Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 21, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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Kfeiws caijiment.
The King of Anam is reported killed.
Congress will probably adjourn next
Eriday until after the holidays.
Irishmen in San Francisco tried to
avc O'Donnel's life.
Small pox has broken out in General
Sherman's family at St. Louk
Our nurserymen aro shipping thous
ands of fruit trees to California.
A cargo of American w heat has reached
Bohemia. The first over sent thorp.
Wells in icinity of Roseburc; h.ivo
lately gone dry and the reason is not
A fire at New WestminMoi . B. C,
caused heavy loss, being much t.f the
business town.
The Spokano Land office has done a
business for tho last month that avcr
aged $1,000 a day.
Judge Haskell, of Kansas, one of the
prominent Republicans in Congress died
lately at Washington.
The crown prince of Geimany is sit
ing Italy and hao been rcceied with
great enthusiasm.
Moody and Sankey have had wonder
ful success in their mission at Stephe
ney, England.
Arrangements are being made for
placing the steamers on Upper Snake
river in winter quarter-'.
In a speech at Dublin, Parnell de
clared that connection between England
and Ireland is impossible.
Villard stocks aro still tho subject of
Wall street manipulation and take u
run down ev cry few days.
Pullman sleepers were put on the
O. &. C. It. It. south to the California
line, commencing Monday, December 17,
Senator Dolph has introduced a bill
for the admission of Washington with
a part of Idaho as a State.
At Denver, a cattle sale of 200,000
cattle and 400 hoists was made for $600,
000. This is tho neatest stock nle ever
Five thousand Columbia river salmon
reached Mew York in a refrigerator, car
and attracted much attention at Fulton
Frank James gave, $20,000 bail at
Kansas City, and being released, was
re-arrested on charge of killing Sheets,
at Gallatin, Missouri.
Tho change to standard time took
place on Monday and caused some con
fusion but that will soon be rectified and
reconciled. The actual times is the 120
dcg. of west longitude, which is about
Willow's on the Columbia, or ten min
utes east of Portland.
Portland Business College,
'ortlieat Car. second anil Yamhill Sta.,
A. P. Akmitronh, - - Principal.
-J. A. Whseo, Penman and Secretary
single and Doublu Entry Book.
keeping, aa applied to
Banking, Railroading, Steamboat
mg, Wholesalo and Retail Merchan
dising, Manufacturing, Commission,
Jobbing, Farm Accounts, etc., etc.,
Changing 'Books from. Single to
Double Entry ..Business Arithmetic,
Plain .Writing, Correspondence,
Spelling, Actual Business Practice,
Exchange, Legal Forms, Use of'
Blanks, Partnership Settlements,
. Drawings, etc.
scholarship. Business Course, $G0
Plain Writing, one month, - - 7
" " two months, - - 12
" three months, - Ifi
Graduating fee, ----- 5
Tuition must be paid in advance '
There will be no deviation from this
Holders of scholarships are en
titlnl to instruction in all tranches
taught in the institution, except or
namental ptnmanehip, without i
tra charge. 1 he rates giv en above
for plain wiiting are for the infor
mation of those who may w iah to
study that branch alone.
A thorough knowledge of Arithmetic is of
tirat importance to any one seeking an educa
tion, and to undertake the study of book
keeping or of business forms, paper and re
cord previous to the study of arithmetic, or
not in connection with it, is simply a waste
oi time. One of the principal element in
sucoesafnl accountanalu'p u speed and accura
cy in calculation; and however proficient one
may become in all other branohc comprising
a pra:tical education, such attainment will be
of but h'tla value unlets accompanied and
sustained by a perfect understanding of so
much arithmetic as must be applied to the
ready and rapid solnt nu of all problem!
arising in the routine of business. We in
nt on proficiency in arithmetic, but in its
tady studrn's aro not defined to an partic
ular text booV, neither are the) r'tjmred to
commit definitions rud rules to memory,
cicb plan has long sine been dis:srded by
most buioess colleges, and eight to be for
ever abandoned by all other rchoo's A cor
rect and IojichI aolutiou ot any croLIern, witn
f an intaUijibls explanation of the stps taken,
is all that .we ruiui'e of any one; and we
much prefer to have a student analyse and
sol re any and all problems without consulting
the rules of the author, thus lUrsbping hi
Cc rraaccing facal'Tes, than to bvr turn 4
Farmers around Walla Walla are
plowing yet and putting in winter wheat.
