Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 11, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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Fishcrnnn John is brave and strong,
Nona more brave on th coa t than he:
He owns a cottage and fishing smack
As snug as ever need be.
And, what is truer than I could wish,
Fisherman John loves me.
Often add often, when iUy is done,
With smiling lipi and eager eyes,
He comas to woo me; in every way
That a in in may try, he tries
To win me; but that he can never do,
Though he woo mo till ho dies.
Fisherman Jack is a poorer man;
He owns no cottasje nor fishing smack,
But a winning voice and a smilo are his,
And a manly grace. Alack)
It will not break my heart to tell
That I love Fisherman Jack.
He loves rot me; but every night,
He sit at the feet of Kate Mahon.
Never a heart hns she for him
For sha loves Fisherman John,
Who cares no more for love of hers
Than tho sea he siila upon.
Often wo wonder, do Kite and I,
That fate should cross us so cruelly;
We think of tho lovers we do not love,
And dream of what life would be.
If only Fisherman John loved her,
And Fisherman Jack loved me.
The sun his set, the day is closed,
The n'jtht has com3, the world's composed,
And cares are laid aside.
Sj So fly my das without control,
&1? T.ilrn iv!linfT unbfrp A minfl thfl nole.
Or swift as meteors glide.
Our life at best is hut a span,
The days are few laid up tor man
To number here below.
Each moment clips a liflo space,
Contracts our spin, cilts short our race,
And winds the mortal chain.
Well, if my days must end so soon
My morning sun r down at noon,
The present I'll improve.
I'll watch the moments as they fly,
None unimproved Bhall pass me by
While I havj power to love.
Then break thou wheel, thou cord untie,
Thou fabric fall, thou fountain dry
And end mv mortal pain.
Mrs. a. V. a.
The following chatty letter from a friend in
Washinn.on Territory has many sensible,
practical hints in it. We wish more of our
good friends would give us the benefit of their
experience; one may learn something new
every day by others exchanging ideas :
Cottonwood, W. T., April 19, 1884.
Editor Willamette Farmer :
One of the main things to be guarded
against in the poultry yard in this new coun
try is tho destruction of young iowIb by ver
min the skunk, mink, weasel, badger, stote
(a beautiful little animal that I ears one of
the finest furs of commerce, so purely white
as to be regarded as the emblem of purity,
and as imparting dignity to the State robes of
Judges and Magistrates). The ermine is an
enemy to young fowls; but this beautiful lit
tle creature is so timid as to be readily kept
away by a cur or a good mother cat, and so
also is the mink and weasel. It is a good
precaution to have two such cats kept near
the poultry yard in good quarters prepared
for them in the barn or stables. The Maltese
are the btst hunters; we have known one to
jump ten feet to catch her prey, and one to
biing in as many as fifteen ground squirrels
in one day. They can easily be trained not
to catch youug chickens, eto , and not to stay
about the house. I believe in the family cat,
"Asleep with one eye and awake with the other,
For pats from the children, klad words from the
For I am tho family cat."
The coyote sometimes makes raids upon
the poultry when away from the yard, but he
is such a coward as to keep away from the
houses during tho night, when he yelps at a
distance like a cowardly fice. If a woman
has tne care of poultry she should become
familiar with the use of a gun with which to
wage efT.ctive warfare against coyotes and
hawks. Shade can be secured to the young
broods and a refuse from hawks by setting
out low growing trees. The most beautiful
and effective shelter I have seen was afforded
by a half circle of small cedars, the low grow
ing, thick limbs being a favorite resort of a
large flock of different kinds of poultry on
the farm. Here we have the hemlock that
can be used in this way, and greatly beauti
fying the surrounding landscape. The heli
anthus, or common laree sunflower, answers
a good purpose as a shade, and the seeds in
the fall, it harvested, make a rich addition
and variety to the food of the flock during
the winter, but must be secured from mice,
as they will he more quickly eaten by them
than almost any kind of grain. The flowers
of the helianthus are thought to perfectly and
powerfully absorb poisonous gases in the at
mosphere, so would be effective deodorizers of
barn yard effluvia. A w 11 arranged, often
cleaned, airy, hen house, not crowded, pure
drinking water, plenty of plowed ground to
roam over and care in bedding will secure
uniform healthfulnsji. The tima of bringing
forward yourg broods must be determined by
the poulterer's ability to give warm shelter
from cold spring and early summer rains.
