Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 29, 1883, Page 6, Image 6

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s0ar ottnrif.
cnntalc-Eound Valleys of Marlon County
The hint for this pper i derived from
Satit Vtrhorum, published in tho CoUmU for
Tho eastern frontier settlements of Maiion
county have been for years past creeping up
the vallies unci rising on to the benches of the
western slopes of the Cascade Mountains, the
summit riiljjo of which forms the" east bound,
ary line of the county. For mist of the dis
tance across tho county these foot-hill farms
and clearings do not cxttn! ten miles from
tho plain of tho Willamette Valley, and many
ol them next to it were easily converted from
ferny openings and hush patches Into cleared
farms. As the advance is made eastward, the
timber prowth U'ci lues a more formidable ob
stacle towards making a farm, so much so
that most native Americans, who leave the
Willamctto Valley to seek new localities, go
esst of the Cns adp range rather than here
begin anew, ho that these lands are being
mostly takin up by Germans who thumork
out a rugged mil hardy independence. Tho
advance of the settlement, except in the
southeast corner nf tho county, will not, I
think, aver'en moro thnn twenty-five miles
from the Willamette river. In tint corner,
however, it extends forty miles tiy following
so far the valley of fie North Santiam. At
this point and h'r a few miles further wist
there is yet vacant government and railroad
waiting for settlers. "Some of these lands have
fern opening", but most are clothed with very
oxcelli-nt timber, which willsomool thesedays
pay handsomely for cr,nverlnn into lumber.
From thl point northward for fourmilensnmo
land has lioi-n taken up, but there arn only a
few familial settled on the Klklmrn branch of
the Little Santinm, which enters tho renin
stream nti.ir Mehama, twelvo miles west of
this, It vnnd tlnse few sittlers. noith to the
boundary lino between Clackamas ami Marion
counties, lie the mountain-bound vallevs of
the "little river," as it is here railed. From
this point ea-tward, up the main stream, it is
forty thren miles to the summit or dividing
lino between Marion and the new county of
Crook, created out of southern Wasco.
With the character of tho water sheds of
Ilntto crick, Aliriua, Silver and Drift creeks,
I am unacquainted, and evm with the Littlo
Santiam my knowledge is mostly secondhand
I know its territory, however, sufficiently to
say that thcro are many locations within it
well worth the attention ot cattlo breeders of
moderate ineuns. With the main valley I svn
more familiir, although not so fully informed
i I 1 opo to bo btforo tho cIobo of this year.
Fott'v miles from Salem this valley n'srows
till it insy be callud a gorge, for a distance of
six miles, when tho highest and most wt,ed
portion nf tho lango seems to bo passed. The
valloy here In gins to widen out, and fi'ty
threo miles fioni Salem another cnnfluiiit
oomes in from tho north, giving fully one
third tho water to tho main stream. Tho bot
tom lauds Inch margin thu river hero are
for the most )virt pavid, under a thick coat
ing of moss and a thin coating of soil, with
rounded sti ne As we proceed eastward
thesu long bottoms, (as tho sett era call thorn)
become lietier lands, tho mountains hecomo
apparently much lower, thcro is a poiceptil4u
ohangii in the air, and twenty miles up stream
brims us into Independence valley, at a point
nearly south of, and seven or eight miles from
the baso of Mt. Jefferson. Hero we hvo
piissid through fifty miles of timber region,
most of it of the most valuable kind and if
u'.agnificent cmwth for lumbering. As it
clothes the highest Mid tho most ruggid of
tlicso iminnln ns to tin tr tops, it robs tho
clouds id their rain, and for t hit rtoson this
mountain bound v.ill y at its upper endhas
largely the dry air of Haiti m Oregon, spiced
with thu miiiglul odors ol alltho pines, tho
mountain I aim and thu inanzineta. I liavn
never feen in nn other part of Oregon so
many vaiiitiis of piuea as grow near togothor
Much of the timber in this valley aro
around the ensti rn and wi stern base of Mt.
