wt-ir: 8? v; t ' - a V I Commercial. LfeW S XAltKJST MEl'OJtT. nojm riMinix'F. mauket. The following represent wholesale rate, Irora producer or first hands WHEAT Valley S1.831.00 per cental. WallaWalla, S1.80. , . FLOUR Iu johbing lots, extra choice, KKgO.S Country brands, $j.2Z3 50. UAl'S. 707J for good leod ' Dueh. ONIONS 3J4u. POTATOKS. -65 to 70c per bu. and dull. GRE'iN APPLES Chiice winter varieties "tearce and will biln 7085cj inferior and necked, 4060 ,on MIDDLINGS. Jobbini;, for feed, 30 $Utoa. 8hort.$25V7 CO. Chop, f3035 BRAN Jobbing at $22J per ton BACON Sides, Arm Uz; Mams, country tared, 15!Co; Shoulders, 11 l2o. CHEESK.-Cal , 16tol83 tt. HONEY In comb, ISaiOc; strained, in 6 gallons, 12o. ORIED FRUITS. Apples, sun dnedqnair .ered, 6J03; sliced, 0J&"lo; machine dried, irm, l2; Pears, machine dried, 9alOo: Plums, on dried, 89, and machine dried, 10I2jc. POULTRY. Chickens, full grown, $4.00 5 00, KOaS. Near by fresh laid; dull, at 27Jo. BUTTER We quote, fresh roll,27J30c, last for very choice. HOGS. Dressed, 8c9c. BEEF. Gross weight 6 and Co tor choice. 8HEEP.- Gross weight, 4c6o on foot. VEAL. 6itoSo ., Wuuu-Eastern Oregon, 16a20oj Wil lamette Valley, 1822c; Umpqua, none. HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 16c; oenntry cured, dry, 16c; cult g otf, green UdM, salted, 8Jo; country ditto, 8Jo; efceTtkini, dry, 30o t lb; d sheep.pelU each Ual.OOi dry elk, 20o per lb. TALLOW Quotable at 7o. per lb. HAY Choioe timothi,2fl2.$20; from wag go, 25$25 6 . SEEDS Timothy, dull silc, but not very much in the market; Red CL.ver is steadily advancing, having increased 2c the last week with prospect of still going up. We quote today : Timothy, from 8 to 10c, as to quality; Red Top, Eastern, 17o per tt; Orchard Grass, Kutern, 21c; Perennial Rye Grssi, Eastern, tic; Blue Grass, Eastern. 18c; Mesquit, Ore on, 10c; Red Clover, 1820c; White Clover, M to quality, 40500; Alaiko Clover, as to aoality, 3540c; Field Peas, about 51.50 per imshel; PoUtooa, for seed, from 80c81.25, according to variety; Flax, tcirce, 121c; Onion Sotts, according to quality, 1520c; 3ata, white Russian and other new kinds, 101.50 per bushel. CEKfcMAL MEstCOAVDISE. LARD In kegs, 15j; Oregon leaf, tins Mo; do in pails, 16174o. . KICE. China, No. 1, 6fo; China No. 2 Ui ; Sandwioh Islands, IgOJo. rKAS. -Japan, 36940; Black, 40O7& Often, 6580o. COFFEE CosU Rioa 12314o; Java, 20 Wo. dUGARS. Crushed A 12121o; Fine rushed 12121 1; Cube, 12121o, Extra O, 111c; ilnldHnO, 'OJOllo: Sandwich Islands Ho. 1, 9J10c: D, Ui10c. BYRUP. FivegaUona 70o CANDLES 1215o. BA1SINS. -California, $2.75 $3.2526 D fctu " 80AP8. Good, 75cll.75. OILS. Ordinary brands of ocal, 30o; higi trades, Downe. & Co., 371o; Boiled Linieod, Ml dito Raw, 77o; imou oil. 05o; Turpen. Mae, 70o; Pure Lard, i 30; Castor, f 1.26 it 40. SALT. Stock, bay, $10 t ton; Carmen fabad, $12,1 Coarse Liverpool, $15; Fine qual IT, $1620; Ashton'a dairy, ditto, $30 COMMERCIAL. nciLsiuY, May 3, 1883. The weather for tho past week has been warm during the daytimo with cool nights, but not at all unfavorable for the growing rop. From all points oomes word that the tatown fields are progressing finely and will show an iuoreased yield per acre on account I the extra tillage. As a rule those fields lIt unsown, but harrowed or cultivated in, are not promising good yields. There is no wheat of conscqurnoe in first kands throughout tho country and what little there is oan be sold advantageously to local allien aud that too at an advanoe over quota tions. The yield will be muoh increased over those of last and previous years. Quotations an safety be made on