Hens may be set as early as the first or mid
die of March if nests be provided in warm
quarters and warmth secured after hatching.
The first meal of any young fowl should be
hard boiled egg masbed fine with moistened
bread crumbs; afterwards any kind of grain
meal, and when fonr days old any kind of
small grain soaked an hour or two. but not
sour. I have not the least doubt as to the
business of poultry raising being made remu
nerative, and can be readily carried on by
women on the farm. If shs find that she has
already too much to do, let her good husband
a Id dairying bu tor and cheese making, and
the rearing of young calves. They can then
well afford ti hire any needed help in the
hou-e. Sj much for chicken affairs.
Our fall wheat gives prom'se of a fine crop;
it came out after the sn w melted in remark
ably fine condition. A patch of red clover on
an cast hill side showed green sprigs a foot
long, and a fiel 1 for cow pasture in such con
dition would bo invaluable. Some rutabagas
left in the earth were crisp and alive, and
were eaten with avidity by cows, horses and
pigs. This certainly is remarkable, ns the
inter has been an extreme one everywhere,
the thermometer ranging below zero for a
month here. Mrs. A. Bowes.
Sponqe DRors Sponge drops are nice to
mix with other cake in the basket. Beat
fnur eggs to a stiff froth, then stir in one
heaping cup of sugar and one cup and a third
of flnur. One teaspoonful of baking powder
should be thoroughly mixed with the flour.
Flavor with lemin and drop with a dessert
spoon on buttered paper apresd on tin plates.
The oven should be hot. and the cakes will
bike in a few minutes. Tncy require watch
ing, as they are very likely t) brown too
Cucomber Pickles When taken from
the brine they should bo soaked for two
week at least in vinegar instead of water.
Then put in a kettle with fresh vinezar, some
pounded spices of all sorts added, and simmer
over the fire till they beein to get tender.
We always put a great deal of spice and a lit
tle sugar, which seems to intensify the acid of
the vinegar. A second supply of cucumbers
can be soaked in the first vinegar. Of course,
the spices may bu omit'ed, but they are
necessary tn first rate pickle. Cloves, nutmeg,
mace, al'spice, blick peppor, broken up but
not reduced to powder, all go to improve the
Crullers Happy is the woman who can
have for use in cooking genuine, freshly
made buttermilk. The following recipe for
for crullers is a proof of this : Half a pint
of buttermilk, a small teacupful of butter,
two cups of sugar and three eges. Beat the
eggs and then add the milk and sugar. Half
a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little hot
water should then he added. Grate half a
nutmeg and stir in with teaspoonful of salt
and half a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon of
good trength. Work in flour enough to make
a firm, smooth dough. Roll this and cut out
cakes in fancy shapes, oc twist like ordinary
fried cakes. Fry in hot lard.
Salt fish are quickest and best freshened by
soaking in sour milk.
Lobsters boiled and served on toast makes
a dainty dish for a lunch or tea.
Cold rain water and soap will remove ma
chine grease from washable fabrics.
Fish may be scilded milch easier by first
dipping them into scalding water for a mo
ment. Milk which has changed may be sweetened
or rendered fit for use by stirring in a little
Fresh meat, beginning to sour, will sweet
en if placed out of doors in the cool air over
Kroene will soften boots and shoes hrd
ened by water, rendering them soft and plia
ble as new.
A tahle'poonful of turpentine boiled with
your white clotheB will greatly aid the whiten,
ing process.
Boiled starch is much improved by the ad
dition of sperm or salt, or both, or a little
gum arabic, dissolved.
When cooking a large fowl or joint of meat
it may be covered with a buttered paper to
prevent its being scorched.
Clear boiling water will remove tea stains;
pour the wa'er through the stain, ' and thus
prevent its spreading through the fabric.
Kerosene will burn clearer if the burners
are boiled for five minutes twice or three
times a year in wood ashes and water.
