Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 20, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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The farmer came in from the field one day,
His languid step and his weary -way,
His bended brow, and sinewy hand,
All showing his work for the good of the land;
For he sous,
And he hots,
And he mows,
All for the good of the land.
By the kitchen fire stood his patient wife,
Light of his homo and joy of his life,
With face all ajlow and busy liand.
Preparing the meal for her husband's band.
Fur she must boib
And the must briil,
And she must toil,
All for the take of the home.
Sun shines bright when fie farmer goes out,
Birds sing sweet songs, lambs frisk about,
Tl.o Virrtnt bnl.lilna anft.lv in the dell.
While he works bravely for the good of men;
For he sows,
And he hoes,
And he mows,
All for the good of the land.
How briskly the wife tteps about within
Th'J dishes to wash, and the milk to skim,
The tire goes oat the flics buzz about,
For dear ones at home her heart is kept stout;
There are pies to make,
There is bread to bake,
And steps to take,
All for the sake of the home.
When the day ia o'er and the evenintj has come,
The creatures are fed and the milking done,
He takes hi rest neath the old shade tree,
From the labor of the land his thoughts are free
Though he sows,
And he hoes,
And he mows,
He rests from the work of the land.
But the faithful wife, from sun to sun,
Takes the burden up that is never done ;
There is no rest there is no pay.
For the household good she must work away;
For to mend the frock,
And to knit the sock,
And the cradle to rock,
All for the good of the land.
When autumn is here, with chilling blast,
The farmer gathers his crop at last,
His barns are full, and his fields are bare,
For the good of th land he ne'er hath care,
While it blows,
And it snows,
Till the winter goes,
He rests from the work ol the land.
But the willing wife, till life's closing day,
Is the children's, the husband's stay.
From day to day she haa done her best,
Until death alone can give her rest ;
Fur after the test,
Comes the rest,
With the blest,
In the farmer's heavenly home.
The papers all announced lately that Queen
Victoria hud slipped and hurt her foot, where
at the whole English nation is in a ferment.
The recent announcement of the death of her
servant, John Brown, brings her again to
mind in this connection. It is wonderful to
observe the hold this woman has on the
hearts of her subjects and yet she is a most
thoroughly selfish, grasping woman. She is
lauded as a patern of domestic virtue and no
doubt her own life in this respct has had its
benefitting influencrs. She has seemed to
have had no aspirations beyond saving and
laying up money from her immense revenues
accruing from her vast est tes. In the past
she was continually beseiging Parliment for
the settlement of great sums upon each child
that was born to this prolific couple requir
ing another larger sum as each grew up for
marriage settlements, instead of setting up
these young folks to house keeping out of her
immense fortune. These English people
seem to take it as a favor to be taxed and
starved to support a large family of boys and
girls in idleness, luxury and profligacy, be
cause, forsooth, they are of Royal blood;
while millions of child voices are crying out
for bread to eat. Never has Queen Victoria
been knon to give generously even in times
of National calamity ; never has the world
heard of one great hearted, noble act, oppor
tunities of which must have been abundant
at all times. She seems to be destitute of
these generous impulses that we attribute to
royalty and generally belongs to tender
hearted womanhood. The world would be
only too ready to blazen it abroad if it could
be said she was large hearted. A woman of
stern virtue she could never forget or over
look the frailties of her own sex. She could
crush the poor girl, the maid of honor that
her eldest son ruined, yet consider his sin as
nothing. She is called a good mother how
could she be otherwise. Where has been her
trials. Had she been obl'ged to face the
trials of a homely life such as come to the
majority of women. We doubt if she would
stand the test. Many a woman in the humb
ler walks of life would bs her peer. Tfte
selfish grief shown since her husbands death
is unworthy a christian character that will
suffer and be strong.
