WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, OREGON, MARCH 30, 18t3. 8 MS fytmnucrml MARKET REPORT. iiitin: i-iioiiKr: maiiki.i. Tho following represent wholesale rate, from producers or first hands WIIKAT Valley SI !l? per cei.tel. alia Walla, $1.'J.-.; FLOUR In jolibinj,' lots, extra ehoicu, 6S,0.1!5 Comitiy liramls, Sj.ffiiCi 7 50. UATS. 7.'!- for (jooil feed rf buoli. WIONS. IJc. POTATOKS. 5.'i to COo per lm. and dull. OHKKN AITLKd Choice winter varieties scarce and will b iiif! "fifujS.'icj inferior and specked, 40(300'. JIDDUNOS. Jobbing for feed, JXIfe i $15tfton. Shorts,?2.-fe'7 CO Chop, ;:J03." BItAN Jobbing at S22J per ton BACON Sides, 13l43; Hams, country enrod, lfjfelGc; city cured, 17lSc; Shoulders, He. CHEKSE.-Cal , 16tol8o V lb. IIONKV In tomb, l&iCOc; strained, in 5 gallons, 12c. AKIKD KKUITH. Apples, sun dried rjuar teroel, GJSOoj sliced, DJfejTJc; machine dried, DalOc; Pears, machine dried, 9al0c; I'lums sun dried, 8(6,9, and machine dried, 10(3)1 2Jc. POULTKY. Chickens, full eirown, ?.-.03 ($10.00 KGGS. Near by fresh laid; dull, at 20c. BUTTKIl We (juole, fresh roll, 2.-30.', last for vtry choice. HOOS. Dressed, 8c. BKKK, (Iross weight TiandOctor choice, 8HKKI'. - (iiim weight, 4caru on foot. VEAL. GJtooo (tuuu. Eastern Oregon, 10d20oj Wil tmotto Valley, 18rg22c; Unipqua, none. HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 16e; oouutrv cured, dry, lljc: culs I oil", groan hldjs, saltod, HJc; country ditto, 8Jo; deerskins, dry, .'Klu I' lb; d sheep pelts each Ifjol.OO; dry elk, 20o per lb. TALLOW Quotable at 7c. per lb. HAY Choice timothy, $18(ij20; from wag on, (24. SEEDS Timothy, dull silc, but not very much in the m.itkut; Hed Clover is stcadil advancing, liaiug increased 2c the lust week with proincct of still going up. Wo ijuoto to day : Timothy, fiom b to 10c, as to qualit) ; Keel Top, Eastern, 17c per lb; Urchin! GranH, Eastern, 21c; Perennial Kyo (frai, Eustern, 21c; llluei Grass, Eastern, 18c; Mcsqmt, Ore gon, 10c; Hed Clover, 18(021)0; White Clovei, as to ijuuhty, IU(u.iUcj AIbiku stover, as t quality, .iri&lOc; I'li'Id I'eas, about SI. .10 pel bushel; 1'otatocs, for bcciI, fiom b0cgj.S1.2.r) according to variety; Flax, teurcc, I'JJi ; Onion Kotts, according to quality, ItiOi'M", Oats, white Russian and other lieu kind, li.50 per bushel. tlKNKKAI, MKUCILLNDI14K. LARD In kegs, 15:; Oregon leaf, tins I (In: do m nails, lliftiilitc BICE. China, No. 1, Ofo; Chins No. 2 fii ; Sandwich lsluuds, Kcjliic TEAS. -Iipan, :iU10; UUck, 4076' Often, 6580o. COFFEE Costa Rica llllc; Java, 20 22e. .SUGARS. - Cnmlii'ei A PJ&lSJc: Fim Crushed I2G. 12J . Cube. 1212io; Extru C, lljc; ilnlflmi C, '0(ii)ll Jo; Sandwich Islands No. 1. llfffllllu: D, !l((U0c. BYRUl Five gallons 70o CANDLES -126S1IO. RAISINS. California, ?2. 75 SX251f 26 II HOAPS. Good, 7CoS1.75. OILS. Ordinary brands of ccal, liOc; liigl trades, Downo k Co,, 371o; Boiled Linseed, 80; dit Raw, 77c; ilnioii oil, U3o; Turpen Itno, 70c; Pure Lard, 1 .'10; Castor, $1.25(3 11.40. SALT. Stock, bay, $10 tf ton; Cnnnu bland, $I2Jj Coarse Livcrpool,$lC; Finn ijual XT, ?1520; Ashton'H dairy, ilitto, SS0 that of Western Oregon and Washington next harvcit. Every r.eai'ab'e rran ho wanti employ ment can get it at good prices. Mechanics are in demand all through the tcwus, where much bu 1 In g is in piognsa; in end around this city thousands find work ut goul wages. Besides tins railioid work U being pushed in eviry direction, employing 12,000 to 15,000 hands, many i-killed in clianics included. The paying out of millions for the prosecution of these enterprises and the numerous other en terprises