W1LL.AMHTTE ffAKMER: PORTLAND- OREGON, SEPTEMBER 21, l-3 8 -convenient , tticro ii iiCitMng to prevent pr (jr-sB and di velupmint. TOWNS OF WfSTHIV OIIMIO.V Of L'ouracl'ortland in the metropolis. As. toiia atthe inou.li of tho Columl'U will si- ays bo a very important point. Oregon City Is tho oldest On rfmi tiiwi . It ptisci uti limit d water p'wcr, as the great iivtrleapa JO lue: in a single p!unp;o. Iti futuio ai the Cl.:cf manufacturing poi.il of the country, is er.rt.iin. 8lem, tlm State Capitol, is (JO miles souili, Thu public liuil lingH are all hands mc The town ha 5.000 popu'a'.ion, fl ur'n mills, fac. tories, iron works, etc , and has a lare tnde with the c untry. Its water wer is con rolled with ease an I is equil to all needs. TJ'ilUmette Univcrity, prosperous institu' lion, is located here. It is a beautiful town ith goods cirty and resciublea some pros perous New Holland city. Ail-any, Corvallis, and Eugene are import art places, center of trado aixl education, Vith mills and many Industries. The State University is at Kupetio and is a very prosper C inititusion. On the other ilo of the Willamette are Hillsboro, Forest Grove fhere Paoifio Uni raity is located), IdcMinimlle, Amity, fihiTjdon, Dallas and fndedendencu. besides many smaller places in i very direction. Over in the. .limpqua., to ehicf -town-is Roseburg, with Drain, Oakland, Wilbur, nyonville, and Myrtle Cleek. Southern Oregonhag Jacksonville, Ashland, dCirhyville and other gaod'pointa. HK COAST COUNTIK1 MT BECXIK 4HD WASH. ivaroN. 5. section of country, now comparatively lieglected, but beginning to be appreciated, is iound along the coast, not th and south of the "CtJumhia. Within few bears sail of Astoria is Tillamook Riy, where there is quite m extent of open country and rich bottom -lands exist, that will pay the coot of clearing. airyiug will be profitable along the coast "The effect of the ocean winds and Asian our- root is to keep the herbage green and to pre fint extremes of beat or odd. Bays and in. Clcts are found all along the oastj the- chief joints in order, going sooth, are Nehalem, bay and river; Tillamook. bay. and numerous streams, Netarts' bay, Kestacca bay and rivers Salmon river, Siletz bay and river, Yaquina Qay and river, Alsea" bay and river, Hiiislaw , tiver, Umpqua river, Coos bay, Coquille river K igue river, and aoveral ether points on tho , 0uth. The Coast miuutafas come very near the ocean and aomotimos invade it Thcrois good axocis range, very alien, among tnti ranges, (the land along the sea has value in many in stances, from the fact that ooal is found all sjlong the Ori'coii shore. Mines at Otoa bay syivo uecu woraeu ior inary y.ars wiui print. Coal vxhU through Westura Oreaon and iron ore as well. Take the coal and iron, with our ttnmciisu lot esls, and yon have the elements Chat pioduoc tho world's greatest wealth. All this coast line will bo icco-sible, because small Crusting steamers have ulready oonunenced to rade along the ocean f ti nt. They carry out Applies needed and lirinx back everything the XUUtry produces: Vegetable, fruits, dairy i products, honey, fur, etc. TIih coast region in ii iiiod homo lor cattl" and wilt be utilized Iinvp rich n il a"d when cleared of tho forests ill make the lest nf farming land. Take thii view of it, aud it ii tho correct cm-, and iriillinta of ac es inv ire settlement tiicre. Wlicn wi" consider that mining for coal and Iron ami tho mnuf iitiira of iron, mus'.iuiter lariHy into fie lutuie of that reitinn: