Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 13, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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An Earlv Crop ot Peas.
Tlier. are tu.i eituti .et class's f p as; tliote
witli email rum it tenle, tla other with much
largei, irn-fciilorly slnpe.l peu, tl e suifaceof
which u wiinLUsl. Tliu m linkleil, sokIciI, or
marrow puis, are as much better thtu thu
other as amct coru is stipetiur to titlil eorn.
Therouiul pet, while not so rooiI, are much
hardier and eurlitr than the otners. Unle i"
the sod is warm and they germinat- quickly,
wrinttieei peas will eleuay o lore liey can
come up. The round peas aru vastly better
than no peas, and are very acceptable until
the oth ra come. To have eat ly peas thty
must be suwn tarly the earlier the better.
After the si il has thawed for the lirtt four
inches, even if it is solid below, sow peas. If
the ground were manured ami plow td last
autumn, all the btttei; if not, edict the rich
est available spot, ami open a drill four inches
deep. Peas should ha covered eUeper than
most other se tls F r varieties, the Early
Kent is one of the beit; it has almost as many
names as there are dealcis. Daniel O Rourk
is one of the name of a good sttain of this
pen, Carter's Firkt Crop. is another ariety,
and every sprint; new early extra tarly sorts
are sent trom fctiglaud, winch usually turns
out to be the old Eir'j Kmt, with anew
name. Thu pes should be sown in the bot
tom of the drill rather thickly, at least one
every inch, and at first covired with ubout
an inch of soil. It is well to put about four
inches of coarse stable manure over the rows;
this is to be left on in cold day ; but when it
is sunny and warm, pull it off with the rake,
and let the sun strike the so 1 over the peas,
replacing it at nijjh'. When the peas spn ut,
gradually cover them with fine, warm soil
placing the coarse manure over them as
needed, until the covering ot roil reaches the
level of turface. If a ride uf soil, a few
inches higher than the peat, bo drawn up on
each fcide of the r w, it will greatly protect
them from cold winds. When the jlauts are
a few inches high, draw tome fine il up to
tiiein, ana stick in the wit h Inn tin suit
become dry and warm, the main crop of
wrinkled peas may be sown. American
Our Market Abroad for Dried Fruits.
It is a mistake among many farmers and
fruit raise is in tht United States to think
that the different varieties of fruit, such as
apples, pears, peaches, plums, goosebe rriei,
etc., arc piown in greater perfection in
Europe than here. It is not the fact. We
raise these as abundantly here and in as much
perfi ction us the do in Europe, and with not
more than half the labor ut d expel se. It is
true, however, that moid pains are taken
there, and that their modes are more system
atized; but the cost of producng a crop, we
repeat, is very much greater there than here,
but still the pn fit may be greater, as neany
all kinds of truit sell at a much higher price
there than here. We have in t a doubt that
the United S ates, i re many years, will be
come the greatest fiuit raising country in the
world. Our soil and climate partake of eveiy
description, and if one kind of Iruit is not
adapted to a particular place another is;
hence the wide extent of our territory pre
sents to us a me 'lis of cultivating su cessfully
all kinds of fiuit. For years wo havu been
shippu g enorit ous quantities of apples to
nuroj e, ami inn txpoitatioti is steadily in
creasing and will cintmue to increase until
the traoe shall become one i f national iirtpoit
anc. In diied fruits, such as peaches and
apples, the i xportatioii has already .acquired
large pr portions, and in ten yeats mor- it
will go on multiplying in extent until fruit
rais'nL, will Income a far greater and more
prtfitalde t ranch of industry than ut present.
With such a matket open to us we can never
grow an o e rabund nee of app cs and peaches,
while the'-e, in addition to cranberries, in
their natural condition, fresh frrm the tiees
and vims, oul.t to be, and no doul t will be,
produce d in quantities suthcicnt tomut any
demai d. The very cheapness with w liich we
can send them uhtoad will open up for us an
uuliniitid n ark t for till with which we can
supplv it. Gfrmalilmrii Ttleiiiajih.
Be Ready Early.
A season of activity is near at hand. Spring
is coming, with its pressing work. Are farm
ers ready for towing and planting ? Every im
plement should be provided befotehund, that
no time may be wasted in making purchases
or repairs after the work should begin. We
have havu known a half day's plowing to be
lost becaote the whifuetrees were not at
hand. S une farmers Btart out with their
spring plowing without a smgio plow jon.t in
stock, a (1 when one is needed the team is
taken from th held and driven to the Btore.
Such a loss of time is a lerions matter, and
should te thoughtfully guarded against by
ample provision of all such ai tides of the
farm. Ic is a poor time to mend a harrow
when it should be at work in the field.