The hosts hao done no liiinn in the
Tho now round lioiie at Albino- is
eleven hundred feet in circumference
and will have stalls for twenty-four loco
motives. Tho defeat of the Egyptians in Arabia
has caused a groat rising among native
tribes and recruits flock to the rebel
Tho Pacific const members in Con
gress have deliberate! together to secure
efficient legislation to1 keep out Chinese
O'Donnoll s.ivs he felt no regret at
killing Carey. A plot was discovered to
kill the hangman but liN movements
vvero kept seciot.
Tho barrel factory at Seattle suffers
from Eastern competition and bus shut
down for tho present and don't know
when they will resume.
Chas. McLaughlin, president of the
Central Gas Co, San Francisco, was
shot in his office by Jerome B. Cox, in a
law suit difficulty.
Chicago has secured the appointment
as a place for holding the Republican
National Convention for tho nomination
of presidential candidates.
Tho boundary between Manitoba and
other provinces of tho dominion are to
bo adjusted so as to bring about a bettor
state of feeling.
Work has recommenced on the Oregon
Pacific, and Chinese and white laborers
are put to work on the tunnels between
Corvallis and Yaquina.
The Khedive of Egypt is so annoyed
at the troubles in Egjpt that he tlueat
ens to resign. It is believed a strong
English force will go there.
Tho Chinco representative at Ptoris
wishes to interest England in the work
of adjusting amiably tho difficulties
between China and Franco.
Tho new town at Ceour d'Alene is
building up and pioperty advancing in"
price, because of the. commence in the
value of tho mines neju by.
An extra session of tho Pennsjlvania
Legislature has adjourned after a session
of five months, and they did not do
what thoy were called foi
At Greenville, Mississippi, during a
political meeting, a row occurred and
four men vvero killed in a quanel be
tvveen the Democratic factions.
A now cable and telegraph company,
under the management of Mackey and
Bennett, hus been incorporated under
name of Commercial Cable Company.
It is said the Republicans intend to
make the next presidential compaign a
maintaining of human rights and
putting down Southern outrages. Tho
Union League will use every effort to
bring tho intolerance of the South beforo
the world.
through twice the amount of work by a mech
anical process, following the printed directions
of the book, without understanding the why
or the wherefore of anything. An explanation
iu one's own language, if straight-forward and
concise, is much better than to memories the
analysis contained in the best book extant.
As stated elseu here in our Journal, we make
anthemtic a specialty and hare so arranged
that a student may pursue his studies pri
vately; hence young and middl'-aged persons
who hare not had the advantages of early
schooling need not hesitate to enter our school
through fer of bein? phceiin class with
children at is done in other schoi Is Some
of our ttudents, who are already well qualified
in this respect, do not study antbeinttc. We
have alwas accepted a teacher's ctrtifltaf e or
the crtificatejof graduation from any high
school or academy as ernUose of proper Uil.
ideations in thit branch, it not so proeled,
no one will le panel to graduation unless
able to pM the re.ular final exsminat-nn in
1 his euntil element of a butineat educi-
ticn leceitcs heresjeh attention its import
ance demandf. But.ucss letters should be
brief and to the poet, 1 utthruld omit nothing
that is neeeisary to a vrrect underatacdug
of the aut ject under conmJtratioc. One who
ccdtrttandi the pr per rorchan'c-al srrjnge-
There are now '232 convicts in the
Oregon Stnto prison.
The New York Times is trving to
make a presidential boom for Senator
Gen. Anson G. McCook, of 'ew
York, has boon nomiiiHted in Senate
caucus of JRepiibiican members for tho
office of Secret iry of tho U.S. Senate.