It seems the Mormons are holding a confer
ence this month it Kirtland, Ohio, the birth
place ot that church. Kirtland is not far
from Garfield's old home, and h'ere is still
standing the old temple in which they wor
shipped in "Joe Smith's" time It is historic
ground and it was from this place that the
handful of devr tees avere driven by popular
opinion to seek another home. Under the
leadership of Smith, their "prophet, priest
and king," they started about ISJSin search
of a promised land, really baring no definite
place in view; but they had faith that they
would be led by the hand of God, so when
the little band, weary and foot sore, de
scended into the valley of the Great S.ilt
Lake, they felt assured tlut this was their
home. It was the 24th of July when they
came down the steep mounta'n side into a
very paradise of verdure, kneeling and giving
thanks as soon a they touched the waUrs of
the river which they named Jordan. After
these many years the ;nly surviving brother
of Joe Smith is again at Kirkland, with per
haps a view of eetting back to the faith as
taught by Joe Smith, the present Mormons
having degenerated from the tenets of the
first prophet. The Mormon missions in the
South are making many converts and have
recruited hundreds of women and young girls
for polygamous wives S3 bold are they that
the legislature of Georgia passed a law pro
hibiting these operation! of Mormon preachers.
Th Ladies' Floral Cabinet is a magazine
published in New 'ork, at 22 Vesey street.
It is one of the very best publications of. the
kind and is entirely devoted the floral cul
ture, with hints on home decorations. Evory
number is valuable to ladies who are ambi
tious to beautify their homes and cultivate
the minds.
Harper's Young People U full of charming
stories, with bits of natural history, accom
panied with plenty of illustrations. All the
matter is suited to children and calculated to
have a refining and generous influence on the
minds of the younjr. Every family of children
should be allowed to get it every week.
Harper's Monthly is a welcome friend,
whose advent is watched for. The leaves are
quickly cut by the lucky one. There is no
place so far out and so lonely that Harper's
cannot be found. Away in the mountains in
the log cabins of the miner, cattlo or sheep
herder can always bo found a well read Har
per of some date. The monthly, weekly,
the Bizar and the young folkes edition seem
to fill requirements.
The Century should be taken by every
lover of good literature. It assumes a first
place in the literary world, hiving a corps of
editors of fint class reputation, while corres
pondent are writing from all parts of the
world, giving life-like pen sketches of foreign
countries,. with illustrations combined. The
Century and Harper's both have each an indi
viduality of their own and both should come
to the family table.
There is not much use in planting garden or
flower seeds in Oregon much belore the first
of May, for if put in sooner, unless in hot
beds, the growth is slow and consequently
poor plants. We name our advertisers so as
to remind our friends that it's not too early
to send for seeds.
H. Hansen has reliable flower, garden and
grass seeds at 82 First street, Portland.
Geo. F. Sylvester, 317 Washington street,
S. F., has alfalfa, clover and grass seeds.
Miller Bros., at Second street, corner of
Salmon, has Beeds of every kind, flower and
vegetable, timothy, clover and spring rye,
with bone phosphates to make all K'o'.
D. M. Ferry, of Detroit, is a well known
and reliable seed man of Detroit.
D. K. Bliss, of New York, makes a specialty
of peas
Peter Henderson, of New York, is another
old house, dealing in garden seeds alone.
Lovett, of Little Silver, New Jersey, deals
in small fruits, haviug raspberries as a
There is a general complaint among our
lady friends that the past unfavorable and
uncommonly hard winter has been destructive
on the fine roses. To those who want more
roses we would recommend Dirgee & Conard,
who advertise in this paper. They grow ex
tensively and having had roses from them can
say that they have the best and are reliable.
To relieve tootache apply to the trouble
some tooth a tiny piece of cotton saturated
with ammonia.
A bit of cotton batting Bpnnkled with blaok
pepper and wet with sweet oil and inserted in
tbe ear win cure earacne.
Da not throw away woolen stockings, even
if the feet are entirely worn out, or are so
thin as to warrant no more wearing; the legs
make the best kind of stockings for a child of
two years old, lUt a pattern irom a mtie
bougnten pair, ana mane wun smau sun
If baby catches cold and it settles in his
head and makes his nose into a rattle box, or,
as grandmother says, "gives him thesniffl,'
you may ease the little sufferer and enable
him to sleep peacefully by greasing his nose
and the bit of forehead direotly above the
nose. For use at this time some animal oil is
better than any that is manufactured When
chickens are cut up, before cooking save some
of the fat, try it out, and put the oil thus oh
taiued in a wide mouthed bottle with a closely
fitting cork; keep in a cool closet. This oil is
excellent for the purpose named.
Brown bread made by following these direc
tions is sure to be good. Sift until thoroughly
mixed together, half a pint of flour, one pint
of corn meal, half a pint of rye flour, one tea
spoonful of salt two teaspoonfuls of baking
powder, one tableapoonful of brown sugar.
