Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 28, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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. Mid i.
IMM every Week by tho
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faajtaaapU osptee Mat free on application,
publication OSSce: No. 6 Washington Street
lairs, rooms Mo. t and H
Notice to Subscribers.
Omci or Wuwrrm Fiun, )
February 28, 1883.
To en siuni :
We pabllsh only a sufficient number of the FAMisa
to supply actual prepaid subscriber ud we cannot sup
ply beck number.
II It U desired by lukicrlWre to secure all Issues they
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JaTAU subscribers can tell by the printed taf n"M
aaythelr paper exactly when their time will espire.C
Another Important point: ALL COMMUNICATIONS
Drawer IS, Portland, Oregon.
els where ho anticipated COO. Wc hear
of many valley farms that disappoint in
tho same way. The best expectations,
last April, were that the Columbia river
would reach 300,000 tons, or 10,000,000
bushels of wheat. At one time, in July,
expectation fell so that the estimate was
reduced to 200,000 tons, but tho excel
lent yield reported in all directions, gives
reason to believe that we shall yet realize
the first cstimato of 300,000 tons, or ten
millions of bushels.
Mr. J. 8. Churchill, of Mohawk, Lane
county, is duly authorized to recci re sub
scriptions and advertisements and receipt
therefor. Ho is at present in Lane
Postal notes aro now given for tho
small sum of thrco cents commission.
Any money order office can draw them.
Jf you wish to send tho Farmer your
subscription you can do so easily.
Mb. T. J. Vaughn, of Lane county,
ends us a bunch of llollnnd barley, a
new variety that ho received from Vick's
seed farm, Rochester, N. Y., and has
carefully propugatcd. Wo shall make a
display of tho beautiful heads so long as
they hold well together, and next spring
will sco how it grows on the red hill land
near Salem. If this grain equals expec
tations it will be a valuable addition to
OUT list of cereals.
JIB. Villard informs tho people of
Astoria that the Oregon and California
' Railroad Company cannot build tho road
Irom Forest Qrovo to that place because
it will cost 1.10,000 a niilo and they can
not raiso over $110,000 a milo by salo of
bonds. Ho states tho case very plainly
And forcibly and says, if any other party
il willing to build tho road ho will do all
that is possible to facilitate tho success of
the enterprise. Astoria cannot bo more
than bo fifty miles from Kalatna and a
railroad enn bo built down tho river,
probably, easier than across tho const
Mb. Boiieut Imurie, of Washington
county, is well known as a successful
"termor. Wo tried to learn his methods
the other day, for we beliovo Buccess is
based on good methods of business. Mr.
Imbrie say farming is a business that
leaves no time for idleness, and what ho
bat made has been earned by work
ing earlier and later than tho world
generally works. In other words, a far
mor who works ten hours and quits, is
apt to have to work always, if he lives to
be A hundred, but tho farmer who works
a long as tlioro is work to do, and as long
a he is able, has a chance to gain some
thing. Thoro is a strong suggestion in
this. Tho farmer has a deal of work to
do and can only succeed by making overy
hour count for somothing accomplished.
Talxino at tho State Fair nbout tho
changes that take ploco in wheat cultiva
tion in this valley, Mr. C. P. Burkhart
gave interesting experience. Wo had in
mind tho California Spring wheat that
was sent up and sowed laBt spring, which
baa given general satisfaction, as it yields
well and ripens earlier than our earliest
spring varioties, but the suggestion was
made that it was rather flinty which
might bo an ebjection. Mr. Uurkhari
said it was his experience that llinty
grain grow softer when cultivated here h
few years. Sonoma wheat was very flinty
but now is not ; there 1ms boon no olr
jectlou made on that account for some
years past. Also red v. heat Iom's its color.
Tho Kinney wheat was objected to by
millers some years ago,ns red, but now it
almost white in color.
