Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 25, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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Trimming App'e Trees.
Experiences is tho rmthcr of wisdom.
There are ililljront opinions among tho
farmers nlout tho propar tinio for trim
ming iipplo tree. Tlic main object oiiRht
to lie to trim in that seaon of tho year
when the wound will entirely he.il over,
or the tree is ruined, sooner or later. If
that object is not accomplished, the water
enters and a hole i rotted into the trunk ;
nr, it becomes hollow and is destroyed.
some trim m e.iriy spring ; the wp for
ces itself out of thewound in abundance,
runs down on tho body or larger limbs;
the bark turns back and often dies, and
the trees arc permanently injured.
Another follows the opposite extreme and
prunes in August, or even in early winter,
when the sip has turned into tho wood ;
the wound does not turn black, ns in the
other case, but heals slowly, if nt all, and
a tree with holes in it is a final result. If
the bark is entirely peeled oft" the tree
from the roots to the limbs, in the longest
days of mid-summer, which are some
where from the 15th to the. 2(Sth of June,
a new bark is formed and tlio tree is not
injured, and an old tree is said to be bene
fitted by the operation. If apple trees
are pruned at this time, if any bark is ac
cidentally taken off", where the limb has
been removed ; it will entirely heal over,
if the limb removed is not too large, and
the growth is sufficient for that purpose.
The sap of the tree is not too thin to run
out and blacken the tree, as in early
spring, nor too thick and already forlned
into the wood, and the wound compara
tively dry ; both wood and bark as in later
pruning, are not-stopped in farther growth
over the wound. Many farmers, as a gen
eral thing, prune an orchard without dis
cretion, sawing otf too largo limbs, that
never can heal over, oftentimes cutting
) them off some inches from the trunk of
tne tree, or tne larger limbs irom wiiicii
they arc removed ; the stub of the limb
will die to the tody and the further decay
of the tree is sure.
In pruning off too much, the natural
equilibrium between the roots and tho top
is destroyed, and the body ot the tree will
come out in suckers or sprouts. Such
ignorant primers had better cut their
trees down and trim them afterward,
which is easier done, and with more profit
to themselves, as the ground could be em
ployed for some better purpose. If a
limb is dead there is no option ; it mut
be cut off close to the tree ; the only liv
ing limbs that should bo cut off arc the
small ones that will heal overcoming
from the larger branches in tho inside of
the top (and those that cross and gall
each other,) thereby letting in more sun
to the apples to give them a better color
and give the picker a better chance in the
tree. Evervthim: beyond this is super
fluous, and pruning hail better be dis
pensed with altogether. Many fine or
chards receive their death warrants from
such ill pruning every year. N. II. Pa
triot. Rei Apples.
The buyers all want red apples. They
say they sell the best. This fancy for
color has given Baldwins a boom, as they
are red and handle and ship well. There
is another advantage for the fruit tho
ti ee is hardy and a constant bearer. I do
not like the apple to cat but on account
of its market value, the hardness of the
tree, and its btrong bearing propensity, in
an orchard of 100 trees I would plant 75
Baldwins. Too many varieties of fruit
are a nuisance. They make an endless
amount of work, and many kinds, while
thev have a value for home use, are un
suited for keeping or shipping. They do
not pay. Tho Eiopus fapitzenburg, I
think, is tho daintest flavored applo that
grows. My mother would have no other
for her mince pies and company apple
saucethis had to to extra nice you
know but since the country has liccome
so open, exposed to the cold winds, the
trees winter-kill. Tho Spitzenburg
wants protection and a virgin soil. The
latter requirement can be made up in part
by the use of ashes, and tho former by
planting wind breaks of evergreens. I
treated a stunted Famcuso applo tree
twenty years ago with a wheelbarrow load
of leached ashes, and that tree shows tho
benefit of it to this day. Somehow we
all like the kinds of apples wo used to eat
when we were voung, and so Rhode Itland
Greenings, Gillillowcrs and Bellflowen.
still have a place in our hearts and in my
orchaid. '1 hey bring to mind tho times
when neightors used to "come over and
spend the evening "those old-fashioned,
informal visits, in which apples filled an
important part ot tne social ciuxi. j -,
iiwvl in iwn (vnnnanv with tho dough-
... i i m...
nnta wlim wn were.VOUHC. F. D. Curtis
in Rural Xew Yorker.
