Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 24, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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lhc l()oinc ,trclc.
1 1 Britain's Grr nt M mum. nn i sho'f,
Iq the Kivn'Uti roo n, I saw last year
The oldest 'loll in til the world: nn elf,
Grimv ""' srim and co'd, vnl very queer,
With head of bHoUened clav the ralest toy
That ever gave a little maiden joy.
Taken from out the rluok.'. mummied arms
Of a smtll child, it had perchanco been
In hunlred-capd Thebes, while yet alarms
Of the tWei Shppherd Kings were kept in
And put with her bene ith the coffin lid
When men were building th first pyramid.
Legless and armless, it had male a part
Of one sweet litej in lovins arms had lain
Close to in i'lnncont, warm, beating heart;
Been kissed and scolded, and then kissed
Just as our wixen beauties fair intl gay,
Delight the little maidens of to-day.
0, I could brine itnin tW long past hour,
The pnesis of Iiis md the stately town,
The temples whit- v ith sacrel lotus fl iwer.
The pitient wi le-eyed paople, grava and
The dnskv chamber and the narrow bed.
The whit rolled maidcos singing round the
But oh! it wa a mother's heart, I know,
That thought- perchance the childish hands
might1 mi's
Their plaything: I can see her bending low
T 1 1 e the smill st f ac its last last kiss,
And pi ice this shipiless doll unoathe breast,
That had so eirly fnun 1 eternal rest.
And so the uncouth toy lets sudden trrace:
H-art touches hoirt beyo i three thousand
And mother standi bv mother in th it place
Where all alike have shed heart-breaking
O 1. aid Kvntiin! I cm undei stand
Tho doll within t'o oolli i Take my hinj.
Lillik K Baku in Jf. I . Ledtjrf
Fiom .1 pm.itc letter mitten by Mi J
.Tocpli Watt in mwiPi to cnquiiic- rej
g.irrtins the 1'ionecr tiip, ho mjs that
when a man and wife w'xAi to go and onh
one of thoin k a pioneer, the other one
may go liv puing foity dollai- etia
This seem-, to m to he hiinging things
down pietty elo-e, and that a couple
might in this e.ie ieceio et-iul benefits.
Ho-eer,-.o luc noei felt (-anguine at
all that theio would be two hunched
tickets -old. There certainly will not be
oer half that number under the present
aspects of the case. As an old pioneer
we feel fiee to speak frankly, haing ha i
a hope of getting the benefit of n tiip
East on tenns consistent with our means.
It is a lamentable fnct that it is not tho
Pathfinders not tho Pioneers who leap
tho benefits of a new country. They
shake tho bush and swiftci hands pick
Tlieio is nothing to be lost in pajing
tiibute to tho enoigy and foititudo of our
pioneers, but much is to be made ; scarce
a doen who, liko mjself, hao spent
iieily forty years in Oregon, could go
East, unless in this way; and een with
this pioposcd reduction of faie, thuic will
lie close planning to compioss the other
expenses Few persons of the ago of our
pioneers aie ablo to endure the ilicom
foitsofso long a Tide on tho cais with
out good sleoping anangements, and tho
Pullman eais will add to the exponso
twehe or foiuteen dollars each way.
These sleeping ears arc an entiiely scpa
late thing and arc not undei the contiol
of the X. P. It. It. When we all came
to Oregon e could sleep, and sleep
sweetly too, on tho ground, with one
hand on the trusty rille, and lctuly to
shaio the turn at guauleeiy night. Hut
time has jns-ccl, nnd we must bo com
foitabh Ken the blankets and pillows
allowed in second class fare must be hard,
and we would advise those who don't feel
able to go comfortably to stay at home
A lunch basket is most necessary, and
nearly all that one would caio to cat can
bo prepared and taken from home. A
few canned articles might lie got, a can
of concentrated milk also. A little spirit
lamp would make tea for quite a party.
These little freo and easy lunches will
help to pass tho time away. Bread can
be bought along tho line.
Tho timo projioscd for going, the first
of October, is rather late, and will neces
sitate n thought about wanner clothing
on the return trip.