Peel, wash, and boil two medium sized pota
toes; rub through a sieve and beat them well
with half a pint of water. Make a batter of
this and the meal, etc. Butter a deep bisin
or small pan, and pour the batter in; then
set the pan in a kettle of boiling water; let it
eook in this wav for an hour. Cover the pan,
of course, and put it in a hot oven for half an
hour. ,
An old black bunting dress may be made to
serve a further period of usefulness by being
renovated and made a petticoat. The dust
shakes out of bunting with so little effort of
the wearer that it continues to be popular
year after year. Kip the drees up, select the
best for cleaning, buy five cent' worth of
soap bark at any drug store, Jet it stand in
water until ditsolved, if it is the pulverized;
if not, you will be oblig-d to let it soak, and
then steep it for a few minutes. Put your
buntin in enough lukewarm water to cover
it and turn the preparation in, rinteit up and
down until the cloth is saturated with it;
tlitn rir.EK it in clear water, which should be
iukeuirmalio. The tflect upon the goods is .
remarkable; it cleaose and restores. Black
goodk of various kinds may be cleaned in tbe j
same way,
jjfoij $h. hildrrn.
"This crum is mine," said Sparrow Gray,
"The only crum I've hid to day,
And I should bo a silly bird, ,
To give you half, nr even third ;
For see! the ground is white with snow,
And may be weeks for aught I know."
"If 'tis,'' replied the younger bird,
I'll tell you what I overheard!
I heard some little children say
In that great home across the way,
How they should scatter crumbs of bread,
So that every little bird miuht be fed,
Till all the ice and snow were gone ;
So cheer up. Pray don't look forlorn :
I'd rather gaze on miles of snow
Than see a bird with looks of woe."
"You simple," twittered Sparrow Gray,
"That's always just your heedless way,
No matter whether ioul or fair,
It's 'chirp, chirp, chirp' without a care.
And now you think you'll bo well fed;
I hope you haven't been misled ;
But time will tell. G od day, Good day."
And greedy Sparrow flew away.
The little bird was left alone
Poor wee, wee Sparrow, scarce half grownl
The cold winds soon began to blow ;
No shelter offered hich nor low ;
But, mindful of the promised crumbs
To the great hous at length he comes,
A lit le shivering hungry bird.
Then to the wind iw nhere he hea-d
The children's voices straight he flies,
And with his chirping Sparrow cries
Soon brought th m thronging to his side.
Then quick the eaih they opened wide.
Strewed quick with crums the sheltered sill.
Till wee, wee sparrow had his fill,
And chirping soft, as if to say,
"I thank you, thank you," flew away.
Dear littla children ! dear wee bird 1
Could we but heed the premised Word
Of One who keeps both great and small,
And notes a single sparrow's fall.
The Harpers.
There are only a few letters in hand, and
we shall think the spring months are keeping
our children so busy out of doors that they
forget to write.
The first letter this week comes from a lit
tle Iowa girl, who tells of the cold and snow
at her home. Some of our girls could tell her
that we did not have any snow at all, and
could at any time find green leaves and
daisies where they were a little protected from
the weather. Then we have had a bad win
ter, too, at least we think it has been quite
unfavorable for us. Lu Ella would never want
to go back to Iowa if she rpent a winter
Rota is a Kansas girl, and she has sent a
long letter. She hopes to see the ocean some
time. It would please Aunt Hetty to see
her. We want all the bright, smart girls we
can get. Some one, perhaps, can answer her
Only one letter this week from an Oregon
girl. Jessie sends here card also. Aunt
Hetty has a large collection of cards, which
have been sent to her by her little friends of
the Home Circle. Many are very pretty, and
all are valued and kept. Jessie is learning
verses in the Testament. We are glad to hear
of even one r.f our girls who feels interested
in doing this. A nice book is for the one who
has learned the most verses in the coming six
months. Jessie asks a question important in
our own nation's history.
Lysnville, Iowa, March 13, 1883.
