WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, OREGON. JUNE 29 1888. STATU ft TERRITORIAL NEWS The Yaquina railroad has a forced 163 men at work. The proposed no len mills at Allany are onsidered as as-ured. The body of Willis Knigton was found on the 14th ii.st In the Calapooia rlrer. The alanghter house of A. Emerick, near Corvallis, was recently destroyed by hre. Loss, $300. The Albany Democrat hopes the Linn eouuty silver mines will turn out to be rich, but seems to question their wealth. Geo. W. Waterhouse has secured the con tract for changing and making extensive addi tions to the flouring mills of J. H. Foster & Co., at Albany. Independent : The fruit crop will be light in Washington county. Mr. J. D. Rowell informs uu that it will boa failure in the Scholl's ferry neighborhood. Some orchards were considerably injured by the freze, ami the cold rains of April blighted most of the plums, prunes aud cherries. From all re ports the fruit crop throughout the State will be light. Corvallis Qavttex The engineering corra for the extension of the West Side railroad to Junction arrived at Corvallis on Tuesday evening reidy for immediate work, consisting of the following named gentlemen : Alex. E. Abend, J. D Moore, F. iL Wesjerm in, Lee Clifton, Ed. Barker, Chas. Wilrle, J W. Qoodiugs. It is unders ood that the work will be continued forward until the road is completed to Junction. A German named Chas. Klinkland died iudd nlv at the ra'.ch of W. B. McContell, near Echo, the 11th inst. Heavy thunder storms, with rain, havu lately prevailed iu Giant county, doing con siderable daman. S2 Walla Walla will observe the natal day with appropriate services. The Oregon Improvement Co.'s flume near Dayton, W. T., was completed on the 16th inst. The prospect for fruit, hay, vegetables, hops and grain is fiue in all parts of the Sound country. JJSays the Ce iterville Examiner: The sur veyors on the Pendleton and Walla Walla branch of the 0. R. &. N. Co., arrived in Cen terville the fir t of last week. They are no locating and cros-sectioiing the road for the graders, who will comnvnee woik immedia tely. It is said by persons who have reason to know, that the read will be completed iu six weeks as far as Centerville. Weston Lender : There is no part of Uma tilla county in which rapid progress in settle ment is more noticeable than in the Cold Spring country. The changes that have taken place in a few years are really surprising. The fertility and productiveness of the soil having b en proven bejond a peradventure its extensive cultivation was immediately en tered up in. To day it boasts af some of the finest farms in the county. The commodiou dwellings, good fences, nd the g.neral air ot prosperity prove that the husbandman has been rnward-d for bis t il. Glorious fields of wheat wave on e cry hill; from its pleasant valleys goes up the hum of industry and con tent, while ev. ry day the settler is pushing nearer the sand banks of the Columbia. The day is not far distant when every arable acre will be claimed and put in cultivation. Thirty eight horses have entered for the July races at Seittle. Whatcom Rtveilte : An organization is be ing effected in Whato-m to fi out an expenit ion to the lich gold districts of the Nooksack, for the purpose of exploring the bights of Mt. Baker. Gold has been found in large quanti ties on the Nooks ick, within thirty rive miles