Jefferson has hi-ni killed nlnngtimnnvo. The
wni in Ui mid belter of this valh y may bo
judged from the fact that tho orditmry-shor
steuiinid wild stiuHbrriy ripens hero at the
ssme date huh the same variety ripens on
the sand duniH f Clatsop pluius, near tho
mouth of the Columbia river.
In iimiintolv north of this valley, between
it nod Mount .Irlluson, is a body of gratH
land, variously estimated i.t fioni 1,000 to
1,(100 acres, in which all tho grasiis in Kist
ern and We.it in Oregon scorn tu find a onti
genial homo 0 i all tho cu ifluei.ti thatflow
into tho m tin valley here, so tar as examined,
small pitches of braver dam land or raall
lake beds, vsrrvinu cnirsu seiky grass is
found. Kioiii thiH point it is thirty miles to
the nearest sett lei's liouso in thu iltamette,
westward, and about eighteen miles eastward
to the nearest settler on the Matolias, a
branch of thu Duii-liiltUw. Up to this point
tho salmon ai'ond from the Willamette for
breeding purposes; they also asc ml tho Ma
tolias to its very head spiiugs, at the titse of
flack llutte. On both fides ol the summit
sin ill likrs and trout atriann aro so plentiful
ns to iiiisLo eltlier a very paradise for the
"Will Wimble" of either Knglish or Amer
ican i-nciity; indeed 1 know of no portion of
the Pacific C nt so mnr a natural siimmor
gaino purl, m a block of country ten miles
from Jtllrioii, south, and twenty miles east
would maUi,
Hut 1 am reminded that I a'li not writing
for the "Will Wiinblo" who are dovotod to
the rod ami tun, but for tlitno who have got
beyond the idavtinio of 1 fo and wih to work
out a purnoiul i d petitioner on laud of their
own. For such I know of no place within our
county whioh nlfurs so ea-y a ohaneo to begin,
and which promts a bo much of development
as this lndept-iidencti valley and its lirauohss.
I oumot my how extensive thu country is
susceptible of settlement, but wi'h even a
wagon ro id from l'riiiesville to Salem and
Albtiiy pissing tlumigli it, which 1 reuard
only as a tU0.limi of time, it will soon bo oo
oam'til by enuiigh sttltrj to form a s;iiiil
ueighb rl tntl and found a town. Shoulu a
railrojil bo laid through it, of which them Is
hop-, noiiiiOied by tho possibility of the Ore
gin Short l.ii n amending the M.tlliour wesl
waul Inim Sniktt river, crossing th country
kiiswu as the Malheur Ileservatlon and tho
Crooked liver country to Salem, Portland
and Atori i, or some other deep water port,
this cntiro vall.iy would suddenly Ktoomo
noisy 1th sawmills, and lumber wool I leave
i buth. east and wrtt in Uige t)uantitit. A
railroad omld hi Isld from Salem to lnJeprn
donee villey liy fo low inil the meander of tits
river, with a grade to its fall, estimated at
from forty to nut foot pjr mile In tho mouo.
talus. I'Y in heri to the siimuiit is ten miles,
lateral spurs making out "roni themsin ridre
on both aid j, s.irtin to cummin ohaervat'on
offer sy nmsus of laying a r'dri"d oyer it.
flio distanca is twenty mil-s from what way
be callol tli pi tin of ilia Wilhniftte t that
f the Drschuttr. ami no man who hat setti
the iff vis oi tho West 'ile railrotl ri from
lm Widunstto at rnrtlintl M hi lutiaua
suVih wti'ild think tin enginei-riii dull Jultiea
of crossing from plain t plain uiuurmauut.
able. Tim rid w admit of ssitlemeut ti r
tho top ou each aide, while tu wild trasses
of Eastern Oregon come to and over the sum
n It in places.
The valley I have tried to describe has tho
best climate for permanent pasture when the
forests, which are the natural product of its
warm and comparatively moist climate shall
Im! removed. From Halem or Albany to the
larye springs of the Matolias, well out on the
Deschuttes, is ninety miles. From here to
the west edge of tho Juniper plslns, called
the desert, which is the liest natural winter
stock range of Kastern Oregon, is short ten
miles. So inviting is the sir do, water and
grasses of the east slope of the range during
the summerand fall months th i. tho east side
stock graze frequently up to and even over
the top in places, and further north setthrs
aro coming over into the upper valleys of the
Clackamas.., it Into in Colo't.