when wo icc'lhot th it its commerce will come from the end of the eartl;that grea cititsand busy iridnslrie will tprinij up and urow, that all thee will cna'e a qood market for product?, then we must reali' that the Sound country in cculiarly situated md favorably so, with regard to agricu turo and off. ra greater induce ments than anv other community possesses, fn time tho fisheries of the NothweU eoist will assume prime importauce und give occu pation to thousands of lawilic that also must have bread ana meat. The glioipso we have of the future inspires u with coulideiice as to all tho Far West, es ccially I'uget Sound. isaiicn to ur.no. i'iuvkkks. Imporlant lualrncllins In Ihnoe VWio In leud tlolnj en fke rmposeil Krurslvu, 8ALRM, Sept. 18, 1883. All members of the Oregon Pioneer Asso ciation who desire to accompany the excur sion parry which is expected to leave Fort land for the Ktst by the Northern Pacific railroad on the 2d day of October, 1883, may apply, in pirson, to the secretary, in Salem, for. certificates, up to Thursday evening, the jm inst. ihe officers oi the railroad com pany require that each shall have a certificate signed by the , president -and) secretary, and also' the proper sicuatur a of the excursionist. The form of the certificate furnished by the railroad company is as follows: OBBOON FtOKIIK SOCIKTV. 1883. I certify that M the bearer, whose signature is written in the margin hereof, is a member of the Oregon Pioneer Society, in good standing, and ia en titled to reduced rates of transportation lor himself and female relatives from Portland, Oregon, to and return. President. . . . . Secretary. For the oonven ience of excursionists the president and secretary oi the association will be a the Holton house, in the eitv of Portland, on Saturday the 29th inst., and on the followinjr Monaay. when members mav receive the foregoing certificates. No certifi cate can be issued unless applied for in per son by the member who desires to uso it, It is important that members should be in Portland on Saturdiy the 29th inst., as it will not be passible for all to receive certificates and procure tickets in one day, J. W. Nekuith, President. T. B. Oueniul, Secretary. tyommercial MARKET REPORT. for stock raining and dairying. Forests of tlr, spruce, humlock, white oedar arid sugor ,iin, are along the uoait. These fnrtists aro soon in be utiliu d as attention is tjmwii totlimi ami tho world needs our lum kmr. Thj oat ural produota cf the vuaHt region eve wctalibs, oits and fruit' Wheat will out 1 1 pen in the sea ni . H mo kinds of fruits Tml vegetables do not suoceod there, but tho mnge of products is l.irpo enough to induce the tott!cment of all that rckm at an early duy. North of the Columli i river, on the Wash ington eoant, are Sliotlwjter U.ij with numcr cris nllliients; (Jray's IIuiImji, into which thu (J. Iuili Hows after having watuiod a wide rc,ion of great valuo, as well as several other Streams that have cxcelhut valley, llesidis tlienu great r hays with thi'tr numerous tiihn (nriis, a iiumber ot small livens pour directly into thu ea The co.mt region, north of tho Columbia, haaa larger ex tent of good country fiianlslound ou the soutti. Tho Chehalir country ia iimnmisely va'uablei also tho land rljacunt to Shoalwater Itay, It sides this, all long me uiynipio inoiin;aius, ugnuiriug uu oa. is a strip ot arable uunl 15 to CtO milts wile, reaching from Oroy a Uartior north to ,pe Flattery, a autance Oi one hnudrvu lea. ruuirr miumi