllday 11 Columbia, Thursdj ....10 Columbia, Wedneidaj . ..16 Oregon. Tueadax IS Ofetron, Monday 21 State. Pundai 20 Mate, Friday 26,Columbia, Friday 25 Cclnmbia, Wednesdaj ...31 Oregon, Wednesday.... SO Oregon, Tuesday.. ..Feb b Thronch Tlckrla sold toallrolnU In the United SUtei, Canada and Europe. RAILROAD DIVISIONS. Transfer steamer connoctin with Atlantic ExpreiB Uates Ash Street wharf, Portland, dailj, at 1 20 P. 11. The Pacific Emresi arriiei at Portland, rlnllv 6 JO A. JI. i t tlie Excitement Created liv Our Low .preach lliroughout tlie Country. ALL Dixy Long- AVe are Busy Providing for the Hundreds who favor us with their Pationaire. We are making NEW Friends 13 very Day, but We still Desire to Increase the Number o that Our House, and tho quality of Our GOODS Will be Known and Favorably Commented Upon by All who Favor us with their Custom. Double Blankets, Extra Large, a 814 Blanket 110. The S3 Blanket $1. Comfortables, 2. The ?5 one onl W Buj ers w 111 find them Comfortably low in price. ...o.. . ... uu. d.iiui, aoout n,u mnus, including all sorts out poor sorts. Men's Oxercoats The Bcnanza Bargain at J3. The rarest Event is the absurdly low price on Dress Goods, and buttons MIDDLE COIXMRIA, WILLAMETTE AXD YAMHILL llltER DIW3IO.V. Absolutely Pure. This powdir never xarles A man el of nurltj, strength and wholewinenvHS More eLonoinlcal than the ordinary kinds, an I cannot be sold In competition Hi'h the multitude of low test, short Height, alum or nlirmriiato powrder. Sold onl) In cans. ROYAL llAhlSG POXX OEH CO . IQJ Wall Ht , N Y. deel) DR. SPINNEY, A.To.11 laenrnr, SI.. xH all Chronic andS-eclal diseases. SanFranrlsro.Cnl Treats :lal d seases. 1DI MC Hli Who Insv lie suffering from the eftprt nf vnnttni fni. lies or indiscretion will do well to avsll themselves of iiiis. me (ireaiesc iroon ex r lam at me feet or suffering humaidtx. Dr. .Spinncj will guarantee to forfeit S500 foreerj case of ntnkness or prhate diseases of any kind or character hlih he un 'crtakes and fails to cure lDDLi:.ii.i:n m k . There are nianj at the age of SO to 35 who are troubled with too freouent evacuation of the tdaiMrr. nttn . ioniunicdli) a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weakening cf the system in manner the patient .'.....v. ..ivmi ..,. vii cANiuimi'g ine unnary ue ItOlt U rOPX fcdilUCnt Will Often lie founil. anrl uma tltnes small putlcles of albumen will appear, or the .U. .. II. I.n. l.t III.I-I. I 1 I ,r . . . lviu. mi. hum .mil,!!!,!. ieu uuf,.g.in ciiauging to auark andtortlld apuiarance. There are iiiinv m,n ujhn.iu of this difficulty. Ignorant of the riuse, which is the second stage of slmlnal weakness Dr.S.wtll guarantee a lierfett cure In all such cases, and a health restora tion of the genlto urlnar; organs. Office hourr 10 to I. ami t3S oundajs from 10 toll A.M Consulta tion free. Thorough examination and adtice.95 Cill or address l)lt. bPIANKY A CO, Ao. 11 hearnej street, fian h raneisco, Cal ijanfll tf Leave Portland for Dalles and Upper iiumoia..,,. Astoria and Low er Columbia... Dayton Victwla.BC.... Corvallis and in termediate pta Hon. 7 All 6 AM 7 AH 6 AM SAM Tues.Wed.Thtirrrl. 