We do in t favor that economy it may be
so called- that relies npon the neighbors for
many of the tools of the farm. Ihere are
certaiu farm implements tint may be owned
partnership, as a roller or reaper, but the
constant bunowing rakes, forks, etc., is not
a wise tint! economical practice. Be provided
with all these essential farm tools, and have
them in good order and at hand when the
time arrives for using them.
Now is the time to look to these matters,
and make all needed preparations for the
busydavs that will soon t here. In the
p'eace of winter prepare for the war of
Flaxseed Production.
The report lately issued of the Flaxseed in
spector to the Chicago Board of Trade for the
year 1SS2, has brought out the astonishing
fact "that the t.tal inspected receipts of flax
seed at Chicago during the year 18S2, amount
ing to 10,243 carloads, equal to 5,040,023
bushels, contained impurities to the extent of
320,42o bushels, and that the to'al inspected
shipment during the siiue perioel amounted
to 4,203,145 bushels and contained 237,757
bushels of impuriti'S."
The wsp cor add to this statement the
following remarks, which deserve tD receive
the widest iOssible puldicisy, as they may
lead the intelligent aud progressive farmer to
bestow ou his Max crop a mora careful and
rational treatment than he has hitherto been
wont ti, and thus to nutke it considerably
more remunerative I .
The total flaxseed crop-of I8S2 of the I A a . -n0UrUha,f c,nli0t Le aim,..
Western a-d Northwestern states, has bteni. , ' , ,
estimated by Metsn. R. S. Wallace. 1 Co., .O nd get us up a club. See our ofier on
flaxseed merchants of Chicago, at alout the eighth pab-e.
7,6CO,OO0 ".mbehj, 500,000 bushels of wheh
art Hill eipc-cted to emve, while about 2,C0,. Caquille City israpidlj improviig.
000 bushels have fouud their wavtotheSt.
Jjouis oil mills and other puiutj. It is, theie
fir. .safe to assume that at Ic St 1,000 car
loads ol mipuiities intermixed nith the llax
seeel have been sent to the dilferent maikets.
on which f I eight, storage, commission and
other expenses to the amouutt fat least $12j
OtO has been paid which might and ought to
li.lo b en saved.
With regard tn tlio suggestion of the flax
seed inpector "that the fanner should pro
cure puie seed for sowing," it is to bo feared
that this will not be possible, because all the
h me grown flaxseed, without excction, has
been rendered so impure liy many years of
careless management and the sowing of im
pute seed, that seed deserving the name of
pure seed, that teed deserving the name ot
"pure" does tiot at all exist in the Western
States. Another reason is that all the West
ern grown seed, in ordtr to save expenses and
turn it without loss of time into cash, is
taken from the field where it is taken off by
the steam threshing machine, direct to the
text elevator or shipped to the market, with
out any cleaning of it being consideied neces
sary. Apart from its extreme impurity, as evi
denced by the above stated facts, it must be
remarked that American i-rown flaxseed,
having never been renew ed to any large ex
tent since its first intioduction, over a hun
dred years ago, is thoroughly degenerated
and only capable of producing a dwarfish.
sickly plant and a small quantity of seed of
inferior quality.
In order, therefore, to raise flax cultivation
again from the state of degradation into which
it has fallen in the West, but .especially in
order to raise the yield of seed (torn seven or
eight bushels per acre, as it now is, to twelve
to fifteen, as it was teu or fifteen years ago,
and in order to improve the totally deterior
ated quality ot the seed, it will be indispens
able to sow nevt season the best foreign s.ed
that can be procured.
Deep and Shallow Flowing.
Farmi g is an empirical science, and its
trae ends can be attained t nly by intelligent
experience; and the product of this experi
ence is valuable in proportion as it H the re
sult of carelul and repeated observation. No
t.-t can be made from a single expciiment.
And yet the great mass of farmers draw what
they call satisfactoiy cm elusions from but
one experiment, A great deal has been said
aud written ou the value of deep plotting
versus snaitow plowing, uttiers nave ex
hausted their effervescence on the advantages
uf shallow plowing.
A little thought would obviate much dis
cussion. There are no uniform and unexcep
ttonal advantages in fjvor of deep or of shal
low plowing. '
A deep soil is always desirable. A sure way
of obtaining it is by deep plowing and
thorough manuring. But if, wmle securing
mis end, a lean sun-sou oe turned up, and a
surface feeder be planted it i very ;ertain
that the crop harvested will bo a small one.
But if deep plowing be continued until there
is no pour sub-soil, but a rich undcr-soil be
turned up instead, then deep plowing may
be a success, though not a necessity, lor sur
face feeders. But on the other hand, it a
shallow furrow were turned on a heavy clay
soil, autl then planted in beutB, it would not
be dithcult to torctell future events so far as
beets were concerned.
Every t-rnier must determine for himself
when he should low deep and when shallow.
rentcmcering that this is dependent upou
numcrcus contingencies.
Notes for April.