Salt will curdle new milk; hence, in pre
paring milk porridge, gravies, etc., the salt
should not be added until tho dish is pre
pared. When boiling cabbage put a slice of salt
pork in th water, and an agreeable flavor,
with no ohjpctinnahle grease or fat, will be
given to the cabbage.
A simple hu' delicious dish for dessert is
mde by cuttirgup onnges in small pieces
and then pouring over them some rich boiled
custard. Serve with cake.
lTm,AnA will malrA vnnr teakettle as bright
as new. Saturate a woolen rg and rub with
IE. 1L WlaiMjrillJa DMiug u. ..w bu
varnished furniture.
If a little vinegar or some cider is mixed
with stove polish it will not take much rub
bing to make the stove bright, and the black
ing is not likely to fly off in fine dust.
For one who can afford to use it in that way,
wMnnirl rream. h'lrhiv flavored with vanilla.
rose water or wine, makes the richest and
most agreeable pudding sauce.
The addition of little mace to a veal soup
m11 nitra nn nnrveikVAa flivnr tl It. T)0 not
put in enough to make it a distinct flavor, hut
put it in with the herns ana pepper ana sait.
If before ynu put ro'ls in tta tin ti ti bake
them you rub the edges with a little melted
but'er, you will not be troubled by their
sticking together when baked, and the edges
will ne smooth.
To keep pudding sauce warm if prepared
too long before the dinner is served, set the
basin or pan containing it in a pin or pail
of boiling water, and do not let the water
boil after the sauce dish is set in it, but Keep
it hot.
Sweet potatoes which are almost without
tase are very much improved if the tough
outside skin is removed, and they are pnt
under a roas1-. of beef to cook. They will
brown over nicely and receive an agreeable
Beeswax and salt will make your flat
irons clesn and smooth as glass. Tie a lump
of wax in a rag and keep it for that purj oae.
When the irons are hot, rub them first with
the wax rag, then tcoor them with a paper or
rail sprinkled with salt.
Do not throw away weolen stockings, even
if the feet are entirely worn out, or ate
so thin ss to warrant no more wearing; the
legs make the best kind of stockings for a
child of two years old. Cut a pattern from a
little "boughten" pair, and make with small,
toft seams.
The Colorado millionaire, whose $250
night gowns and jet checker board
sleeve buttons with the alternate squ iro
set with diamonds, and his various ex
tensive etceter is, made him famous in a
twenty-eight days' term in the United
S ates Senate, returned to town with
out any provocation and call d on the
President, which was un injury the
President had done nothing to deserve,
A cold shudder has gone through
Washington a' the rumor that the Oil
orido man liked Washington iniended
to build here and live. Everybody by
this time knows whut the Colorado man
is cap i hie of, and the shudder arises at
the thought of tho things ho may -lo to
get into that society which he evidently
tielieves himself lilted to adorn. The
facilities for thrusting oneself into peo
ple's houses unasked are probably great
er here than in any other city, and nec
essarily so. The wives of Cabinet offi
cers must have certain days for general
receptiuns, to which all are invited to
come. T e same is true of a number of
Senators' wives and other ladios whose
husbands hold high official positions
This fact Las led various persons, who
imagine that, being at liberty to drop a
bit of pasteboard into a card-ro;eiver,
to be courteously leceived by the ladies,
and after an interval to retire, is "going
into society" to say with great cynical
emphasis, that "anybody can get into
Washington society." This is true.
''Anybody" can '.o ju.it that extent.