of this city, and it is with a view to develop ing the mines that the expedition i beinc fitted out A prospector who recently ven tured to the snow line on Mt. Baker was re warded by finding several fine nuggets. That there is gold in paying quantities on the head of Nooksack is no longer questioned. The precitns metal simply awaits development, and Whatcom is about to furnish experienced California miners to carry forward the enter prise. Alex Hardy, of Lone Rick, lost $450 by burglars. The O. R. & N. Co. will rebuild at Bla- lock on a larger scale. The round house tn be erected will be twice the size of the one burned down. The tug Columbia rescued three fishermen last Thursday fifreen miles off shore. They had drifted out in boats. Miss Ella Fetter, aged 16 years, of Coos county, has been adjudged insane. A boy named Robert Brown was drowned, the 20th inst.. in Elk creek, near Elkton, while playing among saw logs. Matt Sundwood died suddenly in bed last Tuesday morning, ai aiarsnneiu,vwscouniy. He was a native of Finland. Colfax will soon have a steam fire engine. Spokand Indians have left for the Camas fields. The house of Andrew Bringold, at Spo kane Falls, was entered by burglars and $147 taken. The military te'egraph lines are soon to be closed for want of funds to pay operating ex penses. A telegraph line is proposed between Cheney, Medical Lake and the Big Bend country. The line will be seventy-five miles long. The attorneys of Owenby, who is on trial at Dayton for the murder of Cummins, have withdrawn from the case, and it is stated that Owenby has nude a confession. Charles Matthews, who was accidentally shot and killed on Lipn Island, came from Missouri about two weeks before his death, and leaves a wife and two children. Citiaens of Pataha City have formed a stock company with a capital of $25,000 for the purpose of building a hotel and opening a Seneral merchandising store. Six thousand ollars of the capital stock was subscribed st the first meeting held by the citirens. P. B. Johnson, of the Walla Walla, W. T., Union, s: Since returning home I have interviewed farmers, millers and grain dea'ers from various part of Walla Walla, Umatilla and Columbia counties, and some from Gar field. All unite in saying the fall wheat will yield a fiist-class crop of fine grain, with out rain ; in fact, roost fear that rain w uld damage the crop. Spring wheat, of which there is only, a small area, will yield a fur return for the labor. Barley is in fine con dition, , -i The sum of $500 has been ubcilbed to 'purchase new fnstrumsnti for the Oc:oa cor net band, of Union, Or. Banish ill health, nervouimss. and vexa tion, fretfulne'S, etc., by Browns Iron H.t-ten. Army Officer's Testimony. Captain Joseph L. Hayden, residing at No. 924 Fourth street, Soutli Boston, Mas., for merly Cap sin in the nrmy, i.ow wi h 'he Walworth Manufacturing Compsnv, Soutli Boston, writes April 28, 18S3 : "While liv ing in Cambridt eport my wife was afficted with terrible pains In her back and sides, ac comcanieJ with creat wia!.nes and loss of appetite. She tried many so called remedies without avail, growing rapidly worse, wnen her attention as o tiled to Hunt's Rem dy. She purchased ah tile from Lowell's drug store, in Cambridg' prt, and a'ter taking the first dose she began to teel easier; 'ho could sleep well, and after continuing its ue a short time the severe paius in her