We have personally been deeply inter
ested in the trip, anxious to visit once
more the scenes of childhood and per
lercliance get a glimpse of the old
emigrant trail .along which our patient
oxen toiled along so slowly but snrely, to I
tho journey's end. The promise of a slow
train is to bo regarded as one of pleasant
anticipation and will sene to make 'the
journey agreeable.
While we doubt if two hundred will be
found to go on the-o terms, we think the
number required may be reduced, as the
company seem desirous of doing as well
as no sible
' Should tho party bo made up there is
no doubt that it will be a trip of great ' v'urrc.u u craturo oi tneuay. i-etmm
pleasure in the social intercourse on the "iply JmiiMjlf with new spa.err, books
' . vf travel, hutory, biography, poetry;
To euro a bruw; or sprain, bathe in cold I
water, and then njmlv'.i decoction of
wormwood anil vinegar.
md vinegar.
"A II C of the Hue Cultuie" is the
title of a most beautifully bound
book, of convenient sue and admirable
print. It is a sort of dictionary of terms
aKo of all terms used in connection with
bee culture. The book comes to us with
compliments of Miller Bros , of Portland,
who will bo able to furnish the book to
.inj one wishing it. It is made up in a
dictionary form, so that any paiticular
subject can easily bo found by leferring
to tho top of tho p igo. This most ad
mirable work is published at Medina,
Ohio, by A. L. Itoot. Everything pertain
ing to the care of bees is ably discussed,
giving facts and experience of thousands
of lice keepers all over tho country. Send
to Miller Bros, and get a copy.
"Dio Lewis' Monthly" conies in
pamphlet foim, and treats of hygenic
matters. Dio Lew is h is been for cars
authority on mntteisof health and pioper
wav of liv inn. and he has done very
much good by instituting rofoims in eat
ing and diesing. Ho has called atten
tion by advocacy of sun biths for the
benefit of childien or grown people who
have delicate constitutions or small
vitality. Tho "blue glass" euro may also
bo attributed to him. Both cures are
brought about by the patients lying ox
posed to tho diiect ravs of the sun, with
out any clothing to intercept its influ
ence, doing this legularlv. Wo are in
clined to belicvo that this work will
bring befoie the woild many ideas in
connection with health and pioper
niitui.il living that will bo of benefit to
every one, especially childien of weak or
lessened natui.il vitality. It is certain
at tho sun has gio.it levivifving inllu-
ncos on vegetable life and on the brute
Cotionwooi),"w7t., Aug. 10, 188.1.
Editor Home Circle :
Why is it that young poisons dislike
to be called proud, and show an almost
hatied to tho-o persons who appeal
to be pi oud? What is pride? Tlieio me
two kinds of tho sentiment oi piinoiple
called pride, a right and a wiong, or a
good and a bad pride. Tho ambitition of,
or pride of a prize-fighter is to oveicomo
his antagonist, even to the extent of the
destruction of his life. This is a disgust
ing, criminal pride.
Pride in diess, to tho extent of vanity
and extra-, agancc, money spent in use
less personal adornment, is a bad pride.
But it is my purpose to Bhowwheiein
pride is commendable. A desire to appear
well before tho woild, to dress so as to lie
pleasing to those aiound us, or even to
the members of one's own household is a
laudable pride. Dress bespeaks character.
'The apparel oft proclaims tho man" is
one of tho many and oft quoted lines
fiom Shakespeare that beais more truth
than appears on slight thought; and
when a man or woman becomes caieless
of personal nttii theio is something
almost disgusting in the contemplation
of such an object. There is nothing more
beautiful in tho asperities of ago as to see
a neat old lady or a clean, caieful old
gentleman. How their leiyappo.ii.iiH'P
appeals to repect. Tho opposite is odius'
"Cleanliness is net to godliness ;" "Pie
senting the body pure and holy a living
sacrifice unto tho Lord ;" refraining fiom
gluttony, dissipation ; tempei.inee in all
How careful should mothers bo to
ti.iin their childien in habits of cleanli
ness; habits that will follow them
through life, tending to pievent a desiio
to go into tho very uncleanly h ibits of
tobacco chewing, a e, and of imbibing
filthily concocted beei, wines and liquois,
theieby wallowing in the miic of tho
sticet and befouling tho mind in associa
tions moio vilo than tho mho of tho
sheets. Then how far-ieaching, how
ennobling is the pride of cleanliness and
Pndo of ancestry is a form of pride not
to bo despied. Tho de-ho that every
member of one's family, ov en to tho re
motest generations in the pa-t, should bo
free from crimo or disgrace ; tho strong
desiro of parents that their children
should attain to eminence, or at lea-t
respectability; tho wish of brothers and
sisters in the family that each may at
tain to or complete an honorable career,
is commendable pride.