The whole episode of the Colorado
man was one that an American Daudet
is wanted to do justice to. Washing
ton is waiting for such a novelist, who
will see both sides of it, the good as
well as the evil, most of them having
been only the evil heretofore, and who
will know both sides of it. There is
nothing in Daudet so picturesquely vul
garas this gorgeous hotel wedding of a
pair who had been married for months
already, but who were determined to
have the elact of being married over
again in a senatorial capacity, no mat
ter what the senatorship or the wedding
might cost Not the half has been told
of the affair the table set for fifty
present, making it, as one of them said
in an awe-struck whisper to his neighbor,
"more like a funeral than a wedding;" all
the ladies invited either excusing them
selves or declining their invitations out
right ; the imposition upon tne priest
who was to marry them, and who does
not think it part of his priestly duty to
keep tf e run of the divorce suits in the
newspapers ; the des ription of tb i per
sonal charms ot the bride, written in the
s veet seclusion of the family circle and
carried afterwards to the newspaper
olHces; the sums of money offered if
they could be printed ; the rousing of
the Colorado man at dead of nights by
anxious reporteis to know if his mar
riage was legal ; the sending out of false
and fictitious lists of guests, which was
to give tho senatorial wedding great so
cial distinction in the ncighbothood of
tho Rocky Mountains; the contradic
tion of the same at the request of the
persons whose names were ued ; tho
ostentatious appearance of tho bride in
senate gallery, enjoying two or thre
days the proud distinction of being a
senator' h wife, and the husband's osten
tatious exhibition of her to his fellow
senators until everybody in the galleries
knew who it was; the announcement of
the Colorado man to the mo3t modest
widower David Davis that he had
heard that he was "going to take a wo
man," and he (the Colorado man) had
just got a "woman," an 1 if Senator
Davis was willing they would go off on
a trip together, each taking his "wo
man," and "it shouldn't cost him a
cent;" the apparent delight of the Colo
rado man in all the notoriety ho got out
of every new scandal many of these
have been written, but many others
never will be, because they cannot be
put into any chronicles, even of the
most sensational kind. Perhaps the
Colorado man will buy avother term in
the senate some time. Some of his re
marks intimated that he was thinking
of such an investment. At any rate he
is sure to go abroad tmd take his dia
mond checker-board sleeve buttons with
him, and he will sign himself large on
the hotel register as "Snna;or," and
write "U. S." after it, and he will be
regarded by the average citizen and the
Saturday Review as a normal product of
American institutions. Considered from
any point of view, the Colorado man
presents an appalling prospect. iv. l .
A Fine Region.
That immense, open country which lies be
tween Lower Yakima and the Columbia rivers
is just now attracting considerable attention,
there being several parties over there this
week exploring the land with a view to mak
ing settlements. The country is said to in
clude numerous springs, with a wide range of
excellent bun -h grass. Farmers settling in
that country will have an excellent chance to
engag in stick raising. Grain will re raised
for winter feeding while during the summer
an excel'ent range will lie had near home. la
stead of having a sort of vage, intangible
roperty in cattle scattered over a inousaou
ills, half of them starving in snow drifts and
the other half in unmarketable condition in
the spring, the stock raiser of the future
should have fewer and better animals and pro
vide himlf with means for taking cire of
them at least through the hardest part of the
winter. This fact is beginning to be recog
nixed among stockmen and the fact is also be
ing recognized that the new system will affi.'d
quite as much profit and far less anxiety than
the 010. meinoa oi snowing ikks mi pruviuc
for themselves. There are several reiions in
the Yakima country where stock raising after
this new method might be engaged in with
manv advantages and a certainty of faeces .
I Yakima Bvjnal.
jjfoi efh.f ltiltlre.x.
A little bird sat on a tolegraph wire,
To rest awhile, it could soar no higher,
When a doe canio slowly nlong the street,
Caug'it sight of the bird and w.inted to cat
It up, he did, without sugar or salt.
S up in the air In began to vault,
Kaced nil! nn with a fljiiig leap,
As if he'd gone mad.
Bow-how I peep.pcepl
The bird frm its perch looked down below,
Where tho dog was caperiug to and fro,
And it se 'tiled to say, with its head awry:
"You can't catch wie though you are so spry.
A game iloi; you certainly must be,
But ou'll not have a chance to make game of
For out of jour reach I'm dispjsed to keep
So J ou'd better be off I"
Bow-wow I pctppecp!
The dog of his efforts began to tiic;
And the saucy hird on the telegraph wiro
Laughed to see how he slunk an ay,
To hido himself f r the rest of the day.
The bird was game, for it showed no fright
At a barking rtog, with no chance to hite;
And lucky and plucky are they who keep
Out of reach of dinger.