We reap in tho Kastcru local papers
that wheat everywhere, especially in the
tho Palouso Country, is turning oil' K-ttei
jield than was expected. That is the
fact in this valley, us wo can inMauco on
the farm of Mr. John Wiles, of llento 1
Wo met him at tho State Fair. Mr. WiUv
lias a fine valley farm of sexcral thousand
acres. He says ho expected (V00 buh
els on a piece of thirty acres, but it ga
machine niuuro, S'M biuhoU, and u tin
berry is plump and heavy tho actual
weight gains boum to eight bushels on
the bumlrvd, o ho really geU 000 bush
The agriculture of Western Oregon
will soon bo governed by different condi
tions. Tho products of this region will
be required to supply tho wants of a city
of one hundred thousand population, and
other business points, on Puget Sound,
and the Columbia, will require as much
more. It is within reason to believe that
a quarter of a million population of cities
in Western Oregon and Washington will
havo to bo fed within ten years from this
date. It shall be the aim of our agricul
ture to supply the needs of this home
market so thoroughly as to leave no room
for California products to find sale. At
tho present time the carrying of products
from California docs much to support
tho lino of steamers between San Fran
cisco and Portland. We import butter
and cheese by tho ton twice a week:
fruits and vegetables, dried and canned
products, manufactured products of
many kinds that could be grown and
put up hero are brought hero by hun
dreds of tons, and in return wo send
them tho money received for our staples
.wheat and wool. A condition of things
that should not exist.
There is better dairying country along
our rivers and along the coast counties
than California can furnish and there is
no reason wny wo snouiu purchase a
pound of dairy produce from any other
region. Early fruit and vegetables will
naturally and properly find their way
hero and fruits and products of wanner
climes must be imported or gone with
out. To some extent tho law of exchange
must exist but not to the extent that now
prevails. Homo production is tho great
est possible relief for hard times. So long
as wo import what we can profitably pro
duce, there is something wrong and tho
balance is the wrong way.
It is not easy to acquiro tho art of mar
ket gardening and dairying to jierfcction
but we now have such industries estab
lished and tho question is to increase
them sufficiently to supply tho markot.
It is a sight that would astonish our far
mers to see a steamer's freight unloaded
overy thrco days, iiunurpos 01 dray
loads of southern products aro sent to tho
different dealers and by them distributed,
not only to the grocers of Portland, but
sent up tho Willamette and Columbia to
overy town and village in Oregon and
Washington Territory. Of theso supplies
tho greater part could bo produced at
home, and should bo. Thero is no ex
cuse for such an import trade unless wo
concede that wo aro content to raise
wheat and wool and buy all other neccs
saries from foreign growers.
Not only should wo supply tho homo
markot but we should supply tho mining
regions of Montana and Idaho that will
havo a greater demand at soon as their
mines aro fully developed. Our farmers
talk about the need of manufactures but
had as well look noarer, to realize tho ne
cessity for stopping this continual impor
tation of agricultural products that can
ment, extending their researches as
circumstances may direct. Another
branch of business for these societies shall
be to get up annual exhibits of county
products. These can cither be shown at
County Fairs or made part of tho annual
display of the present agricultural society.
At tho late Fair four counties made credit
able displays. That is to say, the same idea
occurred to four influential gentlemen in
four counties, and Clackamas, Wasco,
Marion and Lane counties were well rep
resented, but not as full as could be de
sired. To sum up tho suggestion, it is pro
posed that this work shall bo under
the parent guidance of the State Agri-1
cultural Society, one object being to in
crease tho influence for good of that soci
ety. Tho faculty of the Agricultural
College consent to tako a leading, or at
least a helping hand, in organizing and
conducting theso branch societies, or
farmer's clubs, not with any intrusive
spirit, but as helpers already enlisted in
service of tho State. These gentlemen
also suggest that the Willamette Far
mer shall initiate the movement in its
columns, as we do now, and take active
interest as an agricultural journal in re
porting proceedings and discussions and
forwarding tho success of clubs or socie
ties so organized. This work we cheer
fully accept and invito tho co-operation
of all other journals in forwarding so
gooo. a cause.
We have already presented the matter
for general consideration. It is to be re
gretted that the work had not been ini
tiated at the beginning of State Fair
Week, duo announcement having been
given beforehand. Had that been done
farmers from different counties could
have met, initiated the movement and
when at home carry it into fuller execu
How to mako a beginning is the im
portant question. October is the time,
and fall and winter tho seasons for work
of that kind. All are invited to make
suggestions. Wo havo tho machinery
necessary in tho Stato Society and the
faculty of the college. Tho assistance of
the Stato press can bo heartily counted
on. To carry out the plan as proposed
will bo to organize all the agriculture of
Oregon in friendly league for kindly
work. Some may say that it will inter
fere with tho Grange not in the least.
Tho true granger will make our best and
most reliable member. All cannot be
got into tho Grange but oil can come
without question or complaint to join a
Stato organization.