At Niobrara Valley, Dakota, five horse
andcittle thieves have been shot and
hung. Several more will bo lynched if
the courts do not com kit and punish
A large force of Mormon women go
about Salt Lake getting signers' to a sub
scription paper to raio money to sustain
the Mormons in their efforts to prevent
tho overthrow of the Mormon-church.
It is said that SprecUes, of California,
whisky men and Mormons have com
bined forces to lobby Congress together.
Claus Spreckles' sugar trado is worth
$5,000,000 a year and he want to have
it continue so.
There are nine thousand Chinese in
British Columbia and whon out of work
they do much that is unlaw ful ; plun
dering and thieving is common. The
Dominion pooplo don't know what to do
with them.
It is stated that through tho peace
rrinkinir nf Tlnlffiril. nf finlorndn. a re
conciliation has been offected between
Grant and Blame. Being on friendly
footincr with all to secure harmonious
action among Republican leaders.
Huntington, of the Southorn Pacific,
makes 1 nown to Eastern men, his inten
tion to carry California wheat to Europe
via New Orleans. Jfo intends to put
vessels of 0,000 tons on from that city to
Liverpool. Thoy also intend to put
steamers on tho Puget Sound line to
carry coal to Pacific ports.
O'Donnell, who killed Carey, the in
former, was successfully huag on Mon
day morning, December 17, at 8 o'clock
and the news came to Portland in timo
to appeal in the regular morning issue.
The uriangemcntsvvercporfect. O'Don
nell was calm and made no rem.vrk or
Gcnoral Edward Hamilton, who canio
out as Secretary of Oiegon Teiritory in
1850, and who lived to be over eighty
j ears old, died List week, at Portland,
much honored an'l respected. Ho lived
a pure lifo and was a good man. Old
citizens who knew him, will regret his
loss though for some years he has been
out of all active life.
By the new time tablo tho Eastern
train leaves Portland at 7 30 p. m. in
stead of 9 p m., and tho Pacific oppress
arrives at 0 a. m. instead of 0 :30. Tlnee
freight trains a day, each way, between
Portland and The Dalles with good pas
senger cars will make transportation
easy and convenient that far up the
river. They leave at 9 05 a. in. ; 10 :50
a. m. and 1 :15 p. m. Leave The Dalles
at 0 :!!;") a. m. ; 8 a. m., and 10 :25 a. m.
A, J
jJL A . m. A
mxmw J
VPtiftm Iry
ment of a lett r, the cuitomary expressions
used in ordering goods, srnaing ami acLrowl
edging remittances, calling attention to er
rors, unsettled accounts, etc , and who can
spell correctly and fold aud address a letter as
it should be done, will be able to a' riuit him
self creditably in almost any position where
letter writing is required.
All students of this school are required to
practice letter writing at regular intervals
during the entire time of their attendance;
susli instruction as is eiven them In this con
nection, as abasia, followed by persevering
ertort, must result in ultimate proficiency.
Particular attention is directed to the use of
words, capital lette.'i, arrangement, selling,
writing, punctuation, fcisuature, folding, ad
dress on envelope, etc- Clearness and correct
ness in buamen communications, whether
limited or extensive, are of first imDortance:
and the training here received by the student
in this branch ot a practical educiti'm i valu
able to him beyond rteasure.
Th education which this s.hool seeks to '
imrtart la nrttr-9l rnt nrni nj'nr.l Ft aim- '
to give to the future mechanics, merchants,
baukcrs, farmer", businets and professions!
men of all callings, in re aud better idias of
butiueu atf ur I; maog-re thins: that cor
rect spelling, a proper me ot the K-ig'iih Ian.
puage, and readineu and accuracy iu arith.
metic, are lalu.ble ar imrerncnts. They be
lieve tnt a plain, rapi I hanit.writing, the
The Senate has elected Anson G.
McCook ns Secretary, and other Repub
lican caucus nominees.
Northern Pacific stocks had a rise on
the resignation of Mr. Villard, but went
back again tho next day.
Sonifi EfLtrn mpmlwrs nf Pniiirmsa
claim that tho Pacific const men ask too
much in relation to the restriction of
Chinese immigiation.