a basis of $1.851.00 ad nominal. The San Francisco quotations are not to high, although quotations for choice milling lota are told to millers abovo or about 3 per cental. Wool is hardly iu the market yet, although hearing has commenced and is iu full bint sat of the Mountains, while in Southern Oregon shearing will commenoe not later than tht 10th. Mr. Asher Marks, a large wool buyer and morchaut of Roseburg, met ut one day this weok aud said tlioirlng would be well under way this week and that the clip IU both better and of greater quantity than last or previous years. He alio informed t that immediately after shearing a band of ot lett than 10,000 or 12,000 sheep would be driven from Douglas county to the California taarket. This it quite a Urge band to be sicked up iu one locality and to be driven out for muttou. We quote wool at 1S22,0 for valley; Umpqua, l,2o higher; and Kutero Oreitou, 180o. Nothing doing. The local market hat few changes, among which we note, vis i Potatoes, higher, 60S T2oj oata, better demand, quoted at 12972c; dried fruit, especially apples, are in better re faett at 10312c for uuchiue dried; poultry ! worth more than we quote them aud good lota will teH readily as they come in and oan be quoted at $3.50 to $5 50; butter is worth flTlo for a prime article and in good demand. The greatest iuorrase In price l with hay, which Is worth all the way from $27 50 to $33 per ton; sales have been made at the above tgureaaiul it it a so tree article and canuot bs procured. The whole tone of the market it good and Ms producing claim are to be congratulated pon the enhanced price all farm proJaota Ctlllorala crops and Markets ! From the San Francisco Commercial Hera Id, April 20, 18S3 : The demand for spot grain charters is very light at present, nor do we hear of many en gagements for new crop loading. The present spot rate to Coik for orders is 42s Oi f"r wood and 45s for iron. Tho details which follow give the week's business in charters. At this writing Jthe disengaged fleet in port is 73,742 tons register; on the berth, 21,711 tons. This exhibit shows a filling oft, as omjared with same date last year, of about 20,000 tons register. Tho flett to arrive here within tho next fivo or six months, so far ai known, aggregates 20i,7CC tons, against 211,- 277 tons in 1882, and 25S.084 in ISSi. Judg. ing from the present crop prospect on the Pacific Coast, shio owners in all waters have a good showing for a paying butiue'ss for a year or more to come. The quotations for staples are as follows: Wheat The market is strong: and upon the up grade for all loti of choice white for milling anipptr exnioit no eagerness iu buy as the advance cri p prospect-; are good. The raina immed ately following our last issue were of crreat benefit to the plants and to a very considrrabla extent allays all iVars an to the tuture tnereoi. interior crop auvicta as a whole are verv encouraging. Tho jield will be large and judging from Eastern and European advice good prices are sure to fol low. Choice wheat is scares all over the State and it sought after by millers and neculators. who nav SI.874Bll.90 for it and want more. No 1 shipping is worth $1.85 186ta"dNo. 2$1.771ftl821. Flour The market for choice ex'ras is rapidly recovering from the late decline owing to the scarcity and advancing price of good white milling wheat. We quote: City extras at $5 756; county brands, extras, $5.25 5.50; extra superfine, $4 51; supcrnne, $4 4.25. Wool The market is exceedingly flat. The spring clip arrives sparingly as yet, and there UG1UK uu Ji0IU UUJfOl u,u Alva w n.w- tether nominal, say 