7 AM (SAM o'Aii 7 AM fl M 7 AM j AM 7 AM 8 AM 6 AM 6 AM 7AM 6AM 7AM 6AM Sat. The Genuine One-Price Cash Store. CALDWELL, BECKER & LICKE, At the old stand of AIKEN 4 FARKHAM. orp Chemekete Hotel, one d i. , r n 7 r'ARKIIAM, opp Chemekete Hotel, one door south of P.O. 7 AM 6AM e'AM Cieaeral Ticket Ofllrn C. H. PREUCOTT, Manager A. L. STOKES, Ass't Sup't Traffic. A. L. MAXWELL, Ticket Agent. Cor. Front and D gts, JOHN MUIK, 8np of Traffic. E. P. ROGERS. Oen'l Agent Pass. Dep. Commission Merchants. The fullon-laor la m ll nr h srA.-...i H'.rBnX''trtit' Cl" which M.pnblirhro? i . TT. . . " r "Hurra, a uy are perfect. S.i'i-1'' ?!.d 'nT " entreated to lhtlr " will receive prompt attention! John W. Gilbert, MANUFACTURER AND IMFORTER OF AND I AND DEALER IN , LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS. RESPECTFULLY INVITES YOUR ATTENTION TO HIS OPENING OF -AN ENTIRELY Nlrw avr. complete line of boots and shoes, direct from w J" lflI'"'" NKW AND EASTERN AND HOME M AKVFATVRERS. The entire stock I, STRICTLY FIRST CLASS, and for . orkmanshlp and general gocd quality i, unequalled Highest price In CA8B paid for XVOOL, HIDES, FURS, and SHEEP PELTS. novl6ti GEOROE IIERREN. J. J. HASSELL. HERREN & (SUCCESSORS TO) IKBKE.V BROS, and 1IEBBE9T A FABKAB. GENERAL HASSELL, TO) EST A FABKAS !AL Commission Merchants, Choico hoprf xxorth nnd niuikct quito lirn). MAKKBT8 BY TELEGRAPH. Ban FranoUoo Karktti San Fham i-(o, Dto. 19. Kioighifl Murkct dull uolntion noinimil. Clinrtorcd nrio: to .uiiviil Norsh Hpiiuhii I.onikiilil. xxocxl, liW!) for U. K. or continent, ."."- Tln 1'icnch bk lVtit Uourgcoit xxill lo.i 1 mnl on tho oulul. Wlieat Spot, (ii!ct ami i.ik ; piice.- iiixor uuxoix; iinoio ,u. I iiipiiinj; ?I Ml( Sl.023 ; futility xxoak; No. 1 xxhito, iHijtT uiu jenr, ci.n-jjdijii ' inner tlionwinon, .f I Ulfl.ttl. Kloiiiv-lhill ; prices ci-y. lliirloy Not to uraismioto fo.nl &I61 1 Ulj futures are lovxcr; No. 1 fetil, Heller tno year, i.m ; seller tlio season, l.()i 1.02J , buyer tlio'H-iison, $l.i:igl.l4 J Oats Thoro is more selling prcHsiuo. (liHxl to choice feed, $1.(1:! (rr 1.70 u-ketl ; eominou Nobniskn, $1.10 bid. Quote market nt $1.4S(gl.75. Potatoes Petaliunas and Tbiunlos, 7r)(.tS.rKi; Cutl'oys Ooxe, !."o(?fl .Mar ket is oxeiMooked sMvt, .til Wool '1 hero i- no competition union); buyers, niul prices au noininal Hops Dull, but not quoMbh lower Ecgs Choico fresh C.ilifoinu in de nimid and prices firm. . ltutter Dull, nnd pricet. fax ot bu er. fl.wl. xll ...111 '.7U71.. .vn mi, r-lllll ill .M.V5UI jU. NORTON XXOOI. MARhlT Hovio.y Deo lit. Wool, thin ; combing .aid ilelaine. Xh" l.V ; uiixH8hil,ltJtit:i2o; pulleil, 20 n I2e lll.KlillOllM't- lOliKlOX lllll'Mi-iri i 1:1 ' t l-Ol.'T. lON'IKtN,IKH 10 Flatting curgxVt. Dull Cnrgoes on pav-age and for thipmcut Veix little demand .Mink h.uio lox Country markets, KuglNi Quiet Country markvi, French Qenorallx- cheajK'r. ImiKirts into V h. Jiaxt xxtvk, xxheat, 120.1KH) to P;,000 quuiioi. Imixms into l K ix.it xxivk ilour. 