Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 08, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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through the world and lcaniH the nature
of soils so ns to understand the constitu
ents of his own soil, and the losses of fer
tility ccrtiiiii crops induce, can then furin
with intelligence. The different kinds of
food and the fattening qualities of each
have to he understood, or else the farmer
cannot economically fatten lcef and mut
ton for market. The soil has to he cared
for and fed in some manner to replace
exhausted nature. The man who sneers
at practical philosophy is an ass.
Of course things may ho carried to ex
tremes and insure loss. It requires judg
ment to succeed in any husiness. The
practical farmer who reads nnd uses the
experience of others with caution, and
also makes exierimcnts himself to learn
hy his own ell'orts is more likely to suc
ceed and keep his farm in productive
condition than the one who plows and
sows and reaps without study or experi
ment to guide his course.
Mh. -John Wi:kt, formerly of .Salem,
jlOW of Kast Portland, has heen a life-long
dealer in live slock for hutchcr's needs,
nd lias of late engaged in supplying the
markets of Portland with hecf, mutton
and pork. He huys largely all through
Western Oregon, and makes u socially of
pork, Inlying hundreds of head ol stock
Jiogs every week, also fat hogs. His ad
vertisement appears this week. At prices
ho offers there ought to he a profit in
raising swine, as well as in fattening hcef
and mutton. Air. West says ho paid $!)()
for a fat heifer raised near Salem, and
made $12 profit selling it in Portland. He
Jb a lives man and active dealer, and is
prepared to purchase all the swine offered
at good prices.
Tin: Oregonian has a letter from a pro
tended Iahoring man, who says: "I am
"a Iahoring man, and have hard work to
" make a living for a family, and if the
"spirit of oppession thnt is continually
"growing among farmers does not stop,
"our condition will soon he worse than
" that of the lalioriiig men of Kngland.
"Numerous cases have come up lately in
"this community, where honest Iahoring
"men have lioeii swindled out of their
"wages and turned out upon the road to
" tramp, heg or steal." This man has a
family, he says, and apparently works at
day's, work for a living and works for
farmers. To hear him talk it would seem
that fanners in our .State are handed to
gether to roh thoo who work for them
and swindle them out of their wages. It
SOcms that there is no courts or juries to
enforce law and lalsiring men have no re
course It is a hard story to tell of a civ
ilized community and hears on its face the
plainest evidence that it is a falsehood.
This liihnriug man is a liar. It is a fact
thoroughly well known that there is work
and wages for all good farm !alor, and,
furthermore, a man with a modicum of
enorgy and senso need not work all his
lifo for any one else hut can take up a
good homestead and wink on that. This
jl is what thousands do every year and
three mihions of acres waiting for thous
ands more to the same. It is no douht
true that some farmers arc dishonest, and
it would lie strange if it were not so. We
claim no exemption for fanners from the
faults of humanity, hut this man's story is
at week as it is fain' and mean. The
farmer cannot well alford to "oppress"
his hired man, liccauso ho is the most de
pendent of the two. Let him earn a name
for dishonesty and he cannot hire lahor.
The lalsner has half a do.cn railroads
that wait to employ him. The want of
Jaborers is felt everywhere. This man
has evidently a talent for uewspaiier cor
reepondeneo and complaining. Swinging
a pen suits him U'ttcr than it does to
twinging axe or hoe or plow.
One of the most successful farmers in
Oregon claims that the most satisfactory
results he has attained in wheat growing
results from summer-fallowing land
thoroughly. To do this he plows deep in
the fall, replows shallow in the spring nnd
the next fall his land is in splendid con
dition for the seed. This he gives as his
experience and he has made it successful.
How to put the land in the lest order is
the important question and we lclievo,
with him, that thorough pulverization an
swers the purpose. Kast of the moun
tains there are millions of hadger holes
and they teach a lesson of great import
ance. Wo met lately with a friend who
had been out in Northern Wasco county,
at the Weathcrford farm ten or twelve
miles from Alkali, in the Rock Creek
country, near the mouth of John Day
river. Ho said that all over the thousand
acre field he saw small spots where the
wheat stood rank and looked well.