1520c for good Southern fleeces. Oats Prices are well sustained with a fair trade. Stocks are free, but the ecarcity of tpot feed barley keeps the market up Sales ai tz pr cu., lor exiracuuicu ; nu. i, ti.vviu 1.95; No. 2, $1.751 87J per cental Hops Tho spot market is dull at 8690o. A recent ssle for the East is reported ut 83c, the seller to stand freight, commi sions, etc., which brings the figure down to 75c net. Hides Heavy salted steers, lCallctIb; light salted hides, cowl and steers, 30a45 Ibi, 8a9c; medium do, 45a55 lbs, Oa'.Oo; salted kips, lOJallc; salted calf, good demand for plump skins, 14il5c; hair goat, sound skins, 65a70c; medium, 50c; small skins and kid, 5a 25c each; deer skins, good summer skins, 37 J a40c; medium, long hair, 30a33c; poor and winter skins., 20o; sheep skint, shearings, 25a 30c; short woo , 30aCOo; medium wool, 60ca $1; long wool, $lal.40; dry hides, usual aelec tion, 17Jal8c; dry kip, 17o; d', calf, 20a22Jc. GOLD AND STOCK COMPANY'S BBFRT3 San Franalaoo Karkttt San Francisco, May 2. Wheat Tho market is steady but very quiet Buyers are holding off. We quot No. 1 white, spot,$l.801.82. Futures A liaht business on call. No. 1 white, Septem ber and October, S1.70l 704. Seller the vcar. $1,684(2,11 60S Flour Very quiet. No ohange to note either in the demand or values. Barley Busineta fairly active on spot feed. Market steady at lull prices; No. 1 feed. buyer the season, $1 26)l,27; buyer the vcar. $1.39: seller the year, 81.121. Oats Market firmer with prices against liuvers. A sale ot extra choice is noted at $2.32$. The raogo far fair to good it $1 00t2. Potatoes Hot quatities, $l1.15, Market slow. Onions The total amount of to-days busi ness consistf of 43 sacks of Oregon at $8 50. Small receiptt of new to day. Grain Bags Market quiet. Calcutta, spot, 8c; June, 8c; July, 8c; 90 bales S. t. returned Liverpool to day at $3.774.10. Wool Quiet, unchanged. Kggs Weak and dull. Fresh California, 2425o. Butter Prices favor buyers; fresh roll, 224a25c Produce Receiptt Wheat, 17,000 cental'; flour, 275$ taokt; oats, 800 centals; potatoes, 1,200; egg, 24,000 dozen, including a car load of Eastern. Weather Hazy; wind, light, wett. Freights The market it dull and quota tions remain unchanged. Butineat in all lines ol trade it dull. CHICAGO MARKITJ. Cuicaoo," May 2. Wheat-Slightly better. $1,121 May. Pork Lower; $19 40 May. NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, May 2. Wheat-Strong; $1.101.17. Flour Steady. Wool-Dull. BIKJUIOUU'S ENQMMI MARKET REPORT. London, May 2. Floating cargoes Quiet but firm. Cargoes on pa-aage aud for shipment Firmer; held higher. English country markets Quiet. French country marktts Quiet. Imports luto U. K. past week Wheat 285,000 qrs. Importt into U. K. past week Flour 215.000 bbls. Mark Lane Steady. Cargoes off unatt Quiet. QUOTATIONS (100D CAKOOES AMERICAN WHEAT. Red vt inter, per 4S0 Its off coast, 45s; prompt shipment, 45a. Red winter No. 2 per 480 Ibioff coast, 46s; nronint shinment. 44s 3d. California average cargoes per 500 lbs, off ooast, 45s; Just shlppeJ, 40a; nearly aoe, 44s 11,1. California staudard No. 1 per 500 lt, just shipped or promptly to no snipped, -ioi oj. RAirlv due. 46a 6d. California staudard No. 2, per 5001bt, jut shipped or promptly to be shipped, 45s 6J; nearly due, ou. Quotations unlrrstood to be midway be tween iron aud wooden ships. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Liverpool, May 2. 