Seattle as Seen by a Stranger.
Tho following, written by a new coner, wo
take from a late Iowa paper :
I am now s'opping in Seattle, a city beau
tifully located in what is known as Eliott
Hay, which is part of I'uget Sound. This is
tho largest city on tho sound. It boasts now
of a population ot six thousand aitnal set
tlers, besides a floating population ot two or
three thousand moro. " The ci'y is on the eaat
side of tho bay, has a gradtd nso from the
watir front lock for over one mile, wincn
gives every street a fine view of the sound,
and I will say that no picture I ever saw cin
portray a rceno iiko me or.o oeioru us. n. m
thu bonst nf this izrcat Northwest that I'uget
Sound is the finest hai bor in the w orld. I ho
Oreat Eastern would float with sifcty within
100 feet of its bank", and most of tho tune it
is like a sea of glass, and at all times is i-afo
from storm, being about 90 miles back from
tho f'acifio Coast. The coist rango of snow
clad mountains aro in full view from all parts
of the sound, although beinir 60 miles away,
yet they have the apiicnraiico of no mir-t than
live n.iles Mount Kanhr of the Cascade
range is also in full view with an elevation of
nearly three nines, ueing ine nignesi. in me
territory, and Mount Hood and other peaks
all heir to make up as fine a picturo as tho
eye ever looked upon. The cltmatn is as hue
as ono could wish for, mild as a summer day
both summer and wintiT, if you could cull it
winter. No high wind or severe storms at
any time. Tho rain always comes from tho
south, and brings with it a warm gentle air
that one wanti to get out ami enjoy, ito
have had about four days rain in tho form of
mist within tho nait two weeks, and the bal
ance of tho time as fine a sunshmo as Iowa or
any other State can boast of. Every new
comer is in rsptures over this fine climate,
and enn hardly realizo that wo are Btill in the
winter months for most of the States, yet the
old sotthr.s say this is tho worst part of tho
year. If this is so, I can hatily imagine
what tno spring, Bummer mm tun iiiunt u.
A. to the business of the t.'Wn, thtre is a
perfect rush in all departments everything
is on tho rush from morning till night. It
looks as if every one was on the tngli pressure
gsit. Many ot tho streets have a penect
blockade of lumber and brick, as largo blocks
re toinir un in ovcry direction, anil privato
dwellings by tho hundreds, all through differ
cut, newly laid out additions. I am living
over a mile from the iiusincn comer, yci nicy
aro building all kindstlf business houses almost
to my door, and I expect to be well filled in
by fall. They expect that this will bo tho
Chicago of tho west, and the building tush is
similar to that of Chh ago after tho tiro. They
hold city lots at fabulous prices, and aro build
inir bnck from tho water front over a mile.
Many (inn residences nre going up among the
native trees and stuinns. They havo two lino
lakes back of tho city, ono within its limits,
which will add to to its scenery, it anything
could make it more attractive.
A Trip North.