Weathcrford said he thought it was he-
cause the badgers had thrown up deep
dirt and it was finely pulverized and the
result was largo stalks and good heads
coming out, of a dark green color. Near
there, within the lilalock Company's en
closure, is one piece of 1120 acres that was
plowed four to five inches deep and last
October the owner harrowed it over and
over again, at least five times in all, until
it was in good condition. This wheat
shows the result of the harrowing. If it
had been plowed six inches deep and then
harrowed in this way, wo fully believe the
yield would bo far greater still.
Farmers eabt of the mountains arc at
fault in not plowing the sod deep enough.
If they would go down six inches at the
beginning they would get astonishing
yields. They do not often make a regular
average of four inches. Thorough work
at the right time is necessary and when
the laud gets it it responds enormously.
This question is one that deserves to re
ceive thorough treatment and we do not
pretend to the oxioricnco necessary to do
it justice. .Stirring in summer may not
be necessary, as a regular thing, but
thoioiigh pulverization at the proper time
would lx woitli millions on millions to the
farmers of this legion. We Minuld bo
glad to have practical experience given
through our columns.
They arc tired of furnisning millers and
warehouseman, who arc interested in buy
ing at low prices, with means to use to
insure a low price. This farmer thinks
that co-ojcration need not depend on se
curing a situation for a warehouse on the
side track a main track, hut, where there
is difficulty in getting a good site, the
combined farmers can build near bv and
haul gravel to make a good road to the
freight dcK)t. It is easy to haul a large
quantity of grain, well sacked a short dis
tance. A little pluck can make wheat
growers indciieiulcnt of minor considera
tions. This man would do what ho says ;
do it thoroughly, nnd could lie depended
on to make a success of such enterprise,
hut the majority lack confidence and have
not his business skill nnd positive chaiac
ter. The necessity of remaining inde
pendent and keeping unsold grain out of
the market, should he apparent to all. It
probably is known to all that it is neces
sary, but the question is: How to induce
Oregon farmers to sustain themselves
against all the forces combined ngainst
If Salem does not have largo woolen
mills in operation with n a year it will lie
because its citizen!) lack enterprise to im
prove the situation and confidence in the
welfare of the town. A proposition has
been mado by Mr. Stewart of Scotland,
now present here, Wm. Hied and Mr. La
Due to furnish .$:J5,000 of the necessary
capital if the citizens of Salem will sub
scribe $25,000 more for the same object.
A bonus of $10,000 has been already sub
stribed by Salem people, but Mr. Stewart
declines to receive any Ikjiius, So there
is that much to bo invested in stock in
stead of made a free gift, leaving only
$lo,000 to bo subscribed. It is reason
able to believe that Salem would benefit
the full amount of $25,000 every year
from having an extensive woolen mill in
operation. Mr. Stewart is a successful
manufacturer and it is to be presumed
that a factory under his management will
ho more successful than under manage
ment of persons united to the husiness.
Mr. Stewart is tho chief capitalist in
the extensive (lowering mills now erected
at Salem ns well as in the new National
bank, tie has done much to establish
the fortunes of the capital city and it
looks as if Salem should aid to some ex
tent when he and his associates are willing
to invest for them.
It seems that Mr. Stewart is a grand
son of tho Stewart who came out with
tho Astor expedition as one of the active
partners in Astor's enterprise. Tho pres
ent Stewart is following family precedent
in extending his enterprise to Oregon. It
may bo that he feels some attachment
for our country ns the etl'cctof old family
Tmk imputation of the Willamette val
ley is steadily increasing, and Western
Oregon is nveiving its full share of the im
migration pouring into the Pacific North
wett. The fact that for various reasons
this valley is the choicest region of all
Oregon i apparent to many men with
means who come hero from the KnM.
To men who know how to fatten cattle
and sheep for maiket, or how to raise
fruit and vegetables, this valley and
the land along the Columbia river tiller
great inducements. Wheat fanning imitt
five way hem to mixed fanning. If a man
grows wheat he must make it yield 110
bushels to tho acre or he will lose money
St it. Tho time has come when scientific
farming will pay in this region, When
there is practical science brought to boar
on the lauds of tho Willamette we may
look for much more satUfactory results.