and intuetti springing up throui'h the country that are backed by foreign capital, and tho millions of inonev brought here and paid out by immigrants who are settling in all directions, crea'cs a ti aneial prosp nty hardly cquall. d in thu or any other country. Wonowhae a steaiuu from San Francisco every three da) s. Taking into consideration those who come by way of I'ugut Sound and those who tutir tins legion by overland routes from the South and East, the increase of nopulat on in tho region north of Califor nia cannot fall short o' 8,0 0 per month. Our section is experiencing a 'boom" that exceeds by far the history of any past year, and will bo greatly exceeded, again, when the North ern 1 auric route shall no in operation. GOLD AND STOCK COMPANY'S KEP0RT8. BATCHELOR & WYLIE, MANUFACTURERS OF THE CALIFORNIA SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATOR AND SEEDER. 37 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. The Gale (Lock Lever) Spring Tooth Cultivator and Seeder. WYLIE, , San Francisco. 7 San Francisco Markets. COMMERCIAL. TnuiiMiiAY, March 2D, ISS.'l. Tho weeks of ploasant weather that en abled farme'is to rcsow their winter ho.it mid put in consideiablo spring grain besides, lias boon followed by warm and gvuorous rams ami everything farmers can desire d.eims te lm granted tbeui, Ncirlyallaro in good fix and well satisfied with the prospect. The condition of the whole l'acilio Northwest is exceedingly favorable. Crops could not look in finer condition than the wheat lields Eist of the C'ase'ades present. Snow protected thu plant through the cold weather and rpnug Hooa it already giowiug igoiously. The present rain e'omes oppoitunely and will bo of great benefit. It extends to California and the fall there baa been sullicient to save much griin that stTiiiid to be in danger from eliouth. Rams of such plentiful character, su late in thu seawu, are not usual in that State. The piospect now is that thu whole e'oaat will luvo u fair harvest, though the dry portion! of California may fail of a good yield. The prewpect Hi that State has very much un proved within a few days, but it cannot hope to ritual the harvests of Oregou and Wash ington. Prices of all soi ts of produce slow; a healthy condition for producers. Wheat is easily worth a dollar a bushel, through tlil valley fur nulling, Seod wheat hai sold at $1.25 to $1.50 a bushel, Oats ate firm at "0 eeuU for good feed, Potatoes are selling at 55 cents to tiO cents per bushel, and rather dull, showing a decliue but still piying veil for laising, Butter still holds at 25 cents to :I0 cunts. Eggs tue 20 cents per dozen. llayisdowu a tnlle, but the farmer who sells at $15 to $20 per ton onuot complain, Hi cab meats are commanding full price ad there is fait inducement for farmcis to (sinliinii stock raising with other fanning pciatious ami prepare for feeling to fatten f and mutton. It is probable that we sin 1 1 he some reks of ram, following the Uuiitiful w either have enjoyed for some Unto back. Our ftitn it cspabloof appropriating he'y rains atully. raruiri-s East of the Cascades are pie par ,f to sow heavily another U'r and will hato greatly increased area broVen for that pm pv rroluctiou tliero na not enouiy omsuicucihI, but will uiidoubtenlly San Fiia.scisco, March 21. Weat Market weak; spot No 1 shipping nominal 31.D5&2; futures, quiet; No. I white, April bold $1 00; 1,000 toUH, seller the year, $1.70. Flour dull; prices unchanged. Barlej Aitivo at lower prices; No. 1 Iced, April, $1 211'. '-!')) buyer the season, S1.2(li(2)l 27J; seller tb-err, S1.10(gl.l7i; feed, tpot, n iminal, $1.25l..