Editor Home Circle:
I have been reading some of tho letters in
the Farmer, and I thought I would write a
few lines from Iowa. Wo have have had a
very cold winter; the thermometer has been
down to forty ilegeees below zero; the Bnow
on our place was drifted to the height of
twelve feet. We live on a farm of 120 acres,
about six miles of Lynnville, and three miles
from Sully. I would like to live here if it
were not for the many storms. Our house is
fronting the south, and the barn is at the
west, with a grove towards tbe north and
west. We live within three-quarters of a
mite of a Quaker church and school house and
a mite and a half of the Methodist Church.
Please send me a copy of the Farmer. Yours
truly, Lu Ella McCollum.
Walnut, Kan., March 26, 1883.
Editor Home Circle:
lam a little girl 11 years old. I read the
Farmer, and I read the little letters, and I
thought I would write for the first time. I
was born in Kansas. I like to live in Kansas
very well, but maybe some day, when I am a
big girl, I will go West to see the Rooky
Mountains and tbe Pacific Ocean. I expect
it is nice to live near the ocean, where there
are so many pretty shells, ships and seaweed.
I have been going ts school all winter. I
study all the common braches. I walk two
and a quarter miles morning and evening. I
have not missed a day nor even a lesson. On
my 11th birthday mamma let me cook my
own dinner. I made biscuits, pies, cake, tea,
boiled potatoes and fried meat; I set the
table, too, but that was nothirg new; I often
do that. Mamma says I did it well. I have
four big sisters; they all have dark hair, like
flax, too. We spent our evenings this winter
in piecing quilts. One of my sisters is teach
ing school The quilt she pieced is called
Shade and Sunshine; it is made of worsted,
and has 1,000 pieces in it. I will not stop to
name the others we pieced. Mamn a quilted
one of mine last week, and she let me help
her quilt it. I am piecing another quilt called
the Anchor. I live three and a half miles
from Walnut. This town is not as old as I
am. I was reading th lat Farmer acd saw
a riddle given by Oscar B. Ely about pears,
and I am going to try and guess it. One of
the men was named Each, and he took a pear.
Of course, eleven were left. If this is tbe
right answer I would lie pleased to know, I
guess I will close by giving a riddle, too:
There was a room with eight corners. In each
eorner sat a cat; before each cat rat seven
other cats, and on each cat's tail sat a cat;
how many cati in all ? If I see this letter in
print I will write again. My best wishes to
Aunt Hetty and success to the Farmer.
Your little friend, Rosa Molli.
New Era, March 28, 1883.
Editor Home Circle:
I thouifit I would write a letter this rainy
day, 1 bad some eouse plants, hut the cold
weather spoilt the looks of them; it killed the
tops, but there are roots yet. I hare a flower
bed; it did not hurt them. I like to work
among tbe flowers; I hope all of you do. We
lure tleren little chickens and a little calf.
Fthr wants m to take care of tho littl
chicks this summer. Our plum trees and
cherry trees are in full bloom now. This is a
very early spring. Mother has been gone
from home two v. eeks; he has been visiting
in Linn county, and is coming home to-morrow.
I have been learning the verses that
Aunt Hetty wanted us to, in the Testament.
I am going to start to school the first ' May.
I have a little neice two weeks old; her name
is Jennie, We have a nice Sunday school; it
meets every Sunday; and also a Bind of
Hope. We speak pieces at the Band of Hope.
I am going to ask a question in history, and
want some of the little Iwys or girls to answer
it : "Who drafted the Declaration of Inde
peudonce ?" I think we do not take enough
interest in our Letter Box. Come now, let us
go to work and get up something interesting,
and have the box full every week. 1 will
send Aunt Hetty one of my cards. Please
put my name on the temperance roll. Yours
truly, Jessie Waldron,
A Temperance Band.
The following communication comes to the
Home Circle, and is gladly received. It shows
that the cause of temperance has good friends
and workers away in the newer portions of
our country. If only these young people will
remain firm in theso principles as they get
older, we may expect a tine community in the
future, resulting from this little band :
Nehalem, April 1, 1SS3.
Editor Home Circle :
I am a reader of the Homo Circle, and as
you kindly invite correspondence from tho
young people, I beg leave to present vou with
a list of the members of the Nehalem Band of
Hope foi publication, which we also desire
put on your temperance roll. It is in a flour
ishing condition, new members joining us
nearly every meeting. Tho following are the
names : T. J. Alley, Ldlie Dean, Herbert V.