It....- .!. .t ...... I, ,. !,,,! nnnunn t
Uu,,Br. ..- .........-
tike a hasty trip north, as far a, I me creek:
Wo vis.ttd ilcnrsee, Moscow, four anie,
PalousoUity, fariiiiiigtou, ueep iretK, i"
Cove, Paloueo llridgo and the country inter-1
vening, We noticed many changes for tho
better in all the townsnud a deciilediinprovo- j
inent upon many of the lanclies of farmcis,
silica we passed through most of tho suno
section of country last year. Moscow, Four
Mile and Viola adjacent. Paloueo City ar.d
Farmiugton, as towns, had mado good addi
tion to their number of buildings and all in
dicated that they felt confident and hopeful
that each was hound to grow and thrive ns
towns where their business, derived fiuin the
immediate district of each, wou'd bo ample
to nuke each thrive from their own district
to maintain a lively and steady trado for
years to come, whilu somu of them seemed to
euteitsiu strong hopes that they would soon
absorb such an excess of trado that they would
cause the others soon to dwindle to such in
stgulticaucu as to tumble them to soon annihi
late the others ami leave them only as agri
cultural ranches. Several days before we
reached theso towns wo found tho Moscow
people had for a long time before, been per
meating these northern districts, both by
button-holing and public speaking ou the
question of the removal of thu county seat,
ami had made a great many highly colored
and false statements in regard to tho people
of Luwistin, and the situation and claims of
Moscow to n county seat at tho present, ami
by these misrepresentations uncontradicted,
as no ono from Lewistou was there to contra
iliot them, many had come to the conclusion
that the charges against Lowistnu must bo
true. We went out to gather the gist of thoso
and to defend tho right and, if possible, dis
f abuse the public mind of tho falsehooiUwhich
hail been scattered broadcast among tho peo
ple north of tho Seven Mile mountain. Wo
met tho people in live places, one each day,
at 7 l'. M. and with the little time wo had dis
coursed to them upon the question of reloca
tion! its orign, history ami lacts. un escn oi
ili niaevenincs Mr. Oicutt. of the lloom-
tranj, assisted us, and Mr. McKcrn, of Mos
cow, stoke against our position and for ought,
we could apprenoiiti, sougni to jusiuy me -legations
which had been mado ag Inst tho
people of Lewiston, and whined because the
other speakers would not, as he affirms, suffir
him to occupy as much time of the meeting
as each ol tho other speakers had, notwith
standing the Moscow man had previously oc
cupied the tield and had given no notice to
tawiston that they were to meet the people
publicly and discuss the qinstlon. We ex
plained the situation fully, and still he whim d
and complained of abuseandwaut ot court-sy.
Itut the people did not aroit i" that light ami
permitted Iewiston advocates to take what
time they wanted. Hut this with what Mr.
MoKern aluorWl each eveuiug, detained the
lwonle at each ulacx of leaking till from 12
tu I o'clock och night. The result will show
wl h what effect the cauvass was nude upon
each side of the issue. e returned to lien
. .T t i ., l -I-..I.... . I ..
cure aud there remained inivugn cieuuuu us; . it tiowu us ugiit us Hssiiiies in iitu nun
and took an active tart in a mure private and jp 0( PocoiiiW'r ho opened his silo and
individual manner, with others of LeVm' . found the corn us swivt and fragrant as
to aid us m endeavoring tu present the claims
of Lewistou and the reason why the couuty
est should remain where it now is, and we
then came home saiittiod with the result.
l.tuUton Ttlltr,
Why Do Teeth Decay 1
The Americans generally have poorer
teeth thnn other people. Various explana
tions havo been ofTcrcd. Eating sweet
things, catinK sour things, eating hot food
alternating hot drinks with cold drinks,
and other practices, havo been suggested
as causing the trouble. No doubt troth
are injured by such means, and it will bo
well to avoid any excess in thoi-c direc
tions. Dr. Dio Lewis attributes the decay
of teeth to neglect to keep them clean.
"Keep your teeth clean," says he, "and
they won't decay." Keeping the teeth
clean is one of the most important means
of preserving their decay. Toothpicks
should tic used nftcr each meal to remove
food lodged about tho teeth and then the
mouth should bo rinsed with water to re
move other remnants of food, and before
retiring at night tho teeth should bo
brushed with clean water. AUmt twice
each week tho brush, after having been
wet, should bo rubbed upon a piece of
castilo soap and the teeth brushed with it.
This is highly promotive of health of tho
teeth. The state of health of the person
has an important inllucncoovcr the teeth.
A person in poor health, with n. deranged
digestion, is much more likely to lo.-e his
teeth than one who is in good health.
There is a difference in teeth, Some per
sons' teeth are much harder and more en
during than others and will resist decay
longer. Some teeth are very brittle, some
what soft, and decay readily. Every one
should endeavor to maintain good health,
keep liis teeth well cleansed, and try to
preserve them from decay. II. Reynolds,
M. I), in New England Farmer.
A Cheap Paint for Farm Buildings.