170.1KV) to 17.",000 ImnvU. Dr. Allen's rull.lTC Itmi-KVHAKV. Kearuej Htreel, Han Fiaarl.ro. Cal. T'Mir r.p-rt MprclHllsl. Dr. Allen, Is a rrpilar graduated Phjsiclan from tho University rf Jjichl Iran. He has dexot d a lifetime to the stud of Sne.lat diseases 11)1 Mi ntil And KIDDLE AflEU XI EN, who .re s fferlnic from me emus ui louiniiu inieLrcunn or Kxcescs In maturer years NKRXOUS and I'lHSICAL DKllll.ITV, LOST MANHOOD, etc., remember that, by a combina tion of rcincdirs of great curative poer. the Doctor Jias so snaiiKed his troitmcnl that it will not onl atford immediate relief, but permanent cure. mi HOM'iTiL .ri.uii:rE (II it ing bten siirKi on in rharrc of to It adinir hospitals) enabltsine to treat all pr xato Iroublss with excellent result!. 1 ilalm to be a skillful Phjsiclan and Surireon TIIOKCUailLV Informal In nn sp cialtx DIHKAAI-.H OF WAV. Allni I receiiemj honisloplnlonof their complaints voeaierlaieiitlliit. C iisultatloni irkr and sttktlx prliat Char.es reisoiiable. (VII or address: PR. ALKKiV, 'Jclj hearnet M. San Irancisio, Cal. Oltite hourii, l to J da Ij, 7 to 3 exen'n. Ian8 tf Gossamer Garments Free To am rentier of tliia aper uho will aree to show our ,'(K1 anj tr to Infliieiice siUs amonc friend f w e will end postpuM two full 8 ret Ladles (TotMamer Kvober Waterproof Girmeritu i wiuiplei provided ou cut tills out aiul return with 35 tt. top.i i-out, itodtaiie. etc. llolun Hupiily Ce , Dvrr HI., Bunoa, Ham, GREAT SAVING FOR FARMERS" 2) THE TIGHTN NG HAY KN FE! (XX irMoi'TU Patimt ) "'raTi -'t-?l- AND DEALERH IN G ;. WOOL, and FLOUH BAGS. Fleece . and liew Ins Tnlnrs. cotrestwndence anil xxinslgnments solicited. Liberal cash adiances made on coushmmenta. p. o. Box No. 003. 8. E. Corner North Front and B. ir,.. PORTLAND, OREGON, SPORTS31ANS EilfPOKIUM. IN., WHOLESALE AND I1ETAIL DEArvna GUNS, RIFLES. REVOLVERS. FISH TACKLE. gmpmvmtim umii -isaa -a marltl SIBS0N, CHURCH tfc CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS Korthnuc Comer or Ash and Front Vieeta, PORTLAND, . . OREGON. au.l-tf I M n I" asHBKJ9diVESla TH. Hark Uu BTir. IaiuxIou, IK-o. 17. The Mark liiu Expresii, in k weekly review of tin British grain (rml, saytj : The deprMk 1 traJo in fori.iL'n xtlipat otl'ntanrifi nvir Prices xxill lo tho thill, logo mnl inrrc.i.injr visible Awards riuT oson ot mi? at Malkaras IxklbHUa, lilt, X aa awarded tha flrml bwMlan at the luteniatlonal FihlblUou lu Philadelphia In IsTS, aad ao. ivi te.1 by the- JudK. a. HI I'tlllOH TO AM UTUEU KMIX 1 I.E. "" ItiaUiellKSTKMFKInthe fr 1 lo i utNyV( fpim lade, to llltil-iUiNfur irarA.iocut n-rM. ' ill fir frtHl. to cut jai. or tor illt.hluit lu marhi, and baa rt tHiual for cmuiiir enaiiace (ink tlieallo. TKY IT. IT WIIX PAY YOU. Minudi-tim-l onlv ly tMRAM HOLT & C0.',i WT fry irrtlirur Xtrxkant Ulftttn GEO. HOUSTON & CO. lUvini leavctl the old Engine tlou., brtcen (.. V UUlititU l m and O&luc Klhe U.r hUbte. h Opened (.EXKK.lli l'KOimt STOICE And are no prarcd to bj) all kinds of Couutr) Produie. fVILTKt AU l...l. MILL UK MABE A MfCllALV). 