Alley, Laura Scovell, Daisy Dean, Stephen
Scovell, Dolly Taylor, Grant Scovell, Winnie
Hunt, Gilbert Dean, Amanda Taylor, Bud
Taylor, William D. Taylor. Dick Taylor,
George W. Steinhauer, Jr., Oron R. Batter
son, Merritt S. Batterson, Mrs. F. G. Sco
vell, Mrs. M. A. Alley, Olive Alley, J. M
Alley. Yours truly,
Herbert V. Aixev,
Sec, of the Band,
A Comfortable Breakfast.
Most cooks have to hurry too much in pre
paring breakfast in winter. They usually get
up late, then have to hurry around to make
up for Inst time; therefore cannot prepare
many different dishes for this, their first meal,
yet this meal should be one which can be
relished by the entire family. In order to
have it in good order and save time and labor
preparation for it should be made the day
previous while cooking the dinner and supper.
Apples can baked or stewed, mush can be
mnde and molded out to fry; potitons may bo
boiled and left to fry or brown in the oven;
meat boiled or roasted can either bo sliced or
hashed with the remains of yesterday a din
Fresh eggs are always acceptiblo for break
fast, nnd take but little time to prepare. Two
or three of the above articles, with sweet
wholesome bread or toast, frazrant coffee and
eolden butter will make a good srbstantial
breakfast, easily nnd quickly prepared. To
say "good morning" from tho heart, one must
have a fair prospect ot a good breakfast. In
deeed, our enjoyment of the day depends
very much on how we breakfast. Set your
breakfast table where the shimmering beams
of the sun will dance across it. A northern
or western room is too chill and gloomy. Do
not leave out the golden sky from your bright
picture. Have the tabl cloth clean and pure
and put on straight nnd smooth; aud let us
leave the cracked china for other uses, for
nothing mars n nicely set table so much at
abused china, or mussed table cloth" or nap
kins. The fact is that few of us make the
most of what we have or might have just as
well as not. While toiling after the coming
fortune and pleasures to come, we overlook
the present and the ninety and nine helps to
nauy onioymeni an anoui us. uur pica is ior
more of the cheap elegancies of life so easily
obtained. inutana farmer.
Arrangement of Rooms.
Give your apartments expression, character.
Rooms which mean nothing are cheerless, in
deed. Study light and shade and combina
tion and arrangement of drapery, furniture
and pictures, allow nothing to look isolated,
but let everything present an air of sociability.
Observe a room after a number of people havo
left it, and then, as you arrange the furniture
disturb as little as possible the relative posi
tion of chairs, ottomans and sofas. Please two
or three chairs in a conversational attitude in
some cheery corner, an ottoman within easy
distance of a sofa, a chair near your staud of
stereoscope views of engraving, and one
where a good liuht will fall on the book
which may reach from the table near. Make
little studies of efTeot which shall repay the
more than usual observer, and do not leave it
possible for one to make the criticism which
applies to so many homes, even of wealth and
elegance, "fine carpets, handsome furniture
and a few pictures, but oh how dreary I" The
chilling atmosphere is felt at once and we
cannot dive-t ourselves of tbe idea that we
must maintain a stiff and severe demeanor, to
accord with the spirit of tin place. Make
your homes, then, so easy and cheerful that,
if we visit you we may be joyous and un
restrained and not feel ourselves out of har
mony with our surroundings. Art Jlevkw.
Ladles Lesrn to Knit.
A writer shows a commendable interest for
the ladies in anticipation of the old ag which
awaits those of them who may live lone
enough. The writer knows an old gentle-
woman who enjoys a resource for amuements
of which the customs of the prcsci.t period
leprives her sex. To ever) aged, feeble and
almost blind person, no occupation, or next to
none, is left. This is to be thought of before
the evil days shall actually come. What am
1 to do, the question should be saked, when
tune' has robfed my limbs of the power of
locomotion, hen the hand has loit its cun
ning and the whole body is deprived of
strength ? What am I to d, when my prayer
to live has been favorably hear J and I arn in
the extremity of age! The imtance before us
furnishes an answer to one ot her own sex.
Many an agreeable hour she cheats of wear!
uess and sadners by the gentle occupying
amusement vl knitting.