back and side or tirely disappeared, and she is a well wrmin. Jianv "ur relatives at a menus have used Hunt's Remedy with the met gratifying remit'. I have recommended it many time", and as many times heard the same story. Hunt's Remedy is all t'.at is claimed tor It. and a real blessing to an i dieted with kidney or lher trouble." NEW EVERY MEEK. Oregon Kidney Tea. From the multitude of certificates received from well known citizens who have been ben efitted by the use of this remedy, th proprie tors, Messrs. Hodge, Davis & Co , have con tracted to publish two new ones each week for the year ending April 1, 1833, that all our readers may see the great benefits it has con ferred on the afflicted. Hakrisburo. Oregon, D c. 31, 1879 I have used the Oreiron Kidnev Tea for pains in the back, a d I am pjtisrjrd with its effects, and do not (imitate to recommend it as a mild and safe remtdy. Z. T. Scott. Harribdro, Oregon, Dec. 31, 18,'9. The Oreiron Kidney Tea has done my wife as much if tut more good than any ot the many rem dies she has used for p .ins in the back, and I believe it to be a g od rem edy for the diseases which it is recommended for. A. M. Cox. Died. At the family rrs dence two miles west of this city, in Polk county, at an eirly hour Sunday morning, June 10th, Mrs. H. (J. Sterl ing. The deceased aruved at her late resi dence twenty three years sine, and I as been an invalid for the past tweuty-tAO years. Her lone and very often painful sickuess was borno with Christian fortitude and patience. Salem Statesman. Rkddino's Russia Salve has proved its efticiency by a test of 75 years' coi stant use. Try it. The new Methodist church at Elm, W. T., will co-t $1,300. Proof Everywhere. If any invalid or sick person has the least doubt of the power and efficacy of Hop Bit ters to cun them, tney can nnu cases exactly like their own, in their own neighborhood, with proof positive that they on be easih aud permanenjly cured at a tr.fliug cost ir ask your druggist it physician. Greenwich, Feb. 11, 1880 Hop Bitters Co. Sirs -I was given un by the doctors t'i die uf scrofula lonsumptiou. Two bottles of your Hitters cured mo. Leroy Brewer. St Helenas Hall. A Boarding ana Day School for Girls. THE FIFTEENTH YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 5th with a corps of fourteen teachers. Iho ough Instruction In E.gllsh, Ancient ana Modern tanruaces. Vocal and Imttumcutal Mu'lc. Drawing, Painting and Calisthenics. The pupils have daily walks In c mi any with a Itacner. tor lurcn r intorraauon Address BISHOP MOKU1S, Hector; or MISS MARY B. KOIINEY, Principal, Portland, ureaon. ljnl)6m Administrators Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HERLBY NOTIFIFD THAT the Connty Court of Multnomah County, State of Oregon, has appointed the undersigned administra tor of the estate of Aaron B Yarnell, deceased, late of said count) and State. All persons hiving claims against said deceased must present the same properly verified within six months from dtte of this notice to the undersigned at the Grango Storo In Powells Vall.j, Multnomah county, Oregon. And all persons Indebt ed to said estate are requesieu to peine same uuiueui ately. . T. K. WILLIAMS, Administrator. Portland, Or, Juna 12th, 18Si. Ju Cl5t4 Corbelt's Fire Proof Livery Hack & Feed Stable. Comer 2d and Taj lor Streets, Portland, Oregon, L. B. MAGOON. Prop. ,TE s.ELEIWIONK NO 10. ...Hacks N s. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 2o. 4 z7. -Orders for Hicks and Bjcgnitou .irons m promptly attended today ornight. THE BARLOW ROAD. THE COMPANY OWNING THIS POPULAR thoroughfare leading into Easteri. Oreg n from lh Willamette Valln. take otrssure In announcing tint Its road is In first eh ss condition. A great amount of work has b en don this mason In replacing bridges sweptout bylast winters noous, ana in repairing mio adding new improvements tn the roid bed. AL hills ... tiAiv mrniAiintpil hv lone: easv trades and we can safely guarantee that a good tem can asoier the roausattli wun a vn oi ircignt. j hiiiuihih. iv f mt noon Is not the least attraction of 'his road. Distance from ' ortland to II ir low's Gate, 78 miles. To ML Hood, 68 miles. Good upplv stations kept at the Toll Gate and summit rraine tourearanaue V. . TleCOWAN, President. H.E.CROSS, Secretarj. Jun.5mJ TUTTS PILLS 8YMPTOM8 OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Fain la the Head, with a dull sensation In the back pari. Fain under the Bnoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability or temper. Low spirits, with a feeling of having n- elected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness Fluttering at the Heart, Dot before the eyes. Tallow Bkln, Headache generally over the right ere, Bettleasnesa, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. 'llH'T'is FILLS are especially adapted to anch cases, one ilose effects such is change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They lamww Us Apsx-Ulr, and cause the body to Take, atss flee, thus tue system Is tnssspWi ana oy meir mmmiw rwm cm um rsMlv Siii.i, Bcsralar (MstaU are pro d. Price .3 cents, fa Hsirrmy at N. T. duced. TU ITS HAIR DYE. Osur Haib ok Wntsa-nui chanced to a tJuxsT Black by aslnglespplicaUonof ibis Use 1 1 Im parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Fol4 by Ururgtsui or sent by espreas on receipt cr iu orrire. u wirbat t new vork. I pr. irrrs SUCL T,lu. I..-rmU .m Ktitfal awMifw .UN mum . .pp AM PULVERIZING HARROW, CLOD CRITSHKH AM LKYKLKIt. xs&aaa&mmssgffl2Bm!& Weighs much less Hum any other Pulverizing Warriro; Sells at about one-third less, ami of The ACME has been ml.lected to the most thtr ujh pmtlusl tcts In all to Ions nf the com.tr), snd has tt tain d a wide stn ad p iiuUtltt It has 'ten pot en 10 t.c adapted lo i. p at i rMj ,t sells., i ml U Iheb st Implement of Its cla sjit pioiuml. at3"Mlliterii.lnat Wild Oil.Utltr ll an ani olhn .nipUnunt made. Send for Descriptive Catalogue J. I. ASB T1I26EKHISU 3IAIIIiE i'OSIPAJVYS EAUIA'EH, TIIHFSllKlsS. IIEiltLRS AX1) SAW 1IIIil. Studebaker Farm and Spring AND J. I. oe Plow Comnanj 's Sulky and Walking Plows, Cultiva tors and narrows. IKKMtr.lt SlFltKlttl, IIK1LLK AMI 81IKV HIT UAkK. STA.V13 3E& Sc SOS to '414 Front .St., foot of Salmon Portland, Oregon. Gen'l Agents Oregon, Washington & Northern Idaho. KNAPP, BURRELL & GO., OFtER FOR THE HARVEST OF 1SS3 .. THE F.lLLOWINfl TAUM MACllINERV ASD , IBlILTlALIimiM McCorntlrks llartcslliiB Mnclilne A Tlne lllmler. e.peu li improej anu ine inosi sue ce.bful TW1MK BINUr K 111 tho market. The Ilnrlalleil ISuiTiln l'lf Tliifher, the onl cjinplete llirtblier iinicn execus aw omtrs, .MrrnrmlckH linproied i'utublned ItoMcnt Itiiiper, The Mlilpple CnltMntnr, with Sp IngTe.th, Champion t'omnion Uenprr. flicand slv foot cut, I'orlable and Sint