A man should havo pride enough to
keep himself out of tho dirt, the dirt of
vulgarity, obscenity and lower vices. He
should have pride to improve his farm,
to inako his homo beautiful, to have tho
surroundings of home so pleasant us ever
alter to remain green in tho memories oi
his children, a loved and ever lieautiful
ciiot to which thoy turn from the weari
some toils of life in restful calm, a place
hallowed in inemorv as the happiest in
all the world, an example of purity and
beauty, its days of thanksgiving, it 'quiet
babbatlis, its happy returning birthdays
and all the sacred associations of home
Man's laudable ambition should bo to
cmliellish and enrich his mind This can
lie attained mainly from the avenues of
knowledge gathered from looks and
patten. Grunted that lie has not or tan-
not get a collegiate education, rich fund
of general information can le gathered
'Fm tho constant anil careful ru-al of
I such authors as Macauley, Prescott,
HiJ ard Ta lor, Sliukeicni e, H ron, Mil-
iton, btowe, the Careys, Browning, fecott,
'JJuniR" ana feue, and he will not Jail to;
gain a depth of knowledge of which ho
may be justly proud. This subject might
be extended indefinitely, but a hint to
the wise is sufficient. Ml'.s. Bowev.
Afghans for the baby-carriage of felt
hip both comfortable and pietty. A bluo
one, with a long and branching spray of
Imtteicups and daisies embroidered on it,
and with tho slems tied in realistic stlo
with a bow of satin ribbon, will delight
tho oyes of the mother and lubv Also.
Flannel may bo used with good effect in
place of fe'.t.
The mother who would have the baby
presentable early in the morning, before
it is possible to give him his bath, can ac
complish this by making three little
double gowns of calico; if trimmed with
a little vino and made with collars, they
are pretty and very becoming; exedmngo
the baby's nightdress for one of these,
and let him wear it until, after his bath,
he puts on an extra skirt and clean dross.
Pretty bags for children to cairy their
books to school in are made of the vari
ous couls or twines go popular. Aver
inexpensive one is made of seine twine,
or of caqiot warp Anv open-work stitch
will answer. To give firmness to tho top
and make it keep its shape sew in
two whalebones; crochet a stout handle.
On the front side put two ribbon bows,
one at the top and one at the bottom.
Applique is still a favorite stle of or
nimenting table scarfs andspieods; a
felt scorf with phish leaves applied, the
veins, stems, etc , embroidered is a veiy
handsome in tistic article with which to
brighten n sombre parloi. A mantel
lambrequin of felt is vf-ry prottv, witli.tlto
edge cut in points, and then apply
a plush fan to each point ; have tho shape
of each fan different ; the coloi may lie
tho same or different. If the lambrequin
is of drab felt, caulinal and blue fans aie
A oung gill's loom may be furnished
hi iiitifully and in exquisite tasto at a
-mall expense. The chief outlay will bo
for a bedstead This cannot bo con
stiucted out of a pino boanl and a piece
of niu-lin, though man other things
iiiavbp; but a handsome painted bed
stead of blue and white is the first icquiie
nioiit foi this loom. Tho flooi may bo
covered with plain white matting, oi of
blue and white plaid, with a soft nig at
the aide of the bed ; a cliosing-e'ir-p of
white wood, covered with bluo silosia,
with white muslin, can lie made next, and
a white wood washstand is nl-o needed
This, liko the diessing-table, should have
tho under pait entirely concealed by
bicadths of the silesia and muslin. These
should be gathered slightly at tho top,
so that they will fall in graceful folds.