Bow-wow 1 peep-peep
Is not quite empty; thero is one letter in it
from Myrtle; she has not written for a long
time, but it is better late than never, so she
shall have tho whole column to herself, and
Auot Hetty will tell her about her little Ban
tams, to help the column out :
A good friend, who knew how anxious Aunt
Hetty was to get some of these litt'e chick
ens, sent a box of them to her. They came
one day by express, in a nice little co p,
almost as nice as a bird cage, and the three
little hens and rooster looked as fresh and
bright as si many pretty birds. They wore
very hungry and thirsty after the ride from
Portland to Salem, so we put some breid in,
which tho hens quickly ate, but Mr. Bantam
woull not touch a bit till the ladies had eaten
all thiy wanted. Jut so when tho water was
given. Only one at a time could take a sip.
I am ashimed to say that the Biddies crowded
and struggled in quite an unladylike manner
to get tho first drink, but Oscar W.. as we
call him, only looked on from the background
and undo some conversation in his chicken
language that siunded like a polite little
remonstrance at their greediness. He keeps
his feathers dressed nicely, and appears to
have a great deal of self respect. After letting
them out to have a little air and a bit of green
grass, they were easily driven back again into
a larger coop. We find much pleasure in
watching these little pots. The eggs are
rather small, but we are assared that this
kind of fowl lay well, and lay in the winter
time. We fear one of the hens is a little can
nibal, for by the time she finishing cackling
and we get to the nest, lo I the little egg is
missing. We are sure Oscar is too much of a
gentleman to eat it. Just think, mv dear
Myrtle, hov funny one of these little weo
hens will look with a brood of little chickens
following her. But this is really "counting
chickens before they are hatched." Perhaps
your mother and father will he ablo t tell
you where that old saying may be found, and
t 11 you the wholo story of tho girl with the
milk pail on her head. It was all in the last
part of Noah Webster's spelling book, and it
is a pity these same spelling books are not
used now, for thore is no school book of the
same sort equal to it in these days.
Kviaiix, Or., April 22, 1883.
Editor Home Circle:
It has been such a long time since I wrote
to tho Farmer that I thought I should like to
sen a letter of mine in print, and to have it
fill up the Letter Box, as there are not many
young folks writing now. The weather has
been very bad; it has been raining so long.
We have our garden in, hut there Is not any
of it up. Tho fruit trees are in bloom, and
tho srawberrries, toi, but i don't think thtre
will be very many, it Is too cn'd. School has
not commenced here yet. I utayed with my
sister last winter and went to chl, Jessie
wante 1 to know who drafted the Declaration
of Independence. I think I can tell her.
Thomas Jefferson was the one, I wish some
of tho boys woul I write I should like to see
this letter in print. My best wishes to Aunt
Hetty. Mvrtlk Knight.
How a Home Hay Be Obtained.
Thero is in the Pacific Northwest a large
amount of public land still open for settle
nfnt. It may ba tiken under the pre-emption,
homstead and timber culture laws
under each of which 100 acres can be taken.
A pre-emption claim calls for a cash piyment
of 91. 2. to 82 50 pr acre within 31 months
after settlement Under the hnm"tead law
a title can bn secuied by five years' residence
and cultivation witlmnt any nav except tho
fees of th register and receiver of the land
office. Under the timber culture act one is
required to plant so manv trees annually and
cannot oht In a patent under eight vears,
The same person may obtain 480 acres of Isnd.
that is ICO under each law. The railroad
either has or soon will have a title to consid
erable land in this region which they will sell
at reasonable figures, probably most of it at
from 82.W ti 85 per acre. The country is
rapilly filling up and within a few yesrs the
better portion of agricultural lands will have
been taken, but in anv new country there are
always mms ifi'sstisfled ones from whom
homes can be bright for far less than their
aetusl value, Klickitat county has consider
able land that new comers csn secnr in any
one of the ways namd. One good evidenoi
that our section is at least on an equality with
most others, is that many have gone to r-ther
quarters to better their condition and re
turned here sttistiert to remain.
A Place for All.