Buy Small Trees.
The averago American is in a great
- hurry to realize on his investments. Thw
tendency crops out very plainly when he
purchases trees. He finds them described
as "second-class," "medium," "fin-t-class,"
and "extra." Tho differences in theso
claaees is principally, if not wholly, in the
size and height of the trees. Tlio larger
the tree tho higher the price j but the far
mer "don't care anything about that."
He wants good trees or none, and gives
his order for thosoof extra size, and winch
are four or five vcars old. In doing this
he thinks that he U acting wisely, hut tho
nurseryman knows and the farmer will
find before long that, with equal care, the
small tree will grow faster and (if a fruit
tree) como in tho bearing condition sooner
than the large one.
In half a dozen years tho tree that was
small wiien planted will be larccr and
liner than the other. The reason for this
is obvious. The larger the tree the larger
uiu iuuu tvnmii n nag, and tlio larger the
roots the le-s fibres there will to upon
them. A tree that has (plenty of fibrous
roots will grow readily if proper care is
used in transplanting ; but no amount of
skiu can coax a tree to live and flourish
which is destitute of these little fibres.
The roots of large trees are always more
or les mutilated in the process of taking
up, while the small trees sustain little in
jury irom tins source. Dealers in trees
assert that experienced men buy small,
thrifty trees, while those who lire jut
starting are anxious for the largest to to
had. Those who are to set trees the com
ing season will do well to learm from the
experience of thoo who, at considerable
loss to themselves, have demonstrated that
small trees are the ones to buy. Xew
England Homestead.
It is not possible to givo tho strawtorry
patch too much water, provided always
that the land is so well drained as to give
the water free escape. This is true of
nearly all farm crops, though barley is
more sensitive to excess of water than any
other small grain. Corn is injured by
excessive moisture, but it is more from
chilling the soil than from the effects of
water itself.
Farmers should experiment with all
kinds of fertilizers within their reach.
Quito often there is found on some farms
muck that can be prontably drawn to land
adjoining or on tho near neighborhood.
The quality of muck varies so widely
that lack of success with it in any place
is no evidence that other muck will fail
elsewhere. The tost muck contains lime
and phosphoric acid.
Wherever wood ashes can to had an
excellent fertilizer may to made by any
farmer. Let him purchase pure ground
bone ; mux with its weight of nshes and
saturate with water. The alkali in the
ashes takes hold of tho crease in the
bones, and the mixture is a valuable one
for any grain crop. When dried with fine
ground gypsum it can be drilled m with
the seed.
The evidence recently supplied by the
Scottish Chamber of Agriculture asserts
that the effect of lime is most durable on
pastures that are grazed. It lasts longer
upon good than upon bad land, and
longer ujxm clays and light land than on
light land. A good dressing of lime lasts
for a number of years. Except on old,
mossy land, lime is best used upon grass
land in the form of compost.
Gypsum, charcoal and lime are some
times added to manure heaps with the
view of fixing their ammonia ; but where
the management of the manure is other
wise good, these are not much required.
Chalk and lime are found to have a very
good effect in preventing the escape of
ammonia from farm yard manure, pro
vided it is fresh manure. Applied to rot
ten manure cautic lime causes a great
loss of ammonia.
Tho cultivation of apples is growing
into immense proportions in Arkansas.
The crop grown in Bentoe county this
year amounted to about 2,000,000 bush
els, nearly the whole of which wa ; dried
and thus shiptod in barrels, because there
are no convenient railroad facilities there
to enable growers to ship the green fruit.
Drying kilns were put in operation in the
orchars where the fruit was grown, one
concern having facilities for (hying one
thousand bushels a day. A Xew York
firm has permanently located in Benton
county and engaged in drying apples, the
barrels in which they aie packed being
branded Rochester, N. Y. The fruit is
shipped to Europe.
Many complain that their tomatoes
are sour. All tomatoes are sour, n we
may judge from our own observation,
that are grown in rich soil. e want a
maximum of fruit and a minimum of
leaves and steins, if we would have sweet
tomatoes by which is meant not sweet
literally, but less acidity. Tomatoes raised
in light rather jwor soil, in a sheltered or
warn situation, arc always sweet in favor
able seasons, whilo those raised in rich soil
or in partial shades are always sour. A
rank growth of foliage shades tho fruit
densely and interferes with the develop
ment of tho saccharine principle.