Tho cut tains should bo of tho muslin,
diaped, and the bedspread and pillow
coveis of the muslin over silesia also
The bedspiead should of courso lie
smoothly over tho bed, and bo tucked in
nt tho end and sides, unlike tho lace
ones, which hang over. Tho muslin of
tho pillow-covers may be shirred at tho
to)) and bottom, if ou liko tho full look
tho shirring gives; thevneed, in this case,
no edges, and in fact when put over the
silesia plainly, do not trim with lace, un
less you add this adornment to the cur
tains, but finish with a plain hem. With
the various trifling ornaments a .voung
girl gathers about her, the room will re
ceive anything it may need to brighten
it. A room so piettily furnished may bo
a leal help to a girl ; it will not bo easy
for her to cultivate disordeily habits
there, for the effect sho has worked to
create would be entirelv marred. It may
help her to calm thoughts, but of this wo
cannot bo certain.
To renovate old black silk pongeo use
spirits of ammonia or alcohol, diluted
with water, and pres on the wrong side,
To lid tho loom of a di-agiee.iblo smell
of fie-h paint let a piilful of water in
which a handful of hay has been placed
stand in the loom over night.
A starch that will make linen look as
good as new is made of one quart of well
boihd com starch, thiee ounces of gum
arable and two ounces of loaf siigai.
Swe cteidei can lie kept fre-h and spaik
ling by heating it, not boiling it, and
skimming it thoroughly then bottling it,
and sealing tight at once It is advisable
to put one or two l.iisins in each bottle.
To take oil sotb out of matting, etc.,
wet tho spot with alcohol, rub it with
hard soap, and then wash well with eold
w ater.
To remove stains from cups or other
articles of tableware or marbleicd oil
cloths, rub them with saleratus, either
with the finger or a piece of incn,
The latest known use to which tho
seine twino can bo put is to make a baby's
carriuge-robo of it. Crochet it as if for
a tidy, it should bo lined, even if ribbons
are run through tho open spaces For
early spring uo a flannel lining should
Im put in; and later a lighter one of
silesia or cashmcro is used.
An excellent authority in medicino
icconimends a little common sugar as a
remedy for a dry, hacking cough, and
gives scientific reasons for it. If troubleil
at night or on first waking in tho morn
ing, have a httlo cup on a stand cioso by
the bed, and take half a tc.isonful , this
will lie of U'liefit when cough syrups fail
Tho true economist, w hen eggs are dear,
will never throw aw a tho sheila when
she makes cake; they will Ixj of uso in
Mittling cotleo; moro or less oi the wnito
w always left in the shell, and it may bo
used to iiood advantage. Look at tho
eggs Ix-foro breaking them, and if the
shells arc not clean, wash them.
&w Hc f,luhlrci.
"The baby!" we asked, as with mop and
Im mother came tn the ranch one day.
"Oh, she's picketed out nor s? the way!
I dare not leave her alone in the rm.''
And the busv mother looked for a tub,
Whito we saddled our horses ami rodo to see
How the I- nely bahv fared, w hile we
flad stolen its mother to sweep and scrub.
For the babies we were acenstomod to
Cou'd never have kept their silk and lace
And little heribboned hats in place.
With only a tree for their nurse, we knew.
But this Kinsss bihy had no hat;
And it launhed as if it thought silk and lace
Would have been entirely out of place
On a prairie or, for the matter of that,
Anyw here else. It could onlv eo
The length of the rope: but its little feet
Patter d about where tho arass was sweet,
Just as it p'eased; and that, you know,
Is more than the citv habios do;
For. trundled under the city trees,
Thevare carried just where the nurses please,
Which I shouldn't like at all; should you!
As I thousht it over, it seomnd to me
That a citv darline has bss to hope,
"Picketed out" with invisible rone
To a somewhat less reliable tree!
The days are getting shorter, and soon
wo will hive to light the fircs eaily in
tho evening, trim tho lamp and diaw up
to the table by tho cheeiful bhie. How
many of our littlo folks w ill bo glad to
have summer go and winter e'oine on
with its cold and l.iius We think that
all will rcgret to have the bright ilnj s go
away, losing the sweet flowers and biids
that aie ahead beginning to go away to
other places, so as to miss the cold die.ny
rains. We saw only .vesteidav a big Hock
of birds chirping and fluttering, making
a gieat to do about moving away. Each
specie's or family of buds will begin to
collect togethei eveiy veai at this season,
and often a ceal of fus-ing among the
tice tops, which looks to us like electing
a captain, they will all at once liso into
tho ail, circle aiound, and then tuinini:
theii little heids tow.uds the south, will
fly away to spend the wintei, coming
back to the old haunts as happy asb'nds
can be, in the spring This migiatian, it
is supposed, is tho caie of getting a cei
tain kind of wheat, called "goose wheat."