-!2'; blowing, $1 :i.jfsl.4!J. Oats Mm ket quiet; quotations uncnangeu ; No. 2 July, Sl.oObid. Potatoes Stocks of all kinds aro reduced, but prices are not quotibly improved. Ore gon peerless nominal, $1.25. Oiain Bugs Market firm; holders not inclined to sell. We quote Juno and July, $38.2fl. Wool Very inactive; no change to quote in quotation r Kg(r,2l((i2:ic; mark, t quite stetdy at the decline. Butter-21 g2Uc; market quiet; undertone easy. Weather Raining; wind, strong south east. Rainfall eitcrday, 70.100. Tho rain is general and heavy throughout tho interior. At Visalia, Eiatlaud and Snnta Barbaia three; in hes of ram tell, naming at aacrainemo, Los Angeles and Visaha. VltEinUTM. The markot iB nominalry firmor. Tho Br ship Ogwen, 1,381 tons, ircn, was taken for Cork, U. K., at 40s. Present asking rate, 41s Ud. It is reported that 52s fid is obtaina ble for iron to Cork for orders, S ptember cancelling. CIIICAMO MAKKKTS. Chicago, ilarch 23. Wheat-Slightly better; 1.10jjil.l0r May. I'ork Firm; IS 10 May. Laid Finnir; $11.15 May. Kills Steady; tjil 115 May. Short Ribs Soeadj, $10. Thu 1'ioiHico Echango will adjourn April .'!d, election day. IIKIUIHIIIM'S I.MII.IMI MAKKKT UKl'OKT, Losixi.v, March 2S. Floating cargoes Quiet but stuidy. Cargoes on passage and for shipment Quiet hut steady, English country marktU Quiet. French country markets Quiet. Mark Lane Quiet. Imports into U. K. pist week V'lour 105,000 bbls. I.IVMll'OOI, SIAKKh'IN. LlVKKl'ooi, March 2S. Spot mat Lut Quiet but htoady. California No. 1 standard, per ctl '.Is 5d. Fail average Red winter, p r etl !)s Ud. No. 2 Re'd American spring, per ctl lis ltd. Quantities on passage to continent Wheat, 480,000 lira. Quantities on pssage to U. K. for ports of c.i'l at d direct ports Wheat and flour, 2, 575,000 qrs. Spot market Quiet. eather Fi ost continues. CIXTIVATOE USD SEEDER COMPLETE. BATCHELOR & WYLIE, San Francisco. POSITION OF TEETU AM LEEH M1I11E AT WOBK. BATCHELOR & WYLIE, San Francisco. " -"43t2i5r:4SsaIiiv feSf"ia See Box and Center Teeth Detached, for Cutthatlng Hop; Corn, Orapei, etc. I'ksiillto.v, Oregon, May 20, 1882. Messrs. Batchelor A Wjlie: Gent: The ten-foot cut Spring tooth H irrow I bought of your agent !at Fall I consider tho be ft implement ever used on a farm in the shape of a cu tieator or I arrow I have used mine in all way, h th in old, hard ground aud in new sod, and find it a perfeet success. It is a complete cover for grain, and will cultivatj ground not plowed for two seasons, from four to six inches deep. A farmer has no use for any other harrow or cultivator. This is after eight months' use of this cultivator. Wry Respectfully, WILLIAM LEE. H i iVPVBErTTHSLki sv'sr . gpMUjfqlvn roSITIO.V OF TEETH AXD LEVER MTIILE SOT UT BSE. Sherihan, Oregon, May ID, 1882. Messrs. Batchelor & Wylie: Having used your patent Spring Tooth Harrow on the various kinds of soil, vurying from hard pan to loose moun tain soil, am fiee to say, that for thoroughly pulverizing and cleansing the ground it is superior to a'iy implement I have yet seen, and clogs less than any rigid tooth narrow I have ytt handled. Respectfully, T. E. FRISTOE, I concur in the above statement J. A. MILLER, Sheridan. TK Manufactured only by Batchelor & Wylie, San Francisco. THE CALIFORNIA SPRING TOOTH FLOAT HARROW side of the frame and thereby raisin? the frame from the ground and also gives larger tooth with California Crops and Markets. Fiom tho San Francisco Commercial JlentUl of March 22, lSsSIt, we take the following : There is at this writing ;ry little call for giaiu eharteiB, while some, half dozen ships have been chait