For early tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, beets
and onions, sow seed now, either in hot beds
or gieeu houses, or if uu have neither, fill a
shallow box two-thirds full of earth ut el an
inch of clean sand ou top, and in this sow the
seed, keeping the surface properly watereii,
bufhcicut to kep the sand fioni getting dry.
As soon as they arc- au inch in (tight tians
piaut into other boxes or iu rows say two or
three n.c1 es apatt and anitich ap.it u rows,
an I vv hen they are three or four inches high,
tiansplant again in bankets or boxes say four
to six plai.ts to a qutit box. If they are
likely to run up too luh or spindling before
time to set out doors, nip them back t j cause
the to grow stocky.
Of course onions aud Leers can remain in
the Beeel box or bed until the ground opens
and then transplant cut doors. Flower reed
should bu sown in the same way, and by the
time danger uf fr-st is over jou will have a
splendid lot of pkuts to set out, and those,
too. that will come in bloom oi e to two
months etrher, and hence bloom much larger
and oelter.
Sjw peae the first time the ground openR,
and if the land is por, scatter the l.ttle
manure jou may have right in the row with
the peas.
If Btrawberry beds have not been mulched
heretofore, scatter enough hay or straw over
them new to just hide the ground and plants
from aikht. Kemember the most trying test
for the plants come with the frei zing ant
thaw ings of curly spring. Leave the mulch
on, and the plants will grow up through it
aud ielel a much better en p.
1 be old wood should be cleaned out of
blackberries and raspberries now if not done
Manure scattered over the strawberry beds
now that have born one crop will help greatly
in their yield.
Hot beds should be started at once. A
depth of at least one foot of new manure well
trodden down la not too much; iu fact, two IB
belter. Bank up well around the Leels with
new manure.
Ihroivagcod fork ot coarse stuff around
each raspberry aud blackberry bush to mulch
well and protect from drouth. Purtlift
Fruit Reara.
Whitewashing Trees.
Don't whitewash the bark upon the bodies
of fruit a d omatnectil trees. We are at a
loss to kuow for what purpose tome persons
thus coat the bark of fruit and shade trees
about their premia-s, unless it is to make
them look cite. It certainly does them more
harm thau good, as it serves to obstruct the
respirator organs an 1 in a meature prevents
a tltrilty growth. Should the hark become
d, teased and rough or covered with moss,
scrape it thoroug ly with a hoe or a sciaper
of tome suitable description, after which
wash thoroughly with a str.ng solution of
soap and water. It this is d"ne pi perly
ever) season H w 11 ptove a great Uncut by
dentrojitig the ins cts wiich prey upon the
bark, and otherwise promoting a healthy con
dition thereof, aud increasing the vigor and
vitality of the tree. Ji;m7jo Tribune,
W'k call ct'.ention to the fact that the
Faiimeu is the true advocate of all farmer?
6r i a Vr
91m Honing aira.
A I'rtr I'aliils Concerning l he 1'iiclflc Coast
llallrond Sintrttl.
From Dally Standard
Henry Villard, president of the Northern
Pacific Kailroid, with his party, consisting ot
C. A. Spoflbrd, private secretary, Gen. J. B.
Fry, Dr. L. Weberand W. B. Mead, hvae ar
rived in San Fiaucfsco and will proceed at
once to this city. In conversation with a re
porter, Mr. Spoffard, speaking for Mr. Vil-
lard, satd, in relation to the Uregon Traucon
tiuental, that in pursuance uf the objects of
its organization, namely, to aid in the) con
struction of the main line of the Northern
Pacific and other systems of lines trlbuarv to
the latter road, it has been negotiating for
some time with the Uregon and California
Railroad with reference to a contract
for the construction of the remaining por
tion of the main line to junction with the
Central Pacific near tho boundary of Call
f rnia, and secondly for a lease of the entire
Oregon and California system, which will
consist of about 500 miles of main line
and branches of standard giugeroad. The
negotiations resultedin an agreement' between
the' two companies," accordn g to which the
Oregon Transcontinental Company shall com
plete and equip the remaining 125 miles of the
southern exteusicn, and receive therefor
$3,600,000 in first mortgage bonds, issued at
the rate of $20,000 per munth, and $3,800,000
secured by aecond mortgage bonds.
The Oregon Transcontinental company will
lease the Oiegon and California system for 99
years, perpetually paying a rental of, first, the
amount of tho fixed charges, being interest on
the first and second mortgage bonds; second.