Professor Knnpp, of Iowa Agricultural
College, says that experiments upon tho
collego farm have decided in favor of tho
following preparation as a very excellent
paint for outbuildings, and ns far as tested
it seems to answer nil tho conditions of
moro expensive paints: To three parts
crude petroleum and ono part linseed oil
add sufficient mineral paint to give tho
desired body and apply with a brush.
For better buildings whito lead may be
added in the proportion of one pound of
lead to five pounds of mineral paint.
Crude petroleum costs only from six to
eight cents per gallon by tho barrel, and
can be obtained through any druggist or
dealer in oil anywhere. A barrel would
bo handy for any farmer to have in the
house, w'ho might then do tpiantities of
painting at odd times. Not only ought
barns, fences, hog pens and stables to bo
painted, but the roofs and floors of these
An Old Battlc-Fleld ot tho Plains.
Two miles from Mandan has been
found a vast burial ground of some pre
historic age, which embraces one hun-
aeros, and is filled with the remains of
... MM. II..,., ,1........
PUIIIi; (i'.lui 1,1.1. ...v.... , ...i ..,.
)f , tl.L,lu.iu,s (,lled With
()f ,( (,mk iniltol.il, delicately finished,
nn,i .,s lij;lit as wood, showing tho work
0f u 10cili? skilled in the art, and in n high
8tuto of civilization. Tlio burial ground is
evidently tho scene of a grand battle,
where thousands of men and horses were
slain, and marks the resting placoof some
pre-lnstoric nation. An out iiuuan, on
lioing asked who they were, taid ho knew
nothing of them ; they were there before
the red man, Fargo Argus.
till 1110 -llll lll-u, UIU Kitlib lumni; -
tween New York and Brooklyn, spanning
East river was opened with appropriate
ceremonies. It is acknowledged to bo
tho greatest monument of engineering
skill in structures of this kind that lias
been erected. The famous Menai bridge
built in 18111-25 long and considered as
ono of tho wonders of tho world has a
span of 1,050 feet. Tho Niagara bridge,
completed in 1S55 is 2,220 feet long. The
Clifton bridge, over tho Niagara river is
1,2(18 feet long. Tho ICielf bridge, 2,f)(!2
feet j tho Cincinnati and Covington, over
tho Ohio river, 1,0(17; the St. Louis bridge
(entiro length) 2,225 foot. Tho latter
consists of three arches supported by
abutments at either shore, and two piers
in tho river. Tho New York and llrook
lyn bridge is 5,1)8!) feet. Tho length of
tiio river span, hung upon towers that aro
278 feet iiIkivo liigli water mark, is 1,505 J
foot, and each of the land spans is SKIO
feet. The Brooklyn approach occupies
071 feet, and tho 'New York approach
l,5ti2J foot. Tho work was itogun Jan. I),
IS70. About if 15,000,000 havo been ox
ponded on tho bridge, and tho total cost,
when all improvement aro made at tho
approaches, and tho arches aro tilted up
for warehouses, will not bo much short of
-.. .1.. inn. :.. . .1 i I. ..:.!.... I...
ThoNashua (N. II.) Telegraph tells how
n Yankee- farmer improvised a small and
cheat) silo bv sinking n molasses hogs
head into tho ground in his ham collar.
Ho cut up all his corn fodder with a hay
cutter, supposing he had enough to till
nliout four hogsheads, but on packing
found it wouldn't fill one. Ho then bought
of a neighlnir ns much moro ns one horso
could draw, and still there was room. Ho
then cut up tho stalks from a piece of
sweet corn, and with a lot of rowen man
aged to fill his hogshead. He mado a
closo titling cover, and with a jaekseivw
set under one of tho lloor timbers, pressed
' .. , . .- t . . . .... :I1. 1.. .1 :.l
when put in. r rotn the hogsheail ho leu
ono cow halt n bushel of ensitiiKO morning
mill night for two months, ami considers
it tho Itotd producing fivlthnt can bo fed.