anii wk.wkkn wamiiimitun. This glauco at tiio mttoront eectioun of our opmitry, will close with a brirf notice ottho Sound country and Wetcm Washington. Tho raciflc division of tho N. I K. Ii., crosses from the Columbia to the Sound, 100 miles, oora fortwt region that has but little open country. Tho soil ia gsurally good. The wholo area of 100 miles tquare, potneiisus value nr agilcultural purpoo, becauio of its vicini iy to urn Wet. It will alt be cleared und pop. ulrttoil lit no distant day. It pneses I lull valltiys and good upland, and his, no doubt extuuivt iiiiiini of coal and iron to Iv devel. ojK'd, This iuckidea the valleys of the Oow Iir. and Chehalii, uu i other stream, that are the boat of soil, f The valuo of timlvt ii iu' criuiiug rapidly: good timber land, eouvenl ently located, roiumauds attention. Theae (ands produce el!ow and white fir, apraoci h'vuilock and cedar) and BM(ile, ash, (ttou ihhI, and oak are the hardwoods, with finish. iW uoodi, like viue-mafjle, vow, laurel, alder at u omo small growths t Lai can tw worked with admirable effect. On thu Sound there art exx-aaivti bottom laud-of excellent quality. trinsUuoi The fuallup valley, the valley lands ou White river, aud other tributirira of the Dwamish. 1'hs Suohomiih and .Sn.uJIne bottoms: the 4) homish tl ti, the old valley of the Frailer alver, thu valleys of the Skagit and the Nook-e-vhW, Iu Whatcom county, -Uo the trihuta- Sof the Chfhabs tint risenot far from Olym a. Ti.eae coustituto an extensive area of the richest farming lands posaible, Thu Cnvhalis xalley was onco an arm of the sea and con ia ns hundreds of thousands of aoru of fertile lands. TlieoM alry o' rV-sier riirr, the Sk -ait valley aud tho Olviup c marsh, with ii lids lauds about'thuHatgit mouth, enstt tule a farming ..vtion that haauo tqutl outho cant Whatcom county i almost entirely tho rli liest aoil, Until very lately th. ag'ieultu. irr.l reaouiviw of tie Si-ind cintry were little iuown. Cultivitjjwa oonfluid to Whid liy's liUud and a few UJitiei liku White 111 r bottoms, bA of hV-a'.fv. Now iinmi. ration is attracted thithrr and the best de ijicnt of cltiienshlji is poptelg the Sound ral- IIILLnilllO IfKMi. A Batch r InlrreslluK Neles from (be Capi tal of WaabliiBloa Ceanlv. HlLunouo, Sept. 18, 1883. This section cf the country was vishrd last night by a refreshing rainfall, which has cleared the atmosphere of smoke. Last evening Marshal Dennis captured a drunk who was making himself conspicuous, and gently waltasd him to the cooler. Harvesting and threshing are nearly over. and farmers are beginning to haul their grain to tne warehouses to store it until prices raise. Mr. Gisney is suffering from a severe at tick of Hriglit's disease. At present little hopes are entertained of his recovery. lieing 7U years of age, it is doubtlul if ho cau sur- ive the attack. Tho ball given by the Hillsboro Hook and Lidder Co. was a success in evtry particular. with agool hall to dinco in, good music and oidei; every ono who attended was highly lileas-il. Tne supper for the occasion was gotten up by tlio proprietors ol Squires' hotel; ueeiuess m a y, n was nrst-ciaBs. Notwithstanding the present low price of wheat, Hour remains at the exorbitant (in ure of JO p'r barrel. When thero was but one gri-t mill in Hillsboro thu price of Hour was rated accouling to the price ol wheat; hut now, with tho addition of another tine iu It, tho price remains high. We want no more grist mills in this burg. Thu Hillsboro brass band is