$20,000 per year. To maintain the organize
tion of the Oregon and California company;
aud third, $300,000 per annum for three and
one half years, to be distributed as dividends
at the rate of 2 per o nt. per annum on the
preferred stock of the Otecon and California
company, and fourthly, to pay from and after
Juiy 1, isou, to tne tes-or, 3.r ptr cent ol the
gross earnings, with a guarantee that this
percentage shall be sufficient to pay the fixed
ohares, and $20,000 a year for the mainten
ance of the orgamzetion, and a minimum of 2
per cent, dividends on the pieferred stock
Both the construction contact aud its leae
will be a very profitable arrangement for the
Oregon Transportation company, as it is
known that it already holds a controlling in
terest in the Northern Pacific and the Oregon
Railway and Navigation Company. He also
stated that tho perp tual lease of tho Oregon
and California-completes its control of the en
tire vast railroad s stem, represented by th
main line of the Northern Pacific, and its
various branches, built and to be built, in
-Mi nesata, Dakota, Montana, Oregon and
Washington Territory, as well as eveiy other
existing railroad in Oregon and Washington
The Oregon and California maiu line, on
completion of the southern extension, will
extend from Portlantl to the California bouu-
dary, and form, with the Central Pa. o lines
in the Sacrament valley, and the liues uf the
Northern I'acme, west and uortli
Portland, a continuous line from San
Franci'co to Puget Sound, representing
a total length ol nearly one thousand miles.
The line would then be one ot the best pas
seunger lines in tho country, and will control
the entile transportation business between
San Fraucico and Portland, Washington Icr
rite ry and British Columbia, uow carried by
the steaintlups t f the Oregon Railway and
Navigation company, the Oregon Improvn
meut company mid the Pacific Corst steam
ship compmy. This passenger traffic already
amounts to 100,000 pissengers, noith and
south, a car, and is increasing at the rate ef
30 per cent per annum.
The No tliern pacific has already paid a
scrip: dividend ol 0 per c. nt inter, st ou the
11.1 per cent on all preferred stock, which
was in full of the claims of the preferred
stockholders up to July I, lbS2. As to any
further eltvidends which might be paid, or
whether any was contemplated, ho was una
ble to say. The road will be completed the
1st of Aiuuit, and will be ready for business
in September.
A me ting of tho Oregon and Transconti
nental will te held in Portland at n early
date for thu purpose of p rfecting the details
of the northern lines.
Speakii a iu relation to the existence of the
line to Astotia he said he could not enter into
a di cusslou of this subject. In answer to
que-tiou as to whether Villard contemplates
purchasing the Mouth Pacific Coast railroad,
he said he was not prepared to state. heth
cr any return freight would be shipped from
Oregon eastward, via the Oregon Shor Lino,
he was unable to state; likewise as to the ef
fect on Poitland of the completion of the
Northern Pacific to Kalama.
Extensile Llllgallon for llie (Ity In
Ftom the SUndaH, April 10th.
The new liquor license ordinance passed
Wednesday night by the city council, is to be
productive of much trouble as anticipated,
The statement that the new law givei gen
eral satisfaction is not the fact, as a majority
of saloon keepers are determined to atand out
against it. At the meeting of the anion yes
terday about 140 dealers were present and
though their deliberations weie secret,
enough has been learned to warrant the an
nouncement that there will be a formidable
resistance to the operation of the law. That
the matter is badly mixed will be seen
by the following statement of facts 1 The at
torneys for the Liquor Dealers' union called at
tiicc of the auditor uud clerk yesterday aud
obtained a copy of what they were tnlormed
or believed to be the ordinance that was
passed. 1 bis provided in section one that be
fore aii) person could encage in the retail bus
iness of selling liquor, he must pay a liceme
of $300. In another section it piovides that
bclort the license) is is-ued the applicant mud
pay to the city treasurer at-d obtain a receipt
thcr-dor. which must be prcaeute.l to the audi
tor anil cl rk withiu five days before the com
mencetiieut ot the tiuarler. 1 his put the II
censu at ;-CXX) per ) ear, by tho actual terms
of the ordinance. While it is well known
that such was not the into ti"n of the toun
cil iu tixin. the amount of the license, yet if
it is gooo. for an, thin it cau be enforced, pro
viding it is not faulty in other respects, sup
posing it to be sound as it reads,
it Cannot take effect until five days
before! the commencement of thentx quarter,
and tho saloons will not lave t- piy licence
bet re that time, as thu old law 11 repealed,
and a penal law cannot be retroactive. Ou
,- ... . 1,, ...
1 ..... ... 1 .ml thb.11 i.f.r fl.uf (ImI ...ktlial '
v.ii.M.u, . .. .... .- ..- - .- -j .
the copy procured by the attorney is not a
copy 0, the urdiuance that WU signed by the
major. I his, of course, ra'ses a question
The liquor (ltal:rs will calm that anew copy
of the ordiuauce was made after the fatal
errois were diacosertd awl aligned by tlitr
rcayor during the adiournuieut ol the council.