3pot market Firmer. Fair averag Red winter, perctl 9s. California No. 1 standard, per otl 0s M, No, 2 Red Amerioan spring, per otl 8i 2d, Quantities on patsag to continent Wheat, 480,000 qrs. Weather Cool for the time of year. i.Th uma mri.ura will not auit all cir cumstances." But Kidney-Wort suits all cases ol liver, bowels and Kidney mseaaet aim tir nnnrmmitanti. tiiIm. conttination. dia betes, ague, etc Try it and you will say to too. WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND. OREGON, MAY OREGON STATISTICS FOR 188. Compiled frem Amrmmrnt Befnrns In tbe Offlee of Strrelary ofxtate, Paltm, Or. S- p. LI' 335SegSsSE3BjsSs8esB 2V-0"Oft01ltttrt.0'fl'tfCeO-il &WMit.WMtiO'-'HMl-'-'tio ?5 w tni w 6 5Sja ji fl o m u w S-s aj, C4ttMt3OMSAltt9VM0COHO-''CQti -) 6ooSQ006"-MtaoHiHpnMr01t)'M'l 3E. la &3 3 ' s H.SlsSiSll8.S3l8Slls 3, si. O M SS8a89igg88BeS3SSg888S;8 'jmMwiowO'PH.Stc&iSaoowow'O SSgaS.-SSSBSSSISSglSSSSSISB, 58gSlggS8Bgg8g aUACt 0 tftfp'pi - MOB ftS3oo0Ni&ftSo ca-jSs5RMtSfraStJ'-l HISMHPU&SHUti9DMtMMHK ooooatHuQooSMMeite $ to v o w o o ssgBgigESsggggigsagagg UlU!tOrlMOMtnrkSMUarlr91i! SSs5ggggs5gSssg4i ggSggggSiggSgBSgs85sS; SleBS 8-8Si!S8SStJ ss,?p Vt9!SKS!eSK2SrSKS3aSa Si;85aSSoM88t1i6BJ" 'gggl;'38lgai35gSBg85 Viuaii o osff "W f w 2 SE H 5 til to m&mmsmmmri UUM WWM-IW!-. Jjw f ! ,T1T. .'5 . Vri m irt Va rt tA t A j e ta e A gg5ssggssaaas86sii;si S8"Sgfeggg"3JlpWJ8SJ. -.---.- .-vC Jrtl-.t-. ..( .ta tCDtetOrs-ia gaggyEgsSSBBsaagsassaas S8fig8s96SgSBS.SB5aSSIS rag'agssagligggggggsegi CdCslCslsWU mSs.iu mmm ! S'sVa8ssl8rsaB8!sasi!i?M3S8S 3e ggsgs38Sga8gsg8gaa8a Dlaorepancles In flgurea returned by Assessors will account tor discrepancies in foregoing table. Equiuu tlons br County Hoard aleo make some differnc, and as they era ot i mall amount this table glres .the origi nal returns ot Aeiore.' . , ' ' Line ci unty rovle no returns ot va ue ol .improre menta, and several othtr counties made very email re turns. ... Value ot lands in Wwco county includes asessment of wgon ro d land grant and appraised valuation of property of Orciion Hallway and Navlga l"n Company. Wagon roada, $35,850; O. It H N. Ca, 64e,900. Umatilla c un y returned 118,231 acres at land as sesacd in 1831, and C9,Wl) in 1833, where tht error Ilea wo cannot a iv, but It probably ahould be 169,816 acres, which would average lands In (hat county 15 60 p r acre, about the right figure, ao we put it at 169,049 in stead of 69,646. Aa there wm a heavy settlement in Umitdla lat year and ion-equent Increase of taxable acres, of course the taxable land didn't decrease 50, 000 acres in a gro Ing ear. Tbe aeparaU It ms foot up tiOO.SKJl less than the gross valuation The net valuation and items ot debt and exemption amount to 012,2V1 more than the giro valuation. These discrepancies are due to arbitrary acta ot county officials and mistake! trade by Aesnsore Benton count) returns for 188S wero In such an im perfect condition that they could not be understood, so we use tht returns tor 1831 and give the total valuation that tixes are paid In for 1832. The valuation for the la Iwo years was almost identical, and probably there no Important changes. Under the head t aheep, gots are lnc'uded. Win the Diamond dyes more coloring it given for 10 oentt than in any 15 or 25 ceut dyes, and they give faster and more brilliant colors. Bouthsru Oreton. Southern Oregon is entering upon a period of great prosperity. All that is needed to make our valleys populous and wealthy is the construction ot railroads. Once accessible to immigration, people seeking homes will pour into this fertile region, and soon we thai! have a thrifty, enterprising population. The rail road is being built from Roseburg southward with great rapidity. The severity of winter hat not impeded its progress. It is under, stood