Scientific farming dot's not neves-sirily
mean alwiiidoiiiiiciit of practical methods,
but combination of scientific principles,
tetel and proved by experiment, with
the best fanning methods. The practical
fanner who carefully studies and reads
with intend the improvement of fanning wheat uses it to beat down tho market.
Farmers are always exorcised on the
warehouse question and no doubt it is one
of the most iiuKirtuut they are concerned
in. A few yearn ago they were so aroused
on thisKiint that they erected warehouses
of their own. Tho results vt ore certainly
U-noficial, both in reducing tho storage
charge of general warehouses, anil in
holding their wheat in their own po.-M's-sion
until sold. When the warehouses
woru built many fanners would not store
in them. Some who took sttn-k became
dihsatUiicd and sold out. It was then the
regular warehou.-eiuan's oppoitunitv. It
)was improved so well that farmers' ware
houses only exist in very few Idealities. It
seems that farmer!, hawuiot coulldeuceiu
in each other to co-oorato and work for
mutual advantage. Tho warehouse sys-
Jtem has resulted in failure. Tho question
arises : What course is it now liost to pur
sue? A thorough fanner and business
man of .Marion county argues this quo
tum in tho following way: Farmers of
every station capable of Mipimrtiug a
wait'houso should try to work up tho pro
ject anew and should co-oionito for that
purpose. This may take some tinio and,
meanwhile, wheat-growers should deiwit
their wheat with mills or warehouseman
with a distinct pledge that it shall remain
in store subject to his bidding, ho jmying
three cents a bushel storage fur a stipu
lated time. He argues that tho only
remedy is for fanners to own warehouses
of their own j so control the wheat be
yond question ami not let it go into ware
house bins whore its ideuty will bo lost
and it I hi shipHHl out of the State for
HViilativp purvses.
To put it cloaily ; farmers begin to see
that the warehouseman who stores tho
Serious injury can be done to Eastern
Washington if reiiorts are circulated that
people there apprehend an outbreak from
Indians. It is said thnt citizens of Spo
kane county have applied to Gov. Nowcll
for arms to defend themselves with. It
would bo much more leasonableif the In
dians were to make that request. Tho
only trouble wo hoar arises from the killing
of an Indian hy a white man. Tho only
tribe or band that have occasion for dis
satisfaction is the small band that own
Moses for their eheif whoso lands have
been in part thrown open. They are only
few in number and do not live on tho
land reserved for them. Moses is known
to Ik) in favor of peace and his Indians
make no threat of disturbance. If they
did, their number is so small, with so few
warriors, that they would not keep tho
field a week. Wo propose to won start
on a tour through all that Kastcrn coun
try and to travel alone or with another
wherever n hoise can cany us, without
tho least apprehension of danger. Thcro
really is no danger and there is no cause
for apprehension. Tho dill'orent tribes are
all pleasantly located on reservations nnd
are rapidly becoming civilized. Tho In
dians are becoming farmers. They have
been carefully educated by missionaries of
dilfcrent Christian sects who have taught
them to lalnir for their bread as whites do.
Children and youth of both sexes from
all the triln-s, are taken to tho govern
ment school at Forest Grove, 2f miles from
Portland, and there carefully schooled.
Tho lads, in cadet uniform, upjiear re
markably well. They learn nipidly. The
Indians watch tho advancement of their
children with intense pride and aatisfao
tion. Kvory tendency among tho Indians
of all this1 region is towards peace and
progress. We say this for the lenelit of
those who intend coming this wav. Thev
have far more occasion to fear trouble
from mean whites than from hostile
The United States Circuit Court in Iowa
has made a very important decision con
cerning the validity of the drivcn-well
patent. The court holds that the patent,
which was first issued in 1808, is null and
void upon tho ground that the principle
involved was used in Wisconsin ns early
ns 1849 ; that the patentee allowed tho
public to use the device for many years
nfer its discovery by him nnd before his
npplicntion for a patent; nnd thnt the
patent wns reissued upon n broader claim
than tho original patent contained. This
decision is opposed by the decisions of sev
crnl other United States courts, which have
upheld tho validity of tho patent, and is
said to be the first decision rendered
the patentee in cases relating to this sub
ject. An apjieal will be taken, nnd tho
question will be finally settled by tho
Supreme Court of the United States.