lhen iciin it is ilalmed that the o lirinal
, Lond giv en at the ccmuit ncement of the year ,
and accepted by the major aud auditor and
clerk, i gioil for the jesr and cannot be
changed or vitiiied, ami business done uuder
it runnel or abolished without proper uotieo
and time. 1 hi-, thin, is the condition that
the inaiter is in at present, and it is certain
that enough of the saloon keepers will contest
it so as to m ike a bill of costs. It is under
stood tn bo the intention of tho city attorney
to commence proceedings against parties
who aro running without license and thu first
caso will bo nude a test, and it looks very
much as though the city is bound to lose in
the ond, which ever way judgment is ren
dered. In the fiist place, the saloon keepers
do not object to pa) l ,g licet so w hich they
consider reasonable, so that in caso judgment
was rendered acainst tho.n. tltev could nnlv
i .-. j . . '. .
c-uuiv;.eii m a lecnuicni violation; next,
if a case is mado it will, in everv ntnhilnliH-
go to the supteine court, and may not tie
reacneeia lor uireo or six months, during
which time the saloons would continuo to do
business, and pay no license. A quarter is
understood to include three calendar months,
beginning with the tint day and ending
with the last. Whether an ordinance
could change the custom so as to make
the quarter beaiu on th e 1 1 th day of a mont h
or auy other than the first day of every third
mouth may come up in a judicial investiga
tion. These are the chilly facts about the
license matter, and it shows thprn ia n irrr
fault Bomo where. Either the law-makeis
have 'been to haitv int their endeavors tn
amenc? the law, or else tney are not pi sted
on the philosophy of laws. The fact that an
entire business system of thd city has re
belled against the operation of a certain law
that affects them alone, is sufficient nmu for
the belief that there is something wrong
somewhere, aid it is wise that caution be
employed m the settlement of tht difficulty.
It has become a matter of con
siderable public importance, and will
have to be adjusted in some manner. If tho
sentiment of tho community is iu favor of
high license or total prohibition, and the
council has mado bo g'aring a mistake as to
make a law that virtually defeats the wish of
the people, theu that body will have to bear
tho blame, and it mav be uukindlv said hv
some thoughtless peiaons, that tho members
gave more attention to voting themselves sal
aries than they did to making la vs that arc
needed. Tito matter cannot bo mum at in n
rough aud tumble manner, because the par
ties affected appear determined in the action
they hive taken. Whether prosecutions will
bo commenced before the meeting of the
council, uext Wednesday, is not detcrnrncd.
Much activity along tho lino of operations
of tho California and Oiegon railroad has
been recently manifested, and the force of
men has been considerably increased during
the past few days. It is proposed to push
the work forward to a speedv conclusion, but
from tho nature of the country north of Red
ding and along the line of the Central Pacific
railroad in that vicinity, progress has been
uuc-esnuruy stuvv. in several instances it nas
bceu found necessary to construct circuitous
wagon roads so as to reach the lino of survev ,
?n.d on which the piopiseel route has bee n
laid. Tl is work is not only arduous, but ex
ceed!, gly slow, and accounts for many of the
vexati us do av s lit tho past. Over 200 la
borers have been emploved on thi particular
vyoik for upwards ot six weeks. On comple
tion of the Colorado liver extension of tho
Southern Pacific, the gang of m 11 at present
occupied ti ere will be tiausferaed to u point
some sixty miles from Redding, and a .van
tage) taken of the annum r to push tho woik
as much as possible. Masonry has been com
pleted through tho most tlillicult poiuts soine
miles beyond Redding, wheru massive retain
ing walls inside of tho mountains have been
built, together witli a number of ptcis and
cuhuits, 111 the coi struction of which to
gether with other improvements, .'(00 men
were engaged. Three u. gineenng parties 210
1 owning the piclimiiiar, eurvevs along to
u per Sacramento canyon, and also inuktng
lmal looatlOLS, and will extend their labois
along the whole line of the road. It is ex
pected that a gtading fmco w ill be sent for.
ward 111 a few tlays, mo-tof whom Will be
brought from Culm ado. Shipment of mate
rial to Redding has commenced in goed earn
est, and thcie is on tin giolllnl alieailv
enough of steel rails weighing GO pounds to
the id, including ttiiiiiuing , lish plates an t
120,000 raiiioad ties, to build ut least 40
miles of road, It is not improbable that th
p.iut of the upper laciaiiiiito nv.r which
the railroad ci osses seven times, will be the
scene of extensive railroad ei giiieeiing, Thu
question of spanning tin river by means ol
lion bridges has been considered, For the
present, however, wuoden bridges aru con
sidered as answering all requirements.
A large number of laborers left San Fran
cisco ou Friday for the sceae of operations o 1
the line of the California and Oregon tailroad,
and on arrival at Redding will hee-in. the work
of grueling. It is pr posed to cuter upou the
cousttuction of the rouel already clearest to a
distance upward of filtucn miles from that
Eoint, bo that track laying will be coinidera.
ly accelerated during the uext three months
The Mojave branch of the Southern Pacific
railroad is nearly completed', and will ruac
the Colorado river at the Needles inside of
to weeks, It is now within eight miles 01
the river, but a great deal nf heavy work will
have to bo done ou the remaining eight miles,
owing to a range of hills th it has to no cross
ed. At last advices the Atlantic aud Pacific
railroad, with which the Southern Pacific
connects at the Needles, was within 30 miles
of thu river, unel was being energetically
pushed forward. It is expected that cornice
tiou will be made within a month, when a
through line will be opened bctweeu St.