This yc.ir ho proposs. to (ill tho hogshead
with oats cut just as they aro in the milk.
"Why is a young man iiko a kernel of
corn?" asked a young lady. "Because,'
said another, "lie turns white when lie
Kcccnt losses of farm buildings by fire
as reported in various parts of the country,
should serve as reminders to careful farm
ers of tho importance of insuring their
premises without further delay.
Bella has just started out with her
swain for a walk, when her little brother
Johnny culls to her, "I say, Bella, don't
you bring that feller back hereto tea with
you. Mamma says there ain't mor'n
enough biscuits to go round as it is."
Dear met" exclaimed Lucindia, "what
a tiresome talker that Dr. Jelkcr is! His
long talks would tire anything!" Whereat
her brother Tom, the wheelwright's ap
prentice, said : "I'd like to sec him talk
long enough to tire a wagon wheel!"
Lady (to deaf butcher): "Well, Mr.
Smallbones, how do you find yourself to
day?" Smallboncs "Well, I'm pretty
well used up, mum. J-Jvcrynus gone;
they've almost tore me to pieces for my
shoulders, and I never had such a run on
my legs."
A member of a fashionable congrega
tion called at a music store and inquired :
"Havo you tho notes of a piece called the
'Song of Solomon?' adding, "Our pastor
referred to it yesterday as an exquisite
gem, and my wife would like to learn to
play it."
Tho system of co-operation in France
is rapidly extending among fanners for
the purchase of seeds, manures and im
plements of the first quality, The mem
bers of the society bind themselves indi
vidually to guarantee the payment of all
orders given.
In many parts of tho South cotton
lands davo decreased seriously in value
since the war. Mixed husbandry is be
coming the rule rather than the exception.
Ccorgia farmers, as well as those of Vir
ginia and tho Carolinas, are paying in
creased attention to truck farming.
Somcliody said to Bobcrt Hall "How
many discourses do you think, Mr. Hall,
may "a minister get tip each week?" An
swered Hall: "If he is a deep thinker and
great condenser, ho may get up one ; if
lie is an ordinary man, two ; but if he is
an ass, sir, ho will produce half-a-dozen.'"
India is becoming a sturdy competitor
in the grain markets of Europe. England
is doing all in her power to develop the
wheat interest by the increase of trans
portation facilities, the development of tho
Indian railway systems and in tho gene
ral cheapening of freights.
"Do you know what bulldozing is?"
asked li man of an old farmer "I thought
1 did," said the granger; "but tho bull
wasn't dozing ; he was only making be
hove, and being in tho middle of a for
ncro lot, I naturally had to make pretty
quick time to reach tho fence nhead of
A debtor who was sued by his creditor
acknowledged that bo had borrowed the
money, but declared that tho plaintiff
kncw'nt the time that it was a Kathleen
Mavoureen loan. "A Kathleen Mnvoui
een lonnl" "That's it, judge ono of tho
'it may lie for years, and it may bo forever'
Henry Orosjean, tho French Commis
sioner of Agriculture, who has been in
this country several months studying its
climate and resources, has returned to
New York. He states that his extended
tour through the country has convinced
him that Manitoba, Minnesota and the
Northwestern States generally, were not
adapted for French colonization.
Wo parted in silence, we parted by night,
On the banks of a beautiful river;
No sound but agurgle, as, its out of my sight,
Swift she satik, with scarcely a shiver.
The idjhtengales warbled, the stars sweetly
And, though she will rise again never,
No sorrow was shone for tho life that had
For that cat is silent forever.
"You see, grandma, wo perforate an
aperture in the apex, and a correspond
ing aperture in tho base, and then by ap
plying the egg to tho lips anil torcibly m
lulling tho breath, the shell is discharged
of its contents.' "Dear mo!" exclaimed
tho out lady, "what wonuerfiu improve
ments they ilo make! o; in my
younger, days they just mado a hole in
each end and sucked."
A youth was endeavoring to enjoy an
evening in tho company of a young lady
upon whom he hail calico, but lounil a
serious obstacle in tho person of a stern
father, who at length ventured very
plainly that the hour for retiring had ar
rived. "I think you are correct, my dear
sir," returned the unabashed young man.