heard no more in the laud. It appear that the baud ia not able to obtain a teacher: hencu the stand still. It slso appears that the citizens of Hillsboro do uot appreciate a brass band. As the baud hoys iraugnt their owu instruments and paid for their teaching, without auy help iieiug proavreu uy outsuiurs, it tne eitircus waut a brass band Ut them come out with few shekels, A youne gent who considers himself a second Johu L Sullivan made an exhibition of his pugilistic acquirements by polishing off a stranger who was too drunk to defend him self. The next morning the injured man hunted up his assailant for the purpose of re turning the complimeut, but Sullivan the sec mid was not ditposed to come to time, to the disgust of tho expectant bystanders, so the slugging match was uot renewed, A blooming case of scandal has been crop ping out to the surface for the past two weeks,' but it is being skillfully covered up. How. ever, enough hat floated to the top to be in teresting to thoso who appreciate a ao of scandal. Where aro the M'rcuvy reporters tint tiny miss this opportunity of writing up a oolumu of that which is rich and racy ? It would probably not be ont of place to men tion the fact that the guilty parties are neither IugersolllaU nor revolutionists, but of tlio stock of old line pilgrims. Parson Brown, IIOMH PItOUI)E MARKET. The following represent wholesale rate, com producers or first hands WHEAT Valley S1.C3 per cental. Walla I Valla, $1.42.Ja.l 45. KLOUll In jobbing lots, extra choice, 13.00 Country brands, $4 to 4 75. ')AT3. 55500; with ample supply. ONIONS. U . fOTATOKS. -Oreeon. new. 60(a7flc. 1IDDLINOS. Jobbing, for feed, 35 09 ton. Shorts. $23; Chop, 27 0. BRAN Jobbing at $22. 50 $25.00 per ton BACON Sides, firm 16jj Harm, country mred, 16I7c; Shoulders, 12 4l2o. LARD In kegs, IS:; Oregon leaf, tins IS i; do in pails, 15ic. CHEKSE.-Cal., 14c; Orezon, 18o V lb. HONEY In comb, 18a20c; strained; in 5 sllons, 10Jllc. DRIED FRUITS. Apples, aun dried quar red,13c; sliced, 12c; machine dried, firm, 16;; Pears, machine dried, IGo;' Plums, san dried, 6c, and machine dried, 18c. POULTRY. Chickens, full grown, $6 SO 7 50: game, 33.50. EGOS. Near by fresh laid; weak at 30c. BUTTER We quote, fresh roll, 3035c, last for very choice. HOGS. 7cts on foot. BEEF. Gross weicht. 41o on foot. SHEEP.- Gross weight. 21c on foot. VEAL 9tol0o WOOL Eastern Oregon, 15al9c; Wil amette Valley, 13 19c; Umpqua, 2C23c. HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 14c; iontry oured, dry, 14c; cula otf, green .tin. salted, 7io; country ditto, 7ic; : lersklns, dry, 30o V lb; d sheep pelt each 5al.00; dry elk, 20c per lb. TALLOW Quotable at 8c. per lb. HAY Choice timothy, baled, $20$24; CBNyKAI. WEsKIIAXBUR. RICE. China No. 3, 6,i; Sandwich Island, 61o. tEAS. Japan, 36310; Black, 4075c Iraen, 580o. rxJVF&K Costa Rica 12I4o) Java, 20 ngo yield vill lie u littlo les. The con tinued dry npull liiul its bud elTect on the market. The prospects tire that the for eign and Eastern production will be short, caused ly lice und honey-dew. A prominent dealer hero expre.