Louts and San Francisco, through thu South
em Pacific, the Atlantic and Pacific and thu
St. Louis and Han Francisco railroads, which,
it is understood, aro all virtually under the
control of the Southern Pacific radio id. On
completion of the Mohave branch of the
southern Pacific, almost the entire working
force at present engaged there will be trans
ferret! to Redding.
Itruiriuber Tills.
If vou are sick, Hop I liters will surely aid Nature in
mating jou tecll eehen all else tails. ,
If jou are costive or dipcjitic, cr are sulterlti from
ny other of the fiumeoous diseases of the stomach or
boHfcls, it is vour oan fault If ou remain II , for lie Ji
Hitters arc a sovereign remedy laallauch coinjUluts
Jf vou ere wasting awa with any fcrui of hldm)
disease, stop temjtlnt;l)cath this moment, and turn for
acute to Hop liltt-ri.
If jou arn sick with that terriMo slckneas Nervous
nets, )cu will And a ' Halm In tallem" la the use of
Hon hitters.
It vou are a fretjutnltr, or a resident of a niiasn-att.
dittrlet barrlc de vour sj-tein squint the seouriro ol
all c-CJUiitrUs nmlarUl, epidemic, bilious, an X it.termit
tent fenrrs by the use of II p Utters.
I vou have rouh, pimply or sallow st in bad breath
italns and aches, ana feel ulerable cencril lion lilt
f . ..1., .a... ..... .-1. .1... .1... a....a -'. ...:.
l(S "in al'v JOU laif lam, lieu u.wu, .. .v,w,
. .. ....... ....
orrain. neaiwi, an j counuri.
1 In short they cure all UUcato ol tne nLiuh
l' -n.at poor.Vdrldden, invalid .lie, sl.ler mother or
u.-htcr, can be made the pletu e of health 17 )'
. ottlca ol Hop Uliuri, evsttoa; but a trifle. Vulljou
Notau alcoholic beverage, but a truu an
reliable family rredicine is Urowns Iron
1 itters.
Ml.ldtrON IKMI'I.
The Stlvcrton, Marion county, Apjieal has
the follow lug good word to siy of its town
aud its opportunities :
With tho tide of immigration which ii.utt
necessartij p mr into the Willamette valley
this yoir, every town in the interior will ab
sotb tome pei cent, of the coming population
In order to receive and retain our share of the
now com rs, we must make an effort to pro
vile lor them If there ate no houses fir
rent, that will constitute one I'reatdrawback.
It often happens that immigrants of means
desire to stop and rent for a short tune m
order 'o look about them to Cd it suitable
place for a perinatiint hication. Finding no
vacant houses tiny niturally goto some other
eon u wncru such accuilllliuiiaiioil call OR loltnel
and, as a rule, invest where they stop Sil
vcrton ueids 30 vacant dwelling houses, to I o
leased to new comers. Its largo real cstalo
owners should als i survey and p ace npon tl e
market suitable lots upon which thepuichasir
can build. That is the only way to build up
a town, aud land sold in the manner above
described, would yield a handsome profit-to
the owners. We have ono of the finest loca
tions in the valley. One of the best trading
points tor its size on tho coast. VVb want a
woolen mill, a tannery, and a furnituee man
ufactory. They w ill nil pay. Pit nty of water
power at hand, ready to be utilized. We
want more good, industiious workmen per
manently identified with the place. There is
also a demand for good, steady hands to clear
up land and to work on the farms. "
Consumption Cured.-
An old physician, retired from practice.
having had placed in his 1 ands by an Kast In
dia missionary the formula of a simple vegeta
ble remedy for tho speedy and permanent
curs for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh,
Asthma and all Throat and Lung affections,
also a positive ami l aelical cure for Nervous
Debiiity and all Nervous Complaiuts, after
hav ing tested its w onderf ill curative pow ers
in thousands of cases, has felt it his tluty to
make it knovyn to his suffering fclfows.
Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve
.suffering. I will send free of charge to all who
tUjsire it, this recipe, in German, Ffich or
English, with full tlirectious for prcpariuganil
using. Sent by mail by addressing with
scamp, naming tins paper, vv. A. JNovks, 14
Power's Block,
"tough on Kilts."
Clears out rats, rule. , roaches, Hies, ants, ed-bufr
skunk, chipmunks, gophers 15c. Druiorlsts.
j. 11. isLTTLi:Jiit:u, nt or.