In very rarely happens that a patent
decision directly affects so many persons
ns will lie nffected by this, if it should be
confirmed by higher authority. The
driven wells or tube wells are very exten
sively used by the fanners of the West,
who fither put them into tho ground
themselves or bought them from persons
who claimed to be authorized agents, rep
resenting the owners of the patents, after"
ward demanded from those who were
using these wells a royalty, and royalties
were paid by thousands of farmers. Some
refused to pay, and formed combinations
for tho purpose of opposing the demands
of the owners' agents. These farmers
wero sued in the United States courts, and
were forced to go hundreds of miles at
grat expense to the tribunals where the
hearings were to take place. The farmers
of tho West have asserted that tho prose
cution of these cases became persecution,
nnd their representatives in congress have
eloquently advocated hills for their relief,
holding that suits should be brought
ngainst thoso whooriginally manufactured
and sold the wells to tho farmers, and not
ngainst tho farmers who had innocently
bought from those persons. Thousands
of Western men have been sued by the
owners, thousands have settled and paid
heavy costs, and actions arc still pending
ngainst other thousands, So bitter was
tho feeling of the farmers against the
owners' agents that they drove them from
their property with shot-guns. It is un
fortunate that while thoso who own the
Green patent have been energetically pro
tecting their rights, their ugents have be
come so obnoxious in the West that tho
farmers regard them as pests and public
Although it may be admitted that tho
owners of tho patent have proceeded in a
legal manner to enforce their claims, yet
it is not surprising that tho fanners in
several States look ujton this decision ns a
victory over an exacting monopoly.
Probably there has been unwise action on
both sides in this long contest. The
abandonment of the device to the public
for seven years leforo application for a
latent was made, allowed a multiplication
of tho wells ujxin tho prairies, nnd when
tho patentee began the work of collection
tho farmer was unwilling to pay a second
time, and wa3 enraged by the vigor of the
collectors and the expense of a fight in a
distant court. Tho claim of tho patentee
should bo promply atlinned or denied by
the highest court in the land in order that
strife may cease. The case which will go
up on appeal is of such inqiortancc that
the Supremo Court may very properly
advance it upon the calendar. New York
The Proposed Iron Works.
The Oregoninn says : " Few realize the
importance of the great iron works to be
established at or near this city. When
fully in motion the enterprise will employ
in mines, smelting works, rolling mills,
foundries, etc., about two thousand men,
nearly all of them at skilled workmen's
wages. Everything in iron and steel,
from steel rails to nails, will bo turned out,
finished and ready for market. It is pro
losed to supply the whole Pacific coast
with manufactured iron products and bo
sides to reach out to China nnd Japan for
a market. Although the cost of labor will
lie greater here than in the east, iron
goods produced here can be sold cheaper
than eastern goods becnusc of the tre
mendous freight charges on the latter
across the continent. The freight rate
will operate as a protective tariff, and it
A-ill much more than compensntc the in
creased rates of wages which must neces
sarily bo paid here. Tho company about
to establish the works have on their own
lands back from Oswogo a store of ore
which is practically inexhaustible, and
timber in sufficient quantity to supply the
works for many years with wood and
charcoal. This great establishment, its
2,000 workmen, almost all of whom must
be brought from tho east, will add at least
8,000 people to our population, and m a
city so small as ours their presence will
bo felt in all branches of business.
Mr. R. W. Cary, of Waldo Hills, returned
last week from a journey to the East, bring
ing with him a car load of fine stock that
will prove of great value to the stock breeders
of Marion county. We were fortunate in
seeing him at Salem when he arrived there
with his stock, all in excellent order. One
sheep bad died on the road, but was replaced
by a thoroughbred youngster born on the
journey, that arrived all right.