An English agricultural paper, London
Farm and Homo, recently declared that
"tho reason why such numbcrsof farmers'
sons in America abandon farming is en
tirely owing to the extreme severity of
the toil they havo to undergo when on
the farm. The American farmer is a very
hard task-master, and as a rule tho sons
dislike tho laborious occupation at home,
which they leave to go in search of 'some
thing lighter.' American farming has
lecn developed not so much by native
Imrn farmer.-, as by the millions who have
gone there to bottle during the last 10 or
20 years."
As to the immediate future of wheat,
the low range of prices prevents British
India from being as great a competitor as
last vear, navigation in Northern Russia
is closed, tho fall sowing wheat of England
has been delayed by floods, and our farm
ers generally are in totter condition for
holding their crops, whilo tho present low
prices tends to increase tho demand over
tho civilized world,
It is estimated that tho wholo produc
tion of sugar grown in tho world
amounts to atout 3,700,000 tons a year.
Of this atout 1,500,000 tous arc manufac
tured in Europe from the beet. China,
India, Egypt and tho Islands of tho
Southern Pacific produco about 700,000
tons; Cuba, 000,000; Brazil. 200,000;
rvmerara. Surinam and other places,
400,000, and Louisiana and the Sandwich
Idands l&.OOU tons.
A very small proportion of tho quince
tnv.ii nlnntcd everarrivo at a fruiting age,
generally dying from neglect soon after
planting. They require a deep, good noil,
nmnnrativelv moist, stiff and clayey
one being best, provided it be well culti-J
vated. For the first three or four years
they demand good attention, after which
time that ordinarily given to other fruit
trees will suffice. They should to pruned
yearly, and all weak or dead wood
removed and too forward shoots headed
The canned fruit product of California
has largely increased since the last de
cade. The product of 1875 aggregated in
value about .f 500,000. In 1880, f 1500,000,
and in 1882 tho product is set down with
a value equal to .$2,000,000. For the
futnro wo have every reason to believe
that the rate of increase will be even
greater than for the past. And there is
110 question but that California is des
tined to become the largest and finest
fruit-producing country in tho world.
The great curse of the American farmer
is too much land. In trying to spread
over too much ground he is compelled to
do things by halves and only gets half
returns. Une acre of land that produces
four tons of hay is better w orth $,100 than
ten acres that produces a like quantity is
worth $25 an acre. The cow that averages
two pounds of butter a day is totter worth
$200 than is the cow that only makes one
pound a day is worth $20.
Mr. Morton, of Tularo City, has tried
nn experiment with a new sort of grass,
which he affirms will to the coming grass
of that section of country. It resembles in
some resects the bunch grass on the salt
marshes on the sea coast, and at first sight
it docs not look as though it would to very
palatable. It grows in huge bunches
from six to ten feet high, and produces
over three tons of first-class hay to the
acre, btock are very fontl of the grass,
and it is better for them than any other
grass of which Mr. Morton has ac
knowledge. Unlike other grasses the roots
may to utilized to fatten hoes and vield
enormously, as much as 3,000 bushels to
the acre. Hogs cat the roots eagerly, and
may to turned into a field before and
after the hay is cut to root and fatten.
The farmers of Missouri may to Grati
fied to learn that of fourteen Congress
men from that state they have elected
thirteen lawyers, not ono of whom could
have been chosen without their votes.
Tho election of tho fourteenth is as yet in
dispute, but no matter which of the two
disputants may to declared elected, the
one successful will bo a lawyer, or a manu
facturer of patent medicines a doctor.
Three-fourths of tho voters of Missouri
are farmers and not a single representa
tive of their class in Congress.
Three-quarters of the highest-priced
butter in New York and England to-day
is made from Jersey cows ; it brings from
40 to 80 cents per pound, and the demand
is greater than the supply. The greater
part of tho butter dealers to not handle
this, and it is not known in the newspa
per market reports. As a rule it goes
once or twico a week direct from the
dairy where it is made to the house or
club, or hotel in which it is eaten. It has
less than one-quarter of an ounce of salt
to tho pound, and thus none of tho
aromatic odors are lost.