lonary Ki glues, t'liHiuplon oiiililnel muner.1 Itenprr, Tbe.ev lUnntploii Slower, f ontiut, RufTnlo Vniions, Barbed Tence Mire, Dlack and Gahanlzcd, A Complete Assortment of Harvesting wj-IIR HOI Si: IS THE PIONEKIt HOUSE IN 03 lowest compart d with the quality. Welmlteati Ask for manufacturers Ciiculars In whith cspetialdtsirlption of nllaboie mentioned macliincr) Is given. Conespundcnce solliitcd. Catalogues anu prko lists will be Bent free up-m a plication. KNAPP, BURRELL & CO., Front and First Streit and Ash, Fort and, Oregon, Oregon Railway and Naviga tion Company. OCEAN DIVISION. Between San Francisco and Portland. Luting San Francisco at 10 a u. State of 1 tjneen Columbia. California. Oregon. of the I'aclBc lune 8 June. . . 6 June 2 June 11 June .20 June. 17 Jane 11 June 23 Juli.. , 2 June '.'9 Juno.... U. July .' July. . .11 Ju'y .11 July. ! July . 17 July 2 July . ,J July... .!) Jul 21) Leave Portland at 12.00 o'clock, alldnight. June .. 1 June. 4 June.. 7iJi.ne 1 June . 13 June 21 June ID June 10 June"" 25 July .. 4 Jul) 1 lune . ti July 7 July ...lo July . 13 July in July . li)J lv- e Ju'y 25Juli 2J Tbrouiih riekels sold to all points In the United State., Canada and Europe. RAILROAD DIVISIONS. On and er Marcn 18, 1883 LEAVE: Portland at 7:20 A. !.; Alblna at 8 00 A. M ARRIVE: at AlblnaU 40 P.M.; I'ortl ind at 7 00 P M Portland and Astoria, Fast Time. ATM. VtlUli TTCHT, T EAVES PORTLAND AT S A M RETURNING lj leaies Astoria at 1 P M , dall) , except Wtdno day7.. Portland Passengers can t.0 on board aftei 9 30 P. M. MIDULK rOLIHIIIA, WILLAMETTE AND YAMHILL UlsCK ItlllHIItN. Leave Portland II I I I I for Mod. Tues. Wed.ThurFrl. Sat. Dalles and Upper uoiumDia Astoria and Low. er Columbia., , Dayton Victoria, BO... . Corvallis and In 7 AH 6 AH 7 All SAM 6 AM 7 AM. 7 AM 7 AM DAM 7AM SAM 6AM 1 M SAM SAM 6 All 7 AM 7AM 8AM SAM SAM termedlate pt. A. L. MAXWELL, Tlrktt agent O. R. k N. Co. JOHN MUIR, Superintendent of Traffic. A. L. Stosks, Ass't Sup't Tnifflc C. II. PKESCOTT, afaaagvil REMOVAL. THE OREGON SEED DEPOT W bare found foot. ) It ne-e.ury to secure Urtr quarter! to accoffimoUt our contluu. ixtUEAsix; isim;ss. So we have leaded cue of those fine ne stores on Se,rnd street, corner of Koloion, her we will be p'ewed to meet all of our old and new juatomtrs, .New lieeds now arris ln. Heml sr Csls" leguejsisteat, tteul rKLK Appllrallasi. ju 18m3 MILLER DUOS, CHEAT WESTERS. GUHW0Rr3,j S.huae-nU.' s I wfrLm fnortnrirtftbw utsj.liiVnUist,fct-f ". i.tmtu ' M iS'i;. Zi?Z,i2 withal, titles I he lust worn Any. and Prico-L st. Wagons, Buggies & Carriages. ALSO TDK "WT-9av.X Hodge's Oregon llcntlcr, i h our on Hiproie ment', Thoeatlcst to handle and most perfect Header Alimuf jcturiU, rortnlile Smv Mills, Sim mid flour Hill Mm lilnery, Wnoil, t'niil nml Slrmr IliirnliiK I'.iibIiiom, Mrtuniilrk'.Nrss Iron Hosier, front cut, I.I gilt tbiintiilnn llmsrr. r ar cut, riprliiK VniiniiH nml Itngglr, all kliu's and sizo-, Tile Italli ssjion, uitli Iron 'rStttl Skein, Tliomns .1 II"IHiimoi Ills liner Kull- t'akr. slubber. Leather und llolli llelllug, lrrnl t I r ban's fiufe Agricultural Implements and Machinery. THIS LINE OF TIIAPE. OUR TRICES ARE THE inspection of our oods before tiiaUnk' purcliases EUROPEAN STE4MaHIP TICKETS. Courvrcnce Kates. Tickets sold to aud from all parts of Europe ; to and from a I points of OreifOn, Washington, Idaho an I Montana at tai'fitlly Iteiluceil und Lost rut Tos sible Hales oter tho f.