For onco let all the fanners of Oregon,
east and west of tho Cascades, put their
hands to this cultivator and seeder and
not back until tho agriculture of the
State responds to the movement. Success
has attended such movements in Michi
gan and Kansas and no just reason ex
ists why we should not realize success for
it in Oregon.
management. Should, by any possibility,
tho control of all the Pacific roads pass
to one great corporation, we cannot look
for even a shadow of competition and
scarcely for reasonably liberal manage
The Central and Southern routes are
supposed to be good properties and the
local traffic is counted on to maintain
them. Tho local traffic on the Central
route amounts to four-fifths of all its bus
iness income. The Northern Pacific pos
sesses far greater assurance of success in
the future than do either of the roads to
the southward. This country has rich
mining interests to be developed all
through Montana, Idaho and Washing
ton, and has far more good, agricultural
lands than the others possess to become
productive and increase it3 traffic. In
the foot-hills of the Rocky Mountains we
lately saw wheat and other grain fields
excellent gardens and meadows, whilo
the bunch-grass hills carry cattle safely
through the winter. It is impossible to
estimate the value of all that northern
route and tho country tributary to it, but
enough is known to assert that from the
Missouri river to the Cascade range, on
that line, compared with parallel territory
in Utah and Nevada, thero is several
times more land for production and in
ducement for a much greater population.
Also, tho Northern route has immense
wealth of iron ore, coal deposits, and
boundless forests, besides the greater in
ducement of agriculture. The Northern
line posesses undoubted assurances of
success and the development of tho coun
try tributary to it will give it unequaled
business prosperity.
Iki grown at homo.
Tho faculty of tho State Agricultural
College, represented by Prof. E. Grim,
son of Judge J. W. Grim, ono of tho Pio
neers of Marion county, recently called
our attention to a project that seems not
to Iki difficult of accomplishment and is
important for all agricultural interests if
it can bo carried out. Theso gentlemen
wish to thoroughly identify themselves
with agricultural interests. Prof. Grim
is a graduate of tho college, who after
wards took a degree at the Stato Aricul
tural College of Michigan, and so became
well qualified for the important chair of
Agricultural Chemistry, which ho now
holds. Ho was born in Oregon, son of a
pioneer, Judge J. W. Grim, of Marion
couuty. 1 lie faculty at Lorvnllis wish to
identify that iuMitutiou with farmers a:
a class and farming as an interest. The
college 1ms not nearly the memlHnhip it
deserves. We do not hear that Denton
county has done au thing for it but to
appropriate the M'liolnrr.hik.. The Pro
fcsxois show coiuiut mlablo zeal in pio
poMiig to take hold of the interests of
agrieultuie' in nil the counties and assist
in forming and conducting county socie
ties. TIicmj (hall discus all matters in
common. At Stato Fair timo an annual
session or convention will bo held, repre
senting all tho agriculturoof tho State.
These societies can havo regular debates
and discussions concerning important
features of farm life and mausgt-
It is wonderful to see what Wall street
can accomplish against all reason and
how terrified men will becomo when the
bulls and bears play their respective
games. Of lato tho street has been "bear
ing," or pulling down, tho Villard stocks.
The complotion of tho railroad places the
Northern Pacifio upon a well-assured and
positively safo basis, yet the enimies of
tho road havo organized a raid and con
ducted it so well, or ill, that many who
held tho stocks have hastened to sell at a
great decline It has really been a tre
mendous gambling scheme where tho
sales mado wero not real. Men bet thoir
mony that stocks will go up or down and
when tho time comes that tho bargain ex
pires they settle the difference. Stocks
are not really sold in such cases, without
a man insists on his nghts. Tho bears
havo lately gone to tho world with a state
ment that ViUiml has been so oxtmva-
gant in finishing the road that it is invol
ved more than it should be, which was
the basis for tho raid. A statement is
published by tho company, which shows
that tho enterprise is all right and its af
fairs well conducted.
We showed tho other day that it was
not an impossibility for tho majority of
tho stock to bo acquired by the jre.it mo
nopoly that already controls die other
fnniseontlnental routes. Ii is claimed
that Gould and Huntington arocarrving
on this depressing war ami it is reported
lh.it tho Transcontinental Company,
which held tho controlling slu,-es of the
Northern Pacific, had been obliged to soil
largely of thee stocks. If this is true it
may not be impossible for Villard "to lose
control, though what we know of his pru
dence and the strength of his following
gio confidence in his ability to hold tho
There is an old sa3'ing that "honesty is
the best policy," which should become a
maxium of the Oregon State Agricultural
Society. Things that are immoral are not
honest, and we believe that the enforce
ment of the maxium in the Society's
management would be the best policy.