Mr. Cary leads in a new direction of stock
breeding, as he brings a pair of Polled Angus,
or Aberdeen cattle, the famous hornless
Scotch breed, that is now valued as highly as
the best of Short Horns or Derons. These
are a bull and a heifer under a year old that
he purchased of Mr. Cochran," the famous
Cinada breeder, costing when landed, full a
thousand dollars apiece. Mr. Cochran bred
the heiler, but the bull was imported from
Scotland. He also has a Jersey bull and
heifer, only eight months old each, that hare
almost made their tull growth. They were
bred by C. S. Dale, of Crystal Lake, Illinois,
well known as a breeder. He selected these
animals on account of the butter record of the
sows, and claims that in this respect they
stand among the beat.
Mr. Cary has three or four lots of high
bred sheep of different families. Several
Cotswotds and Shropskires of the brat flocks
are among the lot, enough to enable him to
test the value of these sheep in this section,
but his main fleck consists of 18 head of
Meriuos. Ot this number, five were bred hv
Peck k Sons, of Geneva, Illinois, and thir
teen by Hunt Bos. of Illinois. He has a full
blooded Berkshire boar, as perfect an animal
as ever came to Oregon.
Mr. Cary purchased this stock for his own
use. Every animal it recorded in the regis
ters and herd-books as thoroughbred, and he
made careful selections to secure the best
possible. We take pleasure in noticing when
enterprising men improve the breeds of our
domestic animals xne value to the state is
much greater than the mere money cost,
The time has finally come when such enter.
prise should meet with reward. Those who
have heretofore imported good stock. hav
ui let, none it witnouc receiving the money
returns tbey deserve.
We re-publish from a Waitsburg, W. T.
journal answers it makes to inquiries sent
from tho East. One point to which we
call notice is that it states that tho price
of improved farms around there is $20
to !f40an ncro. Waitsburg is a beautiful
place with a beautiful country arounn it.
Vacant lands of tho U'st quality can be
found within a day's ride of it that are as
good any around Waitsburg. It is not
over a day's ride to open land in the Pa
louse country, north of Snako river, and
there is good vacant land in Columbia
county itself. The inference we draw is,
that tho pcoplo who settlo on tho vacant
lands of to-day will soon have improved
farms as valuable as thoso near Waitsburg.
Tho time is close at hand when improved
farms all through the Upper Country
will bo valued at if 20 to $40 the acre.
ladies, if you would be forever redeemed
from the physical disaoilities that, in thous
ands of casts, depress the spirits and abso
lutely frtter all the energies of womanhood,
you have eiily to get I.yiiia K. Pinkuam'i
vegetable Cvuipouud.
Oood Land.
Mr. Emile Sohanno, a member of the com'
mittee appointed by the board of trade on
bridges, informs us that in their route out
into the county they passed over some very
nesirauie tracts ui isnu unoccupied, lie says
mere is a ueu ui muusjuus ui acres uetween
Fifteen Stile and the Deschutes, of the
richest soil, still open far settlement. Two
patches ot grain in this section gave good
promise of an abundant yield. 'I he stalks
are now nearly two feet high, and the harvest
will show a splendid avenue per acre. This
region is tributary to The Dalles, and capable
of supporting hundreds of families. Other
equally desirable spots this committee saw in
their trip out the country, and they say if
The Dalles is dependent alone on local trade
for growth, when the country which will cat-
urally seek it aa a market la settled, it will
support a city of four times the sire of the
present one. The roads this committee found
in a terrible state, and will recommend some
immediate action. DMtt Mountaineer,
We learn from Mr. Sandford, of Turner,
who has eight acres of rich gravelly prairie
planted to strawberries near that place; that
gravelly soil is the very best for that fruit
and he considers the fted Hills next to rich
gravel for strawberries. He usually gathers
200 bushels of berries to the acre. This year
berries are a short crop as well as other fruits.
He considers the showing of fruit stems only
one-fourth to one-third the usual yield, but
as there will be fewer berries he thinks they
will be of unusual size and the turn out may
be one-third to one-half a crop. He expects
to have 800 bushels to sell, of prime fruit.