A goose which had lived in some other
country w as killed as soon as it came
heio to spend tho suminei, and it had in
its crop some seeds of a different kind of
wheat, and which likely came fiom many
miles away, for birds fly gieat distance's
at such times
Yes, fall is heio, tho giasshoppeis and
eikkets arc piping their sad songs eveiy
evening at least it always sounds sad to
us Wo can rcmember of thinking so
when as a little gill we used to sit on the
dooi step in tho quiet evening to enjoy
the "whip-poor-will" cry, and the "katy
did" and "katy-elidn't" dispute away (low n
in the fields. We don't hear theso birds
heio, but wo wish our little friends could
hcai them.
A public spirited man biougbt some
"lioli-whitcs" and let them loose in Marion
county, and one day this summer while
riding along not far fioiiiSilom we heaid
the long remembered call, 'bob-white,"
"bnb-white," fiom an old oak tiee. You
inavbosiup it seemed pleasmt to us, foi
we bad many a time unsworn! his call
away back in Ohio; so we waitid a little
and soon he camoand sat on the top mil
so tb it we could seehim We hope that
oui bort wont bo too le.idvto shoot lit our
guist, "bob-white," or an other sort of
biids.foi they are all Useful to man; even
thoowlpickslipmieoand nits moiothan
encugh to pay for a chicken now and
Wo arc ever so much obliged to Oscar
for his kind thoughtfulnesH, but wo can
not go anywhere, Ik-ciiiiho wo have no
hor-es, but if Oscar will let us know next
year, wo may bo able to get to Wheatland,
for wo may have a team then. Tho wild
berry is so much nicer than the ultiiatod
kinds. Aunt Hetty feels so humbloand
yet so proud, humble for she feels that she
docs so iioorly for her littlo friends, and
proud, too, that so many express a love
for her.
Leonard has xxn silent so long that
wo felt anxious alout him, hut ho comes
now- witli such a good letter that wo are
Botli of our letters aro fiom loys, ami
we want to say something to all of our
bos to-day, to warn them, while oung,
and wlulo their habits are lieing formed
To-day we saw the funeral of a oung
lio who shot himself took Ids own life
w hich w as v ery w icki d and w rong It
is supjGbed by some that ho had been
reading too many of those dime novels
ami hod got las mind so rumed by them
as to think it bravo and romantic to
shoot himself with a pistol The day Ix
f ore we heard of three young men who
had taken their lives all on that day. Is
not this dreadful four oung lxys in
two days, right here among us, in tho
same State, and wo hapm to know of
them all. How cow anil and wicked it
is to do tlii". and how it must make tho
hearts of fathers and motheis suller to be
so bereaved and s0 disgraced. It is a
disgrace, and in some countries such per
sons aie not allowed to be buried in con
secrated ground, but mo buried at some
cross roads with great contempt. We
hoH' our bo s will despise such i owardly
acts and will biavely go ahead, doing the
veiybcst tbev can in tho situation in
which it has pleased Ood to call them.
It is haul foi many to fight thiough life,
with perhaps hard things to contend
with, but if wo do the best we can we
have a clear conscience and will be en
titled to a blessing.
Bhook, July 11, 1881.
Kditor Home Circle :
T leeeived your letter all right, and was
pleased to hear from ou. This leaves us
all well, and I hope it will find ou the
same. About tho bbickbei lies. We aie
so busy that we cannot possibly go so far
off as to up in tbp mountains, but if you
will come here you can get all the henries
von want. We went out thrco times a lit
tle while at a time and picked aliout two
gallons I'ach. We wont down on tho
bottom neai Wheatland. If you will
comedown Friday or Satutday wo will
all go togethei and have a good time.