Vines and Shrubbery at tr low rates. No ix.sU en
'reca which are ruining1 to many tne iu this Cuoi
ta.Send for Catalogue.
Just 1 civ cd by last str.
A full s ply of tho alio', u
uatiiu gr aocd ami grain.
a puiti: Aim li:
In S3 and 100 pound sacks at
fcb2t2 2U.I Second St , I'ot I lid
t::e xjctgee & conard ccs
l.l.AL 1 it III. I. V l.lMll.tlOMl.MJ
VI t
l.PLHNDID POT PLANTS, specially pro
r ..red lor hnmeUluto Bloom Delivered
t truly hymu t i"!liiui,utiilli t ffiuH.sti leu
(1 varluk. your choice, uUUlxlfil.for tfi; t2
1ir2s IDforS?: rafor04l SSftrCSl 73 lor
CI 3; 100 for sin, WE CIVE a Hirc!omo
I'.eberitufcholcoauit valuable RO&C.JU to
w 'jutryonkr (Jur NEW GUIDE, """7 'fi
Irta un Or itii, ',(, jip tleffintht tllavrattil Jm
T o'vers, Vcftt drove, Chcitrr Co , ,
Protil ly ftuin the fjet that fur lm cifrtcnce
Practical Oar Jenrri, ma U ut reallte the tietcitltv more
ttwiirflj than rnoit used dealers, e very e.wly io out
-ccr ecniiiien injiugurAier me practice; t,f leiliiiL'
K i"U Lclurc truing, Trom the tutJi teMi Ugua in
v, v"i iiniies lias caicuucu biiu 14)1 URIC kO tVh
tenia liic.i that the uit teason It re )uired the rnti.e ukc
of one d our largest ifrecnhuuKt fur our teed tcit dur
Ing the i!! and winter, nd afterwards in gyring U tbe
tut n jfround we had tet out many thou land plan ti, rcn
resenting the stuck In vegeUblo uredi alone of over J
li-roweri All these tet are tarried nn under the per
sotialsnppnrislonofpkM H 111 NDI'KSON.snd aailie
author or "tiardenlii-jr. fur lrflhas had as Ion ami
as varied an eiriunie a mott men in operations tuti
netted witli ire toll, it Will lie leVtl Iht Mrs-am i.lmsl In
a ixAincn to Ju iye, not only at to the Kcrinlnatintf prou
triKf.lsut wlaiit of far muie Importance the purttyif
es (; sin it 1 1 term uci luuaa icr an varuenmi
urboset II there for a
rom us an 1 we think II
you cm buy seeds, as cheaply
Tyou will .umpire price you
I will (rrtAinlw I, in vmir Int.
will find Out you Cn-il will c ertainl
est iliu r i hIhIochv ft i itafjnf Kver thing
Tar tltf limritm L uv rcjy and will te mailed free
on a; plication
33 & 37 Cotl.andt St., New York.
Salem Marble and Granite
Commercial St.. South of Post Offlo
(1'ont 0(11 co liox 8'J. Suit m( Orcyofi )
u a s r i.4 i i it k ie o i
ricoUh atid Cisllfcrnla firaut
tiiU Mar bid monument), Iltiul Hlotn
Kncloseul with California Granite) !
SUji.ei vv alls built ot s tty 1 se rlj.tloi
rltrs Itriluri-il Our . Ilnli
Ui.H9rlM I IIKw
fjr fr3 rfP E" g
Eastern Cranberry Vines
Foil su: titoM '
Olympla, V7. T.
1,000 W, .$ J.oo
S.UMU li.es, .-,ooo
ib.ooo lines.. . :rrjw
.S.tI,d.."'"e " "eKl'tcre-d Utter, Jloncv Order or
Vie I s, fargoi Co' , with dlrcetlons tor forwurJuiK.
In 1877, 1 planted tl.rca 60 teet beds ot tht, Jctrer
cranberry vines. I planted tlicm IS lmlie apart, cacS
way; sanded one bed sit lmlies deep, one three Indies,
and snotlicr I planted on the! natural boif
Tho sanded Wt jlel.nd bill a few berrlen an. an
dj.ntjout In 1850 1 fathered trout the natural bed
two Urn sumr barrel fuP ot btmfs, and on v on
barrel front i oth tho sand it ones. Muck or 1'cat laaat
tliatoierfloxs until al ciltlic first ot Xlav la tho best
tor the Cranb rry. Ke . the water on tho vines until
tho late frosts aro over, and vou will have a trood cro
everyvear. " r
riant b dropping the vines 2 feet by (1 Inches, an
lorclnfir into th mn.t nlll, arn.L.t .i,a. . ' ,
shaped dibble. Hoe out iho weeds the first vear; i uS
them out by hand the second, and the thl.d joar titer
Will taka Pfl nt t n.n..l..
Oljiupla, Thurston Co., W. T.