that the Central Pacific will build this road northward from Redding in the tpring at rapidly at possible, to that at no distant day Southern Oregon will have railroad commuui catiou with both Portland and San Francisco. Thia will throw open to settlement and commerce vast tracts of arable land almost unlimited fields for pastute, forests of untold wealth and coal fields of great richness. No part ot the Northwest will be brought sooner into prominence and importance than South ern Oregon. Another railroad has been pro ject" d, which will do much lor this tectior, The Southern Oregon Railway and Transpor tation Company propose to build a road from Roseburitdown the Coquille valley to Conlcdo and thence to deep water in Coot bay, where a ttxamthip line will be established to San Francisco. The construction of this road will U begun at Coos bay, and th. first division, comprising a distance of twenty miles, wilt extend from Enpire City to the Coquille. river. In 1870 Congress rado an appropriation for the improvement of Cool bay harbor. The natural channel of the b was shifting and unusually tortuous, with not more than from nine to twelve feet of wt-r at mean low tide. Tbe mean rise ot the tide Is five and one-tenth feet, making at most favorable moments for navigation not more' than seventeen feet of water. The sum PPPtcd f'110 jhe pfovement oi ir.e naruur vi- ---. construction of a jetty from tho south side of the bay was begun, and at present is being built at tne raw oi twu ",- "-, , ,: . i i i M-.1.. btratjlir. nntl StaUie, cnanuei nas uvku uiuuo 0...ft..- ----- - and now affords at mean low tide thirteen feet of water. The new ron pr p" i' on three steamship', of about 1,000 tons each, to plv between Empiro C.ty and S n Francs- m n t m. ... nil.. . t fh rn.l 1 Will CO ine nrsi iwemy (ui . extmd frcm the hay to the CmiuiIIo river. Alone this route are many thousands ot acrrs of epfuce. white and yellow fir. white an 1 red cdar and hemlock. And along the lqut le riter and its branches are dense forciti or timber. That tupcrb ood for bouse fu"'h inc and furniture, the white or Port Orfr.ru ceSar, is found in abundance, (his being the only section in the country where it is to be , '.II .. !.. Wlinn tlia ioaJ is lounu iu Kiea. uuaiiii ....-- -- once built to tha river, the w ole valley along the entire courre ol tne stream win i - . . r .1 . ! .' Ua HftflfiniT nf lOit oil", ior ine river pami - " , rafts. The first s-ction of the Cooa bay coal fields reaches Irom tne ocean to .uytui h-"-. I :- .l,A.. OfWl .nnnrn miles. PrOl)eCt- ine snows that there are four pymg veins in . n.1 1 ...111 f 1tA... l.u M11F.P HI this area ine rnau win iu" " " -- .l. r :ii :...,. ...nr.r,l The vallev along this stream and its branches is not wide, but the toil is deep ana ncn, ana poescu l aii. a., rrt.,. :a r.irmah amnle mucn lertiuiy. i" .,t. ..-. --r water power, and the dense forests will atUrd food for saw mills inr many yeuio iu w Eist of Mvrtle point the geological formation changes. Little prospecting has yet betn done, out a series 01 vemsuii ' ,, uncovered on the middle fork of the Coquille and its branches at far east as Douglat coun x.. n,!,:.!. Lava Aat-'tAtl Vflltlfi a9 A 1 -f fn rta mith ffirk tit thp steain uu - wu-t. w" " -, Coquille a rich vein of coal baa been diacovr ered, wnicn carnea nne itam. f - ..J Ala. tl.:. oa.1 nnn Ko FT1slTVtrtfifi tO 171ltsV fcUt sVIIW '-VHI VM ww ..-r-- -- San Francisco at $2.25 per ton, where the 1 1 1 1 1 7 O no f rtTi same trail e oi coai is biiuk iur ?!. 