1ARTirSCOJllNl rROU TIIK (.-OUNTRT WITH suilt irooda will do U IO(t . theai a call belor KiunrtuMwaefv. trvacn ail hand and sold cheap lor cash. HUGH ROGER, ....AGENT FOR THE Dundee Mortgage & Trust Investment Co., Ld. MONEY TO LEND. ON IMPROVED FARMING LANDS IN THE Counties of Multnomah. Mar.nn. T.lnn Bn.l Pnlb Oreirou and WashlnBton Territory. Full Information ma be obtained on aDDlicatlon at w. la a.m.i street, Corntrof Ash. novltitf Address- III OH ROQERS, Portland, Or, Base Balls, Boxing Gloves and Sporting Goods. AGENCY FOR TlfF CELEBRATED "RAKER DOUBLE AND THREE BARRELED r ,TK' r . '." anu '"ci'Mter rfles." Colt's." "J. P ..- .v n,.u .M-gi. u.vai-ii avmum uuus. OITN COMBINED." " REMINOTOV Clabrough s," "Parkers" and "Rem Agency for Huzard's Blasting and Sporting Powder. M xo, oeconu oireet, Detwaen Morrison and Yamhill. RAILROAD LANDS. Liberal Ternw, Low Prices, Long Time, Low Interest O. & C. KAILKOAD COY, FFER THEIR LANDS FOR SALE UPON TBI r luuuwipit uoerai terjis: on. mm& f the pile. awawawawawnwawflauSnnwam I. F. POWERS, MAOTICTDEIR, IMPORTS XSB JOBBU 0 FURNITURE, Bedding, Carpets, Paper Hang ing, Steves, and Crockery and Glassware. Steam Factory Water Street, betwaea Hoatnoun and Harrison. Streeti Warehouse 188 and 186 Flirt aad ' 184 Second Street ""B rOBTUXB. . ... . MM . sep9tf OEO. A. MOORE, President. J. N. PATTON, SecreUiy. in rash; Interest on the balance at the per cent, one tear after sale, and each fnl One tenth of the ptinclpal and Interest on tha balanr. of seren ilng year at toe rate oi set en per cent, pel dpal and Interest pajable In u. 8. currency. Bothprin A discount of ten per cent, allowed for cash. Letters should be addrwsod to ( XXIItari, , II. M. A. truj ifiHtmltf rrd C4 all kinds will be kept c iKllli laDRC CUCCT0' 'lxa.ja Main. I Olaaa, soM UHlUb Ontt I .' a intny store at te., to in lu.. a larif. urd.r, on. iheet oul lo u, weld, fjf lic, HhKh ialcs thaa eo.t lo sue lu 10,utiO jo Ikaily aiHdled. teuporaril) or rmnmtiy to via arMd In churvbea. hotuea, st.rea. Ciaciusarau 1 raiaaEiiia i ut.ii j.v M.cMu. lor PAUL SCHULZE. Land Agent, O. 4. C. R. K. Ca, Portland, Ogn. Administratrix Sale. VTOTH'I! IS HEREBY OIVEV TIHT IN l'l R 11 tuanveof a llcenan graltr.1 to iiik on Ihej-Ji uaj el Deceiulier, A. I). 1nS, In the Count Court of MailonCouul), buteof Olefin, In the ma Urol lh. tateof U. L. KUn;. deceaed, I will on the lS-h day of Januar) , A.D ISst, at tho Court Huum door in Mild m ..