Fruit, Shade and Ornamental
Trees, Shrubbery, Vines
tS0.Ha an especially fine lot oftat
or THK
Address C. N. POTTER,
NovlBtt Salem, Oregon.
Wholesale & Itctuil Detiler in
Fruit and Evergreen Seeds,
Plants, Etc.,
Alfalfa, Grass aud Clover Seed,
Iu largo quantities, anil offeree! In lots to
pureh sers
no. ji; wasiiinuton h-r. ban francisco.
Wo have fouml found it nt't eoHiir to Bouiru la rife
quurtcrit to aiLOiiuiiuiiuLo our cuiitluuully
iiri:isi; iusixkss.
Ho iec have Icascil eno nf tliou flno new stores em
H.eoml strott, cornur of Ki.liiion, ulicro veu will W
Jilus etl to meet all of our ul.l un.l new :u6totners.
Nrvs SrrilM liuvs nrrlvlntr.
tiHl Inr 'alis
i.i:ii iiuos.
leiKUCjllsl "111, Mill I Ul.l. oil
JaclSiuJ Mil
II. W. ScUlciiiirc, rroprivtor.
Hiurii'ii is'ij. :id iinrsii iirii3iiiuii.
A 1. 1, .son is or
lltlll, IIKNAMhM II. mill MM UK
Trees, Vines and Shrubbery.
-jrvtinl ui'lmitnt, On yon, for prlcu Hat Mill do
trlptlvu I'a'aloifiiu do l&tf
iFOR 1333.
1 mln art). t atll annllMnl
.. w .s m ttuiit a aB 'iueuia, aau n wuv
totnent or Uat year wlUiout orilarlulf IL It conUliu
"" iiiii'wirn, wwiiiiimiouiiiin, irivon, iwurftld
dmrripUonn aud .valuable diructiouH for pUtttlnjr
l&uu vatietltrt of Vcwotablu aud Flower HoMa,
i'lauU, J rult Trues, etc. I u valuable to ail, tuvao.
jaijy to Marvrt ciarcienfrn
HHiiilfnritl T
D. M. FERRY & CO. Detiioit Miqh.
land, (frm-orr, kttt all kind ot (jrirdru,
I'lrlfl, Hmrr. IIiiII.n, Tree Hrvtt ut1l Ctmm
tsntit Guillen Implt uif nl i
Alnfi u LOiu1ctu iinsftrtiueftt t
Ornnuii'iital lin, H,fii U ry, Cms Ke-
iThl'KClAli KWKfa T 1 JKAkhJlS
Hiwi r-lmuutiii ulILu No, si r lont utit, noar Ow,
Portland, OrcKon, d clu tl
n ARdCLL afcUKukWry tfr
t'rodiirtdt ttf nd fur full account
aul BUamifulcfcrnaiOvf it TU
f tl iiirh le it- If 6 at
iVj! ""'''"' " 'utl vartcl a,
!i a tuirrlar alotk of VruM
I r IvctfaHMallPrulU
3 ara M Utit Cil i, brill it ut
1 ir ilettrtd (cultiral tiljiaj, uil
I iitf lipw Ut ! au4 (run trtw,
I littiirat tit arr 1 til Kiiia, for irlcri.
Ilia ti 41 fcuifinr ai -1 usful fruit aialuf a t'ar
.1 'I IOl.ll. little Miter, N. J
( Hutf brry 4 Ma nhttitr aVirKtVtrr,
Kitra Kurlr, Vi-ry IMvarf, (K Into tVlirO,
Uetiulri 11 nu IliiMtiliik' l., "Nit.' l'luor.
At t on Icdtf c4 by alt to t iln (i n 1 earlier Pea troa.
VAIfTlOV -Alirr aultrrr in li market - e
"AsBcrw-aa Wun-irt mix 1j ui. u ci th U gsum
tiitt't AairKan Wmler
rttlCT-i. Half til H-kue V5 cruli , nt IS eU
ajt, Mtf f by mm, itti
O.K. BLISS A sons
VHk richly iIrl lata) of a Grtvupcf carttatWn ant a
atVttniHita uiinl nf l i, H-llat 1 1 U-WiKaiiei V at
rAILti wedw ith imeh uulw infviuialiou u,suq ihcu uiieta
' i; ruilc 1 ail i pi 41H t 1 11114 b t,t;ni
Oar llliiafrMtrtl Nuvrllf rarfl, -nunimif 4tir (liItaa
I i tlt fe., w 4ttir4niii nulls ifrtti iu alU it Jot.
ItlaWa lllualralrtl I'wlulw ( HUUalutt, coniLmtnir bat
lyni aawlts. I Ulv-V, tUi ( lii ' Cilt. UsJlU tu tJlUO-
mci lotr-ila
. K. UUsSAeON, St llanUjrlitrctt,.cw VrtW