Our hoises aro at work now, and they
will bo tho week after next, but next
week I don't think they will have any
thing to do I am sorry to say that wo
have sold the pony. Love to all. Wiito
soon all of you. Yours tiuly,
Oscvu C. Sen mi I'll.
Civir. Bnsi), July :M, 1881.
Editor Homo Circle:
As I have not seen anv letters from this
place, I concluded to write ortiy towiito
and make tho promise good, which I
made long ago It appeals that all of
oui old correspondents do not Intend to
write anv moie to tho Circle'. I think
some of them will wiito when they see
that I am writing once moie.
Haivi'st has faiily begun hoi.' and tho
he.uleis, self binding haivostnrs, teapots
md thteshers, niiv be seen at wotk,
haivcstiug and thii'shing tho golden
I will tty and tell something about my
trip to the beach, at the mouth of the
Coquillo river. A putyof us, nine in all,
started from this place the last day of
June, and got to the summit of the eoist
l.mge of mountains by datk and tlieio
camped for the night. Myself and two
.voting ladies, being anxious to teach the
summit first, got out of the wagon and
walked to tho top, getting theio about
half an hour befoie tho wagon. Wo
made u routing file, then went in search
of watei, which was not haul to find. It
is needless to say wo slept well, way up
in the mountains w heio wo could bieatho
the fresh mountain air. We kept a firo
burning all night. The next morning
wo aiose e'atlv and starti'd on down the
earn on. At the old toll-house wo stopped
awhile and caught some fish, wo saw lots
of tipe salmon berries and thimblo-boi-ries,
but we did not get any of them lo
eat. July 1st wo reached home about 7
o'clock in the evening, we were very glad
to. soo our father anil mother, as wo had
not seen them for a long lime. July Id,
wo started foi Myrtle Point, wo spent the
ith at that placo and had iisjx'iidid time.
Kmlyon the morning of tho 5th wo got
onboatd the steamet and steamed down
tlie Coquillo rivei. Wo ai lived at Co
quillo City about 8 o'clock and stopped a
few minutes and on down tho river wo
steamed. Wo passed sevetal nice places
along the river which I cannot describe
heie. When wo leached the mouth of
the river the wind was blowing very brisk
and cold Wo stayed at tho bench two
nights and then returned homo feeling
that wo had ample rewards for tho money
spent I will close by saving, lot ever
boy and gill who reads this shak a good
woidfoi tho Win.VMi.rri: Fviiviiu
Li ox Min Itomiixs
A Fish Tank on Wheels
Ono of tho p.ihuo cats belonging to llio
I'nited States Fish Commission staitid
on WidiKsclay evening foi California,
with a i.ns ngei list of o'ing fish num
bering 18,000 The cat in its appear
ance, and to a large extent in its internal
ariangenii'iits, resembles if modern sl ep
ing cu There aro the compartments nt
eaeh end In tho one (ompartim nt is
what may bo called the offu o of tho sup
erintendent Hero is a table fixid be
tween two scats, with a hanging lamp
above. The space above tho two ico
tanks, uliii h arc built upon e.u h side of
tho paxsagi way, and aro used when nec
essary to ecxil the ail that passes through
tho fish tanks in the car, is utilized foi
pigeon holes. Tho compartment at the
other end is used for a kite hen. 'Ihe
central pai t of thocar has an aisle running
thiough tho center, and, in pl.uo of the
seats on each side, are wide wooden ledges
about three feet high, on which urn placed
tho tin fish tanks Berths liko those in
sleeping iurs aie along tho side for the
use of the sus'riu(c ndiiit and his assis
Units Tim dining table is placed in the
aisle, with seats m tho ledges Tho human
passengers, as well as the fish, live in the
Tho fish aro not plac ed m tho tanks filled
with water, as tho motion of tho train
wcnild dash tho water alxiiit and destroy
muny oung p.issengers Instead, about
twenty fish aio placed in gallon tin pails,
and the so pails aro put in tho tanks, mid
then tho latter filled with water With
tho carp, however, the water in the' pails
is suflicie-nt anil tho motion of tho car
tends to tho circulation of air in tho water,
keeping it fresh Tho atte nelaiits, how
ever, renew tho water every eight hours,
and keeji a careful watch to remove anv
fish that may have die el Tho percentage
of fish lost' by death is, however, very
small. The fish do not complete their
tiavels when thoy leave tho car. For
instance, the first stop w hich w ill be made
by this car will Ik; maelo at St. Loui
whole tisn will bo loit lor applicants re
siding in Missouri anil Atkansas. From
thU lHiint. nails of fish will lift sent nil
ovei tho States by expiess at tho expense
of the consignee'. Washington Star.