Above all. however, a farmer should be
free from debt. If he wishes to bind a
millstone round his neck, to sink him be
yond tho possibility of hope or rescue, to
keep him constantly restless, and strug
gling for subsistence if not for existence,
let him keep in debt ; if ho would to able
to call what he has his own, and breathe
tho air of a freeman, let him religiously
eschew debts. I would almost go so far
as to say that nothing excepting the pur
chase of land can justify a farmer in con
tracting a debt ; and tofore he sells him
self for more land he will do well to in
quire whether he has capital to work it
profitably, and whether what ho now has
is brought to the propcrdegrec of fertility.
The Texas State Grange, at its annual
session last month, shows an increase in
memtorship of over 8,000 during the
pat year. Ono hundred and twenty-five
dormant Granges were revived and
eighteen new ones organized during the
year. This is the way the Grange is
Spokane Chronicle.
la the eastern part nf Washington there
lis a region about 200 miles long by 70 mile
in breadth marked on the maps as llie great
pleatuo ot the Spokane. To this region, on
crount 'f its remarkable fertility and won.
derful resources, the attention of enteiprising
men has of late been largely diteo'ed. The
nearer completion of the Northern Pacific
Railroad, then bringing a liithuto isolated
region into direct ccirimunieation with the
east, has increaiel this interest to a ten-fold
decree. The form of the lat discovered and
ichest wheat field on the American continent,
iUsalulrinus air, its undeveloped resources
ant wonderful possibilities have surposed a
mere local reputtti n and now floods of letters
from nearly every Sti to of the American
Union and from Canada are daily received.
It is in answer to tome of the mostimportmt
of these inquiries that the following brief
and necessarily imperfect sketch las been
wrii'en :
T pigraphy The traveler along the Pne
of the railr. ad Ii often disappointed by the
appearance of the country. The reason of
this nbvions. The track of the rai'road runs
alonj a nirr.iw rocky ledgs which forms a
natural road bed ; in few places does the beat
lmd comedown to the track of the road.
But only a short distance on either tide and
we reach a bouodlet s realm of tbe choicest
wheat land. To tbe south lies the famous
Palouse country of astonishing fertility, free
from rock, well watered and armewhat rolling.
To the wot and north stretches for nearly 100
miles the famous Big Beud country, equally
fertile with the P-louie and not o Idly, while
in various other directions are the Hangman
Creek valley, the Kock Crk valley, the Col.
vilt valley and mat y others. All of these
are m-re rr less tributary to Spokane Falls.
Soil. The soil for tbe moat put is a dark
bam of great dep'b, compote! of alluvial ele
posits and decomposed basalt overlying a clay
subsoil. There are two characteristics of this
soil which deserve mention i First its re
markable capacity to resist drouth j second,
its seeming incapability of exhaustion. In
Minnesota, oh-ro the virgin soil two years
ago produced thirty bushels of wheat, it is
now difficult to poduce ten lushels. The
bonanza firms of Dakata are already won out,
while lands in the Walls Walla valley which
hive the s-ime chemical constituents as our
own have been cultivated to wheat for twen'y
years, without dimii ution of yield. The rea-
Ann IS tlsin. Tim vnlanii lnira rlvmnn.0.
gradually and hence, tho fertility is main
Products. Tho whole region is covered
with a rich growth of bunch grass which cures
itself nnd which fattens cattle better than the
blue grass of Kentucky or corn of Illinois. It
has become a proverb that where bunch crass
grows wheat will. There is no better stock
country w hether for horses, cattle or sheep,
than Eiatcrn Washington : hut its chief celeb
rity is a w heat country. The pr deletion of
wneat is simply marvelous. Wheat averages
thirty-five and forty luuhels to the acrr, while
crops ot sixty and seventy uushcis are not
are, oats about seventy Imshe's, and in some
portions 1 10 bushels to the acre. Pi tatoes
and garden vegetables of the finest quality art
lavishly produced and no country ain produce
better apples Pears, plumi, peaches and
cherries are successfully raised, and this eems
the natural home of the small fruit. In favor
able locations timothy produces three tons to
the acre.
Climate. The climate is by no means so
severe as the latitude would suggest. Like
the eutiro Pacific Coast it is modified by the
warm Jpan current which bathes the west
ern coitt. In the spring, summer and au
tumn the climate is delightful, the niuhts are
always cool, and although in winter the trier
cuary sometimes for a tew days take a low
range, we nave no dreadful storms as on th
western prairies. The colder it is the less air
there is in circulation. On winter morning',
when the cold is most intense, the smoke from
a hundred chimneys may be seen rising fifty
feet in tho air as straight as an arrow. Then
are no ice-laden, death-dealing " blizzards,"
as in Nebraska and Kansas ; no northeasters,
as in Texas ; nor California sand storms.