Now that that the Crab Creek country and
that portion of Whitman county that lies
north of Ainsworth is attracting so Urge a
hare of public attention, It would be well to
inquire what art its possible resources.
Hitherto this valuable tract has hen known
to, ana useit ivy stock mm exclusively, wro
have grown rich fiom tho vast herds tht!
hive been rea'ed and marketed from its
stores of luxuriant grass's. It has been
proven of late years that it I as a value, too,
for wheat producing. Tho proof of it is found
in the large yielcs of grain, that for tho last
few years hive followed the experiments In
farming. Like all the hill lands in Columbia
and Walla Willa counties the yield is aston
ihing. Kvcry yar leads t- new develop
ments in the capabilities of tho Columbia
basin. Its largfl arei of pood land is j ist
looming into notice, in many previously
neglected districts. This, mo areplnised to
note, as wo shall need all the choico land un
settled to make hmn.'s for the crowd that is
coming. II'. Ilr. Statesman.
Will Settle In the Big Bend.
A colony of forty Mviinnnitcs were in tho
Big Bend country locating lands. The Che
ney Sentinel rays : They came from llatton
county, Kansas. They will bo known asgood
people, though their pitrisrchial system is not
exactly in harmony with tho Americin life.
They will locate their homes side by side and
only ask to be allowed to poiccably pursue their
vocation of tilling the soil free from thoskurry
of politic, or courts or quarrels. We know
one of these Menu mite families numbering
over eighty souls all under the guid.tncn of a
venerablo grandfather or great grandfater.
They nevor go to law. They will not testify
in court, and their religion forbids tho bearing
of arms. They have quaint costumos and cur
ious religious views, but withal are inoffensive,
honest a d inH ustrious. They will show some
of the Wild Goose ranchers how a house can
be built entirely of dirt and straw that will
be so clean and sweet as to put to shame even
one of tho famous housowi'os of Brock. One
curious bit ( inconsis'ency Is in their charao
ter. They cling to tho old sheepskin coits
and wooden shoes of centuries ago ; but will
buy tho best improved farm michinery and
cultivate the nuwest strains of domestic ani
mals. "Bnchuimlba"
Oulck, complete, cure, all anno Injr KUner, Bladder
and Urinary uisoascs. l. DruiorUts.
no longer from Dyspep
sia, Indigestion, want of
Appotite,lossof Strength
lack or Energy, Malaria,
Intermittent Fevers, Ac.
TER'S never falls to cure
all tnese diseases.
Boston, November s6, t88i.
Drown Chemical Co.
Gentlemen : For years I havs
beena great sufferer from Dyspepsia,
and could get no rciir(havng tried
everything which was recommend
ed) until, acting on the advice of a
friend, who had been benefitted by
Brown's Ikon Uittsrs, I tried a
bottle, with most surprising results.
Previous to taking Brown's Iron
Bittirs, everything I ate diitreised
me, and I suffered greatly from a
burning sensation In the stomach,
which was unbearable. Since tak
ing Brown's Iron Bittrrs, all my
troubles are at an end. Can eat any
time without any disagreeable re
sults. I am practically another
person. Mrs. W J. Flynn,
30 Maverick St , E. Bolton.
TERS acts like a charm
on the digestive organs,
removing all dyspeptic
symptoms, such as tast
ing the food, Belching,
Heat in the Stomach,
Heartburn, etc. The
only Iron Preparation
that will not blacken the
teeth or give headache.
Sold by all DrugglaU.
Brown Chemical Co.
Baltimore, Md.
Se that all Iron Hitters are mads by
Drown Chemical Co , Baltimore, and
have crossed red lines and trade
mark on wrapper.
....BUCCK8UOR TO....
Cor, First andAMer 8ta, 1'ortland, Ore.
Merchant Tailor,
And Hatter.
Ciuuraiitoos to sell (lie very
best CLOTHING lor Ichh
Money tlian any other lioiixe
In the state.
Mt. AvriimoMi.i:, v. s.
forllaml, Orfgim.