red to proceed north for coal at a low rate rather than remain here idle till harvest. The grain rates for charter are quito nominal. The tonnage now en the berth has been reduced to 1:1,000 tons; disengaged, (iO.000 tons; eu route, 175,000 tens, being a decrease as compared with sime date last year of 111,000 tons. llieru is very little tmsiuoss doing in grain of any deseiiption, Stocks are running very luw, aud crop piospeda quite discouragiug. Wo have had no rain siuco February, but hoping for the best every day, as this is the time for equinoctial storms. Tho w riter has just returned f.om an extended trip through tho southern tier of lounties, and except wheie irrigation is resorted to, the growing grain seieins to be ery unpromising aud of little worth. Tho farmers thereabouts were not altogether without hi pe that the latter rams would give them crop enough for seed, but of tins wo have many inugiwngs. Fruit crops an1, however, exceedidgly promising in all the places visited. As for the citrus fruits, not more than one-half of tho oranges and lemons will bo gathered this season, owing to low piices and want of a vtiug market, drapes premise an abundant yield. Wheat has now fail ly advanced to two cents per pound aud upwards for fancy lots, lhrley may now bo quoted at $1 47Jl.SO per ctl for feed; brewing, 1.50l.o5; Chevalier, f 1 57 IW 1.55 O.iti aro held in few bauds at $1.852.05 per ctl. Corn is iu light deniaud at $l,tl56H 72 per ctl for both white and cllow. Ryu la neglected aud ttock light. Hay has advanced to $1S($21.50 per ton Beans aro held with considerable tirmuess; pink and ruls have advuueed to five e-euta jer pound. 1'otatocs are now arming from Salt Like, w hich tends to demoralize the mar Let; now are worth 'A cents, old, to 1c per Kill ml for choice. llo a have advanced to $1 tier pound by reason of Eastern orders. The butter market market has become more sta i.i . i... .- ..i i. . i- .i i i eno uy rvasun ui inv iniei packing lor summer use. Chetlu is without change, hggs aro ik in Mini more urmiiia. rouitry coutinuca to rule high. The gnne season is acout clo.rl. Hide are dull at old rates. Tallow is (irmly hold and in good request. Wool of , the spring clip strives spaungly as yet. East ern buyers having not yet put in an appear ! auoe. Hogs aro scarce ami wauted. Lambs' foinuuud the prices. Provisions of all kinds continue to rule high, causing a decreases! suu.umiituMi of hams, Bacon, l: Dried cxvcrel I flints aie quite s.arve ami high ( Is superior to any other of this class owing to tho teeth being attached to the lower more elasticity, malting it more uurauia anu ueuer aeiaptea to general worn. The cxpeiicnco of tho past three years has demonstrated the fact that no implement in use will so thoroughly cultivate and stir the ground, or prepare so perfect a seed bed, or is so well adap'e I to covering the seed, as those of tho Strinr Tooth class; hence, it is with the utmost confidence wo offer the Farmers of Oregon a wheel implement which we believe com. bines more desirable features aud is adapted to a greater variety of soils and larger scope of work than any other Cultivator, Seeder or Drill. The atlraiitayeii wo claim ar : Lightness of Draft; a Side Adjustment of Frame, by which the teeth are set at any angle for working either hard or mellow soil. A simple de vice, in combination with the lever, sets am! locks the teeth at any desired depth, and by which they can be easily raised, like the teeth of a hay rake, to discharge traah : with the two center tee h taken off it U a perirt cultivator for Hops, Corn, Grapes, etc. It is mounted on