Temporizing with wickedness may seem
to secure temporary success,but tho future
will demonstrate the folly of it. It is
painful to us, representing tho interests
of Agriculture as wo do and known as
the organ of tho State Society, to see its
negligence to use a wild phrase de
nounced and read in the Oregonian such
paragraphs as this : "The most nefarious
schemes were runing during the last three
days, and bold faced swindling was carried
on openly and unmolested." It goes on
to ctlisure the Board of Directors for per
mitting such things at all. Somebody is
certainly to blame. Thero should be a
State Fair police provided for by law and
the law should enact stringent penalties
for violation of our common statutes
respecting such things.
It seems that the State Fair is used to
cover up wickedness. Men get license to
keep refreshment stalls, or to do some ap
parently proper business, and under this
shield they sell liquor in defiance of stat
ute, carry on gambling schemes that
amount to actual robbery. Wo have
talked plainly on this subject heretofore
and we feel that it would be better to
abandon the State Stato Fair rather than
to sustain it as a licensed highway to
moral ruin. Thero should bo no possi
bility to sell intoxicating liquor on the
ground and no gambling device should
bo allowed. If pools are sold, let it be
done outside and prohibit betting of any
una at tno track. .Let us have a straight
forward and honest State Fair, such as
tho character of tho members of the
Board of Managers seems to warrant, or
let thero bo no Fair. It is not proper for
tho association or for tho State of Oregon
to bo compromised by such immoral pro
ceedings as we hear of every year and
could witness if we choso to investigate.
The attendance is not as full now
...I..... .l.n 11111... .. It
nucu mu i iitituieuu vauey nas over
100,000 population, as it was a score of
years ago when tho country was new and
people scarco. The best people complain
of this immoral conduct and many refuse
to come. To adopt such a plan as would
lie above criticism and leave no chance for
swindling schemes, gambling or drunken
ness, would, wo firmly believo, give better
satisfaction and better returns. It is not
necessary, to make the Fair support itself,
that its managers should enter into a
league with xin. It will bo far better to
adopt a high standard of principlo and
stand firmly by it, and command thereby
the respect and support of all honorable
and honest men.
for the Mayor $5,000 per annum salary
and agreed to pay $1,000 per annum in
any case, to indemnify him for the timo
lost acting as Mayor.
This delightful scheme was canied so
far that Chapman is Mayor, out tno
sMiPmprs havo not been able to elect
themselves to tho positions named. The
coin was found to bribe voters to elect
Chapman, but the City Council, bad as it
is, could not be counted on to carry out
the Mayor's wishes and pay his liabili
ties. Besser has had to content himself
with the minor position of clerk to the
Chief of Police.
Wo havo held up, to our readers, for a
year or so past, the muddy nature of
Portland politics and havo warned the
country that the greatest work it has to
do is to counteract tho schemes for plun
der and the general corruption certain to
be fomented in that city. Hero is a spe-
cimea. of the way things are done there.
In all that has been proved concerning
political corruption in the Tweed era,
was New York City under a more un
blushingly corrupt ring than is Portland
now. The present Chief of Jfolice does
not represent the politics of that city and
does not possess the history and reputa
tion to entitle him to fill so responsible a
position. He has been the most bare
faced instrument of corrupt practices
and has done as much as possible for an
unscrupulous tool of politicians to do to
wards demoralizing the politics of the
State. Of this he openly boasts and the
story of his political career he brazenly
tells as if dishonest practices were at a
premium. How he came to win this ap
pointment, what bond was signed and
what money paid, and to be paid, is a
matter that would interest if it could
be known. That venal conditions pre
vailed in that as in other instances, we
have no occasion to doubt.
Mb. Johns, of Halsey, a pionccr .
returns East with the Pioneer Excurs"
next month, sends us a request to 'k'
lish several hundred copies cf the si
of Pioneers" that we wrote some "
turn n Ua .n ( !, T: "&
0v, . w .,b ... , i iuueer Kcunj0
Salem. It was
iTi ai
well sune thn t, .,
, lQt
Orange Gleanings.