-'od Ids he lie that hops would bear a good price and Haiti lie looked for them to go up to .'15c or 10c per pound. He has a lot of last year's crop on hand, which lie holds at a better price than 20c. The market will open at about 202,")c. b'o taking the whole question into consideration we aro led (o believe that hops will bear a good price this fall. This week we shall be at the State Fair and cannot do up the markets as thoroughly as we should like to, but our readers have the most important joints in their possession. FAST POTATO DIGGESt. .rfm Siv,w XtsT$.w Sent on 30 Days' TEST TRIAL 600 Bushels a Day, It Digs Irish and Sweet Potatoes Equally ML "lfflH,K'J.W,te-.?K'n. ssssaffiffifi V '.' !.3... .. au Aa HAvananae ai4via)liln(r I The Monarch Lightning Potato Digger, It will save Iti eot yurlrto everr farmer. We Hjnruiuuiu J'1" Mi;l TV klMbtrFslrarVe , nnntflllntni.ni!inthHDaD!r. aS(l lUrWQWCKVil lHIHinUtuiu.i. .. r..i x, j. v... .... . . . - . , - A i HAKKETS BY TELE0SAPM. &2c Sua GARS. Crushed A-12ai24o: Fine .sushed 1212i i: Cube, 1212io; Extra C, llc; JoldenO, '0lloi Sandwich Islands No. 1, i10c; U, 10Jl0jc. SYRUP. Five gallons 70o CANDLES 1215e. RAISINS. -California, $2.76 Of3.26lr25 A "ix ,. SOAPS Good, 75c$1.76. OILS. Ordinary brands of ooal. 30c: hish ades, Downo & Co., 37Jo; Boiled Linseed, W; dito Raw, 77o; ilmou oil, 65o; Turpen- ae, 70c; Pure Lard, 1 30; Castor, $1.25 (1.40. SALT Stock, bay, $10 ton; Carmen -land, $12; Coarse Liverpool,$15; Fine qual iV, $1620; Aihton's dairy, ditto, $30 COMMERCIAL. scyi. ,Uut it is rrrat ridges tbst occupy the TaUrvaU bet Till SlixwoOti T111EVK.S. -Several weeks a i;o, a Chinese camp at Sellwood was robbed la two oooasions, three Celestials beiiif clean tsl out of some twsutv-rlve dollars, and a oii- tol at the time ol the laat robbery. S. II. Craig of that place, captured two bin's, as the luppuaeu uneves, ana started to oring tneru to this plaos in a wagon, but on the way they jumped out and escafed. Lt eveuiiitf one of th Smallden boys.wa brought to the police station oa ti auppositioa that be knew some, thing of the tranaaotion, aad on being que lioued by the officers, ataUd that Jeau Oliver had admitted to him that he was one oi the julpriU, and also that Jean was working down th river near Kalama. Smaildeu was held as a witness uutil such tims as the missing Jean can be apprehended , A Oriin JciHia. In Victoria recently, a nun was auquitted ot a charge of man slaughter byaju'ty, aud "-o judge ordered the accused tJ. go and aand-bag the jurors. Tho tame judge on Monday received a plea of fullt) from aa Iudiau who, while uudcr the utiutoo of liquor, killed a man, and also oju from a wait saau who, under the aartis indueuce, aaaaultcd another. The ludian got ix month in jail and tk white man one year at hard labor. Someone ought to sand, bag the judge. Thoiwuav, Sept. 20, 1883. HarveBting is nearly over and farmers have generally realized more than they expected, though the hill districts did not do as well as the prairies. Klsewhero we treat the wheat question fully and can only say in addition that this is no time to sell. Freights in Han Kraneisco rule very low, much lower than with us. Charters have been made at -Ills t!d per ton and at not exceeding I7s (id for iron. They are steady at tho decline. There is no rea son why freights should be over f)0s for wood and fifis for ironn if those interested will insist on lower rates. All indications point to a lower freight market and California has led tho way. There is much interest centering on the probable price of hops. Last year we had such a strong market as is niroly experienced, and fabulous results were attained by the producer. The re sult was nuiny ventured into the business and those who had fields enlarged them fifty per cent. The result is we can safe ly count this coming year on twice tho nereageage of last. While acreage has been increased wo do not see any increase in the total output. The reason lieing that it takes two years for 11 yard to come into bearing. The list of hop growers in the Willamette Valley is too lengthy to publish, S3 wo will approximate the com ing crop iu counties, as follows : Counties. No. Vard'. Marion gg 14 Polk Clackamas. Yamhill. . . llenton. . . . Liuu,. . .. . 