There is no healthier country in the world
There is no malaria ; the drainage is good, and
the water pure, sweet, delicious and readily
Egypt lies directly north of Fort Spokane
and touth of Larene, extending to the Spo
kane river on the east, and to Cottonwood
creek on the west. It is a rolling table land,
and is well watered. Most of the choice gov
eminent land is tsken up here, but claims can
be had here yet containing 50,60 and 80 acres
of tbe choicest prairie land and the rest tim
ber, which would make good pasture, not to
speak of the value of the timber which would
be in itself a small fortune when the timber
begins to get scarce, as it certainly will at no
distant day. The land here was surveyed last
summer, but is not yet in the market, and
therefore I cannot tell the price of railroad
and here, but I invite those intending to
buy to take a look at the land in this vicinity
before locating elsewhere, as scarcely any rail
road land has oeen taken here yet. There 1
no wool grass here, the thing that proves such
a nuisance in some parts of the country
There is an abund mco of game of every do
scription here prairie chicken, grouse, phes
ants and sage hens, also any number of deer,
(the 1&TJ.0 mule deer) which affords an endlcs
amount of fun fr the "boys" during the
winter season. The present winter, however,
has not been so favorable to deer hunting as
most winters on account of shallow snow,
which usually gets so deep in the mountains
across to the low land timber on this side
Although it is but little over two years since
the first settler came here, Egypt boasts of
two school districts, both of which had three
months school list summer.
stock of every kind have fared well this
winter, scarcely any feeding being done.
North IVathinyton Tribune.
A Paget Sound Scene.
The Seattle Pot-Inleltiyencer of a late date
in (peaking of a busy ecene on its water front
says :
The immense new warehouse of the Oregon
Improvement Company presented yssterday
and day before a ecene of buty industry,
which no man familiar with those indication"
which go to show a prosperous community and
a commercial center, would fail to accept as
conclusive evidence of Seattle's commanding
position in this regard.
Ou the 5th inst. the Geo. W. Elder dis
ohargea 595 tons nf Ireight on that wharf, at
wh!:hwere already accumulated large stores
of grain, brought Irom the adjoining counties,
especially those to the north of us, and sev
eral hundred barrels of pickled stlmon, the
product of our local fisheries. It will not do
to say that the immense warehouse was as full
as it could hold, because if merchandise hod
been pih d even witht'e roof several hundred
too smore could have found storage room. As
it was. however, boxes ann bales and barre's
and packages of all discretions were so num
erous that only narrow alleyways were leu lor
stevedores, rou.taboutf. visitors and the
crowd generally who went down to tike a
1 ok at these sttikit g evidence s of the growth
of the Queen City ot the Sound.
Weduulit if any tingle exinnitol tne on
ward march of tii city has, in all respect-,
been so satisfactory and conclti'ive as tlio
scene on tbe wharf rtferred to. The spacious
wart houses (n the wharf have, ever since
their enclosure reveal, d their true size, been
regarded as, perl aps, unnecessarily large fur
the storage which would offer, but it now p
parent that the Improvement Company ful y
comprehend' d the aituation, at least as far as
present needs aie concerned.
fonsvtupllon Cured.
An old physician, retired from practice,
having had placed iu his i ands by an East In
dia missionary the formula of a simple vcgtU.
bio remedy for ihe speedy and permai cut
cum for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh,
Asthma and ail Throat and Lung affections,
a'bo a positive and radical cure for Nervou.
Deliiity and all Nervous Complaints, after
having tested its wonderful curative powei
in thousands of cases, has felt it his eiutv to
make it known to his suffering felfi ws.
Actuated by this motive and a desire to reliere
suir. riny. I will send free of charge to all who
desire it, this recipe, in German, French or
English, with full directions lor preparinand
using. Dent by mail by addressing with
tamp, naming tbis paper, W, A. Notes, 14
I'ower a biock,
S11.VIKTO.V, Oregon, March 10, I680.