1 "" rns : 'II !. l!kt n,.nADf!r.n nt tVlA tyTPftt Xtlia Will Jjivo oijt;iisi pmskx 'v -"- r. tuture that lies betore this Coos bay region. m. 9 .III & .1 aabm.k nnnnln. nniinlV. xne roaa win exteuu uiumwvr'w-v & i r 1.1 -m .M.l .m., vallova Ann find its temporary eastern terminus at Rose burg. rnus our city win ue ouuucu & . TA .I.k ..J Inn tn Sun two routes mj iwhsuui m v -t Francisco, all of which traverse territory wen suitea to seiuemeut. Reddiso's Russia Salve hat genuine merit, as all who use tt will testify. Price 25 cents. Try it. All the schools in Germany have decided to a opt tbe new method of spelling. Oregon Railway and Naviga tion Company. OCEAN DIVISION. Between San Francisco and Portland. Leaving San Francisco at 10 a. u. RtAtn nf I I Oneen Columbia. California. Oregon. M the Pacific Apr 9 April 91 April 6 April 18 April 30 April. 3 April . April 15 April. May.. May S May IS April May is May ' Mai. Slav.. May 27 May 1 May.. Leae Portland at 18 00 o' sck, Vlrinleht. April,, April.. April.. May... M y . ... t April. ...!11 rttjilt o April S3 Aril 20 May....... 6 My S Ma; 17 May II May aMay M ...14 April.. April . lt.y... May.. Through Tlcketa sold to all points tn tbe United State., Canada and Europe. Klght reserved to change ateamers or sailing days. Fare Cable, $20. ate-rage, tlO. Children, 12 jcars, full fart: from 12 to 5. hall fare: nnder 5. free. Each lull ticket is allowed ISO pounds baggage free; half tickets in like proportion. All over weight, 2 cents per pouna extra, no treasure receivro aa uaggaKt. No liability assumed for loss ol baggage over $100. RAILROAD DIVISIONS. On and alter March 18, 1883 LEAVE: Portland at 7.-20 A. M.; Albina at 8 00 A. M. ARRIVE: at AlblnaO.lOP.M.; Portland at70P. M. Portland and .Astoria, Fast Time. 8TH. WIDE WEST, LEAVES PORTLAND AT 5 A. M., RETURNED leaves Astoria at 1 P. M , daily, except Wednes day'. Portland Passengers can go on board after 9 30 P.M. MIDDLE COLUMBIA, WILLAMETTE AlsD I1BH11L Kit KB llltlSIOX. Leave Portland lor IMon. Tues. Wed. Thur Frl. Sat. Dalles aod Upper uoiumDia Astoria and Low. er Columbia.,. Dayton Victoria. B.O.... TAH 8 AM 7AM SAM 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM SAM 7 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM I'd 7 AM 0AM 7AM DAM Corvallls and tn termediatapU SAM 8 AW A. L. MAXWELL, Ticket agent O. R. k N. Oe. JOHN MUIR, Snpertntendent ol Traffic. C. U. PRESCOTT, ManagriJ Commission Merchants. The followles: Is a list of the Commission Mercaanl. r Ibis Ctly. which we pnbllah tsr the bearat efear reader They are perfect. 7 resiBusr. aa any Dasine.a enirusirtlo ihrlr care will receive prompt atteulloni OEORUE IIERREN. J. J. HASSELL. HERREN & HASSELL, (SUCCESSORS TO) KB-EN BEOS, aad HEEEEN t FABEAR. GENERAL Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN CI BAI. WOOL, aad FLOCB BaGS. Fleere t aad aewlas Twlaes. correspondence and Consignments solicited. Liberal cash advances made on coutignment. P. O. Box No. 663. 8. E. Caraer Xerth Freat aad B. BtreeU, marltf PORTLAND, OREQOK, J. C. TODD. J. F.BIVEN. TODD & BIVEN, Ne. It) Nerth Vraal a trees. FertUad. Wholesale Orootra, Commission Merchants, And Dealers in FRUITS, Wool, Grain, and all kinds ot Predace, Agents tor habob W hlry. Dry Monopole Cham. pagnssnd Klsen's Vlncjard, Fresno, CaL ldey SIBSON, CHTJECH & CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS, Nertheast Caraer af Ash aad Fraat Street, PORTLAND. OREGON. SMl-tf Northwestern Successors To SEYMOUR, SABIN & CO., Manufacturers of tho Celebrated MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHES Ilorse Powers and ... . uoriTE r.INE OF A LSO DEALEKU in a -u. i-a nrhlrh will De 10UI1U mo . n.imninu ucAnCD