wheels 48 inches in diameter, with 2 inch tire, bringing tho frame 24 inches from the ground. Tho reed hox can bo attached or removed from tho frame by any person in a few minutes. We use the Famous Champion Force Feed, which sows either Wheat, Oats, Birley, or Flax with uniformity, without cutting or mashing tho grain. The quantity is regulated by a lever within easy reach of tne driver's seat, and registered on the inelex of tho hopper. A land multure is attache d to ererij Seeder, which marks upon tho dial at the end of the hopper tho number of acres sown. A Grass Seed Sower is also attached when ordered. If the directions for setting up and operating, w hich come w ith every implement, are carefully followed, it will be sure to do good woik. HrSend for New Descriptive Circulars to BATCHELOR Sd IrVYLIE, 37 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, JOHN H. SANGSTER & CO., 195 Front St., Portland, Or. Or; SEYMOUR, SABIN & CO., Manufacturers of and Dealers in the Latest Improved Farm Machinery. MADISON STREET, (from Front to First), PORTLAND, OREGON, We aro sole agenta ou the North TariHc Coast for the ctltbmtcJ Standard double point and solid steel aluire MORRISON PLOW Which art warranted to scour tn an soil Also the I'urst and Itradluy tiaug Plow, Kalamazoo Spring Tooth Harrow and Cultivator, Tho ew Buckeye Urain Drill, New Viickeyc Broadcast Seeder, Buckeye Older Tress, The Diamond Feed Mill, The Kurnell Four Point Barb Wire We have many others that cannot bo enumerated here. We cordially invite all wanting anything in our line to come ee us, and if you cannot come, send for one of our price lists ami catalogues. E. W. ALLEN. Manager. i - , I. F. POWERS, uiarrActvaia, ivroana xsd joins or FURNITURE, Bedding, Carpets, Paper Hang ing, Stoves, and Crockery and Glassware. SUmtu Kactor Water Street, beteeJ aloctomen and Harrison, Streets. Warehouae 1SS and ISi Firt and 1S4 Second Strtt rOUTLXMI, ORtCO-. BONE MEAL SMAI4. FRUITS. ltM a rt'ir ttM 0 rru Trrv LtrU'alUk,rwlte f IM iv. KXtf, WlUt4al l iUtrtJ tcwlrd UiM). WU !( k W (tt a4 tr 1Mb, a)r4 !. (, lair rrWv. t Ki-Uful aJ MMfbl I rail OataWfa J, 'S Illl.n lillU KUfrr. U J- AND AGENTS ran t'Jw trp fortuef iut nt vtorthtto in AddraaE 0 XID0FTC0., 18RKUySt MT BONE PHOSPHATE. A 1'URE AKTICLE In ii uij 100 ounJ serif at MILLER BROS., lobiti io-J StoeuJ Si., rorlmJ THE " WILLAMETTE FARMER" FOR FIFTEEN YEARS Has been Regularly Issued AND MAILED TO ITS THOUSANDS UF READERS ! Tip-ward and Onward Has been our Aim. The imi)roved appearance of the FAEMER is but a sample of contemplated improvements impiovements which will call for all the assistance our friends can render us RAISED LARGE CLUBS CAN BE BY WORK. And these clubs MUST be gotten up by our friends for we can not aflbrd to put canvassers in the tiold. The PARMER is an acknowledged success, as well as correct authority on matters pertaining to the Agriculture of Oregon and Washington. It contains each week articles on such subjects as LIVE STOCK. HORTICULTURE, CEREAL GROWING, FANCY PET STOCK, GROWTH OF COUNTRY, NEW LANDS, SELECT FAMILY READING, POETRY, CHOICE MISCELLANY, MARKETS, CURRENT AGRICULTURAL MATTERS, In clubs of FIVE, sent at one time, In clubs of TEN, sent at one time, Aud an extra copy to the getter up of the club. 5rSample Copy Sent Free to any address. Address: WILLAMETTE PARMER PUB. CO., Drawer No. 13. Portland, Oregon. $10.00 20.00 end for cataioai anr rtv aaH . SiH ATLASKs INDIANAPOLIS, IND O. . suxrzicrcuu o I STEAM ENGINES OD BOILERS. CMRT ENGINES ind BOILERS IN STOCKfor IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 'liliHBaaaVf N"jMJs3fa i