'We havo boon waiting for you to go to
bed for over an hour.
Hawthorne once sain that caresses
or expressions of somo kind aro as neces
sary to the life of tho affections as leaves
aro to tho life of a tree. No ono would
think of disputing this; and yet how few
really tender words aro said by members
ot tho latniiy to each other. Thcro is
many a woman who lias novcr since her
courtship heard a wonl of love from her
husbauil, until possibly on tier living bed
some expression of his love for her has
been wrung from him. Men who aro cap
able of bettor things must lo greatly
moved More they express in words half
they fool.
nice ot Fannin Lands.
A letter i before us from Henry Warren,
of MoSlinnvilte, this State, who writes to
Horace Root, F.sq., here, inquiring the price
of good farm land and pasture land near Ash
land, Mr. Wan en states that he writes for
some friends lately from Indiana, who wish
to know something of our country. The let
ter is similar to many others ireeired by us
and others here, and we shall briefly answer
I it and others, past and future, by giving as
. . :t-i. mnfh information as is
sccirateiy as puea""
ought: , , .
Good improved farming land in thii i rortof
of Eogue liver valley maybe vmhutdi.
from twenty to ooo hundred dollars per acre,
depending upon the extent and value of im
nrovements, advantage or duadvant go of
fat', character of the oil, water fac.fl.les,
etc etc Two excellent farms, about two
miles apart, lelongine to the same person
containing about 4 0 together, havebeen
sold rice.'. tly for $3,000. Another good farm
in the same neighborhood, containing about
300 a is. fferedf.irS7.C00 These are wholly
arable land, with good buildings and all mod
ern farm improvements upon them-choice
p'acts. The price, therefore, must not be
regarded as what might be loosely epoken of
as the "general aver gt" for the farm lands
in this valley. Some of the most productive
land may be boughtforon.-half or one-fourth
the figures given. Many partidly covered
wiih timber, or a part of wl ich is too hillv
or lo-ky for easy cultivation, may be bought
at much lower figures and turned into excel
lent farms. Small fatms upon which orchards
could be mado the most prominent source ot
ircome, can be bought at a low figure, and
there arc many placis about in the valley
where some work at clearing oil brush and
timber would reward the illustrious father
with manv acres of tho best kind of arable
land Ea'stof Ashland much of the hill land,
which has heretofore been used only is pas
turage, will in the not distant future be pro
ducing good crops of grain. It is now chtitly
owned in large tracts, but when therocomt'S
a demand for it fcr grain production it will
be speedily cut up into onunary oiei ii..g.
The advantages of soil nd climate htre,
which admit the growth of all kinds of grain
and every variety of fruit known to the tem
perate zone, make Rogue river valley a
favored epot. Here mixed firming wid bring
the best leturns. A good orchard, bearing
apples, pears, plums and peac'ies for the city
market", a few colts wised every year, a
small band of shet-p or cattle or hogs, and a
surplusage of grjin theto are hundreds of
farms in the valley which should yield a good
profit every year from each ona of these sour
ces of income. Graiu wid have an unlimited
market after the railroad is completed, which
will msko it impossible to raise mure than can
be sold to advantaee, and rs we havo fre
quently declared, the peach crop should be
made the sp cialty of our valley, All tho
peaches that can be raised here will find eager
buyers in the Willametto and on the Sound.
As to pisture lards, tln-re are extensive stock
ranges in and Rupouudiug the valley, the ad
vantages of which are now enjotod and will
be still moro fully enjoyed by the owners of
farms or ranches borduing upon the range.
Farms and ri-nchcs of all kiuos may be pur
chased in our valley to tUy at prices which
are reasonable and low, considering all thead
vantages here. For partcularization, how
ever, persons at a distance will have to make
inquiries of our dialers in real estate, reliable
antl eitternrisine representatives of whom keep
t' cir cards and addre-ses in the local papers.
mm Comity I'njitr.