What will the ladies do, who shall have the
happiness to become venerable great-grand-mothers
let them not be angry, thev will be
lilad to be so in ignorance of this uaeful art as
'hey must be, in servile obedience to the des
potic fashion of the hour. Tliev cannot dance
now, they cannot play the piano and their
voices have dried up with their bones. Is it
rot as cruel to deprive the advanced in life,
by the absurdities of early training, of occu
pations to divert the long season of th ir de
cline, as it would be to rob an old man of his
staff? Ah I It is certainly worth while for all
of us to ask the qu 'stion, what shall comfort
and amuse us when e als i shall be old ?
We heg our young lady readers to lay these
th ughts tn hart, and learn to knit while
they may. before tho evil days coino, avhen
th-y shall wish they had takeu our advice.
An old lady knitting is quite an agreeable
sight to us.
Making Bread.
It is a trite cqinson that poor bread-
makers aro oftem r the cause of poor bread
than the poorness of the flour. Of course we
allude to bread made in families. A lady
whr has a reputation ns a bread maker par
excellence, furnishes us the following, which
we publish for the benefit of millers and those
"f their customers who complain of poor flour :
One two-cent cake of compressed yeast will
raise flour enough for four medium sized
loaves of bread. Crumble the yeast into a
bowl, being very careful not to handle it too
much, sprikle on it two tcaspooofuls of sugar
nurt pour over it a pint of lukewarm water.
In the courre of teu minutes the yeast will
I avo risen to the top. Then stir it until it is
all dissolved. Mako a hole in tho cent T of
tho flour nnd pour in tho yeast. Stir it with
tho flour until it is a thick batter. Sprinkle
salt around the edges whero the pan is heaped
up, taking care to keep the salt away from
the sponge, as it is apt to give it a slightly
bitter taste. Set the pan in a warm place.
The most important thing is to keep it free
from draughts. A draught of cold air from
an open door or window has spoiled many a
batch of broad.
Ir the temperature of the kitchen is warm
and even, say 70 degrees F,, the bread will be
nicer if it is raised away from the fire; other
wise it should be kent moderately warm. In
an hour the sponge will be light and feathery,
VA.J .l. l..J ..!.U ..1f.-l.lt ...-...-. .I ln
jvutxtu iuu uruau witu Bluntly wuriutrii nmui.
Never use entirely cold water, but always
havo it wjrmer in winter than in summer.
Good kneading is essential tn good bread. If
the dough is Kept in the right temperature,
free from draughts, it wi'l hive raised again
in two and a half or three hours. Then it can
be mculded into loaves, wh n it should be
again well kneaded, so as to get all the air out
of it, and put into the pans. After standing
for another hour it will be ready for the oven.
from forty minutes to an hour will bake tt,
according to the size of the loaves and the
heat of the oven. The best way Ii to have
tho oven sufficiently hot to brown the loaves
when they have been iu twenty minutes.
Then cool t iu oven somewhat and let them
finiih baking slowly. American Miller.
A witty nobleman once asked a clorical
gentleman at the bottom of the table, why a
gooso, when there was one, was always placed
next to the parson. "Really, my lord," said
the clergyman, "your question is somewhat
difficult to answer, and so remarkably odd,
that I vow I shall never see a gooso again
without being reminded of your lordship,'
Alaska Excursion. The O. R. k N. Co.,
and P. C. S. S. Co., have entered into an ar
rangement to run excursion steamers to tho
land of the mid-night sun, from San Francis
co touohing at A'toria, Portland, Port Town
send, Victoria. Wraugol, Sitka and Juneau,
once a month, commencing about June 1st.
About twenty or twenty-five days will be re
quired to mako tho round trip.
"Burliii pallia"
quick, corapleto cure, all annoying kidney, Bladder
and Urinary Diseases. II. Uruinci'ta.
to vigorously push a business,
strength to study a profession,
strength to regulate a household,
strength to do a day's labor with
out physical pain. Ail this repre
sents what is wanted, in the often
heard expression, "Oh I I wish I
had the strength I" If you are
broken down, have not energy, or
feel as If life was hardly worth liv
ing, you can be relieved and re
stored to robust health and strength
by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT
TERS, which is a true tonic a
medicine universally recommended
for all wasting diseases.