CT Knniui rn nruuLii. mi. IIMIIWUbi a. .. --. . I wine Peerless Beaper and Mewtr, Morrison Flow., Wa.ons,CulUTaiors, Feed We cordially invite all wantlnr anything In our line to mayltl CALIFORNIA SPRING TOOTH HAR -M r ttt mTir A mrkTJ A- fil?.17.l WT Wil KU YVatiUUllT AJL WXv W a-J.l,, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BATCHELOR & WVLIE. BATOHELOR & WYIJE, CIIMTVATOK ASD Are acknowledged by all to plements Rpi.nse thev are a Perfect narrow. Seeder and CuUvator all combined In one, and under the mMtMBpVtl Because ey " a rcriei.. iwiuw, o . . .rf.ia hv the U 8. Courts last setson so that en customers need have no" f.ars of prosecution for using I estmfnmfgation! J4.0ur Implements are aen- to' T v stiii m m j . JTri.., iifVuienn twt CurvDV returned. uuuu Autaia nAfli&u in .?. vna.t, p - " .. .., JOHN SANGSTER ts CO., General Forwarding Agent, Portland, Of. B 4TCBEI.OB A 11 Y1IE 37 Market Street, San Franclico. ""T11 TXZE VICTOR MOWEB m Hls d-ta-er sA -V M-S DB iTBCl.iriEslf W aW jEtaaaaaaBsHsssm -sf ll HMtsliH9ilBlsHvBBTM sH tF i if VsttVa-!ll9 l PACIFIC COAST A MONO THE MANY TESTIMONIALS TO HAND . rc.ucii.. wt iwiuwiu aim 111:1111,, Judaon Manuf aeturlng Company. San Francisco: Ourrs: We found your Victor Mower in all things satisfactory. We out 100 tons ol bay in much If time than we had ever done before, and without an hours' detention on account of breakage, sad ws sari s g hesitation In recomircnding the Victor as tbe best Mower in use hers. You can refer any one to ut,u. nave tesiea worougniy alter using many ewer Unas, Yours, Judaon Manufacturing Company, San Francisco : One ot the ictor Mowers sold bj us cut 170 acres Send for Circulars and Price-List to JUDSON MANUFACTURING CO, Foot of Yamhill St,, South Side, Portland, Or. Portland Carriage Factory. Between Front and First Street, on Yamhill, Portland. TXT. TTT TT.fiLVHW.Tr - Jala- S iSE?KEARlD .TDAN .E.ra BEFORE Sanufictur. everythlngln t' s UoTof l"""""" " " "-" Buggies, Carriages, Pheatons, Webfoot Dog Carts, 1& Sl36ed WacrftTin T.irrVif artA XTarer Vrmlr Hnt rrlfL Trnc nSStStt.HR'w "" Chapel Wsgons, Sprtng and Thorooghbrsee mall wagons. thgSt 2S,c,:.,L?n-Du"'3r nns. Hotel Wasons. etc.. b3lt ol the be Eastern materiaL TrgestJ as J b.bb7arv7deX,ilt"d"d.ot our wort, and prices tf" Ii.r? l???S5i" " naatfctur. WriU to ms lo- aovthlna- vou want, and compare with " MfgisCurGa Steam Engines. LATEsT IMPROVED FARM MA011 N1BY. AMm. fej ., . --. m i- m J USRUFQTFR w th AnnlohiiV umi a-w a ,ss nun nuuguiai , as -"'ajl mnaer. Flow, Hornsea Can, new. Mills, Bart Wire, Hacks rarrla can ano see ''- "-""-logus ana rnH, H. C. As RS, JHantvtrer. 2C0 and 282 First street, Portland, Orens. &V KM San Franoisoo, SEEDER COMPLETE. be the most Profitable im maae. an tnfrhgment, but beware ol infringing ImlUUoa M I responsible parties on trial and If not saUsfacorjouH I IfftlVM Btnl sTjaaa aH Waar srl1aaV.I.lBf . t MANUFACTURE. WE SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING FE0M KKOtl SIS; PoaTuan, Oregon, November, 8th, 1882. and know wbereet ws speak: . CHAS. OABDNKBtSOS. Yascouvaa.W. T., August 40th, 1S8S. and never stopped a minute tor repair. OBIDLKY a WHlWn, i. f: powers, suTiCTtiaia,riroaTaAirpiosiaof FURNITUIU Bedding, Carpets, Paper Ml Ing, Stoves, and Crockery and Glassware earn Factory Water Street, betweea Most.1 Steam &iul Hantaan. BtreeU. Warehouse 188 and 18 First tt 1M Second "., tsptVtt ssaaaalWaa- sssssssl sa f AND OPENS TOE BPWNO SEASON OF 18M J? j .TaSfc. ' Sm H a- i.vs; bear. ,-w nvuM. W. W. EUi; am aVIMai, Wsf1- B11.VIWW11H iiwarr TScya;.-CT1IWJnJa 1 i JUl'-jgSBg .-htwfeW"-, .'-- .