1-jue ItmuaV rYM ,c stream and itcoO it4o the moauUia. cteua, Total 102 These yards will average about eight acres, or a total of eighty acres. The average yield Jjeing from 1,000 to 1,400 pound poracro or about 1,000,000 pounds. The prospects are that the market will stand, when opened, fully 2.1c per pound. So our readers can see that the hop in dustry alone will bring into our midst a quarter of n million dollars. Regarding the present outlook for pri ces in t'ortlaml we would wv that there is, literally speaking, no market, Wvaiise tho new crop is not yet coining to hand. The new crop is Wing prepared for mar ket and rcjiorts are not favorable for large yields and uot over 1,000 pxnmds per acre will bo the result. Thero is a bcAr'muve ment in tho Kast and much talk ia Inul M-i-te :"k. -lbJI,""-T!l8'K low prices. Samples rweiXed by leading commission men show the San Francisco Markets Hah Francisco, September 18. Wheat Market weak, in sympathy with Liverpool advices, No, 1 spot 51.67a1.70; December!! 76(81. 7Jll Sailer the vear.81.70 . " " T --w- -. . 1.70j; buyer the season, 1.83l.S3f. Flour Quiet; prices against seller. Barley West Quote, 93c$1.0!i; No.l feed, September, 09c$l; seller the year, 08c$l; buyer the season $1.12l,12). Oats Feed weak at 81.40 1.65; extra choice steady at $1.651.85. Potatoes Market will supplied and weak. Onions Market ovetatocket at 4050c. Wool Oregon is in fair inquiiy but no noteworthy transaction! to report: market fady tor choice. Kggs 37J4Uc. Butter l'J(a,47. NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, Sep. 18. Wheat-Steady, $1.0701.15. Fl ! c'-dv. Wool Quiet, Ilium o.vuy, 2122c. CHICAGO MARKETS. Cuicaoo, Sept. 10. Wheat-LoWer, 94jc October. Lard Liwer, $7.00 October. BELRBOHM's ENGLISH MARKET REPORT. London, Sept. 18. Floating cargoes Quiet. Cargoes' on passage and for shipment Quiet Mark Lane Quiet. English country markets Rather Quiet. French country markets Quiet. Imports into U. K. past week Wheat. .sw.uw qrs. r lour, HU.WU bbls. English Grain Markets. New York, Sept. 18 The Pot says the Foreign grain markets are inactive. At Liv erpool wheat is depressed and corn neglected. no s unicago spring wneac waa id per centjl lower ana coroAU lower, floating cargoes of wheat are very heavy. Red winter wheat for prompt shipment was 6d loweJ. For wheat on passage business was neglected and there was nothing doing. What It did for an Old Lady. Coshocton Station, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1878. Gent'; A number of people hav9 beeu using your Bitters here, and with marked effect. In one case, a I uly of over 70, had beeu sick for years, and for the past ten years has not been able to be around half the time. About six months ago she got so teeble she was htlplfi. Her old remedies, or physiciaus. being of no avail, I tent to Depoit, 45 miles away, aud got a bottle of Hop Hitters. It improved her so tnac sue waa ante to dress nerselt ami walk about the house. When she had taken the second bottle she uas able to take caie of her own roo'n and walk over to the neighbor's, and has impr.ved all the time since. My wife and children have derived