501 N. Fremont St., Baltimore
During the war I was in
jured in the stomach by apiece
of a shell, and have sulicrcd
from it ever since. About four
years ago it brought on paraly
sis, which kept me in bed six
months, and the best doctors
in the city said I could not
live. I suffered fearfully from
indigestion, and for over two
years could not cat solid food
and for a large portion of the
liquid nourishment. I tried
Brown's Iron Dittersand now
after taking two bottles I am
able to get up and go around
and am rapidly improving.
a complete and sure remedy for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Weakness and all diseases requir
ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic
tonic. It enriches the blood, gives
new life to the muscles and tons
to the nerves.
Portland, Oregon,
Write proacrlptlom'orlilu'aM.iof allclaiwreof etock
rice, II for each prescription orltten. State ejuip
torn) and age ol animals aa near as powlble.
OMce-C. P. Racon'i lilackhawk Stablee, 83 Kecond
Hi., bet. BUrkandOaa.
Bcaldeete-Cor Thirteenth andTajlot 8U.
Mother like, and PhjraiolsuM
reoommend It.
World's great Puln-Ilellevlx
remedies. Theylienl, soothe an)
and Sheurnatism upon W-iri,
and Sprains, Guild, unci l.aiiY.'i'
ncss upon Beasts. Cheap, tpxtf?;,
and reliable.
SPURTS of dlsffmatlaff Muotu,
SnnfiUa, Crackling Pais la tk
Head, Fetid Breath, Deabeis, bmI
any Catarrhal Complaint, can he as
terminated by Wat Da Mayas
Catarrh Core, a Constitutional Am
tidotehy Absorption. The moat Iaa
portant Discovery elsoa Vaccina tfa
Ague Mixture
..mlils and FOVCI are permanently
cared by Ir. Jayar'H .ku 3Iix
tare. With a lit tin turo on tho part
of the pntlont to nvolil i-xpontirB, and
tho occasional nsoof J wnk's Sana
tive PiLt,n,tlils remedy will bo found
to bo certain In its operation, and rad
ical In Its olTocts. In ninny Hectloni
of the country mibleot to Ague anc
other miliaria! dlaonsos it lint un e
tnbllsUod character an n popular spe
cific for theso linrrnsslng complaint,
and the number of testimonials re
ceived show that Us ropututlo-i r
constantly increasing.
totttinnttent and Remittont Fevers
are oll'ectually cu rod by I v. J uy nc'fl
Ague Mixture. In 1 1 110 coin
plalntH euro tdiould lio taki-n to follow
the directions closoly, unci tmpecial ,
attention given to tbe liver, avhlcb
should be aafdsted in porformliitf it
functions by I). Jy nk'b 8.rATlv
For sale by Holge, Davis ;Co., Agents.
(Old "NATIONAL," EsUbllshsd IBM.)
as Front Street, bet. Wuhlniten and Alder
A. P. ARMSTRONG Prlndpel
J, A. WESCO, Penman and SscrsUrf
An institution deilirned tor the practical business 7 J
educeiloii ol with sues.
Admitted on any week day of the year, No
tloD at any time, an'l do examination
on entering.
HclioUrablp, for Full Bualncaa Court,
01 all kinds eucuUxl to order at reasonable rate.
Satlatactlon guaranteed.
Tli. ('kllrsr Journal, containing Information of
Uie courui ol study, when to enter, time requlftdJ
cost of board, etc, and cuts 0 ornamental pennuui'
hip, from the pen ot I'ruf . Wueco, sent free.
Adorsss: w
Lock liox 101, Portland, Oregon
Tfo other dlaeaae U ao prevalent In Uiia ooua-
tryaaConatlpaUon, and 110 remedy ha ever
lequauea tne oeieoraiea juaneyworc aa a
cure. WliatTertUocaua0,bowererobUiiato
Uio out, tnia roiaedywiu overcome 11
nil rO Tins dltreilnjr oonv
rlkK0a cUint U very aot to be
00m plicated wtttioonaUpaUon. Kldney.Wort
trenfftuena the weakened part and quietly
curee allltlncUol ViU even when phyaioiaaf
ana mtQivuwm nvw uviurv wuoa.
i. (Wit you nave eiuier of tne trou&ica
I USE I DruBiclata Sell
can now praip a fortune. C
nt worth f IUirr. Addr!
KXDXOVT CO., Iff Barclay ll., i