Our people would not like to seo their
railroad system pass into the hands of
ajnyotJier management that tliey know
oX. ToitWy have rc.tson to believe that
Mr. Villard has broader ami more liberal
views and will carry out a juster policy
than they could expect from anv other
On Monday the Oregonian published and
vouched for tho authenticity of an agree
ment, made, written, signed, sealed and
executed with all the formality of law,
whereby Lucerne Besser and Tom Cou
ncil were to spend money to elect Dr. J.
A. Chapmau Mayor of Portland, and
were to bo appointed by him respectively
to tho office of Superintendent of Street's
and Chief of Police. Also, this mn Bes
ser pledged himself, under his bond and
seal, to lobby the legislature to secure
Stafford, Or., Sept. 24, 1883.
Editor Willamette Farmer :
On the third Saturday of August, pur
suant to an appointment, tho Pomona
Grange of Multnomah, Washington and
Clackamas counties, met at tho Oswego
Grange Hall at 10 o'clock. Subordinate
Grange was called to order, conferring the
third and fourth degrees upon a candi
date, after which Pomona Grange opened
in fourth degree. Among other matters
of business a committee was appointed
to take into consideration a plan for
Grange work in these counties for the
coming winter, said committee to report
at the next meeting, which will be held
at the hall of the Evening Star Grange
on tho first Saturday in October.
Brother Richardson, of Butte Grange,
called the attention of the Patrons to the
matter of our unloaned school fund.
Brother Bryant introduced the subiect
of the mortgage law, speaking in ita
Brother Buckman, of Tualatin Gramrp..
followed in opposition, which brought out
very interesting arguments from mem
bers of various Granges, the discussion
being closed by the Worthy State Lec
turer, who took decided grounds in its
The meeting was well attended, much
interest was manifested and all united in
the sentiment that the day had been hap
pily and profitably spent.
On the first Saturday of September, in
company with the Worthy State Lec
turer, who had been solicited to address
tho Evening Star Grange, we proceeded
to their new and commodious hall, where
we found assembled a goodly number of
rairons, to comer the third and fourth
degrees upon some brother candidates.
After enjoying the delicious Harvest
Feast, tho Lecturer spoke upon the sub
ject of tho unjust taxation levied upon
mo .niucm-mi uyumHunsi, ona me im
portance of thorough discussion throuch
out tho subordinate Granees on all matters
oi political economy, which met thy
hearty approval of all present, as wits
manifested by a unanimous vote of
Brief remarks wero made bv a feiv of
the brothers and sisters, but the time was
so limited that many were prevented ex
pressing their ideas upon the subjects in
which they seemed deeply interested.
This Grange is in a very flourishing
condition and its members, both brother!
and sisters, seem to feel the importance of
their work. At tho close of tho well
spent afternoon, we bado adieu to our
many friends and accompanied Brother
and Sister Clark to their beautiful and
picturesque homo on Mt. Tabor.
On taking leave the day following, we
regretted that this must be our final visit,
as Brother and Sister C, with their inter
esting uaugnier, expect soon to retire
from business, leaving their home to seek
one elsewhere. In their departure Even
ing Star GraiiEO loses three enrrcptip nH
valuable members, but their loss will en
sure gam to the u range near which they
mm 1rtfntA no l1nr n......! ; -.
Salem Glee Club and well received bytba
noneers wno neara it sung, since th
Pioneers pay us tho compliment to Jj!
to havo it on their return EatffoJ!
publish it this week and will gladly W
nish copies of it to any person who will
send us their post office address.
18 7 8.
Nora. The following long c mnoied h. u .
Clarke, lor the occa.ion, w.Aung tyProl K u'-l
ford, aultted by aeretal ladlci and nntknlT' Cr,-
Pioneer re-unlon of 1878 J fntlemeii, at tin
Oh! to many yeari hare flown,
Since the newi of Oregon
Beached our hornet bejond the mountalni fIf
Since we harneaird up our team '
When the Sprfng-tlme'e sunny gieami
Showed the path acrou tho plalmand mountain,-,
Tramp, tramp, tramp the tralna came mareM
Weitward, t 11 wettward, aee them come-
Sometlmee n age tribes the fought, '
"' " ! uajr Inoy Drought,
And benetth It j fold each freeman found a hon.
Up the Rocl y Mountains' height,
Now their camp-fires blase by night
Or, open thesaisge plains they thickly gi.