Tho coal fleet on Pugct Sound is not
morn stpnin psqp1 will lin mlilp1 tn
mako the supply equal to the demand
ior com.
The Fenian Brotherhood ot New
Ynrlr hftp mot. Tiifwln intt.ilnm.ifnrv
w- . --..., ......v ....... ....... ... j
speeches, and determined to do depe
rato things to avenge the death of
Nearly two bundled miles of wire
fencing has been destroyed near Sin
Antonia, Texas, probably where cattle
men hove tried to monopolize tho public
domain unlawfully.
Years ago we collected of China $G50,
000 for damages alleged to bo commit
ted against American citizens. It is
proposed to pay this rroney back, as we
lately did tho Japanese indemnity money,
collected in a similar way.
A now committoo of the. House is
talked of to consider all questions, etc ,
which may be reforrod to it. There are
now three committees to act on these
subjects but none of thorn do any thing,
Over three hundred students hovo
been enrolled in the Willamette Univeis
ity, in Salem, and prospects aro better
than last j ear. Rev. F. P. Tow or is se
curing an endowment for two new pro
fessorships and tho institution is fniily
Another rumor is cm rent that Mi.
Villard will, in a few weeks, resign the
presidency of the Northern Pacific, but
his fiionds deny that such is the cane.
Fronk Billings is said to be ready to take
tho presidency if Villard leaves it. He
was its foimcr picsident and an excellent
Villard refuses to bo into viewed, but
gives out that ho. considered it not pwivi
for him to continue as piesident of .ill
tho companies he has heretofore duected.
That when tho Northern Pacific was
completed ho detei mined to confine his
control to that. He says that weeks
ago ho askod Endicott to tako the con
trol of tho Oregon and Transcontinen
tal. Mr, Villard resigns tho pic-idency of
tho Oregon and Transcontinental and is
succeeded by Mr. Endicott, of Boston,
and also tho presidency of tiro Oregon
Railway and Navigation Co., whero he
is succeeded by Mr. J. J. Coolidge, a
stock broker of Boston. Both are lirst
class men and hove been the best friends
of Mr. Villard. His friends say the
new arrangement is in harmony with
Mr. Villnrd's,uew8 and will not weaken
but strengthen his position.
ability to write a business letter, a thorough
knowledge of single slid double entry book
keeping, an understanding of records in gen
eral, and familiarity with business forms,
papers, practices and details are matters of
importance to all
Farmers and others who can spare thur
sons for a few months only in which to acquire
an education, or young and middle aged men
who wish to educate themielres, will do well
to examine our course of study and consider
eur pi ins and methods of work before decid
ing to enter any school. U e are net opposed
to higher education, neither do we inilnuate
against any institution of learniDK ; but we
confidently believe that, with our practical
caurse of study and our special preparation
for teaching, wo can do more in ami en nTicd
for a young man who i ahrut to quit the
school room and engagi in the active duties
of life for himself, or for any one seeking a
useful business education, than can be accom
plished in any other s;hoo! in the laud in
twice tlie tune.
What are you doing
What can you do thorough!) and well "
What rervice cao jou render in exchange
for a good sslsry
Are you a test and rapid pnman
Ar you quick and accurate in busineta calculations
Douglas county has paid 17,281.79 of
State taxes. It was tho first county in
Oregon to make payment to Treasurer
A. satisfactory test of the working ca
pacity of the new dry dock at Albino
has been made and it will soon bo ready
for use.
Alono Grsnor. nf Snlnm. Upntifirmnil
by the Senate as Indian Agent at Warm
Springs, tho place formerly held by
Capt. John Snii'h.
The Government has taken steps for
tho abrogation of tho Clayton-Bulger
treaty that relates to tho status of nflnirs
in Central America.
Tho Crown Prince of Germany has
boon to sec tho Pope, and after talking
an hour with his holiness went away
vorv deenlv nfl'eetrxl but tlin disiintplipa
don't say what about, exactly.
Senator Dolph writes concerning tho
Piute Indians that aio roaming nt large,
that tho Indian Commissioner says they
must be returned to the rescvation and
then kept there.