-llonlnc lines: North German Lloyd Steamship Co., Hamburg American Packet Co., White Star Line Steamship Co., Re d Star Line Steamship Co.. American Line Steamship Co. Apply tersonally or by letter to OldendorfT, Harvey & Leahy, Agents o. 10 Washington sirrrl, (National Hank llulldlm,'), O. BjtE Portland, Oregon TEN OREGON PAPERS Descriptive of Oregon scenery, Oregon Towns, Oregon Farms, Oregon Homes and ot Oregon Methods of Slaking a Living. A ronrlsrand Irulhfiil tlrwoflhe affair rrtrijrlwy lireand the eliai rrs for buslurs. In Oils faraway Moslem Mute, ui.rolored lij I lie luflnriireur nillvtny laud rompaulrs or rral estate speculators. Bound In pamphlet form of 100 doable paves. Illustrated Willi 1JO finely executed crayon picture.. Price I per copy. Mulled post-paid lo anj counlry uu rrcrlpl or price. Address i D. H. STEARNS. Portland, Or. MAPS ! MAPS ! ! MAI'S OE Oim.OX & WASH 1; lO.V TEltlCITOKY. HEREAPTER WE WILL HE AIII.E TO SUPrLI copies of map. of Oregon and Wasl Ingtnn si lollop Intf i ats. These maps are put tip In roimrilent f riu to eary in the jiocket Ki.clcwe-l In a stiff b ard rover, They can be obtained at the fnKuwInic prices; Map of Orrson, I Map of Washington, Orrson aud Washl(ilon Comblnel. I.'ii CVReiult by Post.) Order or Ili.terid UtU Postage rtampt will not be taken. Addrea. : WILLAMrTTI KtltMIB PIB.i'O., Iraerls. P rtland Oregon otsryl 'ublic. I oUr Public. Lent, McGrew & Young. REAL ESTATE AGENTS No 10 BUrk Street, Portland, Oregon. Vallej Farms m XperUlly DF1.DS, MORT If ges, and other lr.il docume-.u neatly and car fully drawn, IjTHrnd us In the Agency for jor rarrn, wccanaellll. sprV SUCCESSORS TO HAvVLEY, DODD & CO., Front, First and Vine Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON, IMPORTERS OF IE3lA.isiD-wr-&.i3E, Iiroust jlstd Steel, CIS AND FARM MACHINERY. & tT lire ouie Agenu xor me lonowmg vciourairu iniincmrnifl i BTJOKB'X'H 3yEO"WD3K JiiJ&JD K.E-A.FER. fc BUCKEYE ON THE KOAD. These machines are too well known to need ttem, and all spe.tk ot them nlth piaNe. They Maeluaaa, We are also Sole Agents ol the THE BUCKEYE TWINE The Buckeye Hinder m.ide Its lint nppe.irancn Iu 1881. llarrester and the Appleby Tnlne Hinder, and combines all that Is excellent and worthy Id tM many Binders that seek a snare of the nubile p.itron ijre. It has been tlioroiighlv tested In our awa M tnrest fields, and many Improvements hare been added for lis', and as now offered, It Is beyona Itiestlon the h't Self-HlntUng llnrretter (n fnt vorlil We .tie also Hole Aitents for the CANTON PITT THRESHEh, MONITOR UPRIQHT FARM ENGINE, Haines' Genuine Headers, Schuttler Farm Wagons, John Deere Moline Plow. "sSf Srml for Special Circular aud Price List. Sole Agents for HAISH BARBED WIRE Best in use C.II.DOni) it CO., Front, First CALIFORNIA SPRING TOOTH HAR ROW, CULTIVATOR & SEEDER. MANUFACrUItED BATCH ELOR rOBITlON OV TEETH AND Are acknowledged by all to be the most Profitable im plements made. Because they are a Perfect Harrow, Seeder aud cultivator all ..otnWned In one, and under the most complete control ol the operator. N. II. Our patents are all sustained hy tho U B Courts last smsjn so that our customers need have no fears of pro tcutlon for tislnir ait lnfrlnKment, but htwaro of Infrluglnir Imitations tins ae still In lithration. tLOur implements are s:ni lo respmsiblo parties on