I take pleasure in testifying to the remedial
properties of the Oiuuo.m KiiiNKY Tra For
the past two or three jeais I have been
troubled with derangement of the kidneys,
during which time I have tried various reme
dies without ottiining relief, I bought a
r:ksge of the Obeouk KlusrT Tka from
C. Hayes, and frcm th first dose began to
leel Letter anii am t appy to aay that alter
using the package, I am aimoetrniirely rured.
fcUaecrx t.01,
25. 183.
Bend for M A. !
suKUTumraxas or
T 20W9Mbbbbbu "1-K"- at .siB .PvJ9'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLjbbbbbbbb1
fam- mi !! tlPaRJ -JBssMswigjsMSMSBssssassssssssssjssssssss
ComhitM-4 Drill i.o tin. How lit a Cuitlftur aod HlllfT
TtlP Plflrl Jr fn llrill. UIih.1 Hah ll..r.aU. .
rr lnrr rumm irrd In li wiihitutpur UNir ,lat tool, Stody aw Catalogue eirrrull, and atrrc with ui Our92 ran CUV
aioeo with 4nQiraTintati1etar-lfra proper Cultivation of Oopa taaraoierd to InterMlewjone worllna tbe aoll willWaraa
In lour .n allrraa frre upon receipt of tra Bamea ot nrlgahora aaoot lalerrtlo.1 In Tannine and faritralog fa. I. ALLftiV
A t ttM l-alroli-ea and Sne UanufMtnrevB af Ibfl Planet Jr aoawa S"T Jb 1S9 Catharine Ht, lllladelphla, Pfc
Eastern Cranberry Vines
Olympla, V. T.
1,000 tine.....
5.000 MllfH,. ..
10,000 linn,..
.1 7.00
..10 OO
Send rarneybr Beclstcrcd Lfltcr. Moner Order or
wens, rargo & w , wiw oireuions for forwarding.
In 1877, 1 planted three 50 feet beds of the Jenty
cranberry vines. I planted them 18 tn hes apart, tvich
uy; siMidod one bed ilx I nines uicp, one three inches.
na anoiner i pianicu on tne natural oog.
Hie sanded bed iclJed but a few berried an
dun? out In 1880 1 Fathered frotn the natural bed
two large eupar barrels ful! of bcrnes, and only one
barrel fr-m i oth the sand tj ones. II tick or Peat land
that overflows until al tJtthe flretof May Is the best
for the Cranb rry Kt- ptheatcr on the vines until
the late frosts are over, and vou nil! hive a good crop
every year.
1'iant by dropping the inea 2 feet by 6 Inches, and
forcing into the muck nith a forked stick or wodife
shaped dibble. Hoe out ihe needs the first year; i ull
them out by band tho second, and the thW'd year thej
will take care of t emselvus.
octlm3 Olympta, Thurston Co., W. T.
Just received by last str.
A full supply of tlm above
name grass seed nnd grain.
Vines anil Shrubbery at ven low rates. No peats c-d
reea which aro ruining .o many trt-ea en this Coast.
ta.Sond for Catalogue.
In '25 and 100 pound sacks at
(cb'212 2ti9 Second St., PorlamL
Salem Marble and Granite
Commsrclal St., South of Post Offloe
(I'ost-Otnce Box 3D, Salem, Oregon.)
Scotch and California Or anil t
and Marble monuments, Head Stone
Enclosed with California droits and
Stone Walls bull t of every descrlprJor.
Prices Kedueral One Hall
embraces fvrydiut.l nofclty M U AUIIAI
Ihe wawfi. fully dcKrUl In tUIr ITI ft mini
of EVERYTHING for tf7e
whlth tot 1H, conulnt PhTJ-K IILNOLKSON'S I
"JtiTtitd fmilruttnt t Virttmhlt lad FlmwrCut-1
iturt," talking .1 condentd Ctfrisnlov lkAtk. fetving I
fell lha Utett inform., Hon fa nosrn to th author of (Jar- I
! nrrnib" MAueq nc twiiuuba.
Peter Henderson & Co., ""
35 37 Conlandt Bt., New York.