Writes Prescriptions 'or Ilee,ol all dunes of stock
rice, II for each precrtptlon written Htato symp
totns and ag of animals as near as oMlble.
e O. P. liacon's lilaclthawk HUhles, 03 Second
Ht., bet. HUrk .Ji.lO.k.
Bcsldrarfi Cn Tiiirurntli and T)lor BU
iAt Fall from th f.rm rf Jno. Y. Miller.
nir Hilcm. a K..ritl I'onv; about lo hands
hlifh; s lid b Hd, alaiitscvrn years old, wa
lth a Itaan horse when last a. en, A liberal
raward all: ba mid for the return of a '1 horse to
Wa O WOoDWOilTII, Haiti. Or,
At A. B. Croasuan's Stors. mehlltf
nlvnya Cnrea and never Disappoint'
Tho world's great Pain-Relierer
for Man and Boast. Cheap, qnlol:
and reliable
Narcotic. Children grow fist
upon, Mothers like, nnd Physl
clans recommend CASTORIA.
It regulates the Bowels, cures
"Wind Colic, allays Feverislinest,
and destroys Worms.
Cure, a Constitutional Antidote tot
this terrible maladx.bjr AbsorpUsM.
The most Important Discovery since
Vaccination. Other remedies mast
relieve Catarrh, thia cures at MiJ
stage before Consumption seta la.
Fever and Ague, Intermittent
and liemlttent JFevera, tEc-
This class of diseases so common In all parti
of the World, and especially proialcnt In ma
larious districts and Wcinago of wator-coursti,
are almost Invariably accompanied by more Of
less derangement of the liter, nnd frequently
by a defectho aetlon of tho dlgetlvo organs'.
The mere breaking of the Chill is but a step
towards completing a radical cure; the rurlouf
organs of the body, especially tho stomach and
liver, must bo brought to a healthy nnd vlgof"
ous condition beforo n permnnc nt euro can b
established, and this fuct lias been specially
kept in view by Dr. Juyue in his treatment of
those oomplaints. Tho use of .luyne's AgU
Mixture, in conjunction nitli Jayne's Sanatlv
Pills, as prosaribod in the IHreclions which
aocompany each bottle, will not only
but restore tho rystim, uioro particularly th
liver and stomach, to a sound condition, and IS
prevent a relapso of Fever and Aguo by thof.
and the host evidence of this is tho ImariabU
success which has always folluwed tho admin,
tstration of theso remedies, ns nltciitod by tht
certificates published annually in Dr. Jayna'i
Almanao, and the wldo-sprend popularity of tbf
Ague Mixture in thoso districts of tho UnltsJ
States, where the diseases, for which It H
adapted, most prevail.
For sale by Hodge, Davia & Co., AgonU
(Old "NATIONAL," Established I860.)
28 Front Street, bet Washington and Aider
A. P. AntlBTRONO Principal
J. A.WESCO, Penman and Secretary
An Institution deshrned for tho practical business
education of both sexes.
AdmltU! on any week day of tti uir No v
tloa at any time, a.T no exiuul nation
on enltrliJif.
HfajoUrftUlp, for .Vtill lulufB C'uiira Ht
Of all klni ciecutel to order at reaotial ralM.
3atIfavcUon guirantomj.
Tlit f'Wligr Journal conUli.ti.jf Inform of
tlio courMt uf itmly, when to enter, tln required,
cott of board, etc,, and cutio ornan.tjNUl penman
hip, from th pn of 1'rof , Wcico, aetit free,
A DDK Rat,:
Lock Ito i 104, 1'ortUnd, Oregon
SPLENDID POT PLANTS, specially pre
pared for Imm.dlato Bloom. Delivered
pnred for Immediate Bloom. Delivered
solely by mall iltilatall iiufflct,BHn.
did TarieUi, your ohol e.alllabelul.forBjii IB
for 121 10 'or 131 2ofu. e4 3Sfor(B 78 for
SIOI I00forl3. WE CIVE a Hindsome
Present of choice and valuable RObEb free
lUierery order. Our NEW GUIDE, a,;f
Trtatut im fa. wm. 7. pp. ai.aaf I. If f warraJs r
TO. lian
SM Orowsrs,
West Orevs, Csssur Cfk, I.