"t e;ms imposs b!e that a reiredy made of
s lull common, simple plants as Hops, Buchu,
M ndrake, D mlelion, etc., should make so
many and such cures as Hop Hitters do; nut
when old and young, rich and poor, pastor
and doctor, lawyer and editor, all testify to
having been cured by them, ou must belitre
aud try th m yourself, and doubt no longir.
Three yeirs ago several thousand young
shad were let loosa iu the Sacramento river,
California, by Piof. Iltird, of the National
Fish Commission, merely as an experiment,
in the hore of stocking that stream with this
favonts and valuable food fish. The benefit
has been far beyond thu highest expectations.
Not only has the sicraineuto ruer become
thoroughly stocked witli shad from this siu
gle transplanting, but rian Francisco Bay and
aP the inlets of the coast as fir north as
Pucct Sound as well. La-.t yoar several shad
were caught in the Columbia river at Astoria,
and this season they are in compilative good
i-upply, and shipments are made daily to this
city. In another year, doubtless, we shall
have them in great numbers. The shad fully
grown is about h-df the size of the salmon,
and in the Iresii itite is scarcely less valuef,
Is not signing a pledge
or taking a solemn qath that
cannot be kept, because of
the non-removal of the cause
liquor. The way to make
a man temperate is to kill
the desire for those dreadful
artificial stimulants that car
ry so many bright intellects
to premature graves, and
desolation, strife and un
happiness into so many
It is a fact! Brown's Iron
Bitters, a true non-alcoholic
tonic, made in Baltimore,
Md.,by the Brown Chemical
Company, who are old drug
gists and in every particu
lar reliable, will, by remov
ing the rraj'ing appetite of
the drunkard, and by curing
the nervousness, weakness,
and general ill health result
ing from intemperance, do
more to promote temperance,
in the strictest sense thin
any other means now known.
It is a well authenticated
tact that many medicines,
especially ' bitters,' are noth
ing but cheap whiskey vilely
concocted for use in local
option countries. Such is
not the case with Brown's
Iron Bitters. It is a medi
cine, a cure for weakness
and decay in the nervous,
muscular, and digestive or
gans of the body, produc
ing good, rich blood, health
and strength. Try oac bot
tle. Price $1.00.
Cor. First anil'Akkr Sts, Portland, Ore.
Merchant Tailor,
And Hatter.
Oiinnuitccs to sell the very
best CLOTJmro for less
Money than any oilier house
in the state.
Salem Marble and Granite
Commsrcial St., South of Post Office
(Post-Otnce Box 89, Salem, Oregon.)
Scotch and California Oitnjt
antl Marble monuments, Head Stoog
Enclose. with California Granite Ul
'allsbulltof every dtscrlptlos
j' ntw Bb(-Hun-fs lilist Hall
ines and Shrubbt ry at verj low rate
rees v. hlch aro ruining so tntnv tr, ca
r-Sond for Catalogue.
No pcrts os
n this Cosjt
As It Is for all the painful diseases of tie!
It ale&nae th BTvtam of tt an-ia n.tm
that causes the dreadful snileslse- wtuch
only the -victims of Rheumatism can rcaUze.
of tho worst forma of this terrible disease
nave Deenqutcluxreueved.andlnBhortUmc
rnrci, $i. liqiid or dry, sold by nr.rccuisj
iWELIS, SICHARTJSOir & Co., Unrllnt-hj-t Vt
ss- l)rr can be sent dt mall.
Kti H sf KPsAVTsa B iTt:,
MirHB w Basssmstaaue rvi-
"We make a full assortment
of all sizes of Enjflnes ana
Saw mills. .
If you want the best sen
for circular.
Dana' Whlto JictalUe Ear Marking tate. "tanu4
to order with rome, or name and addrer s and num.
C n. JJANA, TVest rVanos., Jf.Bs
.. 1 vaa'U hnI
Sj bull. GcU,. Bo,of O-oJUk.t sRI kn J ""
iMTl.OMUathlkM.ts.lnf llaNm. A's
yl(VUI.t. M.YoUfeltXimaokfcSL.K"'9"'
xiaoBi'3 trnw tmmatibw A