trial and if not satlsfao orjr can bs returned. GOOD AUhNTd WANTED IN EVEBY TOWN. Heml Tor our Hew I'riee-Llsl. JOHN HANG3TER & CO., General J-'onaanlimj Ajait, Portland, Or. IIA s I IIKLOIt WtlE, 37 Market Street, Ban Frarclsco ' niajltf LAND DEPARTMENT, Northern Pacific R. R. Co., WESTERN DISTRICT. The Northern Pacific Railroad Company Iiuh tor Sale 2,000,000 Acres in EASTERN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO, Wh'ch will be sold to actual settlers at LOW I'RICKS aud on EASY TKIIM8. An ciplal amount of foveia. ment land, lylna in alternate sectbns for lifts "illos on each side of the North:rn lailflo line op.n to settlement under the Homestead, Pre eiuption and Timber Culture laws. These 1 inds compiles AGRICULTURAL LAND, Ot UltKAT KEKTIL1TY, and some of the best TIMBER LANDS, To be found upon the contlnet. Amonif tho li.duooments to settle in WeiUrn WashlnKtori are Its MILS and CIKNIAI. CL1MATK and the variety of INDUSTRIAL PURSUITS for ahkli It aflrdsa Helil. FARMING, LUMBERING, K1SIIINO, MILLING, MANUPACUTIUNa, TltAIIINO, 1IININO sll Invite capital snd promise a return to labor. The Northern I'atlfic IUlrnad Company liavr hul't rail oaila through limttrn Washington Idaho from Wallula Junttion on the Columbia and h ive In operation a contlnu ilM line Via LAKE IEIN'I tl' OREIIiLK To a jKii.it near lIlwiouU, Montana, olYordlnj- plcoflant anl i)uKk IraiiBjxirtatlon. AnenorroouiMtldeof imin1icrsUon hwaet In an I thecountr- I ruLflvlnif t ifrctcr In rtaaeof popola lion titan any other portion of the United 8laU. Tlii company now offers for iile In lliln district alwjut 5,000,000 ACRES The greater pert of ahlch lies in tho fAHOlM WIIKAT IIKLT a!on the llneol Ih. coi.inanv'a road, andlse.Kt.i.lly wlipted to agriculture, wh.le thousands olairusof richest pasture Kive abumUnt room for t'r.lln. This pirt of the I'acilc Northwest, favore.1 with a a!u'riou climate ami a hull. Of U.M'ARALKL fcU KKRTILITY, Is destined to become, In a very short wrlo., a wpuious an I wealthy niflon jy-KulI Information respcrtlnif the advantaK.s snd general features ot the country, aud Ital'road a d got. B ernmbt tsnil, may bu had by addrcssinj; 1MUL S4 ll!l-i:, C!cn,l Land Agent, WEH1JSRN DISTRICT, INii'tland, Oregon. J. B. CONGLE, 110 Kront Street, East Bide, Portland, Oregon. Astln In 3uaIneM, .MANUPACTUltEIW AND IMI'ORTERS Of HuddlcH, IIurueHH, BrhllcH, WLIpH, Saddlery llunlnure i: ., i:tc Repairing Neatlr "d ProsapU; AUeaded to' VsHs E avH BBBkm "MJS, nUCKEYE ItEArKR. comment. Thousands of fanners here hare nets are In every way the rx plus ullnt oi HatTMtHsf smwws , SELF-BINDER It is a romhlnatlon of the Buokeff A Vine Sts., Portland, Oregon. ONLY BY & WYLIE. LEV KB WHILE AT WORK. sars ami Herwl frirfl,lrssslsir, Catalogue, ol Music, Ao. sTKismmsarurasnsiia Co.. xorcssisr. sisis. ftM5r.&l "asbiiiP-lcfe: JCJO MSSVA.Z.' mala. Jflfla. ftrxK to ail epjiicaniui. mwl t tornen. or Uat rear Mthout ordtrtntr L toratrtDtfiL It co rations, priim. ao i dinxUouw for U iUe end nnwer i ,iL Uxjiit 175aMfi-. xoiltsutratlinsi priitw. ac.-umta il..suHirfln tat fcJitl ValiUkLlM dtruf tiuia for tJalittri ilaikl i'ALtH, 1 ruil 'intajata. LitlviVi af.rVtt llktdnTi-: MM ? jni'w oi tMoumc pn'i i-lower rttxM, --"-i -7 -- -- ,,-- ;t.t i .- - -. r: a?- IiiValilalilt tsi alt. itMlaiaV fully tn al.rVtt (Urlerr. rti.a for I IU" f). M. FERRY & CO. Oeiroit Mich. jW IttM1S0 19 IK' Wttl l in.A