great benefit Iron) their use, W. 1$. Hatiiawav. Agt. U. S. Kx. Co. Musts' Country Mines Wui. i'atterson, a mining expert aud superintendent of the Moea' Kiservation silver mines, returned yesterday after a long season in the mines, and brought witi him about 150 pounds of ore, which will be sent to i prominent as saerin San Francisco. Some of the speci mens are from the surface and the balance forty feet down. The mines are situated about 200 miles northw.at of Spkane, on the British Columbia line, in one of the richest mineral, grsziog and timber regions of the country. Mr. I'atterson says that the mines are rich, and the people are flocking in as fast as ihey can get there. The directors of the Mosea Reservation Mining company are oamuei vouiter, raui Bcnuitz, H. U. Gregory, J. K. Buchanan and J. M. Leavens; the officers are president, J. E. Bu chanan; secretary, C. H. Jewett; treasurer, J. V. Buchanan; attorney, Win, M. Gregory. They own six veins, and propose shortly to put $20,000 worth of stock on the market and push the work. Read These Fresh Testimonials and Notloo tho Late Dates. Monarch Wg. Co., Cteag,IH. CSJtCU HUfMAB Tatttl vt-ssrassaawii. "-". "" t. . . .. " "ii 1 Menmike It verr mocti. If I sSouW order tentr.flv Mgrra would I ... m.I Un tnan swill a Mf hnlrl f YOtlfL Ada VU lUaUfav aVaKBI v?f iMsasij www w e -. . LOUDlYa I vwn -0MiiiMiM;Th8UoiurdiLtrttA v,. -, -. -!.. A-J n ..... ..laVi(i jukihi ..t Any. ujim Dear 8tr: Tho Monrch Lightning PoUto tetwedwJ, J7ow ietiti It ihdix tVht Mccvwinu with ". I thlaltwm "Si mmMMw 0AAflSI, sod it uorktuptoDl Enclosed please and P. O. njoafrv"''0,' soon as posslua- I din flood O! 'at wblea tend aw. law mors. toya,A; order. 1 ESiVa ,. iA n-itiMn ran mliht advanlse in tne "OonstlTaure'ana " autctii -"-7 1 . a. ... - vnneii fie. rWfliWas iWWaiail uTlpwu. fieadaeMmeUrcaunfor field, sad sold spiWenlatlioan. I will ttn the aieaej m waaon-loau ox tflacers. nease to pbtv wi wTwymnwu tuattl Etha and corei Ten men 5owHhSLOTMn can;tplnpttepeiat(ieiJasienouga. JJSgJggJJi amxrSTTn.1 sraeeruv.. tej,si I IU IM.1MCIWTI " KBMII.-- Wl W eo f?'eSAito1aSi UT IIA1III 1 CBlVSaErninKntJIWST. - . Tlaoana HotUs. tinlinin,apt Ind., Am. t,laa . wiiaiH hseotiiA nntywtas euroi SI C" ftww WinsiaM. OalcAne. ML laH . aWSM&SS Too wilt less all opportunities ef seUtae Disao thu rear, if Ton coat write sleK ft r UraitraUd dreulw, alrttuipncea, o, ToueaacmoiMsclUiiaoBr Diggers. Address, KWUBZMAMViAffTnaacQ.,inumiVkK.,aimt,w. AN HONEST OFFER. 1 Tm tick er ailing, no mtttsr wkal your eomslahit, write to Be and we will ssadroa 69 VIIU en ol eur Mrr BL.BOTBJO sVBDIOATBU PADS ta salt roar cats, worked yon aftw to penrisuiseiirseTuaiaonsmonui. uiiaBisBUinn earlsreaDoUuiif lotrjlt. Dlfftnstmdatooan a Urstaaf Psaet Biimia Waa. Lama- Maes terra. Uaw Bast; A and snaa7Hhrdls lis ss. KarrsiouseBrea Deugaatrmaaeinesaea wneraauouwr treatmeaia narsrausa. Prioes very low. BesabrlasMarnotIKUmsd4ls.butIaTf led made of Root and Herbs, oembtsed with Heetrtcirr. We da net ask vou to boy tbsaatdlndlr. butmeralr 10 try then at oat risk, Bcx, spring prloee and rlrrtkuls, frit, Addneaatnee . EtECTIIIC PAB (UNVFl CO., BW4Uaa.BC M-. IrMkrin. N. t 1 not tare job It .a 'X aaJalBM jngB LgffSaBvr 1. F. POWERS, MAM'rAcruasa, raroarsa ars josiaa or FURNITURE, Bedding, Carpets, Paper Umsg lug, Stoves, and Crockery and Glassware. Steam Factory Water Street, betweeal aloatgomsry and Harrison. Streets Warehouse 188 and 186 First and 184 Second 8tm,t PIIHTLANIf, KKtitf . sepD-lt And Tinners' Stock ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY -S "'vvz0Z&Sf' gQ "Rxcelsior SyrJim lvvN N ST.LOUIS,MO EstabUshed in 1857. iHIMIII I iiflmnit,iHte ,.. ,ui al. 1 .., f . . a.. .. iT A 1 " "Paau, ae anu ireuui mianis are unwini uy rains iMtttra Harmleea but tffica quality to be X. 9. 