Now the weary legions pass, '
Where the frowning can ona dim
Or they swim and ford the swiftly runnlng'atretn, P
Tramp, tramp, tramp the trains came merctlw'
Westward, still westward, day by day;
Kb Standing guard the lire-long night
Ever ready for the fight ;
To plant our flog three thouicnd miles away.
Through the land of sarage foes,
See, the long prcctaslcn goes ;
Ti I It camps upon Columbia of the West,
Where the mountains blotk the streea
And tho Cascades flash and rleara
As the sun sinks to his distant ocean rest.
Tramp, tramp, tramp the trains came marching.
And now tho deadly plains are passed; '
' were s sun ttie river trail,
Or the Caseade Range to scale,
Then the fair Willamette homes are reached at kit
And 'tis well that Pioneers
Should thus meet with passing yesrs,
While the locks that rnce were dark are turning not
To rec 1 the olden story '
That shall be their children's glory,
How we crosaed the plains and mcunUlns long ajs,
Tramp, tramp, tramp the trains cjme marching,
S'nging and marching to the West ;
Till all dangers were behind,
And the home wo came to And,
Smiled upon us from Willamette's Vale of Rest.
I 8 8 S.
Being asked to republish the Song of the PIobmh
Uctubtr 2d bv the Plnngr r.. i J ia. . rf
r.e."'flC nii- Ur CUrk,,h" ''J the foiled f
Now the bugle sounds again
For a march upon I he Dlain
For tho passage of the hills and mountains grey;
wo neara ine accents fall.
Wo havo gathered at the call.
Bound for homes we left so long and far away.
Tramp, tramp, tramp our trains came ma ching.
Singing and maMilug to the West;
Now tbreugh pass and over plain,
With the evtr rushing train
We plow the vale and skim the mountains' eroat.
Forty yean are nearlr spent
Since our steps were Westward bent,
Since we made the ways to Rivers of the West.
8tlll the legions marching on,
And the homes of Oregon
Of all the homes of Earth aro Wng the best.
Tran-p, tramp, tramp ou- lives go marching
Onward and ever to the West ;
And as now we follow back
On the Old-Time danger track
We're passing to our home of final rest.
All the world may sing the fan
Of our ViUard'a honored nam..
Who puihed the railroad from the East unto the WntJIJ
cut me men who made the ways
O'er the plains In early davs.
Share the honcrs with the ncblest and the beat.
Tramp, tramp, tramp the trains came marching,
Singing and marching many a day ;
Coming bards shall tell the story
Through long fears of Western glory,
WJen Pioneers shall long have passed sway.
Over 300, wo understand, havo token 1
advantage of the mtM ntr f- vf
Pifineor KxpllrflJnn nav .A1. Ti Ml t. ?
.... uv nron, it will Lfj
a pleasant affair, so many of the old pio-f
neers together will enjoy the journey andlj
have a jolly time. Wo regret, greatly,!
that we cannot make the journey witl J
mem, dui lound it impossible to get mats
ters arranged so as to leave. Our beif
wishes go with them all and wo hopeffl
some goou mend will make a point of
wntmg the particulars of the trip to th
may locate, as that orc.inizntinn ovor..a
with them to be an all-important factor
in society.
Tho Tualatin and Oswego Granges
unite with Butte Grnmre in Washington
county, m an agricultural exhibit to be
held hi their hall on the Inst V.Nlnnc?n,.
in October.
There is also to be held at the same place
a public meeting on 2d of October, which
will bo addressed bv tlm Smtn ii.l
and other brothers of the Onler.
S. L. II.
Rememtwr.if yen want health and strength
oc mind and mascle.me Brown's Iron Bitters.
Mechanic' Fair.
The fifth annual exhibit of the Tori-.
land Mechanics' Fair commences on Ocv
tober 11, 1883, and will contiauo sixteen
days. The management has taken'
great pains to make this tho fintex.'.
hibit ever offered by the Association.?
Reduced fares have been obtained overs.
mi me nuiroau lines. Further particu
lars can be obtained by refering to the ,
uutciiux.-iiH.-m in another column.
Bftl1tnin.ati tnM..H ..- ?
..... wuwua U4CU1SJV.
The nest regular meeting of Multno-.
man Pomona Grange will be held cn
Saturday, October Gth, at the hall of tM
Evening Star Grange, at 10 a. m.
A. F. Miller, Secretary.
Elsewhere viill h fnnnrl 1.A .ri.tlmeatr
of Ladd A Reed, in wMch they offer for ii 53
a choice lot of stock. Vj