Miirnlilnr llialiit Cured lis 10
t :ee lira N't I'ay imtlilaruk
J. U Drarua.a, M, I) , Ut.aouB.Ohl0.
it f ill from the firm vt J no. V, MU'cr.
nr Halt in, H- ml Pony; about 15 hinds)
Mjfh; 1 b (M, itoutiHjrt-n ytari (Jd;
i h Item hor. hrnliitkefi. A ilbcrtl
Mwftrd l) .Ui lavld tor it e return of tvJ harte to
ttu (i, WO'rUWUUTU, balnn, Or,
At A. D, CrOaUmtn'i Mom wthmf
ERlaV ,4.1
IND., U. S. A.
...u.. !-... '.
aa a aaiffrMI Cower M are wt "ream lhal fartnrt I
Mr rentable nnd rirtwcr Hcc. Catatocup furl
1MH8 will he Knt 1 Kks to all who npi-lv. lusumert of I
ial vMfttiii need not nta f r it. All v.el sent iron my
csUMaShiuentwarTantetl lolat? Unh fresh and true to rame,
SO fir. that &bouM tt iro oitnrlk. 1 a.ree to re till the
order grui. My eol.cciloi of secetable need ii me of
laicimma. cicnvc 10 m; iouiiu many American cat tiofnie,
and a hrce uart tf It It of mv own fimwtnrf An tht
ortctnnl Intrudnr of I nrlj Oliln an.l Iturbatik
1'otatoe.v Mnrhlohoail I'nrlj Corn, tl e llnhhnrd
a-ajuwsistx, iilliriiirnri.il UUIIUtTC I -II 111 MOV PS .111 lOil,
ftud a 4f ore of Otlicr new eLFeIll.lcn. 1 invite the natron.
C of ihe public. In the can lent ami on tho farms of I
si'twe wnoptam: my seen 111 nc loutid ny nrst aiiterttsc
meat. James J. H. Gregory, Mirbleheal, Mass. I
Fruit, Shade and Ornamental
Trees, Shrubbery, Vines
t.Has an especially fine lot cfTH
Address C. N. POTTKIt,
Novl2tt Salem, Oregom.
Wholesale & Itctuil llenlcr In
Fruit and Evergreen Seeds,
Plants, Eta,
Alfnlfu, Grass and Clover Seed,
In large quantities, and offered In lots to
H. W. Scttlemlre, Proprietor.
ttlartrtl I8M..-30 lr a NursriYiiiaB.
All soma op
Trees, Vines and Shrubbery.
SK?""lto.T"n'rc"t' 'fKn, ' I'rico lUt and dea
crlptrve ca'alogiio. els. 1 Ml
win do mailed rnee to all crplicanu. iUTl iu cua.
turiioriMtycor without ordortnir It ltcontalns
JftUvtO MArlrrl fiftrrlf.nni
If. tl ill ataas,.
HenJfbriil ' '
Detroit Mioh.
A fine lot of
Miller Bros., Seedmen.
210 Second atrexit, rortlaml.
In'ner kla
And certain cure. Fold ly all ilruinfials
JN(;n: an veutH a Jlox.
TlaO first lot e irrnuulne KmkIMi llluo (lras was ra
' y,,''T,,a-y,0rM,l,' llfs , f-s oral Hireet, No.
208. Tnev ali Ii ve W lilto Hi.ilnif It 0 ti' w for liar.
Aunartpafull line of (Iraaa Herd it i. ro"!.
3 Tha SUREST OURsT for
tsrsM C laRM faUiIc Or dlaUinlcPAd Briria India
c rou u vlotjra r TUXU VO MOT
C JUaiTJsvTEj um Kldnej-Wort at ono, dnitf
rlata rttGOmroenjlltl&ndlt willsMMKillr arar.
bom the dlMwM and rtor healUiy sviUoa.
I mWIaa ror oompUloU pooaliar
W ItaulGDi toyour r, ,juc)isaplB j
awnta.uiiBiTla4uii.;.MVtis iMWt sasukv,
fg tm tt wilt act promptly and aafily,
saH(V Oitr Trifviitlnanna HlanlUn n9tt4nm
fi brlflk dust crropdvpoatu, and dull drVsfftna
O palna, all ipecdily yield Xo Ita curatlva power.
DOI.U ur am vuuuaiaTS, rrfefl.
CT ' ' j la a. .. t fS aTTT
r i atTii -"i" 'p-.JnU K
sal . . 'JmXlBtffSJ9nBSCl C;
fend fr Cirruliar, ('.italoinir. ol jKu.lr, 4C.
Uclsmmas, Orgsnetts Co., Worcester, lists.