1, alttiough the wr- Killkii is A Mine. William PattersoD, who lias just returned from the M03.S reser vaiou mines, reports that John Poiuton, aged about 50 years, was blown trom one of the mines by a premature discharge of a blaat on the 14th of August. The bias: did not go otf at once and he went in too soon to sec what waa tho matter. After proceeding about twenty feet the blast exploded, throw ing Poiuton down the mountain side. His arms and letra were brokv" and he Wag Otherwise mangled. Mr. Patterson ro1e 160 mile in twenty-four hours for a doctor, changing horses with Indians when he could. Ho raid the Indians refused to receive hire for theif horses when they learned his mis sion. The wVronded mau lived until August 30, when he died, He has a brother in Cali fornia somewhere. ,-a t Amesdkd Articles or lucoRroiurtON, Supplementary articles ef incorporation of the Oregon City Flouring Mills company, hare been filed in the county clerk's office, In pursuance of a resolution adopted at a special meeting ol the directors of the com pany held on the loth of September. Sec ticn 3 has been amendec by adding "also to purchase, acquire, bold, develop, improve, etc., and to operate, lease, mortgage, sell, convey and dispose o( water powers, water rights and franchisee, and to :arry into effect suoh objects and purposes. Article 4 has also been amended, so aa to increase the capi tal stock of the company from Mitr thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. All other ai tides remtiu aa before. G. Shindler 2c Co. FURNITURE & CARPET DEALERS. lt'ti AND 105 FIRST, AND 16T AND 100 FRONT STREETS. : PORTLAND, OREGON. Are thoroughly prepared to furnish throughout at short notice. Hotels, Boarding Houses, Private Residences & Steamboats. ....AT SUCH.... LOW PRICES As were never before offered. IHnlng Boom Tables, from M I'pwafd. I hnniher Sels, from t3Q I'pward. 1'arlor Sei. from MO fpward. THE HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. Ladles must see it to be oprreriated. Call for h. leWlf LANG & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants. No. 75 if rant Street, Portland, Of. P3TSEND FOR PRICE-LIST. ConsijnnienU e Country prodW and orders lor goods solicited. Mr, Arthur McKlroy, a prominent capitaliit of Krie, rnntylvania, paased through here yesterday on his way to Victoria, B. C., from which place he goes to Sitka, Alaska, to ex. amine into the mining industry of that couu try. He will return here in about three weeks and intends visiting the Wilkeaon eoal fields. Mr. McElror la an eitenaiva etnak. holder in the Pennsylvania coal mines and cooue here with the intention of speculator ia 00.- (leader. m JSPOKTSMAN'S EMPORIUM. rSJJSj a vtUULESALE AND RETAIL OKALKHS IN.... , -j. GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, FISHJAPKLsT, aVaVaVmatBBaaK. . Base Balls, Boxing OIotm and Sporting Goods; .TULKBRATKD iagtoo' -AOKNCT FOR THE- KBRATKD TARKER DOCBL1 AND THREI BARRELED OUN COMBINED.' " RCaTTNOTOII." .8,W "alafUaVaad " Wlnehsrter rid..- Oct's,- "i. P. dabfeusts,- Twkers-aad "RsaV- s DouW and singU Breach LovUnrf i.uas. HT aena1 Straw, bwtwroa Mtrrif aw) TaVamhlale 1 I BUJ JDu 1 1 iS'TPtMHp OJT,eWi.-fl