-.. ivhiii,, , . uvin. i ji , bcii an ine rtltlll, title and interest of said estate in the fillowinir riei n ibed re J eatale, to- It: Allot lots Nmnbei Sand t in oidva nuniliera, ouinwetlauuiuon 10 the citx ot Salem, Marin ivui.t), Oregon, together with all the linprorvincnta thereon, coutittlne ot dcllluK house, hc-p, alable and other baitdinxa. 1 erms of &aleCaak U. S. Oold Com. DARA1I XX" RI038. Kdeetw Admlnstrittiv Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co'v OF CALIFORNIA. A.NcKINNIE Manager for Northwest Department. OFFICE -WITH PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated Under the Laws of California, and isto-ay the suuijgesi jjiie insurance Lo. In Anier ca. REFFERlfCEl Corupan) : TO MEN IN PORTHNI1 WHO HAVE IIO.wO SURANCE EACH IX TH A. STROXVURIDOE, j L. C. IIENRICnSEN.s JAMES STEEL. C. A. DOLl'II. J. K. GILL, V. XANOVlr-ll E. A. KLOSTERMAN VOL. J. .MCL'KAKEN, . MAI LUI.U P. L XXILLIS.. J D lUKl.NS'OV, XX'. M, ANOX-IPH SI. S. BURRELL, C. M. W1BERO, Da. OEO. E.NOTTAOE ANDREW ROBERTS JOS. UURKIIARDT, asanas KNABE USE HOSE PILLS. PATENTS MrrNN a CO, of i ha SrirXTinc AmntCAX. Km. tlnu.toact as SKilicitora fur i'atenta, I'lfeau. Trad. Marks. tVprrUtita. 'or .be United StatetTOanada. KiujUnd. Fraoce. Germany, etc. Hand boob about laienta sent fre. Vhlnr-eien reiars' cipcnence. . llatents obtained thniiulial UNVji CO. araaotleeJ InUMScii-VTiric AMtucA.tb. Urvt, bast, and most Maly circulated sctcottHc paper. i.a rer. VTmUi. Ppiendid fnaraslna-s ajid InterMUat ! fotmatW Specimen Mp of Th.lliKnEr. ItaaaMtlYM. AJdrM MCS.S Oil, eviaaftrtc AMMicaa oaca. ad Braadway, New fork. A"BHQJ,,xil,0'aIs.li, with pea or p'. TUP lirsaainiSli. Ilinkti Al.l.tM, 1 WMPAVEPiPEP'. !S 1W.SH& ? Wio-anHia t0, popuu, coch .dy . b. M M HIM IV I . 4 aUftW, f, WW a-awft, I I UQUfUl tU. pfllKlffftl Dray 8lrt.J PWPFORTES. Tone.Toucli.Worlanansliip and Durahility. WILLIAM KNABE A Co. Nos. 304 and 206 West Baltimore Street. Baltimore. No. m Fifth Avenue, N.Y COPT. HIUIIT, lBUtsaiM V.4 i","-'H'" ffr .rs.li., . BIUIIAM' Vami Urtr,.i ..lim,, ll.ntoa, O. "'. TRADE. ntuH. fUINTM. 1.1HS.LA. PATENTS., b nllt ThlS Oil! """"V'n!!!! .:hiSrs'.i".H.!i!n-fi?.??. h.itocaia.qx.Xoui rtbia.uitKTt .mENGNESZ' iroruisrttiatmJrurtxit. ivrTTwap .J .. adfr.Miwauas!;j;a:r,'s;j-fg MicoscoiEs izLssr Corbett's Fire Proof Livery Hack & Feed Stable. Corner id and Ta lor Streeti, Portland, O cyon. It. B. MAOOON, Frop. lELErHONE -. lt,.-Hoks Ni-a. il. ii. ii. it. .v 2fl A 7. .Orders far Hacks and Baggage enfti .(roraptlj- attended to dar or a dr. witmycombe. v. 8. veteiunJ'ry surgeon, rt-rllaad, wttfm. Write Preacrlptlons or Duwaaetol all tlsaniotatttc. rice, fl foreasb prescription written. Stale tjmr tonu and af. of animals u near as poaslriU C P. Bacoo's BUckhawk SUUea, n Saooad SU, bet. Stark aad Oak. lsilsaaa-v Thirteenth aad TaTloe SU. full iaauacUoas tad Ibad-Bowkoi Pateau slat nuW AY. wmt c. (; mr djaabilliri also to . bend staaiD.Jor Xtm itf' u, JCf U