In London thoy hovo to keep guard
over the Parliament buildings and other
public edifices, to keep the Fenians
from blowing them up. Tho English
Ministers hovo nearly as good o timo as
the Car does.
Poole, another Irish patriot whoso
patriotism took a murderous turn, went
brav ely to tho scaffold Tuesday. These.
Irish murdorers all die good Christians
and never regret having killed their vie
thus. All thoy feel remorso about is
because they did not get even on more of
Judge Boio and Mrs. Boise have
come home fiom attending tho National
Grange at Washington, and Salem
Grange, No. 17, I'. of II, will givo them
a gi.uul reception, on Saturday, Dec.
29. To this all Grangers aro invited,
fiom far and near. We shall say more
about this next week.
New York and tho wholo country has
been excited by tho ieignation of Mr.
Villard as Piesident of tho Oregon
Transcontinental and the Oregon Rail
woy & Navigation Co Ho lcmains at
the head of tho Northern Pacific Rail-
A healthy liody is indispensablo to a
vigorous muni. A bilious and uvspeptic
man, whose blood diags sluggishly in
hisxeins, can neither think clearly nor
act wisely. Ayei s ruin will stir up tho
liver, excite tho stomach and bowels to
activity, open tho poroi of tho systom,
ronovatothe blood, and lcstorc ahcalthy
tonenient foi the ininii.
I know that Mr. would hko to
ii.uo a new and roliablo timepiece and I
can affoid to buy a good one (a poor
one is worth nothing) and I can get
one of Mr. P. D. McDowell, of Salem,
who sells none but thoo that ho can
personally recommend as good and
Are von gaining grcuud ami securing an
inuepenuence "
Are jou satisfied with jour present posi
tion in the business world 1
Are you qualified to discharge the duties of
a tietter poaitiou than you now have"
Are you able to write a promisory note, a
roceipt, a draft, a due bill, i bill of sale, it
bond, a contract, a lease, a deed, an article of
Do jou flesue promotion
I)- you think vour present knowledge ol
bminess in'itl'syou to promotion
Iju Vfiu Lnnur that when nut nf fmnlfiumiil
you can not suc-eufully cimnete with others
unlets equal or superi' r to them in practical
business attainments
I'D you thoroughly understand single and
douUe entry book-keepin , .is applied to the
various ilepsrtments of hiisuiuis in the com
mercial world of to-day
Oo yu expect to sicure a desirable posi
tion unlets properly qualilied
I Can you take charge of a set of books and
keep them correcti)
Can you take ' 11 a trial balauce, make out
a lost and gain statement and balance sheet f
Can jou close the ledger
Can you change l.o"ks from single to dou
ble entry
Cm jou corr.pcae a business letter that is
satisfactory to jourielf, arrange and punctu
t it correct) , and fold it properly?
To fatten turkoys, give them cooked
food and plenty of corn and milk, but
they must havo their liborty. Turkey-1
will not do their best in closo confine
ment. Twico wo tried fattening tur
keys in pens in o barn cellar whero it was
only light enough to enable tho fowls to
seo to eat ; the cellar was dry and warm,
food and chink were kept in tho pons
all tho time, but tho-o turkejs would
only cat just enough to keop from star
vation, and they actually wo'ghcd less
aftor three vvtnks of confinement than
they did when we shut them up. "Two
experiments don't piovo anything."
Perhaps not. but it proved enough foe
us ; and besides I happen to know half
a dozen other people who tried tho same
thing with the sum' results.
The bo4 niuikit tmkeys that I ever
saw vvero those that were "well fed from
tho timo whon they wvio twenty hours
old up to tho last day of their lives.
For the last month before thoy wero
marketed they woie fed threo times
daily--cooked vegetables and meal at
morning and noon, and corn at night.
Thoy had all they would cot up clean
each timo, but no food was left in their
feeding phvos. Thev had free range,
but I doun't think they ever went ten
rods from tho buildings. When killed
for market thoy wero between six and
sov en months old, and tho dressed
weight of the lot of eighty was 1,288
Tho great bulk of horso hair used in
tho Unitod States is imported from tho
Argentine Republic and Uraguay. The
hair sells in Buenos Aj res, and Monte
video at from 20 to 32 cents per pound,
and is packed in bales vvcighin? about.