He informs us that so far as he can learn
strawberries will be a small crop all over
Western Oregon. The first of the season
came on Tuesday from Koseburp and another
shipment ot very tair berries came the next
day. Southern Oregon will always supply
our valley towns wita early fruits and vege
tables. Pioneer Reunion.
The annul meeting of the State Pioneer
Association will be held at the State Fair
grounds near Salem, on June 15, 1883. The
aanual address will be delivered by Hon. W.
Lair Hill, of The Dalles, while the ncnslnnl
address will be by Hon. John Whiteaker, of
Lane county. Al Zuiber, of Portland, Chief
.uarBiiai. ump nre speeches and a grand
ball in the evening will be leading features.
Arrangements are being perfected lor an ex
cursion across the continent.
During the past week Mr. Raymond
Holmes Jr. has performed to full and appre
ciative houses at New Market Theater in a
musical extravaganza entitled Minis. It is
one of those piece that keep an audience in
in a roar of laughter. All should go and en
jov a laugh. The company will play at the
following places on the following dates : Ore
gon City, Tuesday, July 3d; Saiem, Wednes
day, July 4th; Eugene, Thursday. July 5th;
Borvallis. Friday, July 6th; Independence,
Saturday. Julv 7th: McUinnvill Mnn...
JulyMn. "
Oranre Picnic.
Farraington Grange No. 110 will give a
publio picnic on the 23d of June at Harris
Bridge, in aahington county. The public
gf nerally are cordially invited to attend and
a good time is promised. Come everybody
and bring your lunch basket. The programme
will consist of music, essays and speaking.
A large number of emigranta from the State
?.T?M re D0W on thelr y t0 Oregon and
Washington Territory, where they propose
to permanently locate. A German colony is
about ready to leave the same St. fnr v..t.
ern Oregon, and another intends to settle in
ine vicinuy oi Seattle.
OuUk, ecmplU cure si: annoying KUntr. Bladder
The Spokane Chronicle saya that Dr.Gandy
returned from an extended trip to the Big;
Bend country last week. He reports Una
hunters as thick aa bees and the whole region
being rapidly populated. Sprague seems to
be the point of departure for the immigrants,,
and that city secures a large share oi the busi
ness. Harrington, siat.-en miles west of
Sprague, is likely to be a vigorous competi
tor, as it is eight miles nearer than any point
on the road.
One of the richest and most prosperous
counties in the Territory of Washington is
Garfield county ; it has 29 townships, or 668,
160 acres. ".Ofthis there are 75,00o acres under
cultivation, principally for grain. Allowing;
a vield of only 30 bushels to the acre, which
is a small average for a season like the present,
will give a yield of 2,255,000 bushels. Last
year there was shipped to this county 4,000
tins of freight from Portland. It is also a.
good country for sheep, and wool raising is a
promising industry, and the wool clip this
spring is300,000 pounds. Walla Walla Statu
man. Mr. J. M. Swift, living about four miles
north of Baker City, has a field of sage brush
land sown to rye. On the 15th of May he
cut a stalk which measured 22 inches in
hight. When sago brush lands especially
those wnicn produce tne large kind ot sage
brush are properly watered, as they have
been thus far this season, there is no better.
Mr. W. S. Ladd, of Portland, has just im
ported a herd of fine bred Guernsey and Jer
sey cattle from the East. These cattle are
the best milk and butter producers in the
world. Notwithstanding what the books
may say, after many years experience in a.
climate similar to this, we prefer the former
breed. They are in charge of Mr. Brinton
and we learn that they will be kept on a farm
somewhere on Mount Pleasant in a few day
for the benefit of those who may see fit to
take advantage of this rare opportunity to
improve their stock.
The largest fir tree, says the Chronicle, that
has thus far thissea!on been cutou the Sound
was cut at S-imish.Camp one day last week.