ir,i,,t,!.t Vim ilm lii'lit Tl w hpttl f
to leturn a kiss for a blow. And a great
ileal sweeter. Christian at Work.
A statistician estimates that court-hips
aveiage tlneo tons of co.il each Ex.
alirays Cures and never Diiappolntf
Tho world's great Faln-HeUv.
for Man and Boast. Cheap, quiet
and reliable.
Narcotic. Children grow flit
upon, Mothers liko, and Physi
cians rccoiuiirciid CASTORIA.
It regulates tho Bowels, cures
"Wind Colic, allays Foverishness,
and destrojs "Worms.
Cure, a Constitutional Antidote tar
this terrible malady, by Absorptlon
The most Important Discovery slnof
Vaoolnatlon. Other remedies may
rolieve Catarrh, this oures at aw
stage before Consumption sets In.
maw KAinrmis or
Portable and Stationary
And Steam Hollers of tho best dct-tii-n, matorlat ft&d
u i rkmanuhlp Our siu illcr alzo- cxpi. illy adapt! M
Farm and Plantation Use.
We iiuniita'tiiro lx l?c$ ot Suw Mllli, with eaptcf'
t ofliom Thrco to Uttj Tlioumml foot per day, llti
Ono Saw Bond lor our iaclal circular ol OUT No. 1
Plantation Saw Mill, which m soil for
IlluetiutuJ Catalogues of Machinery sent Fre.
a'17 Clin John llinl Wntrr Sin., dioclunstl. .
V. K. Cor. Suoiiil and Y iinhlll Sis ,
A. V. Ahmitkong,
J A. W i-.se o,
I'tnutin and StcrcUry
Designed for tho Business Education of Doth Sexti
Admitted fi my wnkd.j of tliv jcir,
Of nil MndscxittiUd i.iottUr at rt un Mu ratttf
Sitisfiictimi KiMrmtiLd
I hu Colli gu "Jtmrn il,M cnntilulnir lururimtloA
of llio rourfco of ituiU, rilin of tuition, timo to
iltr, tic, nnd lilt of il iln uid otiuuuttUl pen
in intdili', trie
All tlniHi uho frnin IndlsCfsV
iim.y i si i umi .. in iii ii. r i it marl
iiruai it If mini ri I rl. IliU ADlf
Itul, I livttWuily ilr.ti.iid.a.id
untitilt' to -rfirm HiVadtt
il ptuj ri).uiirHttrittiM
y it ml penuuTiftitly cured,
without hiornut li imtluinf-i.
I mL,ru.il In iliu tliTM. till nil
ttmitmUtiu i HUH fU3t4d'
trill rMy htiyn Ihf old
nlatiuf Ij-culluif NrrvuuftD
I.IIIIt, IMij.lrul !
Ar f ilMilly HUi i ruHlea at
J,vrri liuplr viuea a;
siiiri.il nt furlnlli rt ttNimtlOIi
to full Mid erf3Ct mtt
It " BSM'i t"T" " " I '
liootf, hliiii-lH fiTictlyf,
cl-unly iileuKuru Hfiid for
treatlne I uiiitulliilluU UllD
n yiiiiHii iff-
-10 W aim " I"!"
107 Tlilnl HI., 1'OlllXAMJ, OKKCIOK.
All llii 1.4'ImIIiik Smvlllir Miuhlmi, Ollf
itfllntf, Atlai liitii nt ami (h nil
1MB I'urU fur aula).
All kliiiUiif SHliii.tlliliiiltl"lr,I
Mini Witriiiiilnl.
The Bouiehold and White Seving liic.iatt,
W it 1 W Fullun (M., e w YMkV
Pt HAI.I SIRa ria Ms