1,000 pounds, and costing from $250 to
$300 each. Tho total amount import
ed in 1882 was 1.082,000 pounds, of
which 1,117,000 pounds camofrom South.
Ameiici, l'.M!,000 pounds: from Mexico,
and l(i'),000 pounds from Russia. In.
thii puvioiis j car tho importation wna
',),( '1 ,972 pounds; but in 1870 it was not
quite 2,000,000 pounds. Assuming an,
avc:,'U3 piuonf 2 cents per pound tho j
amount imported list venr would reach .
a, total value of about ifl.loO.OOO. Tho
bulk of this hoisc Jiair is manufactured '
by four or live concerns, ono of which is
in Boston, one in New York, ono in
Philadelphia, and ono in Baltimore.
Thero is a great difl'eronco of opinion
in regard to fattening turkeys, but ex
perience haB shown breeders hat tho best
way to get tho greatest number of pounds
of llosh is to feed tho buds woll from th
timo thoy hatch out till they are ready
for market.
By working up from a small begin
ning carefully, and by striving to gain
all the information possible as timo pro
grosses, there need bo no trouble in
realizing a fiir profit from raising
For a cough oi cold there is no reme
dy equal to Amineu's Cough Syrup,
MusliitM I'onrtr,
The branches constituting tlto
regular Business Couisu are singln
nnd doublo entry book-keeping, ax
npplitd to banking, railroading,
stiamboating, wholesale and retail
mcrchandia ng, manufacturing, com
mission, jobbing, farm account,
etc., chinging bm ks from single to
doublo entry, biiaimsa arithmetic,
plain writing, correspondence, spel
ling, actual b'Miiuss nnd cilice prac
tice, exchange, partnership tcttjr
ments, wilting entire, and fiUbg
blanks for promiaiory mite, itceipt,
due bill, sight and timo drafts, bafik.
oheck, bill of sale, bond, article ot
agreement, etc., itc, all of which
are included in a rcliolorhliip for
this rour'v,
. ..
tlir lltsl TIiiii la .tllrml.
We arc In almost dsi'y receipt ot
lettirs lontoiiiinj; Uiib inquiry,
ilrro is our ansMori '(bobcat tlma
to attnid this school is when yotj
liaye the opportunity, be it summer
orwinttr .School continues during
the entiru year withimt vacation,
and students aro admitted at any
time. If von can get ready to join
us now, do not wait for a second
chance, for it may ncvi rcime Oncu
yield to an iiiilinaln n to potponn
the time fur obtaining needed
busiiicbstniiiiiiifr, and the probablll
ties of jour twi ac(juinni such sit
education crow r.i.nlly lcs. You
e in well illoril ti make a great sa
nllce.if niotsairy, tiinbttni anedu
cation that will strvnyou acceptably
for a lifetini'.
Can you a ldress the tnv lop in a pUiu
busincts haml, m,,) arraie the addnssas it
ahuiild be i
Have you eur lout an oppoitunlty for se
curing a good payug situation by not bein
qualilied to inept it "
If you can not answer thise. questions ti
the alhrmatiVH at the present time you
should preia,i jumelf to do i with the least
lossible ilel.iy.
Qualifications for Entering An ordi
liar) Knglinh tducatiun u all ilm i require.!
ou commencing Studcuta found deficient m
any I ranch can receive pnwtu Instruction an 1
may gra,lmti with is high honors as other
by (pending more time In the institution. Kr
one shoul 1 he.itato tn jmn un nn account of
a deficient education and consequent fear of
humiliation by being placed la class with
children, aa ii dune in moat schools Our
school is desli td to inict theau cases ami
such student can puroie tli ir studies
privately if ttiey wish, w itrn.it joining any
Further Information - Our (Jolty
Journal for 181 i t is now redy for distri
bution, It cot.Uins full information ou all
points pertaining to our school, and cut of
plain wilting, cud writing, lettering and
nourishing, anil u sent free on application.
Writ for it. Address
Ii x 104. Portland, Oregon-