The tree was one hundred and two feet in
length, and made three logs twenty-four feet
long and one thirty-two feet long. It meas
ured eight and a half feet in diameter at the
butt end and five feet two iuchea at the top,
and contained nineteen thousand one hun
dred and sixty-six feet of lumber, board
measure. Such a giant of the forest would
completely paralyze the natives of the East
ern lumbering districts.
Our Eastern friends who want something
tantible about Puget Sound fir and its im
mense size may be interested in this item
from one of our exchanges : Recently at
Moan & Munroe's camp on the Saamiah river
in Whatcrm county, a n'r log was taken out
that was one hundred feet long, eight and a
half ieet in diameter at the butt end and four
feet two inches at the top. It was as straight
as an arrow and free from knots. Sit down
and figure up the amount of lumber that it
Five hundred Mormon families have left
Utah this spring and been colonized by the
church along the valley of Snake river, Idaho.
This is in accordance with the boast of the
church leaders, made last winter, that they
would hold political control of Idaho and
wouiu sena in large colonies Wis spring.
There are 100 pauper Morman recruits en,
route from Switzerland, who will be stopped
by the authorities at New York, and sent
back to their native home. Many of these
women are said to be of the lowest type,
ignorant, and in some cases imbecile, to get
rid of which the Swiss communes were quite
willing to pay 160 francs per bead for passage
'money. The U. S. authorities, however, ob
ject to our country being made a poor house
for Europe any lacger.
The Clarke County Register grows enthusi
astic and talks thusly : The newly discovered
quartz hdges in the Canyon creek country in
Skamania county, about 35 miles north of
Vancouver, are said to be rich with gold and
silver. We havo seen specimens of the quartz,
but as we are no miner, we will have to take
the word of those who are interested in the
mines, who necktie "there are millions in it.""
Assays have been made and a number of per
sons are busy preparing to develop tho mines.
It is the inteniiou to put up a small quartz,
mill at the site of the ledges and thoroughly
test the value of the mines. The mill will
probably be in running order by July 1st or
shortly thereafter, and if the mines prove to
be a bonanza, as we sincerely hope tbey will,
we predict that the people of Vancouver will
not be long in making a road out there and
will not wait to hold a meeting to consider
the matter. It is geneially believtd that
there are some good mines in Clarke and
Skamania counties, and that their develop
ment is in the near future.
Fruit Prospects.
Concerning tho fruit prospects in Oregon
and Washington we glean the following from
our State exchanges of late dates :
The Seattle Pott-Intelligencer says : The
destruction of tree fruit is said to be quite
general to the south and east of us. Cherries
are said to promise half a yield, pears a third,
plums and prunes a quarter and peaches no
yield at all. This is said to be the case with
fruit generally in Willamette and Walla
Walla valleys, the chief fruit producing se
gions of the country referred to. The Sound
country, including all north of the Columbia
river, is afflicted with fruit destruction to a
much less degree. We have yet to hear of
failure anywhere in this vicinity. Here aud
there trees were caught and will not bear,
but there are trees every year that do not
bear, and the proportion probably is no
greater this year than any other.
The Ashland Tidings says : The Willam
ette Farmer estimates that the fruit crop
will be remarkably short through the North
west Coast this season. Count Rogue river
valley out of that category. The peach crop
here will be the largest ever seen, while rear
and plums will break the limbs off the trees
in many orchards, unless props or pruning
shears come to the rescue. Cherries and other
small fruit are abundant
Tne JtMsoni Why
The Victor Mower is to be patronized are
many, the principal one being that it is
Pacific Coast manufacture, and at the same
time a good machine. Mr. Mills, the agent
here, is prepared to show anyone its workings
freely. Call and see him. He can be fcund
at the foot of Yamhill street, south side.
The Cbleaco Pitts
Separator, Horse Power and Engine are rep
resented here by Mr. G. W. H. Cook. HU
warerooms are at the foot of Yamhill street,
south side. Regarding its merits, we can
only say that it is by no means a new ma
chine in this market, and regarding its work.
It is fully set forth in the advertisement,
klaar Ilea,
"Wells' Heslth Rtnever" restores bealtn sad tIstw,
curie D;ir(U, Impotence, Ssual DtbUlty. II,